10 extraordinary people. The most unusual people in the world (photo and video)

10 extraordinary people. The most unusual people in the world (photo and video)

There are many strange and interesting things in our world. And even among the people who inhabit this world, there are such unusual individuals that neither scientists nor medical luminaries are able to explain these human phenomena. Our top 10 most unusual people in the world will present you with just such phenomenal personalities.

10 The fattest man

Carol Ann Yager currently holds the championship in the weight category. Already at the age of 20, she weighed 727 kg. With such a body weight, the girl was unable to move. For Carol, several special devices have been created that make her existence easier.

9 Magnet Man

The body of a 70-year-old Malaysian Liva Tou Lin has magnetic properties and firmly attracts metal objects (spoons, forks, irons, etc.). Liv's body is able to cope even with a car, pulling it on a chain. Doctors and scientists just shrug their shoulders, not knowing how to explain such a phenomenon.

8 The man with the most elastic skin

Human skin tends to stretch. For example, in a woman during pregnancy. Or, with age, the skin becomes looser, more stretched, and wrinkles form. But this is with age. However, there is such a disease when the skin has increased elasticity - this is the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Doctors made this diagnosis Harry Turner whose skin can stretch up to 16 cm.

7 Boy with giant hands

An eight-year-old lives in India Kalim, whose hands are gigantic. This fact brings a lot of inconvenience to the boy. After all, such hands are not able to perform in everyday life or during children's games those elementary things that are available to an ordinary child. The size of the hands from the base of the palm to the tip of the middle finger is 33 cm. The weight of each hand reaches 8 kg. Medicine in this situation is powerless, since doctors cannot even make an accurate diagnosis of Kalima.

6 The woman with the largest natural breasts

How many women dream of having big and lush breasts. To make their dream come true, there are many ways to increase breasts, ranging from folk methods treatment with herbs and ending with plastic surgery. But Annie Hawkins, also known as Norma Stitz, in January 1999 broke the world record, becoming the woman with the largest breasts. Moreover, natural breasts, the volume of which is 175 cm.

5 Man without pain

Each person has a certain “pain threshold”, which indicates his susceptibility to pain. Tim Cridland is an exception to the rule. His body feels no pain at all. Therefore, Tim can safely pierce his arms through and through with thin knitting needles. His body is able to withstand very high temperatures. It was all childish pranks at school. Now Tim is touring America, shocking the audience with his incredible stunts.

4 Gymnastics champion born without legs

Jen Bricker, an American gymnast who was born without legs. Due to a physical handicap, her parents abandoned her. The girl was adopted by a married couple, giving her her last name Bricker. They also recorded adopted daughter to sports school when Jen was 16 years old. The girl idolized gymnastics, and with it the famous American athlete Dominique Helena Mosina-Canales. As it turned out, it was the call of the blood. Subsequently, it turned out that Dominic and Jen were sisters. At 27, Jen Bricker won the competition and became the state champion in gymnastics.

3 The Man Who Doesn't Sleep

In Belarus, in the city of Minsk, there lives a man who survived clinical death. The consequence of this unpleasant moment of his life was the complete lack of sleep. Yakov Tsiperovich doesn't sleep at all. Almost 70 different films have been made about the life of this man and this phenomenon. Doctors examined him, scientists studied him, but they could not explain what was happening.

Radhakrishnan Velu from Malaysia has the strongest and strongest teeth. Clamping a cable with his teeth, he moves various vehicles. His most difficult "achievement" is a train consisting of six cars, with a total weight of 297 tons.

Such people live among us. For some of them it is easy, but for some it is difficult to live with their fate. But they live: they find the use of their abilities, benefiting from it; set goals and break records; become famous.

1. Thai Ngoc: haven't slept in 38 years

In this post I want to write about people who have become famous thanks to their unusual abilities. They do not sleep for 35 years, they think that the Second World War is still going on on Earth, they live all their lives in the airport. Meet the ten most unusual people on the planet.

Tai Ngoc, 64, has not slept for 35 consecutive years. He stopped sleeping after he contracted the flu back in 1973, and has been counting sheep for 11,700 sleepless nights in an unsuccessful attempt to fall asleep. However, prolonged insomnia did not affect his health in any way. Doctors who examined Ngok found only mild liver problems in the patient.

2. Sanju Bhagad: lived with a twin brother in the stomach

Sanju Bhagat always looked like he was in the last months of pregnancy. A huge belly made it difficult to walk and just breathe. In 1999, during an emergency operation for a suspected tumor, the cause of the strange “obesity” was revealed: his twin brother had been living in Sanju’s stomach all this time!

3. Shoichi Yokoi: spent 28 years underground after the war

In 1941, Shoichi Yokoi entered the service of the imperial troops of Japan and, together with his unit, was sent to the island of Guam. In 1944, after the capture of the island by American troops, Yokoi went on the run. Only at the beginning of 1972, the fugitive was discovered in one of the most inaccessible places on the island by two local residents. For 28 years, he hid in a cave he dug underground, afraid to go outside and not knowing what was happening in the world. “It’s strange for me to realize that I came back alive,” said Yokio, returning to Japan with an old rusty rifle in his hand.

4. Mehran: Lives at the airport since 1988

Mehran Karimi Nassari is an Iranian refugee who has been living in the waiting room of Terminal 1 at the Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport for 20 years. In Iran, he was thrown into prison, tortured, and then expelled from the country. Since then, he has been unsuccessfully trying to obtain political asylum in France, Great Britain and other countries, which constantly refuse the unfortunate.

5. Matayoshi Mitsuo: Japanese God

Matayoshi Mitsuo is an eccentric Japanese politician who is convinced that he is the Christ. According to his political program, he will administer Last Judgment like Christ, but using the political system and legislation of the country for this. The first step of the "savior" should be the proclamation of his prime minister of the country. Mitsuo then plans that he will be offered to head the UN, and then he will gradually become the ruler of the world and will rule in accordance with his political and religious views.

6 Lal Bihari: The Official Dead Man

Lal Bihari was officially listed as deceased from 1976 to 1994. For 18 years, a farmer in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has fought the Indian bureaucracy to prove that he is alive and well. Back in 1976, Lal tried to take out a bank loan and found himself officially dead. It turned out that Lal's uncle had declared him dead in order to inherit the land that belonged to Bihari. In 18 years of fighting the bureaucratic machine, Bihari discovered that there are many like him: about a hundred living people cannot prove in any way that they did not die. It was then that Bihari created his "dead association" - "Mritak Sangh", in which there are already more than 20 thousand people living throughout India. Together they are fighting for the return of the rights of those who were declared dead and their property was taken away.

7 David Icke: Saving Earthlings From Reptilian Humanoids

A former professional football player, TV commentator, speaker of the British Green Party, since 1990 he has been fascinated by the disclosure of a worldwide conspiracy theory and told the world that we are ruled by the descendants of the divine reptilian humanoids who once created this world and all people. According to him, the world is under the vigilant control of a secret organization called the Elite, founded in ancient times and known as the Babylonian Brotherhood. This race of reptilian humanoids gave the world such political figures as George W. Bush and Queen Elizabeth II. David believes that it is humanoids who are to blame for child abuse and adult Satanism. David is the author of 15 books in which he details his theory.

8. David Allen Boden: his own pope

David Allen Boden of Kansas is the self-proclaimed Pope Michael I. Elected pope in 1990 by a group of six Catholics, including himself and his parents. His followers believe that Pius XII was the last true pope, and after him - only usurpers, as they were modernists. He took one of the rooms of his house under the "church" and the office at the same time. His flock consists of 50 people and believes in the imminent end of the world.

9. Yoshiro Nakamatsu: Wants to live to 140 with a camera

Yoshiro Nakamatsu is a famous Japanese inventor who has over 3,000 patents for his inventions. According to himself, among his inventions are an electronic clock and a floppy disk, which he later licensed to IBM. Among his latest "miracle inventions" is an original design called Pyon-Pyon, which can be translated as "jump-hop". But he got on the list of eccentrics not because of this, but because for the past 34 years he has been photographing everything he eats and analyzing the contents of the plates. In this way, he hopes to reach his goal of living to 140 years of age.

10 Michelle Lolito: Omnivore

Michel Lotito became famous for eating everything inedible, for which he was nicknamed "Monsieur Eat It All". During his performances, Lotito absorbs metal, glass, rubber and other materials from which bicycles, motorcycles, televisions are made ... And once he even ate a whole Cessna-150 plane! Usually the object is dismantled into parts, cut into pieces, and Lotito swallows them with water. He began to "eat" inedible objects as a child, and from the age of 16 he has been performing his "meals" in public

1. Lipodystrophy - or the complete absence of subcutaneous fat has become a real punishment for 59-year-old Mr. Perry (Great Britain). He can eat anything - fatty donuts, cakes, desserts and still not get fat even a gram - his body instantly burns any fat, forcing the skin to tightly fit the muscles and causing a lot of discomfort. As a child, he was very fat, but at the age of 12 he lost weight literally overnight and since then any attempts to gain weight have failed.

2. 24-year-old Sarah Carmen, a resident of the UK, suffers from a syndrome of constant sexual arousal and experiences 200 orgasms a day from any vibration or vibration, whether it is a ride in transport during rush hour or a bike ride. However, this only brings her pain.

3. 48-year-old Dane Wim Hof ​​can swim in Arctic waters, climb Mont Blanc in shorts and sit in the freezer for hours. Doctors have not been able to understand the secret of the body, but Wim feels comfortable only at negative temperatures, many of which are detrimental to any normal person.

4. Three-year-old baby Lamb Rhett from the moment of his birth has not closed his eyes for a moment and has not slept a single night. And the reason lies in the rarest anomaly - Chiari syndrome. The baby's brain is severely deformed, in particular, the trunk and bridge are damaged, which are clamped inside spinal column. It is these departments that are responsible for the key functions of the body - speech, breathing, sleep, etc.

5. Teen Ashley Morris from Melbourne is deprived of the joy of taking a shower or soaking in the bath. Just a drop of water, even if it is sweat, leads to excruciating allergies and severe rashes. According to experts, Ashley has a very rare form of allergy - water urticaria. There are only a few such cases in the world.

6. Forty-year-old woman M. remembers absolutely everything she has seen over the past 25 years. Moreover, she can describe in detail what kind of people she met on the street, for example, on October 1, 1987, when she went to the store, what passers-by were wearing, what brands of cars she came across on the way and even their numbers. Its unique, uncontrolled memory provides 100% reliability of information storage.

7. 17-year-old Natalie Cooper is a mystery to the world of medicine. Her body is unable to digest any food other than Tic-Tacs. She has to eat 900,000 pills a day

8. Musician Chris Sands of Lincoln has hiccups for 20 years. The hiccups don't stop even for a minute, even if he's asleep. The poor fellow is not helped, nor folk remedies, no yoga, no hypnosis.

You may never have thought about it, but there are quite a few in the world. strange people with varied habits and varied appearances.

And many of them do really strange things. Such people do not differ from the average person, but they do crazy things, and one can doubt the adequacy of some of them. Many for the sake of glory go to bold deeds. And others ... And others are just there. So, we present to your attention the 25 most unusual people you have ever seen.

1. Jin Songao

When Songao was 54 years old, he broke the world record for staying in ice. He was sitting in his swimming trunks in a large glass container filled with ice that reached up to his neck. The man was there for about two hours.

2. Lal Bihari

One day, Lal Bihari wanted to take out a loan. He was asked for documents confirming his identity. The loan was approved, but he was told that, according to official sources, he is ... dead. His uncle declared him dead in order to take possession of the land. From 1975 to 1994, Lal Bihari fought the Indian government to legally prove that he was alive, and eventually became an active fighter for the right to be alive.

3. Etibar Elchiev

Etibar is a kickboxing coach. He can hold spoons on his chest and back without special glue. According to Etibar himself, it's all about the magnetic force. In the Guinness Book of Records, he is recorded as a person who was able to keep 53 spoons on his body at the same time.

4. Wolf Messing

Many have heard of this man. Messing was born in Poland in 1874. According to him, he was a telepath and psychic. Working in the circus, he knew how to attract the attention of the audience. Even Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein became interested in him. Messing at one time predicted Hitler's attack and his loss, which became the reason for persecution by the government. This prompted him to hide in Russia, where he aroused Stalin's interest in his person. The latter was very afraid of Messing and his abilities. Until his death, he remained the most mysterious and strange figure in the world.

5. Thai Ngoc

Vietnamese farmer Thai Ngoc says he hasn't slept in 40 years. After coming down with a fever, he says he couldn't sleep even after trying drugs and sleep medications. According to Ngoc, the fact that he does not sleep does not affect him in any way, and in his 60s he remains perfectly healthy.

6. Michel Lotito

Michel has a great appetite. In his youth, he suffered from indigestion and was forced to eat non-food items. He found himself unable to eat anything but...metal. It is estimated that in his entire life he ate 9 tons of metal.

7. Sanju Bhagat

Sanju Bhagat looked like he was about to give birth. Doctors thought that he had a huge tumor, it turned out that he had carried his twin for all his 36 years. This is a rare condition called “embryo in embryo”. The fetus was removed and the man made a full recovery.

8. Rolf Buchholz

Some people love getting their ears pierced or their nose pierced, but Rolf Buchholz outdid them all. He is the "most pierced" man in the world. In total, he has 453 hairpins and rings all over his body.

9. Matayosho Mitsuo

There is nothing unusual about this man. It's just that Matayosho Mitsuo claims to be "The Lord Jesus Christ." He wants to save Japan by becoming prime minister.

10. David Icke

David Icke was a journalist and sportscaster for the BBC before he announced the conspiracy theory. He believes that the Queen of England and many prominent leaders are actually "reptilians" - bastards who only look like people. These beings have interbred with humans from the very beginning and use their powers to control others. He has published several books on the subject and seriously believes in what he says.

11. Carlos Rodriguez

"Never do drugs." This is the message that Carlos Rodriguez sent to all people, talking about his terrible experience of using drugs. While he was high, he was in a car accident, and as a result, he lost most of his brain and skull. Now most of his head is missing.

12. Kazuhiro Watanabe

Kazuhiro Watanabe prefers to tie his hair up only. He got into the Guinness Book of Records for the highest hairstyle in the world. The height of his hair is 113.48 cm.

13. Wang Hyanghyang

It's hard to believe, but our eyelids can withstand a lot of weight. This was successfully proved by Wang Hyangyang. He is able to lift 1.8 kg each eyelid.

14. Christopher Knight

Christopher Knight, otherwise known as the North Pond Hermit, left his home in Massachusetts quite suddenly and went to Maine. He stopped on the road when the car ran out of gas and left for the desert. He lived in isolation in the countryside for 27 years, stealing from nearby houses. When people began to notice the loss, they turned to the police. By the time he was captured, he had already become a legend.

15. Adam Rayner

Adam Rayner experienced two unique and bizarre states. In his life, he was both a dwarf and a giant at the same time. Throughout his childhood, he was small and weak. He was even banned from serving when he tried to get a job as a recruiter. However, at the age of 21, his body began to grow rapidly. For ten years, he grew to 2 m 54 cm. Adam suffered from acromegaly - a tumor of the pituitary gland.

16. David Allen Bowden

David Allen Bowden, who also calls himself Pope Michael, believes he is the rightful pope. He never was, however, since 1989, he managed to collect 100 followers. Still, he believes with all his heart that he is the true Pope.

17. Milan Roskopf

Milan Roskopf does the seemingly impossible. He got into the Guinness Book of Records as the master of juggling three chain saws 62 times in a row.

18. Mehran Karimi Nasseri

Most people couldn't last even one day at the airport. For them, it is boring, terrible and inconvenient. However, for Mehran Karimi Nasseri, the airport was home from 1988 to 2006. He was expelled from his native country - Iran and went to Paris. But since he did not have any documents with him, he could not leave the airport. When he was nevertheless allowed to leave it, he did not want to do this and remained there for several decades.

19. Alex Lewis

After a serious illness, Alex Lewis was in a coma for a long time and fought for his life. He was found streptococci, which have already begun to corrode his body. As a result, he was forced to amputate his arms, legs and part of his lips.

20. Robert Marchand

At the age of 105, Robert Marchand set a new record by cycling 14 kilometers (22.53 km/h). His secret seems to be simple. He constantly eats fruits and vegetables, does not smoke, goes to bed early and works every day.

21. Cala Kaivi

Kaiwi Kala from Hawaii is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the person with the largest earlobe. The size of his lobes is 10.16 cm in diameter. They are so large that you can safely put your hand through them.

22. Peter Glazebrook

Peter Glazebrook is obsessed with farming and loves to grow big food. He grew huge onions, beets and parsnips. He recently raised a 27.2 kg cauliflower 1.8 m wide. In order for the products to grow like this, he uses a greenhouse and calcium nitrate.

23. Xiaolian

The man known as Xiaolian had a terrible accident that destroyed his nose. Reconstructing his face, the doctor "grew" a nose on his forehead. So for some time, Xiaolian's nose was on his forehead.

24. Ping

If you are allergic to bees, then the stings of these insects can be incredibly dangerous for you. But that doesn't seem to bother a guy named Ping. He is a beekeeper whose body covered 460,000 bees at the same time.

25. Dallas Vince

In 2008, Dallas Vince worked as a painter and decorated the facade of the church. One day he caught his head on a high-voltage wire. His entire face was burned, and in order to save his life, he had to endure many operations, having previously spent three months in an artificial coma. In fact, he lived without a face until, in the end, he received a skin graft.

Our planet is striking in its diversity, and sometimes we see things that, it would seem, wandered to us from parallel universe. Among them are people whose amazing stories, unusual appearance or strange acts attract everyone's attention and become little sensations.

1. Avtara Singh

A man every day wears a huge traditional Punjabi turban called "pagdi". The headdress weighs 45 kilograms and consists of 645 meters of fabric. The 60-year-old Hindu has been wearing it regularly for the past 16 years, despite the fact that it takes him six hours a day to wind the turban.

2. Thai Ngoc

Thai Ngoc, 64, has not slept for 35 years in a row. He stopped sleeping after he contracted the flu back in 1973, and has been counting sheep for 11,700 sleepless nights in an unsuccessful attempt to fall asleep. However, prolonged insomnia did not affect his health in any way.

3. Kalim

Each hand of 8-year-old Kalim weighs 8 kilograms and reaches a length of 33 centimeters - from the base of the palm to the end of the middle finger. Kalim is unable to do many, even the simplest, things that boys of his age can easily do. His parents earn only $22 a month and are desperate to find help for their son, but to no avail. Even those doctors who would like to help him do not know how to do it.

4. Jen Bricker

American Jen Bricker was born without legs due to a genetic defect. Her parents abandoned her, and the girl was adopted by the Bricker couple. Having learned about her youthful dream of becoming a gymnast, foster parents enrolled their daughter in a sports school at the age of 16. This decision not only gave Jen victory, but also revealed the secret of her birth. Like many aspiring gymnasts, the girl idolized American athlete Dominique Helena Mosina-Canales, who won a gold medal at the 1996 Olympics. "You will never believe, but your real name was Mosin," the adoptive mother once admitted and showed her the documents. It turned out that the champion Dominique was Jen's sister. Gymnastics was in her blood. Perhaps this is what helped the girl succeed.

5. Mehran Karimi Nassari

Mehran Karimi Nassari is an Iranian refugee who has been living in the waiting room of the 1st terminal of the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport for 20 years. In Iran, he was thrown into prison, tortured, and then expelled from the country. Since then, he has been unsuccessfully trying to obtain political asylum in France, Great Britain and other countries, which constantly refuse the unfortunate. The fact is that Mehran does not have any documents with him: they were stolen on the way to the UK. After landing at Heathrow, the British authorities refused to let the undocumented man into the country, and he was transferred back to the French airport. Since then, Mehran has been living there, since the French authorities cannot allow a person without documents to enter the country and assign refugee status, and an Iranian cannot confirm his identity - for this he would have to return to his homeland, where he is not at all expected with open arms. hugs. The vicious circle has been going on for 20 years.

6. Thing Hiafen

The largest breast in the world belongs to the Chinese Ting Hiafen from the village of Chang. Each of her breasts weighs 10 kilograms and hangs 48 cm. Glory came to her at the age of 14. According to Ting Hiafen, because of such a huge breast, she experiences a lot of inconvenience.

7. Cathy Jung

Cathy Jung is the owner of the most thin waist in the world, whose achievement is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Katie's waist is only 38.1 cm. It all started with envy of the waist of a Barbie doll, and then at the age of 22 she discovered an interesting thing for herself - a corset, which she has been wearing without taking off for about 30 years.

8. Yoti Amge

Yoti Amge is the smallest living woman, her height is only 63 centimeters. But the Indian could not break the record of the Dutchwoman Polina Masters. Masters, born in 1876, was only 59 cm tall.

9. Supatra Sazufan

Supatra suffers from a very rare disease - hypertrichosis, which manifests itself in excessive hair growth on the body and face of a person. The girl's hair gets thicker as she ages. There is simply no cure for such an anomaly. There were attempts to stop hair growth with a laser, but this did not help.

10. Doug Soos

Doug Soos is one of the most famous trainers on the planet, having tamed grizzlies. Doug allows himself to do things that no other person in the world would dare to do - like putting his head in a bear's mouth. At their ranch in Heber City, Utah, Doug and his wife Lynn have raised and raised four bears over the past four decades. Bears and their "parents" managed to work with a good dozen Hollywood stars - Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston and Eddie Murphy were filmed at their ranch.



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