Small gifts for children at school. School joys are not pranks: gift ideas for children at school

Small gifts for children at school. School joys are not pranks: gift ideas for children at school

1. Great encyclopedia schoolboy
The encyclopedia tells about amazing things in an accessible and understandable way - about the mysteries of the night sky, about where life on the planet came from, about the mysteries of wild nature, about new inventions and mysterious discoveries, about the mysteries of ancient civilizations, etc. Each chapter of the encyclopedia reveals a whole list of thematic questions, the answers to which can be obtained by studying the encyclopedia.

2. Telescope (for children)
We all sometimes find it interesting to look at the night sky, various constellations and the moon. It is much more interesting to examine the mysteries of the night sky through a telescope. Despite the fact that the telescope is for children, looking through it, you can clearly see the constellations and watch the fall of comets and meteorites. If your child is seriously interested in astronomy, and this science has become his hobby, then he simply needs such a telescope.

3. Metal constructor
Who doesn't like folding construction sets? This is simply a huge field for the imagination and mind of a child. From a set of certain components, you can model and create ever new variants and varieties of objects. A metal construction set is a real simulator of imagination, attention, coordination of movements and fine motor skills child's hands.

4. Set for children's creativity
Kits for children's creativity are very popular. This set includes: threads various colors and thickness, a set of sewing needles and embroidery needles, a thimble, scissors, colored sequins, colored beads, floss for embroidery, canvas with printed sketches for embroidery. This set will delight not only girls, but also boys.

5. Set for making coinage
Embossing is a picture made of metal. Creating embossing is like painting a picture, but instead of using a brush and paints, the embossing artist uses a hammer and various attachments, with the help of which patterns and various images are obtained. Chasing is a type of artistic forging.

Every school celebrates birthdays differently. In some classes, birthdays are held once a month, while other class teachers congratulate children on their birthdays. There are also classes in which children simply give gifts to each other. And at such moments, usually nothing comes to mind. Tips collected from children's parties will help you come up with congratulations.

What suits both boys and girls

There are universal gifts that can be given to both naughty boys and beautiful girls.

  1. Calendar with portraits of classmates. Prepared and ordered in advance. U class teacher or parent committee There will always be photographs that no one remembers anymore. Such a surprise on this day will be the most memorable.
  2. A chest of wishes. It is best to make it yourself, but one bought at a souvenir store will do. The whole secret of the chest is that classmates left their wishes in it on pieces of paper rolled into a tube and tied with a ribbon.
  3. T-shirt with school number. Advanced schoolchildren like to wear T-shirts and T-shirts with different portraits and inscriptions. Original congratulations There will be a T-shirt with a photo of the school or its number written on it.
  4. Globe. Sold in office supply stores. Size - from small to huge. The faces of classmates or houses with addresses and telephone numbers are placed on the globe.
  5. A gift of candy. There are sites on the Internet where you can order in advance, but you can buy an original craft on the same day. Ships and cars, dolls and baskets with flowers - all this is decorated with delicious chocolates. All schoolchildren will like it.
  6. Money box. Children love collecting money so they can open the piggy bank and buy themselves something special. Don't forget to put some change in it.
  7. Set of paints and easel. This is for creative people who love to draw. This is not a cheap pleasure, so such a gift will be sincerely welcomed.
  8. Huge puzzles. Everyone likes to collect pictures from different pieces. But let it not be a small box. Give a large set at once: many children then glue the completed puzzles onto paper or fabric and hang them on the wall.
  9. Cup. Just going in and buying a cup in a store is not interesting. Order a cup with an inscription or photo, year of birth or favorite musical group of the birthday boy.
  10. Original game disc. The value of such a gift can be appreciated by real experts. Full version, excellent colorful infographics - something you won’t find on the Internet.

Gift for a classmate

Beautiful girly girls will be delighted with everything related to jewelry, cosmetics and other things that boys do not pay attention to.

  1. Dollhouse. All little princesses dream about him. It's so interesting to arrange doll furniture, put the doll to sleep on a miniature bed, and cook food in tiny saucepans.
  2. Set of children's cosmetics. It usually includes lip gloss, pink eye shadow, aromatic eau de toilette, nail polish, powder and mascara. A classmate will be delighted with the gift.
  3. A set of combs for various types of styling. This is for fashionistas with long hair. Boys don’t understand why there are so many different combs in the house. But girls know how to cope with them perfectly in order to always be stunningly beautiful.
  4. A set of beads or multi-colored rubber bands. Nowadays it is fashionable to embroider paintings and icons with beads. And the girls weave multi-colored bracelets from rubber bands on a special machine and exchange them with each other.
  5. Casket. You can’t even imagine how many different secrets young ladies have! But they definitely need to be hidden somewhere! Of course, in a box with a small key that can be attached to a bracelet.
  6. Set of jewelry. All schoolgirls dream of growing up quickly and wearing everything that is still taboo. These are chains and beads, rings and bracelets, earrings and brooches. This set will definitely make the birthday girl happy on her special day.
  7. Bracelet. Not just an ordinary thin plastic bracelet, but a beautiful one, made to look like gold jewelry, with a built-in watch. Or antique style.
  8. Barrette. For the classmate who wears her hair up or in the back. The selection of beautiful hairpins is huge. The main thing is to guess the girl’s taste and the color of the gift.
  9. Encyclopedia. Some may find this boring. But there are such encyclopedias that you can’t tear yourself away from them. For a boy - about dinosaurs or military equipment, for girls - about women's secrets, hairstyles, makeup and the art of seduction.
  10. Photo frame. You can make it yourself or pick it up in a store. main feature- the photo that you insert there.

Gift for a classmate

Boys grow up to be real men who love adventure, pirates, sports and boyish games. And congratulations should be appropriate.

  1. Ship with sails.
  2. Set of balls.
  3. Boxing gloves.
  4. Transformable robot.
  5. Elements of medieval armor.
  6. Goalkeeper gloves and socks.
  7. Bow and arrows.
  8. Constructor.
  9. Book.
  10. Set of soldiers.

For very little ones

Children in primary school are happy to receive any gift on their birthday. For them, the main thing is the attention of their classmates. In the class, rarely does anyone give clothes or shoes, a backpack or skates. Usually these are purely symbolic toys and souvenirs that are inexpensive, but will be useful.

  1. Soft toy.
  2. Diary for girls.
  3. Sunglasses.
  4. Watch.
  5. Poster with photo.
  6. Children's toilet water.
  7. Flashlights.
  8. Key rings.
  9. Coloring pages.
  10. Pencil case

For high school students

High school students are a special segment of the school community. It has its own laws, orders, rules. They go to birthday parties in small groups and give gifts that are meaningful, necessary, and interesting.

  1. Photoshoot.
  2. Purse or purse.
  3. Handbag or purse.
  4. Ira is bowling.
  5. Relaxation in the amusement park.
  6. Board game.
  7. Medallion on a chain.
  8. Writing set.
  9. Figurines.
  10. Notebook.

Comic gifts

Congratulations with jokes are only suitable for older schoolchildren. They will appreciate your attention and humor and will remember this day for a long time.

  1. A huge pacifier and a bottle of milk. The pacifier is cut out of cardboard, it can be decorated and hung on a ribbon. It’s advisable to play with the bottle: take a one and a half or two liter bottle, pour milk into it and put on a large nipple.
  2. Running alarm clock. This alarm clock was invented in China. It rings and moves across the surface until the plant runs out.
  3. A large poster with wishes from classmates. Made on Whatman paper A1. You can come up with any design. These are chickens that have hatched from the shell, and there are photographs of their classmates on them. Or a train, from the windows of which classmates-passengers look out. And be sure to write wishes.
  4. Set of spices. For high school students with good feeling humor. The presentation is accompanied by words and inscriptions. Salt - we can’t do without you. Pepper - with you, any company becomes more interesting. Vinegar - you will always find a word that hits the mark.
  5. Set of cutlery. Before classes on the day of the name day, the desk at which the birthday boy sits is set and fully served. When the hero of the occasion arrives, a comic lesson in good manners is given to him.
  6. Gel balloons. Not just balloons, but with a sign attached to them: “Hurray! Today is Vasya Semenov’s birthday! Congratulations!” Surrounded by the class, Vasya goes outside and releases balloons into the sky.
  7. Prize from the star. At the school, a huge telegram is posted on the information stand: “Dear Vasily! Unfortunately, I couldn’t come, but I’m your older brother and I can’t help but congratulate you on your birthday! Bilan Dima." And photo.
  8. Mirror with a photograph. Girls often admire themselves by looking in a small mirror. If you buy a mirror with a lid and insert a photo of the birthday girl into the top part, she will really like it.
  9. Chocolate figurine. Knowing your classmate’s preferences, order him a chocolate figure. He will suffer every day, not knowing whether to eat his favorite car or keep it as a souvenir.
  10. Paper hat. This hat can be made transferable in the classroom, but it is better to make it for each birthday person separately. It says “It’s my birthday.” The birthday boy sits in class, walks around the school, everyone sees and congratulates him.

What to give to a schoolchild? Childhood is not over yet, but life is clearly divided into “before” and after.” Before school there was “sawdust” in my head, but now... “... I have no time for toys now. I’m learning from the ABC book...” A grown-up child requires a different attitude, an “adult” one. Keep this in mind when choosing birthday gifts.

What to give to children 6-8 years old?

You shouldn’t give a boy stuffed hares if he considers it “calf tenderness.” So, let's go shopping with the list.

  • Girls aged 6-8 still play with dolls. Therefore, furniture for a children's playhouse or the house itself for dolls will not be superfluous. Like kitchen utensils, household appliances in children's sizes.

  • Craft kit - why not. You can already give a hoop and a needle with a gilded eye. By the way, creativity kits are suitable not only for girls. Boys also love to create with their hands.
  • IN school age children start collecting. Find out your child's passions and add to his collection of model cars, unusual stones, and magazines.
  • A handbag or backpack is a quite practical and often desired gift. Children want to imitate adults and have their own personal belongings. What could be more desirable than a pink handbag for a blonde?
  • All kinds of accessories for drawing and modeling will be useful not only at school. Your child is not yet old enough to stop loving these entertainments.
  • Boys are delighted with any technology. A radio-controlled toy will amuse not only your son, but also your dad. They will still fight for the right to play.

  • Sport equipment. Yes, it’s time to think about the fact that a boy should be strong and a girl slim. Therefore, children's weights or dumbbells are a good option. To avoid getting into trouble, first discuss the possibility of such a purchase with your child.
  • - a good gift, but given the presence of a computer in every home, it is not always popular. Your task is not only to bring Monopoly into the house, but also to captivate your child with this game.
  • Modern gadgets. Everyone criticizes them, they talk about the detrimental effect on a small body, but they only send them to the store with mobile phone in the pocket. If you are not too concerned about the negative effects of radiation, you can pamper your child with a mini-tablet, headphones for your phone if you already have one, or a personal flash drive. Remember that children often use modern gadgets for entertainment, which interferes with their learning and disrupts their daily routine. Maybe we should postpone such a gift for a year or two?
  • The student associates himself with the world of adults in full. What are all the uncles and aunts passionate about? Making money. For now, the baby only has the opportunity to collect them. Give a piggy bank. He is interested, and you will implement the educational moment.

  • What else could surprise you? Idea! If the holiday falls in the winter months, you can please your child with skates or a snow crossbow. What if the whole family replaced old skis with new ones and went to winter forest? You can organize a fabulous picnic on a snow-covered meadow. The idea is just great!
  • You can safely give watches to children in first and second grade. The accessory is adult and status.

What to give a child at 10 years old?

Perplexed parents conduct secret negotiations with grandparents. The question of how to please the hero of the day is a serious one. He is no longer a baby, but not yet a teenager. And I’ve already accumulated everything: a tablet, a phone, a computer. Often a similar set is found in many homes. But the holiday is just around the corner. Let's decide.

  • Traveling either alone or in the company of the whole family is an expensive gift, but very pleasant and significant. The child will be able to review the photographs for a long time and remember his, perhaps, first, serious trip.
  • Finances do not allow such luxury? Limit yourself to a disc with a desired movie or a rare computer game.
  • A boy can buy a kit for a young physicist or chemist. Of course, evaluate the safety of the gift.

  • Creativity kits can already be more serious. For example, a burning device or a beading kit.
  • Toys are still relevant. Only their price increases due to complexity and “sophistication”.
  • This electronic photo frame is suitable for both boys and girls. The gift is specific, you may not guess. Not all children are sentimental; many are content to view photos on the computer.
  • Spider robots, everything flying and moving are relevant for modern children.
  • Take a closer look at designer items. Maybe a table lamp, an unusual computer chair, a phone case?

  • Do you want tenderness? As an addition to the main gift, make a poster with your dad on which you can place photographs of the baby from birth. Funny inscriptions and funny stories from childhood will help you spend a festive evening in a pleasant emotional atmosphere.
  • Does your child not have roller skates yet? Correct this error. Don't forget about elbow and knee pads.
  • Is an aquarium with fish an old dream? If the hero of the occasion is not allergic to pet food, please him with a “living” gift.

What to give to 13-15 year olds?

The task became even more complicated; the list was narrowed to a few items. We cross out toys. We look closely and choose pleasant and at the same time practical things.

While boys still show some infantilism and enthusiastically build cars from construction sets, girls have gone far ahead. They are interested in courtship from boys, and as a result, thoughts about beauty are constant. Therefore, it’s easier with the female gender: children’s cosmetics, jewelry, handbags, clothes, fashionable new phones, cases for them.

Let’s finish with a list of gifts that will suit everyone: both boys and girls.

  • At the age of 13, money is more than just pieces of paper: it holds possibilities. For children, the presence of banknotes implies some freedom and associates them even more with the world of adults. Keep this issue under control. Ask relatives to secretly inform you personally about possible cash gifts. You should not give your child a huge amount. It's fraught.

  • The webcam is suitable for guys who often communicate via the World Wide Web.
  • A personalized flash drive with engraving is original and grown-up.
  • A good bike, skateboard, some roller skates, sports equipment. You can donate equipment (spyglass, microscope, etc.).

  • At this age, a children's room becomes a separate territory with its own secrets and individual interior. The child develops a sense of taste. Help make it happen interesting ideas in terms of improving his home. Unusual posters with the signature of a football player or singer, a lamp with a photo of a star, unusual illumination... Fantasize together!

When buying another gift, remember that children should first of all be pampered with love and peace in the family.

When trying to please, take into account not only financial possibilities, but also the educational aspect. It is important that the child appreciates the attention given to him. And don’t forget to teach the birthday boy how to properly accept these very gifts. It would not be amiss to remind you that it is worth thanking and considering the gift.

Dear readers! What do you give your children with care and love? We are waiting for your options in the comments.

Good afternoon dear friends! Today we’ll talk about what to give children at school for their birthday?

I’m a little lost, you haven’t lost me 🙂? There’s a lot to do, and I can’t write more often yet. Last time I was asked to write a separate article on this topic, which is what I decided to do. If any of you, mothers and fathers of school-aged children, participate in the parent committee, the question of what to give to children at school for their birthday is probably relevant to you.

And this task is not as simple as it seems at first glance, because you need to select gifts that meet the following conditions:

  • They should be of the same product item, but different in assortment (so that children do not receive completely different or absolutely identical gifts for their birthday);
  • It is better to choose gifts that would be interesting to children of a particular age;
  • When it comes to the price of gifts, it is better to focus on the price of up to 300 rubles, because... Many parents do not agree to donate larger amounts for gifts.

And based on this, I have prepared a small list of gift ideas for children for the parent committee. I can’t say that they are too original - you understand, the conditions here are quite strict. And, as I already said, my opinion is this: in the case of children, it is better not to be too original, but to choose what is really interesting to them.

I divided the options into groups by age, although in my experience the parent committee prepares gifts only in primary school. But just in case, let’s talk about gifts for older schoolchildren.

What to give to children in primary school for their birthday?


Some might say: boring option. But! Think about it, now not all parents buy children's literature. And an interesting (albeit inexpensive) book that is appropriate for the child’s age can become his favorite childhood book. Therefore, I think that this idea should not be discounted.

Stuffed Toys

Also a common option in terms of idea, but in execution it is not so simple. Firstly, choosing a sufficient number of really cute and inexpensive toys is not so easy, and secondly, they need to be different for boys and girls. So here you need to prepare carefully.

Small sets like Lego

They are different, you can choose for both girls and boys. But for boys, of course, such a gift is more suitable.

Cars - “models”

Oooh... I remember how my son collected them in elementary school. He still doesn’t want to part with this collection, even though he’s already 17. They’re just dear to him. The collection started with a gift from the class. So for boys it’s a super option, I think.

Little dolls

And if boys in the class can buy cars, then girls can buy small dolls. Moreover, now in large stores you can choose different ones to make it more interesting.

Origami kits (book + paper set)

At this age, children love origami. But parents’ help is still needed here. They themselves are unlikely to engage in such creativity (I could be wrong). But the gift, it seems to me, is interesting.

DIY photo frame

This idea can be considered for both girls and boys. A homemade frame can be a good reminder of primary school age (you know how everything we do with interest and with our own hands is remembered).

Inexpensive board games

Board games can also become a good gift. Children love to play quiet group games, especially when adults are involved in the game. So this option for kids can also be considered.

What to give middle school children for their birthday?

Here children are no longer so easy to please, especially since this category includes children of adolescence. Therefore, in many classes, birthday gifts are simply not given to middle school students. But if your school does this, consider the following options.

Kits for weaving “baubles”

This topic is also more “girly”. Although in my son’s class, some boys at one time were fond of weaving such homemade bracelets.

3D puzzles

Great option for boys. 3D puzzles are more interesting to assemble than regular ones, and you can find inexpensive options for the price.

Sets for creativity (small stained glass windows, etc.)

I also think it’s an interesting gift option. Especially now, when there are a great many options for creativity kits, you can choose interesting and inexpensive items.

Money box

At this age, children already have their own needs, for which they “save” from their pocket money. Many parents, by the way, are happy to support this idea in order to teach their child how to handle finances. So the gift may be “on topic”. You just need to take into account that the shape of the piggy bank should be interesting for children of this age. In general, when thinking about what to give children at school for their birthday, be sure to take into account the children's interests and preferences.

What to give high school kids for their birthdays?

Photo frames

There is a lot of variety here, you can choose different and interesting ones. But this gift, in my opinion, is more for girls.

Photo albums

There aren’t many inexpensive albums now, but I think you can find them if you want. Agree, we don’t print photographs very often these days, so even a small album given at school for a birthday might give you the idea of ​​printing a small number of memorable photos.

Flesh-USB (flash drives)

This is a really useful thing; high school students actively use flash drives even for study purposes. And if you choose specimens that are interesting in shape, it will be absolutely great. So, I think the gift option in this group is one of the best.

That's all the options for today. I have collected everything that I think is worthy of consideration as school souvenirs in one article. I hope that now you can find a quicker solution to the question of what to give to children at school for their birthday. You just need to discuss ideas with members of the parent committee and choose the appropriate options.

What kind of birthday gifts do children in your class receive? Write in the comments!



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