Sightseeing tour of the school local history museum. Abstract “Excursion to the Historical and Art Museum The purpose of the excursion to the local history museum

Sightseeing tour of the school local history museum. Abstract “Excursion to the Historical and Art Museum The purpose of the excursion to the local history museum

Chenille Renata
Summary of the excursion to local history museum




Provide knowledge about what local history museum– keeper of authentic monuments;

material and spiritual culture of our city;

Introduce children to the life of our ancestors;

To cultivate a sense of pride in one’s land, love for it, and the desire to preserve

and enhance its history.

Preliminary work:

Introducing children to the history of the city of Barabinsk;

Form an "image" museum", introduce children to folk culture, activate dictionary: guide, exhibits, collection.

Development of a route by the teacher. A conversation about the rules of behavior on the road, walking and in public places, a conversation about museum.

Conditions: dates: October.

Excursion progress

Today I will tell you what it is museum, and we will visit the very present museum.

So, the museum is the place, where various objects are stored and studied. They may or may not be very valuable. But all these objects can tell us a lot "tell and tell": about their history, origin and what they are needed for and how they are used. And such items are called exhibits. This word is new to you, let's share it together let's repeat: "Ex-on-you"

- Museums may be different and the exhibits in them are also different. For example, look here (shows a themed album, local history museums, they contain exhibits telling about the history, nature and culture of one city or village. You and I in Osa also have one like this museum.

In historical museum Exhibits will be presented that tell us about the history of the city, region or even the whole country.

Guys, tell me, do you collect any objects or toys at home?

The collection of such items is called a collection.

Collections of various objects are often exhibited in various museums. And this is already called an exhibition. We can come to you museum to the exhibition and admire some collection: paintings, dishes, coins, etc.

And as I already promised you, today we will also visit museum, But the museum is not ordinary.

I invite you to excursion to our Barabinsky Museum of Local Lore.

Guys, what is it? excursion?

-An excursion is a trip to a museum in order to to learn something new and interesting.

So you and I will learn something new and interesting. And I'll be yours tour guide.

Guys, but before you go to museum, we need to find out how you can behave in museum and how not to. How do you think?

You are absolutely right, because if you make noise and run around, you will disturb other people. If you are viewing exhibits, do not block the view of other visitors museum. When he speaks guide, you can’t laugh loudly, talk or interrupt him. Exhibits of our museum You can touch and pick it up, but only carefully so as not to break it. But if you see such a sign next to the exhibit (shows the sign "crossed palm", this means that the exhibit is valuable and there is no need to pick it up.

Do you understand the rules of conduct in museum?

I hope you will comply with them.

Now come closer, I’ll tell you about our museum. (introduces children to the mini, talks about the exhibits, the collection, the history of the exhibits, tries to interest children in unusual exhibits, etc.)

That's our the tour ends.

Let's remember what new we learned today.

I hope you liked our excursion?

Publications on the topic:

Goal: to form in children specific ideas and impressions about life around them. During excursions, preschoolers begin to learn.

Mr. Kupino “I saw household items from the revived antiquity. The Past of my country is now open to me!” Dear colleagues, I propose to yours.

The city of Saki is rich in its historical culture. It is installed a large number of monuments, there is a museum. There are architectural monuments.

All-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence “Methodological piggy bank of a kindergarten teacher”

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten No. 78"

Engelssky municipal district of the Saratov region

Excursion summary


higher education teacher

Gubanova Svetlana Vasilievna

Age group older (5-6 years old)

Subject: " Museum of Local Lore"

Target: introduce children to the history of the local history museum

Excursion progress:

1introductory part (motivation)

Guys, where do you think antiques can be stored?

Right in the museum. How many of you have been to the museum?

What does the word "museum" mean?

The museum is engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects.

There are many different museums in the world.

What types of museums do you know?

(military, historical, applied arts, local history)

What is local history?

Local history is a complete study of a certain part of the country, city or village, and other settlements. Today we will take you on an excursion to the local history museum.

Before we go to the museum, let's remember the rules of conduct in the museum. (We must be quiet in the museum, because other tourists come there, and we must not disturb them. In the museum, you cannot touch anything with your hands without the permission of the museum workers). We know the rules of conduct and can begin our acquaintance with the museum.

Main part

Today we will get acquainted not only with the history of the founding of the local history museum, but also with the history of the founding of our city.

An official decision was made to create the Central Museum of the Republic of Volga Germans. In the first years, an interesting collection of clothing, household items of the German and Ukrainian population of the republic, ancient manuscripts on the history of foreign colonies, materials on ethnography, and archeology were collected. Intensive research activities were carried out. After the liquidation of the Volga German Republic, the museum was closed. Most of its exhibits were distributed to different organizations for storage and, naturally, were irretrievably lost.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War The museum is being revived, but now in the status of a city local history museum. However, to fully return to classical museum work and the full construction of a historical museum, the way it was before. It became possible only in our years. When the museum moved to a new beautiful rebuilt building.

