Horoscope for the end of August Gemini. Communication and family

Horoscope for the end of August Gemini. Communication and family

The horoscope for August 2018 for Gemini will tell you what awaits Gemini in relationships, family, career and work, and what will happen to their health. This page presents the general horoscope for Gemini for August 2018. Here you will not read clear instructions for action, but the stars will give you enough hints so that you can influence your life.

Gemini in August 2018

In August 2018, Gemini may feel that no one around them understands or appreciates them. However, this is not so - all your friends and relatives are trying their best to help you, but you stubbornly do not notice this. Soon you will reconsider your attitude and begin to appreciate even more the comfort that surrounds you. Stop finding fault with your loved ones over trifles - this causes a lot of conflicts. Remember that people close to you are always ready to support you and be grateful to them for this.

Communication and family

You may be shown that a real Storm of Fate has swept over your union and threatens to destroy it. However, come to your senses now, otherwise you will realize too late that you yourself are to blame for the attitude that you cause in others. You have been carelessly reaping the benefits of their care for too long and have begun to take everything for granted. However, in August it will be time to pay the bills. Now you will need to surround your dear people with warmth and care in order to regain their favor. You may have to give up many habits to lure peace into your home.

In the middle of the month, single Geminis are in for a surprise - you may meet a person with whom you want to spend all your time. Despite the fact that you will be opposite, you will always be interested in being together. However, if you remain inactive, you risk losing your love. Give up apathy and swim against the current, then personal and financial happiness will not be far off!

Health and lifestyle

You don't need to be surprised when problems with the gastrointestinal tract begin to bother you, because Geminis often fall into the category of people who prefer junk food to healthy ones. However, at this time, an exacerbation of chronic pathologies may occur. That is why it is better to take preventive measures so as not to be permanently incapacitated by long-standing problems.


You have to find many original solutions for the simplest problems. By using your inquisitive mind, you can emerge victorious from any situation, demonstrating your professional skills and abilities to everyone around you. Now is a great time to break out from the gray mass of your colleagues and get a high position.

Those Geminis who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities are advised by the Stars to be more careful. At the end of summer, several lucrative offers may await you, however, if you want to sit on all the chairs at once, you may lose your authority. Choose the most reliable and promising partner for yourself and gradually develop the business itself.

Gemini can look at the horoscope for August 2018 now, especially since it warns of possible dangers and troubles. A person needs to be as focused as possible throughout the month so that one wrong decision does not bring a lot of trouble. There are other surprises in the horoscope prepared by the stars, which are better to know about in advance.

Favorable days: 7, 14, 17, 25, 28.

Unfavorable days: 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 20, 25, 30.


August will bring fatigue into Gemini's life. Some will not have the strength even for everyday activities, many will notice that they have become absent-minded. This period does not exclude the development of nervousness. All this can lead to car accidents and other troubles. You need to try to concentrate or avoid possible danger spots.

Gemini may spend August 2018 in the hospital with unpleasant symptoms. In general, the prognosis is unfavorable, but it is the main incentive to monitor your health more closely and pay due attention to disease prevention.

If possible, it is worth visiting a cosmetologist's office. Rejuvenating procedures, anti-cellulite, general massage will definitely be beneficial. It's worth taking a closer look at new personal care products that improve skin condition.


The Gemini horoscope for July 2018 warns that it is not yet time to relax in the workplace. You don’t have to plan a vacation; these plans won’t come true anyway. Career success will largely depend on a person’s changeable mood. In moments of emotional upsurge, you can expect success; as soon as it is replaced by apathy, you can forget about success and promotion.

The stars do not advise Gemini to be distracted by several things at once. You need to make a clear choice, even if it is not easy. You need to trust your intuition, leaving some ideas aside for a while.

You shouldn’t take all failures, intrigues, and gossip at work to heart. Such troubles will quickly end. Astrologers advise Gemini to carefully maintain all financial documentation so that the inspection authorities have no reason for fines or quibbles. If a conflict occurs with partners or colleagues from another department, we can expect the termination of cooperation.

Geminis must constantly check incoming information. In August there will be a lot of intrigue, deception, and envy around them. The warmth of your home will be a real outlet after all the troubles at work. Relatives will be able to provide the necessary assistance and fill you with strength.


Throughout August, Gemini will feel the precariousness of their financial situation. During this period, you need to avoid unnecessary expenses. There will already be a sufficient amount of expenses, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about incoming income. You need to plan your budget, carefully weighing every purchase and payment.

Even if the opportunity arises to buy the desired item, you need to think carefully; there is a big risk of making a useless purchase.


Studying the love horoscope for July 2018, Gemini will see that their relatives will help them overcome the difficulties and problems that arise. To take your mind off your problems, you should spend more time with your family and go outdoors with your family.

Astrologers warn that during this period lovers may suffer from intrigue and gossip. There is no need to aggravate conflicts by unwillingness to seek compromise. Only joint work will help maintain and develop relationships.

Geminis need to establish good relationships with their family. This is one of the karmic tasks that is better to complete in order for changes for the better to begin to occur in life. Married Geminis risk aggravating the situation in the house if they cannot stop the showdown in time. Sometimes it's worth stepping back to achieve what you want faster. If the conflict flares up, all relatives will be drawn into it. At the same time, parents will be able to establish communication with the child, understanding his needs and interests.

Gemini Man

Horoscope for July 2018 Gemini - a man can perceive it with a skeptical mood. At the end of the summer he will engage in self-flagellation. It seems to a man that the world around him is in dark colors. Failures may haunt him in a relationship with a woman. Problems will even affect sexual relationships. This course of things can be changed by the Gemini man himself. You need to start working internally on yourself to get the happiness you want.

Fleeting romances during this period will bring a touch of novelty, but will only end in flirtation. A Gemini man can distract himself from love problems by immersing himself in work. This will give results - there will be movement up the career ladder. If your ideas for an independent project have already matured, it’s time to bring them to life. At this moment, the stars are ready to provide maximum support.

Gemini Woman

The last month of summer will bring a lot of excitement into the lives of representatives of the air element. Horoscope for July 2018 Gemini - a woman should read it to see how suitable this time is for introspection. You need to understand your relationships with loved ones, colleagues, and friends. Perhaps communicating with someone brings discomfort. In this case, you need to end such a relationship.

Gemini women in relationships will suffer from internal turmoil. They will try to analyze their other half, looking for flaws. Men will not like such criticism and bias. Many will not be able to avoid conflict. Astrologers advise learning to seek compromises - this is the only way to save relationships.

Astrologers do not advise immersing yourself in problems and experiences. If possible, you should spend most of your time outdoors, reading interesting books, relaxing near a pond. You need to fill every day with positive thoughts and mood, driving away negativity. Positive changes are possible if a Gemini woman works on herself, changing for the better.

Surprises prepared by the stars have only an approximate script. The daily choices of a person and his behavior determine what colors the future will be painted in.

August 2019 will be calm for representatives of the sign. You have nowhere to rush and therefore, you will not make special efforts either in your personal life or in terms of your career. Considering that your reasoning will not be clear, people who surround Gemini will have a hard time, since they simply will not understand whether they can rely on you or not.

The first ten days of August will instill in Gemini some secret or a big riddle that everyone will be interested in solving, since no one knows the answer.

In the second decade, representatives of the sign will rest and relax to the fullest, since at this time their strength will not be designed for work and making serious decisions.

If Gemini has a loved one, then in the third ten days of the month they will need to pay special attention to him, show maximum warmth and care.

Gemini Woman: Horoscope for August 2019

For representatives of the sign, August will be a very turbulent month. You will try to find yourself and understand who you are in life and what role you play. You will analyze each part of your life separately. Not only friends and loved ones will be under attack, but even your career, work colleagues and very influential people present in your life.

During this period of time, the self-esteem of Gemini women is too low, which can play a cruel joke on them. If for this period the woman is not in a relationship with the opposite sex, then the storm of emotions and worries about this will only intensify.

At this time, the stars advise trying to distract yourself from unpleasant thoughts in every possible way. Try to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, read your favorite books, and finally, take care of your health and restoration of your figure if you have problems. Do absolutely whatever you want, just drive away negative thoughts from yourself as far as possible.

Gemini Man: Horoscope for August 2019

Gemini men will spend time thinking and analyzing their “failed” lives. The reason for such self-flagellation may be an unsettled personal life or sexual problems.

In the second half of August you will want romance, but, unfortunately, for you it will remain only simple flirting, a fleeting romance, but not the slightest hint of serious intentions.

During this period, you can climb up the career ladder. If you have your own thoughts and ideas about opening your own business, then by the end of the month you can safely tackle this issue. Be sure that everything will work out for you.

Twins.Horoscope for August 2019 for Gemini.

August will entice Gemini with the possibility of change - in your career, in your personal life, in anything. But you shouldn’t take this month’s promises very seriously. Not all representatives of the sign Twins decisive changes are shown - listen to the voice of reason, intuition and advice from the stars.

Favorable days in August 2019 for Gemini – 2, 10, 14, 17, 24, 29.
Unfavorable days of August 2019 for Gemini – 1, 5, 8, 20, 26, 27.

Gemini career and finances in August 2019
In August, in the field of professional activity, Gemini
It makes sense to think about how effective the methods you use are. It is possible that you are wasting too much effort, which is why the results of the work performed are lower than you would like. Perhaps you take on too many responsibilities, others take it for granted, and the feeling of dissatisfaction visits you more and more often. Find new, more efficient technologies and try to use them. Use your working time wisely. Don’t even try to argue with your superiors during this period, otherwise you will fall into disgrace and lose your goodwill.
It is possible that you will want to change your field of activity. However, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. In any case, first find a new job - and only then write a letter of resignation.
As for the financial side, in August Gemini there will be a desire to get involved in a speculative transaction, which, however, does not promise you profit.
Start of the month a – a period favorable for shopping. When shopping for items related to home construction work, be patient. It will not be possible to find the right color and texture right away.

Gemini's personal life in August 2019
In their personal lives in August, it is possible for Geminis to achieve mutual understanding without much effort. A new image will bring you good luck in love - light, bright, sparkling. Think it through in every detail. If you manage to transform yourself, then your chosen one will experience strong feelings and will certainly take the first step towards rapprochement.
Even if you are tormented by bad suspicions, do not make a scene. Either lock your experiences inside yourself, or calmly tell your partner about them. Do not under any circumstances try to knock out a wedge with a wedge and start an affair on the side. This will only complicate the current situation.

Gemini health in August 2019
In terms of health in August, Gemini should pay special attention to the digestive system. You should follow a diet, carefully selecting foods individually. Thanks to this, you will be able to avoid serious problems.
You are more resilient than healthy. You live solely off your nervous energy. If you are overloaded with work, your energy reserves may run out and you will need to “recharge” yourself. To restore strength, you need a full, long rest and good sleep.

A passionate, sensual month awaits you, whether you are in a relationship or just looking for a love adventure. Gemini's personal life becomes brighter, because Venus transits through your house of love.

You are confident in yourself and your irresistibility, ready to seduce and conquer. Don’t avoid new acquaintances and invitations; one of them may turn out to be exactly the one you’ve been waiting for for so long. Single representatives of your sign may find love, and if you already have a loved one, the relationship will become more romantic.

This is the right time to confess your feelings for someone or impress them with a romantic dinner or an expensive gift. But you need to be careful with your spending. Some Geminis may become a target for people who are only interested in obtaining material gain.

This is a rather contradictory period for family life. Your spouse and family are ready to support you and strengthen your confidence, but you are unhappy with everything and everyone. Spend more time with your better half, pay more attention to family and issues related to a joint budget - this way you can restore mutual trust and intimacy.

Gemini career and financial horoscope for August 2018

The influence of retrograde planets is emphasized, so the implementation of career plans may be accompanied by delays. It’s better not to rush, but to take the opportunity to rethink past experiences and draw conclusions for the future.

Mercury, the celestial patron of the sign Gemini, remains retrograde until August 19, 2018, which means the likelihood of misunderstandings and mistakes when performing work tasks. The period is favorable for finalizing unfinished projects and eliminating shortcomings, but not for new beginnings.

Mars, the ruler of Gemini's house of work, is still in retrograde motion, but Jupiter, located in the house of work, has resumed direct motion. You could say that you accelerate with one foot and slam on the brakes with the other, so the results come more slowly. However, your stress levels are lower and you see things more optimistically.

The solar eclipse on August 11, 2018 occurs in the Gemini house of communications. Retro Mercury conjunct the eclipse point hints at a return to the past, but on a new level. Maybe you will resume previous business contacts, or decide to re-engage in a project that you abandoned long ago - this gives you a chance to achieve success.

In the last days of the month, tensions in relations with colleagues are possible. To prevent your words from being interpreted against you, think twice before you say something important.

Financial success will come through cooperation with other people. The month is favorable for solving old problems related to money. To bring your dreams closer, it is important to pay off old debts, both literally and figuratively. The stars advise you to balance your desires and possibilities, because there is a tendency to spend on pleasant but useless things.


This is not to say that your physical condition is not very good, but nervous tension is great and can deplete your strength. If any health problems arise, you should not neglect them. Instead, go straight to the doctor without delay. Be careful when traveling because there is a predisposition to accidents. In the last ten days of the month, when Mercury begins to move forward, you will feel a surge of energy and improved well-being.

Money remains a sensitive topic. With responsibility and pragmatism, a lot can be achieved.



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