Extracurricular event “Winter fun. Sports event "Winter fun" Sports entertainment "winter fun"

Extracurricular event “Winter fun. Sports event "Winter fun" Sports entertainment "winter fun"

Winter is the best time for children's entertainment. Winter fun for children will make the cold season fun and unforgettable. In addition, parents can participate in winter games with their children. Outdoor games and entertainment in winter bring great joy to children and bring invaluable benefits to their health. And the parents themselves, playing with their children, will not notice how time has flown by and will not have time to freeze, since they will not have to stand and watch their child playing in the snow.Perhaps nothing brings parents and children closer together than joint holidays and entertainment.That is why in our kindergarten, we traditionally began to hold family sports events.

Favorite winter entertainment is sledding. You can teach a childsports games: skating

skiing, snowball throwing, hockey, sled racing. Using simple game exercises you can

achieve a lot!

January 31st at the recreation parkParticipants and fans of the MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 49 “Rainbow”” gathered to take part in the “Winter Fun” sports event. 3 teams took to the start: pupils of the senior groups “Rodnichok”, “Lesovichki” and pupils of the preparatory school group “Rastishki” and their parents.

Traditionally, the teams presented their names and mottos.And then the most interesting and exciting thing began - the teams began to compete.Something incredible was happening . On the street, parents played with delight, rejoiced and had fun with their children. The fans actively supported their teams.

The participants showed their agility, accuracy, strength, speed, intelligence and organization, and came to the aid of their teammates. Throwing snowballs has long been a very easy and beloved pastime; parents and children competed in the “Most Accurate” competition.The most exciting competitions were:“Sled racing” and “Carry snowballs on a shovel.”

How in the winter we don’t remember the sports game “Hockey Players”,"Skiers."

In the final competitionThe children and their parents turned out to be not only good athletes, but also dreamers.

In the competition“Build a Snowman” had to find three lumps of snow and put on all the attributes, which the teams did with a bang! Well done guys and parents! You were clever, brave, and most importantly, friendly.

Well, here come our merry ones winter competition towards the end. We are very sorry to part with you, but we hope that this is not our last time together. entertainment. Thank you darlings parents, for your understanding and your participation in the life of the kindergarten and our children, for finding the time and for the help you provide us. Let's continue to cooperate and make life children happy and interesting.

There were no winners or losers in this sporting event. Everyone in somethingshowed himself. All participants of “Winter Fun” were awarded letters of gratitude, medals and gifts. This holiday will remain in the memory of the children and their parents for a long time.

The administration and teachers of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 49 “Rainbow” thanks the families of the Mamochkins, Evdokimovs, Duplenkos, Rogovs, Zuevs, Gorbunovs, Shlyagins, Sedelnikovs, Ivanovs, Makarovs, Kutko, Polyakovs, Smolevs, Bachkins and Levdanskys.

E.N. Shitz,

physical education instructor

“Winter Fun” Sports event for grades 1-4

Goal: Promoting a healthy lifestyle for students through the organization of outdoor sports competitions in a playful way.Familiarization with the traditions of the peoples of Russia.


1. Educational :

Increase interest in physical education, instill a love for winter sports;

Improving the ability to accurately and quickly complete tasks;

Consolidating knowledge about the sports activities of the peoples of Russia and the ability

carry them out.

Consolidating the exercise technique

2. Wellness :

Development of personal qualities (goodwill, self-confidence),

formation of the ability to correctly distribute one’s forces, formation

proper attitude towards your health

3. Educational :

Education of moral and volitional qualities (commitment, will to win,

sense of collectivism)

Fostering the need to help one’s peers, achieving

they have common goals.

Formed UUD:


- have an idea of ​​outdoor games, apply the established rules of outdoor games;


    Regulatory UUD: developing the skill of monitoring your physical condition, developing discipline, hard work and perseverance in achieving your goal.

    Cognitive UUD : to develop independence and responsibility during games.

    Communicative UUD: be able to interact with each other.


To form a positive attitude of students towards physical education activities

- motivate learning activities through entertaining exercises. Develop goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness.

Methods : frontal, group, game.

Event type:

Equipment: 4 hoops, 4 medicine balls, 4 sleds, certificates for awards.

Progress of the event

Formation of students by school on the site at the entrance to the school, greeting.

Everyone knows, everyone understands

It's nice to be healthy.

You just need to know

How to become healthy!

Train yourself to order -

Do exercises every day

Laugh more cheerfully

You'll be healthier.

There is no better recipe in the world -

Be inseparable from sports

You will live a hundred years -

That's the whole secret!

And we are already today

Stronger than yesterday

Physical training! Physical training!

Physical training!

To grow and harden

Not by day, but by night

We are used to doing

Exercise in the morning!

Children really need sports!

We are strong friends with sports!

Sport is an assistant, sport is health,

Sports - a game, physical education - hooray!

We need to play sports, we need to toughen ourselves up! We have to be the first in everything, We don’t care about frosts!

Presenter 2: Well, in order to sum up at the end of the event and determine which of you coped with the task better, the most incorruptible and wonderful people came to us - our judges!
Let us introduce our judges, who will closely monitor how your teams perform in various tasks throughout the event. And at the end of the event the winner will be determined! So!
Presentation by the panel of judges

Presenter 2: It's time for us to meet Winter,
We can't live without her.
Why not ride a sleigh?
How not to make a snowman!?
Well, guys, should we stay?
No snow slide, no skating rink?

Presenter 1: White snow covered all the roads to the village.
All roads, all paths - neither pass nor pass.
- And you guys and I will cross the ice floes.

(Task No. 1) Presenter 2: So, the game: Ice crossing. The players are divided into two teams. Teams are located behind the starting lines. At the signal, they move toward the finish line on “ice pieces” (2 hoops each), moving from one hoop to another without stepping on the floor. Three children are transported, then one returns with a hoop to the remaining team members. The most important thing: Don't step on the snow. The team that finishes the crossing from one bank to the other the fastest wins.

Presenter 1:
- What are you doing, Winter?
- I’m building a miracle tower!
I'll sprinkle snow silver,
I decorate everything around.
The carousel will spin,
Rolling Blizzard

(Task No. 2) Presenter 2: And now we invite you to ride a reindeer sleigh.
Our next game is called “Reindeer Sled”
Now the guys in the teams are divided into twos, arranged in pairs.
At a signal, participants run in pairs: one runs in the hoop, the other behind; run behind the “snowdrift” (medicine ball), pass the hoop to the next pair. The participant standing behind must hold on to the hoop at all times. The game ends when the last pair crosses the starting line

(Task No. 3) Presenter 1: There are many types of sports, you can’t even count them all.
We will now play, name sports.

Teams take turns naming winter sports.

(Task No. 4) Presenter 2: Attention! Sports Quiz is underway!
1) What should you do in the morning to be cheerful and healthy? (charging)
2) Who draws patterns on the windows in winter? (freezing)
3) What do they use to slide down the hill? (sled)
4) How many teams play hockey? (two)

Presenter 2:
Children sledding in the snow
They rush down the hill like the wind.
Who is afraid of falling into the snow -
Let him not sit on the sled.

Presenter 1:
As if in the snow, in a blizzard, two sleighs flew,
And they make noise, and they rattle, and the bells ring.
It's snowing, it's snowing
Fun, playful.
Hurry up and grab your sled
And run up the hill!

(Task No. 5) Presenter 2: Friends, and now the Push-Pull Game
Two players of the same team sit on the sled. But they sit down... with their backs to each other. Task: get to the finish line as quickly as possible, pushing off only with your feet (one player goes facing the finish line, the second with his back). Begin!

Presenter1: The sled theme continues in the next competition.
And again “Pull-Push”!
(Task No. 6)
Presenter 2: Now players from different teams sit on the same sled. The task of the player sitting along the runners is to cross the finish line. His opponent's task is to prevent him from doing this. Three minutes are given to complete. The team receives 10 points for each victory.

(Task No. 7)
Presenter 2: Game "Come on, watch out!"
A pair of sleds are placed at a distance of 3-4 meters. Two players sit on them facing each other and take the ropes of the opponent's sled in their hands. A line is drawn between the sleds. At the signal, the players begin to pull the rope towards themselves, raising their feet on the sled (as an option, you can help yourself with your feet). The participant who pulled the opponent over the line into “his” territory wins.

Presenter 1:
The first winter snow flies like white fluff,
The first light frost is cheerful and invigorating.
It's good to fly through the mountain like an arrow!

(Task No. 8)
Presenter 2: Under fire.
Now you need to prepare as many snowballs as possible. The players are divided into two teams. The playing area is marked with lines or flags. Its approximate size is 10x20 meters. One team stands behind the long side line of the court. The other is located behind one of the short lines of the site (in the “city”). The team located in the “city” is considered to be leading, and the team behind the side line is considered to be attacking. The attacking team places prepared snowballs nearby. At the signal, the team of drivers runs from their “city” to the other side of the site. The attacking team, without crossing the boundaries of the area, tries to hit the running snowballs. Whoever gets hit by a snowball leaves the game. This leaves one player on each team, from which the winner is chosen.

Presenter 2: Our trials have come to an end. And now our judges will sum up the results of our competitions.

Presenter 1: Snow, snow swirling, the whole street is white!
We gathered in a circle and spun around like a snowball.

Presenter 2: In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results, we invite you to guess riddles about winter.
I don't have wheels -
I am winged and light.
Louder than all the guards
I whistle without a whistle.
On the fly, on the fly, on the fly,
I'll sweep up the turnip.
Answer: Blizzard

Name it guys
A month in this riddle:
His days are the shortest of all days,
Of all nights longer than night.
To the fields and meadows
It snowed until spring.
Only our month will pass,
We are celebrating the New Year.
Answer: December

All winter I lay by the fence behind the hut
A blue dagger in a silver sheath.
Answer: Frozen stream

So that autumn doesn't get wet,
Not soggy from water,
He turned puddles into glass,
Made the gardens snowy.
Answer: Frost

Troika, troika has arrived,
The horses in that trio are white.
And the queen sits in the sleigh,
White-haired, white-faced.
How she waved her sleeve -
Everything was covered in silver.
Answer: Winter

No boards, no axes
The bridge across the river is ready.
The bridge is like blue glass:
Slippery, fun, light.
Answer: Ice

I lived in the middle of the yard
Where the kids play
But from the sun's rays
I turned into a stream.
Answer: Snowman

Presenter 1:
The floor for summing up the results and announcing the most dexterous, strong and courageous team is given to the chairman of our jury.

Summarizing. Awarding of winners and participants (medals for the best team).
Presenter 2:
Well, the best team has been chosen, today we had a good time in the fresh air, with benefits for our health!And now sledding down the mountain.

Presenter 1: This concludes our holiday, thanks to everyone for participating! Good luck to you!

Winter sports festival scenario


2 presenters


2 teams (teams of 12 people: 6 girls, 6 boys)

Progress of the event:

(The presenter addresses the audience.)

Presenter 1 : Guess it guys

Who is my riddle about?

Who whitens the glades with white

And writes on the walls with chalk?

Sews down feather beds.

I decorated all the windows... (Zimushka-winter).

Presenter 2 : Right! Zimushka - winter!

Winter has led over us

Snow sleeves.

And scattered snowflakes

To the fields and forests.

We'll ride down the mountain

We'll have a snowball fight.

And that’s why we really, really like….

All : Winter!

Presenter 1 : Today we welcome you to the winter holiday! This holiday is dedicated to the Asian Winter Universiade 2017!

(The Universiade anthem plays)

Today two teams will compete. Let's meet!

(Commands exit to music).

Presenter 2 : The two teams came out together

To start the holiday for us,

And that's why everyone needs

Take part in it.

Everyone needs their strength,

Show off your dexterity.

Be healthy and cheerful

And, of course, don’t be bored!

We give the floor to the teams (title and greeting)

1 team : "White bears"

This bear is snowy white

The largest, the bravest!

He lives in the snow all his life.

On the cold shore.

We are your good neighbors

We are a team -….(White bears)

2nd team : "Penguins"

He waddles like a sailor.

White tie, black tailcoat.

In Antarctica, among the ice floes

Spends his days(penguin)

Presenter 1 : And your results will be evaluated by a jury (3 persons)

Presenter 2 : Let's start the winter holiday:

There will be games, there will be laughter.

And fun things to do

Prepared for everyone!

To start our competition we need to do a warm-up (snowman runs in to the music).

Snowman : Hello kids!

Girls and boys!

I came to visit you.

You recognized me?

I came with frosts, winds, blizzards.

Are you afraid of snowstorms?

Children : No!

Snowman : And aren't you afraid of frost?

Children : No!

Presenter 1 : We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

Who knows how to have fun

He's not afraid of frost!

Presenter 2 : We are here to have fun, to show off our speed and agility. And for this we must do a warm-up. (addresses the snowman)

You're so cheerful and nimble, you probably do exercises every day?

Snowman : Certainly.

(Dance “Raking snow with your hands” ).

Snowman : Well, guys, we conducted the training very cleverly! It's time to have a competition.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart,

May your results be good!

Presenter 1 : Snowman! What's in your bag? What are you hiding? Come on, take it out and show it!

Snowman : Oh, I completely forgot, I forgot!

After all, I made snowballs for you!

I want to check how accurate you are?

How do you know how to hit a target with snowballs?

Presenter 2 :

First task."Hit the target".

Snowman explains the rules. "Hit the target" (hit the bag with a snowball from the hoop)

Presenter 1 : Well done boys! We completed the first task.

Presenter 2 :

Second task"Crossing on an Ice Floe".

To sum up the results of the two competitions, we give the floor to the jury.

A roar and a whistle is heard. Runs to the music of Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga : Oh, oh, oh, my legs froze,

I've been on the road for a long time.

Through snowdrifts and windfalls

I’m going to see the children I know!

Mash old bones.

Show yourself to people!

And are you the big nose here? (addresses the snowman).

Snowman : Here, Yaga, is a sports festival,

Are you Yaga an athlete?

Baba Yaga : From all sports life, I love hockey!

I would like a stick and a goal,

How to score a puck!

Presenter 1 :

Third task"Hockey Players".

Well done boys! We are all dexterous and skillful!

Baba Yaga : Why are they all sitting there?

Yes, everyone is looking at us! (addresses the audience).

Come on, quickly come out,

Show me some dancing.

(Dance "Magic Snowball" )

Baba Yaga : I don't sit in a hut

I don’t sit on the stove!

From the hut to the nearby pines

I go skiing in the morning.

Presenter 2 :

Fourth task"Skiers".

Presenter 1 : Well done boys!

Do you know how to ski?

Well, Grandma Yaga is a wooden leg

Lives for a thousand years - doesn’t bother

And he is very good friends with sports!

We give the floor to the jury to sum up the results.

Presenter 2 :

Fifth task"Magic Crystals"

(pass small balls)

Baba Yaga : What athletic children!

You are the bravest children in the world!

(pretends to look for a broom).

The snowman brings a broom, which jumps in his hands.

Baba Yaga : Oh my little broom

I lost you.

It's good that you were found

(puts the broom to her ear, pretends to talk to her).

What? One more dance?

(Dance “It’s frosty outside”).

Snowman : I'm sorry to leave you guys

And I want you to make snowmen as a souvenir.

Presenter 1 :

Sixth task"Snowman".

(1st child rolls a large lump, 2nd rolls a medium lump, 3rd rolls a small lump, 4th rolls a bucket on his head, 5th rolls eyes, 6th rolls a carrot, etc.).

(Game "Snowballs")

Presenter 2 : Oh, it's snowing!

I'm bringing out my friend horse.

For the rope-bridle

I lead my horse through the yard,

I'm flying down the hill on it,

And I drag him back. (Sled)

The next competition “Sledge” (must be held on tubing for one participant)

Seventh task"Sled".

Presenter 1 : We give the floor to the jury to sum up the results of the last 2 competitions. In the meantime, the jury is summing up the overall results of all relay races - tasks, you and I will solve riddles:

1.Whirling and playing with the wind

The blue sky hides

Then the drifting snow spreads

Winter….. blizzard

2.White-white, like chalk -

He flew to us from the sky.

Covered the forest, fields, meadow.

What kind of lace? (Snowball)

3. Children love it very much

frosty candies,

Then they just take pills

Those who ate what? (Icicles)

4. Steel horses on their feet

The ice of the river will be cut,

The wind won't catch me -

What will I wear? (Skates)

5.Wooden planks

They rush me across the field to the river,

Through the snowdrifts - higher, lower -

What slides on the snow? (Skis)

Eighth task"Snowball Rolling".

(rolling large balls - fitballs between snowmen)

Ninth task"Ice Tunnel".

Tenth task"Icicles".

Tie icicles made of cardboard to a rope)

(Dance “Opanka”).

Snowman and Baba Yaga : Well you had fun

We had fun from the heart,

And now it's time to say goodbye

We have until next winter.

(The snowman and Baba Yaga leave to the music)

Presenter 2 : I ask the teams to line up.

Well, the competition is over.

It's time to sum up our sports results.

(The floor is given to the chairman of the jury to sum up all the results).

(Team awards.)

Presenter 1 : We are finishing the holiday

Goodbye, kids!

My parting wish:

Always be healthy!

("Winter Song" performed)

Participants do a victory lap to the music.

Lyudmila Lubkova
Sports and entertainment event for children 3–7 years old “Winter Fun”

Sports and entertainment event for children 3-7 years old

"Winter fun"

Target: communion children to a healthy lifestyle through joint sporting events



Create conditions for the formation of basic motor skills;

Create conditions for the formation of readiness children to joint activities;


develop physical abilities;

develop self-organization skills;


Cultivate a sense of satisfaction from participating in collective activities, creating a joyful mood;

Foster qualities such as camaraderie and discipline;

Time spending: 10 :30- 11 :30

Inventory: audio recordings "Exit of the Snowman", music game "Warmer", physical minute "Let's make a snowman", music a game "Talking Christmas Tree", "The Exit of Baba Yaga", music a game "A little white snow fell",music a game “It’s freezing outside”,"Winter's Coming Out", music a game "Snowflakes and the Wind", Music a game "Body parts", music a game "Snowball", "Round dance with a snowman", snowball, 2 clubs, cones, a bag with a small Christmas tree, frying pan, hoop, target, route sheets, certificates.

Progress of the event:

Line up on sports site for junior and middle groups.

Leading: Dear guys, let's start our sports festival!

Spun above the ground

Winter has its round dance again.

May health, joy, strength

Winter sports will bring us.

We'll all say: "No!" cold.

We don't care about frost.

We will be friends with skates

With stick, puck and ball.

Music a game "Warmer"


Fizminutka "Let's make a snowman"

A snowman comes out to the music


Hello guys!

There is snow on the fields, ice on the rivers, a blizzard is blowing.

When does this happen?

Children: - In winter!


Look, I didn’t come to you empty-handed! Here's my bag (shows the bag). Try to guess what's in it! Listen to the riddle.

What kind of girl is this?:

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round. (Christmas tree)

Right! This is such a small Christmas tree (takes it out of the bag). Small, but remote! The Christmas tree is not simple, magical, talking. It can turn you into anyone! Want to? Then we begin our transformations!

The snowman brings the microphone to the Christmas tree, music sounds. a game "Talking Christmas Tree"

Leading: Well done guys, we played great! Thank you to both you snowman and your Christmas tree!

Baba Yaga:

How could you children?

Very harmful in the world.

They forgot about me

And they weren’t invited here.

They gathered here and were having fun, but as always, they didn’t invite me, Granny Yagulechka.


Guys, who is this? (Answer children) .

Baba Yaga:

(takes out a frying pan)



Guys, let's show Baba Yaga how we play.

Music a game "A little white snow fell"

Baba Yaga: Oh, how fun you are!

Snowman: So stay asleep, our holiday continues!

Music is playing. Winter enters


I'm a beautiful maiden

And my name is Winter.

I came to you to have fun

And I brought you the game!

Outdoor game "Snowflakes and the Wind"

Winter: Great, guys!

Now listen to my riddles!

The snow turned blue from the cold,

There is white frost on the trees.

Even Bobik hides his nose

After all, on the street... (freezing)

Fell out of a white cloud

And she fell into our laps.

This fluff of snow

Called (snowflake)

Who sweeps and gets angry in winter,

Blows, howls and spins,

Making a white bed?

This is snowy (blizzard)

Winter: What smart fellows you are!

Snowman: Well guys, it’s time for us to go, my friend and I are waiting in kindergarten! Baba Yaga, will you come with us?

Baba Yaga: I'll go, honey, I'll go! I really enjoyed playing with the kids!

Winter: And for you guys, the fun never stops! Now you will you go Together with your teachers, go to the playground and continue playing and having fun!

Together: Goodbye!

Music sounds, the heroes say goodbye to the guys and leave. The children and their teachers go to their playground.

Leading: Dear guys, let's start our sports festival!

Spun above the ground

Winter has its round dance again.

May health, joy, strength

Winter sports will bring us.

We'll all say: "No!" cold.

We don't care about frost.

We will be friends with skates

With stick, puck and ball.

Guys, it’s winter outside, it’s cold, there’s snow all around. Do you like winter? Aren't you afraid of frost? Let's warm up together.

Music a game “It’s freezing outside”

Leading: We warmed up well, really guys! Now it's time to build a snowman!

Fizminutka "Let's make a snowman"

A snowman comes out to the music


Hello guys! You called me!

And I came not empty-handed, but with riddles! Can you figure it out?

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,

The blizzard is walking.

When does this happen? (winter)

In the snowdrifts near the river

Long planks are moving.

They are looking for a higher hill.

Name the tablets (skis)

We stood all summer

Winter was expected.

The time has come -

We rushed down the mountain. (sled)

Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are running a race.

And it’s not horses that carry me,

And the shiny ones... (skates)

Snowman:Well done boys! Now everyone get up in a big round dance!

Round dance with a snowman

Leading: Well done guys, we played great!

Music sounds, Baba Yaga comes out

Baba Yaga:

How could you children?

Very harmful in the world.

They forgot about me

And they weren’t invited here.

They gathered here and were having fun, but as always, they didn’t invite me, Granny Yagulechka.


Guys, who is this? (Answer children) .

Baba Yaga:

How do you know me? What fairy tales have you seen me in?


- "Swan geese", "Princess Frog", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", “And Baba Yaga is against it”.

Baba Yaga:

I'm bored in the forest alone! And I'm hungry! Should I shoot a snowman or something? (takes out a frying pan)


What are you, Baba Yaga! I am tasteless and cold. Your stomach will hurt! Baba Yaga, stay here, you will have fun with us!

Baba Yaga: Do you know how to play?

Leading:Of course they can, Bab Yaga. Our guys are all dexterous, brave and attentive!

Baba Yaga: I have one game! Now let's see how attentive you are!

Music a game "Body parts"

Baba Yaga: Oh, the guys managed the game and made the old lady laugh!

Music is playing. Winter enters


I'm a beautiful maiden

And my name is Winter.

I came to you to have fun

And I brought you the game!

Music a game "Snowball"

Winter: Guys, I see that you are nimble and fast, but can you answer questions? Are you talking about sport you know everything? I'll check now!

1. What should you do in the morning to be cheerful and healthy?

2. What is the name athlete skating to music?

3. How many teams play hockey?

4. What do you call people who swim in ice holes in winter?

5. What can you use to slide down a mountain?

Winter:You guys are funny! I’ve also prepared snow tasks for you, can you handle it? Snowman and Baba Yaga, will you help me?

Snowman, Baba Yaga: Of course, we will help!

Route sheets are distributed to group teachers. They take turns visiting stations in a certain order, where interesting games and tasks await them!

1 station "Snowman"

Guys, are you good at jumping? Now we will believe it! Line up in 2 columns one behind the other! Place your hands on your belt! And they began to take turns jumping on two legs from circle to circle! Whose team jumps the fastest wins! Don't forget to follow the rules!

2 station "Baba Yaga"

Relay race "A clever hockey player". The guys line up in 2 columns. Exercise: move the ball with a club in a snake between the landmarks.

3 station "Winter"

Guys, now we are going to play. The game is being played "Make a Snowball". Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team makes snowballs and pins them into a pre-defined circle. Let down results: whose team made more snowballs. Next, the guys throw snowballs into the hoop.

Sports and entertainment event "Winter Fun".

Sports entertainment for older children. Scenario

Relay race game for preschoolers “Winter Fun”.

Sports game-relay race in kindergarten in winter.
Khokhlova Marina Vitalievna, teacher, MKDOU No. 26
This sports entertainment gives children the opportunity to repeat traditional winter sports, using a non-standard approach in a sports hall with the involvement of a snowman hero. Through theatrical play there is a comprehensive development of motor qualities. This event can be useful in the work of kindergarten teachers, physical education instructors working with children of middle, senior and preparatory preschool age. The game can be used as a celebration of the arrival of winter.
Target: nurturing a sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship.
Develop physical qualities: agility, speed. Ability to perform sports exercises;
Foster a sense of friendship and mutual assistance;
Decoration of the gym: snowflakes, children's drawings on the walls on a winter theme.
Inventory: felt boots, a set of modules, snowballs (made from cotton wool), skis, an image of a snowflake (cut into 10 pieces each), mini skis, balls, fun and sporty music.
Progress of the lesson
Children enter the hall to sports music.

To the sports ground
I invite you, children.
Celebration of sports and health
It starts with us.
Today we have an entertaining event "Winter Fun"
- What do you think we will do today?
- Yes, we will jump, have fun and gallop. Ready?
Children: Yes....
Making it a fairy tale
Trees and houses
A white woman came to the guys -
White winter.
Cheerful, desirable
Frosty time -
Ruddy from the cold
The kids laugh.
We outlined with skates
The whole pond
And if we want -
Swift-winged eagles
Let's go skiing. (G. Ramazanov “Winter”)

The Snowman appears to the sound of cheerful music...

Presenter: Children, who is this? That's right, it's a snowman. He came to visit us.
Snowman: Hello guys!
I came to you, friends,
Congratulate everyone on the fun,
I wish you success in sports
And all the luck!
- Why are you so pale and thin? Apparently you don't play sports? Come on, guys, show how dexterous and brave, fast and skillful you are!

Presenter: Well guys, let's split into two teams and show the snowman how strong, fast, dexterous and brave we are. (Division into 2 teams.)
Presenter: Guys, let's say our common motto
We are teams no matter what!
We are all masters in sports.
We'll run and kick the ball,
Fight for victory
Presenter: Attention, attention, the competition is starting!

Snowman: Guys, guess the riddle:
Not shoes, not boots,
The feet get very warm.
We run in them in winter:
In the morning - to the kindergarten,
In the afternoon - home. ANSWER: felt boots

Snowman: That's right guys, these are felt boots and the 1st relay race is called "Felt boots"
-Each team receives one felt boot. The first participant puts a felt boot on his right foot. At a distance, modules are placed in the form of a snake. Assignment: walk the distance back and forth in felt boots, pass to the next participant, and so on, the whole team.
- For each relay race completed, one of the teams will receive a snowball from me and at the end of our holiday we will count your snowballs and draw a winner.
- One, two, three, the start of the game...
Presenter: Well done boys! You did a very good job on your first assignment.

Great White Rock
All winter it grew stronger and stronger.
But from the spring warmth
The rock settled and flowed... (Snowdrift)

- What are these guys? That's right "snowdrift" This is the name of the next task.
-We build a distance from the modules: a low obstacle - to jump over, a high one - to crawl under it, etc. along the entire length of the hall. Return to normal running, pass the baton by touch to the next participant.
Snowman: Guys, guess this riddle.
Runners on a walk
Same length
Through the meadow to the birch tree
Pull two stripes (Skis)

- We climbed the snowdrifts, but now show us how you can glide on skis. The relay is called "Ski race"
Guys, you have to put on mini skis and go the distance.
Presenter: Well done guys, you did an excellent job with this task, and now the next riddle:
Stars are falling from the sky, stars are falling from the sky,
They will lie down in the fields.
Let him hide under them
Black earth.
Many, many stars
Thin as glass;
The stars are cold,
And the earth is warm! This...

- What are these guys? Yes, that's right - it's a snowflake and the next competition is called "Collect a snowflake."
- At the end of each distance, opposite the team there is a snowflake cut into 10 parts. you need to run to the end of the distance and take 1 part of the snowflake, and return to the team and so you need to move and collect the entire snowflake. The first team to collect the snowflake correctly wins.
Roll through the snow -
I'll grow up.
Warm up on the fire -
I'll be lost. (Snowball)

- That's right guys. You know all this, you can do all this. I'm wondering if you can handle the next task
"Roll a Snowball"
-Guys, you must snake the “Snowball” (ball) the entire distance and pass it to the next player. Is everyone clear?
-One, two, three roll...
Snowman: Well done boys! They made me happy! Now I see that you love winter. And winter brings you strength and health!
Let the frost crack
And the blizzard swirls in the field,
Tough kids are not afraid of the cold.
Well done to our guys - strong, skillful,
Friendly, cheerful, fast and brave.
Summarizing. Awarding of winners and participants.

Snowman: Goodbye, guys!

Children say goodbye to the snowman.




This is interesting: