When is Olga's angel day according to church. Orthodox holiday: Day of the Angel Olga

When is Olga's angel day according to church. Orthodox holiday: Day of the Angel Olga

From distant, even pre-Christian times, the name Olga came to Rus'. Regarding the origin, there are two main hypotheses. According to the first, it is derived from the ancient Slavic name Volga, which means “sorcerer”. Another version - Scandinavian - interprets it as female form male name Oleg, or a derivative of Helga. In the first case, its meaning is interpreted as “holy.”

The first Orthodox ruler on the banks of the Dnieper

This name, widespread in pagan Rus', successfully overcame the period of Christianization and did not share the fate of many ancient Slavic names that disappeared forever from use. This happened due to the fact that it was worn by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, who first sanctified Ancient Rus' with the rays of Orthodoxy.

Let us remember in more detail about her, because in her memory the day of the angel Olga was established. The holy Equal-to-the-Apostles princess received the name Elena at holy baptism. She was born in 890, in a village not far from Pskov. According to legend, the still young Prince Igor met a girl in the forest who amazed him with her beauty and intelligence. Soon he married her, they were happy until his tragic death at the hands of the Drevlyans.

Left a widow, the young princess became the full-fledged ruler of Kievan Rus and carried out this mission with her inherent wisdom. By many glorious deeds Her life is noted, but the main merit is that she was the first to become a preacher of the faith of Christ on the banks of the Dnieper. Olga's Angel Day church calendar, established on July 24 (NS) in memory of the blessed death of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess, which occurred in 969.

Memory of the holy ruler of Rus'

With the adoption of the new faith, the practice was established of giving at baptism only the names mentioned in church name books. They always corresponded to some saint whose feast day was celebrated on that day. Thus, the birthday and name day of our ancestors always coincided. So the day of the angel Olga was celebrated on the day of remembrance of the saint, who became the first Christian ruler in Rus'.

Thanks to her, this name not only did not disappear from everyday life, but also became one of the most revered. Suffice it to remember that it was included in the generic “Name Book...” of the most ancient princely family Rurikovich, and over time it was received at baptism by members of the imperial house of Romanov. For example, this was the name of one of the daughters of the last Russian Tsar.

Other dates for Olga’s name day

For a considerable time, this name was borne mainly by representatives of aristocratic circles, but subsequently it became widespread and became one of the most popular not only in Russia, but also in Belarus and Ukraine. It should also be noted that it is often found in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia, Finland and Germany.

According to the church calendar, Angel Olga’s Day is usually celebrated on July 24, which corresponds to the established date of commemoration of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles princess. But besides this, the calendar also mentions other saints of God and great martyrs, and especially the new Russian martyrs, who bore the same name. For this reason, Olga's angel day can also be celebrated on February 10, March 6, March 14, July 17 and November 23. Each owner of this name can choose any of the listed dates as her holiday. Usually the one closest to the birthday is preferred.

Angel Day Tradition

Angel Olga's Day, like all other name days, has been celebrated in Rus' since ancient times. All women and girls so named were congratulated and presented with gifts. Suffice it to recall the chapter from “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin, which describes the name day of Olga, Tatyana Larina’s sister. It describes in great detail how numerous guests - close and distant relatives, as well as just acquaintances - come to the landowner's estate.

This was the day when, during a gala dinner, toasts were made to the birthday girl, and upon its completion, dancing began to the sounds of a specially arrived military orchestra. Of course, not everyone and did not always have the opportunity to celebrate their name days so widely, but, nevertheless, at all times they tried to make the day of the angel Olga joyful and memorable.

Celebrations in honor of the namesake

And further interesting fact, associated with the name Olga. Orthodox people in Rus' began to celebrate name days quite late - only from the middle of the 17th century. The appearance of such a term as “namesake” dates back to this period - this was the name of the celebrations associated with the day of the angel of members of the reigning family. There were several representatives of the Romanov family who bore this name.

Among them, the most famous is Olga Nikolaevna, the daughter of Nicholas II, who tragically died along with her entire family in 1918. The most interesting memories remained about the celebration of her namesake, recorded already in exile by the famous writer D. Merezhkovsky. These celebrations were distinguished on a truly royal scale: balls, fireworks and congratulations in the form of poetic dedications.

On this day, the church honors the image of a woman who went down in history, Princess Olga. According to the church calendar, Olga’s Day is an occasion to honor the memory of the saint, as well as to congratulate those who bear this name on their name day.

