The man is not happy. Only a happy person can make others happy. School of empathy for life

The man is not happy. Only a happy person can make others happy. School of empathy for life

Being happy is not such a simple task, but rather a daily effort that is worth it. People who have nothing to complain about will never assert themselves at the expense of others, obsessively demand attention and ignore their own feelings.

They remember that life is short

Happy people understand that they have a fairly short period of time to live a full and amazing life. And this doesn’t scare them, but, on the contrary, makes them get out of bed every day to spend another day that they won’t have to regret later. In addition, people who feel happy calmly accept the fact that the unpredictable can happen tomorrow, both good and bad, so they try not to waste time on trifles.

They don't require other people's attention

Happy people don’t need loyal looks from the “fan zone” to feel good. They understand their self-worth and respect the wishes of others without forcing anyone to bother with them like princes, constantly convincing them that they are amazing and incredible. Happy people accept any attention with restraint, realizing its fragility and not particularly significant: those who love their lives do not need the adoration of other people.

They spend money wisely

Despite the fact that money is usually opposed to happiness, claiming that it has nothing to do with it, happy man still remains moderately thrifty (but not stingy!) He understands the value of earned money, knows that it is necessary to have a couple of nest eggs so as not to accidentally find himself in a difficult situation, for example, breaking an ankle, and does not waste money on unnecessary things. This is what financial freedom is all about: understanding that money can’t buy happiness and not trying to do so.

They listen to their own feelings

Happy people are not born, but become influenced by many factors. Happiness, like love, friendship and self-realization, is one of those things that people work on every day. This work begins with a dialogue with oneself: a happy person listens to his feelings and emotions and makes contact with them. He does not suppress them and does not bury them in the depths of the subconscious, knowing that only reasonable decisions happy life does not get there, and seeks a balance between feelings and reason, giving words to both sides.

They manage their own lives

It is almost impossible to offend a happy person because he does not allow his opponent or ill-wisher to control his mood so easily. He does not complain about external circumstances and does not allow them to destroy his personal inner world order. He also listens to family, friends and authorities, but makes important decisions on his own: it is he who lives in marriage with the partner he chooses, and it is he who makes money in the field that he likes, and not the grandmother who dreamed of a grandson-surveyor, and not to friends, for whom the choice of a happy person is not always clear. It's his choice because it's his life.

They take responsibility for their actions

Those who are happy and satisfied with what happens to them are responsible for themselves. They, just like other people, make mistakes, do not find the strength to make important decisions, are lazy, miss opportunities and rashly throw out the wrong words that help resolve conflicts. Unlike everyone else, a person who is satisfied with everything in his own life and in himself is ready to take responsibility for his mistakes. He apologizes, fixes what is broken, or, if necessary, starts from scratch, admitting his mistakes.

They don't hang out with losers

Losers are not those whose careers or personal relationships suddenly no longer work out; a loser is a way of thinking. People who always complain drag those around them down to the bottom of their emotional lives. Happy people are ready to support their friends in trouble, help them out and give advice, but among their friends there are none who are inactively frozen in eternal despondency. Vital energy people who value themselves and everything that happens to them are not wasted on the endless role of a vest; moreover, they attract equally strong and happy people to themselves, carefully bypassing those who cannot cope with the hurricane of troubles.

They love to be with people and love to be alone

Being surrounded by like-minded people and friends is pleasant and necessary. A company with which you can not only have a fun Friday, but also discuss really serious things, helps you not to fall into despair in difficult life moments, but you can’t build a happy life on this alone. People who are satisfied with themselves are ready to spend time alone, finding their charms in it. Solitude is both a form of relaxation and an opportunity to look at things in a new way. A person who is bored with himself can hardly be called satisfied with everything that happens in the world around him and in his own soul.

They love themselves

A happy person will never hate himself. He understands perfectly well that there is no such thing as a perfect body and a perfect mind, and he is aware that he cannot avoid all mistakes. Strong and contented people do not delve into the past, looking at the night ceiling, and do not look for reasons to again experience burning shame for the events of five years ago that went according to a bad scenario. They simply have no time to waste energy on it.

