What do they write on gifts for wedding guests? Gifts for wedding guests: interesting ideas and tips

What do they write on gifts for wedding guests? Gifts for wedding guests: interesting ideas and tips

– a new trend, but one that has managed to gain popularity. But despite this, often this wedding tradition is crowded out by other worries, and is unfairly placed at the very bottom of the list of expenses. And when it comes time to choose surprises for the guests, there is a catastrophic lack of either time or finances.

There are times when you really have to save on everything, and it’s not possible to go particularly fast when choosing guest surprises. Don't give up on the wonderful idea of ​​thanking your friends, acquaintances, and relatives for sharing such an important day with you. Take advantage of our ideas for budget-friendly, but no less interesting and original gifts for wedding guests from newlyweds.

Almost without investment: ideas for free gifts for guests from newlyweds

An option with virtually no material costs would be notes with wishes and words of gratitude.

They are made in the form of miniature scrolls tied with twine or ribbon. The scroll itself is made from thick paper, which can be decorated with appliques, lace, and prints.

Write words of gratitude on such a message and hang small gifts for your wedding guests on the wish tree or place them near the guests’ plates.

An inexpensive option would be fruits or gifts made from natural materials. It is enough to attach a leaf with a wish to an apple or pear and an almost free gift for guests is ready. This option is especially interesting if such fruits are grown in your own garden.

You can use pine cones as natural ingredients.

They are given an original look by spraying gold, bronze or silver paint.

You can attach a pointer to such a cone using a toothpick, which will serve as a means of indicating the seating areas of guests and will provide an opportunity to write brief words of gratitude.

If you are into herbs, you can worry about it in advance and prepare aromatic plants.

You can make original collections from them. All that remains is to sew the sachet bags.

Inexpensive gifts for wedding guests

Buy regular wedding cards. Write individual messages for guests on them and hand over such messages at the moment when the guest congratulates the newlyweds.

You can order refrigerator magnets. A themed photo and the date of the celebration are applied to the magnets as gifts for wedding guests. Such a gift usually costs no more than 150 rubles, but will give your guests the opportunity to forever remember your wedding date and congratulate you on your anniversary.

Guests have mixed feelings about the option with photos of young people on magnets.

Personalized matches. This option is quite simple to implement. You can order ready-made boxes with original inscriptions, or purchase regular matches and prepare themed stickers for each box yourself.

In addition, such a gift is considered quite symbolic, as it is associated with the family hearth.

Personalized chocolate. Sweet hearts, mini bars, dragees do not cost exorbitant amounts of money. Remove the wrapping from such sweets and replace with a new themed one.

And you don’t have to rush to the printing house to print professional packaging. It will be enough to work a little with the design and use a good color printer.

Lollipops. Such sweets are presented in a large assortment in confectionery stores.

Decorated with ribbons, hearts, and wedding inscriptions, large lollipops look great on a wedding table. Instead of lollipops, you can use multi-colored lactric sticks.

Traditional wedding gifts are a little more expensive: original and inexpensive for guests

Bonbonnieres are a common option for wedding compliments. They put sweets and baked goods in them.

Here you will have to spend money on the packaging itself and, of course, the contents. You can buy ready-made cookies or gingerbreads, muffins or cupcakes, chocolate-covered nuts or marmalade, just candy or any other sweets.

If you wish, you can prepare the baked goods yourself or order from a professional pastry chef.

The recipes attached to such baked goods also look original.

Consider a photo frame.

They can be used as signs when seating guests, and after the ceremony, guests can take them as a souvenir.

Cups are also suitable, but not ordinary tea cups, but with a portrait of the newlyweds or original inscriptions, the wedding date.

You can also order chameleon cups, on which the design will appear after the dishes are heated.

Instant photo. A very unusual and touching gift for guests. Of course, it’s impossible to entrust such a task to a professional photographer.

But younger brothers and sisters can easily be charged with the responsibility of “catching” the original moments at the wedding.

Take care of a good printer so that such surprises can be immediately printed and given to the guest. The memories of such moments will be unforgettable. Since the main photos will be made in a more strict style and worked out to the smallest detail by a professional.

Candles are a beautiful and affordable gift option for guests. These can be miniature tea candles, which are placed in a common container with the lights off. Or candles in the form of figures of the bride and groom or other characters. You can even make your own candles by adding aromatic essential oils to the wax.

Touching bells. These miniature bells will be a wonderful reminder of your wedding if you put unusual designs or engravings on them.

In the same way, you can decorate souvenir horseshoes, which are also suitable as a guest compliment.

Look for bookmarks with hearts or try making one yourself.

Wedding gift souvenirs for guests: non-standard ideas

A cheap gift does not mean an ordinary one. Use your imagination and surprise your guests with originality.

Small sketches drawn directly by the bride and groom look very original. These mini-pictures are small gifts for wedding guests and can be placed in a frame or on a small stand in the form of an easel.

Standard mini-bottles can be filled with olive oil rather than alcohol. Sprigs of herbs and miniature peppercorns placed directly in the oil will help add originality to such a surprise.

Stationery will also work, but only with themed prints or designs. A notebook with a photo of the newlyweds on the cover will become your favorite notebook. Pens and pencils with original inscriptions and engravings will also come in handy.

Find miniature flasks and personalize them. Such personalized containers will appeal to the male guests. And for the ladies, you can present nail polish that will be the color of your wedding. There is never too much makeup. Compact mirrors also look original.

You can make a paper flower for each guest and place it directly on the plate. After the ceremony, the guest will be able to take such a gift with him. Decorative hearts look unusual. It can be slate, wood, ceramics.

If you place a photo or an inscription with the wedding date on such a heart, you can use it not only as decoration, but also as an unusual gift for guests.

Order antique keys for guests, but instead of the “tongue”, let them be the names of friends.

If this option seems too intricate, order personalized engraving for ordinary antique souvenir keys.

Useful gifts for wedding guests can also be budget-friendly

The ideal option would be an individual gift for each guest. But young people can agree to such feats if those invited are limited to only the closest ones and the total number of guests does not exceed 15–20 people.

For a big wedding, working out individual useful gifts is quite problematic and expensive. Therefore, it is better to use standard useful gift ideas.

Give your guests baking dishes. Silicone molds are not expensive, look original and are always needed in the household. Kitchen trifles. There is plenty of room for choice here. These can be tea strainers, openers, and stoppers for wine bottles.

Guests are given miniature jars for spices, coasters for cups, and just teaspoons. If you add themed packaging to such a gift, no one will focus on its price.

Household items will also work. These can be molds for ice or ice cream.

You can give a set of measuring cups or measuring spoons, a roller for removing lint from clothes, or an unusual soap dish.

A paper calendar will be a useful and original gift. To design it, use thematic photos. In such a calendar, you can immediately note not only the wedding date, but also other important dates, such as birthdays of guests or calendar holidays dedicated to the family: Mother's Day, Father's Day.

Try to ensure that gifts for guests are either of the same type or from the same price category. It will not be nice if someone receives a useful or expensive thing, and someone gets a useless trinket.

Therefore, for personalized gifts at a wedding, they try to purchase all the gifts the same. They can differ only in individual inscriptions or engraving.

Video: desk calendar master class

Learn how to make an inexpensive gift for guests with your own hands. The video provides a step-by-step lesson on making a desk calendar using the scrapbooking technique:

Giving gifts to guests at a wedding is a relatively new custom. This tradition came to us from Western countries, where it is customary to prepare bonbonnieres for all guests - small boxes with souvenirs that the bride and groom present as a token of gratitude to the guests. The tradition of giving gifts to your guests appeared a long time ago. For example, in the 16th century, bonbonnieres with sweets were an expensive product, a luxurious gift and a sign of a luxurious wedding. Precious gifts were packaged in equally valuable boxes made of leather, porcelain, gold, silver, and crystal. In those days, such gifts were given only to the most honored guests.

Today, gifts for guests do not have to be expensive. After all, the main purpose of bonbonnieres is a small pleasant surprise, an opportunity to please your guests, to express your attention and respect to them. Bonbonnieres at a wedding create a special mood, as the bride and groom put their souls into these small signs of attention.

How to decorate bonbonnieres

Bonbonnieres come in different types, shapes, colors, sizes, with all kinds of decorative elements. There are many options for their execution: bags, boxes, baskets, envelopes, in the form of a chest, hat, etc. You can write your wedding date, the names or initials of the newlyweds, words of gratitude on them. At the same time, by keeping gift boxes in the same design and color scheme with other elements, you will be able to effectively support and complement the wedding style.

What to give to guests: ideas for any wedding

Classic bonbonnieres

A classic gift option for guests during a wedding celebration are boxes with various sweets. Moreover, it can be not only sweets. Your guests will certainly enjoy curly gingerbread cookies, cookies, chocolate hearts, marmalade, and sugar almonds.

Universal ideas

Instead of sweets, you can consider other gift ideas, for example:

  • CDs with music
  • Handmade soap with delicious scents of tea tree, juniper, rose, mint, lime, vanilla, lavender
  • Souvenir products with wedding symbols (calendars, notepads, refrigerator magnets, keychains, badges, mugs, piggy banks)
  • Miniature bottles with delicious drinks (champagne, wine, cognac)
  • Photo frames, photo albums
  • Classic or figured candle shape

Gifts can be anything, the main thing when preparing them is your imagination, creativity, as well as the desire to please your guests.

For themed weddings

For a themed celebration, you can prepare special bonbonnieres:

  • If the celebration is in the French style, you can present the guests with a figurine of the Eiffel Tower as a gift; for a nautical style - model ships, decorative shells or bath salts.
  • At a wedding in Provence style, you can give boxes with national French treats and sachets with the aroma of lavender. To decorate bonbonnieres, it is better to use beautiful, muted purple and lilac tones, natural fabrics, lace, and floral patterns.
  • For a celebration in a rustic style, small jars of jam or honey, small pots of fresh flowers, and baskets of berries are suitable. To maintain a unified style, you can use natural materials, twine, burlap, and wildflowers for decoration.
  • If your wedding is decorated in Tiffany style, give your guests sweets, original keychains, badges, photo frames, made in blue and white colors and packaged in small boxes or neat bags with decorated satin ribbons, bows, and beads.

Seasonal ideas

When choosing gift ideas, you can also take into account the time of year in which your wedding will take place.

  • Ideas for summer

Bonbonnieres with seasonal fruits will be an excellent option for the summer season. Your guests will be happy to receive from you baskets or boxes with fragrant strawberries, juicy cherries or fragrant peaches. You can also consider a pot of flowers or aromatic herbs, seashells or stars as gift options.

  • Ideas for autumn

In the fall, tasty, healthy and beautiful gifts can be jars of homemade jam or syrup, to which cards with thank you notes will be attached. A scarf that will not only keep you warm for a long time, but also remind you of your wedding, can be an exquisite gift.

  • Ideas for winter

This season, all kinds of homemade baked goods and aromatic tea, on the boxes of which the names of the newlyweds will be written instead of the name, will be appropriate. If your wedding will take place on the eve of the New Year holidays, you can give beautiful Christmas tree decorations.

  • Ideas for spring

In spring, guests can be given boxes with seeds or plant bulbs, pots with fresh flowers, chocolate and cookies in the shape of flowers, birds, umbrellas, cups with appropriate symbols.

When and how to give gifts

Each couple chooses the best option for themselves when and how it will be more convenient to present gifts to their guests. Most often, newlyweds choose the following options:

    Place in advance near guests' plates. This is a universal and convenient way. In addition, if you write the names of the guests on the bonbonnieres, they can perform the additional function of place cards.

  • Present to guests personally when saying goodbye at the end of the celebration. Such a gift will prolong the good mood the guests received at the wedding.
  • Give guests the opportunity to take the bonbonnieres themselves. In this case, gift boxes can be beautifully laid out on a separate table and announced that a small pleasant surprise awaits your loved ones and friends. Your guests will be able to come up and take their bonbonniere.
  • Decorate a wedding tree. This is an original way in which gifts for guests are hung on a specially prepared tree, like on a Christmas tree. Your guests will be able to not only take their gift, but in return hang a small card with wishes to the newlyweds on the wedding tree.

