Dikoy feels his strength and power. Curly

Dikoy feels his strength and power. Curly

Varvara and Kudryash are “victims” of tyrants, but they are not passive, because they take an active position.

Varvara is the daughter of the merchant widow Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova. The girl does not openly oppose her mother when she reads instructions and sharpens her family like rusty iron. Varvara only pretends to listen to her mother, but she herself acts in her own way. For example, when the Kabanov family is walking along the boulevard and Marfa Ignatyevna complains that “they don’t really respect their elders these days,” Varvara says to herself: “They won’t respect you, of course!” She does not argue with her mother when a conversation comes up that is “close to her heart,” she only grumbles to herself again: “I found a place for instructions to read.”

The frivolous, cheerful and carefree girl is not distinguished by painful conscientiousness and concentration on serious moral issues, and does not bother thinking about sin, as Katerina does. Her brother’s wife, with her moral vacillations, seems “sophisticated” to Varvara. Life philosophy Kabanikha’s daughter is simple: “... do what you want, as long as it’s sewn and covered.” She adapts to the circumstances in which she finds herself, claiming that the whole house rests on deception, which means you can’t live without deception.

Vanya Kudryash is as cheerful and carefree as his friend Varvara. He works as a clerk for Dikiy and is very proud that he does not give in to this “scold”: “...he is the word, and I am ten; he’ll spit and go.” On what is Kudryash’s confidence based that he, Vanya Kudryash, would never “slave” to his boss? Ivan knows that the rich merchant needs him, like a clerk, a literate person. However, when the tradesman Shapkin suggests stepping aside so that the “shrill man” does not get attached, Vanya Kudryash wisely agrees.

Thus, both Varvara and Vanya Kudryash know how to “step aside” in time to avoid the “thunderstorm”. These are not very complex characters, not inclined to dramatize the situation and able to adapt to circumstances. Love line These characters develop parallel to the history of the relationship between Katerina and Boris. If Katerina’s love for Boris is both a strong passion and a tragedy, then the connection between Kudryash and Varvara resembles the relationship between spouses who have long been accustomed to each other. It seems that they spend time together out of boredom. The author's remarks indicate this: “Varvara lay down on the shoulder of Kudryash, who, not paying attention, was quietly playing.” Saying goodbye to her beloved, Varvara “yawns, then kisses him coldly, like someone he has known for a long time.”

If love story Katerina and Boris ends tragically, while Varvara and Kudryash face a rather happy ending: they flee the city together. We learn about this from Tikhon’s story to Kuligin: “Mama sharpened and sharpened Varvara; but she couldn’t stand it and she was like that - she took it and left... They say that she ran away with Kudryash and Vanka, and they won’t find him anywhere either.”

Both Varvara and Kudryash, despite all their recklessness of character, are kind in their own way, capable of understanding and sympathizing with another person. For example, Kabanikha’s daughter understands that Katerina does not love her husband and guesses that her daughter-in-law is in love with Boris. But the frivolous girl cannot comprehend the depth of Katerina’s character, her high conscientiousness. Arranging her daughter-in-law on a date with Boris, she does not think about what is pushing her to death. The girl lives one day at a time, unlike Katerina, she is not afraid of thunderstorms as punishment for sins. She does not condemn her brother’s wife for her “illegal” love, confessing to her: “I am worse than you.” Varvara convinces Katerina that there is nothing wrong if she sees Boris: “What a desire to dry up! Even if you die of melancholy, they will feel sorry for you! Well, just wait. So what a shame it is to torture yourself!” Frivolous Varvara does not understand that she life position completely unacceptable and even destructive for Katerina.

Kudryash, on the contrary, warns Boris against meeting a married woman: “After all, this means you want to completely ruin her, Boris Grigorievich!”

Varvara and Vanya Kudryash are minor characters in the play. What role do they play in The Thunderstorm?

The playwright shows skill in creating various psychological types. Not all "victims" dark kingdom“are the same, not everyone passively bears the oppression of the “tyrants.” Kudryash and Varvara are active natures. Of course, they do not have the strength and depth of Katerina’s character; they do not enter into open conflict with the owners of the city, but prefer to adapt to circumstances. But their escape from Kalinov indicates that the “children” are not going to endure the pressure and oppression of their “fathers”; they are defending their freedom and independence.

In addition, the reckless relationship between Varvara and Kudryash highlights the tragedy of Katerina’s love for Boris. These pairs are correlated according to the principle of “simplicity - complexity”, “lightness - drama” of relationships.

The skill of A. N. Ostrovsky lies in the fact that he created bright, psychologically reliable characters.

Ostrovsky knew how to create interesting and memorable characters. Perhaps one of his most famous plays are “Dowry” and “The Thunderstorm”. Each of them reflects in its own way the problem of the limitations of society, its materiality and lack of spirituality. I would like to dwell on the latter in more detail. List characters This drama is replete with vivid images. On the pages of the work you can meet tyrant merchants and an unhappy dreamy girl, a crazy lady and a self-taught mechanic, a hypocritical young man and a cowardly merchant son. The main ones. The heroes perform a plot-forming function, but what is the role of the secondary characters? For example, Vanya Kudryasha? This essay will be devoted to the characterization of Kudryash in the play “The Thunderstorm”.

Let's start with the name. The author chooses certain names for his characters for a reason. You also need to remember about a certain tradition that developed in Russian literature of the 19th century. The speakers were the name of the Prostakovs in Fonvizin’s “Nedorosl”, the name of the city of Foolov in Shchedrin’s novel, even Dostoevsky’s Raskolnikov and Devushkin fit into this paradigm. In "The Thunderstorm" Dikoy, Kabanikha and Tikhon act - also speaking names. Moreover, the character’s character is inextricably linked with his name. So, one can judge Kudryash’s character by knowing his first and last name. The name "Ivan" is widespread in epics and fairy tales. Gradually, the image of Ivan the Fool was separated from the image of the other Ivan, the enterprising young man who will find a way out of any situation and will be able to deceive the devil himself. So here too, Vanya turns out to be the only person who can answer the Wild One in his own manner. At the same time, Dikoy is afraid of Vanya precisely because Kudryash lacks blind submission and servility to the merchant.

The character's surname, Kudryash, is also associated with this image, because the Ivanovs from fairy tales curly hair. In addition, this emphasizes bravery and kindness of character.

Vanya Kudryash - carrier national character. He is strong, kind, cheerful and daring. The matter in his hands is burning. Ivan is practical and looks at things sensibly. Despite the fact that he also belongs to the merchant community, there is no greed or thirst for profit in him. The beauty of nature is alien to Curly. This can be seen from the first scene - Kudryash’s conversation with Kuligin. Vanya values ​​freedom and is afraid of losing it. Most likely, this was the main reason for the relationship with Varvara. Their feelings are sincere. They have been meeting secretly for a long time. Both Varvara and Ivan value this relationship; both of these characters remain internally free. During night walks, Varvara and Ivan joke, sing and have fun. Thanks to this couple, secret meetings between Boris and Katerina became possible. It should be mentioned that initially Kudryash dissuaded Boris from communicating with Katya, having learned that Boris’s beloved was married. Unlike Boris, Kudryash in “The Thunderstorm” fights for his love. He does not abandon his beloved, like Boris, but runs away with her.

However, one should not idealize the image of Kudryash in the play “The Thunderstorm”. There is a lot in Kudryash's character negative traits. Ivan himself admits that “he’s too daring for girls.” This means that no one can guarantee that Varvara will be happy with him. To his positive character traits it is necessary to add negative ones: the desire for power, narcissism, boasting. He is also a representative of the “dark kingdom,” but he wants to be a master, not a slave.

Vanya Kudryash is a carrier folk character- this is a person of integrity, courage and cheerfulness, who can always stand up for himself and for his feelings. This hero appears in the very beginning scene, introducing readers, together with Kuligin, to the orders and morals of Kalinov and its inhabitants. He is not afraid of life or such city tyrants as Dikoy, for whom he works. Moreover, he is even ready to wean Dikiy from being “mischievous” - only “we don’t have enough guys to be like me.” The worst thing for him is to lose his freedom and fall into slavery of people like Dikoy.

They have a sincere relationship with Varvara; they constantly make secret dates with each other. Also thanks to this pair they tie love relationship between Boris and Katerina. Despite his simple origins, Kudryash’s personality, unlike Boris, is distinguished by his nobility of character, kindness and sensitivity to other people’s troubles. So, for example, having learned from Boris that he has made a date with a married woman, Kudryash begins to persuade her to leave, since he could “completely ruin her.” Another positive quality of his is that he is able to fight for his love. He does not leave Varvara, but runs away with her.

In 1859, A. N. Ostrovsky wrote the play “The Thunderstorm”. By this time, the entire Russian society was hiding in terrible fear of anticipation of future changes. And indeed, everything began to mature more and more clearly social conflict between the old world of conservatives with patriarchal way of life, the so-called “dark world” and the new world of young and progressive forces. Old world In the play "The Thunderstorm" the rich and very evil merchant Kabanikha and the evil, obnoxious merchant Dikoy are represented. Of course, their power over those around them is still very great, but they also begin to understand that gradually in the lower strata a certain new, alien, incomprehensible and already so hated force is beginning to awaken.

"Storm". Characteristics of Curly

N. A. Dobrolyubov will devote his article to this topic entitled “A Ray of Light in dark kingdom" Where he writes that the dark world of tyrants, causing arbitrariness everywhere, began to feel the sprouts of another life, with other principles, although it is not yet clearly visible.

Taking a closer look at the theme “Thunderstorm”. Characteristics of Kudryash,” it should certainly be noted that this is exactly what the small town of Kalinov is represented in the play by Katerina, Boris, Kudryash, Varvara and Tikhon. However, are they all capable of fighting and resisting the tyranny of the tyrants ruling over them?

Characteristics of Kudryash in the play “The Thunderstorm”

Can Vanya Kudryash stand up for himself, and who is he? After all, in fact, the theme “Thunderstorm” was set. Characteristics of Kudryash." Kudryash is one of the minor characters, a young man who works in the office of the rude merchant Dikiy. But Kudryash is also known as a rude man and does not want to “slave” before his master. He declares to Kuligin and Shapkin, “I’m not afraid of him, it’s better to let him be afraid of me,” and although he himself tries once again not to catch Diky’s eye. But if the merchant Dikoy does not kick him out, it means that they need each other, and therefore Kudryash does not need to show heroism to present any of his demands.


Kudryash is one of the first characters to appear in the play and introduces us to the way of life of the city of Kalinov. He is brave, cheerful and self-confident. He has his own passion, with whom he secretly meets with her mother Kabanikha in the evenings. Kudryash and Varvara facilitated the meetings between the married Katerina and her nephew Wild Boris, who is free from marital ties.

Concluding the discussion on the topic “Thunderstorm”. Characteristics of Kudryash,” it should be noted that when all their secret meetings were revealed, Boris did not save Katerina and obediently went to Siberia, where his uncle had sent him. But Kudryash is not the same, he takes Varvara and runs away with her. If Curly sets a goal, he achieves it, no matter what the cost.

"Thunderstorm" is one of the most famous works Ostrovsky. The play was written by the author at a time when society was hiding in anticipation of impending changes. A clear conflict emerged between conservatives living under the old laws and the world younger generation, representing a progressive force. We will talk about one of these representatives of youth, who is not afraid of change and goes towards it. The image and characterization of Vanya Kudryash in the play “The Thunderstorm” are not as bright as those of the main characters. He minor character, but without him the work would not have turned out so holistic. Ivan's kindness and sincerity attracts the reader from the first minutes. He is a fighter in life, despite his rustic appearance, which is so contrary to his character.

Ivan Kudryash is a young guy. Beloved of Varvara Kabanova, daughter of Kabanikha.

Image and characteristics

Ivan is a young, stately and strong young man. Works for Dikiy as a clerk.

The only one who is not afraid and can fight back the merchant, keeping the urban population in fear.

“...I feel in my nose that I won’t sell my head cheap. He’s the one who’s scary to you, but I know how to talk to him...”

Rude. Ivan is not one of those who grovel and fawn. He will answer, he will answer, it won’t seem like much. His speech is simple, but understandable to everyone.

“I’m considered a rude person, why is he holding me? Therefore, he needs me. Well, that means I’m not afraid of him, but let him be afraid of me.”

The wild one is happy with everything. The landowner turns a blind eye to Ivan’s rudeness, not paying attention to the ambitious guy. Forgives everything. Doesn't punish, doesn't drive away. Apparently they both need each other. This benefits Curly, he doesn’t have to show heroism trying to prove something.

Lively. Fearless. Nothing can intimidate Ivan. Fear is unusual for him. He will rebuff anyone who tries to raise their voice at him. He doesn't mince words.

“He is the word, I am ten; he'll spit and go. No, I won’t kowtow to him.”

“I’m for mine... and I don’t even know what I’ll do! I’ll rip your throat out!”

Talented. Ivan is musically gifted. The guy does not let go of the guitar, constantly playing some melodies and humming something under his breath.

“...strums a few chords on the guitar.”

With such talent, he belongs in a music conservatory, and instead of real music connoisseurs, he has to entertain the local audience.

Windy. Despite the fact that Ivan has a girlfriend, the guy still looks at others. He knows this weakness, but he can’t do anything. You can't go against nature.

“I’m too crazy for girls...”

Simple. Kudryash is distinguished by his simplicity; what he thinks is what he says. Expresses feelings frankly, without falsehood or pretense.

Freedom-loving. The worst thing for Ivan is to lose his freedom, which the guy values ​​very much. His entire gut protests against slavery and blind submission.

Purposeful. Brings what he starts to completion. Doesn't give in to circumstances. Goes forward towards your dream.

Relationship with Varvara. Ivan and Varvara have been dating for a long time. It is unclear how serious their feelings are. Maybe this is pampering, maybe the couple will start a family in the future. Time will show. There is a certain coldness at their secret meetings. Varya is constantly attacked by yawning from boredom. The guy is also reserved. Showing feelings is not typical for him. He treats everything with a degree of cold indifference. Ivan does not stand on ceremony in his conversation with Varya, being rude.

“What took you so long? Still waiting for you! You know what I don’t like!”

They look more like bosom friends than passionate lovers. At the end of the work, the young people run away from home together. Ivan did not abandon Varvara, as Boris did. Once again proving that he is capable of action and is used to confirming his words with deeds.

Conscientious. Kudryash was very worried when he learned that Boris was interested in Katerina. A married woman. He thought it was not human.

I feel sorry for the guys from the bottom of my heart. After much deliberation, despite remorse, he eventually agrees, participating with Varvara in organizing a meeting between the young people.



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