Application on how to learn English. The best mobile apps for learning English

Application on how to learn English. The best mobile apps for learning English

You have a device in your hands that gives you unlimited access to information from all over the world. Live broadcasts, lectures, Apple and Google I/O presentations, TED, The Tonight Show, Netflix and HBO series, original films are available right now. All you need is knowledge of the language. Learn English in 1 hour a day? No problem. The site has compiled for you the top 5 best applications for learning English.


For four years D.Yu. Petrov hosted a TV program of the same name. The project, which spanned eight seasons, was loved by both viewers and participants, among whom were many famous people. Main principle is the speed of language acquisition. In a relatively short time, you gain a universal communication skill. To achieve such results, the emphasis was on the maximum number of lexical combinations, that is, even if you know a limited set of words, you can feel normal when communicating.

The application fully complies with the language methodology: gradually moving towards new tasks, you reach automaticity. In the process, you will be encouraged with pleasant epithets. The TV program devoted 16 lessons to training, the version on the smartphone respectively - 16 hours.

By the way, not all lessons are available for free. The full version will cost $2.99.

Available: Android, iOS, Windows Phone

English is the most popular language in the world, and learning it can be useful to almost everyone. IN currently The App Store is full of applications that allow you to improve your level of foreign language proficiency. In this collection, I bring to your attention 8 iPhone apps that can help you learn English and increase your vocabulary.

English with Words (review)

The application is an assistant in learning English words. In the free version, 5 lessons are available to the user. The lesson consists of several exercises, including memorizing cards, choosing the correct audio translation and other mini-games that train your memory. Purchase full version The application provides access to 8,000 spoken words, divided into thematic sections and provided with pictures. The application does not require an Internet connection and has the ability to add your own lessons. English with Words has a built-in dictionary of 40,000 words. The program is suitable for people who speak English at any level.

Easy ten (review)

The application allows you to personally select English words to memorize, discarding those already familiar to the user. Words marked for training are available in a special player that reproduces English and Russian voice acting. Progress in language learning can be observed in the calendar. You can compare your successes with other users using the rating calculated by the application. By default, 3 days of subscription are available for free use, which can be purchased or extended for free by inviting friends, telling about the application in in social networks or by entering a promo code. The application has a nice interface and will be able to remind you to pay attention to lessons at a time specified by the user.


A simple utility that will allow you to learn English from scratch or consolidate existing skills. Lingvist adapts to your language level and helps you improve quickly by suggesting the most common words and phrases. The app contains grammar tips and exercises, speaks words with a high-quality virtual voice, and also supports speech recognition and offers visual progress tracking.


The application will help you learn 11 languages, including English. Learning begins by viewing perfectly voiced cards. The next step is to listen to the dialogue and practice listening comprehension. The application allows you to send the user's written texts for verification. The final test, which helps to confidently consolidate the acquired knowledge for each block, includes repetition of several completed exercises. Busuu has a built-in reminder system that will not let you forget about learning English. The application allows you to study not only individual words, but also sentences related to a specific topic.

LinguaLeo (review)

One of the most popular services for learning English. The application presents the entire learning process as an exciting and colorful game, so working with LinguaLeo will be useful not only for adults, but also for children. The program will help you expand your vocabulary by training new sets of words or phrases in several modes: translation-word, vocabulary cards, constructor, listening and jungle. The latter is notable for the fact that it contains about 80 thousand text materials in English. It is worth noting that the application can be used without necessarily investing money or purchasing a premium subscription, although this option is also present.


The application contains 16 lessons, 2 of which are available in the free version. Each lesson is accompanied by a summary with rules, a dictionary and a visual table that helps you form phrases. From the very first lesson, the application offers to memorize not individual words, but entire sentences composed according to the rules of grammar in English. In addition to notes, the application has 4 training modes and includes not only theory, but also practice in the form of conversational topics.

Remembering the many words that are in is not so easy. To remember English words with translation, many have been invented different ways. The topic of this article is a free program for memorizing English words called Anki.

First of all, you need to download it to your computer, to do this just go to. You will be taken to the official website of this program, after which you need to click the “Download” button.

Once clicked, you will be redirected to the bottom of the page where you can select the Anki program version for different operating systems. If you have “Windows”, then select the appropriate tab and click the “Download Anki for Windows” button. You can also download the application for your smartphone and install it. After clicking, wait for it to download and install the application.

The fact is that the application has the ability to install the Russian version of the program, but the translation is done rather clumsily, so much of what is written may not be clear to you. I recommend installing the English version, so you can practice at the same time.

But we forgot about the main thing. What is Anki?

What is Anki, a program for memorizing English words?

Anki is a convenient, easy-to-use program that won't take up much space on your disk. It allows you to display and view flashcards for memorizing English words. However, the problem is that these cards must first be found and downloaded. There is a special section on the website for this, where anyone can add their own set of cards.

These same sets of cards are called decks. You can download them. As you can see, several languages ​​are listed, which tells us that Anki allows you to learn not only English. After selecting your language, you will see a list of available decks. You can even create your own, but this is a rather tedious and time-consuming task, so it is much easier to download ready-made ones. Some flashcard decks allow you to learn English words with pronunciation (such files usually weigh a lot).

And again, welcome to visit me!

We speak, as always, on important topics related to language learning.

Often the desire to learn English is limited by a lack of time and energy. You have to read textbooks, memorize rules, and complete assignments every day in order for the learning process to be effective. It takes too much time and as a result people simply give up. But there is a completely different approach - to use apps for learning English.

Why are apps effective for language learning?

Now, with the help of mobile phones, people not only repeat the rules they have already learned from textbooks, but also learn English. Every third person recommends them, and the number of downloads on iPhone and Android has long exceeded millions. Such popularity of using applications for learning languages ​​can be explained by their efficiency and convenience.

I also used this teaching method, and now I will try to explain why it has already gained so many adherents.

You can study anytime, anywhere

As you already know, the most important component of any training is constant repetition of what has been learned and regular practice. You need to perform daily, practice pronunciation and learn new words. Moreover, to receive good result, it is recommended to practice daily, but most people simply do not have time for this.

Mobile apps solve this problem. You can do your daily exercise while you're on the subway, waiting in line, or stuck in traffic. This is a significant advantage, because other learning methods do not give the student the opportunity to study at any time, in any place.

An example from life. For my friend, when learning English from scratch, the stumbling block was the lack of time. There was a desire, but when you are busy with work all day and come home around 9 pm, the prospect of sitting down to read books again does not seem the most rosy. With apps it's different. While simply getting home by metro, she could just turn on the phone and tighten up her tongue a little.

The standard process of learning English requires memorizing rules and doing exercises, sometimes even written ones. You have to learn words from the dictionary and constantly check them. Mobile games that are designed to teach you English use simpler methods. For the most part, the learning process will take place in a playful way.

This method is also suitable for adults, as it is not only a great way to kill time while driving to work, but also a useful activity for your language skills. The game form of learning is recognized as the most effective, since people remember information better if it was presented in an accessible and interesting form. It works the same way with languages. This way, you will be able to remember better not only words, but also complex grammar rules.

Your phone has everything

If you use Internet services to learn languages, then you probably know that most often you have to use several sites at the same time. One site has grammar, the second has pronunciation exercises, and the third has a convenient dictionary.

And modern mobile applications contain almost everything all of the above and more. You can learn new words, practice grammar, review rules and improve your pronunciation. And, I repeat, all this is always with you, and you can use all these benefits at any convenient time.

You will be taught based on your level

Undoubtedly, every person knows English differently. It has become simply impractical to study from books or take expensive courses. That is why people have found an alternative - using free mobile applications. After all, at any appropriate moment you can open the app on your phone and learn something new for yourself.

Using a computer or mobile phone, the user can select a product that is suitable specifically for his level of knowledge. In turn, the application offers exercises of appropriate complexity and grammar.

Making a choice on your own is quite difficult. Therefore, I bring to your attention the top popular applications for learning English.

What do the majority use?

One of the most popular mobile applications, including listening, grammar and word repetition system.

The Simpler lesson is divided into three blocks:

  • learning new words
  • familiarity with grammatical rules. As an example, a proposal for mastering the material will be indicated.
  • practical tasks. Includes the previous two blocks.

Simpler functions:

  • can be used without internet
  • language rules in a simple and accessible form
  • game-based learning
  • memorizing and repeating words

All theoretical and practical materials available in free form. But for the full course of training you need to sign up for a monthly subscription. It can be extended using points earned in the game.

I didn’t expect too much from this app, to be honest. But after a few days of use, I was ready to immediately transfer some money to the developers. The fact is that the rules, the understanding of which my students struggled with for weeks, were learned in a couple of days.

A word

"Aword" is considered one of the best. It allows you to expand your vocabulary and includes tests and exercises. With the help of simplified algorithms, learning English words will become an exciting game and you will be able to easily remember new words.

"Aword" includes:

  • algorithms and exercises for memorizing words
  • built-in translator
  • pronunciation and transcription of words
  • sets of words by topic with pictures.

The application is free, but if you want more features, you can always sign up for a paid subscription. In my opinion, it’s worth it, since here you can improve your pronunciation and vocabulary. They give you flashcards with pictures, grammar, transcription, and even voiceovers of the correct pronunciation.

The game form of teaching makes it easy for children and their parents to learn English at different language levels. Before starting training, LinguaLeo offers to take a test that will determine your level. He has:

  • simulator (translator, listening and pictures with words)
  • offline dictionary
  • personal dictionary (you can add words with voiceover and transcription yourself).

It can be downloaded to your phone for free. If you want more features, I recommend purchasing the premium version. But I’ll also add that I used it for free, and the effect was no worse. And here you should choose yourself.

If you forget about LinguaLeo for a few days, the app will immediately remind you of itself. You will receive emails and push notifications. This irritated me a little, but for people who constantly forget that they need to study English regularly, this will be a big help.

Lessons in Duolingo are suitable for users who have just started their learning. But, if you believe the reviews, it can be used by people with any level of language.


  • trains grammar, vocabulary and spelling
  • possible creation of a personal dictionary
  • there is a personal assistant - Owl, who will remind you about lessons and help in solving tests
  • the program is an arcade game in which a certain amount of time and three lives are given to complete the task
  • Level up is possible only after gaining a certain number of points
  • For completing tasks you earn bonuses for opening new levels

Duolingo is free, but there is also a paid subscription that removes ads and allows you to take tests offline. I haven't used this app for long. Quite convenient, but for some reason I quickly forgot that it was on the phone. But regarding efficiency - no complaints. The principle of operation is very similar to LinguaLeo.


"Words" is a fun game for memorizing words. You can easily memorize new words and practice spelling. The program is designed for users with different levels of language knowledge.


  • available in offline version
  • trains words that are difficult to pronounce and spell

The idea of ​​this program is that, depending on your language level, Easy Ten will select at least 10 words every day.

  • Every day you will expand your vocabulary
  • writing letters using learned words is suggested
  • There is a calendar where you can track your progress
  • pronunciation trainer
  • reward system

For some reason, Android users did not appreciate EasyTen. But I put this application on the list for a reason. In fact, if you constantly forget to learn new words and don’t know which word topic to choose today, this is what you need. Plus, it seems to me, 10 words is the optimal amount for any user.

Personal experience using applications

But the effectiveness of mobile applications can also be judged by personal experience. We can say with certainty that this method of learning is faster and more interesting. For example, if we compare the experience of learning words from a dictionary and using Words, then I will definitely give my preference to the latter. This method is simply simpler, but as you know, The simpler new information is presented, the easier it is to remember it.

You will not think about the upcoming lesson, imagining memorizing the next set of rules and words. Here you simply enjoy the process. Plus, it's free. Remember how much your last English course cost.

The only disadvantage of this method is the constant pop-up advertising. It gets in the way, you constantly accidentally press it. It's annoying, but you can always buy the premium version. This pleasure is not expensive (certainly cheaper than a set of textbooks), but the effect will be obvious.

And now some results:

  • mobile applications– an excellent alternative to expensive books
  • Mobile apps are not only games, but also a way of self-education. Moreover, it is very effective
  • English learning apps will help you learn and maintain the language at a high level.

If the article was useful, share it on social networks. If you disagree with my choice or know better applications, write in the comments. I will be glad to receive any feedback. Thank you for reading to the end of such a long article. And, as always, good luck learning the language!

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You can learn English not only by sitting at your desk. Taking advantage mobile phone, you can study in transport, during breaks at work, in any free minute. In this review, we will look at apps for learning English, useful websites, and ways to learn English using your phone.

Review last updated: 01/10/17.

How are apps useful for learning English?

The phone is something we always take with us. He is nearby 24 hours a day. With its help, when it appears free time, you can “pump up” all your language skills:

  • Listening– listen to audio materials on the go, watch videos in English.
  • Reading– read books in English or English-language websites.
  • Communication practice– communicate via text (or even voice) messages on language social networks.
  • Lexicon– learn words using special applications or in the process of listening, reading, communicating.
  • Grammar– read the theory, go through the exercises.

Some of the above are more convenient to do on a computer. For example, few people will want to speak English while standing in line to receive a parcel. Some people don't like reading on a small phone screen. You can't practice grammar or vocabulary cards while jogging.

The phone is most convenient to use for listening. After all, your hands are not busy and you don’t need to look at the screen, which means you can listen, for example, while walking or digging beds in the country. We will begin the review with listening.

1. Applications and sites for listening to audio materials on the go

Beginners often have a problem: a text that is understandable when reading is incomprehensible to the ear. For example, the subtitles for a film are understandable, but speech without subtitles seems like a jumble of indistinct sounds stuck together. This problem can be solved with listening practice. To learn to understand English by ear, you need to listen every day and preferably more. Fortunately, no one forces you to do listening while sitting at your desk at a specially allotted time.

You can listen on the go, using time that is still wasted, for example, in transport, on the way to work, in line, etc. Polyglot Steve Kaufman, for example, often says that his favorite way to study foreign languages, which he knows about a dozen - listen while working out on a cardio machine.

The main thing is to find suitable audio materials that:

  • Simple enough to understand at least the general meaning.
  • Interesting to you personally.

These could be English lessons, podcasts, news, audio books - anything depending on your interests and level of understanding of English.

Let me give you a few examples:

1. Voice of America News

The main feature of these applications is smart subtitles, where you can click on a word to see the translation. But if you don’t need this function, you can watch any videos in English and without any additional programs, like I watched the series “Friends”.

2. English with LinguaLeo

My favorite mobile word learning app is the free Quizlet app. Here are its features:

  • Words can be learned in four modes.
  • Voiceovers are automatically added to words. The English voice acting is of very high quality, but it is better to turn off the Russian one right away as it is unnecessary and terrible in implementation.
  • It is convenient to add new words and create sets.
  • New words can be added on the PC (in the web version) so as not to have to worry about using the phone keyboard. The data is synchronized, so words added on the PC will appear in the mobile application.
  • There are many ready-made sets of words.

More details about the modes:

In Match mode you need to compare word pairs in two languages

  • Cards– double-sided cards mode. You can change the direction to learn cards from Russian to English or vice versa. Automatic voice acting can be disabled, and separately for each language.
  • Learn– the word appears in Russian, you need to write it in English (or vice versa).
  • Match- a game in which you need to match words in Russian and English for a while.
  • Test– a comprehensive test of word knowledge. Includes tasks: 1) write a translation of the word, 2) choose the correct option, 3) “True\False” - indicate whether the statement is true or false.

2. LinguaLeo

If you use the LinguaLeo service, the mobile application has a “Training” section where you can learn words from your personal dictionary. There are fewer learning modes than in the large version: 7 modes, of which 1 is paid. Unlike Quizlet and Anki, it uses not only flashcards, but also other exercises.

6. Grammar apps

Duolingo is a free app to learn foreign languages(not only English), which is a lesson course in which you need to learn words and various grammatical structures. Classes are held with an emphasis on practice. At the beginning of each lesson, a minimum of theory is given, after which a maximum of practice is given - mainly translation exercises. The program includes exercises for memorizing words, listening and even pronunciation (you need to speak a phrase into a microphone), but the main emphasis is on writing sentences, that is, essentially, grammar.

Difference mobile version The big thing is that in translation exercises you do not need to enter the text, but put it together from words (see the picture above) - this task is much easier, because the puzzle words serve as a hint.

2. LinguaLeo

Lingvaleo is one of the most universal services for learning English; it also has a grammar section. The mobile version offers fewer grammar courses than the big version - these are basic topics such as, etc. Without a premium account, courses are only available to a limited extent.

3. Puzzle English

The Puzzle English application has a “Grammar” section, which completely duplicates the similar section on the Puzzle English website. Here you will find video lessons on English grammar (lessons in Russian) and exercises for them. In the exercises you need to make phrases from English words. In the free version, you can watch lessons without restrictions, but there is a limit on the number of exercises completed per day.

4. British Council – Learn English Grammar

An application for reinforcing grammar topics. Two modes Practice and Test.

  • Practice– choose a topic, for example, and practice with the help of various exercises: make a sentence from phrases, choose the correct form of a verb, match words in two columns, etc.
  • Test– choose a topic, the program creates a test, after passing which you can see exactly what mistakes you made.

In both modes, tasks are divided into three difficulty levels. The application is in English, most of the tasks are paid, but you do not need to purchase a subscription for all tasks, but individual packs. For example, Beginner Pack 1 includes 325 questions on 16 topics. Each set costs about 60 rubles.

5. English Grammar in Use

Murphy's famous textbook in app form. A complete interactive textbook with pictures, explanations (in English), voiced examples, and exercises. The application is paid, except for the first group of lessons on the topic Past and Present.

7. Applications – English courses

By courses I mean a comprehensive lesson-by-lesson study of a language according to a plan, and not the study of, say, vocabulary alone. I will give three such courses with brief description and links to more detailed reviews. All three are suitable for learning “from scratch” and all three provide, in fact, knowledge and skills at an entry-to-intermediate level.

1. “Teacher Method”

Feature of “Teacher” – video explanations in Russian

Step-by-step, very detailed English courses with video explanations in Russian. The learning process looks like this:

  • The teacher explains the topic of the lesson.
  • You do a series of exercises.
  • Take the test.

To date, the “Teacher Method” courses have been released for four levels, starting with the children’s course (from 6 years old) to the “Intermediate level”, however, only the “For Beginners” and “Basic” courses are available in the mobile application, approximately corresponding. The application is paid, but you can take one lesson per day for free.

“Teacher Method” is part of the product line from Puzzle English, read a detailed review.


With Busuu you can learn not only English, but also several others. Training is focused on practice. Minimum explanations and maximum exercises. An interesting detail is that some written exercises are checked and corrected by other users (native speakers). Some lessons are paid.

In Busuu, foreigners correct your writing exercises and you help them.

3. Duolingo

I already mentioned Duolingo above when talking about apps for learning grammar. Duolingo is a comprehensive course in which you go through topic by topic, learn words, write sentences by ear, but the emphasis is on composing sentences. The application is completely free.

It's important to understand that taking a course like Duolingo won't make you speak like a native speaker. Courses help lay the foundation, which needs to be developed by practicing in speaking, writing, reading, and listening. By this basis I mean:

  • Basic vocabulary.
  • Basic grammar (basic concepts, constructions, principles).
  • Basic reading, writing, pronunciation skills.

It must be developed through practice.


Language proficiency consists of vocabulary, grammar, practice in four types speech activity: listening, reading, writing, speaking. With the help of mobile devices, you can engage in each of these areas, but to varying degrees.

  • Lexicon– learn words using flashcards (Quizlet, Anki) or other exercises (LinguaLeo).
  • Grammar– read the theory, consolidate it in practice.
  • Listening– listen to online radio, podcasts, audiobooks, and other materials.
  • Reading– read English-language websites or books, with or without the help of a dictionary.
  • Letter– chat with foreigners.
  • Oral speech– mobile devices can’t help much in speaking practice. Unless you talk on Skype or exchange voice messages on language social networks. But I think it’s easier to do this using a PC.

In my opinion, using mobile applications is the most convenient way to listen to audio materials and read in English, but this depends on personal preferences.

Friends! I don't currently tutor, but if you need a teacher, I recommend this wonderful site- there are native (and non-native) language teachers there 👅 for all occasions and for any pocket 🙂 I myself took more than 80 lessons with the teachers I found there! I advise you to try it too!



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