We need people's experience in life. Why do we need experience

We need people's experience in life. Why do we need experience

Could there be anything more convincing for us than our own life experience, based on which we build our associations and beliefs, which often become basic? Of course, this cannot be attributed to those people who can endlessly step on the same rake, and at the same time not see any connection with their previous experience, but rare cases of idiocy are the exception to the rule. Basically, any significant event of the past that has played a significant role in a person’s life certainly becomes the basis for his beliefs in the future; in NLP this is called an imprint - quite an interesting name from my point of view, apparently characterizing NLP, because it could well be make do with such a concept as experience. And since this term is well known to everyone, this is what I will use, for your convenience, dear readers. So the imprint or our life experience, no matter what we call it, shapes our point of view, shapes our behavior and course of action, in case of a scenario repetition of the events of the past.

But as life shows, there is no 100% regularity in it, and no matter what a person’s personal life experience is in a particular issue, it can always be revised with new position. In this respect, even idiots seem to be more advanced people, and if it were not for the thoughtlessly similar algorithm of actions on their part, leading to the same mistakes, they could not be called idiots. Experience, as we know, can be positive or negative, and both have a certain influence on our psyche, and the less adequate perception a person has, the correspondingly less certain this certain influence is for him. How often do people analyze what happened in their lives, analyze, look for cause-and-effect relationships, and try to understand the structure of what happened? But this is precisely what allows you to take control of a similar situation in the future, in which at least your own actions will not be identical to the actions of the past.

Whatever happens in life with obvious constancy, it all has an end, the sun, according to our history, has been rising for several thousand years, if we take the history of mankind, but you and I understand that even it will go out someday. In our life, everything is more transient, and therefore it is extremely important not to hang on the same scenario, which is the same in a person’s head, and which builds a solid foundation for a stereotype in his head. In NLP, reprogramming beliefs is called re-imprinting, this is for you general information, and for simple understanding this can be formulated as a change of beliefs to others. And this is for real key moment, to which you and I should definitely pay our attention. The key word in it is belief, which characterizes the way this world is perceived by unconscious people, who are guided in their lives precisely by beliefs, and not by independently made calculations.

It’s quite easy to control a person whose life is built on beliefs by making an artificial connection between one or another event and his beliefs and turning it the way you want. In this case, any negative experience can become a reason for inaction in the future; a person may have a feeling of helplessness and panic only because he does not have the necessary algorithm of actions in case of a repetition of the negative situation, and he cannot form a new one along the way. As an example, we can take any situation of instilling uncertainty in a person, pointing out to him his negative experience of the past, which has nothing in common with the present in reality, but nevertheless has a depressing effect on him. In this way, people, as they say, cut the wings of others, subjugate their will, as happens in many enterprises, where a person is constantly pointed out to his place, not privileged, but the place of a loser.

At the same time, the positive experience of the past also cannot be the basis for blind self-confidence, or even extremely inflated self-confidence, because no matter how much you inspire yourself with the possibilities of a superman, you will not have them. Inflated self-esteem has a number of advantages, but lacks common sense it often leads to irreparable mistakes. After all, enthusiasm alone is not enough to conquer new heights; you also need accurate, cold calculations, which should be based on the currently available reliable data, and not on the successful experience of the past. Personal life experience, of course, should not be ignored, but it is obvious that it must be used as a unit of account for the present, but using it as a guide without analysis, taking into account only a possible pattern, is simply unreasonable. For example, if you stole something once and didn’t get caught, is this a basis for the idea of ​​your own impunity?

Of course no! And no one can say with complete confidence which attempt may be unsuccessful, but each subsequent one will proceed from the pattern of past experience, or rather from beliefs about such a pattern, when a person who simply blindly believes in the next successful attempt, not only will not see the mistake , but will not take into account the external factors that preceded it. However, everything I write here is very difficult to apply to most people, since it requires a conscious approach to living in the present, and according to statistics, most people do not live this way. It is stereotypes and beliefs, based both on personal life experience and on an artificial form of belief, that are the basis of the life attitudes of the majority. And yet, since you are reading me, here is the door leading to a meaningful life, I am not giving you any beliefs, everything follows from a logical chain, the construction of which significantly transforms our thinking and, accordingly, influences our psyche and perception the surrounding world.

The past, your own or someone else’s, is not the basis for the present, it is its prerequisite, so use it to calculate the formation of the future, working in the present, and most importantly, do not assume the indisputability of those patterns that take place today, since they to a certain extent you limit. A person who has not achieved success after ten attempts will not necessarily fail to achieve it on the eleventh attempt, and no personal life experience confirms this, you just need to use this experience to build a new strategy, focused on mistakes, or even more correctly, the shortcomings of the past.

> Life experience for professional and personal growth

Once upon a time there lived a Chinese emperor. He had a beautiful palace, the most remarkable decoration of which was considered to be two vases - real works of art. The emperor loved them very much and placed them in the most luxurious hall of his palace. But one day an accident happened - one of the vases fell to the floor and broke into small pieces...

The emperor grieved for a long time, but then ordered to find craftsmen who could glue it back together. And such masters were found. They worked days and nights until finally the vase was assembled again. She was almost no different from her friend, but there was still one significant difference between them: the glued vase could no longer hold water. However, she had invaluable experience - the experience of being broken and put back together.

(Eastern parable)

Life experience is the knowledge that we acquire in the course of our lives. It is very individual and each of us has something that others do not have. Life experience is necessary for us to realize, understand reality, as well as coordinate our actions, which allows us to successfully solve various life problems. Experience warns us against mistakes, tells us how we should or should not behave in certain situations, because they are often repeated.

Life experience is transmitted through communication between people, as well as through books, films, and programs. It appears as a result of human practical activity. And since our activities are closely related to mental abilities, the acquired life experience is our intellect.

We begin to gain life experience from the moment of our birth, when we just begin to learn to sit, crawl, smell, taste everything, try to find out what this or that thing consists of. Without this experience, our future life is impossible. Growing up, we learn to read, write, communicate, and also react correctly to various situations. We can already apply the acquired knowledge and skills in life, solving various problems, creating new ideas, and also reflecting on our possible actions and options for their actual outcome. In more mature age we have more life experience. Rich life experience makes a person self-confident, allows him to cope with any task, and he is not afraid to take on any type of activity.

Since experience is closely related to our activities and is also used by us in our activities, it is necessary to continuously develop the skills and abilities acquired in life. By consolidating them with practice, you can improve the quality of your work. By constantly working on yourself, you will contribute to your professional and personal growth and improve your abilities. You will become the best in your business.

We made a cult out of things

Lamborghinis on Wall Street, celebrity bags from Louis Vuitton, mansions where people live. The list goes on.

We fool ourselves into thinking that the only thing that determines happiness is the brand of our car or the number of zeros in our bank account. We have built financial success on a pedestal and convinced everyone to share these beliefs.

In a society that idolizes material values, life turns into a useless, endless journey.

The key to happiness is not spending money and time on things. The key to happiness is investing money and time in your life experiences.

MasterCard speaks the truth: "There are some things you can't buy."

Our experiences define us

In December, while on a trip to Hawaii, I attended a ten-day meditation course. It was the hardest yet most enlightening experience I've ever had; I've never felt such a close connection between my mind and body before. More importantly, it pushed me to make a change and fulfill my dream of leaving the company I joined last year and moving to New York.

Every experience brings with it a mistake or a triumph, as well as an understanding of one's own personality. Experience helps us sort out our thoughts, understand what kind of people we want to be around, and ultimately find what makes us happy.

At the end of the journey, it doesn’t matter how many days there were in your life. What matters is how much life there was in your days.

Abraham Lincoln, American statesman, 16th President of the United States

We live in a society where material things are highest value. We love being able to hold what we buy in our hands. This happens because things are linked to a currency, which dictates its value in the market.

It is impossible to physically feel the experience of cliff diving on a Sunday afternoon. The situation is exactly the same with our first experience of fighting with partners: we cannot sell it.

If we could sell our own experience at the price we got it for, we'd all be millionaires.

Abigail Van Buren (Pauline Phillips), 20th century American journalist and radio host

We accumulate everything we have ever seen, heard, tasted and felt. This is an experience that teaches us not to count hours in a tiny office, but will lead to a breakthrough idea for.

In other words, experience brings with it life lessons. Material values They don’t bring anything, but they give us an invoice.

Experience stays with us

What are our most pleasant memories? I remember not the gifts I received for the holidays, but the guests who came to my birthday, or the smell of hot chocolate on Christmas morning. I remember my first cycling lesson with my brother and my first date, which, by the way, went horribly. This is what brings a smile to my face to this day.

The main disadvantage of investing in things is their limited shelf life.

When we buy a thing, not only does its value on the market decrease, but after a while we cease to feel its value. The situation is completely different with experience. It is emotionally durable and can be multiplied as we develop throughout our lives. At any moment, the experience remains with us.

According to research, more than 80% of people more often remember their mental purchases than those actually made. This means that experience brings us happiness not only at the moment we acquire it, but also when we simply think about it.

How to gain experience

We give three tips that will help you give up things in favor of impressions.

1. Change your financial priorities

If we want to have a real experience, we must set our priorities to suit the adventure ahead of us. It's as simple as saving up for a TV instead of going to South America.

Think about what you really need and what you need seriously and for a long time. In reality, we need very few material things to enjoy life. Learn to be rational when buying things: one day saving change will help you gain an experience that will change everything.

2. Say yes more often

As we become adults, we learn to make decisions, calculating risks, and thinking things through carefully. If we want more experience, we will have to push these principles into the background. The best adventures begin when you least expect them. Constantly telling yourself “what if” is a sure way to spend your entire life lying on the couch watching other people’s adventures.

Start saying yes. Learn to live in the present. The next time you have an opportunity to gain experience, ask yourself a simple question: “Will I regret if I don’t take advantage of this opportunity? Tomorrow, next week or next year? If the answer is yes or maybe, the adventure should also answer yes.

The future is uncertain. But you can manage it by thinking less and doing more.

3. Start with small (and cheap) adventures

Are you one of those people who watch the same thing several times in a row, walk the same paths to the same office, eat in the same restaurants?

You need a break from your daily routine. Be open to new experiences. Instead of going to your usual Italian restaurant near your office, try somewhere new.

The most valuable experience does not cost much. He's nearby. You just need to find it.

There are many negative reviews about everyday advice sites, but you will find such resources useful. Personally, I've tried everything from salsa ($15 for ten classes) and medieval dinner cooking classes ($39) to flying lessons ($88). Coupon sites are the cheapest way to have incredible adventures with friends or on your own. Start taking a little risk. You'll be surprised how quickly it will grab you.

One day we will all die. But before that, let’s ask ourselves questions:

  • Did I live?
  • What do I regret?
  • Did I experience everything I wanted to experience?

Only you can decide what is most important: the brand or adventure and freedom. But try to invest in things that will give you experiences, not bills. Your assets may be minimal, but your experience is rich.

The main advantage of a person is his life experience. Experience and knowledge in various areas of life. A person with rich life experience is ready for success. His failures were necessary preparation, a time of apprenticeship. He has already made his main mistakes, and one cannot expect obvious stupidity from him. He is tempered by difficulties and adversity, he knows how to take a blow - unlike those who cannot boast of much life experience.

« Life experience is information that has become the property of the individual, deposited in the reserves of long-term memory, which is in a state of constant readiness for actualization in adequate situations. This information is an alloy of thoughts, feelings, actions lived by a person, representing self-sufficient value for him, associated with the mind, memory of feelings, memory of behavior" Belkin A.S.

Own life experience trustworthy, it is a suitable tool for finding the most appropriate behavior in each immediate situation.

Lack of life experience gives people a feeling of fear. And often it is fear of failure. Remember that failures are always temporary, and our life experience, acquired through trial and error, will always be with us and will serve to achieve success.

To gain experience, you need to overcome fear and say to yourself: “Let's try.” Many undertakings are accompanied by the word “it turns out.” That’s what we say: “I haven’t tried it, I don’t know if it will work.” When we have experience, our speech sounds different: “I want, I know how, and I will do it” - this is how a person usually expresses his confidence based on experience. Having experience facilitates the efforts of any type of activity; a person sometimes effortlessly performs the most complex operations, achieving the highest results with the least effort.

At one time, the founder of original Russian pedagogy, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, speaking about professional experience, noted that experience cannot be adopted, but it is possible to borrow only an idea from it. It is difficult to disagree. After all life experience is the matter is purely individual and the behavior of one, even in a similar situation, cannot lead to the same result as the behavior of another. Other people's experience, other people's opinions, other people's mistakes and findings are very valuable acquisition, but only as information, source material for the formation of one’s own life experience. When you try on someone else's experience, this source material, you must understand that it will undergo a very significant change. Here the statements of Andrei Arsenievich Tarkovsky, an outstanding Soviet film director and screenwriter, are interesting, which I bring to your attention.

We accumulate our experiences by going through various trials in our lives. Participating in a variety of situations, from everyday life to vital ones, we accumulate certain types of energies into our thin shells, which, as they accumulate, can pass into the cells of our soul. First, experience accumulates in the cells of the matrix of consciousness, then, reaching automatism, it passes into the matrix of the subconscious, as a formed quality that has reached its absolute.

A person of the fifth race has seven energy shells and each shell has its own structure, its own development program and is filled with its own energies peculiar to it. The physical shell, our dense body, is the coarsest and lowest-frequency matter in relation to the matter of our other energy bodies. Our body accumulates experience specific to it through interaction with the outside world, with other people. For example, when we touch something hot with our hand, we automatically pull our hand back; this is an experience of our body, designed to protect our physical shell from damage.

In the same way, other shells are integral parts of our soul while on the earthly plane of existence. For example, the astral shell is responsible for our feelings and the manifestation of emotions. If someone caused us mental pain, betrayed our feelings, trust, respect, then this negative experience is also stored in this shell. The experience of the astral body is also intended to protect our feelings from destruction, from new heartache, making adjustments to our behavior. Making us more careful and attentive when communicating with other people.

Our mental body also accumulates its experience as a result of mental, thinking activity. Thoughts come to us, ideas on how best to implement this or that task, we make a choice and begin to act, our actions lead to a certain result, on the basis of which the mental energy body accumulates its experience and thanks to this, the development of our intellect occurs. Time after time, our choice becomes more reasonable, logically consistent and justified, we begin to rely in making decisions on more facts and experience, thereby avoiding the mistakes that we could have made recently.

Thus, for a person, experience is of great value, comprehending which, a constant path of development and improvement of the soul, each of the seven shells, as well as the matrices of consciousness and subconscious is formed. This process also involves such structures of the soul as the matrix of concepts, the matrix of words and numbers, as well as the matrices of laws and time. The soul is a particle of God, who created it, for endless development and improvement. The task of everyone is to strive in their life to maximally use each of their shells in their work in those life situations, which we go through in accordance with our life program recorded on the causal shell of our soul.



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