The history of the holiday and why Olga is considered a saint

Grand Duchess Olga was born in Pskov. In 903 she became the wife of Prince Igor of Kyiv. And after the prince died in 945, Olga took his throne and became the princess of Kievan Rus. She was the guardian of her son Svyatoslav, who eventually became the ruler of the state.

The arrival of Christianity in Kievan Rus is associated with Olga's name. In 954, the princess made a pilgrimage to Constantinople, where she received holy baptism, having received church name Elena, and Emperor Constantine became the godfather.

Olga is considered the patroness of the Orthodox faith. Thanks to her activities in Rus', they began to build temples, erect crosses and destroy pagan symbols.

Later, her grandson, Prince Vladimir, who later baptized Rus', was baptized precisely according to her example.

Traditions for Olga's Day

By Orthodox traditions, on Olga’s day you need to pray for the consolation of widows, as well as for strengthening the faith of newly-made Christians.

Saint Olga helps to protect yourself and your family from troubles and adversity. And young girls are lucky to get married.

In the old days, field work began on St. Olga's day: people went out into the fields to collect and prepare hay.

According to tradition, churches hold festive services in memory of the saint.

Congratulations on Olga’s name day in poetry and prose

The name Olga is borrowed from the Scandinavian language and comes from the name Helga. The meaning of the name Olga is saint.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky

Olga illuminates your path,

Let the thread of your success not break,

May you live long in joy and happiness!

Dear Olenka, congratulations on your holiday! May you find in your life the key to the chest in which the fulfillment of your most cherished desires is hidden. And let this key itself be in your hands exactly when you need it most. Be happy!

Olga is the Scandinavian word for “saint”.

Your name is courage and light,

Your name torments and caresses,

The name is passion and the name is a light trace...

On the day you celebrate your name day,

I want to write so that you can read:

Be beautiful, smart and happy!

Stay the way you are!

You bear the name of the Grand Duchess, you are the most courageous woman who knows how to create and take care of a home. I congratulate you on your holiday with all my heart, I wish you love and female happiness, may they accompany you throughout your life. I am proud to have known such a generous person, a good friend, a kind mother and an understanding wife. Let this day become a wonderful fairy tale for you, where your loved ones and loved ones will be the heroes.

Now you have Olga’s Day greetings for 2018. Spend the day in a festive atmosphere.

This name is considered one of the most beloved in Russia. Olga's name day is celebrated several times according to the church calendar.

Olga's Angel Day

In the church calendar, Olga’s name day is celebrated not only in the summer. There are several female saints with this name whose feast days the church regularly celebrates on certain dates.

The most famous holy woman with that name was Princess Olga, who is glorified along with the apostles (equal to the apostles).

She is considered the patroness of all women with the name Olga, born in the summer months. Princess Olga's Day is celebrated on July 15th.

During her life, the princess did a lot of good deeds and contributed to Orthodoxy in Rus'. She led a Christian lifestyle and showed light to the people and people.

Olga's name day according to the Orthodox calendar

In the church calendar it is customary to celebrate the following days of Olga’s name day:

  • July 15 is the day of celebration of Olga Princess of Ancient Rus';
  • February 10 is the day of the martyr Olga Evdokimova;
  • March 5-6 – Olga Kosheleva;
  • November 23 – Olga Maslennikova, modern new martyr.

What does the name Olga mean according to the church calendar?

Olga Evdokimova martyr

The years of her life fell on the 19th century. This woman, having received her education, immediately married an ordinary peasant guy, who soon died under unclear circumstances. Olga was left alone with 2 children in her arms.

During the days of the revolution, they began to accuse her of having sexual relations with priests. Olga opposed the closure of churches and held services at home, for which she spent the rest of her life in concentration camps, maintaining her faith to the end.

For her feat, she was canonized and her memory is usually celebrated on cold winter days - February 10.

Olga Kosheleva martyr

A modern saint who remained faithful to the Christian faith despite opposition. During her life, churches were closed everywhere and the saint did everything to preserve the remnants of faith in the developing Soviet society.

After being arrested by the NKVD, she was accused of opposing the revolution and spent the rest of her life in camps. Olga was buried in an unknown grave and accepted martyrdom for her faith.

Olga Maslennikova New Martyr

This woman was born in pre-revolutionary times. She actively defended churches, promoted Christian teaching, and prevented the destruction of churches in the Moscow region.

