Presentation "Human life is the highest moral value." Interactive lesson “My life values, or Values ​​that have no price Presentation on the topic life is an important human value

Presentation "Human life is the highest moral value." Interactive lesson “My life values, or Values ​​that have no price Presentation on the topic life is an important human value

Slide 2

Archpriest A. Men said that a person has nothing more valuable than what is in him

something that cannot be touched with your hands, seen with your eyes, cannot be weighed or measured.”

Slide 3

Spiritual and moral qualities of a person

  • Compassion Calm
  • Compassion Equanimity
  • Kindness Sincerity
  • Love Sobriety
  • Humility Moderation in eating
  • Selflessness Sexual restraint
  • Modesty (chastity)
  • Honesty Responsiveness
  • Sacrifice
  • Strength of will
  • Courage
  • Slide 4

    Cottage with winter garden, swimming pool, sauna, gym

    • Sports
    • Automobile
  • Slide 5

    Popularity in any circle of people and a wide circle of friends

    One or more true friends

    Slide 6

    A good education

    Highly profitable enterprise

    Slide 7

    Healthy, strong, family

    Worldwide fame

    Slide 8

    Change your appearance

    Be happy with yourself all your life

    Slide 9

    Carefree, carefree, pleasure-filled life

    Constant respect and love for you from those you value most

    Slide 10

    The ability to achieve success in anything you want, by any means necessary


    Slide 11

    A miracle performed for the person you love


    Slide 12

    a few extra years of life

    Painless death when the time comes

    Slide 13

    Rescue from the fire

  • Slide 14

    Slide 15

    Passers-by noticed the boys floundering in the ice hole. 13-year-old Yura, who studied at the same school with them, without hesitation, rushed to help
    But the children's strength quickly ran out. Cries for help could be heard even in houses located across the field from the river where the head of the local rural settlement lives. Vladimir Kulikov ran to the river in what he was wearing, slippers and light home clothes

    Slide 16

    The teenagers' outing almost ended in tragedy. In the Krasnodar Territory, schoolchildren went to

    ice of a frozen river and fell into the water. A classmate rushed to help the drowning people, but was unable to pull them out. The fate of the boys was decided in minutes

    “Social nature of man” - Terms “self-esteem”, “self-realization”. A sustainable system of socially significant properties. Human freedom. Write down the word missing in the diagram. Natural instincts. Natural environment. Specific features. A number of terms. Judgments about personality. Satisfying material needs. The text below.

    "Moral test" - 4. Choose the correct answer. The basis of morality is: Humanism Responsibility Morality. 3. The criteria of morality are determined by: The period of history The people themselves State policy. Social studies tests for 8th grade. Humanity Humanism Morality Morality. Make the people around you feel good.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

    “Human spirituality” - Heart - values, mind - knowledge, will - translates worldview into behavior. The mentality of certain peoples. Three main aspects of spiritual life. Patriotism. ABOUT spiritual world and spirituality. Spiritual world of personality. Citizenship. About the spiritual world and spirituality. Mentality is basically a personal phenomenon.

    “Generations of people” - Teachers. Describe your generation. Determine how the generation of 14-year-olds differs from the generation of 40-year-olds. Lesson type. Study design: Adolescents. Age stages human life. Where is more, and where is less? What interpretations of the concept “generation” does I.S.Kon give? Is the continuity of generations the same in different fields of activity?

    “Human Nature” - Approaches to understanding the meaning of life. Belief. Biological principles. Man is a historical being. What will happen after me? Human nature. Cro-Magnon. Human Sciences. Goals and meaning of life. Theories of human origin. What is a person? Human.

    “Human needs” - Labor as a need. 2.Social. Types of needs. Needs depend on the conditions in which people live and change over time. Introduction to social studies. Needs and opportunities. Spiritual needs are aimed at human self-improvement. What does a person need? Needs must match opportunities!

    There are 16 presentations in total

    EDUCATIONAL HOUR My life values Educational. Introduce the concept of “life values”, their classification, and consolidate this concept. Developmental. Activate and develop skills of self-knowledge, self-presentation and self-expression. Educates b an active position towards life, to promote a responsible attitude towards one’s life. Form of conduct : modeling project PREPARED classroom teacher 7-A KUZNETSOVA S.S.

    VALUES are what a person especially values ​​in life, to which he attaches a special, positive life meaning.

    VALUES - what has moral, aesthetic significance for us

    and cognitive attitude.

    The doctrine of values ​​is called axiology

    A person’s life values ​​are the foundation on which his whole life is based. Life values ​​do not arise overnight. They are the result of our experience. A person’s life values ​​are formed from childhood. TYPES OF VALUES 1. Human values ​​2. Everyday values ​​3. Health-saving values ​​4. Spiritual values ​​5. Family values ​​6. Moral values ​​7. Cultural values ​​8. Legal values ​​9. Political values ​​Sayings of the sages of the East The Book of Proverbs is a book of instructions in the field of morality and ethics, affecting many aspects of human life. HOME OF MY LIFE VALUES I want to build a house where I will be happy, where I am surrounded by love, everyone will be everywhere, I’ll plant you next to the house The Family Tree, So that it is nourished from the earth by living power. Life values ​​are the foundation on which his whole life is based. A. Einstein Universal human values ​​are a set of the most general requirements for the behavior of a person belonging to any culture. Such values ​​include: -true, -Liberty, -justice, -beauty, -good, -Love, -benefit, -preservation of human life,-strong condemnation of all forms of misanthropy,

    -environment protection,

    -affirmation of non-violence as the basis of life in human society.

    EVERYDAY values

    Having laid the foundation, we build steps, each of them is a small goal.

    These steps lead to the values ​​of everyday life.

    1. Hard work

    2. Punctuality.

    3. Thrift.

    4. Responsibility. 5. Love of order 6. Diligence Before you climb up a ladder, you need to make sure that the ladder is against the right wall. Make sure that your life goal is chosen correctly. Dmitry Nagiev We will build the walls from blocks, and we will consider family values . We will build the walls from blocks and consider family values. Family values ​​are what is important for a family, that necessary “cement” that unites a group of people with a similar genetic code into a friendly community. Common family values: -communication, Spiritual values ​​Spiritual values ​​are ideas approved or shared by most people about what goodness, justice, patriotism, love, friendship, mercy, empathy, decency, sensitivity are...

    Cultural assets are property assets of a religious or secular nature that have historical, artistic, scientific or other cultural significance: works of art, books, manuscripts, incunabula, archival materials, components and fragments of architectural, historical, artistic monuments, as well as monuments of monumental art and other categories of items. PYRAMID OF VALUES THE GREATEST VALUE IN THE WORLD IS LIFE: ANOTHER’S, YOURSELF, THE LIFE OF THE ANIMAL WORLD AND PLANTS, THE LIFE OF CULTURE, LIFE OVER ITS ENTIRE DISTANCE, IN THE PAST, AND IN THE PRESENT, AND IN THE FUTURE... D.S. LIKHACHOV Although human life no prices, we always act as if there is something even more valuable. Antoine de Saint-Exupery People don’t want to save anything more, and yet they don’t cherish anything less than their own lives. Jean de La Bruyère


    Life is like a zebra sometimes: You will never know what the year has in store for you - Joy or the oppression of worries. You just have to believe everyone, That the burden of problems will disappear, Life will turn into a different, Bright, bright stripe. After all, success will come to those who prepare for it. It is important not to give up, to wait for the right opportunity. Looking into the eyes of fate, Smile, tell yourself: Life is like a zebra sometimes: You will never know, What the year has in store for you - Joy or the oppression of worries. You just have to believe everyone, That the burden of problems will disappear, Life will turn into a different, Bright, bright stripe. After all, success will come to those who prepare for it. It is important not to give up, to wait for the right opportunity. Looking into the eyes of fate, Smile, tell yourself: - I am successful and beautiful!

    I choose the positive!
    Back forward

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    “The man in the man will die -

    there will be no one to replace him...” Part I. "Life values".

    Do you think values ​​are really that important in a person’s life?

    What exactly do you consider value? (answers)

    You see how different we all have about values. Here in the Caucasus (or rather, in Transcaucasia, in Georgia) there is an old cemetery, where on the gravestones you can find inscriptions like this: “Suleiman Babashidze. Born in 1820, died in 1858. Lived for 3 years,” or “Nugzar Gaprindashvili. Born in 1840, died in 1865. Lived 120 years.”

    The meaning of the postscripts is that in this way fellow villagers assessed the richness and overall value of a given person’s life.


    We keep saying “value”, “Life value” and maybe someone knows. What is “value”? Maybe it's the same thing. What's the price?

    So what are the values?

    Do you consider the concepts of value and life values ​​to be different? If yes, then why, if not, then what are their similarities?

    Why do you think we need life values ​​at all, maybe it’s much easier without them?

    What do you understand by the words “life values”?

    Imagine this situation ( slide number 5)

    The dog, barking furiously, fell on its hind legs. And in front of her, dying of horror, sat a small, defenseless kitten. He was dying of fear. Two boys stood nearby and watched what would happen next. Suddenly a woman ran out into the street, she drove the dog away and angrily said to the boys: “Aren’t you ashamed? “What a shame, we didn’t do anything,” the boys answered.

    “This is bad,” the woman said angrily.

    Why was the woman angry? After all, it wasn’t the boys who set the dog on?

    (answers )

    Now let's return to our epigraph.

    I choose the positive!
    there will be no one to replace him...”

    This is the definition of the word “value” I found in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    (slide number 6)

    Value - importance, significance, benefit, usefulness anything. Externally, value appears as a property of an object or phenomenon. However, significance and usefulness are not inherent in them by nature, not simply due to the internal structure of the object itself, but are subjective assessments of specific properties that are involved in the sphere of human social existence, a person is interested in them or has a need. The system of values ​​serves as everyday guidelines in the objective and social reality of a person, designating his various practical relationships to surrounding objects and phenomena.

    (We draw a general conclusion with the guys.)

    So let's put it simply: this individual(each person has their own, special) especially expensive mental things that are given great importance.

    People's values ​​are individual, and, therefore, their meanings are strictly individual. One person's highest value is to save a life in danger. Another person’s highest value is to save himself from all sorts of misfortunes. And the logic of their actions will be opposite, like heaven and earth.

    And now I suggest you make your list of values: what is most important to you and what is not so important.

    As already mentioned, everyone’s life values ​​are different and now I would like to ask you to answer the questions: from your point of view ( slide No. 7)

    1. A successful person is a person who...

    2. A loser is a person who...

    3. A person has succeeded in life if he has...

    4. A person has not succeeded in life if he does not have...

    5. True Values- This...

    6. Imaginary values ​​are...

    I suggest you listen to the parable ( slide No. 8)

    Parable of King Solomon (about two women sharing a child)

    One day, two women came to King Solomon, known for his wisdom. They lived in the same house and were neighbors. Both recently gave birth to a child.

    Last night, one of them crushed her baby and placed it with another woman, and took the living one from her. In the morning the women began to argue, each one proving that he was alive. her child, and the dead one is the neighbors.

    They argued the same way before the king. After listening to them, Solomon ordered to bring a sword.

    The sword was immediately brought. Without a moment's hesitation, King Solomon said:

    Let both be happy. Cut the living child in half and give each half of the baby.

    One of the women, hearing his words, changed her face and begged:

    Give the child to my neighbor, she is his mother, just don’t kill him!

    The other, on the contrary, agreed with the king’s decision.

    “Chop it, don’t let it get to her or me,” she said decisively.

    Then King Solomon said:

    Do not kill the child, but give him to the first woman: she is his real mother.

    Mother's love– one of the most sacred and powerful feelings.

    - Listen to another ancient parable about stonemasons(slide number 9)

    Three stonemasons were hard at work in the quarry.

    The philosopher asked them what they were doing.

    Can't you see - I'm crushing these damn stones! – one muttered irritably.

