Performing qigong gymnastics for the spine and joints. Qigong: exercises for joints (photo) Qigong gymnastics for knee joints

Performing qigong gymnastics for the spine and joints. Qigong: exercises for joints (photo) Qigong gymnastics for knee joints

Qigong gymnastics for joints and spine is a popular healing technique from Eastern healers. In the East, traditional medicine has always been at a high level. Healers' recipes have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries and are highly valued by descendants.

Principles of gymnastics

Qigong is an effective ancient technique against arthrosis. It was invented in China more than 7 thousand years ago to restore human health and prolong life. Healing gymnastics has gained great popularity around the world due to the simplicity of the exercises, which even older people can perform.

Qigong gymnastics is similar to physical therapy, but its complex includes exercises aimed not only at physical stress, but also at relaxation and concentration of internal energy. The methodology covers 4 areas:

  • medicinal;
  • meditative;
  • preventative;
  • combat.

A set of exercises can be performed both to prevent diseases and during illness to maintain the functioning of the spine and joints. In addition, therapeutic exercises are aimed at normalizing blood pressure and blood circulation, cleansing blood vessels, increasing immunity, relieving nervous tension, fatigue, and headaches.

Smooth, unhurried movements and uniform breathing relax the muscles, increase their elasticity, and increase tone. The set of exercises does not require physical overexertion from a person. Gymnastics is performed at a comfortable pace with the range of movements that a person is capable of, which leads to a state of complete peace of mind and harmony of body and spirit.

Exercise is suitable for treating many diseases. But what is the effectiveness of qigong gymnastics for the spine and joints? The spine is the core of the entire musculoskeletal system. Without proper joint function, a person would not be able to move at all. They are closely connected with the spine by the work of muscles. Muscle spasms and hypertonicity are important components of any processes occurring in the joints and spine.

Muscle spasms disrupt the normal functioning of many areas of the human body. Therefore, it is so important to relax the muscles, which is what qigong exercises are aimed at.

Set of exercises

For pain in the spine and joints, there are practically no contraindications for practicing Chinese gymnastics. Qigong will not bring results in cases of severe exhaustion, serious injury, or inflammation of the joints of the legs or arms. But the exercises are effective for osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, problems with posture, protrusion, minor spinal injuries, and muscle weakness.

In addition, qigong will help improve the health of older people, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, move little, or engage in heavy physical labor.

Qigong has 18 therapeutic and health-improving exercises aimed at improving the health of various internal organs. However, for the treatment of the spine and joints, the following types of exercises that are performed in a standing position will be optimal:

  1. Tilt your head so that your chin touches the jugular cavity. Place your arms down, put your feet together and do not bend your knees. Lean forward smoothly and slowly as low as you can. Unbend smoothly too; jerking and sudden movements can injure your back.
  2. Spread your arms out to the sides. Slowly turn your shoulder girdle to the right and then to the left.
  3. Place your feet together and raise your arms above your head. The hands can be clasped and turned palms up. Smoothly tilt your torso forward at a right angle. Stay in the bent position for a few seconds.
  4. Extend your arms forward perpendicular to your body. Slowly lean forward, trying to touch the floor with your fingertips. If flexibility allows, then when bending over, you can rest your palms on the floor. You can't bend your legs. You should return to the starting position smoothly and slowly.
  5. Stand straight, bring your legs together. Bend one leg at the knee and pull it up, trying to bring your knee to chest level or touch your chin. Then smoothly straighten your leg. When performing this exercise, you can support your leg with your hands.
  6. Spread your arms out to the sides. Raise your legs one at a time, trying to reach your palm with your toes. Try not to bend your knees.
  7. Place your hands behind your head, bend your elbows and clasp your fingers. Rise up on your toes and try to slowly pull your entire body up until you feel a stretching sensation in your spine.
  8. Place your hands behind your head again and interlock your fingers. Slowly tilt your torso to the right and left, rocking slightly. Legs should remain straight. Stay in the tilted position for 2-3 seconds.

Execution conditions

To achieve positive results in a short time, you should adhere to certain rules when practicing qigong gymnastics:

  1. Exercises are performed regularly at least 3-4 times a week. Then within a month the pain will decrease in the spine, elbow and knee joints.
  2. The set of exercises is performed in full; selective training cannot be done.
  3. You need to start with simple exercises and end with the most difficult ones. It is better not to change their sequence throughout the entire training complex.
  4. When compiling a set of exercises, it is necessary to take into account the presence of various diseases. If you cannot choose exercises on your own, you can consult a specialist.

Physical training must be combined with breathing exercises, otherwise the result will be incomplete.

Proper breathing during exercise ensures a constant supply of oxygen to the internal organs. Whereas without breathing techniques a person uses only 1/3 of the volume of his lungs, and qigong turns into ordinary aerobics, after which one feels tired instead of relaxed.

For pain in the joints and spine, slow breathing is suitable, when inhalation and exhalation are performed with equal intensity. You need to breathe with your stomach, not your chest. The torso is in a straight position, as you inhale, the stomach moves forward, and as you exhale, it deflates. Air enters the lungs through the nose.

If you visit China, you will be amazed by the number of people of all ages doing strange gymnastics right on the streets, sometimes reminiscent of some kind of smooth slow dancing, or a vibrant martial art, or contemplative and complete immersion in oneself. These are all manifestations of the famous Chinese treasure, known since ancient times as Qigong gymnastics. Everyone discovers something they need for themselves in this gymnastics:

  • in one way it helps to improve the senses and one’s inner vision
  • others - to improve the strength of mind and body
  • third - to fight a serious illness

Whatever your pain, Qigong, with the right, skillful, leisurely approach and patience, can help you with simple, sometimes bizarre exercises developed in ancient times. It is not surprising that Qigong gymnastics also includes exercises for the back. And one more gift that Qigong can give to everyone, no matter what problems they turn to it for, is the possibility of extending a full life until a very old age.

The body has always been sacred for the Chinese, since it contained that divine life energy, spirit and strength called “ qi”, having freed and directed it in the right direction, one could theoretically obtain, if not immortality, then health and good spirits for many years. The ability to manage and control is translated into Chinese as “ gong" By combining two hieroglyphs together, we get the decoding of the entire word:

Qigong is the ability to own and control your life energy.

This video will tell you about the spiritual content and the most important tenets of Qigong gymnastics:

While watching this video, you probably noticed what 70-80 year old Chinese people look like doing Qigong exercises? I think this is the best advertisement for this ancient method.

Basics of Qigong gymnastics

Let's try to understand some of the basics of this skill, because without knowing the basics, disbelief is generated, and disbelief will never lead to victory!

  • The Qi energy is around us and inside us - which means we can be fueled by this energy from the outside.
    This is a very important point that will help you understand many gymnastics exercises and poses.
  • The cause of illness and death is a deficiency or complete absence of Qi energy.
    This means that our task is to continuously replenish our body with energy, entering into harmony with nature, because this energy is connected with it
  • Special exercises, influencing biologically active points on the body (in India - “chakras”), allow you to control the vital energy Qi or draw it from the outside

Examples of back exercises with video

Gymnastics for the back Qigong allows you to develop the flexibility of the spine and the mobility of all its joints. Before you start, remember some important points:

  1. Try to perform the exercises once or twice a day, maintaining a given number of repetitions
  2. All movements should be slow and smooth
  3. They do not require much effort or space, so they can be done at any age and in any room.
  4. When performed correctly, you should feel the Chi energy in the form of a pleasant feeling of warmth and aching in the muscles

Exercise to develop mobility of the cervical spine

Slowly turn your head left, right, down, up. Each time we return our head to the starting position. Perform the exercise 8 times (hereinafter). The amplitude of the turn is to reach the maximum possible point. Standard norms:

  • when turning the head left and right - 60 °
  • when tilting backwards - 45 °
  • when bending forward, rest your chin on your collarbone

The torso must maintain a vertical position when performing bends and turns.

Exercises for the upper back, shoulders and neck

  • Starting position: hands are brought together at the level of the midline of the face. We slowly move them to the sides, folding our hands into fists and turning our heads to the left. At the end of the abduction, we connect the shoulder blades together, the forearms should be perpendicular to the floor. We connect our hands again and repeat the exercise in the other direction.
  • Arms bent at the elbows, forearms perpendicular to the floor, hands folded into fists. Slowly raise our arms above our heads, unclenching our fists and following our left hand with our eyes. We try to reach with our hands as high as possible. We return to the starting position and repeat the exercises, following with our eyes the right hand
  • We slowly raise our crossed arms up, accompanying them with our gaze. We lower them down through the sides, turning the palms up and the head in the direction of the left hand. We return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the head turned towards the right hand

Exercise for the lumbar and sacral back

  • We perform circular rotations with the body, first clockwise, and then counterclockwise, pressing with our hands on the back of the lower back to increase the range of motion
  • Slowly raise your crossed arms up, also accompanying them with your gaze and lowering them across the sides to a horizontal position with your palms up. Then we turn our palms down and bend our lower back, touching the fingers of our crossed hands to the floor. While straightening, we simultaneously raise our arms up and repeat the exercise.

In the following video you can see one of the variants of the Qigong gymnastics complex, consisting of 18 exercises for the joints of the back, shoulders and neck:

Perhaps someone will like this set of exercises from the video below:

Qigong is not just Chinese gymnastics, it is an entire system of culture and philosophy that came from Ancient China. Its name is made up of two hieroglyphs and roughly translated means managing vital energy. In its homeland, qigong has existed for more than seven thousand years.

Over time, various directions of this gymnastics began to emerge. Medical qigong appeared separately, which gradually divided into several more highly specialized teachings, among which there is a special one for the spine.

What is Qigong?

Despite its antiquity, the art of qigong is especially in demand in the modern world with its endless sitting in the office, at the computer, lying on the couch at home and lack of movement. According to statistics, every person today has one or another problem with the spine or joints, and it is almost impossible to solve them only with the help of medications.

It seems, at first glance, that there is nothing complicated in such gymnastics for the back, because it is based on only three principles:

  • Regulation of breathing.
  • Regulating the movement of your body.
  • Regulating your mental state.

In other words, the healing effect of qigong consists of a comfortable body position, proper breathing and the ability to focus on your sensations. However, it seems simple only at first glance. The difficulty lies in the fact that you cannot learn to embody first one principle and then all the others. When performing each qigong exercise, you must be able to combine them all.

While doing this, you should take a comfortable position, even out your breathing and focus on the circulation of vital energy. Only if these three conditions are met, qigong gymnastics for the spine will have its therapeutic effect. It is sometimes difficult for beginners to develop the necessary concentration, but the longer you practice, the easier it will be to concentrate.

Today, qigong is considered not just gymnastics, but one of the types of alternative medicine that can solve many problems associated with chronic diseases.

Who is it suitable for?

The main advantage of qigong for the spine is the exclusion of high physical activity. Most exercises, especially for beginners, are simple and easy to perform. Thanks to this, such gymnastics is suitable for almost everyone. All movements require a leisurely pace, a lack of tension not only physically, but also spiritually, and focus on positive emotions. You can do it:

  • People of any age, including the elderly.
  • For those who suffer from limited joint mobility (with arthrosis).
  • People with cardiovascular diseases.
  • Regardless of physical fitness level.

As for the indications, such gymnastics can help with many different conditions. Moreover, it can be used not only as a preventive measure, but also included in treatment regimens for problems such as:

  • Damage to the spine and joints caused by injury or age-related changes.
  • Recovery after operations and injuries.
  • , regardless of their type.
  • Inflammation and degenerative pathologies of joints, regardless of the reasons that caused them.
  • Stiffness in the joints caused by an office-sofa lifestyle.


There are no absolute contraindications to qigong gymnastics for the spine. However, there are a number of situations when you can do back exercises only under the supervision of an instructor and after consulting a doctor. These conditions include:

  • Diseases associated with joint instability and...
  • Severe degrees of deformation of the joints or spine, accompanied by disruption of the shape of the chest (thoracic vertebrae) and compression of internal organs.
  • The period after spinal injuries or operations.
  • The rehabilitation period after prosthetics or plastic surgery of the spine and joints.

In these cases, a set of qigong exercises for the spine and joints will be selected individually and include exercises with a reduced degree of load.

Class Rules

Basic gymnastics exercises for the back and joints are quite simple and do not require any special skills or physical training from you. However, before you begin to implement them, it is worth remembering a few rules:

  • Before performing the exercise, refrain from eating; at least 1.5 hours must pass between these two events.
  • It is better to perform exercises for the back and joints in the fresh air, as oxygen saturation of the blood will increase their effectiveness. If you can’t go outside, be sure to ventilate the room well before starting.
  • For exercise, use loose clothing that does not interfere with movement, preferably made from natural fabrics.
  • During gymnastics, control your breathing and heartbeat. Their increase in frequency serves as a signal that you are making unnecessary efforts or are in too much of a hurry. In this case, stop, restore your breathing and pulse, and then return to performing qigong.
  • You need to do the exercises at a slow pace with a gradual increase in loads.

Performing exercises should not cause pain or discomfort in the joints. Their appearance indicates that the exercise is too difficult for you and you should return to it after a while, when the spine and back muscles become stronger.

Basic complex

There are quite a lot of exercises in qigong gymnastics for the back and they are designed for different levels of training, age and condition of the spine. But there is a basic complex that is aimed at restoring the optimal condition of the spine and joints and can be used in most cases. So:

  • Stand straight with your feet together and your hands clasped in front and down. Raise your clasped hands above your head and at the same time reach for them, rising onto your toes. Then, return to the starting position. Breathing, like the movements themselves, should be slow and rhythmic. Repeat five times.
  • The stance is the same, but the arms are slightly bent at the elbows and clasped overhead. The upper part of the body needs to be swayed left and right, slowly, without making any effort, as if by inertia. At the same time, without stopping in the initial position. The movements should resemble the oscillations of a pendulum in a clock. At the extreme point you need to linger for two to three seconds. The total exercise time is two minutes. Then repeat the same thing, but in a standing position with your knees slightly bent.

  • In a straight stance with your hands on your waist, stretch your chin forward until you feel a pleasant tension in your neck muscles. Hold for two to three seconds at the extreme point, and then also stretch the back of your head back. Repeat six times.
  • In a straight stance with your elbows bent and your arms raised above your head, bend over in the same way as in the second exercise, but now straightening your arms when bending over and bending them again when you return to the starting position. When straightening your arms, you need to feel a pleasant tension in the back muscles. Exercise time is two minutes.
  • In a straight stance and with your hands clasped at the top, turn your body as far as you have flexibility, while stretching your arms to the side. Remember that the exercises should not cause any discomfort and should be performed without tension. Repeat six times, then do the same six more times, but this time with the neck turned.

This set of exercises is the simplest and most accessible. Qigong gymnastics includes many different options from which you can choose the perfect one for you. Starting with simple exercises, you can gradually move to a higher and more complex level, and by practicing constantly, you will get rid of problems with the spine and joints for many years.

Ancient eastern practices do not lose their value in the modern world. Even more than that: today they have acquired a new importance for the overall health of the body, the prevention of a number of diseases and rehabilitation after illnesses.

One of the effective techniques that helps restore the functions of the musculoskeletal system is qigong gymnastics for the spine and joints.

Features and Benefits of Qigong

In Chinese philosophy, the concept of “Qi” means vital energy, the proper circulation of which determines human health – both physical and spiritual. The term Qi-Gong literally means “working with Qi” - restoring vitality, filling the body with the “right” energy and creating a solid base for physical health.

The main distinctive feature of qigong is the absence of the need for physical activity in the sense in which we are accustomed to understanding physical education.

In essence, this gymnastics is a system that allows you to master methods of controlled muscle relaxation and the creation of efforts aimed at certain areas of the body.

As a result of systematic qigong training, it becomes possible to improve the mobility of all joints of the body, create correct posture, “unblock” muscles and relieve pinched nerve roots, get rid of pain, correct distribution of the load on the musculoskeletal system and general improvement of the body.

The benefits of this gymnastics are no less impressive:

  • Qigong exercises for joints and spine can be performed by people with different levels of physical fitness;
  • for elderly people with limited joint mobility, qigong is recommended to restore motor activity and slow down degenerative processes;
  • Unlike “official” physical therapy complexes, which have a number of restrictions and contraindications, qigong can be performed even by people with cardiovascular problems - all movements of this gymnastics require a slow pace, which does not have a negative effect on the blood vessels and heart.

Qigong is an alternative solution that makes physical activity accessible to everyone.

Indications for qigong training

Indications for qigong include a very wide range of diseases, conditions and even lifestyle features:

  • physical inactivity associated with sedentary work, lack of healthy physical activity, and a sedentary lifestyle;
  • age-related changes in the spine and joints, expressed by stiffness, pain, destruction and deformation of articular surfaces;
  • post-traumatic and postoperative period, during which a gradual restoration of a person’s motor activity is required, without the risk of causing overstrain of damaged areas;
  • postural disorders of any nature - habitual stoop, scoliosis, kyphosis, kyphoscoliosis - and of varying severity;
  • inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the spine and joints (osteochondrosis, protrusion and herniation of intervertebral discs, arthritis, etc.);
  • a feeling of stiffness in the joints and spine that appears after a period of rest and/or physical activity.

Contraindications to qigong training

There are no contraindications or restrictions for practicing qigong if the goal of gymnastics is to improve the mobility of the spine and joints, prevent postural disorders and generally strengthen the body.

But in certain situations, it is necessary to conduct qigong classes under the supervision and control of a qualified instructor or, at a minimum, obtain preliminary consultation from a specialist with detailed explanations.

Conditions requiring medical supervision include:

  • diseases of the spine, which are characterized by abnormal mobility of the vertebrae and their instability;
  • severe curvature of the spine, combined with deformation of the chest and compression/displacement of internal organs;
  • complete lack of physical fitness, underdevelopment of the muscular system;
  • children and old age;
  • previous injuries or surgery on the spine;
  • recovery period after endoprosthetics and plastic surgery of joint structures (restoration of torn ligaments, cartilage, etc.).

But even with serious health problems and joints, it provides exercises that vary in the degree of load and intensity of impact on the body, which will allow you to select an individual complex for each person.

Basic complex of qigong gymnastics

In the basic complex, the main attention is paid to restoring the physiological state of the spinal column.

This is quite understandable: the health of all parts of the spine largely determines the quality of the functions of the internal organs and structures of the human musculoskeletal system.

Before performing qigong gymnastics, minimal preparation is required:

  • the last meal should be no later than 1.5 hours before exercise;
  • ventilate the room in which you plan to exercise: complete saturation of the blood with oxygen will increase the effectiveness of the exercises;
  • Wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics that does not restrict movement.

During gymnastics, make sure that two basic conditions are met:

  1. Smooth deep breathing. If you feel that your breathing and heart rate have increased, this indicates that you are putting in too much effort or that you are hasty in performing the exercises. Take a break to allow your breathing to recover, then return to the gymnastics, but make sure to maintain a slow pace.
  2. Gradual increase in loads. Qigong provides a consistent and systematic approach through which the musculoskeletal system adapts to stress and gains endurance.

Important: while performing qigong exercises, monitor your well-being and sensations in areas in which any pathologies have been identified.

If pain or discomfort appears, take a break, then move on to the next exercise, and return to the “problem” exercise after 2-3 weeks, when the muscles and joints are stronger.

Exercises for the spine

Pay attention!

In order for therapeutic exercises for joint arthrosis to have the maximum effect, it is useful to combine it with magnetotherapy - (don’t forget to consult your doctor!)

Important: this set of qigong exercises is presented for informational purposes - if you want or need to restore the health of the spine and joints, you should contact a medical diagnostic institution specializing in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

A qualified specialist will adjust the set of exercises taking into account the identified diseases, age, level of physical fitness of the patient and other important factors.

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Qigong – ancient healing practice, aimed at restoring the body and gaining longevity and well-being.

She uses methods of healing collected and transmitted 7 thousand years ago in China. It combines healing exercises and breathing exercises. In Chinese philosophy, the whole world is filled with Qi energy.

The primary task is to normalize the flow of Qi in the body, increase it and fill the centers in the head, sternum and peritoneum with energy based on the natural recovery mechanism in the human body.

What problems does the technique solve?

This complex has proven to be an extremely effective way to maintain health. An inactive lifestyle leads to poor blood supply to the spine, deterioration of posture, increased back muscle tone, which is why various disorders develop in it.

If you perform Qigong movements, then it is not difficult to get rid of these problems.

Chinese gymnastics for the spine is also suitable for older people, because... does not require excessive effort. This technique literally returns youth to them, because... inhibits destruction processes in the spine.

What is the essence of the healing power of the method

And back pain is often observed in middle-aged people. These disorders develop quickly and may require surgery in advanced cases. Qigong makes it possible to slow down and stop the development of disorders.

Moreover, gymnastics is easy to perform, does not require preparation and brings a lot of positive emotions.

The technique has a positive effect when recovering from injuries.

Effect of movements on the skeleton:

  • form the structure of the body;
  • increase flexibility in joints;
  • free from blocks in the body;
  • develop posture;
  • the flexibility of the spinal column increases;
  • give freedom of movement to joints;
  • blood circulation is restored.

The complex includes 10 movements aimed at individual areas of the spine and energy points. The exercises are performed in strict sequence.

Who needs Qigong gymnastics

Anyone can practice this method, but there are people for whom it is a necessity:

  • those who lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • persons with poor posture;
  • who have lesions of the joints and spine;
  • persons with age-related changes accompanied by senile stoop;
  • for spinal injuries with muscle weakening.

Gymnastics has its limitations. When exercising with impaired thoracic and lumbar regions, do not perform sharp bends or twists, and in case of certain diseases you cannot bend in a specific direction.

Problems in the neck, where the arteries pass, are the most serious. When performing certain movements, you may feel dizzy, your blood pressure may rise, and even a stroke may occur.

You should not choose a complex of difficult movements. If you start intensely, you can overload your muscles and increase pain.

What features you need to know

The features of gymnastics are as follows:

  • classes do not require special preparation;
  • smooth movements;
  • all components of health are normalized;
  • accessibility for everyone.

An effective set of exercises

Qigong gymnastics for the spine includes exercises for beginners and basic ones.

For beginners

For beginners it is necessary to realize that the energy “qi” is in us and around us, learn to see it. Loss of energy causes chronic fatigue and various disorders.

Understanding when and how this happens makes it possible to control the chi and strengthen the field through movement.


These actions are useful because... teach you how to control energy.

The video shows a health-improving set of exercises for the spine from the ancient Chinese gymnastics Qigong.

Exercises for advanced

Qigong is a non-standard practice, the result is achieved through proper relaxation.

It is based on stimulation of bioactive points. All movements are carried out in a clear sequence. It is important to do the whole complex, because... this helps the normal functioning of the body's energy channels.

The main condition for success is the ability to relax.

All movements are performed standing:

  1. Bend your back, reach your chin to your chest, bend, continue bending slowly.
  2. Extend your arms to the sides at shoulder level. Turn your shoulder to the sides without moving your spine.
  3. With your hands up. Bend at a right angle with a relaxed neck. Hold for a couple of seconds.
  4. Raise your arms and extend them forward to shoulder level. Reach them to the floor and return back.
  5. Bend your leg and pull it up, hold it with your hand. Do the same thing after 3 seconds.
  6. Arms are straightened. Raise your legs one by one, swinging them to the side, as if reaching for your hand with your toes.

Rules for performing exercises

Failure to comply with these conditions makes the technique useless and unsafe:

  • smoothness of movements;
  • press your lower back to the floor;
  • perform at least 10 times.
  • Perform exercises for spinal hernia while lying down.

In this case, you need to breathe correctly, otherwise there will be no noticeable effect. If you are prepared, you can use dumbbells.


Whatever is bothering you, Qigong, with the right approach and patience, can help through simple exercises.

There is nothing unusual in the fact that gymnastics includes exercises for the back - this is a chance to extend a full life into old age.



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