Pleasant, cute surprises prepared for each of the guests will allow them to remember your family celebration for a long time. Please, surprise your guests, give them a piece of your warmth and love.

A man and a woman who tie the knot on their wedding day receive a huge number of congratulations and gifts from relatives, friends, and acquaintances. But the newlyweds are interested in the question: should they give souvenir gifts to their guests in return? Original gifts for wedding guests from newlyweds are a real trend. But the tradition of giving memorable gifts goes back hundreds of years. This allows the bride and groom to express gratitude to their family for being there on the big day. Small, but pleasant and useful souvenirs in everyday life will become a kind of reminder of the wedding day of loved ones.

How can newlyweds thank their friends or relatives?

Each couple decides for themselves at what point in the celebration to present gifts to guests from the bride and groom. You can make a surprise in various ways:

  • Place the box with the contents under a napkin folded into a cone;
  • Tie the gift to a balloon filled with helium and leave it on each guest’s chair;
  • Arrange a win-win lottery;
  • In a small company, the heroes of the occasion can say warm words and personally present gifts to everyone invited to the wedding;
  • Present comic gifts to guests “according to categories”: the tallest, the funniest, etc.;
  • Place the bonbonnieres near the plates - they will act as place cards;
  • Give boxes at the end of the celebration, sincerely hugging friends and relatives;
  • Place the boxes on a separate table and invite those present to take them themselves at the end of the celebration;
  • “Grow” a wedding tree on which wedding gifts will be hung for friends and relatives present;
  • Make and decorate “multi-story” cardboard houses with opening doors, behind which cool gifts will be “hidden.”

Pleasant surprises prepared for each guest will delight and surprise those present. The attention shown will remain in the memory of all relatives and friends for a long time, and the newlyweds will be considered polite and hospitable.

The gift can be supplemented with a note with the phrase: “Thank you for coming...”, “Thank you for sharing the joy...”

“Bitter” or sweet: edible gifts for friends

Sweet gifts have become popular souvenirs for guests on their wedding day. Such a gift will not stand on a shelf for years, reminding you of the wedding, but it will definitely appeal to those whom the bride and groom want to thank. You can give your relatives and friends:

  • Tender, melt-in-your-mouth Macarons, decorated with hearts or beads;
  • Chocolate bars with a photo of the newlyweds on the wrapper;
  • Ginger cookies, distinguished by their unique taste and long shelf life;
  • Cupcakes in the shape of wedding rings, hearts or sweets, made in the same style as the wedding cake;
  • Candies with peanuts and chocolate in a bag;
  • Fortune cookies, good wishes;
  • Boxes with chewing gum “Love is”;
  • Glass jars with candy canes and a photo of the bride and groom instead of a label.

It is not recommended to give chocolate gifts (made from milk chocolate) in hot weather in the summer - they will melt, stain the packaging and ruin the whole surprise.

“The best gift, in my opinion, is honey!”

Honey as a gift for wedding guests is a great idea. The main thing is to present the healthy treat in small jars tied with twine. Giving jam as a gift to guests at a wedding is another good option. You can choose several types of dessert - apple with cinnamon, cherry, pear, prunes with nuts. Inexpensive sweet gifts in cute glass jars will appeal to your invitees, and they will happily accept them.

Useful little things for the home - a good gift for the older generation

Parents and older relatives will be much more pleased to receive souvenirs and interesting things that will be useful in everyday life:

  • Dishes - plates, saucers, mugs with photographs of the couple;
  • Clothes, accessories: T-shirts with photos and inscriptions, hand-knitted scarf, mittens, socks;
  • Original magnets, keychains, photo frames, photo albums;
  • Cosmetic, perfume sets;
  • Scented candles, oils, candlesticks, figurines, talismans;
  • Handicraft kits;
  • Towels, napkins, tablecloth;
  • Stationery - notepads, personalized pens, notebooks, organizers.

Seasonal and themed gifts - the optimal solution

When choosing original gifts for wedding guests, it is important to consider the time of year in which the wedding takes place or its theme.

“Summer” gift options - baskets with fruits, berries - strawberries, cherries, cherries, plums. You can also present a pot of fresh flowers. Creative ideas for “autumn” compliments - a bottle of mulled wine, maple syrup, a warm woolen scarf, a basket of vegetables and fruits. What gifts should you give your guests in winter? Homemade baked goods, herbal tea in boxes with photos of the newlyweds, Christmas tree decorations if the wedding takes place in December. And in the spring, those invited to the celebration will be happy to find plant bulbs, bouquets of the first spring flowers, and bird figurines in boxes from the bride and groom.

What can you give to guests at a wedding, based on the style of the celebration? At the “sea” holiday, beach bags, cosmetic sets for sun protection, swimming goggles, bath salts, models of ships with the spouses’ surnames, a compass with the initials of the newlyweds are relevant. If the theme of the wedding is cinema, tickets to a romantic film with an open date are given as gifts to wedding guests.

Handmade soap - a souvenir from the heart

Exclusive and inexpensive handmade soap is a popular gift from new spouses to their guests. Relatives and friends will be pleased if the soap is made with their own hands and not bought in a store. It can be heart-shaped, multi-colored, multi-layered, and have a wonderful aroma. But at the same time, the smell should not be sharp or intrusive - it is better to choose something neutral and light that all invitees will like.

Handmade - a unique souvenir!

Original gifts for wedding guests are those that the newlyweds made with their own hands, putting a piece of their soul into every compliment. Creative surprises will give warmth to everyone present and will be stored for a very long time. Homemade small gifts are embroidered paintings, sewn, knitted toys, origami, potholders, beaded items, etc.

It is important to remember about every person invited to the celebration. To avoid awkward situations, you should prepare more presents than guests. This will allow you to thank everyone present without forgetting anyone.

Well-deserved reward: prizes for participation in competitions

A wedding always includes funny games and comic competitions. It is important to purchase many small prizes for guests at competitions, because it is always customary to reward for winning a competition. Traditional souvenirs are certificates and medals. But you can stock up on T-shirts with slogans, photo frames, business card holders, keychains, pens, and mugs with photos.

For participation in the competition, you can give out toy money, for which guests buy gifts from the host. The invitee chooses a prize according to his taste. You can encourage the winners of competitions with gift coupons, certificates that allow you to receive an invitation to a wedding anniversary, a kiss from the bride, a compliment from your mother-in-law or mother-in-law, advice from your father-in-law or father-in-law, the opportunity to come to dinner with the newlyweds at any time, or drink a drink of your choice with the groom , for close relatives and friends - to become godparents of the unborn child.

You can invite a caricature artist to wedding competitions, who during the competition will have time to capture each participant on paper, and then present him with a prize - a portrait. The main thing is to remind guests that this is a comic gift that should not be taken seriously.

Choosing gifts for wedding guests from the newlyweds is not difficult: you just need to approach this issue creatively. The souvenir does not need to be expensive or have rich packaging - the purpose of this compliment is to say words of gratitude to family, friends, and acquaintances for sharing great joy and making the holiday bright and unforgettable.

The tradition of giving gifts to guests at a wedding appeared relatively recently in our country, although it has existed in Europe since the sixteenth century. In Russia, it was customary to give a small gift with you after the wedding feast. Now both the heroes of the occasion and the guests loved her very much. Guests will take away cute souvenirs that will remind them of the holiday. And the newlyweds will share a piece of their love and happiness.

What gifts should you give your guests?

The most common today are bonbonnieres. These are small elegant boxes or bags for sweets. You can fill them not only with regular sweets, but also with wedding cookies with the initials of the newlyweds. They are beautifully decorated with rhinestones, ribbons, and flowers. The owners will be happy to use this box as a jewelry box. The main thing is that the bonbonnieres are the same for all guests. This way you won't offend anyone. As an exception, you can prepare souvenirs that differ in color separately for women and men. An interesting and pleasant addition to the bonbonniere will be a small card attached to it with wishes to the guest and gratitude.

A type of bonbonnieres - sweet hearts in transparent packaging. They look no worse, only the emphasis is on the content. Modern confectioners create real masterpieces, richly decorated with mastic, candied and fresh berries, fruits and even fresh edible flowers! Such souvenirs can not only be placed on tables, but also placed in one large basket. When seeing off the guests, the bride and groom will give each person leaving his bonbonniere and thank the guest.

Natural flowers. A very practical option. Throughout the entire festive banquet, they will emphasize and complement the style of celebration you have chosen, and at the end, guests will take them home. Flowers will delight their owners for decades to come and remind them of your wedding. You just need to be careful when choosing the type of plant. After all, they not only have to get to the ceremonial table, but also stand on it for more than one hour. The best option for such a gift could be a small cactus or very popular bonsai trees today. And cute violets, also unpretentious in transportation and care, will remind their owners for a long time about the happy union of loving hearts with their flowering.

Small figurines of the bride and groom. These could be figurines with your names. Which depict the groom in a tailcoat and the bride in. You can also consider magnets, keychains, flash drives, etc. An individual inscription with wishes for each guest will ideally complement such a souvenir.

Photoshoot. Traditionally, in wedding photographs, about ninety percent of the shots are dedicated to the bride and groom. Guests will be very pleased if you invite a second photographer especially for them. By the end of the wedding reception, their photos can be presented on flash drives decorated with your initials with the date of the wedding. Or you can place the already printed frames on a special magnet, from where each invitee can take the image they like. Such a gift is undoubtedly more expensive, but guests will appreciate it.

Predictions. It's always fun and interesting. You can invite a real soothsayer or simply hire an actress who will predict fate and tell fortunes to those invited throughout the holiday. Great fun. Or you can prepare Japanese fortune cookies for your guests. In Japan it is traditionally baked for New Year's holidays. Why isn't a wedding an excuse? A good option would be a pre-prepared deck of cards with a picture of the guests and a prediction on the back. The newlyweds, naturally, are the king and queen of hearts! After the holiday, each guest can take their card with them. But! All predictions must necessarily promise a rosy future. If the fortune teller is real, do not forget to warn her about it.

Hand made. Also a great option to please your guests. It's trending now. These could be, for example, soft toys with anti-stress filling. Or clay gnomes, wooden amulets, horseshoes, straw birds of happiness. An excellent option would be paired dolls, one of which you will give with the invitation, and the second at the wedding. In handmade stores you can not only choose from ready-made works, but also order something special. Craftsmen will be happy to fulfill an individual order.

Soap. You can prepare such souvenirs for your guests yourself. It can be in the shape of hearts, with your initials inside. To add a special charm, it is enough to add a few drops of the favorite perfume of the groom (for the male guests) and the bride.

Sachet. These fragrant bags will give a spiritual atmosphere to both the festive hall and the guest house after the celebration. They can be filled in accordance with the theme chosen for the wedding. In addition, if you decorate them with embroidery with your names or the names of your guests, your guests will most likely fill this bag with their favorite scents again and again. It is important that the color of the sachet is in harmony with the design of the banquet hall.

An album with the most significant moments of a wedding or wedding would be an excellent gift. In the future, guests will be able to fill it with their favorite shots. Such a souvenir will be especially charming today, because many of us have long been accustomed to storing our footage exclusively in electronic form, sometimes even forgetting what is there.

A mug in a wedding style with the guest's name on one side and your names and photos on the other is good as a gift.

If there are not very many guests, then a porcelain or earthenware dish with your image and wedding date will be an excellent souvenir. A bottle of elite alcohol with your photo instead of a label would be just as good. Expensive, but among the guests are the closest people!

To summarize, it should be noted that no matter what gift the newlyweds give to their guests, it will always be a pleasant end to your holiday, and will give pleasant memories to its owners for a long time! If you have planned, then read our special article. It discusses the main points that you should pay attention to when preparing a wedding at this time of year.

Everyone who has ever attended a wedding as a guest has probably received a beautiful invitation card. But in the last few years, another tradition has become popular when, during the celebration, newlyweds present small gifts to guests, thereby expressing gratitude and best wishes. We offer 13 ideas for souvenirs that can be given as a souvenir of the wedding.

1. Sweet bonbonnieres with personalized cards

The tradition of giving souvenirs to all wedding guests arose in Europe back in the 16th century. We invite you to pay attention to the classic gift option in a purely European style - bonbonnieres , or beautiful boxes with small candies. It will be even more pleasant for guests if small personalized cards are attached to these cute gifts.

2. Wedding magnets

Magnets can be used not only for wedding invitations, but also as small gifts for all guests. Beautiful magnet with the date of the celebration and the names of the newlyweds – a reminder of a wonderful event that will always be in sight. You can choose a ready-made wedding design or place a photo of the newlyweds on a magnet, write individual wishes and separate words of gratitude for each guest - the choice of options is simply endless.

3. Alcohol miniatures

Guests are unlikely to expect to receive such a gift, but the more likely they are to be pleasantly surprised. If you decide to choose this option, you should order bottles with different contents in accordance with the possible preferences of the guests (even if the miniatures include elite cognac, whiskey, and various liqueurs). And it will be even more interesting to play alcoholic miniatures in one of the competitions - so that all guests get different drinks.

4. Handmade sweets

What guest would not be delighted with a set of exclusive sweets packed in a beautiful box? It could be classic chocolate, pasta cookies or candies, or it could be completely special delicacies that none of the guests have probably tried before. By the way, decorating sweet gifts is another reason to support the style of the wedding.

5. Hand-made souvenirs

Handmade items are always valued much more than factory-made items, so guests will definitely love cute hand-made souvenirs. Of course, if the bride or groom have certain talents, they can make them themselves - such gifts will be simply priceless. But if there is no time left for handicrafts, you can simply buy souvenirs from other talented craftsmen. By the way, such gifts would be especially appropriate for a wedding in an eco style, as well as in a rustic or boho style.

6. “Embrace” spice set

Symbolic, original and, most importantly, practical - guests will definitely appreciate this approach to choosing a gift. This kitchen set of pepper shakers and salt shakers is not only a reminder of the special date, but also quite a useful stand-alone gift for each invitee.

7. Sets of cards with cartoons of young people

Want to give your guests some fun souvenirs to remember your wedding? Choose this unusual option. Of course, cards with cartoons of the bride and groom will have to be ordered in advance and time spent selecting photographs, but it will be truly exclusive gift from the newlyweds. Several of these sets can be played as prizes in the most fun competition.

8. Wooden coasters

A simple, but cute and useful gift - wooden coasters for hot dishes, which will definitely find a use in every home.

Would be especially good as a gift from newlyweds coasters with warm wishes , decorated in traditional Russian style.

9. Miniature plants in pots

A plant in a pot is a symbolic and beautiful gift that would be especially appropriate for a spring or summer wedding. The pots can be decorated with inscriptions with the names of the newlyweds or the date of the celebration, or they can be decorated in the style of the wedding itself. But remember that not everyone knows how to care for flowers, so you should choose the most unpretentious plants that do not require special conditions.

10. Beautiful mini photo frames

What could be a better reminder of a pleasant event than photographs? Choose small but beautiful and convenient photo frames , and then your gift will definitely be used for its intended purpose. You can present frames specifically for those photographs that were taken at the wedding, marking them with the date of the event or your initials.

11. Candlesticks or scented candles

Ornate candles or candlesticks They look great on the holiday table, so they can be placed in advance in front of each seat. It will be very impressive if you select products that match the theme or main color of your wedding. Such a gift perfectly matches the atmosphere of the holiday and will serve as a wonderful decoration both at the wedding itself and in the home of each of the guests.

12. Beautiful bookmarks

Beautiful bookmark – not just a cute, but also a useful accessory. Today you can even find options with a small photo window that combine both a bookmark and a mini photo frame. If you make custom bookmarks, you can decorate them with romantic wishes or beautiful sayings about love.

13. Bells with inscriptions

A bell is one of the most symbolic wedding gifts. This item can serve as a home talisman: it is believed that a person who passed under the bell fixed above the front door left all bad thoughts and intentions behind the threshold of the house. Therefore, such a gift will be a warm wish for peace and family happiness for each of the guests.

Bells can also be used during the wedding itself: Today, some newlyweds prefer that instead of the usual “Bitter!” a melodic ringing sound was heard. It would be great if these were bells with the inscription “Ring for a kiss,” which literally means “Ring for kisses.”



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