They know how to have a positive influence on others

A person who is happy himself makes others feel uplifted. He does not want to assert himself at the expense of others, making them feel unimportant and worthless. He doesn’t express his irritation over trifles and he doesn’t care how his classmate dresses. All he wants to give to the world are things that can decorate reality, and not darken it.

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Happiness is not such an unattainable phenomenon as we often think, and it can be found quite simply.

1. Happy people maintain strong relationships with others.

Researchers have proven that at the age of over 70, the happiest people are those who valued their relationships with loved ones throughout their lives and did everything possible to maintain them.

2. They value time more than money.

The survey found that most happy people would rather have more time than money. This only confirms that people for whom time is more important than any material wealth receive maximum pleasure from life.

3. Plan expenses and live within your means

Not being able to pay necessary bills is a stressful situation for anyone. Therefore, researchers recommend realistically assessing your income and not purchasing things that you cannot yet afford.

4. Happy people are able to notice the beauty around them.

Researchers note that people who most often pay attention to all the pleasant little things that happen to them, or simply notice everything beautiful around them, are more satisfied with their lives and are therefore happier.

5. Spend a lot of time with friends

Time spent with friends makes anyone much happier. We get special pleasure in the company of our closest people who consider themselves happy: their feeling of joy and lightness is quickly transmitted to all those who are in their close circle.

6. They take care of their loved ones and often make them happy

Psychologists note that people who engage in spontaneous acts of kindness the most are much happier than those who do not.

7. They spend money on experiences rather than material things.

There is a tendency that people become much happier if they spend money on emotions more often. And although buying desirable things makes a person happier, the feeling of euphoria from acquiring things lasts much less than the joy from experiencing unforgettable travel or other experiences.

Learning to be happy always is impossible. It would be nice not to miss, to be aware of the moments of your happiness.

Wisdom comes from understanding the experience of one's own and others' suffering.

Our happiness is proportional to our suffering. It’s better not to ask him too much...

If you feel bad, it means something is wrong in the world. We must heal the wounds of the world, starting with our heart and... mind.
They hurt, which means they haven’t died. As some wounds heal, new ones open.
Something will always dissatisfy us, something will hurt us - sweet or bitter pain. Without it, we will forget that we are alive.

And not everything is going smoothly in my life, now it’s the same... But... let’s not despair! Suffering and despair are two different things. Despair excludes happiness, but suffering does not.

We feel happiness when all our capabilities are used to the maximum, especially mental ones. We rarely use them fully, which is why we are rarely happy.
One of my friends, back in my school years, once said that I use my own capabilities to no more than a percentage. Since those long ago the situation has changed somewhat... but there is no complete satisfaction.
A person is happy when he creates material or spiritual things, and he succeeds in something especially.

A mistake is not a sin, but a path to truth. By suffering, we gain the potential of happiness equivalent to suffering.

In reality, to catch only moments of happiness, and to miss the hours of sadness and loneliness in a dream?.. They came up with a clever idea!

Anyone who is not too happy does not know how to suffer. These are two sides to the coin. One is smaller, the other is the same. It’s not big, so it’s a medal.

It doesn’t matter whether Christ is a historical person or not. If humanity created Him, physically or spiritually, then it is worthy of Him.
Christ was first in suffering, first in happiness.

Sometimes the heart is very cold. But someone comes and says a kind word... in a dream or in reality. And it stops freezing and warms up!..

Very nicely said. Exactly! “In a tiny piece of happiness... the infinite looks into you.” Miracle!
We are happy at the moment of creativity. It happens when you merge with the infinite and become, as it were, above the personal essence of the world, the creator, a particle of the Creator... whatever. The Infinite looks into you, and you look into the Infinite. Time then disappears, only happiness remains...

Eyes are the most beautiful thing in the world. And they are especially beautiful when they glow with happiness. Therefore, giving happiness is the same as creating beauty.

There is no such thing as complete well-being... It is common for us to always be dissatisfied with something. It was the feeling of dissatisfaction with others that allowed man to rise above the kingdom of nature and made us human.
Even in love, you always want something more - more, new. And when you feel that everything about your life partner is already known, love dies...
Only idiots can be completely happy. Just like - absolutely miserable. It’s normal when happiness and unhappiness are mixed and combined...

Creative success is needed above all! A person is happy when he creates. And despair sets in during the intervals between creative successes. Let these breaks be shorter.
And I also wish you - Love! When you love, the whole world is beautiful. And without love there is emptiness, how can one not fall into despair?

We are spectators of other people's suffering, creators and heroes of our own. You can see when they try to pass off cranberry juice as real blood. But we don’t want everything to be covered in blood, do we? Therefore, people are often forced to play. Not everyone succeeds... Poets have difficulty.

Before the onset of “eternal happiness”, you still want to live a little, you want to suffer, you want to suffer...

The smarter a person is, the less often he is understood. I wish it was the other way around!..
It is good to smart person- great and intelligent happiness. A stupid person can do stupid things. But for some reason everyone is missing at least some...

Only talented people notice the suffering of others.

A person's abilities are equally divided between plus and minus. A moderate life gives rise to moderate feelings and thoughts.
The happier a person is, the more deeply he can feel suffering. Because they are our payment for the happiness of living.

The more happiness we contain, the more we can suffer later. And the more we suffer, the more fully we are able to feel happiness. The capabilities of the heart and mind have a conditional “zero”, dividing our sensations approximately equally into “suffering” and “happiness”. And the larger one half, the correspondingly the other.
Living is painful! Among the madness and accidents of the world, which you can improve only by a small fraction, go through your whole life to the end, doing the best to the best of your ability, encountering everywhere almost the indifference and misunderstanding of your neighbors, who, if given less to suffer, are given less to see... Not only dirt and imperfection, but also the immortal beauty of the world...
Through suffering - to happiness! From happiness - again to suffering... And so - until the last hour, isn’t this a feat?!..

Without suffering, how do we know about happiness - living?

We are created to try and find and, at the same time, of course, make mistakes. Therefore, error is not a “sin”, but a path to truth. Only the dead make no mistakes. The more actively a person searches for his path, the more he finds, but more often he makes mistakes.
Mistakes bring suffering, torment... It turns out that man was created for torment and suffering. At first, mainly physical, and with the development of the world, increasingly - moral.
Therefore, there is no need to fall into despair from moral torment. The more we suffer, the more the world has given us and the more we are people for whom the deep issues of the universe and existence, knowledge and development are significant.
Perhaps, with the deepening and intensification of our suffering over the imperfection of ourselves and everything around us, we are becoming more consistent with our purpose, better fulfilling the Mission given to us by the world.

“But what about “life is suffering,” and the greatest moments of happiness, for they are finite and illusory, but suffering is endless and real?”
If everything is illusory, our suffering is illusory as well as happiness. Then there is nothing to worry about. And it’s better to immediately open the Gate of the Great Illusion.

Happiness is a state in which a person feels and is aware of the full realization of all the possibilities inherent in him by nature in all visible spheres of personal and public life.
For happiness, it is necessary that all organs are involved and working in optimal mode. Including, and most importantly, the brain.

The feeling of happiness occurs in moments when we clearly feel the process of personal self-development in ourselves, when we succeed in something especially and we acquire a new skill or learn something beautiful that we have not encountered before. Here the highest satisfaction of the self completely coincides with the most secret goals of the world...
We always rejoice, even just observing beauty, the highest forms of matter or spirit, and we are happiest in those moments when we ourselves develop and improve the world. All this confirms to us that man is brought into the world to understand it and develop, and only in this can he find true happiness.
Create something beautiful, be creative and you will be happy.

It was the awareness of the imperfections of the world and the resulting moral suffering that allowed man to rise above the animal kingdom.
Alas, our purpose is to suffer and, wanting to get rid of suffering, to remake the world for the better. And so it can be - endlessly! Because the world is endless and there is no limit to perfection.
And “take it on your chest to forget about the suffering” - as a rule, does not help. Or not for long...
There are, in fact, only two ways to avoid moral suffering, and I hope you don’t want to use either of them.
The first way. Lower your human status, become something like an animal. Moral suffering from the imperfections of the existing world will disappear, but physical suffering will remain.
The second way is radical. In general, disappear from the world, crumble into dust. Clearly, then your suffering will not exist, but neither will you. Not in any form.
You can console yourself with the fact that the more you suffer, the more human you are. Acceptance (awareness) of suffering relieves it. Try...

What is not there does not suffer... But it is not happy either. Make the boundaries of your “I” as if transparent, sorrows and joys will then become the sorrows and joys of the whole world, they will no longer be only yours, they will dissolve. And then they will leave... Completely.

Please don't be offended by me. Believe me, it’s not easy for me anyway.
While you suffer, you are on the Path of man. I support.
Try not to become bitter, it may hinder us...

“We are not aware of suffering as such. The fruit of awareness of this fact, among others, is enlightenment, or liberation from illusion.”
I completely agree here. After all, I’m talking about the same thing: “Awareness of suffering removes it.”

For some, the suffering of others is never enough.
Like, why should they complain about hunger, torture, the death of thousands and millions - next to my moral suffering? My mistress cheated on me!..

Human mental activity itself is associated with suffering. Because, comprehending the recognizable world, we cannot help but see its imperfections and, of course, want to correct it. But we understand that not everything can be changed... This results in moral suffering.
Therefore, some would like to become a stone or fall into nirvana in order to escape suffering - to cease being human. But then why “be” at all?
There are many stones in the world, but not enough real people.

I understand how difficult it is to learn something new, to think in general, and not repeat something after someone else. This does not happen without suffering.

Our “I” is only a part of the Whole, endless world. Can one part contain all the others? Then she would become the Whole. But she cannot become the Whole, because then she would become God, beyond the “I”.
And without all the parts in itself, our small “I”, one of the infinite number of existing “I”s, understandably, suffers. It turns out that it is doomed to suffering, not having the opportunity to ever become the Whole, beyond the “I”.

Don't care? Are you kidding? If everyone spits on the world, it will turn out to be a big vomit, and we will all choke in it, die... There will be more suffering.

Every person should have their own happiness. We achieve it by using our organs correctly. Can unused organs be satisfied, much less happy?
Accordingly, a person as a whole, if some part of him is unhappy, cannot be completely happy.

This is why we are called into this world, to look for and find shortcomings. But not only see them - correct them.
Living is painful. But it was moral suffering that raised man above the animal world.
Many people think it’s hard to die, but to live is much more difficult!..
Suffering, in the highest, of course, understanding of this word - not physical suffering when your finger is pinched or your tooth hurts, moral, spiritual suffering - is an awareness of the pattern of eternal existence in the world of evil and good, the inevitability of the base things that you see around you, and the necessity being in this world. Which you simply must improve!

One who has done a lot of evil in the past can never be completely happy. But if he builds his future correctly, moments of real happiness will come to him. And in sadness lies joy, and in sincere suffering lies pleasure!
True sensations are possible only with the right direction of movement into the future. Misdirection results in distorted thoughts and sensations. The more incorrect the direction from the past to the future, the further it is from the creation of the world, and, consequently, from our self-development and improvement; the further our thoughts and sensations will be from objective truth, and the more completely the illusion will dominate us. We won’t even be able to know what we’re passing by!

People often think about their own suffering, not noticing the suffering of others... But it is compassion for others, suffering for others, thoughts about everyone... that help us forget personal suffering.

No, no, you misunderstood me. Loneliness is only one of the states of the soul. And if only we suffered, life would certainly not be worth living.
You just need to not forget about your suffering. And don’t forget that life is magical happiness!

How many people want to believe in fairy tales, but only those who compose them are happy... But what sad happiness this is!

Suffering is so natural! All smart people- suffer...

Everyone suffers, each in their own way. And everyone rejoices, again in their own way. But not everyone is aware of their happiness and suffering. Such people rejoice in the sorrows of others and envy the happiness of others...

We feel happiness when we succeed in something especially, when we create - in love, creating new life, or in other works. When we don’t know what to do or all our efforts are in vain, we are unhappy. We are also unhappy if no one understands us.
The feeling of happiness is an indication of the correct path; unhappiness is the opposite.

Happiness is not a cloudless concept. We can call our feelings happiness only by comparing them with something.
"Happy humanity"? This is not a bunch of idiots, among whom you are the only smart sufferer.
A person is happy in creativity. But what motivates him to change the world and create is dissatisfaction with reality. By creating something beautiful, improving the world, overcoming and correcting some of its shortcomings, a person is happy. These are brief moments of awareness of a successful embodiment, a discovery, a complete and fruitful realization of all one’s strengths and capabilities. And then... the time of search comes again, a clear vision, including shortcomings, and the person is unhappy again. Unsatisfied, to say the least.
So is all of humanity. It cannot be happy at all; it consists of individual people, each of whom continuously goes through a series of happiness and misfortune. What are they? - that’s the question. Of course, misfortune comes in different forms...
The simplest example is the misfortunes of the rich, people free, at least from the lack of money and power, and the misfortunes of the poor and disadvantaged...
Everyone cannot and will never be happy. But misfortune can be organized in different ways.

The “voice of the true path” is whether we are satisfied or not with what we do. I think it is not necessary to know the “original cause of all things”, it is enough to live in such a way that things do not disintegrate and disappear... It would not become worse, poorer, more disgusting, on the contrary, to bring something beautiful into the world that is in our power. And it is in creativity, creating poetry, music, putting forward ideas... decorating the material world, that we feel satisfaction, joy and happiness. This feeling is the voice of the true path. And, on the contrary, by destroying the world and ourselves, we fall into despair, melancholy and unbelief - this is the voice of the wrong path.

From kind words as if with happiness, you become stupid.

It's amazing how often we don't notice the good. It’s as if we were born to seek and see suffering, to savor it.
But man was created by the world precisely to find shortcomings in him and correct them. The first thing we are doing better so far, the second, correcting shortcomings, alas, is much worse. We suffer so much, seeing the imperfection of the world, and we rejoice little because we do not put in enough effort to make the world a better place. After all, it is creativity, creation, i.e. doing good is happiness.
And here one more proverb comes to mind, as if justifying our passivity - “The best is the enemy of the good.”

Who knows in advance what will be a mistake and what will be a path that opens up new opportunities for the world? Matter wants to try everything, and only over time it becomes clear that there were no right and wrong, everyone was right in something and wrong in something... Error is not a sin, but the path to the truth. Unless, of course, this is a path of blood and destruction. We must try, but be guided by reason. In order to maximize the likelihood of success and not commit obvious stupidities. This is what reason is - meaningful experience in action.
Man is born not only for pleasure, especially consumer pleasure, but also for suffering…. We are called upon to intelligently change and develop the world. Its perfection brings us joy, its imperfection brings us suffering. In moments of creativity we feel happiness; making mistakes, we despair... Without doing anything, we experience mortal melancholy.
Everyone has their own suffering. If everyone suffered equally, life would be very difficult and uninteresting. And there would be no life at all.
Any thoughts or statements are only part of the truth. Categorical attitude only takes away from it. It is difficult to disagree with your arguments. They are quite reasonable.

It is not profit, lust and power that bring us happiness, but luck, inspiration and love.

You are right, you need to be able to rejoice. But it’s impossible to be happy all the time... There are too many things in our lives that we want to do differently. The world is beautiful and terrible at the same time. Its imperfections and non-compliance with the imaginable ideal bring moral suffering. It was the feeling of dissatisfaction with the surrounding reality that elevated man above the animal world.
And you might think that man was created to suffer from the world’s imperfections. Wanting to get rid of suffering, to make the world a better place, continuously continuing Creation. Eliminating the causes of suffering and immediately finding new ones... And so it can be - endlessly!
We are talking about the Creation of the world by God the Father through us, humanity, each individual person suffering from imperfections and rejoicing at their elimination, overcoming evil, and the victory of reason and goodness.
The measure of our happiness depends on the measure of suffering. The more we expose the world's shortcomings, the more deeply we suffer. But we rejoice all the more if we create something special and beautiful. We are His children, children of the World. And He also rejoices and suffers through us. In each of us - in our own way!

U good people for some reason, troubles happen more often... Maybe because they let their hearts pass through... more alive.

Before the onset of “eternal happiness”, I still want to live a little - to suffer, to suffer...

Living is painful! A person suffers all his life. And one might think that people are precisely created for suffering, because nothing more than a constant feeling of dissatisfaction with the environment has elevated man above the animal world.
However, physical suffering must be distinguished from moral suffering. Of course, we are not designed for constant torment due to bodily mutilation or failure to satisfy primitive needs. The latter, without a doubt, must be satisfied.
Moral suffering comes from not using our capabilities to correct the shortcomings that we notice. And even if they (identified shortcomings) can be corrected, which does not give us happiness for long, we immediately find new shortcomings in the world, which again bring suffering. And so it can be - endlessly! And it happens endlessly...
Therefore, there is nothing surprising in suffering. The real disaster for humanity would be some, in my opinion, absolutely impossible reorganization of the world, in which suffering would disappear completely. Not physical - moral suffering. Some kind of mythical “abundance”, “perfect state” and so on. Or, another option, some kind of change in the human psyche or nature, again leading to the loss of the desire to transform reality... Let's say, achieving “nirvana” is the most dangerous and dead-end direction.
Suffering, in the highest, of course, understanding of this word, i.e. not physical suffering, when your finger is pinched or your tooth hurts, moral, spiritual suffering is awareness of the laws of eternal existence in the world of evil and good, the inevitability of the base things that you see around you, and the necessity of being in this world. Which you simply must improve! But... measuring your strengths, taking into account the desires of others, without imposing anything on anyone.
Accepting suffering relieves it.

Our potentials of thoughts, sensations, and experiences are equally divided between “plus” and “minus”. The more talented a person is, the more fully he can experience happiness and the more acutely suffering. This means that such a person has been given a lot. But how will he realize his own capabilities? Will he be able to experience suffering from the imperfection of everything he sees around him? And won’t he go crazy from the crazy happiness of life?.. Will the world be in demand for the abilities given to him by nature for particularly keen vision, the ability to find and create something new?..

Perhaps everyone has their own formula for happiness. It's bad when there is no idea about it. None at all...

In this article, I want to show whether a person who is far from bioenergy generally needs to pay attention to this part of his life.

Ethereal Energy , the most necessary if the question is not about a miserable existence, but about a full, bright, happy and successful life. And it is also the densest in a person’s arsenal. Etheric energy is very well felt even by an untrained person.
For those who consider subtle bodies and various types of bioenergies a fairy tale, there are simple ways, check the presence of this energy. Eat a large number of techniques and exercises for working with the etheric body. Here is one of them, probably the most popular and known to almost everyone. Creating an energy ball between the palms.

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It has long been known that in order to completely eliminate a problem, it is necessary to discover its roots and eliminate them.

🌱B modern world– this is an outdated statement!
PEAT works from today.
There is no need to search for anything, attend dozens of sessions with psychotherapists, clairvoyants, and astrologers.

Category: Igor Vaganov, articles and notes , Announcements , Services | Add a comment

Computer health diagnostics

Diagnostic complex "Lotus"
Diagnostic complex "Onyx"

Dear Tyumen residents!
Now you have the opportunity to undergo computer diagnostics general condition your body, on two diagnostic complexes "Lotus" and "Onyx". I provide information below about what these devices can tell you. All information was taken from the manufacturer’s website “Dinamika Technologies”. At the end of the article there is a link to the manufacturer’s website, where you can find all the Russian and foreign certificates and certificates for these diagnostic complexes.

Category: Announcements , Miscellaneous , What science says | Add a comment

School of empathy for life

Today is the graduation of the 5th class of the School of Empathy! Last week we already celebrated the year of our school. All this year, every weekend on Saturday and Sunday, classes were held. From stream to stream the program was modified and concentrated, but the essence always remained the same. How to apply bioenergy, empathy, psychology in real life How can these things, at first glance far from life, be applied in real life? Everyday life!

Category: Igor Vaganov, articles and notes, | Add a comment


A parable to remember.

Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed one vital truth to his grandson.

There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies...

The other wolf represents goodness - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty...

Category: Important to know, Miscellaneous | Add a comment

Vaganov Igor Vasilievich.

About Me.
I am engaged in harmonizing a person with himself, with the world and people around him. As well as bioenergy correction, work with the human field, energy cleansing, harmonization, removal of various negative influences, assistance in development, training.

I created this site to talk about the phenomenon of empathy, what it is, and how empathy works. Because there are a lot of different articles on this topic on the Internet. There are worthy articles, the authors of which perfectly convey the essence of empathy and the view of the world through the eyes of an empath, and there are downright strange ones that confuse the reader, create horror or paint empathy beyond recognition.

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For couples in love.

When a person loses the value of life, he falls into a joyless existence after recovering from the pain of separation. No, a person does not lose the ability to receive pleasure, physical, gustatory, pleasure from music, smells, and beautiful landscapes. But a person loses the state of flight, happy serenity and magic. After the first loss of love, many try to find it again, some succeed, some not so much. Yes, they find a mate, but they are already afraid to let a person into their soul, so as not to get burned again.

Category: Igor Vaganov, articles and notes |

A happy person cannot be evil.

Have you ever observed a happy person? What about a happy woman? Happy woman will never be envious, brawler, or neurotic. She won't scream.

A happy woman will glow with happiness. Rays will emanate from it that will be impossible not to notice. And you will definitely touch them. It’s just that people’s reactions to rays of happiness are different. Most often negative. People cannot stand other people's happiness. This is a genetic trait in humans. Passed on by inheritance. Brought up since childhood. From Sharikov to Sharikov. And now there are so many ballpoints on Earth.

Women are all different. But life is perhaps more difficult for strong women. Not in the sense that it is difficult for them. And in terms of the fact that they face difficult and severe trials in life. And this is not their fate. And the people you encounter do everything to make life difficult for the beautiful and smart. Shit. Bend under yourself. And if suddenly there is resistance, then those living nearby try to destroy it. Humiliation of the beautiful and strong gives them pleasure. They form packs, dog packs, and try to break them apart.

The pug barks at the elephant, oh know she is strong.

When you see an Elephant, well, rush at it,
And bark, and squeal, and tear;
Well, he gets into a fight with him.

The stronger a woman is, the more enemies she has. Moreover, enemies are born on their own, just by looking at a strong woman, and even a beautiful one - people cannot stand it.

Because next to the strong and beautiful they feel inferior. I only say this about those who feel inferior. People try to fill up the damage with anger towards the object that showed them themselves in the mirror.

The fact is that living in a stall among the dirt and the ugly makes a person feel worthy. A sort of hero. He is the best only because he is a boor. Illiterate dunce. He, a scoundrel and a scoundrel, feels great where they fear him. This gives him a feeling of superiority.

But when faced with the appearance of a strong woman, he suddenly feels his insignificance, wretchedness, and humiliation. Humiliation for the fact that he begins to understand that he has not lived all his life, but has been wallowing in the slop with pigs.

But this, humiliation, is not forgiven.

They begin to take revenge for their own humiliation. Stealthily, dirty, trying to deliver the most painful blow. In the back, of course!

As a rule, fear appears in front of a strong woman. Psychological fear often extends to physical fear. People themselves build a wall between themselves and a strong woman. And they begin to boil and hate fiercely. When something depends on them, they will definitely do something nasty, but will not help.

Men especially do not forgive a woman’s strength. They do not forgive the fact that they themselves feel inferior next to her. Note that it is not the woman who makes them inferior, but they themselves feel so.

A strong, intelligent and principled woman is a gift from fate for a man who is able to appreciate this. Such a woman is a reliable partner, she does not betray.

A woman is lucky if she has a reliable man nearby. But it's like finding a diamond in a pile of manure. With a reliable rear and good support, a woman will blossom. With a dung beetle nearby, it will wither and get dirty. So the dung beetle will roll the dung in front of itself, thinking that it lives.

Look around, if among your friends and environment, good people? If there is, then they are happy. If there are none, then none of your friends are happy. Let them say a hundred times that they are happy, but if they are angry and full of malice towards others, then they are deeply unhappy people.

A happy person cannot be evil.



This is interesting: