Why is willpower needed and how can you develop it? Why is willpower needed and how can it be developed? Why is willpower necessary for a person?

Why is willpower needed and how can you develop it? Why is willpower needed and how can it be developed? Why is willpower necessary for a person?


Will - this is an internal unprecedented force with the help of which a person knows how to achieve (goals) and get what he wants. When, wanting something, a person knows how to force himself to do something difficult, then they say that he has willpower (strong will).

Why does a person need will?

With the help of a strong will, a person can work and study tirelessly for a long time in order to get what he needs (achieve what he wants). Having the will, a person purposefully achieves his plans and easily overcomes (wins) difficulties. Will helps a person to own and control himself and his actions.

* Swallow bitter medicine, read a book, collect scattered toys, force yourself to sit down and do all your homework without getting up - everything requires will.

The will is tempered only in deeds and work, and grows with overcoming difficulties.

Will without deeds and labor (not supported by deeds) does not grow or strengthen. Desires and words alone, without labor and effort, cannot strengthen the will. The more often you force yourself to do difficult and unpleasant, but necessary, the stronger your will becomes.

The direction of the will towards good and evil.

If a person uses his willpower for good purposes, then his will becomes good. And if the will is directed by a person to fulfill a bad desire, then it becomes evil.

* The boy stubbornly shoots with a slingshot for an hour, wanting to hit a nest in a tree. He gathered all his willpower in order to make his bad wish come true, which means that his will, which helps him act for a long time without getting tired and patiently waits for a hit, is evil.

U different people willpower varies.

* Some people have the willpower to sit and do homework for three hours straight without a break, while others cannot stand it for even five minutes, jump up and start playing or doing something enjoyable. One can muster all the willpower and anoint his own wound with iodine, while another cannot even find the willpower to wash his face with cold water in the morning. To become a strong person, you also need will. Everyone does gymnastics, but one person can force himself to do many exercises every day for several years, while another quickly gets tired and quits after a few days.

Additionally:To excite the will, first of all, you need to skillfully motivate goals and objectives so that the desire becomes conscious and colored by mental creativity. Subsequently, willpower grows, relying on collected thinking, focused on ardent desire, inspired by faith in oneself and in the ultimate success of the plan. Imagination plays a significant role in the sustainable action of the will.

How some Lilliputians became gnomes

Sometimes in deep impenetrable forests, far from roads where no human has gone before, you can still meet little gnomes who can work miracles. They can fly, fall through the ground, become invisible and suddenly appear in different places. But this tale is not about miracles, but about how the gnomes were able to become more powerful and wiser than man, and how they learned magic that ordinary people cannot do.

Previously, gnomes were simply Lilliputians, little men in greenish clothes and the size of a matchstick, which you would not immediately notice in the grass. Some people who went far into the forest mistook them in the grass for ordinary green grasshoppers and therefore did not even try to look closely and take a closer look at the Lilliputians.

It was too hard and difficult for the Lilliputians to live in the forest; they constantly had to encounter many difficulties and troubles in their lives. This is a man stepping over a hundred blades of grass, and with the Lilliputians one had to go around every blade of grass, through every twig or twig, as if through a thick log. What is a mosquito to a person? Once, and slammed it. And each Lilliputian had to carry a heavy Christmas tree needle with him everywhere, so that in case of danger he could use it to brush away mosquitoes, which for the Lilliputian looked more like buzzing eagles. What about the rain? Have you ever been in the rain where every drop is the size of a bucket? No? And for the Lilliputians, every drop was like a bucket of water. If such a drop falls from the sky on your head, it won’t seem like much. It was also difficult for the Lilliputians to add food to themselves. The man took and plucked an apple from the tree, and the Lilliputians had to climb for an apple for a whole week with a saw, spend the night on branches along the way and build huts from leaves. And at the same time, an ant or some kind of beetle could suddenly jump up, tear clothes or steal a shoe. Do you understand now how hard and hard life was for the Lilliputians? But they have long been accustomed to all this and much more. There was just one thing they couldn't get used to. Moreover, the animals and birds, running through the forest, did not notice the Lilliputians at all and could at any moment crush any of them and take their lives. Have you ever walked among a passing herd of elephants? Didn't you really have to? Well, then, that means you will never understand what it was like for the Lilliputians every day in their native forest among huge birds and animals.

In the end, the Lilliputians got tired of living like this. They realized that in order to survive among the huge animals, they needed to learn wise knowledge and some kind of magic. For a long time they prayed to the sun and asked for the stars. And then one day on a distant purple star their prayers were heard, and soon a guest flew to them from the star - a little fairy with purple wings.

The fairy knew a lot of things that not only Lilliputians, but also people cannot imagine. She could become invisible, fly through trees and the ground, instantly appear in different places and control her thoughts, control any animals. The fairy could do many other miracles, and at the request of the Lilliputians, she decided to teach them wise knowledge and a little magic. At first, all the Lilliputians were happy, because every single one of them wanted to learn magic. It turned out that magic, like everything else in the world, takes a long time to learn, because as soon as it came to difficult and long study, many Lilliputians became disappointed and afraid. Every day from morning until late evening I had to read smart books, listen to fairy lessons and train for a long time, doing hard exercises. Those Lilliputians who did not have willpower and who could not force themselves to do difficult and boring things very quickly stopped studying. They only liked to play and walk, they liked what was pleasant and easy. After a month, the fairy had very few students left, but they had a strong will. They were persistent in training, persistent in their studies, and determined to master knowledge and wonders. And now ten years of constant daily study have passed. All the fairy's students who had the willpower to complete their studies also became wizards and began to be called gnomes.

The fairy left the earth a long time ago, flying to her violet star. Now you will no longer find Lilliputians anywhere in the forest, they were unable to survive, they simply disappeared. But in remote, deserted places you can sometimes meet gnome wizards who were saved from death thanks to their strong will and great desire to overcome the difficult science of magic.

Questions for discussion with children

[?] – Why didn’t the Lilliputians live to this day? (They did not have the willpower to study and overcome the difficult science of magic).

If the will is very small, then what is it enough for? (Do only pleasant and easy activities).

How did the gnomes finish their studies, become wizards and survive?

Is your will inside strong or weak, can you do something difficult or unpleasant? For example, tidy up your toys, do extra unassigned homework, read a book instead of playing in the yard?

How to develop willpower and why it is so important to do this - you will find answers to all these questions in this article. There are many definitions for willpower. My definition is the following. Willpower is a measure of an individual’s ability to realize his intentions, dictated by considerations of reasonable planning, despite momentary impulses (desires, habits, weaknesses, emotions, fears, etc.).

For the task developing willpower ideally suited are those methods that, in their main purpose, serve completely different purposes, but indirectly contribute to the development of the above-mentioned quality.

This may seem like a complex, cumbersome definition, but in fact, if you look at specific examples, it becomes clear what I'm talking about.


Why is willpower needed?

But before, I ate meat for breakfast, lunch and dinner and could not imagine a different order of things.

I am not a passionate animal advocate or a fanatical preacher of a healthy lifestyle. I don’t eat meat because it’s easy for me to do; it’s not difficult for me to deny myself this pleasure, for the sake of healthy eating principles and just for the sake of experimentation. Because I trained myself to say no to my body and say yes to my mind.

The pleasure of eating meat is not a significant criterion for me to eat it if I am pursuing some long-term goals. It’s easy for me to refuse the pleasure that alcohol brings, I can get up early and do exercises, no matter how much I like it. This is not a big difficulty for me, my body listens to me.

Are our body's desires really that important?

Some of you who are now reading this article may think that denying yourself some pleasure every day is incredibly difficult. This is wrong. In order to refute this belief, I described my experience.

Now, to many of you, the small pleasures of the body may seem significant and big. You may think that you can't live without your habits. I assure you, this is an illusion.
As a child, I thought that driving a car and, at the same time, navigating the city was very difficult. Now I can easily drive a car and know where to go and where to turn.

Once you educate your body, all its desires will no longer be so significant and important. Do not think that I am preaching some kind of monastic lifestyle, calling for getting rid of attachment to the body and becoming a pure spirit. This is impossible. I just want you to become masters of your body, not slaves to it.

This is great happiness and freedom, I assure you.


Willpower is like a muscle; to develop it, you need to exercise it regularly. Every time you act contrary to your momentary desires, this muscle grows and strengthens. Once you stop doing this, the muscle becomes flabby and weak.

Start small

This is the motto of my site - “start small.” If this is your first time going to Gym, then you will not lift a heavy barbell, because in this case you will strain yourself and abandon this sport.

It's better to start with light exercises. The muscles should slowly get used to the load if you haven’t stressed them much before. You don’t need to strive to achieve everything at once. Start with something easy.

The following tips will help you move in the right direction.

Do not try to immediately implement all the recommendations that you will see below! It is very difficult for an unprepared person to do this. Therefore, adequately assess your own capabilities.

Implement these principles in your life gradually, starting with one thing. For example, introduce morning exercises into your daily routine, for starters. Try to meditate every day, at least for 10 minutes. Then move on to try the other tips when you're ready.

Organize your daily routine

Start getting up early

You don't need to sleep until you stop. Try to get up at the same time every day. Your day begins with waking up, if you follow the lead of your body and continue to sleep, then the will muscle is not set in motion and does not warm up.

If you start to feel lazy when you wake up, then throughout the day it is much more difficult to force yourself to do something.

But if you make an effort and force yourself to get up, even if your body desperately resists, you are using your will, stretching this “muscle” at the very beginning of the day. This will make any activity you do on this day easier and more productive. Physical activity it goes much easier if you have stretched all your muscles in the morning. The same thing happens with willpower. We need to tone this muscle.

The sleep-wake schedule is not only an element of discipline, it is very beneficial for health.

Plan your affairs and follow the plan

Train yourself to follow the plan. Set yourself daily, weekly, monthly or open-ended goals and meet them. For example: write a 3,000 word article on self-development today, finish reading this book to the end, read one book a month, wash the dishes after every meal, clean out your hard drive monthly, etc.

So that you are not tempted to come up with a reason not to do something, then make it a rule that the thing must be done anyway and the plan must not be violated.
For example, if you plan to jog three times a week, you can distribute the activities throughout the days as convenient for you, the only requirement is that the plan must be completed by the end of the week.

If you have never run today, and today is already Sunday, you will have to run three times that day.

Don't put it off until later

If you don’t have any objective reasons for not doing what you promised yourself to do, do it. Even if you are lazy and don’t want to, still keep your promise, learn to step over your “I don’t want to.” Develop your will muscle.

It's better to do something while you can now. Who knows what will happen next? We don't know how to look into the future. What if there are a lot of things to do, and then we won’t have time to do anything at all? If you do everything on time, life becomes much more comfortable and the burden of unfinished business does not put pressure on the psyche. I know this from myself.

Play sports

Sport perfectly disciplines and develops willpower, because physical exercise is a constant overcoming of laziness and body resistance. During each lesson you have to step over yourself, through muscle fatigue and discomfort.

Many people don't exercise: because they lack willpower. But this is a self-contained process. It takes physical strength to lift a barbell 100 times in a row, but if you lift that barbell every day, your strength will increase and sooner or later you will do 100 lifts.

If you are not yet involved in sports, then start doing simple exercises in the morning. These exercises should follow a routine, for example, doing exercises 5 times a week.

Exercises in the morning can tone the “will muscle”. If you do exercises, then throughout the day it will be easier for you to fight temptations and do what you planned.

Do less nonsense

Limit the time you spend doing mindless, mind-numbing activities like watching TV shows or working on. Read more fiction and educational literature, spend time outdoors. Develop yourself, improve your skills, learn new things from books and other sources.

Make promises to yourself and keep them

Turn “must” into “I give you my word.” For example, you think, “I need to clean the house.” Has it often happened to you that things didn’t go further than this thought? You have been suffering from nonsense all day, and you still haven’t put the house in order, despite the fact that you thought it would be nice to do this. Therefore, turn “must” into “I give my word” or “I promise.” “I promise to clean up the apartment by the end of the day!” Let keeping your promise become a matter of honor for you. Promises help maintain self-discipline.

Turn any intention you have into a promise. Have you decided that you spend a lot of time in front of the computer? Stop berating yourself for this! Better promise yourself not to surf the Internet in the evening at home after work!

Maintain hygiene and keep your surroundings tidy

Hygiene is also an element of discipline that is subject to strict routines. Brush your teeth twice a day, wash, bathe and shave regularly. (I hope everyone does this, I wrote this just in case)

Keep your home and work place tidy. Clean up, wash the dishes, clean the furniture. Organize your desk drawers and your computer's hard drive. Delete unnecessary files from folders, get rid of inactive contacts in your QIP or Skype list, clean your email from spam. Create a logical directory structure on your computer.

Contain your gastronomic weaknesses

Eat at fast foods less often. Learn to cook. Eat more healthy foods. Try cooking nutritious and tasty dish for a meat-free dinner at least once a week. This experience may be new and interesting for you.

Eliminate, at least partially, sausages and other nasty things from your diet. Read articles about healthy eating and try to follow the recommendations given there.

If you eat a lot and have problems with excess weight, eat less. Learn to tolerate mild hunger. In this case, organize a nutritional routine and follow it. Eat three meals a day and do not eat anything in between.

Work on breaking bad habits

Smoke less, or better yet, quit altogether. Every cigarette, every bottle of beer is a little weakness. These weaknesses lead to degradation of will and triumph lower needs over our mind.

Practice meditation

You can start developing willpower with meditation. Incorporate this practice into your daily routine. Meditation helps you relax and put your thoughts in order. With practice, you can learn to control your emotions and your body.

It was meditation that gave a significant impetus to my personal development. At the time when I first started meditating, I drank, smoked, did not exercise, and could not plan my tasks and get things done. All this came later, but it all began with meditation.

This practice is very good for discipline, since the classes imply a strict routine: you must meditate twice a day to achieve the desired effect. You should put aside all your affairs and sit in one position until the end of the session and try to keep your attention with one thing. If attention wanders to the side, you return it to the starting point. This is a great workout for willpower.

In Kelly McGonigal's book it is written that Scientific research found that meditation increases gray matter content in the prefrontal cortex. It is this area of ​​the brain that is responsible for willpower, while impulsive decisions are controlled by the central part of it.

“Over time, their [meditators’] brain begins to work like a well-oiled machine of will,” says the author of the book. And indeed it is. It was regular meditation that helped me strengthen my willpower when I lacked it so much. For me, it all started with this practice, and then everything else followed: sports, giving up cigarettes and alcohol, and discipline. Meditation has turned me, a lazy and disorganized person, into a more collected and disciplined person.

Even one single session of meditation can charge you with a “reserve of willpower” for the rest of the day. I noticed that if I don't meditate in the morning, my “willpower muscle” will not be in good shape. Then things will be difficult and with resistance, and it will be difficult for me to overcome temptations and temptations. But when I meditate and do exercises in the morning, I turn my willpower into tone and into full readiness. Things are going easy, and plans are being fulfilled!

This is far from the best difficult exercise, but extremely effective. In my opinion, meditation is the best and most effective way to develop willpower. I recommend starting with it. You can find out about this from the article at the link.

Don't hesitate, start taking action tomorrow!

Start working on developing willpower tomorrow: get up half an hour early and do some exercises! After this, tell yourself that from now on you will get up half an hour earlier every morning and do the exercises. After that, go to the bookstore and buy yourself a good, educational book, and start reading it.

Let this be your first step towards developing willpower.

I read somewhere that walking on two legs is a very difficult task for the brain. When you walk, you are in a permanent state of controlled fall, your brain sends a huge number of signals to keep your body balanced.

This is why it is so difficult to teach a robot to walk on two legs, so far, as far as I know, this is an impossible task for science. Nature solved this problem long ago.

Willpower also protects you from falling into the abyss of depravity and laziness. While you are awake, thousands of small desires attack your brain, and you risk deviating from the intended course, falling halfway: “sleep more,” “do it later,” “you won’t be able to, it’s very hard,” “stop and take a break, work won’t do.” will leave”, etc.

Movement towards the goal is a constant controlled fall. The less you fall, the sooner you achieve what you want. But once you start constantly falling off your feet, your fragile balance will turn into an eternal fall to God knows where...

Our personality is a garden, and our will is its gardener. (W. Shakespeare)

Willpower is one of the fundamental character traits of a modern business person. Moreover, many believe that willpower is character. It’s not for nothing that there is an expression “strong character”, which is usually applied to a person with great willpower. This suggests that the degree of development of willpower is a very important indicator, work on which must be carried out constantly.

In reality, it often happens differently. For example, many people who decide to quit smoking or give up sweets, but having failed to achieve these goals, say with relief: “Well, I don’t have the willpower!” But this is not true, since everyone has willpower, it’s just that not everyone uses it and strives to develop it. After all, these same people are quite capable of forcing themselves to get up for work and work conscientiously for quite a long period of time. And every day.

A person who wants to achieve certain heights in his life, create a career, and develop willpower is simply necessary. After all, in order to find mutual language with others, to restrain your emotions and often unnecessary criticism, you definitely need willpower. It is also needed in order to survive the temporary setbacks that happen in everyone’s life. A weak person will never achieve much if he constantly indulges himself.

A person who is able to force himself to work, despite any troubles, who knows how to avoid conflicts with his superiors and establish relationships in a team thanks to his restrained character, is highly valued and has universal respect. But in order to become so in the eyes of others, you must have enormous willpower. Well-developed willpower is also useful in solving everyday problems and overcoming all kinds of obstacles.

In what ways can you develop willpower? Let me give you a few simple rules.

Rule #1. Do what you least want to do.
When you don’t feel like doing something, but nevertheless need to do the work, remember this rule. Always force yourself to do things you don't want to do. Remember that only laziness prevents us from coping with one or another impossible task. After all, in fact, any person can do more than he imagines. The fulfillment of these tasks is counteracted by natural laziness and lack of self-confidence. A strong person is able to pull himself together, believe and overcome this laziness.

If you fail to believe in yourself, try to suppress laziness with perseverance. Bring yourself to a state of torture in the fight against it. After your first victories, you will definitely feel changes in yourself. Subsequently, such a struggle will not require such noticeable efforts.

To develop character, it is very useful to engage in any sport. Personally, I can recommend the lungs morning jogging at a slow pace. Running is an excellent way to develop willpower, from overcoming a daily reluctance to get up earlier than usual to overcoming a certain psychological barrier in front of other people.

Don't be afraid to be a black sheep. People who run in the morning command the respect of others, even if they laugh at them. If you've never run, start with 5 minutes, at least around the house. Gradually increase this number to 30. By running for half an hour every day, you can not only develop willpower, but also improve your standard of living. After all, running is the main exercise for developing the heart. According to medical specialists, daily running for one and a half years for 15-30 minutes a day doubles the elasticity and capacity of blood vessels.

Rule #2. Exercises should be ongoing. By making concessions to yourself, you risk again being branded as a weak-willed subject.

Of course, there is no point in constantly engaging in moral self-torture. That's what weekends and holidays are for, to rest, otherwise sooner or later a breakdown is possible. However, for strong man, the process of developing willpower is equal to absolute infinity. Completely get rid of thoughts about work activities on the weekend, so that next week you can take on it with renewed vigor, without the slightest steps back.

That is why the development of willpower, like everything else in nature, is a gradual process. It would be foolish to jump from a high roof just to overcome fear, or throw yourself into an icy shower without proper training and experience. It is also stupid, for example, to overcome stiffness and shyness by sharply, actively engaging in social activities- in this case failure is inevitable. Start small and work your way towards developing willpower in slow, gradual steps.

Work should come first, others life values, and exercises to develop willpower and sports will only help achieve your goals.

Rule #3. To develop willpower, a deep, active desire to become better is important.

Ask yourself: are you really ready to become better than you were yesterday? And try to answer it thoughtfully and sincerely. After all, with the development of willpower, your personality will change. Some habits and preferences may change, sometimes even your circle of friends. So if the answer is no, be yourself. Not everyone has the time and energy to engage in self-improvement.

If you do decide to study regularly, always remember how important it is for you. For example, you decided to build a career, which requires you to work a lot, often at night. Having started working for the first week, after a few days you realize that you have become very tired. I really want to take a break at such moments!

This is where you need to show willpower. Remember the advice: “Anyone can do much more than he really thinks,” and also tell yourself that you like to do work and work conscientiously. If this work is of a creative nature, remember how other people need your gifts and how they can benefit them. And feel free to get down to business!

Will is the most widely used term to describe a person’s personality. The term “will” is widely used by psychologists and philosophers. To will, volition, voluntarism, volitional, voluntary (i.e. done with volitional effort)…

And if other personality properties - memory and attention, for example, have volume and other quantifiable characteristics - which can be measured if necessary, then the will has only its eloquent praisers and an aura of something attractive, necessary for life, praiseworthy...

Why does a person need will? Studying experimental psychology, I came to the conclusion that for only one purpose - to force myself to do something that can’t be done, no matter how you don’t do it...

An intelligent person will immediately ask himself the question: “Why isn’t it being done? Or maybe you shouldn’t do it?” A stupid person will continue to do it through volitional efforts.

In the language of proverbs, this case is called: “Banging your head against a closed door.” Or try to destroy a brick wall right where you are standing, although the open gate is two meters further away.

Accurate experiments by psychologists have long proven that voluntary efforts are costly to the body and lead to rapid depletion of the resources of the psyche and body.

The most valuable activity is post-voluntary activity, implicated in the strong motivation of the person doing the work. But no matter how much the bosses deceive the people, it is not possible to instill in them a hastily concocted “motivation”. Motivation is like love. Born from the depths of the soul itself. You won’t be nice by force...


We see the doubtfulness of human “will as a value” in the biblical myth of the Babylonian pandemonium.

By an act of will, man decided to build a Tower of Babel as tall as the sky itself. Everyone knows how it ended.

The basis of an act of will is always some not very beautiful, rather dirty motives - to prove something to someone, to wipe someone’s nose, or to punish oneself with hard labor, maybe for completely fictitious “sins” ...

Even psychologists (mostly, of course, commissioned by employers, praising will) sometimes say: in addition to will, there is also stubbornness. And stubbornness is a defect of will. To be honest, I don't see much of a difference. It's like the difference between the words "scout" and "spy." If “ours”, then of course – a scout. If “theirs,” then he’s a vile spy.

If I approve of your difficult work, I say: “Oh, strong-willed person, everyone should be like him.” If I don’t approve of your actions, then I say: “Stubbornness and nothing more!” God forbid that I am also a psychologist on duty, as often happens...

“Personal will”… “The will of the individual.” These are the terms that are usually used in psychology when they want to “praise the will” and those who do everything through volitional effort - this has been a habit since childhood. He even kisses his wife in the morning - that’s something special, yes...

But there is also the will of God. None of the psychologists except Jung would most likely lift an ear when hearing a term not from their diocese. What else is there? God's will"? Colleagues?..

Yes, actually – what is “God’s will”? The one to which, by surrendering (and having previously given up, of course, one’s own), a person can move – and does move mountains. And at the same time he does a really good deed, and not some kind of hellish nonsense.

. This article will talk about: "How to develop willpower." We will cover the following questions: What is willpower? Why do you need to develop willpower? Why do we need willpower? We will give answers to these questions and, of course, we will learn with you how to develop willpower. To do this, you will receive recommendations and practice that will allow you to do this.

What is willpower?

It would seem that the simplest answer is when a person forces himself to do something through "Don't want". This is how most people interpret this term. On the other side Strength of will- this is the ability of an individual to realize his intentions, dictated by his imagination of planning, going against his momentary desires, habits, emotions, fears, etc.

That is, when you planned to do something, for example, set yourself short term goal: go to the gym today. But suddenly you become so lazy that you change your mind and stay at home to die. Your subconscious dictated to you that it is better for you to stay at home. Why burden yourself once again? And it turns out that, without having the willpower to resist her, you agree with her opinion and obey her.

Let's say you set yourself long term goal: quit smoking. It will be even more difficult here. Today you managed to smoke half a pack of cigarettes less, but tomorrow you are already thinking: Why should I suffer like this? I'll light another extra cigarette!!! And so little by little you return to your previous place. It just seemed that you were a person with willpower, but time... and you lost. Why? Because there is no willpower.

Why is willpower needed?

Willpower is needed in order to achieve your intentions. It can make you successful person. We'll take the example of smoking again. You still want to quit smoking, but after a week you find yourself back in the same place you were before. But the intention to lead healthy image It’s also stuck in your head.

You have an intention, but this intention is hindered smoking habit. The desire is to get positive emotions associated with smoking. And here it depends on your willpower whether you can neglect momentary desires in order to achieve your intentions. Will you be able to quit smoking and start living? healthy image life. Looking more attractive and beautiful?

Strength of will– this is what your consciousness tells you. Momentary desires are what your subconscious, which is already stuffed with its own beliefs and habits, dictates to you. There is a tug of war going on here.

You and your consciousness say: “Smoking is harmful and it kills my body. Because of this, I feel bad and every time I have to go out to the balcony to spend time on a cigarette.”

Your subconscious answers you: “Take a cigarette and enjoy yourself. No one has died from smoking, and everyone smokes now. Smoking is fashionable and it calms you down.”

You can take another example, when you wanted to get up early in order to have time to do more things.

You told yourself: “It's time to get up! I have a lot of things to do and I need more time to get everything done.”

Subconscious: “Where are you in such a hurry! You will have time to do everything. Take a nap for another half hour."

I think this situation is familiar to everyone here. And what does lack of willpower lead to?

What does lack of willpower lead to?

As a rule, this leads to a lack of freedom. Now a person becomes a slave to his desires. He can't make a choice. He doesn't have the right to do this. Now everything is decided for him by habits, emotions and desires. And he himself is simply an observer of this process with his own participation, despite the fact that he agreed to this.

These people have intentions begin new life , change yourself, learn something new, but fear of the unknown, inconstancy - caused by reluctance, all this takes away a person’s freedom. He can't say: "NO! Stop bossing me around. I am the boss here."

Lack of willpower is one of the reasons why a person’s plans fail, why he is not successful and why he is so unhappy.

Is it possible to develop willpower?

Definitely YES! Perhaps you have already started doing this. People are not born with willpower. It is nurtured in every person. Just to develop willpower, you need to know which buttons to press, and a little practice won’t hurt.

Actually, we'll get to that soon. But first, you should consider that no one said it would be easy. Nobody said that you would immediately be able to say loudly to your subconscious: NO! Everything takes time and practice. And consistency!!! This should not be forgotten.

Well!!! We have considered the answers to the above questions. Now we know what our weakness and lack of willpower leads to. We know what willpower is. Now let's move on to the practice itself!!!

Practice - how to develop willpower?

Firstwhere we start is with desire itself. We need to find within ourselves stimulus, to lose weight or quit smoking. We must motivate ourselves with this.

If you want to lose weight, then the incentive may be the opposite sex, which you like and he/she looks stunning. And, if you don’t want to lag behind them and look just as beautiful and healthy, then this can serve as a very powerful incentive for you to exercise more and eat less fatty foods. It was this example that helped me lose 13 kg of excess weight.

I liked one girl and she looked very beautiful. I wanted to be on an equal footing with her (in terms of my parameters based on differences in gender). And so I had a powerful incentive to lose weight. Every time I wanted to eat something, I remembered her beauty, and the desire to eat something was immediately eliminated.

That is, this was the very button that I pressed on myself. And the result showed itself. Therefore, you should find your button.

If you smoke, and you like him/her and they don’t smoke and they don’t like smokers, then this will give you an incentive to quit smoking.

I just received this example with an incentive J

Second stepon the path to developing willpower is to start small. We need to develop slowly. Small victories will give you faith in achieving big victories. You don't have to fall off a big mountain right away. You are not strong enough not to break.

Start smoking a few fewer cigarettes today. Then maintain that number of cigarettes until you feel like you can smoke even less. Tell yourself: "Well done!!!"

Third stepis meditation. Meditation itself is difficult for beginners. Especially passive meditation. You can read all about meditation in the article: "How to meditate correctly."

Through meditation, we can replace the attitudes with which our subconscious is stuffed with new ones. This must be done so that your subconscious mind agrees with you. Remember, we looked at examples?

This way you can acquire new positive habits.

Fourth step- stop putting things off "for later". While you do this, your willpower weakens and vice versa. Sometimes you can do it now, but slight laziness prevents you. Do you want to feel satisfied at the end of the day and experience a spark of happiness??? Then take your willpower and do the planned thing right now. Otherwise, at the end of the day you will arrive in a VERY bad mood.

Fifth step– uniformity and consistency. Why sometimes you don’t want to do anything? There are so many things to do that you don’t know where to start. And I did a little here and there... all this creates irritation and causes stress.

It will be better if you make a plan for the day in advance and indicate the order of execution in it. Then you won’t be too lazy to do something through "Don't want" it won't be the same.

If you have many goals, then of course it will be difficult to cope with your laziness and reluctance to do anything. Because your attention is defocusing. This is how you waste both energy and desire. Choose two goals and get to work.

Sixth step- stop killing time. People now sit on social networks and simply waste their time, throwing it into the trash can. Do you know that time is the most precious commodity (and knowledge comes in handy too)? Tomorrow depends on what you did today. Use your time wisely and efficiently.

Seventh step- rid yourself of bad habits. About everyone bad habits You can find out in two articles: “Ten habits that drag us towards poverty or get rid of the habits of poor people” And " Human habits or habits that prevent us from living."

How to do it? Through meditation and self-hypnosis!!!

This is where the article ends. Find buttons within yourself that you can press. Start small and learn to meditate. Get things done today and be consistent. Actually this is where you should start!!!



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