When did people start building houses? Where did the first multi-storey buildings appear? When did house 2 appear?

When did people start building houses? Where did the first multi-storey buildings appear? When did house 2 appear?

The popular television show, which airs daily on the TNT channel, is 10 years old. On May 11, the entertainment project celebrated its anniversary, and in honor of this event, we decided to remember the brightest moments, the best participants and Interesting Facts programs.

"Dom-2" started in 2004 under the leadership of a then-unknown and popular TV presenter. Four years later, the latter was replaced by Olga Buzova, a former participant in the project who spent about four years on it. The first episodes of the program with Sobchak were hosted by a famous actor, but soon the producers of the show invited the young and talented Ksenia Borodina to play this role. The girl tried to break into television for a long time, participating in a variety of castings and even trying herself as an actress. Now it is impossible to imagine “Dom-2” without Borodina and Buzova - two irreplaceable presenters who have become close friends of many participants in the reality show.

History of "House-2"

Initially, the project was created as a follower of the “Home” project - a program in which married couples built not only relationships, but also a very real home to live in. The show aired on TNT from July 1 to November 2, 2003. In the final, based on the results of audience voting, the most active and memorable couple received a house. The program was hosted by singer and athlete Svetlana Khorkina, the final was hosted by Dmitry Nagiyev. That is why the producers entrusted him with hosting the first episodes of Dom-2.

The first episodes of "House-2" were hosted by Dmitry Nagiyev

Due to the high ratings of the "Home" project, it was decided to launch new show. But at “House-2” the participants no longer needed to act as builders; now their concern and main task were only romantic relationships. It’s not for nothing that the project’s slogan sounds like “Build your love.” On May 11, 2004, Ksenia Sobchak, together with the first 15 participants, launched Dom-2, which continues to demonstrate high ratings among viewers to this day.

Ksenia Borodina and Ksenia Sobchak at the Execution Ground

The namesakes led the project for the first few years

Presenters of the project "Dom-2"

In total, the reality show "Dom-2" had four presenters. In parallel, the program is led by two people who take turns communicating with the guys, holding training sessions and holding one-on-one conversations.

  • Dmitry Nagiyev (2004)
  • Ksenia Sobchak (2004 - 2012)
  • Ksenia Borodina (2004 - present)
  • Olga Buzova (2008 - present)

Sobchak and Borodina worked together for four years

The most active participants of "House-2"

Over the course of 10 years, thousands of participants from the most different countries. They tried to build romantic relationships, start a family, have children and become popular. Some of them did not hide the fact that they came to the show only for PR and fame, but as a rule, such young people are quickly voted out. Many couples were created on "House-2", some of which are still together.

Ksenia Sobchak hosted “Dom-2” for many years

Daria and Sergey Pynzari are rightfully considered one of the brightest and strongest married couples. The girl who initially came to the Dom-2 project with Rustam Kalganov (Solntsev) eventually managed to start a family and give birth to a child right in front of the TV viewers. Daria Chernykh (the participant's maiden name) was successful not only as a mother, but also as a businesswoman. She created a whole network of clothing stores throughout the country. Dasha is helped in business by her beloved husband Seryozha, whom she dotes on. The married couple and their son Artem live in a VIP house and have no plans to leave the Dom-2 project. The Pynzaris have big plans for the future - they want to give birth to a second child, develop in business and travel a lot around the world.

Sergey and Dasha proved that you can start a family on the project

Pynzari built love and gave birth to a son

Rustam Kalganov (Solntsev) on the Dom-2 project has long been considered something of a mentor and coach. He joined the project back in 2007 and is still one of the brightest participants. The man, who celebrated his 37th birthday, is happy to give advice to young people on how to build relationships. At the same time, in the life of Rustam himself there is no family or its semblance yet. Solntsev was already married once, but got divorced and is now looking for love again. Because of the rumors about his unconventional orientation, which have accompanied Kalganov for many years, guys even came to him.

