Watch the video: he took his sister by force. I'm offended that my parents only love my younger sister.

Watch the video: he took his sister by force. I'm offended that my parents only love my younger sister.

Valery asks
Answered by Vitaly Kolesnik, 07/23/2011

Valery writes: " Good day, Brother! I have this situation, I don’t know what to do! I am a former drug addict, I came to church, repented, God healed me, gave me joy in life, gave me a person with whom I really want to build a family, but the problem is that we recently had a fall from grace! Tell me what to do? The pastor finds this behavior unacceptable and so do I! But I remember a story, in my opinion from the book of Kings, when a brother took his sister by force and she said that the worse thing is that you are now kicking me out! What if we get married?"

Hello, Valery!

It’s bad that you couldn’t wait for the wedding, but the good thing is that you don’t shirk responsibility, regret the sin you committed, repent and want to legitimize your relationship.

The story from the Bible that you cite (see) does not quite fit your situation. In that biblical story there was obvious violence, and a subsequent refusal to continue the relationship, but you get the impression that everything was consensual, and you want to legitimize the relationship. Therefore, here it would be more appropriate to recall another passage from the Bible: “If someone meets an unbetrothed girl, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are caught, then the one who lay with her must give the father of the girl fifty shekels of silver, and let her be his wife because he defamed her; for the rest of his life he cannot divorce her" (). Although violence is also spoken of here, we are interested in the following principle: if a man began an intimate relationship with a girl before the wedding, then he is now responsible for her as for his wife, and is simply obliged to take her as his wife if she agrees.

Therefore, if you and your beloved woman want to legitimize your relationship so as not to continue to sin before God by violating His Law, then you should now refrain from further intimate relationships until you submit a joint application to the registry office (since all power is from God, and in most post-Soviet countries the right to legally enter into marriages still remains with the respective government agencies), and until you register your relationship, becoming legal husband and wife.

Different religious denominations have different attitudes towards the fact of starting an intimate relationship before registering a marriage. In some religious denominations, they do not hold a solemn wedding if a situation similar to yours occurs, but simply pray, asking God to forgive and bless new family. Therefore, it is better for you to discuss the issue of wedding with the pastor of the church you attend.


Read more on the topic “Home and family, marriage”:

Children always endure the divorce of their parents very painfully. This is what happened in this family. The absence of her father had the greatest impact on a 6-year-old girl named Noor. It’s good that the caring older brother Mohammed tried his best to brighten up his sister’s life. And just recently, thanks to one unusual act of these guys, the whole world learned about the family!

The story began when the kids at school decided to have a small ball. And everything would be fine, but the key moment of the evening was supposed to be the dance of fathers with their daughters. And then 17-year-old Muhammad took the situation into his own hands. Of course, he saw how upset little Noor was when she heard the news, and he thought of something.

The guy personally picked out the best for his sister Nice dress, and then...accompanied her to the ball, instead of her father. It was impossible to imagine anything better, the sister was in seventh heaven and was all glowing with pride, but of course, who else can boast of such a wonderful and caring brother?

The evening was the best! The brother did not leave his beautiful sister for a minute, and when the competitions began he even won a large box of chocolates for her! This cute couple was the center of attention all evening, and when it came time to choose the best dad of the evening, the victory was awarded to...Muhammad!

The guy was even confused, because there were many other fathers in the hall. And little Nur never stopped beaming with the widest smile.

An event that could have turned into a tragedy for Nur became the happiest in her life. This photo from the school album will always remind my brother and sister of that unusual holiday.

Their mother, Sadia, later said she was endlessly proud of her son. Moreover, when the story about his action was leaked to the press, the guy was applauded by millions of Internet users!

Nour is undoubtedly very lucky to have a brother! Muhammad made the girl feel like a real prom queen. But without the guy’s intervention, this day would have brought nothing but disappointment to the 6-year-old schoolgirl. Not everyone these days would decide to give their sister such a gift.

Since childhood, I told everyone how cool and young my parents were. I was proud of them, although I was not an ideal child, but still. I am very similar to my father, both in appearance and character. I am 20 years old, my mother is 36, when I was born, my mother was 16 years old and my dad was 22. My dad loves me, he rarely talks about it, but I know it. My mother, in my opinion, loved me until I was 8 years old, and then my sister was born. I was waiting for her very much, doted on her, sat next to her crib, rocked her, and fell asleep over her. Since childhood, I have developed a love for children, I love all children, even strangers and completely unknown to me.

We lived in a house, I had a room on the 2nd floor. It seemed that I had everything: clothes, toys, and a phone, but I didn’t have a website that I could just talk to my parents, they were always hiding something, they didn’t really talk to me, they didn’t just hug me and didn't kiss. I always helped my mother around the house and in the yard, and I did well at school. For a C I was punished and scolded, but for an A I was not praised, but they said that this is how it should actually be.

From the moment my sister appeared and my quarrels with my mother began. She reproached me for everything, no matter how hard I tried to please her, she pretended that nothing had happened and walked away from the conversation. When I talked to her, shared everything that was on my soul, she ignored it. I was hurt to the point of tears. At the age of 10, I fell ill with a disease called psoriasis, and I couldn’t be nervous, but if I got nervous, the rash didn’t go away, but got bigger and bigger.

I dreamed of moving away from my parents, especially my mother, as quickly as possible. I am ashamed of these words, but what can I do about the site? I love them madly, I am ready to give my life for them without hesitation, but there is no such attitude towards me. My sister studied disgustingly, got a bad grade and was not neat. My sister doesn’t help, doesn’t do anything around the house, and if mom asks her for something and she doesn’t do it, I’ll get it, and mom will also go and clean up after her. She constantly indulges her and takes care of her, I saw that this had never happened to me. And it became even more offensive, tears flow just when I think about it.

When I met my husband and we moved, everything was so good, we called each other, talked, and my dad and I started having heart-to-heart conversations, which had never happened before. Mom started calling, coming to visit, everything was fine, we got married, we even all went to the seaside together. My parents love my husband very much, they are just like friends with my dad, they go everywhere together.

But then we had to move to another country and, since there was no money, we had to temporarily live with our parents. And then the site just started something that I couldn’t even imagine before. The black streak has begun. Because of my illness, it’s hard for me to find a job here, only my husband works, he doesn’t earn much, he’s at work all day. Everyone is at home, because while they are doing paperwork, they cannot work. My sister goes to school, they praise her, they indulge her, and if she doesn’t do something, they take out all the anger on me, I’m bad, I don’t do anything, I’m sitting on my neck, I’m stupid.

My beloved grandfather, my mother’s father, recently died. I was covered so much that there was almost no living space on me. All my life I was told that this is your apartment, we divided all the property, it will be for you. It’s not about property, I’m indifferent to all this, I just wanted to come and take my grandfather’s photos, look at the apartment and keep it in his memory. He worked hard and long for her. But then we started arguing with my mother, every day, the further it got, the worse it got. I sat with her, told her everything, shared with her, and then the youngest one came from school. Mom site, in the middle of my conversation, got up and went to her, and began to tell her: “I always dreamed of a daughter who would tell me everything.”

The conversation between my mother and grandmother was the last straw. Before this, I wrote to my husband that I had a fight with my mother again, she saw this and told my grandmother that I was insulting her in front of strangers, and my grandmother naturally also became offended by me. So, they talked about how they would sell the apartment and divide the money between my mother, my mother’s sister and my grandmother, and that I was already married and would not be offended. I say again that I don’t need anything from anyone, I just want love. I was offended by the site’s words, I never thought that it was possible to dislike your daughter so much and tell her every day to move quickly.

Every evening I cry and now too. That's what I should do, I love them all, without exception, it's just the resentment that tears at my soul.

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Big Brother is a creepy mystery story about a girl whose parents were killed by her older brother. Read the story carefully and see if you can figure out what really happened.


The girl told her friend a terrible secret that she had hidden for many years. Her parents were killed when she was 15 years old. She said her older brother went crazy and killed their mother and father.

The friend was shocked by the story she had just heard.

“I’m very sorry,” she said, comforting the girl. “What happened to your older brother after that?”

“The police arrested him,” the girl said. “There was a trial. I sat in the courtroom for many weeks, listening to the lawyers' objections. In the end, my brother was convicted of murder. He was sentenced to death."

"It's horrible!" - A friend said.

“Yes, that’s really true,” the girl answered. “He spent a very long time on death row. Then he was executed by lethal injection.”

“It must have been a hard time for you,” the friend said.

“You can’t even imagine how hard it was for me,” the girl said. “I lived like in a dream. I couldn’t eat or drink, I couldn’t sleep. I tried to throw away the terrible memories. I suffered from depression, anxiety and even amnesia. It took me years and years to recover.”

“Have you told anyone about this before?” asked her friend.

“No, never,” answered the girl. “I had so many questions, but now they can no longer be answered. I attended the execution of my older brother, but he did not utter a word. He never explained why he killed our parents. He just looked at me silently as he was given the lethal injection.”

“You may still get an answer,” said her friend. “I don’t know if this is interesting to you, but I know one woman - she’s a psychic. She can talk to the dead. She is very good. Maybe she will help you find answers to your questions.”

A few days later, the girl came to a session with a psychic to look into her past. The psychic turned off the light, lit the candles and sat down in the chair. Then, she threw her head back and went into a deep trance.

Several minutes passed, the girl sat in silence.

“Now you can ask me any question,” the psychic woman whispered.

“Why has my brother gone crazy?” the girl asked nervously.

“Your brother was never crazy,” the woman answered calmly. “He was completely normal.”

“Then why did my elder brother kill our parents?” – the girl asked.

“Your brother was responsible for the death of only one person,” the psychic said.

Suddenly the girl understood everything. She covered her face with her hands and cried bitterly.

Did you understand what really happened?

In fact, the girl went crazy, and she killed her parents. Her older brother took the blame on himself in order to save his sister’s life, and allowed himself to be executed (he was responsible for the murder of one person, himself). The girl was treated for a long time and lost her memory (amnesia). When she went to see a psychic, her memory returned and she realized the terrible truth.



This is interesting: