Valery Syutkin is young. Valery Syutkin, biography, rare clips...

Valery Syutkin is young. Valery Syutkin, biography, rare clips...

Valery Syutkin is rightfully considered the main an intelligent person in the world of show business. In the 90s, his fame was simply colossal. During these times, he was a member of the cult group “Bravo”. At concerts, the group gathered stadiums of thousands across the territory of the former Soviet Union. But Syutkin left this musical formation to give fans a new ensemble, Syutkin and Co., which was also popular. Then he worked on other projects. But the quality of the music always remained high. What was the path of Valery Syutkin? Biography, personal life, children of the singer - all this will be discussed in the article.


Valery Syutkin was born at the end of March 1958 in the capital of the Soviet Union. His father was born in Perm, successfully graduated from technical school and went to Moscow for further education. He became a student at the Military Engineering Academy. After receiving his diploma, he remained within the walls of this institution and began teaching.

He was considered an excellent specialist who was directly related to military underground construction. So, during the Vietnam War, he erected corresponding structures there. In addition, he participated in the construction of the legendary Baikonur.

In addition, according to the singer, a distant ancestor on his father’s side was a like-minded member of the famous Demidov family. In these ancient times, even the great Emperor Peter I paid attention to him.

They say that Valery Syutkin is a Jew. The biography contains information that the mother of the future performer is a Polish Jew. Her parents moved from Poland to Odessa province. It was along this line that Valery inherited an innate sense of humor. In any case, he called his grandmother an Odessa woman.

After some time, the family ended up in Moscow. The singer’s mother was also born there. After training, she worked as a research assistant.

The first meeting of the parents took place in a dance club. Over time, this relationship turned into a romance, which ended in marriage. Soon the couple also had Valery Syutkin Jr.

Introduction to music

At school, young Valery did very well at first. But when he was eleven, he heard The Beatles. After that, he had no time for studying. He finally plunged into the then fashionable rock and roll and began to skip classes. True, in humanitarian subjects, including literature, he could still get out. Since from deep childhood he constantly read. As for the exact sciences, Valery’s performance has noticeably decreased.

Fortunately, the parents understood their talented son and did not dictate to him what he should do. By the way, much later Valery admitted that he was grateful to his mom and dad for giving him the opportunity to develop the way he wanted.

...When Valery was thirteen, his parents divorced. He was very worried and could not forgive his father. It was only decades later that father and son began to communicate again. The initiator of the meeting was Valery himself. Alas, my father passed away in 2010.

First earnings

While in the eighth grade, the future musician managed to save money and purchase a real drum kit. The fact is that during the holidays he got a job as a salesman and consultant in the Svet store. Soviet legislation did not provide for the employment of schoolchildren. But my mother’s friend Valeria worked in this establishment. She was able to come to an agreement with the authorities, and throughout the summer, young Syutkin worked there. He actively demonstrated the product to customers. As a result, by the end of summer, Valery had astronomical means for his age in his hands. It was about 270 rubles.

To buy drums, the musician had to go to famous metropolitan black marketeers. It was they who sold him a battered drum kit made in Czechoslovakia.

Becoming a musician

Having become the proud owner of a drum set, he began playing in the school VIA. After some time, he decided to master the bass guitar. Young talents performed compositions by Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Smokie.

Having received a matriculation certificate, the musicians continued to play music. The team was often invited to parties in different areas of the capital. The guys received good money, but they still had to get formal employment. So, Syutkin at one time worked as a bartender, a janitor, and a loader.

However, he didn’t have to play at the dances for so long. Because in 1976 he was mobilized into the armed forces.

In the army

The future singer Valery Syutkin, whose biography is presented to your attention in the article, served in the Far East. He was an auto mechanic for one of the military units. After some time, Syutkin managed to get into a military musical group. It was called "Flight". Let us note that a whole galaxy of subsequently famous musicians passed through this group during the service. For example, this was Alexey Glyzin.

In “Flight” Syutkin was initially an instrumentalist. But one day the vocalist fell ill. To continue playing, the guys suggested that he try singing. And so it happened. The musicians were surprised that the drummer of their group turned out to have a good voice. He became the main singer of this army band.


After the army, Syutkin again had to take on almost any job in order to exist. He was a porter at the station, then a train conductor that ran along international lines of communication. IN free time he continued to play, trying to get a job in the Moscow team. At the same time, Valery still did not have any appropriate education. Subsequently, he came up with a legend that he graduated from one of the music schools in absentia, becoming a professional choir conductor.

First professional ensemble

At the very beginning of the 80s, Syutkin met musicians from a little-known musical formation called “Telephone”. As a result, he joined the ranks of this group. Over time, this semi-amateur group turned into a professional ensemble that toured throughout the USSR.

The first recording in which Syutkin took part was called “Ka-Ka”. In 1985, VIA managed to record another album. Unfortunately, this creation turned out to be the last in their discography. "Telephone" broke up.

In the ranks of the "Architects"

When the Telefon group ceased its activities, Syutkin was invited to join the Zodchie team. This happened in 1985. At that time, Yuri Loza, among others, played in the ensemble. As a result, the compositions composed by Syutkin and Loza brought the Architects their first fame. Thus, “Time of Love” and “Bus 86” ended up in rotation on TV and radio. And one of the well-known publications of the Soviet Union stated that “Zodchie” was included in the TOP 5 of the most popular VIA USSR.

However, in 1987, a crisis emerged in the Zodchikh camp. After the Ukrainian tour, Yu. Loza decided to leave the team. The following year, the keyboard player left the group. As a result, the new release, which came out in 1989, was received very coolly. After some time, Syutkin also decided to part with “Zodchimi”, putting together a new musical project called “Fan-O-Man”. This formation lasted only two years and recorded a single album.

Bravo frontman

In 1990, Syutkin became the frontman of the famous group “Bravo”. This proposal came from the team leader Evgeniy Khavtan.

Syutkin worked there for five years. During this time, the musicians had to change their performing style and repertoire.

The first disc with the participation of the new singer was called “Hipsters from Moscow.” The album also included the song “Vasya”, which literally blew up the charts in the 90s. Another hit - “I’m what you need” - generally turned into a “Bravo” calling card. By the way, this composition was written by Syutkin himself.

As a result, the team found a second wind. And an orange tie appeared in the image of the group members.

The peak of Bravo's fame came in 1993-94. The group celebrated its first decade of existence and held grand anniversary concerts throughout the former Soviet Union.

The team released two more records, which sold out in huge numbers.

But in 1995, Syutkin decided to leave the group. Firstly, he was tired of numerous concerts. Secondly, he had a different point of view on the further development of the group. Khavtan wanted to change the style and image of the team. But Syutkin categorically disagreed with the opinion of the Bravo leader.

Solo creativity

After a short break, Syutkin created a completely new musical formation, Syutkin and Co., which, as a result, recorded five records. The debut album appeared on the shelves of music stores in 1995. The disc was called "7000 above the ground." The composition of the same name instantly fell into rotation. Subsequent albums were also successful.

In 2004, the singer decided to renew the team, expanding the composition of the participants. Now the group was called “Syutkin rock and roll band”. This formation recorded three more discs.

Recent history

Since 2015, Syutkin has been working with the Light Jazz group. The team has already released two records. The last one is dated 2016.

In addition, the singer also collaborates with Romario. Two video clips of the group with the participation of Syutkin - “Without Mittens” and “Moscow River” - became real hits.

Last spring, he participated in one of the social projects called “Music in the Subway.” Syutkin went down to the Moscow metro and performed his hit “42 minutes underground.”

At the same time, on the site of the theater center of the shopping center “On Strastnoy”, he presented the musical one-man performance “Delight” to the public. Syutkin wrote this play himself. Of course, he also got the main role.

During the same period, the vocalist appeared at the anniversary show of the cult ballet “Todes”. Syutkin then sang the song “Handsome.”

Other projects

From time to time, Syutkin continues to present surprises to his admirers of creativity. Thus, he performed songs in duets with such musicians as L. Vaikule, M. Magomaev, A. Makarevich.

He was also a participant in the New Year's musicals "Old Songs about the Main Thing." And two years ago he appeared on the air of the program “Property of the Republic”, singing the song “Island of Bad Luck”.

In addition, he also starred in feature films. So, in 2007, he played the role of the vocalist of the ensemble in the film “Election Day”. And in 2014, in the film “Champions,” he played himself.

In family

Valery Syutkin's biography, wife, children - all this never ceases to interest his fans. The singer has three official marriages behind him.

The singer met his first wife back in the early 80s. The lovers got married, and soon they had a daughter, Elena. But their family life lasted only two years.

In the late 80s, Valery again went to the registry office with a friend of his friend. They had an heir, Maxim. However, this union also fell apart. For the sake of her son, Syutkin’s wife did not pay attention to the adventures of her unfaithful husband for a long time. And in the early 90s, the singer met eighteen-year-old Violetta from Riga and seriously fell in love.

The girl worked as a fashion model. Then she changed jobs, becoming a costume designer for the Bravo group.

How did Valery Syutkin’s personal life develop further? The performer's biography contains information that the working relationship between the young people became intimate and romantic. The singer left all his property to his wife and rented an apartment with his beloved. Soon they officially got married, and after a while, as the biography confirms, Valery Syutkin’s wife Viola gave him a daughter.


The singer’s eldest daughter Elena brilliantly graduated from an economics university and got married. In 2014, she gave birth to the charming Vasilisa, Syutkin’s granddaughter. Lena often communicates with her father.

Valery's only son Maxim is engaged in the tourism business. From time to time he sees his father. According to Syutkin, he helps him both with deeds and with advice.

The youngest daughter met her parents' expectations. She studied abroad and has already received her diploma. According to her father, she has all the prerequisites to get seriously involved in show business. But it's hard to say whether she will follow in her father's footsteps.

Now you know the biography, nationality of Valery Syutkin and even the details of his personal life. Finally, I would like to note some interesting facts:

  1. Among the performer’s favorite books are the novel “Catch 22”, “Perfume” and works by M. Bulgakov, V. Pelevin, M. Zhvanetsky, Ilf and Petrov.
  2. As a schoolboy, Valery was never considered a good boy. He was more of a bully. True, all the boys from his area were like that. Of his eight classmates, only three were not in prison.
  3. Syutkin considers himself “henpecked.” His wife does not allow him to relax at home either. According to her, he should always look elegant.
  4. Valery loves solitude. For his songs are born only when he is alone with a guitar.
  5. When the singer's parents divorced, his mother began working as a cleaner. Often young Valera himself washed the floors for her.
  6. Former “machinist” Evgeniy Margulis starred in the video for the composition about a stylish orange tie. He played the role of a photographer.

Fans and music critics call the singer “the main intellectual of domestic show business.” The peak of Valery Syutkin's popularity occurred in the first half of the 1990s, when the idol appeared on stage with the cult group "" and gathered stadiums of thousands at concerts in Russia. But the musician’s subsequent solo career turned out to be no less successful. Today Valery Miladovich is considered one of the brightest representatives of the rock and roll and jazz crowd Russian stage.

Childhood and youth

Valery was born in the capital of Russia in the spring of 1958. Father Milad Syutkin is a Permian, he built defensive structures underground and was noted during the construction of the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Later he taught at the academy where he studied. There he met his future wife. Bronislava Brzezicka is of Polish-Jewish origin. At the academy she worked as a junior researcher.

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Valery Syutkin in childhood with his mother

Valery pleased his parents with A's until he plunged headlong into rock and roll. The grades were “modest,” but at home the boy was understood. The guy learned his first tunes on the guitar and played improvised “drums” made from tin cans in an amateur rock band. Later, he mastered playing on a professional set and became a musician at the school VIA “Excited Reality”. There he learned to play the bass guitar.

The creative biography of Valery Syutkin continued after receiving his matriculation certificate. At first, after school, the guy worked as an assistant cook in a restaurant, and in the evenings he performed there for visitors.

Read also 7 Russian stars who served in the army

The future leader of Bravo performed his military service in the Far Eastern Military District, where in his free time he continued to improve his musical skills. Valery became a member of the military group "Polyot", which he "raised". Here for the first time Syutkin showed his vocal talent.

After demobilization in 1978, the musician again had to start from scratch. Valery worked as a station loader and conductor. For a year and a half, Syutkin played music in his free time from traveling and tried to get a job in one of the capital’s groups. At auditions, I had to use the legend about the correspondence education received at the Kirovsk Music School in the choral conducting department.


In the early 80s, Valery already performed as part of the Telefon ensemble, recording 5 albums with colleagues. But due to the obstacles that officials put in front of the musicians, Syutkin was forced to unite his band with the Zodchie group. The songs “Bus-86”, “Sleep, Baby” and “Time of Love”, which had previously been heard on cassettes, began to be played on radio and television, they were in rotation. “MK” included “Zodchikh” in the top 5 groups of the USSR.

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Valery Syutkin in his youth

The turning point in the performer’s career happened in 1990. Syutkin received an offer from the head of the Bravo group, Evgeniy Khavtan, Valery agreed and took the vacant position that was vacated. During his 5 years of work in a rock and roll band, the musician gained all-Union fame. He changed his repertoire, performing style and even his appearance.

The group celebrated its 10th anniversary loudly: concerts were held in major cities of Russia. Syutkin and the Bravo musicians recorded the albums “Moscow Beat” and “Road to the Clouds,” which became multi-platinum. In total, the joint discography of the band and the soloist included 5 records.

In the mid-1990s, the frontman left his colleagues: he was tired of the busy schedule. After a short intermission, the singer founded a jazz group, giving it the name “Syutkin and Co.” The team recorded 5 albums. In 2015, the star released the album “Moskvich-2015” with members of the Light Jazz group, and a year later “Olympic” appeared.

The artist still tries to surprise fans today. In 2017, he became a participant in the “Music in the Metro” campaign, performing in the passage of the capital’s metro. Syutkin became the author of the play “Delight”, which he presented at the shopping center “On Strastnoy”, playing the main and only role in it.

Personal life

The main dandy of the Russian stage is also a heartthrob. The star's passport contains 3 stamps confirming official marriages. Syutkin’s first wife was a girl whom the young musician met at the dawn of the 80s. Valery does not mention her name, not wanting to upset the woman he once loved. Their union lasted 2 years, and its “crown” was the birth of their daughter Elena.

The second time Syutkin went to the registry office in the late 80s with a girl whom he “stole” from a friend. But the romance in the relationship did not last long. For the sake of the born son Maxim and visibility family well-being the wife turned a blind eye to the adventures of her unfaithful husband.

In the early 90s, dramatic changes occurred in the musician’s personal life. His chosen one was 18-year-old Viola, who worked as a fashion model at the Riga Fashion House. She came to the Bravo team as a costume designer. For six months, the girl talked with Valery about work issues, but an unexpected kiss on tour turned the world upside down for both of them. After all, Viola was getting married, and on Syutkin’s ring finger she “sat” wedding ring.

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Valery Syutkin and his wife Viola

A couple of months later, the couple had to explain themselves to their other halves, who did not plan to separate. A scandal broke out, but Valery and Viola could no longer imagine life apart. Syutkin left his acquired property to his second wife and, together with his beloved, rented a one-room apartment. In the mid-1990s, the couple got married. Soon a daughter appeared in the family, who was named after her mother. Father tried to give youngest child excellent education. Viola Syutkina graduated from the Sorbonne.

Valery Syutkin communicates with children from previous marriages, participating in their lives. His daughter Lena gave him a charming granddaughter Vasilisa, and his son Maxim is now making a career in the tourism business.

Valery Syutkin now

In 2018, Valery Syutkin celebrated his 60th anniversary with a solo concert “Just What You Need” at Crocus City Hall. He reported this from official page V " Instagram." Colleagues and friends of the artist gathered to congratulate the birthday boy,

Valery Miladovich Syutkin is a singer and musician, who is often called the main intellectual of domestic show business. He is a former lead singer of the groups “Bravo” and “Syutkin and Co,” as well as a number of lesser-known projects: “Telephone”, “Zodchie”, “Fan-o-Man”. Currently performing with the jazz group Light Jazz.

Valery Syutkin was born on March 22, 1958 in the center of Moscow, at 16/2 Podkolokolny Lane.

Already in adulthood, Valery, who was seriously interested in history and genealogy, established that his surname was of Ural origin. “In Perm there lived such a peasant - Nikifor Syutkin. He found the largest gold bar in this region. And my other ancestor was the right hand of Peter the Great in the Urals,” said the musician.

Valery's father, Milad Aleksandrovich Syutkin, is an engineer originally from Perm, a teacher at the Military Engineering Academy named after. Kuibysheva, specialist in underground military construction. ABOUT rare name Father Valery said the following: “The family legend says that my dad was born very handsome, so my mother awarded him that name.”

The mother of the future musician, Bronislava Andreevna Brzhezidskaya, was a junior researcher at a closed military research institute, where Milad Syutkin taught. Bronislava Andreevna’s ancestors were Polish Jews, who later settled in the city of Balta, Odessa region. But Bronislava was born in Moscow.

Valery Syutkin in his youth and now

Syutkin’s parents met during dance classes. When Valery was 13 years old, the couple divorced, which became a real tragedy for the boy. The boy spent the next years of his childhood under his grandmother's care. Valery Syutkin's interest in music appeared in 1969.

The boy saw the political program “Seven Days” on TV, but its content left him indifferent. But the opening song gave him goosebumps. Then he did not yet know that they were The Beatles, but he was determined to learn to play the guitar in order to play this composition himself.

He quickly mastered the basic chords, but the guys in the yard convinced him to take over the drums, promising him a place as a drummer in the yard band. Having assembled a drum kit from scrap materials - tea cans and hat boxes - he learned to play.

Young Syutkin – the storm of women’s hearts

In the eighth grade, he, breaking all conceivable labor standards, earned his first 270 rubles as a sales consultant and bought a real drum kit. He gained experience together with the school ensemble “Excited Reality”. Over time, in addition to drums, the musician mastered the bass guitar.


After graduating from school and a short period of working as an assistant cook at the Ukraina restaurant, Syutkin joined the army. Valery had the chance to serve in a unit in the Far East, where he ended up in the military ensemble “Polyot”. At various times, many subsequently famous musicians passed through this group during their military service, for example, Alexey Glyzin.

Valery Syutkin in the army: member of the military ensemble "Polyot"

At first Syutkin was a musician, but one day the lead singer of the ensemble fell ill, and Valery was offered to replace him. It turned out that the drummer had a great voice, and he became the main soloist of “Flight”. After demobilization, Valery got a job as a loader at Belorussky railway station, and a little later became a conductor on an international train, where he worked for a year and a half.

In parallel with his main work, Valery did not stop his musical activities. To questions about education, without which those years It was impossible to get on the professional stage, the singer replied that he graduated from the Kirov Music College in absentia. His diploma listed the specialty “choral conductor”.

In 1982, Syutkin met members of the then little-known group “Telephone”, who invited him to join the team. With his assistance, Telefon became a professional touring ensemble. Together with the musicians of VIA Telefon, Valery recorded the album “Ka-Ka”, all the songs in which are connected by a single storyline– folk characters Suleiman Suleimanovich Kadyrov and Lev Abramovich Cascade.

Valery Syutkin and the Telefon group

At the beginning of 1985, VIA Telefon released its second album, Twist Cascade. Syutkin's name was mentioned for the first time on the cover of the release. However, after some time the group broke up.


After the collapse of Telefon, Syutkin instantly received an invitation to Yuri Davydov’s rock group Zodchie. Yuri Loza, a former musician of VIA Interval, who had recently joined the ensemble, called him there. The songs of Loza and Syutkin brought the previously unknown group all-Union popularity - Valery’s hits “Bus 86”, “Sleep, Baby”, “Time of Love” were in rotation on radio and TV, and the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” included “Zodchikh” in the top five the most popular groups of the Soviet Union.

In 1985, Syutkin joined Zodchi.

In 1987, Zodchie was experiencing a crisis. After a tour of the Ukrainian SSR, Yuri Loza left the group, as a result of which the group performed extremely unsuccessfully at Rock Panorama-87. In 1988, the keyboard player left the band. Work on the new album “Garbage from the Hut” proceeded sluggishly - it was released only in 1989 and was received coolly.

Against the backdrop of all the troubles, Valery decided to end his cooperation with Zodchimi. After this, the group practically ceased to exist, putting an end to the sixth and last album “Pour” (1991), recorded with vocals by Alexander Martynov. After parting with the “Architects”, Syutkin founded his own musical project - the trio “Fan-O-Man”, which existed for the next two years and became part of Mikhail Boyarsky’s troupe.

The discography of “Fan-O-Man” turned out to be meager - the only album “Grained Caviar” was released in 1989. The trio won the audience award at the international music television competition “Step to Parnassus”.


In August 1990, Valery Syutkin disbanded Fan-O-Man and moved to the rock and roll band Bravo in place of Zhanna Aguzarova at the invitation of the group leader, guitarist and composer Evgeniy Khavtan.

Valery Syutkin and Evgeniy Khavtan, 1990

The first time working in the team was marked by a debate about Syutkin’s hairstyle. At that time, Valery had unbridled hair, which absolutely did not fit with the “stylish” image of the group. The controversy over Syutkin’s hairstyle did not subside for quite some time, and, in the end, the frontman was forced to give in and bring his hair in line with “rock and roll standards.”

Work began on recording the album “Hipsters from Moscow,” which was released the same year and turned out to be quite motley. It must be said that after Aguzarova’s departure, Bravo experienced a lull. Suddenly, the song “Vasya”, recorded jointly by Syutkin and Khavtan, “shot out”. The video of the same name cost the group mere pennies, but it blew up all the music charts of those years.

Some of the songs included in the new album were recorded with Zhanna - these are the compositions “I’m sad and easy”, “King Orange Summer”, “Good evening, Moscow!”, “Fast train”, “Star Shake”. For these songs, Syutkin re-recorded the vocal parts, which were overdubbed onto the finished material.

Syutkin breathed new life into the group

Other songs were new and were already written by Syutkin and Khavtan - the iconic “Vasya”, as well as “Hold on, dude” and “Girl of sixteen years old”. In addition, Valery offered the group a song of his own composition - “I am what you need”, which later became one of the main hits of the group.

On August 25, 1990, the group successfully debuted with a new lineup on the television project “Morning Mail”. With the arrival of Syutkin, Bravo gained unprecedented fame. The group's image, built entirely on the attributes of the dudes subculture, suddenly provided the group with nationwide popularity. Ties became the key symbol of the Bravo group of that period, following the release of the song “Stylish Orange Tie,” which became a kind of anthem for Russian dudes.

From 1990 to 1995 Syutkin was part of the Bravo group

The peak of the ensemble's popularity came in 1993-1994. “Bravo” celebrated the decade in a big way with grandiose anniversary concerts, gathering packed stadiums all over former USSR. With the participation of Syutkin, the team released two more albums: “Moscow Beat”, “Road to the Clouds”, as well as a recording of the “Live in Moscow” concert. All records with Syutkin’s participation received multi-platinum status (in Russia, to achieve it, you need to sell 150 thousand copies of the album).


In 1995, Valery Syutkin left Bravo. The decision was influenced by both the moral and physical exhaustion of the musician - the band gave a lot of concerts, maintaining the high standard of people's favorites. But main reason there was a different vision of the future of the group. Khavtan realized that he no longer identified himself with the lyrical stylish hero so beloved by the public. Syutkin wanted to move in the same direction further. Having encountered rejection of this position, he created his own jazz group, Syutkin and Co.

In the same year, the hit “7000 above the ground” from the debut album of the new group “What You Need” was recognized as the best hit of the year. Syutkin delighted the audience with his solo compositions. Likewise in duets with Andrei Makarevich, Laima Vaikule, Muslim Magomaev.

In 2005, the singer changed musical accompaniment. From now on the group was called “Syutkin rock and roll band”.

Valery Syutkin and rock and roll band

In March 2008, Valery Syutkin was recognized as an Honored Artist of Russia. OTHER PROJECTS Syutkin is a fairly frequent guest on television. In 2001, the musical television game “Two Pianos” appeared on the RTR channel, the host of which was Valery. In 2006, Valery, together with figure skater Irina Lobacheva, took part in the TV show “Stars on Ice”, starred in one of the parts of the popular New Year’s TV musical “Old Songs about the Main Thing”, and also made a cameo in the film “Election Day” by Quartet I.

Valery Syutkin in the film “Election Day”

It is worth noting that Syutkin took part in the cultural program of the 1988, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012 Olympic Games.


Valery Syutkin, idol of millions Russian women, was married three times.

Syutkin doesn’t like to talk about his first two wives

Little is known about the singer’s first marriage. Valery Syutkin met his first wife in the early 80s. As often happens, the youthful fervor quickly dried up - two years later the couple divorced. A reminder of Syutkin’s first serious love is his daughter Elena, a graduate of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. In 2014, she gave Valery her granddaughter Vasilisa.

Syutkin’s second wife was his girlfriend good friend. The singer also prefers not to advertise her name. Alas, this relationship also did not stand the test of time. The reason for this is the musician’s love for the opposite sex. “I allowed myself a lot then that I don’t want to allow myself now,” said Syutkin. Even his son Maxim, born in 1987, did not turn Valery into a respectable father of the family. The wife knew about her husband’s adventures, but turned a blind eye for the sake of her son and the financial well-being of the family.

In 1992, Valery became interested in an 18-year-old Bravo costume designer named Violetta. And - unexpectedly for myself - I fell head over heels in love. Over time, their relationship grew from friendly to intimate romantic, despite the fact that the girl was in full swing preparing for a wedding with another young man.

Valery Syutkin with his wife Violetta

In 1994, Valery and Violetta got married. Two years later, their beloved baby Viola was born. “I’ll come back from a tour and rush to my daughter with hugs: “My little leopard, my bird, my sunshine, Violusya,” the musician once shared his touching memories.

Valery Syutkin's youngest daughter Viola

Syutkin’s youngest daughter graduated from college in Switzerland, and in 2014 she entered the American University in Paris. Also in 2014, the singer’s name was often mentioned in the press in connection with the scandal. Syutkin filed a complaint against the Lurkmore portal, where his photograph was posted in the context of the joke “Hit a woman in... [the face].”

Moreover, his mother told Syutkin about how his photograph was being distributed on the Internet. Why the intelligent and peaceful Syutkin became the reason for jokes of this nature is unknown. Perhaps it is his character that is diametrically opposed to this call that is to blame.


Since 2015, Valery Syutkin has been performing with the Light Jazz group. As part of the collaboration, he released the albums “Moskvich 2015” and “Olympic”. The musician also collaborates with the group “Romario” - their joint videos “Moscow River” and “Without Mittens” became real hits in 2016.

In the spring of 2017, the musician took part in social project"Music in the subway." Moscow metro passengers were shocked when they saw Syutkin performing in the lobby of the Borovitskaya station. He played his hit song “42 Minutes Underground.”

The Soviet era knows several examples of soloists and groups that became popular for their time. Valery Miladovich Syutkin has become one of those singers who successfully combines a solo career and performing as part of a group. Over the years, he and his team have not only earned the recognition of fans, but continue to delight them to this day.

A star is born

The musician's biography contains a lot interesting facts. Born on March 22, 1958 in Moscow, Valery Syutkin, it seems, knew from childhood what he would do in life. He could follow in the footsteps of his father, a teacher at the Military Engineering Academy. But from his school years he realized that his main passion was music, despite the fact that none of his relatives had anything to do with it.

The first lessons in the early 70s led to several amateur groups, in which Valery Syutkin participated as a drummer or guitarist. The rock direction and its representatives such as Smokie, The Beatles and Deep Purple, designated a genre affiliation that it would adhere to throughout its history. creative activity. Before being sent to the army, he worked as an assistant cook in one of the restaurants, and while serving in the Far East, he performed in the Polet ensemble, where Alexey Glyzin also made his mark at one time.

First serious performances and frivolous work

The desire to try myself as a singer appeared by chance. We had to replace the sick soloist, which Valery Syutkin did excellently. The first touring group was the Telefon group, which has a cycle of folk songs and several albums in its repertoire, including one concert album, recorded in Vladivostok. In his free time, the singer lived on additional earnings - first he was a loader at the Belorussky railway station, and then a conductor.

Having existed for a short time, “Telephone” disbanded, and it was replaced by “Zodchie”, in which Yuri Loza already worked. In 1989, the trio “Fan-o-man” followed, recording the only album “Grained Caviar”. Failures also plagued this group, from which Syutkin went straight to Mikhail Boyarsky’s team, and from there, at the invitation of composer Evgeniy Khavtan, he ended up in “Bravo”, replacing Zhanna Aguzarova.

Perhaps this is the most famous group in which Syutkin performed until 1995. During this period, Valery is looking closely at creating his own unique style, in which he will begin to work solo. The singer was one of the first to introduce the slang “hipsters” to the public, taking American music of the 50s as a model. The debut album “Bravo” was called “Hipsters from Moscow”.

other hobbies

And again Syutkin leaves the group. In 1995, Valery organized a new band, “Syutkin and Co,” where he became its leader. He still performs with the group now. The composition “7000 Above the Ground” from the first album is awarded as the best hit of the year.

“Syutkin and Co” releases 8 albums, the last one, “Kiss Slowly,” dates back to 2012. In 2008, for his services in the field of art, the singer received the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Valery Syutkin, whose biography also includes other incarnations, is not limited to music alone. So, he accepts an offer from Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M. A. Sholokhov and becomes a professor in the vocal department. In addition, the singer participated in the humorous program “Mask Show” and the television game “Russian Roulette”, was the host of the musical television projects “Two Pianos” and “With a Light Genre!”, as an actor he performed in “Old Songs about the Main Thing-2” and “Election Day”, in which he appeared as a soloist of the ensemble “Oliver Twist”. Together with the figure skater, he participated in the “Stars on Ice” show, and was also a member of the jury of the “Muses of the World” competition. In 2014, he became an ambassador for the Winter Olympics in Sochi.

For his many years of dedication to music and his unique style, Valery Syutkin did not go without awards. In his piggy bank there is a “Golden Gramophone”, received in 2009 and 2012.

Personal happiness

Syutkin was married three times. He and his wife Violetta have been together for more than 20 years. The girl worked as a costume designer in a group and at first refused the persistent musician. According to the singer, he always tried to look after him beautifully in order to leave the right impression of himself. From previous marriages, Syutkin has children Elena and Maxim, and from his marriage to Viola, he has a daughter, also named Violetta.

Syutkin Valery Miladovich (b. 1958) is a Russian musician, composer and lyricist, performer, former soloist of the musical groups “Bravo” and “Syutkin and Co.” Since 2008, he has the title of Honored Artist of Russia. At the Moscow State humanitarian university named after Sholokhov teaches at the vocal department, artistic director variety department. Since 2016, he has been a member of the Authors' Council of RAO.


His mother, Bronislava Andreevna (maiden name Brzhevitskaya), was born in Moscow. And my maternal grandmother came to the capital from the city of Balta, Odessa region. Valery calls her from Odessa and believes that it was from his mother’s side that he got his innate sense of humor. Syutkin had never seen Grandfather in his life, but given his last name, Brzhevitsky, he belonged to the indigenous Polish Jews. Mom worked at a military closed radio engineering research institute as a junior researcher.

Dad, Milad Aleksandrovich Syutkin, born in 1929, was from Perm. IN hometown He graduated from the technical school with honors and was sent to Moscow for further education. In the capital, he graduated from the Kuibyshev Military Engineering Academy. After studying, he was offered to take up teaching at the academy, and his father agreed, and so he became a Muscovite. Milad Aleksandrovich was a first-class specialist in military underground construction. During the Vietnam War, he went on a business trip to this country, where he built underground structures. My father also took part in the construction of Baikonur.

Syutkin’s parents met at a dance club where the teachers were dancers from Igor Moiseev’s group. Mom and dad worked a lot, so Valery’s childhood years were spent under his grandmother’s supervision.

Introduction to music

His conscious acquaintance with music occurred at the age of eleven, and Valera remembered this moment very well. Some central television channel showed the political review “Seven Days,” hosted by Valentin Zorin. A screensaver appeared on the screen, where the Brooklyn Bridge was depicted, and music played. Little Valera had just entered the room at that moment, and the melody he heard from the TV gave him goosebumps. The boy then told his parents: “I will grow up and definitely learn to play this song on the guitar.” Then he did not yet know that it was a melody by The Beatles.

Valera began learning to play the guitar. But the boys from the yard (mostly they were two or three years older than him) said that it was in vain that he became interested in the guitar, it would be better to join their group and play in the evenings at dances. They just didn't have a drummer. Syutkin listened to his older comrades, put the guitar aside and began to learn to play the drums on his own. His practice drum set turned out to be huge hat boxes made of thick cardboard and metal cans of Indian coffee. This is how he ended up in his first musical group, playing on a kit assembled from pioneer drums. And Syutkin’s first listeners were Moscow youth on the dance floors of the Khitrovka district.

His parents were not against his hobby, because the Moscow district of Khitrovka was famous for hooligan punks. Around Valery they played cards, and petty crimes were committed, not to mention constant fights. But there was an unspoken law: musicians who play at dances are not beaten. And at least for this, my mother was calm and confident that her son would not come home with a bloody nose.

The initial goal of Valerina’s passion for music is to please the opposite sex. It is known that in adolescence, when hormones begin to play, any guy wants to impress girls. To do this you had to be an athlete, or very smart and well-read, or a musician. Moreover, the latter were valued more, because they could play rock and rock and roll, which were prohibited in those days, on guitars.

School years

When Valera was thirteen years old, his parents divorced. For the young man, this was a heavy blow, and only music saved him. Now he himself admits that, if not for this hobby, he could have gone down the hooligan path. Although he did not grow up as a cocky boy, on the contrary, he tried to act as a peacemaker in all courtyard conflicts.

In 1973, after the eighth grade, during the summer holidays Valery worked part-time in the Svet store as a salesman and consultant. According to labor laws, the teenager could not work yet. But my mother’s friend, who was a salesperson in this store, agreed with her management that her boyfriend Valera would work for her all summer, and she and her beloved man went to Crimea.

Syutkin showed and told customers how vacuum cleaners work. Over the three summer months, he earned astronomical money for his age - 270 rubles. With this salary he bought himself a real drum kit. In those days it was not easy to do this, Valera went to a store on Neglinka opposite the Central Department Store, where he was introduced to very famous Moscow speculators. The guy bought some old and battered Czech drums from them and started cutting up the Led Zeppelin repertoire on them.

Music captured him completely, Syutkin even began to skip school, although he studied very well until the eighth grade. In literature and other humanitarian subjects, it was still possible to somehow get out of it by reading the books, and Valery always read a lot. But in the exact sciences, such as physics and mathematics, performance has decreased. At the time of graduation, Valery had four “C” marks on his certificate.

The beginning of a creative journey

After Valera got a drum set, he never took money from his parents again in his life. He played at dances all the time, and not only at Khitrovka, their musical group began to be invited to nearby areas of Moscow. His passion for music brought him good income, but it was not a profession. Artists, poets and musicians were called free at that time. In order not to be considered a parasite, Syutkin had to get a job and receive a work book with official records, among which he has many jobs and professions - bartender, janitor, loader at the Belorussky station, train conductor, assistant cook at the "Ukraine" restaurant.

In 1976, Valery was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet armed forces. He ended up in the Far East in the air force and served as an aircraft mechanic. During the hours when he was not busy at the airfield, he played and sang in the Polet ensemble.

Returning from the army, Syutkin created a new musical group, which was given the name “Telephone”. They worked underground for about three years, and in 1982 they became a professional rock band.

The musicians performed compositions in the style of reggae, twist and rock and roll. Feuilleton songs that ridiculed everyday troubles and problems became their calling card:

  • “Bon Appetit” about food in public catering and Soviet canteens;
  • “The Ballad of Public Transport,” about constant bus crushes;
  • “Know Ours” is about the defeats of the Soviet football team.

The Telefon group performed under the patronage of the Philharmonic, toured a lot, and released several discs (“Ka-ka”, “Concert in Vladivostok”, “Twist-Cascade”).

In 1985, the group broke up, and Valery moved to the Zodchie group, where he was invited by singer and guitarist Yuri Loza. In 1986, the group was one of the five most popular musical groups in the Soviet Union. And already from the following 1987, after an unsuccessful performance at the Rock-Panorama 87 festival, fermentation began in Zodchikh. In 1989, Syutkin also left the group.

Valery created new project"Fan-O-Man", but it was not successful.


In the summer of 1990, guitarist and leader of the Bravo group Evgeniy Khavtan invited Valery to his team. Up to this point, they had been looking for a permanent vocalist for a very long time. True, they immediately had some disagreements about Valerina’s hairstyle; he had quite an impressive head of hair, and it did not fit in with the image of a dude. In the end, Valera adjusted his hair to rock and roll standards.

The first song performed by the Bravo group in the updated line-up was the composition “Vasya”, which launched a new round of popularity for the group. And Valery first showed himself as the author of the text.

Following “Vasya”, the following musical compositions were performed and quickly gained popularity:

  • “Hold on, dude!”;
  • "Girl of sixteen";
  • “I am what you need”;
  • "King Orange Summer";
  • “I feel sad and easy”;
  • “Good evening, Moscow!”;
  • "Star Shake";
  • "Express train".

And new wave popularity began with the famous Soviet hit of the 60s “Black Cat”. All these songs were included in the first disc of the group “Hipsters from Moscow”.

The resounding success of the new group “Bravo” was associated with the romantic image of the dudes: wide trousers and a spacious jacket, in which it would be comfortable to dance, tinted glasses, many multi-colored badges and, of course, a stylish orange tie; an entire song was dedicated to him, which became a hit .

In 1993, a new disc of the group called “Moscow Beat” was released. It included both slow compositions (“That’s All”, “Lunatic”, “What a Pity”), which were distinguished by their elegance and lightness, and fiery melodies for dancing (“Space Rock and Roll”, “Polar Twist”) .

Solo career

In 1995, Valery left Bravo and began a solo career, creating a new group, Syutkin and Co. They released albums:

  • “Just what you need” (1995);
  • "Night Road Radio" (1996);
  • “Not everything” (1998);
  • "004" (2000).

In 1995 musical composition“7,000 Above the Earth” was recognized as the best hit of the year, Syutkin received the professional “Star” award.

In 2004, Valery slightly updated the band, expanding the composition and changing the name to “Syutkin rock and roll band”.

Two of his songs (“Minibus” and “Moscow-Neva”) brought the singer awards - the Golden Gramophone.

Off stage

Valery looks very young, although according to the singer himself, everything with him is according to his age, and in some places it hurts, and in some places he plays pranks. It’s just that, according to Syutkin, over the years a person’s character traits appear on his face. And since Valery has a very light, cheerful and good-natured character, his face is not burdened with worries and problems, due to which it seems young and fresh.

Syutkin can often be seen on Russian television:

  • He was the host of the music programs “A Hit Again” (Culture Channel) and “Two Pianos” (RTR).
  • In 2006, he started skating and took part in the Channel One show “Stars on Ice”, his partner was figure skater Irina Lobacheva.
  • Since 2016, he has been the host of the entertainment music program of the Russia-1 channel “Saturday Evening”.

Valery does not accept communication on the Internet; he uses it to view posters and news. He reads a lot. Among his favorite books he names:

  • novel American writer Joseph Heller's "Catch 22";
  • the novel “Perfume” by German playwright Patrick Suskind;
  • works by the American satirist Kurt Vonnegut and the Brazilian prose writer Paulo Coelho.

Among domestic writers loves Mikhail Bulgakov and Viktor Pelevin most of all. Already as an adult I re-read Turgenev and Dostoevsky, because at one time school program I lost my love for Russian literature. She loves all the works of Ilf and Petrov, Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

If he has little work and concerts, the singer devotes this time to travel. He tries to live for today and enjoy life, focuses not on material, but on personal values ​​- family and soul. His main life goals are to work, have fun, enjoy every day and raise children.

Personal life

The singer was married three times. From the first marital relationship in 1980, a daughter, Elena, was born, who in 2014 made Valery a grandfather, giving her granddaughter Vasilisa.
In his second marriage in 1987, Syutkin had a son, Maxim, who is engaged in the tourism business.

In 1993, Valery met his third wife, Viola, who came to the Bravo group to work as a costume designer. She is seventeen years younger than Syutkin, but the age difference did not prevent their marriage from becoming happy and long.

In 1996, Valery and Viola had a girl, who was given exactly the same name as her mother. The singer jokes that since then complete violence has reigned in his house. The daughter has already graduated from college in Switzerland and is now studying at the American University in Paris.



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