Rustam's sexual orientation is constantly discussed on the project

Ventseslav Vengrzhanovsky, or simply Vents, as he was affectionately called by other participants, lasted on the Dom-2 project for more than four years. The young man repeatedly tried to find a girlfriend and even married Ekaterina Tokareva in December 2011. The young people got married right before the New Year 2012, but later divorced. After leaving Dom-2, Wenceslav tried himself as a participant in the Battle of Psychics, but did not make it to the finals.

Wenceslav and Katya got married on a reality show

The family history of the Gusevs deserves special mention. Evgenia Feofilaktova, who previously dated Alexander Zadoynov, Andrei Cherkasov, Nikita Kuznetsov, Ilya Gazhienko and Mikhail Terekhin, married Alexei Gusev. The young man proposed to her after three months of dating, and soon the couple had a son, Daniel. Now the Gusevs are doing business (they, like Pynzari, opened their own clothing store) and remember the Dom-2 project with gratitude.

The Gusevs became another married couple on “House-2”

Zhenya Feofilaktova gave birth to a son, Daniel

Weddings on the show "Dom-2"

Over 10 years, 13 couples got married on the Dom-2 project. Some of them have already managed to get divorced, but there are also those who are still together. The first participants to get married through a reality show were Alexander Titov and Olga Kravchenko. The last couple to walk down the aisle on the Dom-2 show were Alexander Gabozov and Aliana Ustinenko.

Aliana and Sasha got married last fall

  • Alexander Titov and Olga Kravchenko (July 17, 2004)
  • Alexander Nelidov and Natalya Pavlova (July 9, 2005)
  • Zhenya Kuzin and Margarita Agibalova (May 26, 2009)
  • Dmitry Zheleznyak and Elena Bushina (February 12, 2010)
  • Sergey Pynzar and Daria Chernykh (May 5, 2010)
  • Sergey Adoevtsev and Maria Kruglykhina (7 July 2010)
  • Nikita Kuznetsov and Nelly Ermolaeva (February 14, 2011)
  • Ilya Gazhienko and Olga Agibalova (September 21, 2011)
  • Tigran Salibekov and Yulia Kolesnichenko (December 13, 2011)
  • Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky and Ekaterina Tokareva (December 31, 2011)
  • Ivan Novikov and Inna Volovicheva (April 28, 2012)
  • Anton Gusev and Evgenia Feofilaktova (June 15, 2012)
  • Alexander Gobozov and Aliana Ustinenko (November 30, 2013)

This year, viewers were expecting several more weddings at Dom-2, but over the past month the situation has changed radically. Elina Kamiren and Alexander Zadoynov, who were planning a celebration for the tenth anniversary of the show, withdrew their applications from the registry office. However, everything may change in the near future: it recently became known that Elina is pregnant with Sasha’s child, she returned to the project and now the young people live together.

Elina Kamiren is pregnant from Sasha Zadoynov

Liberzh Kpadonu and Evgeny Rudnev became the next candidates for a wedding on the 10th anniversary of “House-2”. But there was also a breakdown in the relationship of this couple: after another hysteria, Zhenya Liber called off the engagement and admitted that she was not ready to become a wife young man. Perhaps someday viewers will see the wedding of this couple, but this will definitely not happen in the near future.

Zhenya and Liber canceled their wedding

Andrei Cherkasov and Anya Kruchinina a few months ago were planning a luxurious wedding at the expense of the project, but the relationship of this couple was under threat. The young people separated, but unable to bear the separation, they got back together. Now there is harmony in their romance, but there is no longer talk of a wedding.

Andrei Cherkasov and Anya Kruchinina cannot decide on their relationship

Scandals related to the Dom-2 project

There were many scandals associated with the history of “House-2”. In 2009, the Presnensky Court of Moscow banned the broadcast of the project from 16:00 to 23:00 - during the so-called “children’s time”. Despite the fact that the TNT television channel filed an appeal against this decision, the court confirmed the ban. Until October 2010, the program was released only in the format of evening and night editions, and then the daytime edition was restored.

Olga Buzova has been hosting Dom-2 since 2008

Man's first house

Today it is simply impossible to imagine people's lives without buildings and structures. No one can live without housing. Any person, no matter what level of cultural development he is at, has one or another home - from luxury apartments to an abandoned basement. I wonder who was the first to come up with the idea of ​​building houses, and what was the very first house like?

Man Cave

Many are inclined to think that the very first home for man, albeit primitive, was a cave.

Not certainly in that way. The dark and damp caves were unsuitable for life. If people climbed there, it was in some special emergency cases - an attack by some primitive animal or severe cold, wind and rain. Of course, these were far from the most beautiful houses in the world. The caves were also used for religious rituals.

Weatherproof shelters

So the very first houses were not caves. Naturally, these unusual houses have not survived to this day, but it is possible to “reconstruct” their appearance if you get acquainted with the buildings of today’s tribes, whose life is as close as possible to primitive times.

So, living in a warm climate, people built not houses, but so-called wind barriers. The materials for construction were branches, tree bark, and grass. Such a shelter could only provide shelter from bad weather, but did not save from danger.

Lifestyle change

And only when people changed their nomadic lifestyle to a sedentary one, the very first houses appeared. They were huts and huts woven from thin branches. And those who could not sit still, but still liked to roam, learned to build portable dwellings such as tents. Here's how they were built: they built a “frame” from strong and large bones of animals, for example, mammoths. This “frame” was hung with the skins of killed animals in cold weather and tree bark in warm weather. This “house” was, as they would now call it, portable, that is, portable.

Project "House number 1" television company TNT began on July 1 and ended on November 1, 2003. The program format was purchased from the English television company Zeal.

The project featured 90 prime-time episodes and 14 special events on every weekend.

According to the terms of the project, 12 married couples from all regions of Russia built a house together, but only one of them received the keys. From the fifth week, couples left the construction site one by one by decision of the general “family” council, and the audience chose the winners from the two remaining couples.

Requirements for participating couples: newlyweds who have already submitted an application to the registry office and are preparing for the wedding within a month, or a husband and wife who do not have their own home. The personalities of the spouses and the scope of their activities are very diverse: from a housewife to a business woman, from a military man to an accountant; as well as everyone who agrees to take a 3-month vacation and receive a super prize - a house in Moscow, built with their own hands and according to their own design.

The couples were helped in the construction by real professionals - architects, interior designers, foremen, builders, landscape designers.

According to the TNS Gallup TV Index, provided by the TNT press service, the six-month audience of Dom-2 in 2008 was about 15 million people throughout Russia. “They are mostly women (65% of all viewers of Dom-2).

The program attracts the attention of people of all ages, but “Dom-2” is more interesting to young people aged 16 to 34 years old with secondary and higher education.”

Show rules:

1. Every Wednesday, participants choose a pair.
2. Every Thursday there is a vote during which the participants decide which of the single players should leave the show.
3. A new player takes the place of the one who dropped out: a boy takes the place of the girl, a girl takes the place of the boy.
4. Every week the right to choose passes to a different gender.
5. Three couples in love reach the final, and during the live broadcast of the final show, viewers decide by SMS voting who will get the House.

Former participants of the show more than once became heroes of crime chronicles. Alexey Avdeev was detained in August 2005 right on the set. He was identified by a TV viewer from Smolensk, from whom he, working as a realtor, stole 2 thousand dollars. Avdeev was sentenced by the court to four years in a maximum security colony for fraud.

In April 2006, Kirill Komarovsky was detained in Moscow on suspicion of fraud. After spending a week on the project, he got a job as an assistant to a realtor in a Moscow company. And already on the second day of work he disappeared, having received a deposit for the apartment.

Former participant in the reality show “Dom-2” Vyacheslav Popov was sentenced to 6.5 years in a maximum security colony. A student at Syktyvkar State University was caught red-handed by drug control officers in July 2006 while selling a batch of hashish.

Two former participants of the show died. Oksana Aplekaeva was found strangled on the Moscow-Riga highway in September 2008. And a year earlier, in June 2007, Kristina Kalinina died. She was treated poorly by the show's cast because she abandoned her family for fame. She left the project based on the results of the vote. She died as a result of kidney and heart failure, according to some sources, as a result of stress after leaving the reality show.

The reality show "Dom-2" often becomes the object of public criticism.

In May 2005, deputies of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Health and Public Health, headed by Lyudmila Stebenkova, prepared an appeal to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ustinov, in which they demanded to close the television project and bring the host of this program, Ksenia Sobchak, to criminal liability for pimping. According to the appeal, the program “generally and systematically exploits the interest in sex: it repeatedly showed scenes of petting and acts of masturbation.”

At the beginning of June 2005, Ksenia Sobchak went to court demanding protection of her honor and dignity. In July, the Presnensky District Court of Moscow issued a resolution to terminate the proceedings on the claim of the TV presenter against deputies of the Moscow City Duma. The court ruled that the deputies cared about the morality of the electorate and had every right to write such an appeal.

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At one time, the television screen literally exploded with a completely new original television project, “Home,” both in form and content.

The reality show began on July 1, 2003, and lasted four months, keeping people in suspense for the next episode. a large number of TV viewers. During the entire broadcast of the television program, 90 episodes were released in prime time and 14 special events on weekends.

It must be said that the very concept of the television program “House 1” was legally borrowed from the English television company Zeal, but the Russian reality show “House” almost immediately surpassed its prototype in popularity. The slogan of the first episode of the TV show was “Build your own home, for happiness in it”, which, in fact, is what the participants were doing during the entire TV production.

The rules of the first House were significantly different from the format and conditions to which today’s television viewers of the television project are accustomed, although no, no, yes, the words “television construction” are heard from the show’s hosts.

Nowadays, relationships are mainly built, but then the participants took an active part in the construction of the house itself. So, what were the rules of the reality show “House 1”?

Terms and conditions on the verge of "School of Survival"

12 pairs of completely different young people from all over our vast country were carefully selected and then invited to the television platform.

Married couples were selected according to the following principles: firstly, they must be newlyweds or already preparing for the wedding and awaiting registration at the registry office. The main condition is that couples must be in dire need of housing, that is, they must not have their own square meters at all.

According to the rules of the TV show, in addition to real professionals (architects, foremen, interior designers, landscape designers and the builders themselves), all 12 married couples take part in the construction of a house, but only one of them will win it or the opportunity to receive a cash prize.

Every week, starting from the fifth, one of the couples left the television set. The decision to expel is made by the participants themselves at a “general family council”. Even then, the “frontal place” became the traditional way of carrying out this execution. From the two “surviving” married couples, the winner is chosen by the TV viewers themselves.

The young people were selected in such a way that their areas of activity and position in society differed significantly from each other. The selected participants ultimately perfectly represented a certain cross-section of society, practically all its facets.

The biggest prize in modern television

When the organizers of the TV show “House 1” announced prize fund, even seasoned producers of other projects and TV viewers themselves were literally amazed.

The winners were to receive 8 million rubles (that’s how much the luxury house built cost). As practice has shown, the risk was justified and the project broke all viewing records.

The surge in viewer interest was such that even after the end of this first “pilot” season of the TV show “Home”, a more advanced and significantly transformed and adapted to the tastes and demands of television viewers appeared on the screens of the TNT channel.

He, in turn, due to his duration and popularity, was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The first presenters of the TV show "Home"

Over the entire existence of the television project “House 1”, its hosts were “star” personalities: Nikolai Baskov, Svetlana Khorkina and Dmitry Nagiyev.

The first and most memorable host of the reality show “House 1” among TV viewers was Nikolai Baskov. The famous singer, for whom this project was his first experience as a presenter, during the TV production became a true friend to all participants and was a long-awaited guest in each of the 12 houses.

Nikolai very successfully revealed his talents as a TV presenter in the TV show “House 1”, sincerely penetrating and understanding all the vicissitudes family relations and relationships in the most scandalous team. The participants were always grateful to his advice.

Then he was replaced by Svetlana Khorkina, who, thanks to her calm, feminine character, was able to smooth out many of the “sharp corners” that crop up every now and then on the TV show. Dmitry Nagiyev, who replaced Svetlana, in turn, decorated the reality show with sparkling humor and proved himself to be a real showman during the period of the series.

Naturally, such star presenters added even more “points” to the “piggy bank” of TNT, which literally blew up the television space in 2003, laying a strong foundation in the form of a huge number of TV viewers in love with the project for the next season of the show.

“Pioneers” of the reality show “Home”

Let's get to know each married couple who took part in the first television production in 2003. All participants were settled in houses.

House number 1 occupied by the Grabin couple. Anna and Dmitry were 23 years old when they joined the television project. Both are Muscovites and have a beautiful baby, Max. Hobbies: adventure, tourism, extreme sports in any form. They love everything free time travel on mountain bikes along very difficult and dangerous routes. By the way, the owners of the largest collection of penguin figurines in Moscow - more than 300 pieces.

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To house number 2 inhabited was experienced in family life couple – the Felman couple. Svetlana and Mikhail had been together for fifteen years at that time. The family is distinguished by a calm, measured way of life in complete harmony and mutual understanding.

House number 3 belonged to the Berkov family. Olga and Andrey are businessmen who devote all their time to developing a joint personal business related to the textile industry. The family lives in Belarus, but they rushed to the TV show at the first suggestion with great pleasure! They had been married for seven years at that time. They love noisy companies and everything connected with it: barbecues, songs around the fire, etc.

House number 4 belonged to the most “adult” participants of the reality show “House 1”. The Kosolapov family (Nina and Sergey) from Rostov-on-Don have been together for more than thirty years and have an independent son, Anatoly. Unfortunately, the Kosolapov family never acquired their own home at that time, and would very much like to receive a prize in the form of a luxurious house built with the help of professionals and other married couples in Moscow!

House number 5 received an interesting couple of circus performers, the Semenov family. Friends jokingly call Elena and Alexandra the “sawdust family,” since they spent all their years together, and they were 13 years old, in circus sawdust, constantly training! TV viewers and most of the other participants really liked this couple.

House number 6 It was occupied by a very young couple, the Ryabikov family. Natalya and Vladimir have been together for only two years, but even then they were sure that they would live together until their death! Their confidence was not always confirmed by the situations that took place on the television set. Vladimir is a test pilot, and Natasha is a teacher foreign languages. Both have explosive characters and a cool mind that helped them get out of emotional problems.

House number 7 belonged to the Pozdnyakov family. Sveta and Yuri, despite the fact that they had known each other since childhood, were never married. Very narcissistic and self-confident, easy to communicate with. Participation in the television project was considered their “honeymoon.”

House number 8 got by the standards of the TV set, large family Smirnovs from Perm. Larisa and Maxim have two children: a five-year-old daughter and a very small 2-month-old son, Maxim. The father of the family believes that they are the ones who need the main prize of the reality show. The house should go to them. The couple was quite active on the project.

House number 9 It was settled by a family of Muscovites, the Lobyntsevs, who had been living together for only a year and a half. Natalya and Sergey are friendly, cheerful, racing in Moscow racing cars young people.

House number 10 went to the lucky ones who won the show, the Pichkalev family from Perm. Both are doctors: Renata is a therapist, and Alexey is a surgeon. The couple is very impulsive, with a quick reaction to everything that happens. Renata is the clear leader in the relationship and, as the show showed, has a bitchy personality. Her antics and harsh statements were clearly remembered by television viewers. By the way, we came to the project to “relax!” So they said: “We came to the project to relax and don’t need any Maldives!”

House number 11 received by the Shchavelev couple. Dima and Olesya are a very young couple! They signed less than a year ago. They live in happiness and understanding. Still would! Dima is a professional cook and very often spoils his beloved wife delicious dishes! In addition, he is also a director of fights and various stunts. Olesya is a theater artist. On the project they established themselves as a very harmonious couple.

House number 12 occupied by the Kotelnikov family. Native Muscovites Tatiana and Kirill have been together for about 14 years and have a four-year-old daughter, Alisa. They consider “Alice in Wonderland” their reference book. This is probably why the slogan of their family happiness is a phrase from it: “Don’t stand still, so as to at least stay in place. All dreams will come true, but perhaps later.” This is how they carried out the entire television construction: quietly and unnoticed.

Winners: Disposal of the Prize

Bright, emotional, always having their own personal opinion, independent of other participants, the Pichkalev family, doctors from Perm, won the first season of the reality show “Home”. They were significantly ahead of their rivals - the Ryabikov family. It was the Pichkalev pair that was chosen from the two finalists by the TV viewers who watched the TV construction for all four months.

It was not easy for this impulsive couple to win. Due to Renata’s difficult character, she twice found herself on the verge of being kicked out of the show. But the first time Nikolai Baskov saved her, the second time the couple was saved by one of the participants who left “House 1” instead of the Pichkalevs.

And now the long-awaited denouement has arrived. The victory went to the strongest participants in the project! The guys, in turn, made a decision and refused luxury housing in the Moscow region, and chose the equivalent of a prize - eight million rubles.

The award ceremony was no less enchanting than the show itself. The collectors brought a huge number of bundles of banknotes directly to the construction site. From them they built the tallest model of the house, repeating the original, Dmitry Nagiyev announced the winners.

When Renat and Alexey were asked how they were going to use the winnings, they announced that the decision had been made a long time ago and, if they won, they planned to start their own business and spend a certain part of the money on charity, namely, to take care of the “Nursing Home” and "Baby House" in my hometown.

A few years later, alarming information appeared in the media that the Pichkalevs were seriously injured, and perhaps even died at the hands of bandits with whom they did not want to share the winnings. But, fortunately, she was not justified.

The winners of the first TV show “Home” Renata and Alexey realized their ideas and, in addition to their business, they continue to engage in charity work.


"House 1" was a mind-blowing success for a number of reasons. Firstly, it was extraordinary, unusual, meeting all the needs of television viewers, subtle and taking into account the emotional and psychological needs of the population.

Secondly, the very opportunity to take a prize not in property, but in cash in the amount of such a large amount of money was impressive.

Thirdly, unique devices were purchased to conduct and organize filming: eight cameras filmed round-the-clock footage from the television set.

During the reality show, an all-weather telescopic fifteen-meter crane, two helicopters, and unique equipment for light and sound effects were used. And fourthly, the House itself was built in record time: in just three months!

House 2: the beginning

The longest running television show today is “House 2”. It was created after the successful reality show "Home". “House 2” started on May 11, 2004. Ksenia Borodina and Ksenia Sobchak were chosen as the hosts of the project. 15 participants - 7 boys and 8 girls - arrived at the site, which was nicknamed "the clearing", where they immediately settled into construction trailers.

Goals and Rules of Reality TV

The goal of the TV project: to find love and build good and beautiful relationships. The guys are building not only love, they are also building a house, which at the end of the reality show will be presented to the best couple of “House 2”. Once a week, one of the guys leaves the project by voting, and the next day a new participant comes to replace him.

The guys should lead a normal lifestyle: communicate with each other, cook dinner, go for a walk. Only all this happens under cameras. The life of 15 young people in a closed space, with different characters and different views on life, leads to various funny, sometimes ridiculous, and sometimes deplorable situations.


Participants spend the day as they wish, only following the planned schedule:

  • Charger. In the morning, outside, in winter, a ten-minute sports session is held indoors, led by one of the project participants. Exercise was introduced by the creators of the reality show to cheerfully and cheerfully awaken the guys, so that their day could start vigorously and freshly.
  • Construction. After breakfast, all participants dress in a special uniform and go to work. The construction takes place with a heated discussion of the previous day, the guys communicate, offer various ideas regarding life on the project. The construction foreman is usually one of the leaders, but sometimes it is one of the participants. Young people do a wide variety of work: cleaning the territory, building a house, making repairs.
  • One-on-one. It takes place after construction. One of the presenters and one of the participants are present during the tête-à-tête. The guys “confess” to the leader, share their experiences and secret desires, and they, in turn, help them with advice and do not disclose the information received.
  • Execution place. In the evening, all participants and presenters gather around the fire at the execution site. Here conversations are held about the behavior of the children, opinions are expressed and advice is given. There is also a voting taking place on the lobnom, after which one of the participants leaves the TV project.

Now “House 2” is one of the most successful television projects. In addition to airtime, the magazine “Dom 2” is published, there is a dating site, and a recording studio where the guys record songs and then tour. The television project has been thriving for more than 10 years and will undoubtedly remain at the pinnacle of fame for a very long time.

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