Today, the Engels Museum of Local Lore is one of the most prominent and sought-after cultural institutions in the city of Engels. It is located in the very center of the city on the banks of the Volga near the city square, park and embankment, which makes visiting the museum attractive for visitors.

The guide introduced us to “The History of Pokrovskaya Sloboda”.

You all know very well that our city is called Engels. And earlier, a long time ago, when your grandparents were not in the world, Pokrovskaya Sloboda was formed on the site of the existing city. The settlement was founded on the left bank of the Volga, opposite Saratov.

This concludes our excursion. Summarizing.

  • In what year was our local history museum founded? (1994)
  • Who took us to the museum? (guide)
  • What did the guide talk about?

Guys, what did you like most about music?

Integration educational areas: cognitive, speech and artistic and aesthetic development.


  • familiarization with the origins of the spiritual culture of the Russian people;
  • acquaintance with the history of the doll, causing an emotional response;
  • caring attitude towards the surrounding objective world, the desire to make a toy with your own hands.

Part 1. Introductory

Educator. Guys, have you ever been to a museum? How can you explain the word "museum"?

A museum is a collection of rare and wonderful objects. Would you like to all go to amazing trip and learn a lot of interesting things about the origin of probably the most favorite children's toy?

Part 2. Information(Takes place in the museum.)

Guide. Guys, I think you have a lot of toys at home. Do you have dolls? Would you like to know how the very first dolls appeared, and what they were like?

The doll is the first among toys. She is known since ancient times, remaining forever young. She is not affected by time, she continues to find her way to the hearts of children and adults.

Everywhere where a person settles and lives, from the harsh snow-covered Arctic expanses to the sultry waterless sands of deserts, the doll is his constant companion. It is simple, but in this simplicity lies a great mystery.

A doll is not born on its own: it is created by a person. The very first dolls were made from pieces of fabric - shreds. Making these dolls does not require needle sewing, so they can be made even with very young children. This is how it was in ancient times - children played with patchwork toys: dolls, bunnies and even horses. In the evening, a mother, or maybe a grandmother, and a little girl will sit down and make a doll - the parts are not sewn together, but tied with threads. Fearing that an evil spirit would move into the doll, faces were not marked on it, thus protecting the child from evil forces. The custom of not painting the face of a doll was preserved for a long time among many peoples and was widespread in ancient times in Rus'.

3rd part. Problematic

Educator. Guys, what do you think is needed to make such a doll?

Children. Textile white for the face, scraps of colored fabric for scarves and sundresses, multi-colored threads, ribbons and ribbons.

Educator. Are all dolls made in the same way, because they are so different? There really are many ways to make dolls. And the dolls are called differently. Would you like to learn more about them and learn how to make such dolls?

Part 4. Stimulating children's questions

Children walk through exhibition hall, look at the exhibits on display and ask the guide questions about the names of the dolls and the techniques for making them.

The techniques for making dolls are very diverse. The Kuvadka doll and lovebirds are made from nothing but scraps tied with thread; the Vezha doll consists of three “balls” - lumps of wool, wrapped in a rag, and at the base of the various columns is a column twisted from fabric. If you dress up two sticks tied crosswise, you get a doll - a cross, if a bag of grain - a grain.

The guide draws the children's attention to a doll in a hut on chicken legs and invites them to close their eyes.

Music is playing. Baba Yaga appears and invites the children to guess riddles about the forest inhabitants:

What kind of forest animal

Did you stand up like a post under a pine tree?

And stands among the grass,

Ears higher than your head? (Hare.)

The master sewed a fur coat for himself.

I forgot to take out the needles. (Hedgehog.)

Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees?

And flies up into the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Drying mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel.)

Look what -

Everything burns like gold

Walks around in an expensive fur coat.

The tail is fluffy and large. (Fox.)

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under a huge pine tree,

And when spring comes,

Wakes up from sleep. (Bear.)

Water masters

They build a house without an axe,

A house of brushwood and mud,

Called a dam. (Beavers.)

Then Baba Yaga offers the game “Who can fly around the tree on a broom faster” and treats the children with candy.

Statement of a new problem

Educator. Guys, would you like to make a doll yourself? At home, together with adults, select scraps of fabric, multi-colored threads and ribbons, and then in a group, we will make dolls - diapers. Think about who the doll will be for: for yourself or maybe it will be a gift?

Part 5. Symbolization

Productive activity. Artistic handicraft: “A doll - a diaper.”

Completed by the teacher
MADO DSKV "Ryabinushka"
Gorbunova A.G.

Pokachi 2014
"Welcome to the museum!"
(summary of the excursion to the local history museum)

Goal: creating conditions for the correction and development of cognitive activity
viability of pupils.
- form an idea of ​​the local history museum; expand and deepen students’ knowledge about the history of their hometown;
- develop logical thinking, curiosity, ability to conduct comparative analysis;
- cultivate love for native land, respect for our ancestors, pride for the residents of the city.

Excursion progress:

How many of you have been to the museum?
- What does the word “museum” mean?

The museum is engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects.
There are many different museums in the world.
- What types of museums are there?
(military, historical, applied arts, local history)
What is local history?
Local history is a complete study of a certain part of the country, city or village, or other settlements.

Today we will take a trip to the local history museum of our city.

A story about the history of the museum.
The local history museum of the city of Pokachi was created in 1994. This year the local history museum turned 20 years old. This is real Cultural Center cities.
More than five thousand people come to its halls every year. Guests of the year also visit the museum. The museum has interesting, unique exhibits that reflect the life of the Khanty people. Many exhibits are dedicated to the history of the city.
- How many of you know what an exposition is? (Exhibition - display of objects of art). The museum has many collections:
Collection "Ethnography". The museum contains interesting, significant exhibits telling about the life, way of life, and traditions of the Khanty people. The collection includes more than 400 storage units, part of which consists of items made by indigenous people, taking into account national traditions and characteristics.
Collection "Archaeological". The collection is represented by fragments of ceramic tableware, women's and men's bronze jewelry, and leather goods.
Collection "Photography". Basically, these are photographs that reflect the history of the construction of the city, the development of oil production, and are the main witness to the radical change of the city, a connecting link between time and generations.
Collection "Historical". The collection consists of objects from the 70-80s of our century, which help to recreate the life, culture, and lifestyle of the pioneer builders.
Collection "Natural". The collection is represented by animals and birds of our region: bear, fox, wolf, sable, mink, wading birds, upland game, birds of prey.

How should you behave in a museum?
- What do you think we can see there?
- Guys, who conducts excursions in museums?
- That's right, guide. I give the floor to the guide.
First, we will remember our feathered friends - birds.
- Who are the birds?
- How do birds differ from other flying animals, for example, from bats.
- How many birds do you know? (we name one at a time, one at a time).
- Look around, what is the biggest bird you see?
- And the smallest?

Guess the riddles.
a) Red-breasted, black-winged,
Loves to peck grains.
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again

b) Flies to the feeder,
Briskly pecks at the seeds,
And even before spring
Sings a song loudly.

How to distinguish a tit from a bullfinch?
- Look at the birds and say which bird you see for the first time.
- (pointing to the crow) What kind of bird is this? What color are her feathers? Which beak is large or small? What do crows eat? Did you know that a crow can repeat the sounds it hears and even words?
- What birds stay with us for the winter?
- What do wintering birds eat?
Animals mean alive. All animals have four legs, a tail, a muzzle, and a body covered with hair.
- Now let's get to know what animals live in our forest.
- Animals that live in the forest, what do we call them? (wild)
- Do all animals have their own home?
Bear - ... in a den.
Fox - ... in the hole.
Hare - ... under a bush.
Squirrel - ... in a hollow.
And the wolf's house is called a lair.

At the fox in the deep forest
There is a hole - a reliable home.
Snowstorms are not scary in winter
A squirrel in a hollow near a spruce tree.
A prickly hedgehog under the bushes
Rakes leaves into a pile.
A clubfoot sleeps in a den,
He sucks his paw until spring.
Everyone has their own home
Everyone is warm and comfortable in it

Listen to the riddle and come to the answer.

Who lives in the deep forest,
Clumsy, clubfooted?
In summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)

Taller than a cat,
Lives in a hole in the forest,
Fluffy red tail -
We all know... (Lisa)

What kind of animal is cold in winter?
Walking through the forest hungry?
He looks like a dog
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs with his mouth bared,
Ready to attack a sheep. (Wolf)

Rushes without looking back
Only the heels sparkle.
He rushes with all his might,
The tail is shorter than the ear.
All the animals are scared
He's saving himself under a bush,
Yes, the wolf gets into trouble. (Hare)

Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees?
And flies up into the oak trees?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Drying mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

Less tiger, more cat
Above the ears there are brushes-horns.
Looks meek, but don't believe it:
This beast is terrible in anger! (Lynx)

Water craftsmen build a house without an axe. (Beavers)
Now we offer to look at the ethnographic collection.
- How did the Khanty live before?
-What clothes do the Khanty wear?
- What do the Khanty like to do?

This concludes our excursion. Summarizing.
- In what year was our local history museum founded? (1994)
-Who took us to the museum? (guide)
- What did the guide talk about?
- Guys, after we got acquainted with the animal world of our region, we moved to another room. In which?
- What were you introduced to there? (with everyday life, how people lived before, what clothes they wore, with folk crafts).
- Guys, what did you like most about the museum?



This is interesting: