How many days after fertilization do signs appear? At what stage do the first signs of pregnancy appear?

How many days after fertilization do signs appear? At what stage do the first signs of pregnancy appear?

There comes such an exciting moment in a woman’s life when she can’t wait to find out about her “interesting situation,” but the period may still be very short to carry out an accurate diagnosis.

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In order to understand in more detail, we will consider the main signs in the first days of conception, which may indicate pregnancy.

The first signs of an interesting situation

After conception, the fertilized egg begins to move towards the uterus on the very first day to begin development. This time is not yet pregnancy and is about 5-10 days.

The main early sign before a missed period is an increase in body temperature

During this period of time, it is very difficult for the expectant mother to diagnose any sensations in herself, since the egg takes the first steps towards pregnancy itself.

After the egg is securely settled in the uterus, the process of formation of the umbilical cord and placenta begins - this moment can be safely called the true onset of an “interesting situation”.

In the first days after embryo implantation occurs, symptoms of pregnancy may appear after conception, such as:

  • swelling, tenderness of the breast;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • early toxicosis;
  • slight discharge;
  • temperature rises;
  • fatigue;
  • minor discomfort.

Now let's take a closer look at some of the symptoms.

  1. Immediately after conception, breast swelling and tenderness appear - these are the first symptoms of mammary gland hypersensitivity. A barely noticeable touch can become painful. On early stages Colostrum may begin to leak from the nipples.
  2. Painful heaviness in the pelvis - slight discomfort may appear, and a feeling of fullness of the uterus is possible. For each woman’s body at such an early stage, sensitivity to a new position manifests itself very individually.
  3. Early toxicosis - the expectant mother already feels unwell, nauseated, she may not like food that seemed tasty before pregnancy, her taste preferences may change. An aggravated reaction to familiar and new odors may occur.
  4. Discharge – you can detect slight discharge of a brown, reddish or yellow hue; they appear in the first days of conception and disappear within a day. This indicates that the embryo has attached to the uterus.
    But it is also important to know that such a sign may indicate a possible threat of interruption of the “interesting situation” if the discharge is abundant and accompanied by pain. In this case, an urgent visit to a specialist is necessary.
  5. Violation of the temperature regime - in the first days, body temperature can drop sharply, and then rise until the placenta begins its active work after conception. For the first three weeks, an elevated body temperature of up to 37 degrees can be considered normal. This jump occurs due to the release of a large amount of estrogen during pregnancy, which leads to a decrease in temperature, and then the release of progesterone, which leads to an increase in body temperature.
  6. Fatigue and malaise - the reason for this is reduced immunity, increased body temperature, and general weakness. This is how the woman’s body reacts to the embryo as something foreign and tries to fight it. According to statistics, this period of malaise lasts the first 2 months, then with greater estrogen production, the condition of the expectant mother returns to normal.

Each week is characterized by growth and the next stage

Early baby development

Although pregnancy did not officially occur from the first days of conception, these days are the most significant and make a huge contribution to the development of a new life. The child’s internal organs, nervous, respiratory, and digestive systems begin to form. Let’s look at what happens in the first days to the embryo after conception, step by step.

  1. After the zygote has formed, the development of the unborn child begins. From the first day of conception, the fertilized egg begins to make a difficult journey to a source of nutrition, where it can fully develop. The egg travels through the fallopian tubes, moving with the help of villi located on the inner surface of the fallopian tubes.
  2. On the second day, the egg is still moving towards its goal, a process accompanied by continuous cell division at a very intense pace.
  3. On the third day, the number of cells reaches 9.
  4. By the fourth day, the fertilized egg takes on the shape of a berry, similar to a blackberry. The egg still continues to move towards the uterus. It is from this day that all vital systems, as well as the internal organs of the unborn baby, begin to form through embryogenesis.
  5. With the continuous process of cell division, cells - blastomeres - begin to form inside the fetal membrane. Their enzymes play the role of dissolving the uterine lining, helping the embryo firmly attach to the uterine wall. On the fifth day, the fertilized egg enters the uterus and is fixed there by launching its fibers into the endometrium, merging with tissues and blood vessels. The level of the hCG hormone increases.
  6. On the sixth and seventh day, the expectant mother’s progesterone level rises and her body temperature rises. The child continues its continuous intrauterine development, but still feeding only on its own resources.
  7. By the eighth, ninth day, the fetus begins to form a neural tube, the placenta develops, which will transform over the next twelve weeks.

Complete reunification of the embryo with the uterus occurs on the fifth day within forty hours. The strongest connection between the mother and the unborn child occurs on the twelfth day, when the baby begins to fully receive placental nutrition.

Possible dangers of the first days

The most important period throughout pregnancy is the first trimester - this is where you need to devote Special attention to prevent unwanted risks.

In the first days of conception, the main dangers are:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • abnormal development of the embryo;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

The following pathologies can provoke these risks.

  1. Cold.
  2. ARVI.
  3. Sexually transmitted infectious diseases.
  4. Alcohol, smoking.
  5. Vaginal discharge accompanied by pain.
  6. Severe pain in the pelvis.
  7. Stress.
  8. Physical activity, injuries.

HCG - the “pregnancy hormone” appears in the blood of absolutely all expectant mothers

Therefore, it is so important to take care of yourself in advance and be extremely sensitive in the very first days of pregnancy.

To prevent threats, in the first days after conception you should walk a lot in the fresh air, avoid overheating, hypothermia, stress, eat right, stick to healthy image life.

How to find out about an “interesting situation” in the early stages?

It is extremely difficult to determine an “interesting position” at short notice - only a week after conception. In the first days after conception, you can listen to your inner sensations.

Let's look at the main ways to check pregnancy:

Method for determining conceptionDescription
Pregnancy testThe likelihood that this method will show the correct answer is high on the fifth day - then a sharp release of the hCG hormone occurs. It is important to understand that from the first day of conception, using a pregnancy test, it is unlikely that you will see a second line on it - the hCG level is still low, which will not provide an accurate diagnosis.
Laboratory test (blood test for hCG hormone)Using an analysis for the content of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood, one can more confidently diagnose the presence or absence of an “interesting situation.”
Examination by a gynecologistWhen the uterus prepares to receive an embryo, it enlarges and swells. The cervix acquires a bluish tint, becomes loose and moist. This method of determination is valid for 4-5 weeks of pregnancy.
OvulationFirst, you need to determine the possible days of conception using the menstruation calendar. To determine the starting point of a possible day, we subtract 18 days from the shortest menstrual cycle. To determine the end of the fertile period, subtract 12 days from the longest menstrual cycle. This period will be the most favorable for conception.
Possible individual sensations

Toxicosis can occur a week after conception, and a few weeks later

U different women Each pregnancy proceeds individually. It is almost impossible to find out whether pregnancy is present on the first day after conception. But you can listen to your inner feelings and intuition.

  1. There are rare cases when, due to their high sensitivity, some expectant mothers may observe signs of embryonic conception even in the first days. They seem to feel that there is a baby inside them, so they are firmly confident in this.
  2. Not everyone develops symptoms such as nausea, nervousness, apathy - they may not exist at all throughout the entire period. In the first days, they also cannot clearly indicate the certainty of conception.
  3. If, however, the symptoms manifest themselves in a far from favorable way: severe pain, prolonged discharge with blood, then you should immediately consult a doctor - this may pose a danger to the unborn baby.


After conception occurs, numerous changes occur in a woman’s body due to hormonal changes. As a rule, the first signs and symptoms of conception occur after a delay. However, in some cases, early symptoms and signs may appear that indicate conception has occurred.

Ovulation and conception

Ovulation, which occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, ensures the implementation of female reproductive function. Ovulation refers to the release of a mature egg from the follicle for the purpose of subsequent fertilization by sperm, which occurs in the fallopian tube.

During prenatal development, girls develop about 2 million follicles that contain immature eggs. By the beginning of puberty, their numbers are significantly reduced. The first period of puberty ends by the age of 12-14 years, when the first menstruation occurs.

In girls, during the first 1-2 years after the onset of menstruation, the cycle is biphasic, but there is no ovulation, which is associated with insufficient production of sex hormones. By the age of 16, the cycle is completely normalized. It has relatively constant parameters, excluding periods of pregnancy, lactation and premenopause.

A normal cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days and is not characterized by pathological symptoms and signs that significantly worsen a woman’s well-being. A prerequisite is the presence of two phases and ovulation, without which reproduction is impossible. Menstrual bleeding varies from 3 to 7 days. Adequate blood loss requires the use of at least 4 pads per day.

Menstrual cycle parameters genetically determined.

Changes that occur during the cycle ensure reproductive function. The cycle depends on the functioning of the hypothalamus, which secretes FSH and LH. The activity of the pituitary gland is regulated by the hypothalamus through releasing hormones.

The beginning of the cycle coincides with the first day of menstruation. There is active production of FSH by the pituitary gland, which leads to the development of several follicles in one of the ovaries, functioning alternately. Developing follicles are a temporary hormonal structure necessary for the production of estrogens. Estrogens, in particular estradiol, ensure the development of the follicle, the growth of the endometrium of the uterus for the subsequent implantation of the fertilized egg.

Only one follicle undergoes complete development, which, as it grows, becomes dominant. A granulosa membrane forms around it. The cavity is filled with fluid at the primordial follicle stage. When the follicle is fully mature, it is called a Graafian vesicle, which contains a full-fledged egg.

As FSH and estradiol accumulate, the pituitary gland receives a signal to produce LH. The follicle membrane ruptures, from which a mature egg emerges. In place of the follicle, a corpus luteum is formed, producing progesterone. If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum dissolves at the end of the cycle. The ovarian cycle ends.

The uterine cycle includes several phases.

  1. Desquamation.
  2. Rejection of the functional layer of the uterus and the onset of menstruation.
  3. Regeneration. Restoration of the superficial functional endometrium due to the basal layer.
  4. Proliferation. Proliferation of glandular tissue and stroma.

Secretion. Modification of the mucous membrane, which implies its looseness.

When exposed to negative factors, there may be a temporary absence of ovulation. After 30 years, the absence of ovulation several cycles a year is considered normal. Persistent anovulation is observed with symptoms of endocrine pathologies that are subject to diagnosis and treatment.

Ovulation is an important condition for conception. That is why its determination for the purpose of subsequent sexual intercourse on favorable days increases the possibility of conception.

You can determine ovulation in order to increase the possibility of conception using various methods. In particular, keeping a calendar that marks the first day of your period and records the length of your cycle can help calculate the approximate day of ovulation. Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle and divides it in half. After ovulation occurs, menstrual bleeding is observed normally after 12-14 days. If the cycle is irregular, its average duration can be used as a basis for calculations.

Measuring basal temperature is an alternative to ovulation tests. The method is based on measuring temperature in the rectum, vagina or oral cavity. It is advisable to use a mercury thermometer for measurements. Measurements are taken after a 6-hour night's sleep at 5-6 am. Do not move before measuring temperature. Otherwise the results will be erroneous. You should lie still during the examination for 5 minutes. In the first phase of the cycle, under the influence of FSH, the basal temperature does not exceed 37 degrees. When LH surges before ovulation, it decreases by 0.3-0.4 degrees, and then increases to 37 degrees and above. Before menstruation, in the absence of conception, the temperature drops. IN critical days

the temperature is in the range of 37 degrees. For measurement results

The measurement results, as well as the dates in the menstruation calendar, can be noted both in paper and electronic versions. For simplicity and convenience, you can use special programs that allow you to make various notes.

Many gynecologists consider measuring basal temperature an outdated method, the results of which are influenced by numerous factors. It is possible to determine ovulation using pharmacy tests that react to the level of LH in the urine.

Ovulation tests are recommended to be performed between 10 am and 8 pm. The first morning urine should not be used. Typically, each package contains 5 test strips in order to track the dynamics of LH growth and identify the brightest strip. A bright red test strip indicates an approaching favorable day for conception. This means that ovulation should occur within 12-48 hours. An analogue of express tests is a special reusable device that determines fertile days based on saliva.

The onset of ovulation is accompanied by numerous changes occurring in the body. You can determine the most suitable days for conception by the characteristic signs and symptoms.

  1. Discharge. The cervical canal of the cervix contains glands in the submucosal layer that produce protective mucus. This secretion fills the canal like a plug and protects the reproductive organs from infection. By the end of the first phase, the discharge becomes more liquid, which favors the advancement of sperm. Selections in your own way appearance resemble the white of an egg. In addition, spotting may be observed, indicating a rupture of the follicle membrane.
  2. Changes in the position of the cervix. During and after menstruation, the cervix is ​​low. On days favorable for conception, it rises high and opens slightly.
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen. The pain can be aching and cramping. Aching pain is caused by a sign of tissue irritation due to minor hemorrhage during the release of the egg. When the fallopian tube contracts, cramping pain may occur from the ovulated ovary. In some women, symptoms of pain persist for two days.

During ovulation, symptoms such as headaches, increased breast sensitivity, increased appetite, and heightened sense of smell may also occur. As a rule, libido increases during this period. This sign is due to nature itself.

Symptoms of approaching ovulation have an individual character. Sometimes there is a lack of subjective signs. In this case, you can use ovulation tests, the calendar method, and measuring basal temperature.

The egg is ready for fertilization within 16-32 hours. This period is considered the most favorable for conception. Nevertheless, sperm are survivable for five days after intercourse. A small part of sperm can “wait for the egg” in the woman’s genital tract.

Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube when the sperm and egg fuse. However, before the sperm is in close proximity to the ampullary section of the tube, it must cover a distance of 17-20 cm.

The vagina is a destructive environment for male reproductive cells. A significant part of them die much before potential fertilization. That is why the possibility of conception increases with a significant number of healthy active sperm.

Theoretically, even one full-fledged sperm is enough for fertilization, which can penetrate the membrane of the egg. The head of the sperm contains a substance that dissolves the membrane. It has been proven that many male reproductive cells are involved in this process, which help a single sperm penetrate inside the egg. It is also believed that the egg is selective in its selection of "candidates", allowing only a specific germ cell to complete fertilization.

The fertilized egg moves through the tube into the uterine cavity, continuously dividing. A few days later, the fertilized egg ends up in the uterine cavity, where it can migrate for up to two days. After implantation, conception can be considered complete. The hCG hormone begins to be actively produced, which can be detected in the urine using express tests starting from the first day of the delay.

First signs of pregnancy

The most reliable sign of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation. Starting from the first day of the delay, you can perform a test to determine short-term pregnancy.

After fertilization, numerous changes occur in the body, which can manifest as specific symptoms and signs. As a rule, the earliest symptoms appear after a missed period and a positive pregnancy test result. However, for some women, signs and symptoms of pregnancy may be noticed earlier.

Many signs and symptoms of pregnancy are related to hormonal levels. It is known that sex hormones regulate not only the activity reproductive system, but also the whole organism.

Gynecologists call the following first signs and symptoms that can be observed after conception.

  1. Discharge. Implantation can be judged by slight brown spotting discharge that appears before the delay. The appearance of a small amount of blood is associated with damage to the vessels of the functional layer of the uterus during the implantation of the fertilized egg. During pregnancy, immunity decreases due to hormonal fluctuations, which causes activation of opportunistic flora. That is why thrush or candidiasis is considered a frequent companion to pregnancy, including after conception.
  2. Bloating. A woman may notice increased gas formation and bloating, especially in the evening. Many representatives notice this sign by their clothes, which can become tight.
  3. Change in taste preferences. This symptom may appear simultaneously with an increased sense of smell. A woman notes intolerance to certain foods and smells. Some people experience increased appetite.
  4. Cramps in the lower abdomen. Often the first symptoms of pregnancy are cramps, tingling and nagging pain. This sign may also indicate a threat. That is why if the pain intensifies, you should consult a doctor. The ovary in which the corpus luteum of pregnancy is intensively developing can also be painful.
  5. Breast engorgement. During pregnancy, the glands actively prepare for lactation. The first signs of enlargement and engorgement of the mammary glands can be noted even before the delay of menstruation. A little later, you can see the appearance of colostrum.
  6. Basal temperature indicators. It is known that before the next menstruation, basal temperature indicators decrease. After conception, the basal temperature is at around 37.1-37.4 degrees. An increase in temperature is associated with the production of progesterone, which is also called the pregnancy hormone. If your basal temperature drops, this may indicate a risk of miscarriage.
  7. Nausea. This is one of the early signs that is often associated with pregnancy. If nausea is severe, we can talk about the appearance of toxicosis. The causes of toxicosis are not known for certain by specialists. However, it is believed that this sign indicates a favorable course of pregnancy.
  8. General condition and psycho-emotional background. Symptoms of pregnancy include drowsiness, weakness, and fatigue. Mood variability and tearfulness, which are associated with changes in hormonal levels, are also considered signs.
  9. Colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases. During pregnancy, immunity decreases, which is a defense mechanism. Immunity is reduced so that the mother's body cannot reject the growing organism, which is perceived as a foreign body. The occurrence of cold symptoms before the delay is noted. Signs of thrush may appear due to structural changes in the vaginal mucosa, hormonal fluctuations and activation of fungal flora. Advanced thrush can lead to the development of symptoms of cystitis and urethritis.

Development of pregnancy by day

Fertilization and subsequent conception occurs during the period of viability of the egg.

First-third day

It takes at least two hours for the sperm to reach the egg. After the male reproductive cell penetrates the egg, fertilization occurs, which does not always result in conception. For the first three days, the fertilized egg moves through the tube, continuously dividing. During this period, there are no signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Signs may appear during implantation in the tube and the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

From the first days of conception, there may be signs of a physiological decrease in immunity and mood lability. Changes in taste preferences, mild nausea and engorgement of the breast glands may occur.

Fourth day

Contraction of the fallopian tubes promotes the descent of the fertilized egg into the uterus. The woman may feel minor cramping pain. Before implantation, migration of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity is possible for two days.

Fifth-seventh day

Signs and symptoms of implantation are noted. In particular, a small amount of spotting brown discharge may appear before the delay. Intense pain on one side of the abdomen and the appearance of copious discharge indicate implantation in the tube. However, these symptoms usually appear somewhat later as the fertilized egg grows.

Eighth to tenth day

Implantation of the fertilized egg is completed. Gynecologists call this period critical. Unfavorable factors can negatively affect pregnancy. Drowsiness, nausea, increased appetite, and thirst may occur. Pregnancy can be determined by a blood test, which indicates an increase in hCG levels.

Eleventh to fourteenth day

A woman may notice the appearance of signs that usually do not appear before her next menstruation. In some cases, there is an absence of characteristic symptoms of approaching menstruation. There is a noticeable engorgement of the mammary glands and their soreness. Nausea and increased salivation, perversion of taste may be present.

On days 14-15, a pregnancy test shows a positive result in case of conception.

When you are trying to conceive, every day brings new hope: what if today you have a positive result or the first signs of pregnancy? You're scouring the internet for clues about how soon after conception you might experience breast enlargement and tenderness, irritability, and any other symptoms that might signal successful conception.

When does conception occur?

If you know when conception may have occurred, it will be easier for you to determine when to use a pregnancy test. The date of conception depends on your cycle. It is generally accepted that with a 28-day cycle it occurs approximately on the fourteenth day after the first day of menstruation (on the day of ovulation), i.e. usually in the middle of the cycle.

However, most women cannot be completely sure when exactly this could have happened. The only way is to know exactly the day of ovulation, for which you need to use pharmacy tests to determine it. They will give you a positive result during the 24-48 hour ovulation period. Or you can use the so-called .

How soon after conception do signs of pregnancy appear?

The fertilized egg must first travel down the fallopian tube and implant into the wall of the uterus, which can take about a week. Once this happens, you may notice minor symptoms that sometimes last up to two days. This is completely normal. You may also notice them on the day your period was due. Again, this is normal.

You'll likely notice the first signs within 14 days of conception (around the time your period should start). However, this depends on the woman and how sensitive she is to physiological changes. Some women can, but it may be wishful thinking. Signs of pregnancy often do not appear until after a delay occurs.

First signs and symptoms of pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy and their severity vary from woman to woman, but usually the first noticeable thing is light spotting (light spotting) at implantation, although she may also have. Other symptoms may include breast swelling and tenderness, enlargement and fatigue. It may also occur low level blood glucose, low blood pressure (which can lead to weakness), and even the typical nausea that many women experience early in pregnancy.

Because most women are not sure exactly when conception occurred, doctors count pregnancy from the day the last menstrual cycle began. This is called due date and means that even if you are sure you were pregnant two weeks ago, your doctor will count it as four weeks.

What other women say about the first signs of pregnancy

Here's what women say about their first signs of pregnancy on an English-language pregnancy portal:

“I felt this a few days after the condom slipped during sex. Apparently my little fertilized egg was already producing hormones. I took a pregnancy test the day before my period started and the result was already positive!”

“I didn’t feel anything special, and I only realized when I was already two weeks late! I took a test and it immediately showed a positive result. But I didn’t have any typical signs, even though I’d ​​been pregnant for at least a month.”

“I actually felt nauseous the day after we did it. My husband, however, said that it was all in my head, but he had to believe me when the test came out positive three weeks later!”

“I think these are old wives' tales. I've been pregnant four times, and each time I wasn't sure until the test came back positive, and even then I didn't have any symptoms for weeks. Every woman is different, but I think if you worry about it, you'll start to 'feel' symptoms that aren't really there... it's just nerves."

How soon after conception will a test show pregnancy?

The time it takes to show a positive result depends on a substance in the urine called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). For some women, this hormone begins to show up on pregnancy tests around eight days after conception, although for most it takes a little longer—usually up to two weeks.

Technically, you should take a pregnancy test if you are late, but many women want to do it as soon as possible. The result depends on what level of hCG is present in the body after fertilization.

However, if you receive a negative test, do not immediately assume that you are not pregnant. You can't be sure until you start a new cycle (period).

What women say about the first pregnancy test result

Here's what some women have to say about how soon after conception the test shows a positive result:

“I found out eight days later. I used a very sensitive test that can show a positive result after a six-day delay, and, of course, it did!”

“Ten days after conception is too early to be sure. It is possible that the test will be negative within the first 14 days. Fourteen days for most women is the maximum period for the onset of a new monthly cycle. This is the reason why these test results may be negative. You should wait until your new cycle begins!”

“I took a test eight days after conception, and it was negative... negative... and negative several times! Only fifteen days later he showed a positive result. It seems to me that before this there simply wasn’t enough of the hormone in my body.”

The first weeks of pregnancy are a very important stage in the development of the embryo, so it is important for a woman to know about the development of pregnancy in the early stages in order to avoid unnecessary mistakes.

When do early symptoms appear?

It is believed that delay is the very first sign of pregnancy after conception, but this is not so. Let's figure out when other, earlier symptoms appear (before the delay) and what they are?

According to the science of embryology (the study of the development of the body from the moment of fertilization), From the very first days, hormonal changes begin in a woman’s body, creating favorable conditions for the development of pregnancy.

Therefore, a woman feels the very first, early signs and symptoms of pregnancy even before her period is missed, but after several weeks after conception. How can you tell that she is pregnant based on her feelings and health?

Signs that a woman feels

Fatigue, drowsiness. When the first signs of pregnancy begin after conception, a woman may notice the following symptoms: weakness, constant desire to sleep. Even after a long sleep, a feeling of vigor and strength does not appear. The daily routine may be disrupted: there will be a desire to fall asleep early or wake up late at night, followed by insomnia until the morning.

Emotional instability, irritability. Frequent mood swings from euphoria to feelings of deep sadness - laughter and tears at the same time. The attitude towards situations to which we were previously indifferent changes. Tearfulness and slight vulnerability are especially common among emotionally impressionable ladies.

Change and perversion of appetite. Most women note an increase in appetite; the lack of a feeling of fullness forces a woman to eat more often and more than usual. Some women experience a decrease in appetite and even develop an aversion to previously favorite dishes, or a desire to eat a dish that she has not eaten before.

Nausea and vomiting- classic, most common signs during pregnancy. Nausea is more common in the morning. Even the memory of certain foods can cause nausea, even vomiting. The severity of toxicosis can vary in women - from mild to severe.

Increased breast sensitivity. The slightest touch to the breast, when the first signs of pregnancy begin to appear, can result in unpleasant, even painful sensations. There is a feeling of heaviness in the chest. In very rare cases, breast sensitivity may decrease.

Change in sexual desire. During pregnancy, a woman's sexual desire weakens or intensifies.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Minor pain may appear, which is associated with increased blood flow in the pelvic organs.

Lower back pain may appear after bending (for example, while cleaning).

Alternating feelings of heat and chills, not associated with external factors (at optimal temperature conditions), may appear several times a day.

Aversion to smells. Perfume odors can cause discomfort and even cause nausea and vomiting. You may begin to like unusual smells (gasoline, nail polish).

Digestive tract disorder. A pregnant woman is sometimes bothered by bloating, increased gas formation, and a tendency to constipation.

Frequent urge to urinate. The woman notes more frequent urges (even at night).

Dizziness, headache, fainting- a consequence of decreased blood pressure during pregnancy.

Muscle cramps observed frequently, especially at night.

What signs are visible from the outside?

When the first signs of pregnancy occur after conception, they can be seen from the outside:

  • Darkening of the skin of the nipple areolas. The skin around the nipples becomes darker in color.
  • Strengthening the venous network in the chest. The veins on the delicate skin of the chest are more clearly visible, their diameter increases.
  • Breast augmentation. During pregnancy, breasts increase by 1-2 sizes.
  • Pigmentation of the white line of the abdomen. The line running from the bottom of the sternum to the pubis becomes darker.
  • Cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the external genitalia. Due to increased blood supply and venous stagnation of blood, the mucous membrane of the genital organs becomes bluish (this is especially noticeable on the labia).
  • Increased vaginal discharge. There is an increased production of secretion by the glands of the vaginal vestibule.
  • The appearance of thrush. During pregnancy, the acidity of the vagina changes, which creates ideal conditions for the proliferation of fungi of the genus Candida. A white, cheesy discharge with a sour odor may appear.
  • Slight swelling of the arms and legs. You can notice that the rings that women previously wore have become small and difficult to remove.
  • Temperature increase. A normal occurrence for a pregnant woman is a slight increase in temperature, which is associated with the hormone progesterone.

Now you know when you can feel the first signs of pregnancy, what they are, how to recognize them, and identify them. Let's consider what happens to the body at this time, which causes all the symptoms.

What happens to the body

The physiology of a pregnant woman undergoes significant changes when the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception - both before and after the delay.

This creates favorable conditions for bearing a child. Most organ systems begin to “work” in enhanced mode.

Endocrine system

The most pronounced changes in a pregnant woman's body occur in the hormonal system.

Pregnancy is "kingdom of the hormone progesterone". This hormone begins to be actively produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary at the beginning of pregnancy, then when the placenta is formed, it takes on this function.

Progesterone has many effects:

  • Dilatation of blood vessels(which explains dizziness, decreased blood pressure, increased lumen of blood vessels, leading to venous stagnation in the pelvic organs, the appearance of a pattern on the chest, dilation of the venous capillaries of the external genital organs occurs, which causes the “cyanosis” of the mucous membranes).
  • Impact on the thermoregulation center(there is a center for temperature regulation in the hypothalamus, progesterone acts on it, increasing the temperature, so pregnant women have a slightly higher temperature, there is no need to worry about this).
  • Effect on the urinary system, promoting fluid retention in the body. This is the cause of edema in pregnant women.
  • Impact on the intestinal wall, slowing down the peristalsis of the digestive system, which results in a tendency to constipation.
  • Immune system suppression. This is the body's protective response to fetal development, but it can contribute to frequent infections and colds. Therefore, during pregnancy you need to be careful and take care of your health.
  • Effect on cells of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, an increase in the amount of secreted fluid, an increase in the viscosity of the secretion, which can provoke inflammatory processes during pregnancy, as favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of microorganisms.

During pregnancy occurs increased production of melanoform adrenal hormone, which causes pigmentation of the nipple areolas and linea alba.

The hormone is a placental lactogen, it increases the size of the breast, increases its sensitivity by increasing the glandular tissue.

Increased activity of thyroid hormones(thyroxine, triiodothyronine), the heart rate increases (therefore, pregnant women often have tachycardia, even at rest).

External and internal genitalia

When the first obvious signs of pregnancy appear, labia become swollen, acquire a “bluish” tint due to venous stasis of the blood.

The walls of the vagina thicken somewhat, become swollen, and the shape of the vagina expands and lengthens. Discharge from the genitals increases in volume, their nature normally light, mucous, without unpleasant odor.

The uterus undergoes the most significant changes. This muscular organ increases its size many times in proportion to the growth of the child. Much blood flow in the uterus increases. The uterine arteries increase significantly in diameter, which promotes normal blood flow.

Nervous system

The susceptibility of the nervous system to all kinds of influences increases. Women celebrate unexplained mood swings(from a complete loss of strength to a state of euphoria and joy), efficiency and perseverance decrease, drowsiness increases, and irritability appears.

Due to functional changes in nervous system, changes in the action of mediators, nausea, increased salivation, vomiting appear, the sense of smell and sensitivity to different odors become more acute. Due to increased excitability in the peripheral nerves, frequent convulsions are observed even at night, and numbness of the fingers.

Kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system

During pregnancy, renal blood flow increases significantly, there is a frequent urge to urinate. This is also facilitated by the anatomical proximity of the bladder and the growing uterus.

Peristalsis slows down gastrointestinal tract(due to the effect of progesterone on intestinal smooth muscles), so pregnant women often suffer from constipation, bloating, increased gas formation.

Due to the expansion of the venous vessels of the rectal venous plexus, a woman may develop hemorrhoids, which have never bothered her before.

Respiratory frequency increases, in later stages of pregnancy, shortness of breath may even appear due to the pressure of the uterus on the wall of the diaphragm.

Cardiovascular system, metabolism

Heart rate increases. The volume of blood in a woman’s body increases. Appears tendency to lower blood pressure(this is especially pronounced in women who are initially prone to hypotension).

The need to absorb calcium, iron and other minerals increases, need for vitamins. Carbohydrate metabolism is characterized by an increase in blood glucose levels. There is an increase in blood cholesterol levels.

What the doctor says about the manifestation of the first signs of pregnancy before the delay, watch the video:

If such changes begin to occur in your body, you need to consult a doctor to reliably find out whether your dream has come true!

A woman carries a child for nine months. This is a complex translation of changes in the body, hormonal levels and psychological state. For some, the first signs of positive conception appear within a couple of weeks, while for others only after a few months.

Signs of early pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman experiences dramatic changes throughout her body. It is possible to notice a new situation already in the initial stages if you pay close attention to your health and any unusual symptoms. What symptoms and signs can be used to determine an interesting situation at the initial stage?

How many days after intercourse can you find out if you are pregnant or not?

The most favorable time for conception is the period of ovulation. A mature follicle bursts and the egg is sent to the uterine cavity through the fallopian tubes. But its viability is limited by time: conception can occur within 12-24 hours after the egg leaves the follicle.

Sperm can fertilize a cell within three or four days. If you take into account all the nuances, then the time of conception is easy to calculate. Modern medicine allows you to find out about pregnancy already on the tenth day after intercourse.

To accurately determine the position, you need to donate blood for an hCG test and the result will be ready within 24 hours. Tests show the presence of pregnancy only after a delay in the menstrual cycle; some highly sensitive ones can detect it 2-3 days before the delay in menstruation.

When planning a pregnancy, it is better to choose a couple of days before ovulation and the period itself, so as not to make mistakes in the calculations.

When do the very first symptoms appear: what week after conception?

Pregnancy can be determined by characteristic signs within the second week after conception. But this is purely individual. Some women experience the first symptoms literally immediately, within a week, and remain throughout the entire gestation period. Others, on the contrary, may not observe any signs for a long time.

Before your period is missed

Regular menstruation means that the body is ready to conceive. Their absence indicates either pregnancy has occurred or indicates some kind of health problem.

Before a missed period, a pregnant woman experiences characteristic symptoms:

  1. The level of hCG in the blood is increased: the first two weeks after conception, hCG rises to 100-156, after the third week of pregnancy this value increases to 4000-6000 mU/ml.
  2. Basal body temperature increased – 37 degrees.
  3. Uterine bleeding should not be confused with menstrual bleeding. This is a small, scanty discharge for two, three days. This occurs due to the implantation of a fertilized egg.
  4. Unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen.
  5. Frequent and sudden changes in mood.
  6. Taste preferences become more acute, and you crave this or that product that was previously uninteresting.
  7. Breast swelling may occur.

There should be no period during pregnancy! If, for some reason, they are observed, then either conception did not occur, or there are some health problems.

After a delay

After a delay in the menstrual cycle, symptoms intensify and new ones are added:

  1. Drowsiness.
  2. Fast fatiguability.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Frequent urination.

Can they appear a week after ovulation?

Ovulation is the process when an egg ready for fertilization emerges from the ovarian follicle. This happens mainly on days 12-14 of the menstrual cycle. This moment is the most favorable.

With a positive conception, some signs appear after a week or a week and a half. If a couple had sex during ovulation and the sperm fertilized the egg, then signs may appear immediately after ovulation.

What symptoms can you feel during the delay days?

Symptoms during the days of delay are similar to the initial signs: fever, nausea and spontaneous vomiting, drowsiness, fatigue and frequent urination. Some girls develop special taste preferences. Possible pain in the lower abdomen.

What external changes happen: how long does it take for the exact signs to appear?

External signs appear in each woman individually and at different times during pregnancy: for some after a couple of days, for others after a few weeks. Most often, the exact symptom is the absence of menstruation in combination with the others. They appear from the second, third week.

Main external changes:

  • swelling of the mammary glands. Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the mammary glands change almost a few days after conception. Nipples and areolas may darken;
  • pain and cramps in the lower abdomen. If the pain is severe and constant, then you should definitely consult a doctor;
  • fatigue. The body is rebuilt and hormonal changes occur, which causes fatigue;
  • nausea, especially in the morning. Basically, toxicosis begins in the fifth week, but sometimes earlier;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet. This is due to the growing uterus and progesterone, which puts stress on the bladder muscles;
  • sometimes, sudden growth of hair and nails occurs due to hormones;
  • your face and hands may begin to swell. In the early stages, the arms and face become slightly rounded and swollen; a little later, the legs may also begin to swell, sometimes to such an extent that it is impossible to wear usual shoes;
  • acne. Due to hormonal changes, acne may occur. In the early stages, this phenomenon is noticed by women who have not previously suffered from acne;
  • bloating. With a positive conception, after almost a couple of days, the intestines begin to work more slowly and this can cause constipation. This sometimes occurs throughout pregnancy. It all depends on the characteristics of the organism;
  • venous pattern on the chest. Many girls notice a pronounced venous pattern on the mammary glands in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • blush. Due to the fact that blood circulation increases, redness and blush appear on the face and periodically, the woman may feel feverish;
  • brown line. A line appears on the abdomen from the navel and down, which darkens as pregnancy progresses;
  • with multiple conception, a woman loses her external attractiveness, because the body works several times harder and is required a large number of vitamins and strength to provide everything necessary for each fetus, as well as the mother herself;
  • thrush occurs quite often during pregnancy;
  • increased salivation. This phenomenon does not occur in all women, but is sometimes present;
  • The surest sign is the absence of a menstrual cycle. Sometimes this occurs for other reasons, so when analyzing the symptoms you need to take them together.

If the test shows a negative result after an expected conception in the early stages, should you worry?

Pregnancy tests respond to human chorionic gonadotropin. It appears in sufficient quantities 10-12 days after successful conception. That's when the test will show a positive result.

If you take a test the next day or over the next week, it will most likely show a negative result. If you want to find out about an interesting situation as quickly as possible, then it is better to donate blood to a laboratory to detect hCG.

Do a woman’s sensations change immediately after conception?

Physiologically, the woman will not feel any changes during the first days. Basically, symptoms and sensations appear within a week, and for some even later. Some girls do not experience toxicosis or any special changes at all.

In the early period, pregnancy can provoke various colds, as immunity decreases. Another warning sign may be thrush; it occurs in most women. But you shouldn’t attribute your ailments to an interesting situation and put off visiting a doctor. Consult your doctor as necessary to rule out any medical conditions or ectopic pregnancy.

What indirect signs without delay of menstruation in the early stages are common manifestations

On early stages of an unconfirmed pregnancy, a sure sign is morning sickness and frequent urination. To this can be added a change in taste preferences, frequent mood changes and increased fatigue and drowsiness.

How to determine the onset of pregnancy from the first day of delay using folk remedies

Exist traditional methods pregnancy definitions:

  • By urine. The most effective method is using iodine: you need to place urine in a small container and add a drop of iodine. It is important that the dishes are placed on a flat surface. If the drop remains in the same place and does not move, then there is pregnancy. If it spreads, then the result is negative.

There is another option: moisten a strip of paper with urine and drop iodine. If the conception is positive, the paper will turn purple; if it is negative, it will turn brown or blue.

You need to pour a little soda into the container with urine; if a reaction occurs and it bubbles, it means the woman is in an interesting position. If the soda settles to the bottom, it means that there is no pregnancy.

  • By heart rate. At a distance below the navel 7-8 centimeters, the pulse is measured. If it is, it means that the woman needs to wait for a new addition to the family. If not, then the result is negative. The method is not confirmed by medicine.
  • According to dreams. A lot of signs are associated with dreams. One of the most common dreams is to see a fish. It doesn't matter what to do with it - catch, clean, cook or hold. According to popular belief, a fish is a sign of a child. A new addition to the family is preceded by a dream where a girl bathes in a river or pond with clean water.
  • By allocations. In the early stages, the discharge becomes more abundant and becomes pinkish or brown tint. Basically, after conception they appear on the fifth day. During this period, the fertilized egg can check the small blood vessels of the endometrium.
  • Metallic taste in mouth. There is a belief that in the early stages a metallic taste appears in the mouth, which indicates pregnancy.

Traditional methods are not confirmed by medicine and do not have a scientific basis. But they have existed for centuries and have adherents.

Sometimes a pregnancy can be ectopic, that is, the fetus is located outside the uterus and this is dangerous for the woman’s life! The symptoms are the same as during normal pregnancy. Sometimes it can cause intense fever, bleeding and fever. Unpleasant problems arise painful sensations in the abdominal area.

Expecting a child is a sacred period in the life of every woman. Most often, girls who are looking forward to it want to find out about an interesting situation as quickly as possible. The most effective method in the early stages is an hCG analysis, and after a delay, you can use the test and go to the hospital.



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