Little is known about her biography today, but modern church ministers canonized Olga. This woman was sentenced by the Soviet authorities to 8 years in prison, but the woman died in the camps in 1941. Later she was canonized.

When is the feast day of St. Olga

The holidays of the New Martyrs who died in concentration camps during Soviet times are known only on the pages of the church calendar. Officially, the church considers them modern new martyrs, but their participation in the ranks of saints is not recognized by all clergy.

According to church canons, miracles at the grave are considered a sign of holiness, but today it is not known exactly where and who of them is buried. Therefore, few people know their names and The officially recognized feast day of St. Olga is July 15th. It is at the height of this summer month that all Olgas can celebrate their Angel Day and even consider it their second birthday.

Women named Olga are considered passionate people. If they firmly believe in Christ, then they are able to defend justice and protect from enemies those who cannot stand up for themselves. Such women are especially gentle with their children, but even if someone tries to offend them, Olga will always find a way to protect them from both wild animals and street louts. No wonder this Old Slavic name translated as "torch".

But if Olga commits a grave sin and stops resorting to faith, she can do a lot of stupid things and adventurous acts in a fit of passion. In such situations, a woman with this passionate name can turn out to be dangerous not only for herself, but also for her loved ones.

Very often, such women are prone to addictions, including gambling, drug addiction, passionate love or alcoholism. Having lost control over their emotions, such women can harm others, not stopping even in front of their own children. But only strong faith and inner spiritual freedom help them channel their passion into a more peaceful direction.

Olga’s name day is usually celebrated in family circle relatives and friends, without presence large quantity strong drinks, so as not to accidentally awaken passion, which for some women with this name can be fatal.

The atmosphere of the holiday plays an important role, so it is advisable to celebrate the name day with fresh baked goods, delicious salads with vegetables, fruits and berries, delicacies and fresh fruit and berry juices.

Meat may be present festive table, as the harsh days of fasting are ending. And it is imperative that the table be decorated with wildflowers. By the way, a photo shoot with wreaths against the backdrop of nature is a great idea on how to make St. Olga’s holiday memorable.


Olga went down in history as a wise and fair ruler, and the church has revered her as a saint for several centuries. The memory of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga is celebrated on July 24, this is the day of her death. She is considered the patroness of widows and new Christians.

The saint is especially revered in her supposed homeland, in Pskov, where the Olginskaya embankment was laid out in memory of her, a bridge was built and two monuments were erected. There is even a portrait image of the princess in the Vatican, in St. Peter's Basilica. A bay in the Sea of ​​Japan is also named after the saint.

What date is Olga’s Day in 2018: Olga’s story

The story of how Prince Vladimir baptized Rus' is known to every schoolchild. But not everyone knows that he was not the first Russian ruler to convert to Christianity. Thirty years before the Baptism of Rus', Vladimir’s grandmother, Princess Olga, the wife of the same prince who died at the hands of the Drevlyans from the famous “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” converted to Orthodoxy.

The Kiev archontissa (ruler, as the Byzantines called her) adopted Christianity in Constantinople in 955 or 957. She was baptized under the name of Helen by Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus himself (or his son and co-ruler Roman) and Patriarch Theophylact. Returning to Kyiv, the princess tried to introduce the pagan Svyatoslav to the new faith, but he, fearing that his squad would laugh at him for his peaceful religion, categorically refused. Then Olga predicted that Christianity would soon come to Rus' anyway, and she turned out to be right. She started small - she began to slowly build Orthodox churches in Kyiv and other cities. It was her grandson Vladimir who was destined to finally consolidate the new religion in the state.

The princess, who died in 969, was buried according to Christian rites. In the 16th century, Olga was canonized as a saint, equal to the apostles (these are those saints who during their lifetime became famous for preaching the Christian faith and converting people to it). By the way, only six women received such an honor along with Olga, one of them was Mary Magdalene.

What date is Olga’s Day in 2018: Olga’s Angel Day, congratulations

Name day or Angel's Day is the day of remembrance of the saint whose name was given to a Christian at baptism. According to the church calendar, Olga's name day is celebrated on July 24 in honor of Olga Equal to the Apostles, Grand Duchess. In addition, Olgas celebrate their name days on February 10, March 6, March 14, July 17 and November 23.

Olya, Olechka and Olga.
I could go on for a long time.
I wish you an angel on your day
Don't lose optimism!

Let everything big happen
Everything you dream about.
And with all my heart I wish,
Bloom even more!

Olga's Day... Oh, how cool this is!
I congratulate Olya passionately.
After all, behind your back is the princess -
Princess Olga is a bereginya.

May the Holy One protect you,
Keeps you from troubles, and you, without knowing
What's ahead
Go fearlessly to your happiness.

On this day I wish, Olya,
Blessings and kindness to you.
It was a blessing to have something like this
Like beautiful flowers.

Your angel protects
And it leads to the right path.
Olga is so bright
May you be lucky in everything!

Olenka, congratulations
Happy big holiday to you,
May the Holy One protect you,
Protects from day to day.

Let him lead you by the hand to happiness
Let the wise whisper advice
Let him protect from mistakes,
Thoughts of bitterness and troubles.

Congratulations, Olga, on your name day,
Be happy, joyful, beautiful.
May your angel help you in life,
Protects you from all troubles!

May good luck accompany you
May everyone's dreams come true.
Know that for friends and loved ones
In this world, only you are better!

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Together we celebrate the day of Princess Olga,
All Christians glorify the shrine.
She showed wisdom and humility,
Love has been proven through strength and faith.
On Olga's Day I wish you peace, love,
Take care of your patience and faith!

Princess Olga's Day, an Orthodox holiday,
On this day we honor and glorify the princess,
For being the first to accept Orthodoxy,
And the seal of paganism was removed from the face of Rus'!

Happy Princess Olga's Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you long and happy years from the bottom of my heart,
And also health, joy, success,
More positive, boisterous laughter!

Olenka, may your life always be light and airy, like balloons, as bright and colorful, full of joy and positivity. Let the sun always shine above your head, hugging you with its rays, playing in your hair, emphasizing your beauty. Always be as kind and gentle, delight this world with your beautiful charm and always be happy.

Which beautiful name,
There is so much warmth and lightness in it,
And the feelings of family emanate
Tender consonance - Olga.

Today is your day, congratulations,
Be happy, loved by everyone,
I wish you warmth and attention.
What a beautiful name...

On Olga's Day I want to wish you,
So that you are beautiful and loved,
May you be a Guardian Angel everywhere
You were sacredly and carefully kept.

I wish you sincere and tender words,
I, Olga, wish only light for you,
And let them give you a hundred flowers,
You will be more beautiful than them, I assure you.

Today is Olga's name day -
Beautiful sunny day.
And on this hot summer afternoon
I'll tell you a couple of lines.

Be as beautiful as a butterfly
Warm the soul like the sun,
Love yourself and be loved.
And inspire action!

Olga's Day... Oh, how cool this is!
I congratulate Olya passionately.
After all, behind your back is the princess -
Princess Olga is a bereginya.

May the Holy One protect you,
Keeps you from troubles, and you, without knowing
What's ahead
Go fearlessly to your happiness.

Today we glorify
A very difficult fate.
Feminine wisdom and strength,
Olga the glorious princess.

May the Saint give faith,
Our life is not easy.
And it will help open the door,
Into the spiritual and big world.

Under her good cover,
I wish you to walk.
Don't give up and don't be a coward,
Only win in life

May this bright day
Suddenly the skies will open,
The shadow will disappear from your soul -
And you will believe in miracles.

Princess Olga is a ray of light,
She will save the world with love,
She has the key to happiness -
For those who go into the world in peace.

On the day of Princess Olga Saint
May God send you abundant happiness,
Let your eyes not know tears,
Let your life be a dream world.

Let your enemies become friends,
And the lips will not stop laughing,
May the sunshine never leave your home,
May there be peace, kindness and tranquility in him.

Olyunka, dear girl,
Beauty and craftswoman,
You are so incomparable!
No wonder Olga is a saint.

Do you know how to cook delicious food?
And the refrigerator is not empty,
You stroke it, you wash the whole house,
To feel comfortable in it.

And even on a holiday - on name day -
The picture does not change.
It seemed that rest was deserved,
But my husband, damn it, asks for dinner again.

And you say: “Husband, I am a saint,
And even though I am simple,
Take the frying pan yourself
And cook your own food."

And in this wonderful hour of peace
I wish you to forget, Olya.
You spit on all your affairs,
So that life becomes sweet again.

The sun will immediately become brighter,
And the birds will knock on the window.
Understand: be better than the name day
No holiday can.



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