    “I earn my living,” the other shrugged.

    I'm building a temple! – the third answered proudly.

    Which stonemason do you think has the most noble goal?

    The second will be happy as long as he can earn his bread.

    Only the third can be called truly happy: he sees a big, beautiful goal for which he works and lives.

    (slide No. 10)

    Temples are being built all over Russia, and our republic is no exception. The people who live in our multinational republic are like one of those stonemasons - pursuing the most noble goals, they bring spiritual and moral values, and they are necessary like bread...

    I wish you to always remember that what your life path will be depends only on yourself, on your life values ​​and goals...

    Yes, values ​​have formed in the history of mankind, as some kind of spiritual supports that help us survive in difficult moments life, don't break.

    This is how philosophers of different times defined values ​​( slide No. 11-13)

    1. Democritus – ancient Greek philosopher: God. Democracy. Culture. Knowledge.


    2. E. Kant – German philosopher: God. Freedom. Good. Happiness.

    3. L. Tolstoy - Russian writer, thinker: Love. Fatherland. Freedom. Work. Health. Nature.

    Why are these values ​​so important?

    Now, among the 10, identify the most important ones for yourself and put them in descending order

    (slide number 14) Please comment.

    • Health
    • Nature
    • Knowledge
    • Love
    • Creation
    • Friendship
    • Mercy
    • Religion
    • Patriotism

    A life worthy of a person is a life built on universal human values, since they are what make us human.

    Part II. Values.

    We will continue talking about values.

    Do you have or have anything in your home that you consider truly valuable? Name it?

    (Answers from the guys)

    Humanity cannot exist without something sacred to it, and therefore valuable. Everyone determines for themselves what is sacred and dear to them. However, many shrines are the same for everyone.

    Let's try to name what is valuable to most people. Yes, values ​​were formed in the history of mankind as certain spiritual supports ( slide No. 15)

    There are values ​​that have no price...
    A piece of paper with a Pushkin drawing,
    The first textbook in your school bag
    And letters from those who did not return from the war...
    But if you are busy with one thing
    Acquire something tangible
    You are not worth either anger or love.
    Do well! Just don't try
    On values ​​that have no price.

    Among the universal human values, art, for example, painting, is undeniable.

    (slide No. 16-20)

    Love painting, poets,
    After all, she is the only one given
    Souls of enthusiastic omen
    Transfer to canvas...

    The art of painting is one of the achievements of human genius.

    The artist’s peculiarity lies in the heightened vigilance of his perception. He sees what is hidden from an indifferent gaze, sees beauty in the everyday, the unexpected in the familiar. Paintings created long ago excite our hearts, make us admire and adore the creations of masters, and solve mysteries left over the centuries.

    Why do we love nature? ( slide No. 21-22)

    Sometimes tender, sometimes formidable and majestic, nature always attracts us, beckons us, because it contains harmony and beauty, because we ourselves are part of it. Communication with nature brings peace and tranquility to our souls, giving us spiritual and physical joy.

    Also no price for air, which we breathe, the water we drink is priceless, the warmth we need to warm and maintain life is priceless, life itself is priceless, love is priceless.

    (slide No. 23-24)

    We live on a planet that is a hot ball, on the surface of which there is a thin film of cooled matter, on which we exist. This balance has been created over many billions of years, but it can be destroyed in an instant, losing everything that has no value.

    If life disappears from the planet, there will be no one to pay and no one to make a profit. This absolute absence of price can also be called values ​​without a price, but in this case things and phenomena will not be priceless, they will simply no longer be needed by anyone.

    We must protect nature as the most important value.

    And in conclusion, I want to tell you one more parable ( slide No. 25)

    In one meeting they argued about what is the worst thing in the world for a person. Some said illness, some said death, some said poverty... A lot of things were said. Khoja Nasreddin was also asked:

    And what do you think? “It’s bad when what you want doesn’t come true,” Nasreddin answered. “But it’s much worse when something you don’t want comes true,” he added after thinking. Let only what you want and desire come true in your life, and let your desires be based on true, not imaginary values.



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