A story in a beautiful and furious world. In a beautiful and furious world

A story in a beautiful and furious world. In a beautiful and furious world

The hero of Andrei Platonov's story is the young and talented driver of a passenger locomotive, Maltsev. This young and ambitious young man, who is about thirty years old, already holds the position of a top-class driver on the new and powerful steam locomotive "IS", devoting all his time and energy to his favorite work, he can no longer imagine his life without his favorite business.

The narrator of the work is Maltsev’s young ward, a new machinist who is just starting his work, but he is upset by his partner that he shows obvious distrust in relation to his work done. Also, the young partner was upset by the fact that work with Maltsev usually took place in exceptional silence without stories and ordinary human communication typical of two people working together.

However, all grievances and omissions were forgotten overnight at the moment when the passenger locomotive set off, Maltsev’s partner was amazed that he managed to understand this iron mechanism so subtly and sensitively, and also not miss the beauty of the passing mime of the world.

The young assistant worked for the outstanding driver for about one year and was amazed at his true talent to perform sometimes unimaginable things on the locomotive, but all this idyll was suddenly crossed out by a tragic event, which completely crossed out the usual way of life for Maltsev.

The story of Andrei Platonov is true proof that even talented and successful people in their business sometimes vitally need support and understanding from the outside, and personal prejudices and hidden pride become absolutely unimportant.

Read the summary In the furious and beautiful world of Platonov

The usual way of life for Maltsev is destroyed by a tragic event that occurred in one of the summer months. Then in July, Maltsev’s assistant set off on his last voyage with his senior mentor and they had to take with them a train that was four hours late. The station dispatcher asked the senior driver to make up for the time lost in the delay for at least one hour.

Trying to follow the dispatcher's instructions, the senior driver pushes out the full power of his train. But suddenly, as an obstacle on their way, a summer thundercloud appears, which blinds Maltsev with its discharges. But despite his blurred vision, the experienced driver does not slow down and with all his confidence continues to control the passenger locomotive. His junior partner notices his very awkward and sometimes poor management.

On the way of the passenger train, an oncoming steam locomotive appears and comes to meet them. Then Maltsev has to admit to the loss of his vision and give control to his partner Konstantin. Thanks to the actions of the young driver, it is possible to prevent an emergency. And by the morning after his arrival, Maltsev’s vision returned.

However, based on the fact that the experienced driver did not transfer control to his assistant in the event of a dangerous situation, he faced a trial.

Trying to help his friend and mentor, Konstantin is looking for a way out of the current situation. Then he turns to his friend from the institute for help. And he learns that with the help of a Tesla machine, which produces an artificial lightning discharge, it is possible to prove the innocence of his partner.

Konstantin turns to the investigative committee with a request to check Maltsev in this car. And during the experiment, the innocence of the senior driver was completely proven, but unfortunately, Maltsev lost his sight completely.

The senior driver completely loses hope that he will ever have the opportunity to once again drive his favorite passenger locomotive and catch his gaze at the passing beauty of his native land.

Dejected by his current situation, the saddened senior driver with a cane constantly comes to the station, sits on a bench and simply listens to the trains passing by him.

Having once noticed a destitute partner with a cane, Konstantin decides to take Maltsev with him on a flight. Maltsev happily agrees to this proposal and promises that he will not interfere, but will simply sit quietly next to him.

Incredibly, Maltsev's lost vision is restored during the trip and Konstantin decides that his mentor should complete the journey on his own.

After the work has been done, both partners go home to Maltsev together and talk with each other on various topics all night. Konstantin is afraid to leave Maltsev, feeling responsible for him in front of a cruel and furious world.

The work “In the Beautiful and furious world"reflects and proves the existence of human compassion, support, friendship, love and devotion to loved ones, all this is the facets of soul and cordiality in the human world.

Picture or drawing In a beautiful and furious world

  • Summary of Aitmatov The first teacher

    The story of a talented Kyrgyz writer tells an interesting life story from the time of the birth of the USSR. Very often it is perceived as propaganda of communist ideas, but the thinking reader should look deeper to understand the main idea

  • Retelling plan

    1. Meet the driver Maltsev and his assistant.
    2. Maltsev takes on a difficult task and goes blind while the train is moving. Such lineup management could lead to disaster.
    3. Maltsev regains his sight, he is put on trial and sent to prison.
    4. A former machinist goes blind again while conducting an investigative experiment with lightning-like electrical discharges.
    5. An assistant driver, after a special exam, drives passenger trains himself. He takes the blind Maltsev on a trip.
    6. Maltsev begins to see the light.


