Thanks for the nice words in the comment. thanks for the comment

Thanks for the nice words in the comment. thanks for the comment

Not every person can express their thoughts beautifully and correctly. But sometimes you need to choose the right speech, convey your spiritual impulses to your interlocutor or society. Phrases of gratitude are the limit of politeness and good manners. Sometimes a simple word “thank you” is not enough. Everyone has situations in life when they need to thank a colleague, friend, or even a casual acquaintance. Do it beautifully, let the words bring a smile and joy!

From the heart and soul

Phrases of gratitude must be chosen with special care. After all, the one to whom they are intended should feel your sincerity and cordiality. Let it not be a formal speech, color it with emotions, gestures, and a smile. Try to explain in detail how the help, advice or action worked. Don't be shy about your feelings, say what you think. Be sure to come up with an appeal to someone who helped in a difficult situation. Let it be not just a name, but something tender, affectionate, expressing gratitude:

  • kindest person;
  • savior, messenger from heaven, the best I know;
  • faithful comrade, good fairy, wizard.

Such simple words will bring a smile to the interlocutor’s face and charge them with energy for other good deeds. After all, expressing gratitude for help is not at all difficult, but it’s so nice.

Key words

Having come up with an appeal, you can move on. The bulk of the speech is up to you personally. How ready are you to open up to a person, how great is your gratitude? These phrases will help you construct the correct text that you will pronounce while looking into the eyes of someone who did not refuse help. Simple phrases of gratitude touch to the core:

  • “It is impossible to express your help and warm attitude, because this is such a rarity in our world. Many people have forgotten the concept of “compassion,” but you have it in abundance. Share your kindness, irrepressible energy and cheerful disposition. And then the world will become much brighter. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your assistance."
  • “A low bow to you, kindest man! These phrases of gratitude will not express all my feelings. You supported me in difficult times, extended a helping hand. Let this bright hand receive as much as it gives! After all, you are always ready to extend it to those who are in difficulty.” .
  • “Thank you - huge and sincere! Your help was needed like air! We received it, free of charge and from all your kind hearts! We thank you and remain your humble servants and debtors! As soon as you need our support, let us know immediately, and we will arrive at that just a moment! Many thanks and greetings."

Such gratitude in prose will be appropriate in many cases. Don't forget about the power of words. You need to say “thank you” even for every little thing, and if you received real help, you should not skimp on gratitude.

The Wonder Years

School is the best time in every person's life. It’s a pity that we understand this many years later. Graduates and their parents must express words of gratitude to the teacher. After all, he invested knowledge, soul and strength into them. This profession is usually chosen by kind and creative individuals. Coping with several dozen children is very difficult. You need to find an approach to everyone, look into their soul and inspire trust. Material gifts, of course, also do not hurt teachers, but the most important thing is words of gratitude.


You can thank the teacher in a duet. Choose from the class the most artistic child with good diction and the same parent. Let them take turns saying phrases, and then present the teacher with a huge bouquet. Deliver the words from the heart, sincerely and touchingly: “Dear and beloved cool fairy! We have grown to love you very much over the years. We would like to wish you success in your work, health and prosperity! But most importantly, we want to say thank you! For your patience and understanding, for your love and sometimes necessary severity. After all, it is so difficult to find with children, to put light, eternal things into their heads. You raised us with dignity, instilled in us a love for the world, nature, and our neighbor. This is a huge, titanic work! Keep up the good work, don't lose your charm and kindness. We will always remember you with a smile on our faces! Our deepest bow and gratitude to you for life!”

The teacher will definitely like such phrases of gratitude. The speech will not be feigned, but sincere and sincere.

A simple "thank you"

Sometimes pride gets in the way of accepting help and support. But if it is necessary, there is no other choice. But saying words of gratitude usually happens easily and in one breath. If you received help, be sure to express gratitude in prose, poetry, in writing - it doesn’t matter. Saying “thank you” is very simple. Prepare your speech in advance or write it down in a beautiful card:

  • “Thank you for your help and assistance! You helped at the right time, most importantly, from the bottom of your heart, without excuses or delays. and kiss your hands!”
  • “Your help was invaluable. Thank you for your support, I will definitely respond in kind in the near future!”

Such simple preparations can be supplemented with specifics. Feel free to express what has accumulated inside.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart,
After all, there is no such thing as too much gratitude!
I want to wish you all the best,
Let there be everything your soul dreams of!

May all good things return a hundredfold,
May luck accompany you all around!
Let happiness knock on your soul
And the heart is filled with warmth!

For your help and attention
I sincerely thank you.
Thank you for your understanding,
I will keep this in my heart.

For your good aspirations
Let fate thank you.
Always to you everywhere, without a doubt,
May luck favor you!

I want to say a huge thank you to you simply for being in my life, for the fact that with every day we live, you make it more amazing, brighter and more interesting. There are practically no people like you, and it is a great happiness to have such a sympathetic, kind, understanding and sensitive person in your environment. Thank you for your help, your endless faith in me and in all my endeavors. Thank you for your patience and support in those very difficult moments, when I literally couldn’t breathe from emotions, but with you we were able to overcome everything.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
Why don't you forget about me
And happy holiday to me
Always offer heartfelt congratulations.

I feel so good
Your warmth and understanding.
Your concern is important to me,
Nice attention.

I will say “thank you”! Let you
All dreams will certainly come true.
And your kind words
I will never be forgotten!

In gratitude
Accept my wish
Good health,
And universal recognition
Success and prosperity,
And so that everything
Life was smooth.

I want to say a huge thank you
And I wish you a lot of positive things in life,
After all, you are a wonderful, very bright person,
Therefore, live happily for a whole century!

May all your good deeds
A sea of ​​light and warmth will return to you
May there be many clear days,
May life become a little kinder!

We say thank you for everything.
For everything that has ever happened:
For the outburst of emotions, wonderful laughter,
For your creativity and success.

For understanding, kindness,
For eloquence, dream,
For attitude, support,
For euphoria without costs.

Because you are always with us,
After all, this is happiness, beauty!
Your soul is warmed with warmth,
We are grateful to you for this!

Thank you very much
I speak from the heart.
There is no end to gratitude
I will repeat it hundreds of times.

For such a person
My words cannot be found,
I express my gratitude
My feelings cannot be conveyed!

A big, pure “thank you”
We speak with sincerity.
For your help and understanding
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Good will always be rewarded with good,
All our feelings are a boomerang.
The desire of the heart will be transmitted
In actions, not in words.

After all, our life is sometimes cruel,
And it is very important to guess
Someone who really feels bad
To give a helping hand.

My gratitude knows no bounds
I can describe it in a hundred pages!
But I’ll keep it to two dozen in words,
But they will sound sensitively and briefly:

Thank you very much for your sincerity -
She heals everything that hurts in me,
Thanks for all! For warmth and loyalty,
For your words and for your sincerity!

Thank you for your kindness,
What they showed honestly and openly,
She didn't disappear into the void,
Now my soul is open to you!

Thank you for everything and never
I will not forget your participation
On the contrary, I will remember forever
And I wish you joy and happiness!

Today we will create a page in which we will express our gratitude to our readers for their comments.
Why is this page needed?

I am sure that every person is pleased when they are thanked. And here we will create a whole page to once again say to our readers - “Thank you for your comment.” Nice, isn't it?

On this page you can place words of gratitude for leaving a comment, a beautiful picture, a small bonus and, for example, a subscription form for blog updates. If a person likes your resource, he will definitely become a reader.

Let's look at how to create this page:

1. First we need to download the Comment Redirect plugin. It is needed to redirect our commentator to the thank you page after leaving a comment.

3. After this, we need to hide the page from the blog menu.
This is where the Exclude Page plugin will help. You can download it from the general WordPress plugin repository. After we have installed and activated it, in the post editor, in the lower right corner, uncheck the box:

4. Next we need to redirect commentators to the created page.

To do this, go to the admin panel - Plugins tab - "Comment Redirect" and in the window that opens, select a new page - "Thanks for the comment" and save the settings:

All. Congratulations!
Also, we need to remove our page from . To do this, in the admin panel - Settings - XML ​​Sitemaps (I have the Google XML Sitemaps plugin installed). In the settings, find the line “Exclude the following articles or pages” and enter the ID number of the desired page. If you need to exclude several pages, write them separated by commas:

The world and the people in it have changed. We are often indifferent to each other, and if a person hears a compliment addressed to him, he becomes embarrassed and mumbles words of gratitude. We will tell you how to adequately respond to a compliment and what to respond.

How to respond to a compliment - the wrong reaction

First, learn how not to respond to praise:

  • never make excuses. You are sure that it is impossible to admire you, but this is a mistaken opinion. Your self-esteem is low - that's the problem. You deservedly received a compliment from acquaintances or strangers;
  • don't say the praise isn't true. The person complimented your hair or makeup. And you told him in response that there was nothing special and no one had talked about it before. These words are a provocation for further praise;
  • don't be offended. Even if you don’t like the compliment, don’t shout at the person or attack him with your fists. Just ignore his words or smile and say “Thank you”;
  • Do not frighten the person with excessive joy from a compliment addressed to you. There is no need to thank your interlocutor loudly and kiss him all over the cheeks.

Responding to a compliment correctly

You heard praise addressed to you. Try to straighten your shoulders and look kindly into the eyes of your interlocutor. Smile sincerely, and the person will feel that his words are pleasant to you. If you feel embarrassed, say, “I'm a little confused,” followed by words of gratitude.

Respond to a compliment like this:

  • "Thank you! I’m pleased to know that you think so”;
  • "Thank you! I appreciate your attentions";
  • “It’s very difficult for me to work on this project (article and the like), but thank you for understanding.” Another option is “Thank you, I tried so hard.” These words of gratitude will be a response to your boss or employee’s praise for your work;
  • "Thank you! I’m so pleased to hear this”;
  • "Thank you! The pleasant words lifted my spirits.”

We respond correctly to a compliment to different interlocutors

Your answer may depend on the person from whose lips the praise came;

  • a compliment from a friend. Hug her and thank her sincerely;
  • a compliment from a business partner. Modestly say: “I follow your example!”
  • a compliment from a loved one. Words of gratitude are complemented by a passionate kiss;
  • a compliment from a stranger. When a stranger lavishes your praise, nod your head and say, “Yes, thank you!” These words will let him know that you know about your beautiful dress, hairstyle and the like;
  • compliment from friends. You can answer with a joke. For example: “Thank you! I'm crazy about my hairdresser too." Another option is “I always try to look good, but I can’t keep up with you.”

It will be easier for you to respond to praise from a friend or relative. Even if the answer is stupid, sincerity will correct the delicate state of affairs.

How to respond to a dubious compliment

Dubious and even insulting compliments are not directed at you. Remember this. They indicate the lack of self-confidence of the person who said something stupid. Don’t answer with anger, but don’t leave malicious words unanswered. Answer options:

  • “I know that you want to compliment me, but it’s not clear what you said. Maybe we can just talk?” These words will force the interlocutor to start a conversation with you, and you will understand why he is rude;
  • “I may have been lucky, but it wasn’t luck that brought me success, it was hard work.” Use these words to respond to the caustic praise of your work colleagues if they are jealous of your success.

If you hear a sarcastic compliment from a stranger on the street, just walk by. You will show him by your appearance that you ignore such people and do not want to communicate with them.

Correctly responding to compliments is a real art. If there are no words, just smile, look at your interlocutor and shake his hand in a friendly manner. He will understand everything.

Hello everyone, just recently one of my readers asked in the comments how to inform the user that you can set your avatar on the site using the system. By the way, the comment was written specifically for this article, if you are interested, you can read it.

And then I had an idea, because it’s possible thank the reader for the comment, there and encourage him to register on Gravatar. So that the comments both on you and on other blogs are colorful and “real”. And so, today we will talk about how to say thank you to a reader for a comment().

What is the "Thanks for your comment" page for?

Thank the reader for leaving a comment
, like me, some users are afraid to leave comments because they don’t want to seem stupid. With this page you can show that any comment is important to you. and further gain the reader's trust.

Second. Improve behavioral factors on the site.

If a reader has left a comment, it means that he is definitely not indifferent to your material; if you offer him to go to other pages, you will receive several additional clicks on the site, which will undoubtedly appeal to search engines. Third. Increase your subscription base.

If a person is interested in your material, you can not only lure him to other interesting articles, but also offer him to subscribe to your site’s free newsletter (😉). It’s enough to display a beautiful subscription form and be ready for a flurry of new subscribers

How to create a "Thank you for your comment" page?

Let's create the page itself, it's all done very simply, if you don't even know these basics, then you urgently need to read it. We create a page with the necessary text that you want to show to the author, and Publish it.

But here an error occurs, this page immediately appears in the main menu, it seems to me that it would be better if it were not in the menu. There are two ways to solve this problem: one depends on whether your template is equipped with such functionality (), the second is the usual method using. Method No. 1

. To do this, we need to check if your theme is equipped with this functionality. Go to “Appearance” => “Menu” => “Manage Areas”. Here you can see all the areas for which you can create menus in the template. In my case, this is exactly the menu I need.

I create a new menu, or edit an old one, add the categories I need to the menu and be sure to uncheck the box next to “Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu.” After which new, created pages will not appear there. I check the box in which area of ​​the theme to use the menu; the same can be done in the “Manage Areas” tab and save the result. Method No. 2

. This method, as I already said, involves installing a plugin. The plugin is called Exclude Pages. I described three ways to install the plugin, so I think there should be no problems with installation and activation.

And so, we have removed our page from the menu, what now? And now another problem arises, the page automatically appeared in the site map, which we created with your help. But it's pretty easy to remove...

To do this, just go to the “Settings” => “DDSitemapGen” section and write their ID in the exclude pages line. But how do you find out this ID? It’s simple, go to your page and look for a few numbers in the link, I highlighted them in the picture, this will be your ID.

Finally, we have fixed all the problems with the page and now we will deal directly with the plugin itself, which will redirect us to the newly created page. The plugin is called. After activating the plugin, it already starts working; all you need to do is make a couple of steps.

In the “Plugins” => “Comment Redirect” section, just select the desired page and save the result. Everything is ready, everything works, if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer everyone in the comments. And now, thank you all for your attention 😉

in the right menu and leave comments to see what page I ended up with. I also recommend the wonderful plugin Wp Recent Comments - for that. *acute*

Thank you for your attention, your humble servant Albert Minnagaliev and the blog were with you...

Expressing sincere gratitude in words is not always easy. It’s not for nothing that successful people prepare words of gratitude in advance for important moments in their lives. Familiarization with the basic rules in advance will allow you to learn how to say thank you in beautiful words to your family, colleagues, teachers or boss.

What's your last name?
- OK, thank you! And yours?
author unknown

Basic rules for expressing gratitude with words for congratulations

Words of gratitude differ depending on who they are intended for. Relationships with loved ones (loved ones, parents, friends) require sincere and warm words of gratitude. Difficulties most often arise when you need to express gratitude for congratulations to work colleagues, boss or teachers.

As a rule, at work the whole team congratulates their colleague on a significant event, so words of gratitude should be brief, but meaningful and sincere. Working in a team sometimes forces people with completely different character and temperament to communicate. A special relationship is established with each colleague: friendly or almost friendly with some, neutral with others, and hostile with others. You can, of course, say thank you to your teachers, boss or colleagues using general phrases, but it’s better to prepare something more suitable for a specific situation.

You can learn how to say “thank you” in beautiful words for congratulations on your birthday or any other holiday by familiarizing yourself with the simple rules:
  • prepare words of gratitude in advance;
  • speak sincerely;
  • pay attention to gestures and facial expressions;
  • include in the words of gratitude the name of the person to whom it is addressed;
  • speak clearly;
  • smile;
  • do not be intrusive.
Gratitude is a moment of reciprocity. Every person is pleased to be appreciated, singled out, and congratulated. With the help of words of gratitude you can express how pleasant this attitude is. You can rehearse the day before and come up with basic phrases and work on gestures and facial expressions.

Words of gratitude

When pronouncing words of gratitude, you need to try to highlight a few points that you especially liked about the congratulation. For example, you can say this: “Sincere thanks to everyone for your congratulations and kind words. Indeed, health (success) is the most important thing in our lives.” You can thank someone beautifully by looking into a person’s eyes, it’s easier to express feelings. If there are several congratulators, you can look a little higher than the faces of the audience, so those congratulating will have the feeling that the hero of the event is looking at everyone.

Words of gratitude for a gift are not much different from gratitude for congratulations. If possible, you should unpack and look at the gift right away, so the gratitude will look more appropriate and genuine. Saying thank you for a song given, for example, on a wedding day or birthday needs to be emotional and from the heart, because the givers wanted to awaken pleasant emotions and memories, and this is the most precious gift.

How to express gratitude for a service

When a person helps his neighbor, it is a sign of kindness and self-sacrifice. In this case, it is necessary to express gratitude, because the person spent his time and paid attention. As a rule, in this case they resort to material gratitude (flowers, sweets, etc.), which is not prohibited in some cases. However, a dry presentation is unlikely to leave a good impression on a person. Words of gratitude in this case should be concise, expressing how valuable the assistance or service provided was.

It is not advisable to limit yourself to a banal “thank you”; it is better to make some accents, for example, say this: “Sincere thanks for your help with the report. Without your advice it would have been very difficult.” When saying gratitude, it is better to look directly at the person without hiding your gaze. If it is appropriate in a particular case, you can touch your arm or shoulder - the touch will help add sincerity to the words of gratitude.

Video card: “Thank you so much!”

Gratitude to your beloved girl or man

Communication with loved ones is more relaxed, open and warm than, say, with colleagues or friends.

It will not be difficult for a woman, because most of the fair sex are distinguished by their emotionality and the ability to openly express their feelings.

Men like to surprise their other halves and give them positive emotions. When presenting a gift or congratulations to his beloved girlfriend, a man unconsciously hopes for an energy recharge from the positive mood of his chosen one.

But for most men, a verbose and open expression of gratitude is difficult due to a more restrained temperament. An overly dry “thank you” can offend your other half.

When expressing gratitude to your beloved woman, you need to try to choose the words so that the woman has no doubt whether she liked her gift or congratulations. Be sure to reinforce your words of gratitude with a touch, hug or kiss.

Video: How to say thank you in 1 second

How to prepare words of gratitude in advance

A pre-prepared thank you speech may be needed when expressing gratitude to parents at a wedding, teachers at graduation, etc. In such cases, both prose and poetry are suitable. Nowadays, you don’t have to be a poet to thank your parents or teachers with a poem - you can find a suitable work on the Internet or order an individual thank-you poem from professionals. The main requirement for such a poem is quality and originality. Banal words will sound dull and inappropriate at a celebration.

Both newlyweds should thank their parents at the wedding, despite the fact that one may be more eloquent. This is an excellent opportunity to show the unity of a young family, so it is advisable to divide the speech between both newlyweds.

How to beautifully say THANK YOU for a compliment: example

- What a delicious pilaf!
- Oh, it’s delicious, I’m always in a hurry, the cauldron has disappeared somewhere, the other dish is no longer the same, the rice came out a little dry and the color is paler than usual...

Do you really think that this is what the other person wanted to hear from you? With such an answer, you either emphasize that he understands the issue much less than you, or let him understand that it is better to refrain from compliments addressed to you (to be safe) - or even not to visit you at all. At the very least, mutual awkwardness in the conversation is guaranteed. But the person simply praised your dish.

Why is this happening?

Reason 1: Excessive modesty

Strict upbringing or low self-esteem often forces a person to respond to any compliment with denial - “You look great!” - “Well, stop it...”
Reconsider your attitude towards yourself.

Reason 2: Compliment = lie

The common phrase “This is not a compliment, this is the truth” makes all pleasant remarks considered flattery and lies. Completely unfounded. Even if the interlocutor is a little disingenuous, this is not a reason to refuse to state the fact as a plus for yourself.
You really are a great cook, don’t lie to yourself!

Reason 3: Fear of attention

A compliment pronounced in public will really turn the spotlight on you for a couple of seconds. Great, and in what form is it more comfortable to be under them? An awkward pathetic little lump - or with a dignified smile on his face? That's it.

Reason 4: Underwater part

Some people believe that a compliment obliges them to return the courtesy. But there is no need to dramatize the fable “The Cuckoo and the Rooster”: if they praised you, just thank them. When you have a reason and desire to praise others, then you will do it.

The other extreme

It is even more unwise to respond to a compliment by desperately engaging in self-praise - or launching into lengthy monologues about the subject of approval.

If a friend points out an interesting handbag, there is absolutely no need to tell you like a machine gun about what it is made of, what company it was made of, where you bought it and how difficult it must be to find the same one. Did you set yourself the goal of discouraging this friend from talking to you? No - that means abolish encyclopedic reviews in response to compliments.

The exception will be the case when your interlocutor becomes seriously interested in the subject himself - then you will be able to answer questions about where such a beautiful thing was bought or which hairdresser makes such interesting haircuts.

How to be?

Golden word. Why not just say thank you? Sincerely say “Thank you!” - and this will be enough, if, of course, everything is in order with your intonation and facial expression. This answer option is most appropriate if your personal traits are being praised.

We respond with attention. There is no need to hastily fabricate a return compliment. Just note that your interlocutor’s opinion matters to you: “I’m glad you liked it!”, “Thank you, I tried really hard.” Perfect for when they praise your gift, dish, or work done.

A little information:
Sometimes you can add a couple of words to your gratitude: “Thank you, this is my mother’s recipe,” “Thank you, the dish is famous, I just added other seasonings.”

And once again the casket opened simply. Adopt discreet gratitude and a sincere smile - and compliments around you will come more often, and also bring joy.


The most significant signs of a person’s wisdom are the ability to forgive and be grateful. Do not neglect mastering these skills, because the development of a harmonious personality without them is impossible.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
Why don't you forget about me
And happy holiday to me
Always offer heartfelt congratulations.

I feel so good
Your warmth and understanding.
Your concern is important to me,
Nice attention.

I will say “thank you”! Let you
All dreams will certainly come true.
And your kind words
I will never be forgotten!

In gratitude
Accept my wish
Good health,
And universal recognition
Success and prosperity,
And so that everything
Life was smooth.

I want to say a huge thank you to you simply for being in my life, for the fact that with every day we live, you make it more amazing, brighter and more interesting. There are practically no people like you, and it is a great happiness to have such a sympathetic, kind, understanding and sensitive person in your environment. Thank you for your help, your endless faith in me and in all my endeavors. Thank you for your patience and support in those very difficult moments, when I literally couldn’t breathe from emotions, but with you we were able to overcome everything.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart,
After all, there is no such thing as too much gratitude!
I want to wish you all the best,
Let there be everything your soul dreams of!

May all good things return a hundredfold,
May luck accompany you all around!
Let happiness knock on your soul
And the heart is filled with warmth!

Thank you everyone for your wishes,
What is said with love and soul.
May charm surround you
Let the big house be full of happiness!

Live in peace, with faith and understanding.
Let your work and friends make you happy.
Thank you for your kindness and wishes,
I appreciate everyone, and I wish you all the best!

A big, pure “thank you”
We speak with sincerity.
For your help and understanding
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Good will always be rewarded with good,
All our feelings are a boomerang.
The desire of the heart will be transmitted
In actions, not in words.

After all, our life is sometimes cruel,
And it is very important to guess
Someone who really feels bad
To give a helping hand.

Thank you very much
I speak from the heart.
There is no end to gratitude
I will repeat it hundreds of times.

For such a person
My words cannot be found,
I express my gratitude
My feelings cannot be conveyed!

My thanks
Pure, limitless,
I want to express it personally.
Thank you say
For kindness and participation,
For the chance and opportunity
Live in the present.
Thanks for your honesty
And kindness
For what you can
Believe in a dream.
For a strong hand
And a kind word
Thank you
I speak to you for everything.

I want to say a lot of warm words
For kindness and help in difficult times.
There aren't many people like you left,
It was all the more joyful to meet you.

So let the sun shine through the window,
May your everyday life be good.
Draw happiness from life with a spoonful -
Please accept my gratitude from the bottom of my heart!

For the joy that you gave,
For those words that inspired,
For those happy moments
And for your attention and sensitivity,
Thank you very much
I want to open my heart to you,
To share good things with you,
Let your sadness dissolve too,
And troubles will never return,
You helped me smile
I thank you sincerely,
May there be endless joy!

I want to say a huge thank you
And I wish you a lot of positive things in life,
After all, you are a wonderful, very bright person,
Therefore, live happily for a whole century!

May all your good deeds
A sea of ​​light and warmth will return to you
May there be many clear days,
May life become a little kinder!

Hello friends! Today I’ll tell you how I made a “Thank you for your comment” page on my blog. This is the page that the reader lands on after leaving their first comment on my blog.

In my case, the thank you page looks like this:

This is just one of the options for how it can be used: thank the reader for their activity and present some useful gift. And at the same time, offer to subscribe to new blog articles.

On the other hand, we can use it to improve behavioral factors on the site. That is, to retain the reader by getting him interested in our other content.

And to do this, for example, redirect to the “Site Map” (I have this), to a specific article or video. Or invite him to take a walk through the affiliate page.

In the same way, you can redirect the reader directly to a subscription page with freebies (yours or an affiliate), recommend your paid products, offer discounts, promotions, etc.

In fact, there are a lot of ideas on how to use such a page. I am sure that you will find a worthy use for it...

Well, for now I’ll share how to make a “Thank you for your comment” page on a WordPress blog with automatic redirection after the first comment.

In general, there is nothing complicated in this matter. And there are several ways to implement it - both with plugins and without...

So, first, a short text instruction, and a little lower - a more detailed video tutorial.

The first thing you need is to create the page itself, on which you will actually thank the reader, leave a link to a gift, a subscription form, etc.

Next, this page must be removed from the menu so that all visitors to your site cannot see it. Previously, they used a special plugin for this “Exclude Pages from Navigation”, which allows you to remove specific pages from the menu.

Now everything is simpler. In the latest versions of WordPress, we can remove all unnecessary pages from the menu directly in the admin panel:

You can also exclude the thank you page from the sitemap by simply adding its id to the plugin settings. Here's how I did it in my Xml Sitemap Generator plugin:

Determining the id of a page or post is very simple, take a look at the screenshot:

The second step is to set up a redirect to this page. Alternatively, it can be done using the Comment Redirect plugin. It is extremely simple and has no settings. After installation and activation, simply select the page to which you want to redirect the reader from the plugin’s drop-down menu. Like that:

Of course, you can do without the plugin and do the redirect using the following code:

// Redirect after the first comment function redirect_after_first_comment($url, $comment) ( $comment_count = get_comments(array("author_email" => $comment->comment_author_email, "count" => true)); if ($comment_count == 1 ) ( wp_redirect(""); /* Substitute the URL of your welcome page here */ exit(); ) return $url = get_comment_link(); ) add_filter("comment_post_redirect", "redirect_after_first_comment", 5, 2); // End of code

We insert the code into the functions.php file at the very end before ?>, see:

By the way, the code is also better than the plugin in that here we can specify any link, for example, to a subscription page or an affiliate frame. The plugin is limited only to pages created on your blog.

But, again, I want to warn you: be careful in any manipulations with the code and make backup copies.

Before you begin, save the original functions.php file somewhere in Notepad. Because the template may buckle and the blog will stop working. This has already happened to me several times.

Watch the video tutorial where I show the entire process described on my test site:

That's it. At the end, check if everything worked out for you. And if you have any questions, write in the comments.

I wish you success!



This is interesting: