Where falcons were born is the fate of man. Characteristics of Andrei Sokolov from the work The Fate of Man

Where falcons were born is the fate of man. Characteristics of Andrei Sokolov from the work The Fate of Man

There are many works in Russian literature that tell about the Great Patriotic War. A striking example is Mikhail Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” where the author gives us not so much a description of the war, but a description of life common man during the difficult war years. In the story “The Fate of Man” the main characters are not historical figures, not titled officials, nor illustrious officers. They are ordinary people, but with a very difficult fate.

Main characters

Sholokhov's story is small in volume, it takes up only ten pages of text. And there are not so many heroes in it. The main character of the story is a Soviet soldier - Andrei Sokolov. Everything that happens to him in life, we hear from his lips. Sokolov is the narrator of the entire story. His named son - the boy Vanyusha - plays in the story important role. He completes sad story Sokolov and opens a new page in his life. They become inseparable from each other, so let’s classify Vanyusha as one of the main characters.

Andrey Sokolov

Andrey Sokolov – main character story “The Fate of Man” by Sholokhov. His character is truly Russian. How many troubles he experienced, what torments he endured, only he himself knows. The hero speaks about this on the pages of the story: “Why did you, life, cripple me like that?

Why did you distort it like that?” He slowly tells his life from beginning to end to a fellow traveler with whom he sat down to have a cigarette by the road.

Sokolov had to endure a lot: hunger, captivity, the loss of his family, and the death of his son on the day the war ended. But he endured everything, survived everything, because he had a strong character and iron fortitude. “That’s why you’re a man, that’s why you’re a soldier, to endure everything, to endure everything, if need calls for it,” Andrei Sokolov himself said. His Russian character did not allow him to break down, retreat in the face of difficulties, or surrender to the enemy. He snatched life from death itself.
All the hardships and cruelties of the war that Andrei Sokolov endured did not kill his human feelings or harden his heart. When he met little Vanyusha, just as lonely as he was, just as unhappy and unwanted, he realized that he could become his family. “There is no way for us to disappear separately! I’ll take him as my child,” Sokolov decided. And he became a father to a homeless boy.

Sholokhov very accurately revealed the character of the Russian man, a simple soldier who fought not for ranks and orders, but for the Motherland. Sokolov is one of those many who fought for the country, not sparing their lives. He embodied the entire spirit of the Russian people - persistent, strong, invincible. The characterization of the hero of the story “The Fate of a Man” is given by Sholokhov through the speech of the character himself, through his thoughts, feelings, and actions. We walk with him through the pages of his life. Sokolov goes through a difficult path, but remains human. A kind, sympathetic person who lends a helping hand to little Vanyusha.


A boy of five or six years old. He was left without parents, without a home. His father died at the front, and his mother was killed by a bomb while traveling on a train. Vanyusha walked around in tattered, dirty clothes, and ate what people served. When he met Andrei Sokolov, he reached out to him with all his soul. “Dear folder! I knew! I knew you would find me! You'll find it anyway! I’ve been waiting so long for you to find me!” – the delighted Vanyusha shouted with tears in his eyes. For a long time he could not tear himself away from his father, apparently afraid that he would lose him again. But in Vanyusha’s memory the image of his real father was preserved; he remembered the leather cloak that he wore. And Sokolov told Vanyusha that he probably lost him in the war.

Two loneliness, two destinies are now intertwined so tightly that they can never be separated. The heroes of “The Fate of Man” Andrei Sokolov and Vanyusha are now together, they are one family. And we understand that they will live according to their conscience, in truth. They will survive everything, they will survive everything, they will be able to do everything.

Minor characters

There are also a number of minor characters. This is Sokolov’s wife Irina, his children – daughters Nastenka and Olyushka, son Anatoly. They don’t speak in the story, they are invisible to us, Andrei remembers them. The company commander, the dark-haired German, the military doctor, the traitor Kryzhnev, Lagerführer Müller, the Russian colonel, Andrei’s Uryupinsk friend - all these are the heroes of Sokolov’s own story. Some have neither a first nor a last name, because they are episodic characters in Sokolov’s life.

The real, audible hero here is the author. He meets Andrei Sokolov at the crossing and listens to his life story. It is with him that our hero talks, to whom he tells his fate.

Work test

Story by M.A. Sholokhov’s “The Fate of Man” was published for the first time in 1956. The plot of the work is based on real facts. The story the author heard from a former front-line soldier became a story about difficult fate person. The main character of the story experienced all the horrors of the past war.

The life story of Andrei Sokolov begins in the pre-war years. The young man got married and over time children appeared in his family: a son and two daughters. They lived amicably and happily. The war, which brought grief to millions of people, also invaded the lives of the Sokolovs. The head of the family is drafted into the army on the second day of the war. The wife, who did not want to let her husband go to war, simply hung on him. Then Andrei had to forcefully tear her away from him and push her away. Later, when he remembers this day, he will reproach himself for this rudeness.

During the four years of war, Sokolov had to endure a lot. At the front, as in civilian life, he was a driver. He was captured after his car was hit by an enemy shell. Andrei was wounded and shell-shocked. In captivity, he suffered so many difficult trials that it would be enough for several human lives. The hero of the story was transferred from camp to camp. And in each camp, the most difficult conditions of survival and hard, exhausting work awaited him.

But something kept me in this world when so many people were dying nearby. At the very difficult moments During the trials, the image of his wife and children appeared before his eyes. This probably gave him the strength to overcome everything and return home alive. One day, in a temper, Sokolov expressed out loud his dissatisfaction with the living conditions in the camp. Someone reported him. These words were conveyed to the camp administration. The hero was summoned by the camp commandant.

It is unknown what someone else would have done in Andrei’s place, but Sokolov behaved with dignity. The brave front-line soldier was appointed as a driver for a military engineer as a reward. And an escape plan matured in the hero’s head. His first escape from the camp was unsuccessful; he was caught and placed in a punishment cell for a whole month. For the second time, Sokolov captured a military engineer and crossed the front line in the car in which he was driving his boss.

For escaping from captivity with a captured “tongue,” Andrei was rewarded with a short-term vacation. He went home. All the way he thought about meeting his family. And when he arrived at the place, he saw a huge bomb crater instead of his house. His wife and two daughters died. The hero returned to the front again. The only thing that warms his soul is that his son, fighting somewhere at the front, is alive and well. Sokolov only dreamed of meeting his son. But the meeting did not take place. His son died at the very end of the war.

Heartbroken, Andrei did not return to his native place, where he no longer had a home or relatives. He moves to another area and gets a job as a truck driver. Chance gave him a gift in the form of a little orphan boy. Vanyushka lost his parents during the war and became a street child. Hope began to glimmer in the tormented heart of the front-line soldier. In the person of the boy Vanya, he found his new family

Essay Image and characteristics of Andrei Sokolov

In the story by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov, war times are described; people meet at the crossing: Andrei Sokolov with his adopted son Vanechka and the narrator. Andrei Sokolov decides to talk to the narrator, he is so lonely that at least he will talk to someone.

He tells the story of when he spoke incorrectly about the commandant in his cell, and someone denounced him. They called him and wanted to shoot him, but showing his Russian spirit of pride and inflexibility, saved his life. Andrei Sokolov, despite the fact that life beat him so hard, always remained human in any situation and never stinted on emotions.

At the front, Andrei learns that his family was killed, his wife and two daughters were buried in the house after the bombing, and his son is unknown where. Sokolov suddenly became lonely and unhappy, he lost absolutely everything, the world collapsed and the earth was disappearing from under his feet. Soon Andrei receives a letter from his son Anatoly, he is also at the front and has already managed to rise to a good rank. They arrange a meeting, and here a huge blow awaits Sokolov’s son, he is killed by a sniper, Andrei has lost his last loved one.

Andrei Sokolov goes to his friend and gets a job there, where he meets Vanya, a street child, and is called his father. The man himself is very kind and compassionate, despite the fact that the war took away all his relatives, he did not become callous and cruel. He decides to make the boy happy, who, like him, is left alone in this world and promises him to take care of him.

Having gone through a thousand trials, Andrei Sokolov did not stop helping people on his way and did not remain indifferent to the grief of others. Sokolov wanted to raise the boy and give him everything he could, filling the void in his heart and in his own. In his story, Sholokhov described a man with a great Russian soul, who was not broken by the war, but only made stronger. Andrey Sokolov is a wonderful example for every person that you should never give up.

Option 3

Events of the Great Patriotic War- one of the main themes of writers of the Soviet period. The heroism of the people and individuals in the terrible conditions of wartime more than once became the central idea of ​​the works.

The work of M.A. Sholokhov is no exception. In his story “The Fate of Man” he describes the life ordinary person, who suffered all the horrors of war, the loss of loved ones and the return to life after the tragedy. An interesting fact is that the prototype of the main character was a real man, who told the story of his life to the author.

Andrey Sokolov - main thing actor narratives. A participant in the civil war, he is good and loving husband and father. The war interrupted the happy and calm life of the Sokolov family. Andrei goes to the front, after being wounded he is captured by the Nazis. The hero bravely endures all the horror of captivity; he tries to escape, but fails. He is sentenced to death; his courage and pride in front of the invaders saved Andrei’s life. The commandants not only did not shoot him, but also gave him food. Sokolov shared with his comrades. This act reveals the hero’s generous soul. For Andrei Sokolov, captivity is worse than death; he again tries to escape, this time successfully. A purposeful person always achieves his goal.

After the escape, another terrible blow was the news of the death of his wife and daughter. A courageous man, he does not bend under the weight of loss. The dream of a son whom they should meet becomes the meaning of his life. But his hope was not destined to be justified. The son dies in the war.

It’s hard for Andrey to return from the front. There is no more home, no more relatives. It seems that there is nothing to live for now, but the strength of spirit does not allow one to give up. Having met the orphan Vanyusha, Sokolov becomes a real father for the boy.

The amazing fate of man is shown by Sholokhov in his work. But there were many such destinies in those days. Force human soul, the courage and immense heroism of an ordinary soldier is depicted in the image of the main character. He doesn’t need awards or honors, he wants ordinary earthly happiness. And I want to believe that after suffering grief, he finds it. This is it main meaning story.

The Russian man is a symbol of courage and selfless devotion to his homeland. Bravery and generosity, intelligence and honor, will and justice are the main qualities that the author endowed with his hero.

Works about war teach us to live according to our conscience, to remember that a peaceful sky on earth was given to us by such ordinary soldiers as Andrei Sokolov. We must honor the memory of heroes and firmly understand that war cannot be allowed.

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Sholokhov “The Fate of Man” the main characters live in times of war, lose what is most precious, but find the strength to live on.

M. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man” main characters and their characteristics

  • Andrey Sokolov
  • Vanyushka
  • Irina, Andrey's wife
  • Ivan Timofeevich, neighbor of the Sokolovs
  • Müller, camp commandant
  • Soviet colonel
  • captured military doctor
  • Kyryzhnev is a traitor
  • Peter, friend of Andrei Sokolov
  • landlady
  • Anatoly Sokolov- son of Andrei and Irina. He went to the front during the war. Becomes battery commander. Anatoly died on Victory Day, he was killed by a German sniper.
  • Nastenka and Olyushka- Sokolov's daughters

Andrey Sokolov- the main character of the story “The Fate of a Man”, a front-line driver, a man who went through the whole war.

Andrei Sokolov is the main character of the story “The Fate of Man” by Sholokhov. His character is truly Russian. How many troubles he experienced, what torments he endured, only he himself knows. The hero speaks about this on the pages of the story: “Why did you, life, cripple me like that? Why did you distort it like that?” He slowly tells his life from beginning to end to a fellow traveler with whom he sat down to have a cigarette by the road.

Sokolov had to endure a lot: hunger, captivity, the loss of his family, and the death of his son on the day the war ended. But he endured everything, survived everything, because he had a strong character and iron fortitude. “That’s why you’re a man, that’s why you’re a soldier, to endure everything, to endure everything, if need calls for it,” Andrei Sokolov himself said. His Russian character did not allow him to break down, retreat in the face of difficulties, or surrender to the enemy. He snatched life from death itself.
All the hardships and cruelties of the war that Andrei Sokolov endured did not kill his human feelings or harden his heart. When he met little Vanyusha, just as lonely as he was, just as unhappy and unwanted, he realized that he could become his family. Sokolov told him that he was his father and took him in for upbringing.

Vanyushka- an orphan boy of five or six years old. The author describes him as follows: “fair-haired curly head”, “pink cold little hand”, “eyes as bright as the sky”. Vanyushka is trusting, inquisitive and kind. This child has already experienced a lot; he is an orphan. Vanyushka’s mother died during the evacuation, was killed by a bomb on a train, and her father died at the front.

Andrei Sokolov told him that he was his father, which Vanya immediately believed and was incredibly happy about. He knew how to sincerely enjoy even the little things. He compares the beauty of the starry sky to a swarm of bees. This child, dispossessed by the war, early developed a courageous and compassionate character. At the same time, the author emphasizes that he is just a small, vulnerable child, who, after the death of his parents, spends the night anywhere, lying around covered in dust and dirt (“he lay quietly on the ground, dozing under the angular matting”). His sincere joy indicates that he yearned for human warmth.

The great work of Mikhail Sholokhov “The Fate of Man” is familiar to every person. His story tells about the fate of an ordinary Soviet man who endured the hardships of war, the hardships associated with captivity, and the loss of his family. The confession of an ordinary person in those difficult years introduces the reader to his life path, simultaneously showing the history of the USSR: civil war, famine, the first five-year plans, the Great Patriotic War.

At the beginning of his story, the main character tells his random travel companion that in the pre-war years his family lived in abundance. This fact indicates that Sokolov is a caring man who is not alien to family values.

His heart is not occupied by the situation in the country, nor by religious problems, nor by the ideological desire to be useful to society; human concepts are important to him: home, family, work. It is his wife and children who become the life guide for Andrei, for the sake of which he does not give up and survives in captivity. The further tragic fate of the protagonist is presented as a test of strength of the main values.

The fact that Sokolov was captured is not an example of the main character’s cowardice, it is just an example of an unfortunate combination of circumstances. In the old church, where prisoners await their fate, Sokolov, killing the traitor, positions himself as strong man with great endurance and spirit.

Only a strong, purposeful person can attempt an escape from captivity, even if it turns out to be unsuccessful.

A conversation with the fascists who are going to shoot him is a new test for Sokolov. With his bravery and bravery, he awakens humanity in German officers, who are surprised at this very courage and good spirits of a captured soldier. They admit defeat to his willpower and patriotism, granting him life.

A way to escape from captivity appears, Sokolov implements it, taking the “tongue” with him. Andrei is so devoted to his ideals, to his dreams of a long-awaited meeting with his family, that no one can stop this man.

Sokolov returns to duty and fights for his homeland and for his relatives. And now a new blow awaits him. Andrey lives in captivity without losing his feelings self-esteem and hopes for the future, but the news of the death of his family refracts his proud character. Sokolov experiences his tragedy, but feels killed. His dream speaks about this: Andrei sees himself behind barbed wire, and his relatives alive and free. He wants to go to them, but cannot.

A meeting with the orphan Vanyushka forces him to become at least partly a self-confident person again, overcome his negative habits and live.

Mikhail Sholokhov's story tells that human values ​​will never fade under the onslaught of troubles and troubles.

Today in class we continued to study Sholokhov’s work and looked at his epic story called. Getting acquainted with the story, we returned to the tragic events that took place in our country, namely, we returned to the years of the Great Patriotic War. In our work, we follow the fate of Andrei Sokolov. At the same time, describing his fate, the author described the fate of the entire people who survived the war. A people who revealed all their strengths in their character, which were revealed during a difficult period of life.

After reading Sholokhov's work, we can identify the main character, giving him full description. Now we can describe the character of Andrei Sokolov from the story The Fate of a Man, highlighting individual episodes from the hero’s life that most clearly reveal the fate and image of the character.

As you already understand, the main character of Sholokhov’s work is Andrei Sokolov - an ordinary Russian hard worker who had a wife, children, that is, a full-fledged family. There was a roof over my head, ordinary everyday life. In all this he saw his happiness, and in his family he saw the meaning of life. But the war came and changed everything.

The hero faced real trials in captivity. However, Andrei did not break; he remained true, strong, brave and courageous to the end. I very much remembered the episode when reading the story about how he could not close his eyes to betrayal. Knowing that one of the soldiers is going to betray his commander and hand him over to his enemies, he goes for the kill. This episode shows the hero's willpower, his justice. It is impossible not to note the episode when Andrei Sokolov received a loaf of bread and a piece of lard. He did not eat everything on his own, but in a comradely manner he divided each piece of food among the other prisoners. This speaks of his concern for his neighbor, of his generous soul.

I also remember his escape episode, where Sokolov shows himself brave and courageous.

However, it was not captivity that became the greatest test for him. He withstood it, just as he withstood other news. He learned that the war had taken not only his home, but also the lives of his relatives, his wife and son. She took away the meaning of his life.

His soul is devastated. He returns from the war to places where no one is waiting for him and this pain cannot be fully felt. We can only imagine it. Sokolov no longer lives, but exists. He goes to work and starts drinking. However, he did not drink himself to death, as often happened. I found the strength not to fall face first into the dirt. Reading the work, we see the hero, despite everything, has not become hardened. He met a boy whom the war also made an orphan. Andrey takes the boy into his care and this speaks of his humane nature, his warmth and kindness. Now he has new meaning life - to raise this little man worthy of it the future for which he shed his blood during the war.

Episodes most important for revealing the character of Andrei Sokolov “The Fate of a Man”

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