Winter magic on glass. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten

Winter magic on glass. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten

Warm knitted items will become more cozy if they are decorated with a winter pattern. This decor can be done in different ways: with jacquard, braids, or by simply moving and changing the front and back loops.

Scandinavian patterns

Once you look at a sweater knitted with snowflakes, you immediately understand that winter is that time of year when you simply cannot do without this type of clothing. Scandinavian jacquard is probably the main pattern, the winter motif of which seems to have been created to warm you with its beauty in the most severe frosts. In addition to the fact that the pattern, which is often called Scandinavian, is beautiful, it also has a second functional feature - the finished fabric is quite thick and dense due to the interweaving of colored threads. Knitting a winter pattern with knitting needles using the Scandinavian technique is quite simple, because there is no combining or transferring stitches. The main difficulty is to correctly count the loops according to the pattern, changing the yarn in a timely manner.

Another nuance is the constant twisting of the working threads during the knitting process. This is done so that the canvas is continuous and there are no holes between color changes.

Fairytale of Lapland

You can often see that a winter pattern made using the jacquard technique is not only snowflakes. Frequent guests on cozy warm sweaters are deer and elk. These animals are the personification winter's tale, because they are carrying a sleigh with the upcoming holiday. Deer figurines can be very different, there can be several of them, or there can be only one. In any case, working on such a pattern, as well as on any jacquard, requires the implementation of certain rules, including accurate counting of loops and twisting of the thread while working.

Jacquard rules

The jacquard knitting technique, and the winter pattern in most cases refers specifically to it, looks impressive if done correctly. Therefore, if you are planning to knit an item with jacquard, you should familiarize yourself with some rules for working in this technique.

  • Colored patterns require care in changing stitches as the pattern progresses.
  • To prevent gaps from forming between colored loops or sections of the fabric, you should twist the working threads during the knitting process. It is best to twist one row of threads from above, and the next - from below. Thus, the working threads will first twist and then unwind on their own. You can, of course, change each color change with a different transition - one from above, one from below, but working in rows is somewhat easier.
  • The thread at work should be tensioned evenly; both strong tension of the yarn and large sagging of the non-working thread in this area should not be allowed. Uneven tension will negatively affect the result of the work; the drawing will either be skewed or “spread” across colored areas.
  • If the intervals of colored fragments are large, then it is better to work from several balls, for example, two deer in an empty field should be knitted from two skeins of yarn, and not from one with long strands. This design is both convenient and practical.

Braids for comfort

A warm sweater, a hat - this is something voluminous and cozy. The winter pattern can be not only a flat ornament, but also a relief decoration of braids and loop transitions. The simplest braids will become a symbol of warmth in winter frosts. A simple change of 4 to 4 loops with the same rapport in height can already become a decoration for any knitted item - from mittens to a blanket. But winter ones, which are based on braids, are very diverse.

The simplest braid can look very beautiful if the transitions are made in different directions. For example, a braid with 9 loops can be knitted like this:

  1. 3 purl loops, 9 knit stitches, 3 purl stitches.
  2. All loops are knitted according to the pattern.
  3. 3 purl stitches, leave 3 loops on an auxiliary pin while working, 3 knit main loops, 3 knit stitches from a pin, 3 knit main loops, 3 purl stitches.
  4. All loops according to the drawing.

Or maybe the same braid can be knitted a little differently:

  1. 3 purl loops, 9 knit stitches, 3 purl stitches.
  2. All loops are knitted according to the pattern.
  3. 3 purl stitches, leave 3 loops on an auxiliary pin before work, 3 knit main loops, 3 knit stitches from a pin, 3 knit main loops, 3 purl stitches.
  4. All loops according to the drawing.

One small nuance, and the braid already looks completely different.

Braids and movement of loops create amazingly beautiful decors. Many elements of offset loops allow you to create complex patterns. Moreover, the same elements, but arranged in different orders, with different intervals of rapports, create different results.

Snow openwork

The winter pattern is not always completely closed, a blank canvas with patterns or braids. Winter means snow and snowflakes. And they are, by definition, light and delicate. And without such elements it is impossible to imagine winter knitting patterns. Openwork patterns necessarily include yarn overs and knitting loops together to form holes. The placement of these elements is where the openwork pattern is built.

In order for the openwork winter pattern with knitting needles to be neat and beautiful, knitting the loops together must be done in different directions depending on their location relative to the yarn over which they are located. This will give the pattern more neatness.

Also, single-color patterns can be made using jacquard patterns, but instead of changing colors, use changing knit and purl stitches.

Clothes look beautiful when they are decorated with patterns. Winter motifs simply beg for knitted items that will warm you up in the winter cold. Good luck!

Master class on drawing “Winter patterns”.

Kovtonyuk Anastasia Sergeevna, second-year student of the Kostanay Pedagogical College, Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay Region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Supervisor: Syzdykova Bakyt Saparbekovna, teacher of physics and mathematics, Kostanay Pedagogical College, Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Description of work: This work examines the attentive attitude of people to the world around them, describes the beauty of nature, the ability to depict the beauty of nature on paper with a simple pencil and gouache on tinted paper. This work is intended for teachers, leaders of clubs, students in grades 1-6 in preparing and conducting extracurricular activities dedicated to the surrounding world, the season - winter.
Target: develop in children a sense of beauty, the ability to comprehend the life around them, and depict the beauty of winter nature on paper.
Tasks: bring up careful attitude to the surrounding world.
develop the ability to build a composition and sketch a drawing on a sheet of paper (A3);
develop the ability to create new colors by mixing paints.
Tools and materials: A sheet of drawing paper in A3 format.
Simple pencil, eraser.
Gouache paints.
Paint brushes.
Glass for water.

And the window glass seems to kiss,
From the Winter Maiden, every day is a gift,
The silver of the design is as bright as a ray of sunshine.
O. Esin

The world around us is full of amazing wonders, but we often do not pay attention to them. Admiring the clear blue of the spring sky or bright colors sunset, we don’t even think about why the sky changes color with the time of day.
Outside the window there is a blue sky, white clouds...
Clouds are accumulations of tiny water droplets and ice crystals.
Light, meeting a micro-droplet of water, is reflected from its surface.
This allows the sunbeam to remain in its original color palette, that is, white, while coloring the cloud molecules in White color.
The microscopic dimensions of cloud elements - droplets or pieces of ice - enable them to stay in the air for a long time.
In order for sunlight to reach the earth, it needs to break through a huge layer of air. As light passes through the air, the rays begin to scatter, and this process occurs more intensely with blue light, since the wavelength of blue light is the shortest.

In order to paint a picture, we must first place the image in the center correctly. Use a simple pencil to sketch the future image.

Who applied the complex ornament
On the window of any apartment?
It's all one artist.
These are all his paintings.

Next we start working in color. For this image I used paints such as gouache and dark tinted paper; it can also be replaced with cardboard. On such darker paper, the image appears more contrasty and bright. Colors: brown, green, white, blue. We usually start with darker tones and gradually introduce lighter ones. For window frames and a landscape in the background, medium-sized brushes are suitable, but for patterns we will need a thin brush.

Winter draws winter patterns for me,
And the window glass seems to kiss,
From the Winter Maiden, every day is a gift,
The silver of the design is as bright as a ray of sunshine.

We begin to draw the landscape outside the window. In order to achieve a heavenly color, by mixing blue + white colors in unequal quantities, there should be a little more white than blue. After drying, add white color to depict clouds, snowdrifts, snow on Christmas trees, as well as glare on window frames.

All drawings are different, the mastery of creation,
And with a strong frost, more inspiration,
The girl will not tire of creating pictures,
Until Spring it will be covered with snow feathers!
Winter has come
Covered with white snow
the field is clean.
Daytime skating with children
everything is rolling
At night in the snowy lights
Writes a pattern in the windows
And knocking on our yard
with a fresh Christmas tree.

After we have summarized our drawing, we can move on to detailing. We start by drawing the patterns on the window more clearly. Using a thin brush and white gouache, we try to convey fancy patterns with smooth lines.

Spinning easily and clumsily,
The snowflake sat on the glass.
It snowed thick and white at night -
The room is bright from the snow.
The flying fluff is a little powdery,
And the winter sun rises.
Like every day, fuller and better,
Fuller and better new year...
Winter pictures
Auntie is walking the puppy.
The puppy parted with the leash.
And now on low level flight
Crows are flying after the puppy.
The snow is sparkling...
What a small thing!
Sadness, where have you gone?

The frost is crackling. The rivers froze.
Birch trees by the river are trembling.
It is warm here. In a hot oven
The lights are crackling.
They will burn, and soon, soon
In the cozy warmth of the room
Subtle patterns will melt
On painted glass.

Who draws so skillfully
What kind of miracle dreamers,
Ice drawing is sad:
Rivers, groves and lakes?
Who applied the complex ornament
On the window of any apartment?
It's all one artist.
These are all his paintings.
frolicking in a wide field
And tired of wandering in the forest,
Santa Claus is bored or something?
I decided to get into a warm house.
But scared people
The door was locked
And Morozko - come what may -
Soon he climbed towards them through the window.
But there was a barrier there too -
There was glass everywhere in the windows,
And Morozko out of frustration
He decided to harm people.
He calculated with his cunning eye,
He took the brushes, whitened, enamels -
And by morning all the window glass
No light was allowed into the house.

It is doubly more interesting to observe natural phenomena if you know the reason for the appearance and development of certain phenomena. Thanks to such a wonderful science as physics. It is very educational to find answers to the mysteries of nature.
Winter. Magical time of year. When can you observe changes in the environment?
One of the beautiful phenomena: patterns on windows. How fabulous these patterns look, like an artist, frost paints these wonderful pictures.
Since childhood, I have loved admiring frosty patterns. I tried to depict this winter phenomenon on paper. But like any child, it didn’t quite work out. Today, looking at the window, I was inspired to try to depict it on paper. In addition to the patterns, I depicted the landscape that can be seen from the window. But I focused specifically on the frosty patterns, which I was able to repeat, remembering my childhood drawings.
Frosty patterns on the windows...
As the air cools, its moisture content decreases. Frosty patterns on glass are formed if moist air is cooled to the freezing point of water, that is, to 0 ° C. At this temperature, excess moisture contained in moist air condenses on cold surfaces. In this case, the water crystallizes, that is, turns into tiny ice crystals. Water contained in humid air at 0°C passes from a gaseous state to a crystalline state.
Why do ice crystals form bizarre patterns?
There are irregularities and scratches on the surface of the glass that are invisible to us. Ice crystals form on them. The crystals are deposited one after another, on top of each other, and amazing, unique patterns are obtained.
In addition to glass irregularities, dust particles on the glass surface and air currents are involved in drawing patterns.
Patterns are formed if the air humidity is increased, and the cooling of the glass began at a positive temperature and continued with a further decrease in temperature. In this case, a water film forms on the glass, which crystallizes when it freezes. Most often, this process begins at the bottom of the glass because more water accumulates there under the influence of gravity. That is why in the lower part of the window the patterns are larger, and the higher you go, the thinner and smaller the ice branches are.
If the glass is moistened evenly during cooling, that is, covered with an even film of water, then the patterns are approximately the same in size over the entire surface of the glass.

Now we apply the colors with a thick, slightly damp brush, as if we were spraying the color. To achieve this result, we can replace the brush with a sponge.

Snow and snow patterns,
There are blizzards of talk in the field,
Cold, twilight.
Day - skates, mountain, sled,
Evening - old wives' tales.
Here it is - winter!

Winter has brightened up:
The headdress has fringe
From transparent ice floes,
Snowflake stars.
All covered in diamonds, pearls,
In colorful lights,
The radiance is pouring around,
Whispers a spell:
-Lie down, soft snows,
To the forests and meadows,
Cover the paths
Leave the branches down!
On the windows, Santa Claus,
Scatter crystal roses
Light visions
Tricky gossip.
You, blizzard, are a miracle,
Round dances of the backwaters,
Take off like a white whirlwind
Turning gray in the field!
Sleep, my land, sleep,
Keep your magical dreams:
Wait, she’s dressed in brocade,
New dawn!

The magic of the beauty of winter with its snow-covered snowdrifts, “crystal” trees, horned snowflakes and cheerful holidays fascinates not only children, but also adults. Therefore, it is not surprising that children's creativity so often conveys the beauty of winter landscapes. There are many drawing techniques: “spraying”, drawing with salt, semolina and even shaving foam. Let's decide what and how best to draw.

Working on a winter drawing is greatly simplified by the materials at hand: special stamps, cotton swabs, toothbrushes, wax crayons, salt and cling film. Let's consider the most available techniques.

Snow-covered tree using stamping technique

Even a preschooler can draw such a picture. The work uses special sticks made from a piece of cotton wool, bandage and tape.

Using sticks, dipped in white gouache, make “pokes” around the tree trunk and at its base. Children can be given ready-made templates.

The base of the picture is left white or painted blue.

Winter Sorceress

With the help of paints and wax crayons, real masterpieces are created. On a white sheet of paper, the child draws any design with chalk, for example, falling snowflakes or snowdrifts.

Then the paper is covered with paints and the drawing “comes to life”. For more magic, sprinkle the still wet surface with salt.

Imitation of snow with semolina

The easiest way to depict a winter landscape is with glue and semolina. It is very easy to work with such material, and it costs much less than colored sand. For work, take colored cardboard, preferably blue or light blue. Workplace covered with oilcloth or newspaper. The pattern is applied to the surface with PVA glue. The theme can be any: a snowy forest, a house, falling snow or a spruce tree standing in a snowdrift. At this stage, little artists may need help from adults.

Semolina is poured into a saucer and the picture is generously sprinkled with cereal.

The work is left on the table for a few minutes. Then the sheet is slightly turned over and the remaining semolina is shaken off. The pattern will appear only in those places where the glue was applied.

The best winter drawings, photos

Snowmen are the obligatory heroes of winter landscapes. They can be located in the yard, in the school yard, or stand in pairs.

Cute snowmen

To begin with, two large circles standing next to each other are depicted on the sheet. Two smaller circles are drawn on top of the balls. Noses are placed on the top balls in a “v” shape. A long curved line represents a common scarf. In the fifth step, draw two lines for the arms and complement the scarf with another curved line.

Next, on the head of each snowman, “birds” are added for the eyes and an additional line for the scarf. Then the hands are detailed in the form of sticks and more curved lines are drawn. In the ninth step, we begin drawing an oval for the overall hat and convex lines for the outer part of the scarf.
Step 10 involves drawing two smaller ovals for the top of the hat and more curved lines for the inner arm. The inner poles of both snowmen are connected downwards at an angle so that they form a "V" shape. Add two vertical lines to the hat.

At the twelfth step, they depict the upper left half of the “heart”-hands and three buttons on each snowman. Finish off the “heart” and make a circle for the bird above the hat. Inside the circle, draw ovals for the eyes (step 14). At steps 15 and 16 the bird should have wings and a nose. At the end the work is decorated.

winter snowfall

The next work involves drawing a snowfall that suddenly hit the village. Many people are intimidated by painting landscapes, but there is nothing difficult about it. The basis of the drawing is the snowy hills that covered the house and the visible forest, so they are outlined at the very beginning of the work.

On the right top there is a house, and in the foreground there are three large spruce trees. In the distance you can see smaller trees (they are drawn in triangles), a snowman and a path leading to the house.

Then the contours are drawn and the objects are detailed: a top hat and arms are added to the snowman, windows, doors and smoke going into the sky are drawn on the house. To add dynamism, the space is filled with falling snowflakes.

The work is decorated. To more accurately convey the beauty of the night landscape, the drawing is done in dark and gray tones, and also adds a full moon in the sky.

Winter forest gouache

An example of a drawing where one work shows seasonal changes in nature. The paint is applied to a white background.

Painting with gouache involves applying several layers: the background, the forest, and only when dry, white snow.

Winter landscape in pencil

With help a simple pencil convey beauty winter forest only a true master can do it.

Winter morning in the village

The work is done with paints. The pink hue of the trees conveys the magic of the rising frosty rays of the sun.

Winter cat drawing step by step

The cat sits against the backdrop of the moon window, so only its main outline is visible. To work, you need gouache in dark shades (blue, green, red and black). A cat figure is placed in the center of the sheet. Her head is slightly turned to the left. The animal is located on the windowsill, so the shape of the frame with a handle is applied on the right.

The sky is shaded by mixing blue with black or blue with green gouache. You can add a little red. The clouds are made light at the top and a little darker at the bottom. A yellow circle of a lantern is drawn near the house.

The house is covered with a blue-gray color, making yellow reflections from the lanterns on the facade.

Yellow indicates windows and lamp posts.

A stiff brush is dipped into thick white paint and the trees and ground are “covered” with snow.

Then the white color is mixed with blue and applied to the tree trunks.

Using a toothbrush, spray white paint onto the window. On the left they draw a transparent curtain. To do this, white paint is diluted with water to a watercolor state.

The cat is painted over with black and blue tones, placing glare from the light of the lanterns along its contour.

Winter patterns drawing step by step

It seems that intricate frosty patterns are difficult to transfer to paper, but this is not so. There are many drawing techniques, but let's focus on the simplest ones.

Applying a pattern with a brush

The surface of the sheet is covered with blue paint. The brush is dipped in a white shade and the paint is sprayed onto the blue surface. The edges of the pattern are decorated with a brush.

Pattern with foam

A three-dimensional frosty pattern is obtained by using shaving foam. A small amount of product is squeezed onto the sheet, the edges are leveled over the surface with a ruler.

Dots are made in several places with blue paint, and then curls are painted with a brush.

The work is covered with a clean sheet and pressed lightly. The winter pattern should be imprinted on the second surface. The impression is removed and dried.

Unusual pattern

The work is performed on a white surface. Curls are applied to the paper with a pencil, and then the tip of a candle is passed over them.

The surface is moistened with a damp brush and covered with blue paint.

The places where the candle passed will remain white.

Winter drawings about sports, step by step

Transferring an image of a person to paper is not so easy, especially when he is in motion. When working, you should adhere to certain proportions and initially sketch in pencil, and only then work in watercolor.

Figure skater

First, you need to study a photo of a real figure skater, which will serve as a hint. Below are the steps for drawing a girl. The work begins with the bend of the body, then complements it with the head and dress.

The figure of a skier going down the mountain is drawn from a sketch. One leg of the athlete is slightly raised, and the other is standing on the ski track.

Hockey player

Below is simple circuit drawing of a hockey player. Work begins by drawing the curve of the body and head, then drawing out the details of the costume and adding a stick with a puck.

Winter window drawing, step by step

You can admire the beauty of the snow-covered streets from the window. The working background of the picture is usually painted light blue; pieces of plastic film can be placed on top. This will give the work a special magic.

The design is applied with whitewash using various techniques, for example, leaf imprinting, spraying or poking.

And the subject matter of the work can be different, it all depends on the wishes of the author.

When the view is completely ready, white strips are glued onto it, which serve as the window frame.
Examples of children's work done in different techniques.

Winter Palace drawing, step by step

Palaces are usually associated with magic and have many small details: turrets, small windows, roof tiles and a high fence.

An example of a palace made from a square

The design is painted in white, blue and gray tones, and glitter can be used.

Winter oak drawing, step by step

Oak is a mighty tree with a spreading crown, so the design must necessarily convey its strength. The winter state of the tree is emphasized by cold tones. The background of the picture is made in one color with gradual lightening with white paint.

It is better to blow out a tree trunk with a tube of brown blob. It will turn out slightly tilted from the wind.

A sponge is dipped into white paint and frost is applied around the tree.

You can add a snowdrift visible in the distance and another mighty tree.

Winter forest drawing, step by step

Before work, you need to remember what is special about the winter forest? At this time, blue and purple shadows lie between the trees on the untouched sparkling snow. And the dark needles of the spruce trees only emphasize the severity of the cold season.
The paper should be slightly wetted before applying blue and cyan paint. Then turn the sheet on its side to get streaks.

On the left in the foreground they draw the trunk of a mighty oak tree surrounded by small bushes.

Two spruce trees are depicted in a dark green shade to the side.

Winter games drawing step by step

To convey winter fun children, you need to depict the guys on the street. A winter walk involves images of children dressed in overalls. We will draw them using the palm of our hand.
The left palm is placed on the surface, while the thumb is moved slightly to the side.

Then the ring and middle fingers are separated to create a “bird” between them.
The work is turned over and a semicircle for the hood is drawn at the top. Another hand is added to the right. It can be directed upward or to the side, it all depends on the author’s idea.
On the edges of the overalls, ovals are drawn for boots and mittens. The eyes, mouth and nose are applied to the face.

The outline of the drawing is covered with wax crayons, which simplifies the work with watercolor paints.
The jumpsuit is made bright with many small details.

Drawings for sketching winter views

For those who don’t know how to draw at all, you can use ready-made templates for your work. They are held before the eyes and gradually transferred to the surface. Any winter landscape will come to life with a little imagination and patience.

It seems that winter landscapes are boring and monotonous, but each work has its own charm, conveying the personal view of the author. They are fabulous and slow, dazzling snow-white and somewhere a little sad.

Drawing lessons on Winter in kindergarten

Master class on drawing using threads and monotype.

The master class is intended for middle and older children preschool age, teachers, parents.

The master class is intended for children of middle and senior preschool age, teachers, parents, and students.
Purpose: use as a holiday card, as a painting for interior decoration, as a gift.
Target: Developing children's creative abilities through non-traditional drawing techniques.
1. Introduce children to image methods such as monotype (imprint), drawing with threads. Show expressive capabilities, features of drawing using these methods.
2. Develop imagination, imaginative thinking, color perception, Creative skills children. Arouse interest, responsiveness, emotional response to creative activity.
3. To cultivate goodwill and mutual assistance in children; accuracy and diligence when performing work.

Materials: sheets of paper in the shape of windows, a grocery bag (disposable), gouache paints in white, blue, violet, turquoise colors, brush No. 5, container with water, threads 25-30 cm, d -2mm (d is possible according to the choice and intention of the teacher ), palette, passport, blue and silver braid 5mm wide, gel paints with glitter, scissors, tube; recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”.

Preliminary work: examining with children patterns in illustrations of books, magazines, photographs, windows (not plastic), traces on the ice after skating; conversation on the works of I. Surikov, A.S. Pushkin.

Progress of the lesson

(Soft music plays)
- What kind of master is this?
applied to glass
and leaves and grass,

And thickets of roses?
-In winter, you can see unusual, magical beauty on the windows, as if someone had painted the glass with paints and a brush. The mysterious artist of the frosty patterns on the window is none other than frost.
-If you look at the pattern for a long time,
Then you will see a fairy forest...
Herbs, berries, leaves set
in the clearing of crystal wonders...

That the pine branches sway,
And the snow falls down,
You will see, just look
to a frosty window surprise.

Now you and I will turn into wizards. We will paint each window with frosty patterns using threads. But first of all, let’s create a winter background on sheets of paper and windows. This unusual way called "monotype".
1. Using a brush, apply multi-colored spots (blue, dark blue, violet, turquoise) onto the bag randomly and quickly so that the paint does not dry out.

2. Place a sheet of paper on top of the painted bag, smooth it with your hand and stamp.

3. We lift the sheet with the imprint, which then dries out.

4. We lay out a thread on the palette in a “snake” pattern, which we hold in our left hand. And in the right hand there is a brush, with which we paint the thread white. To prevent the thread from curling into a ball, you need to hold the tip of the thread with a brush.

5. Apply and lay out patterns using thread (you can place a sheet of paper on top and lightly smooth it with your palm).

In this way, we repeatedly dye the thread and apply patterns according to plan on a sheet of paper.

6. Using the tip of a tube dipped in paint, decorate the design.

7. We insert the work into the passport, decorate it with shiny gel paints if desired, and add a bow formed with a ribbon.

8. Exhibition of works. When examining the works, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the expressive originality of drawing with threads and the interesting creation of an imprint.

Thank you for attention!

When frost comes, the windows of our houses are painted with magical patterns. The finest magical drawing on the glass seems to be hand-made. Since childhood, we believe that at night, when we are all sleeping, Grandfather Frost decorates our windows with his magic staff. And even if it’s just a fairy tale, it always makes your soul feel warm.

(Total 11 photos)

1. Magical winter patterns on glass are surprisingly similar to fine weaving from the finest threads.

2. And peering into the patterns, strange visions open up to us.

3. Bizarre branches and flowers, fairy-tale animals, outlines and shapes of fairy-tale castles, feathers of strange birds, transparent stars-snowflakes, the finest geometric patterns - frosty patterns are varied and unique.

4. Drawings of fabulous winter patterns are not only unique, but also unique.

5. The magical artist creates more and more new paintings.

6. But I really want to believe in it.

7. But if you carefully observe how winter patterns appear on the glass, it becomes clear why they have such patterns and why they are almost never repeated.

8. It turns out that very often the very first ice crystals appear on window glass not randomly, not just anywhere, and not even along the frames, but along scratches, microcracks and other defects that always exist on glass.



This is interesting: