Russia's birthday. Birthday of a young country Russia Day in a modern state

Russia's birthday. Birthday of a young country Russia Day in a modern state

Russia Day, celebrated annually on June 12, is a very young holiday, but its history is no less interesting than that of respectable dates that have been present in the state calendar for decades. How did this holiday appear and why did it become so important for the state and citizens?

The importance of June 12 for Russia

June 12 can confidently be called the birthday of the Russian Federation. In the now distant 1990, it was on this day that the “Declaration on State Sovereignty of the RSFSR” was adopted. In those troubled times preceding the final collapse Soviet Union, which has a centuries-old history and at the same time a very young state began its new path.

Russian Federation retained the status of a multinational state, where representatives of any nationality received equal rights, in no way distinguished by nationality or religion. All citizens living in the republic became Russians with the same opportunities and privileges.

Exactly a year later, on June 12, 1991, the first democratic presidential elections of the Russian Federation were held, in which Boris Yeltsin was elected head of the country by an overwhelming majority of votes. The popular elections, held for the first time in an unfamiliar format, can be considered a global historical event and an important step towards building a changed democratic state.

In 1994, the head of the country signed a decree establishing a new public holiday - the Day of Adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia. At the same time, this important day for all Russians became a non-working day and citizens received an additional summer day off. For many, the opportunity to relax was unexpected and people did not immediately get used to the holiday of the new time and understand the importance of this date.

Moreover, some did not want to accept the holiday, not considering the signing of the Declaration of the Russian Federation a reason for rejoicing. People of the old school were sure that this step was one of the reasons for the collapse of a powerful power. However, subsequent historical events proved that the mechanism of the collapse of the USSR had been launched and it was no longer possible to stop it.

How a new holiday was born

June 12 has long been called Independence Day. But over the years, this name gradually began to lose its relevance and become incomprehensible. to the younger generation. We got used to independence, it became a part of life, and not the only date in the year when we had to remember it. In 1998, Yeltsin proposed renaming the most important national holiday to Russia Day and thereby making it understandable for all generations.

Moreover, the holiday acquired its current name only in 2002. The official resolution was adopted on February 1 when the new labor code came into force. The changed name really appealed to all citizens; it united the importance of the event, the solemnity of the date, and the unity of all residents of the vast territory. Thanks to the capacious name, skeptics gradually stopped asking the question: “Independence from whom?” and accepted an official holiday.

Russia Day in a modern state

IN modern Russia, which has already gained strength and received worldwide recognition, June 12 continues to remain one of the main public holidays. This day is always a non-working day, and for the convenience of citizens, the next weekend is shifted so that people can rest for several days in a row.

Warm summer days allow you to celebrate the holiday on a grand scale on the streets of the city. On June 12, concert venues and parks host holiday concerts, demonstration performances, folk festivals and other mass entertainment activities, in which everyone participates on their own initiative. City streets, public buildings and residential buildings are decorated with state flags, and the new Russian anthem is played from loudspeakers. In the evenings, large cities and small towns are illuminated with festive light by fireworks, and in the hero cities the sky is illuminated by grandiose volleys of fireworks.

Solemn events are often timed to coincide with the holiday. On this day, state awards are traditionally presented in the Kremlin, and in the regions those who have distinguished themselves at the state level are awarded. On this June day, it is not uncommon to see a rally held by one of the country's political parties on the streets of cities.

Unfortunately, surveys of citizens show that not every resident of Russia knows the correct name of the holiday and what its meaning is. Some people, out of habit, call June 12 Independence Day and do not understand the main point celebrations. In fact, its meaning is simple - national unity and shared responsibility for the future of the country.

June 12 is the birthday of the Russian Federation.

What is considered the country's birthday?

  • When is your birthday?

  • When is your family's birthday?

Russia is a big family.

  • The first state unification occurred in the 9th century.

  • How many years have passed since then?

  • 21 - 9 = 12 centuries.

  • The capital of the first state association is the city of Kyiv.

  • The country was called Kievan Rus.

Heritage of Kievan Rus.

Heritage of Kievan Rus.

  • The first handwritten books appeared in Kievan Rus, and the first laws of the state were written down.

The second birth of Russia.

  • In the 13th century, Kievan Rus was invaded by enemies and severely devastated. The Mongol-Tatars and European crusaders tore our country apart. It seemed that Rus' had perished and could no longer be reborn.

The second birth of Russia.

  • In the 14th century, the young city of Moscow and its prince Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy stood at the head of the Russian lands, fighting to get rid of their enemies.

The second birth of Russia.

Battle of Kulikovo

  • View an excerpt from the film “Battle of Kulikovo”.

The second birth of Russia.

  • In the 15th century, the rebirth of the Russian state took place with its capital in Moscow.

  • Let's count how many centuries have passed since then:

  • 21 – 15 = 6 centuries.

Heritage of Moscow Rus'.

  • For the first time in our history, kings appeared in this state. At first they were all from the Rurik dynasty (family).

Heritage of Moscow Rus'.

  • The Russian tsars continued to expand and strengthen the borders of Russia, decorating it with new temples and palaces.

Russia is becoming an empire.

  • In the 18th century, Muscovite Rus', led by Russian tsars, became a thing of the past. It is being replaced by an empire. Now Russia is led by emperors from the Romanov dynasty. These great reforms carried out by Peter 1 can be called the birth of a new Russia.

Calculate how many centuries ago the Russian Empire was born:

21-18 = 3 centuries. How old is this?

Legacy of the Russian Empire.

  • The new capital of Russia was the city founded by Emperor Peter, St. Petersburg. This city remains one of the most beautiful European cities today.

Death of the Empire.

  • At the beginning of the 20th century, in 1917, the Russian Empire died. But it was not the invaders who destroyed this great country. The Russian citizens themselves, who unleashed a war of all against all, brought the empire to the brink of the abyss. Our country began to be called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - USSR. Moscow again became the capital. This Union existed until 1991.

Birthday of the Russian Federation.

  • A year before the collapse of the USSR, on June 12, 1990, Russia declared its independence. This is considered the birthday of modern Russia.

  • Let's calculate how old this young state is:

  • 2011 – 1990 = ?

  • 21 years old

Symbols of Russia.

What does the word “Russia” mean to you?

Russia is a memory.

Russia is a memory.

Russia is children

Russia Day in 2019 is celebrated on June 12. This is a public holiday, an official day off in the country. It symbolizes freedom and unity of the nation. It is celebrated by all citizens of the Russian Federation. Popularly, this day is often called Russian Independence Day.

history of the holiday

Russia Day is dedicated to the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR on June 12, 1990 at the first Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR. This document proclaimed the supremacy of the Constitution and laws of the RSFSR over the legislative acts of the USSR. By resolution of May 25, 1991, the Congress declared June 12 a non-working day. Since 1992, this day has become a holiday, according to the resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation No. 2981-I.

On June 2, 1994, the President signed Decree No. 1113, which declared June 12 a state holiday of the Russian Federation. Until 2002, citizens of the country celebrated this day as the Day of Adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia. After entry into force Labor Code in 2002, the holiday became known as “Russia Day”. Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation No. 197-FZ of December 30, 2001 assigned June 12 the status of a holiday weekend.

Holiday traditions

Russia Day has patriotic features. The holiday calls for peace and unity.

Festive events are held in all settlements of the country on this day. Getting settled entertainment programs for adults and children. Folk craft fairs and exhibitions are held contemporary art. In the evening there are concerts with the participation of famous pop stars and amateur art groups. In the evening the sky lights up with fireworks.

The main ceremonial events take place in Moscow. In the Kremlin, the President makes a festive address to the residents of the country and presents State Awards. Red Square hosts parades and concerts that end with grandiose fireworks.

On this day, people relax with their families, attend social events, and go out into nature.

On June 12, 1991, on the first anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR, the first presidential elections of the RSFSR were held, which were won by Boris Yeltsin.

The country officially received the modern name “Russian Federation - Russia” on May 16, 1992.

On June 12, City Day is celebrated in the following cities of Russia: Ufa, Veliky Novgorod, Izhevsk, Kemerovo, Perm, Dimitrovgrad, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Saransk, Surgut, Syktyvkar, Tambov, Ulyanovsk.


    We congratulate you on Russia Day!
    And we sincerely wish now,
    So that our country grows and prospers,
    And she became the strongest in the world.
    So that you live happily in it in abundance,
    And everything was always in order in your life.

Russia Day is the birthday of a great country

On June 12, our country celebrates a holiday - Russia Day. This is one of the "youngest" public holidays. On this day in 1990, the first Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia.

In 1991, on June 12, the first presidential elections in Russia took place.
In 1994, on June 12, it was decided to celebrate Russian Independence Day. It was declared a public holiday and an official day off.
In 1998, Boris Yeltsin proposed removing the word “independence” from the name of the holiday and calling it Russia Day.
The holiday officially received a new name only on February 1, 2002, when the new Labor Code came into force.

Among the parliamentarians celebrating Russia Day were both its supporters and opponents. Supporters insist that this holiday is one of the state symbols that every country should have - a coat of arms, anthem, flag and a specific day symbolizing the integrity of the state.

Opponents propose that June 12, like, for example, December 12 - Constitution Day, be transferred to the category of everyday life. Instead, some deputies propose making April 12, Cosmonautics Day, a state holiday.

Among the supporters of this initiative is a member of the State Duma Committee on Security Gennady Raikov, who believes that Russia Day is “an incomprehensible and unpopular holiday among the people, in contrast to the date of the first manned flight into space.”
"Cosmonautics Day should be the main Russian holiday. Gagarin’s flight is such an obvious, indisputable achievement that it is impossible to forget, cancel, or even repeat,” the deputy said.

At the same time, according to Gennady Raikov, “June 12 should under no circumstances be completely forgotten, but should be relegated to the category of ordinary memorable days.”
“The complete abolition of this holiday for many Russians could mean a final farewell to the Yeltsin era. To abolish June 12 altogether means to forget the beginning of the nineties,” the parliamentarian emphasized.

A REGIONS.RU/Federation News correspondent asked representatives of the upper and lower houses of parliament to ask what this day means to them and whether they consider it a holiday.

“This day is certainly a holiday for me,” said the Chairman of the Federation Council Commission on Information Policy Lyudmila Narusova. At the same time, the senator added that on June 12 she personally hangs “the Russian flag at home, at her dacha.”

L. Narusova emphasized that she considers “unacceptable the attempts of some legislators to exclude this day from among the holidays.”

The state, the chairman of the commission continued, “must have state symbols - a coat of arms, an anthem, a flag. There must also be a day of the country, a day of Russia.”
These symbols, the senator is sure, “must be stable and turn into a tradition. And if each parliament changes holidays and symbols, then there can be no talk of any traditions,” concluded Lyudmila Narusova.

"We are not all Russians, but we are all Russians. Here main idea Russia Day,” said the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Federation Affairs and Regional Policy, representative in the Federation Council from the administration of the Ryazan region Rafgat Altynbaev.
“The name of the Russian Day holiday contains in its semantic expression the idea of ​​unification: one country, one people, one thoughts,” the senator believes.

The parliamentarian is confident that this holiday should educate “a supra-ethnic consciousness, should become a kind of unification of ethnic groups, have a patriotic direction. The population should instill the spirit of belonging to a great state, and Russia Day is intended to help in this direction.”

In addition, Altynbaev suggests treating this day as Russia’s birthday. “All people have a birthday, why can’t the country have such a day?” asks the parliamentarian.

The chairman of the committee considers the idea of ​​canceling this holiday “not very correct.” “We must not discuss a specific date, not remember what Yeltsin did then. We must completely abstract ourselves from personalities, since the personalities themselves are fading, and history is eternal. Historically, this day was chosen as a holiday for the country. And the birthday, as you know, , they don’t choose,” concluded Rafgat Altynbaev.

“After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia should have its own attributes, its own public holidays. Therefore, Russia Day, of course, is a holiday,” said the first deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on natural resources and environmental protection, representative in the Federation Council from the government of the Moscow region Nikolay Churkin.

The senator has a negative attitude towards proposals to cancel this holiday. “We have already canceled so many things throughout the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st, we have demolished many monuments and symbols, in the opinion of some, of the wrong era. But they are dear to someone, so why cancel them? And, if we have already done so holiday on this very day, so let’s celebrate it as the day of our country, Motherland, Russia, and not say goodbye to one era or another,” Churkin urged.

The opposite point of view is held by the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Legal and Judicial Issues, representative in the Federation Council from the administration of the Lipetsk region Anatoly Lyskov.

“June 12 is the day that marked the beginning of the collapse of the Soviet Union,” the senator said.
On this day, the parliamentarian continued, “the Declaration of Independence of Russia was adopted. But independence from whom? On whom were we dependent?” asks Lyskov.
In addition, the deputy chairman of the committee emphasized, “from that day on, a war of laws began between the federal center and the union republics.”

“And the fact that the name of this holiday subsequently changed - from Russian Independence Day it turned into Russia Day - this does not give anything, the meaning does not change,” the senator noted.

Anatoly Lyskov reported that when the Federation Council was considering the law on public holidays, he proposed excluding Russia Day from the list of holidays and preserving December 12 as Constitution Day.

Noting that Constitution Day is a traditional holiday in many states, the parliamentarian called it “a significant day. Therefore, this particular day should be a holiday,” concluded Anatoly Lyskov.

A member of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, a representative in the Federation Council from the government of the Republic of Ingushetia, also supports the point of view of his colleague Issa Kostoev.

“June 12 is the day of bad decisions,” the senator believes. “It, of course, cannot be called mourning, but it is not the best, but one of the worst in the history of Russia. On this day, a huge state collapsed, which took 300 years to assemble, and we will no longer be able to restore it,” the parliamentarian added.
“What is happening today in Crimea and in the Caucasus - in my homeland - is also the result of this day,” Issa Kostoev emphasized.

The senator also said that since he does not consider June 12 a holiday, he therefore does not celebrate it, does not congratulate anyone and does not greet those who congratulate him.
Issa Kostoev is sure that “this supposed holiday should be abolished as soon as possible, and not renamed from Russian Independence Day simply to Russia Day.”

“On this “holiday” one can only be sad, because on this day we lost a huge, powerful country, a country that will never exist again,” the deputy head of the Rodina faction in the State Duma echoes his colleagues in the upper house Alexander Chuev.

“This is a strange holiday. We celebrate the country’s independence, but we weren’t dependent anyway. It’s understandable when the United States celebrates Independence Day. They acquired their independence, so they have every right to such a holiday,” the deputy said.

In this regard, Alexander Chuev suggested “to think carefully about this day. Something needs to be done with it: either transform it into some other one, or, which would probably be the best option, abandon it altogether,” emphasized the deputy leader of the faction "Motherland".

Russia Day is an official public holiday celebrated annually on June 12. The holiday date was established by the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin in 1994. They stopped at the June date for a reason. On this day in 1990, the most important document for the history of the country was signed - the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR. A year later, on June 12, the first popular democratic elections were held in the republic.

Bright holiday, Russia Day
Let's meet friendly and beautiful,
Everyone who comes to us with love -
We will greet you with affection with bread and salt.
We wish you happiness, goodness and light.
Peace - peace for the entire planet.

Happy Russia Day, Russians,
Happiness and joy to you all.
Let love shine for you,
So that there are no problems.

Let the country grow, become stronger,
Appears in all its glory.
Let Russia prosper
Together with her - and all of you!

Today is the day of a great country, Russia Day. And on this bright day I would like to wish us all to be proud that we are Russians. Let every person feel free, happy, needed and respected. Let no wars, natural disasters, or economic crises affect us. I wish everyone prosperity, well-being, and prosperity. Happy holiday to all of us!

There is no one more beautiful than you, Russia!
Songs and poems are heard in the Fatherland.
The bells are ringing for you today
Yes, bright fireworks will fly into the air.
The sons of Russia are strong and noble,
And the daughters are beautiful and wise.
I wish you all: be worthy
Our huge wonderful country!
Let our path lead to new victories!

It will be different, I don’t want to turn it down!
Successes, but if there are disappointments, then a little bit.

The Motherland has a holiday,
He is one of the main ones.
Here the roads have been passed
Old and glorious
The Russian spirit is mighty,
But it’s like that in fairy tales!
This case happened -
A very important step!
Since it's a holiday in Russia...
... the day of the country itself...
My beautiful Rus',
Smile with me!

Great holiday - Russia Day
The country is celebrating today.
Three colors: red, white, blue
There are festive flashes everywhere.
Yes, everywhere in Russia
Today citizens are walking,
And happy country day to your beloved
People congratulate each other.
And I hasten to congratulate you
Happy great Country Day of Russia.
I wish you happiness and prosperity
And a long and happy life.
Let him grow and get richer
Giant, hero - the country of Russia.
Let him protect her
Fate from grief and sorrow.

Today is truly a great day,
Today is the country's birthday!
And I want to congratulate you on Russia Day
The people are all from the Urals to Moscow.

I wish everyone wealth and prosperity,
So that troubles pass by,
So that life is cloudless and sweet,
And there was happiness and peace in the house.

Proud, free Russia!
My calico, birch land,
You spread out freely under the blue sky,
Live and prosper in joy!

Russians, I congratulate you
Happy Russia Day! Happiness to you, all the best.
I wish you to love your homeland,
And let our proud flag fly over the country!

Happy Russia Day to you, Russian!
May peace reign in your heart,
After all, both the sun and the stars shine
Over a free, peaceful country.

Along with the crazy smell of linden trees
Let happiness and joy burst into the house,
So that she raises her glasses and makes noise
The whole family is at a set table.

We talk about our strong love,
About your undying faith,
About the mighty Fatherland - Russia!
Let life become better in it!

Happy Russia Day to everyone!
The whole vast country!
Let the sky be blue-blue
All three hundred plus days a year!

And there will be life for all the people
Blooming, without traces of war.
Let it grow and get stronger year after year
The stronghold of a huge country!

Let every glorious one send
Now congratulations to each other.
Let the little boy carry it proudly
Tricolor Motherland flag!



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