    The hero talks about an incident that happened to him and the “best locomotive driver” Maltsev. He was young, thirty years old, but already had a first class qualification and drove fast trains.

    Maltsev was the first to be transferred to the new passenger locomotive "IS". The narrator was appointed as his assistant. He was very pleased with the opportunity to master the art of driving, and at the same time become familiar with new technology.

    The driver received the new assistant indifferently. He relied only on himself and his knowledge in everything, so he carefully double-checked all the parts and components of the machine. This was a habit, but it insulted the student with lack of faith in his abilities. But for his professionalism, the hero forgave a lot to his teacher, who definitely felt the way. The train was never late; they even quickly made up for delays at intermediate stations along the way.

    Maltsev practically did not communicate with either the assistant or the fireman. If he wanted to point out shortcomings in the operation of the machine that needed to be eliminated, he would bang the key on the boiler. He thought that no one else could love a locomotive and drive it the way he did. “And we, however, could not understand his skills,” the author admits.

    One day the driver allowed the narrator to drive the train himself. But after some time, he was four and a half minutes behind schedule. Maltsev successfully compensated for this time.

    The hero worked as an assistant for almost a year. And then an event happened that changed the lives of the heroes. They took the train four hours late. The dispatcher asked to reduce this gap in order to let the empty truck onto the neighboring road. The train entered the zone of a thundercloud. A blue light hit the windshield, blinding the hero. It was lightning, but Maltsev did not see it.

    Night has come. The hero noticed that Maltsev was driving worse, and later it became clear that something was wrong with him. When the hero screamed, the driver braked urgently. A man stood on the road and waved a red-hot poker to stop the train. Ahead, just ten meters away, stood a freight locomotive. They did not notice how yellow, red and other warning signals passed. This could lead to disaster. Maltsev ordered an assistant to drive the locomotive, admitting that he was blind.

    Having reported the incident to the depot manager, the assistant went to accompany him home. Already on the way to the house, Maltsev regained his sight.

    After the incident, Maltsev was put on trial. The investigator called the driver's assistant as a witness, and he said that he did not consider Maltsev guilty, since the driver was blinded by a nearby lightning strike. But the investigator treated these words with distrust, because the lightning had no effect on the others. But the hero had his own explanation. In his opinion, Maltsev went blind from the light of the lightning, and not from the discharge itself. And when lightning struck, he was already blind.

    Maltsev was still found guilty because he did not transfer control to an assistant, risking the lives of hundreds of people. From the investigator the hero went to Maltsev. When asked why he did not trust him with his place, he replied that it seemed to him that he saw the light, but in fact it was in his imagination. Maltsev was sent to prison. The hero became an assistant to another driver. But he missed Maltsev, his ability to really work, and did not give up the thought of helping him.

    He proposed conducting an experiment with a prisoner using a Tesla installation to produce artificial lightning. However, the experiment was carried out without warning, and Maltsev became blind again. But now the chances of returning vision were much less. Both the investigator and the hero felt guilty for what happened. Having found justice and innocence, Maltsev received an illness that prevented him from living and working.

    At this moment, for the first time, the hero came up with the idea of ​​the existence of certain fatal forces that accidentally and indifferently destroy a person. “I saw that facts were occurring that proved the existence of circumstances hostile to human life, and these disastrous forces were crushing the chosen, the exalted people.” But the hero decided not to give up and resist the circumstances. In a year former assistant passed the exam to become a driver and began driving passenger trains independently. Very often he met Maltsev, who, wiping himself on a cane, stood at the station platform and “greedily breathed in the smell of burning and lubricating oil, listened carefully to the rhythmic work of the steam-air pump.” He understood Maltsev’s melancholy, who had lost the meaning of life, but could do nothing to help him.

    Maltsev was irritated by friendly words and sympathy. One day the hero promised to take him on a trip if he would “sit quietly.” The blind man agreed to all the conditions. The next morning the hero put him in the driver's seat. He put his hands on top of his, and so they drove to their destination. On the way back, he again put the teacher in his place. And in quiet areas he even allowed him to drive the car on his own. The flight ended safely, the train was not late. The hero hoped for a miracle. On the last stretch, he deliberately did not slow down before the yellow traffic light. Suddenly Maltsev stood up, extended his hand to the regulator and turned off the steam. “I see a yellow light,” he said and began to brake. “He turned his face and cried. I walked up to him and kissed him back." Kostya’s desire to “protect him (his teacher) from the grief of fate” performed a miracle. Until the end of the route, Maltsev drove the car independently. After the flight they sat together all evening and all night. This time the hostile forces retreated.

    Sartre once remarked that Exupery made the airplane an organ of his senses. The plane flies, its wing, like a swallow, cuts through the blue current of air, and together with the pilot we feel this tension of blue, this light drizzle of stars on the wing...
    This is how Platonov lovingly feels mechanisms, machines created by man, as if expanding the soul into the world, with its dream of flight, of rapid movement through the gentle spaces of nature, like a thunderstorm participating in the world, mysterious, creative rage of the elements.
    Machinist Alexander Maltsev, a little man who has absorbed beauty in his imagination big world.
    The movement of the train is dark and sweetly melting, and it seems that a naked soul is flying above the earth, lovingly crushing, cutting with a wing like a bird, the blue rye of the rain, and suddenly, a blooming flash of light - a thunderstorm strike in front of you.
    You feel the warm movement of the world in your soul, you feel yourself in the world... why look at anything else? The whole world is in you... the soul rushes over the earth: green flashes of trees, blue snakes of rivers, clouds, colorful splashes of flowers... I saw it all. All this is painfully mine... Stop! Maltsev’s assistant looks at him strangely. Maltsev didn’t notice the yellow signal, didn’t notice the instrument signal. There is a train ahead. Someone waves and warns, but Maltsev doesn’t notice all this... God! Yes, he was blinded by the flash of a thunderstorm!
    The whole world was in him, he was driving blind, and did not notice it. He imagined the world, tenderly created this world - his soul danced in the darkness...
    Do you have to look at something to see something? The soul dances in the darkness... and in this dance, flowers, trees, people, trains, blue rivers, like fallen thunderstorms, take part... They are him. Doesn't he know, doesn't he see himself?
    So Maltsev’s assistant takes him to the house and asks: “Are you blind? Can’t you see anything?”
    And Maltsev replies: “What are you saying, I see everything: here is my house, here is a tree, and here is my wife meeting me at the house... Isn’t she really meeting me?”
    The soul dances in the dark... Maltsev is suspended from work and put on trial.
    Time has passed. He sits sadly in some dark, apocalyptic night of the world, crying, hearing trains rushing past.
    The soul dances in the dark... There is a lot in the world that we do not see, that sometimes dark and scary touches us, causing us pain and the horror of death, because it is jealous of us, perhaps afraid of us and our penetration into a beautiful and furious world . But there is also a lot of beauty in the soul, there is also a fierce thing, sometimes bursting out towards one’s own kind, tearing apart the beauty of a feeling, a heart, a look...
    You just need to be able, like Maltsev, to live and feel the world, with all the beauty of the soul, not to lose heart, to dance, even in the dark, even over the abyss, but to make peace in the soul, part of the external, big world, illuminating it with a thunderstorm of feelings for him, with love and trust in your neighbor, so that “you suddenly become visible to all ends of the world,” as if you had just created this beautiful and furious world, a quiet, virgin world, and saw it as no one had ever seen it before.

    Jan 17, 2017

    In a beautiful and furious world Andrey Platonov

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    Title: In a beautiful and furious world

    About the book “In a Beautiful and Furious World” Andrei Platonov

    Andrei Platonov, known primarily for his story “The Pit” and the novel “Chevengur,” is also the author of many wonderful stories.
    “In a Beautiful and Furious World” is a beautiful lyrical and philosophical work O " little man"and its place in a complex, confusing world. This is a story about human destiny, talent, and calling.

    The main character is a talented driver Maltsev. He is so immersed in his work that he does not notice anyone around him. Maybe that's why he's so lonely.

    Andrei Platonov portrayed in his work a man who is completely absorbed in the only activity that brings him pleasure. For Maltsev the world It only makes sense when it rushes past it. He is literally fascinated by his profession, and his entire existence comes down only to it. But some things and events are beyond a person’s control, so unforeseen circumstances can interfere with the usual course of life at any moment. And then you can easily lose what you value so much. And no matter how strong a person is, he has no power over the elements.

    “In a Beautiful and Furious World” is a story about how one misfortune can be part of another. And also that a person is able to overcome any obstacles.
    Andrei Platonov makes his hero a winner. The ending of the story is completely unpredictable. But is this victory worth the effort? In order to give an independent answer, you need to read both the story and the book.

    “In a Beautiful and Furious World” is a wonderful work, filled with genuine faith in a person capable of fighting cruel fate and unfair circumstances. The author writes warmly about ordinary people, about their everyday problems and difficulties in relationships with eternity.

    Andrey Platonov is the author of many excellent stories. Without exaggeration, all of them are wonderful and full of light sadness. We can recommend reading them to those who, despite everything, continue to believe in man and his unique mission on earth.

    The author's works are a completely unique phenomenon in Russian literature. His bright, unique characters with a mindset that is imprinted with both the surrounding Soviet reality and the irrepressible imagination of the author remain forever in memory. With his creativity, Andrei Platonov managed to expand many of the usual frameworks into which Russian literature had been squeezed before him. He was one of the most talented and mysterious writers of his era. He perfectly felt the tragedy of every person, torn off and thrown to the margins of existence.

    Platonov is a Soviet writer. His stories are interesting, they are captivating because they very often describe events from life. They are autobiographical, telling us about the fate of the writer himself. In his works, the author tries to understand man, to find his place in this simultaneously beautiful and furious world. Such a story by Platonov is the story of the same name In a Beautiful and Furious World. By this work that's what we have to do.

    Platonov wrote his story in 1937, in it he used a lot of information taken from life, because in the story the author describes the events that happened on railway with the train driver. The writer knew this profession well, since he himself was on a steam locomotive and worked as an assistant.

    So, Platonov in the story In a Beautiful and Furious World tells about Maltsev, a driver from God, since he did not just drive the train, he felt it and was the best. Maltsev was completely dedicated to his work, always drove the car confidently and aroused admiration for this. He studied all the railway tracks so well that even during the emergency he did not stop. This happened during a rainstorm with a thunderstorm. Lightning blinded Maltsev, and he continued to drive the car, not understanding that he could not see, because all the pictures of the world around him appeared in his head. But they were only in his head, so he did not see the warning lights. This almost led to an accident, but the assistant was able to react in time, thereby saving hundreds of people.

    Alexander Maltsev was tried and arrested, but Kostya managed to achieve an experiment that proved Alexander’s innocence. Only during the experiment the hero of the work becomes completely blind. This became a tragedy for him, because for him work was the meaning of life. And only a year later, when the assistant passed the exams and began driving the train himself, he managed to bring Maltsev back to life. Kostya invites Maltsev to go together and even promises to give up the driver’s position to blind Alexander. And at that very moment, when Maltsev found himself in the same place, his vision returned to him again.

    After the flight, Kostya volunteered to take the former driver home, wanting to protect the hero of the story from the hostile forces of such an unpredictable, violent and such a beautiful world.

    The main characters of the work

    Getting acquainted with Platonov's work In a Beautiful and Furious World, one can highlight such heroes as Alexander Maltsev and his assistant Kostya.

    Alexander Maltsev is a master of his craft, a talented train driver who knew these machines better than anyone. This is a person who was not afraid to trust various trains, including a new locomotive, because Maltsev, like no one else, could cope with everything, even with such a powerful machine of a new type. Alexander not only drives the car, he feels its heartbeat. Maltsev is devoted to his work, sees his meaning in it and is so immersed in it that he does not see the surrounding reality. In my opinion, this should not be the case. Although a person must love work, work fully and be responsible at work, he must also be able to see other angles. In addition to work, we must see the beauty of the world, be able to take the best from fate and get carried away by something else, so that in case of unforeseen circumstances we can switch to something else, because life goes on. Maltsev was unable to make the switch; with the loss of his job, he grew old, and life became unpleasant.

    Another hero is Kostya, who was first an assistant and then became a driver. He also loved work, tried to fulfill all the functions assigned to him, but at the same time he was sympathetic, kind and noticed other people. Moreover, he also comes to their aid, as in the case of Maltsev. It was Kostya who achieved a review of the case, after which Alexander was rehabilitated. Later, he will bring back to life a person for whom work has become the meaning of life. He will take Maltsev on a flight, during which his sight will return. And even after this, Kostya does not leave his friend and walks him to the door of the house.



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