Making Adyghe cheese at home. How to prepare Adyghe cheese at home: recipes

Making Adyghe cheese at home. How to prepare Adyghe cheese at home: recipes

Enterprises that produce dairy products prepare cheeses of various brands and varieties. There is always a large assortment of so-called homemade cheeses. The Adyghe cheese recipe is used according to all preparation standards. During production, manufacturers take into account all the subtleties and nuances. But a product purchased at a retail outlet is not able to convey all the richness of the taste of a hand-brewed dairy delicacy. Good housewives give preference to proper, healthy nutrition and make Adyghe cheese at home.

Only on your own can you prepare a high-quality dairy product that retains all the vitamins and microelements present in milk.

Homemade cheese from Adygea has national Caucasian roots and ancient origins. The cheese making recipe is passed down from generation to generation and consists of individual flavors and traditions. In the Caucasus, dairy products are very popular and irreplaceable. Sophisticated gourmets, when tasting many varieties of cheeses, give preference to cheese from Adygea. The unique special taste can conquer even the most fastidious lover. The dairy product has enough competitors; the external characteristics of the dairy product are no different from such creations as: mozzarella, ricotta, feta, feta cheese. Only technological features give Adyghe cheese incomparable taste properties. During preparation, the raw materials used are pasteurized at high temperatures, which is unacceptable when making similar cheeses. Thanks to a special production technology, home-brewed Adyghe cheese has acquired its own individuality and popularity.

How to make Adyghe cheese at home

Making your own Adyghe cheese at home is not difficult. Of course, modern kitchens are not capable of creating the characteristic atmosphere and flavor of national Circassian cuisine, but a culinary product made with your own hands will bring pleasure to those who want to eat healthy food.

Homemade Adyghe milk cheese has a delicate dense consistency, the fermented milk is slightly spicy and slightly salty in taste. The product consists of some layering on the surface and, when finished, appears fresh and airy for a long time.

The preparation of Adyghe cheese is carried out by pasteurization milk. Also, whey present in the composition makes the product dietary with high nutritional value. Cheese is very healthy; it contains essential microelements and fatty acids for humans.

The creation made from milk is widely used in culinary recipes. It is consumed as an independent dish, added to vegetable salads and all kinds of cold appetizers. The product goes well with fruit dishes, herbs, and flour products.

Sandwiches with a fresh Caucasian invention are extremely tasty. Cheese is also good with wines and flour baked goods. He gives in roasting, after which completely different sides of the product are revealed.

Naturally, to make Adyghe cheese at home in urban conditions some features should be taken into account . Making real Adyghe cheese has many methods and subtleties. Anyone can learn how to make Adyghe cheese with their own hands and enjoy the taste of a handmade product, since making it yourself is not so difficult.

Cheese is made from milk to which various fermented milk products are added to promote rapid curdling. Having learned the clear, correct recipe, not too complicated cooking steps and all the necessary components, you can confidently get down to business.


The recipe for making Adyghe cheese can be varied. A self-cooked product turns out to be much tastier and healthier than one made on a production scale. Making Adyghe cheese at home makes it possible to use the highest quality ingredients, resulting in fresh, tasty products.

Many housewives are interested in how to make Adyghe cheese at home. It is very important to understand what the most important components determine the composition and initial taste of a culinary product. To prepare Adyghe cheese at home you will need:

  • Fresh whole cow's or goat's milk. You should know that you cannot prepare a Caucasian dish from just any dairy raw material. For preparation, only milk from the market or pasteurized milk from the store with a high percentage of fat content is used. Making Adyghe cheese at home is possible only from natural ingredients. Such a product turns out much more tender, and the yield of finished products is greater.
  • Some cooking recipes require the presence of sour cream. It is better to use store-bought raw materials made with sourdough. It is impossible to prepare real Adyghe cheese from village separated sour cream.
  • You can cook Adyghe cheese at home only with the presence of starter; this function is performed by whey, kefir, liquid yogurt, and eggs.
  • If you want to obtain a denser product, prepare the following ingredients for the process: nine percent vinegar, lemon juice, whey. These substances are added to milk during boiling. To obtain a soft, delicate consistency, the components are added to cooled milk.
  • In order for Adyghe cheese to have a marketable appearance at home, the composition of the batch is mixed with baking soda. The substance gives the cheese structure porosity and promotes the formation of small holes.
  • The cooked product can be supplemented with flavoring additives. For this purpose, salt, a variety of aromatic herbs, herbs and spices are used to taste.

Cheese made from whole milk and kefir

Every housewife would like to know how to prepare Adyghe cheese at home. Only making a dairy product by hand gives you the opportunity to fully experience the unique range of quality and taste. Cheese making is not a very common or accessible process for many novice cooks.

To cook a dairy product, you can use the simplest, completely uncomplicated method. The recipe for preparing kefir milk from the main ingredients is particularly simple. Adyghe cheese recipe, which is the most accessible at home, is distinguished by its low calorie content and natural product.

The volume of the original product is determined by the number of ingredients. Using a traditional delicious recipe for preparing a Caucasian dish, you will need the following components:

  • Adyghe cheese is prepared at home from domestic cow's milk in the amount of three liters.
  • Sourdough is made from kefir or yogurt. The required volume is 1 liter.
  • To form the main taste, use 20 grams of coarse table salt.
  • When preparing homemade Adyghe cheese, the recipe proposed as a basis can be supplemented with all kinds of food additives. To regulate taste and color, capers, garlic, and spices are added to the composition.

It is also impossible to prepare Adyghe cheese at home without some equipment. To prepare a dairy product, you will need a large saucepan, a bowl, a sieve or colander, an improvised oppression, and a large piece of gauze.

A completely simple, understandable process technology will tell you how to make Adyghe cheese at home. In a very accessible form, he will inform you how to prepare Adyghe cheese at home with a video from which you can accurately recreate the culinary work. You can also take the recipe with photos proposed for preparing Adyghe cheese as a recommendation.

Cheese is made from whole milk and kefir in this way:

  1. Prepared dairy products can be used straight from the refrigerator, since their temperature during preparation does not matter.
  2. Kefir or curdled milk is placed in a saucepan, which is placed on the stove with a low flame. Depending on the degree of heating of kefir, the whey moves away from the cottage cheese. It is poured into the next container and left for two days in a warm room to sour.
  3. The remaining curd mass can be eaten or used for preparing culinary dishes.
  4. After two days, boil whole cow's milk over medium heat. The temperature of the milk is determined by the degree of heating. It should not boil, just enough to form a thin film on the surface.
  5. A pre-fermented liter of whey is introduced into a saucepan with milk that has not been brought to a 100-degree boil and dissolved; the heat is reduced. Within seven minutes, with continuous stirring with a wooden spatula, the milk protein slowly separates, forming into curd flakes. The cheese mixture floats to the surface. Remove the pan from the stove.
  6. Cheese makers without a long experience in preparing the dish should know that milk and whey left over the fire make the cheese hard.
  7. The whey is no longer needed, it is filtered and removed. There is no need to pour out the used milk liquid; many flour products can be made from it.
  8. Line the sieve with gauze. The curd mass is discarded, the composition is carefully filtered, and squeezed well. A deep bowl is placed under the sieve into which the whey drains.
  9. Add herbs, salt and spices to taste to the formed cheese mass. The future delicacy is mixed well, placed in gauze, tied and left in a suspended position until all the liquid that remains after squeezing has drained.
  10. The resulting workpiece is laid out in a special form, pressed with an improvised press, and left in the refrigerator. During the pressing period, accumulated moisture is periodically drained.
  11. The next day you get a healthy product of excellent taste and quality.

This is how Adyghe cheese is prepared; the recipe for making it at home is completely accessible. The extreme simplicity of the cooking process in kefir with milk is possible even for a novice and inexperienced cheese maker.

Cottage cheese

How to cook Adyghe cheese at home interests many adherents of a healthy lifestyle. Some experienced cheese makers are not too inclined to experiment and, according to tradition, cook Adyghe cheese using a recipe that is well known to them. The most popular, homemade Adyghe cheese, distinguished by its unsurpassed taste, is made from cottage cheese.

The recipe for homemade Adyghe curd cheese is also quite simple. It is interesting in its composition and components. A cook with no cheese-making experience can handle the preparation process, since making Adyghe cheese at home is quite an exciting activity. To implement the recipe you will need the following products:

  • The main ingredient in making cheese is milk. You will need one liter of it.
  • Chicken eggs in the amount of three pieces, preferably your own with a rich, high-calorie yolk.
  • Adyghe curd cheese is prepared from cottage cheese, one kilogram of which is purchased in advance. The fat content of the product should also be high.
  • Butter is suitable from the store; its quantity is 120 g.
  • You will need 20 g. iodized salt, 12 gr. soda

When producing Adyghe cheese at home, the recipe must be followed in a certain sequence. To do this, cheese makers are guided by the following actions:

  1. For preparation, fresh whole milk is used, which is placed in a large saucepan and brought to the boiling stage.
  2. All the cottage cheese is dipped into boiling milk and the heat is reduced. Cook the mixture until it boils again, stirring occasionally with a large wooden spoon.
  3. The boiled mixture is filtered through a sieve with gauze and left for a while. After the main part of the whey has drained, the curd mass is placed in a deep bowl.
  4. A curd of cheese is mixed with chicken eggs, butter, soda, and salt.
  5. The composition is thoroughly mixed and brought to a homogeneous mass.
  6. You can add herbs and spices to the cheese mixture if desired. Carefully chopped herbs will also improve the taste: parsley, cilantro, dill, basil.
  7. The mixed mixture is placed in a saucepan and heated for 10 minutes over low heat.
  8. The walls of a clean, dry container are lubricated with remaining oil. The warm curd mass is transferred.
  9. The cooled product is placed in a cold place for several hours.
  10. The finished cheese product is taken out from the cold. For tasting, cut into portions and serve during a planned tea party.

Having completed the process, beginners already know exactly how to make Adyghe cheese at home. Having convinced themselves of the simplicity of cheese making, they prepare a healthy product. They regularly cook Adyghe curd cheese, a recipe for which is completely simple.

Fried Adyghe cheese

Few people know how to make Adyghe cheese, but it has long been known that the dairy product is quite tasty and healthy. Due to its low calorie content, record protein and calcium content, it is recommended to use it during diets and simply for a healthy diet. Even a recipe for fried Adyghe cheese with a photo of which can be found in culinary reference books does not cause surprise or bewilderment.

Freshly prepared Adyghe cheese is very tasty; the recipe is exactly reproduced by the hands of hardworking housewives. The nourishing, healthy dairy product is consumed freshly prepared and some experiments are carried out with it.

There are gourmets who think that the taste of the Caucasian national dish is too bland. With a fresh cheese product available, they begin to experiment. They try to fry pieces of the delicacy, fried, fried, fried Adyghe cheese, a recipe, with a photo of which can be seen on the page. For the cooking process you will need:

  • Ready fresh cheese.
  • Chicken eggs in the amount of 1-2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Breadcrumbs 50 gr.
  • Fine salt.
  • Sesame seeds.
  • Provencal herbs.
  • Dry curry mix
  • Vegetable oil.

The recipe for making fried cheese mass is completely accessible to every lover. The frying process is carried out as follows:

  1. The cheese is cut into flat small strips with a sharp knife.
  2. Beat the eggs thoroughly, add salt, spices, and chopped herbs.
  3. Some lovers prefer spicy dishes. To increase the spiciness and taste, red hot pepper is added to the composition.
  4. The breading is mixed with sesame seeds.
  5. The flour is placed in a deep saucer.
  6. The cheese strips are first rolled in flour. Then dip into beaten eggs and breadcrumbs.
  7. The pieces are fried in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil. Each side is fried until golden brown.
  8. After the frying process, the cheese is laid out on paper towels. These steps will help the dish get rid of excess fat.
  9. When serving, you can add tomatoes, olives and herbs cut into slices to the culinary masterpiece.

After reading the information on how to prepare Adyghe cheese at home, you should know exactly how to make Adyghe cheese suitable for storage. A homemade product cannot be stored for a long time even in a very cold place. Not all manufacturers know how to extend the shelf life of a quickly perishable dairy product:

  1. After preparing Adyghe cheese at home, the cooled product is immediately packaged in a waterproof bag. The ideal storage would be a bag with a tight, airtight seal. A piece of refined sugar is placed in a bag of cheese to absorb excess moisture. The bag of cheese is stored in a refrigerator on the coldest shelf.
  2. The finished Adyghe cheese is sprinkled with coarse salt, placed in a sealed bag and stored in a very cold place.
  3. For longer storage, the hermetically sealed cheese is placed in the freezer. A product frozen for a long time does not lose its taste and beneficial properties.
  4. All cheeses quickly absorb foreign odors present in the refrigerator. The product is not stored open. To preserve the taste, the cheese is placed in tight packaging.

Properly organized storage of freshly prepared Caucasian dishes is the key to a high quality product.


Each type of cheese is unique. Among the huge assortment of flavors, the Caucasian traditional dish - Adyghe cheese - especially stands out. At home, dairy dishes are treated especially. Legends are made about cheese; it is revered, valued and respected. Spreading to other territories and regions, the milk product finds fans and admirers of its unusual taste. Making Adyghe cheese at home is quite simple; the main point in production is high quality raw materials from which to cook your favorite food product.

Adyghe cheese has a curdled consistency and a pronounced taste of yogurt. Once upon a time it was prepared exclusively from sheep's milk, but over time they began to use cow's milk. Adyghe cheese belongs to the group of whey cheeses.

Useful properties of Adyghe cheese

Soft cheeses contain large amounts of milk fat, various vitamin salts and complete proteins. Scientists have reliably established that these proteins are absorbed by 98%. Adyghe cheese is rich in minerals and calcium, so it is recommended to add it to the diet of people suffering from bone diseases, growing children, and pregnant women.

100 grams of this cheese contains: vitamin A - 24.7%, vitamin B2 - 16.7%, vitamin B3 - 24%, vitamin B6 - 10%, vitamin B9 - 9.8%, vitamin B12 - 20%, vitamin H - 8.4%, vitamin PP - 28.5%, calcium - 52%, magnesium - 6.3%, sodium - 36.2%, phosphorus - 45%, zinc - 29.2%, copper - 6% from a person's daily needs. Calorie content - 240 calories per 100 g of product.


To make homemade Adyghe cheese you will need:

  • 3 liters of boiled homemade milk;
  • 1 liter of kefir;
  • 2 teaspoons salt.

It’s better if the kefir is also homemade. You can make kefir at home using a yogurt maker or a regular thermos. And to prepare cheese, stock up on clean (preferably boiled) gauze.

Utensils and equipment

What else will you need? At least 2 pans, one with a volume of 2-3 liters, the other a little more. Glass container for serum. Cheese dish. Clean gauze - I already talked about this. And abs weighing 1 kilogram. If you have difficulties with the press, replace it with a liter jar, which you fill with plain water.

How to cook Adyghe cheese

The process is not so much troublesome as it is time-consuming.

Before starting work, wash and dry your hands and wear sterile rubber gloves. Remember - dairy products love cleanliness.

Pour the kefir into a dry and clean saucepan. Place the pan over low heat until the whey appears and the curds separate and float. By the way, you need to take only fresh kefir; peroxided kefir will not separate into whey and cottage cheese.

Do whatever you want with the cottage cheese, it is not used in this recipe. But pour the whey into a glass container and place it in a warm place for 2 days. If it is very hot, you can leave it for a day. Pour the sour whey into the milk, bring everything together over low heat to a boil and cook until the milk curdles.

Strain through cheesecloth, add salt, mix thoroughly, hang over the sink for half an hour to drain the liquid. Then place the cheese on a plate, form a head (do not remove the cheesecloth!), and place under a press. After an hour, drain the liquid that is released and place the dish with the cheese under pressure in the refrigerator. In 12 hours, homemade Adyghe cheese will be ready!

  • people with excess body weight (instead of hard cheeses);
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • elderly, weakened people;
  • children, especially those who are often sick;
  • smokers (helps compensate for micronutrient deficiencies).

In general, homemade Adyghe cheese is so tasty that I would recommend it to everyone! Prepare for your health! By the way, the whey that remains from making cheese can not be poured out, but used. Make delicious and healthy pancakes from it.

Greetings, my dear readers!

Our goal today is to mine white gold. And for this we do not need either metal deposits or a jewelry workshop :)

5 rules of proper nutrition from Olga Dekker

We’ll just take the milk and go to the kitchen to make homemade Adyghe cheese!

It is called “white gold” not only in its homeland - in Adygea, but also everywhere where they know about its value. You can eat it plain, bake it, turn it into a sauce and even fry it into cubes - it will never disappoint you :)

What else is this product famous for?

With its delicate taste! And it is also useful for almost every person...

Not everyone knows that in addition to calcium and protein, this cheese is incredibly, fabulously rich...

And how rich you are, you will find out at the end! ;)

Song for the mood

Personally, I find it most enjoyable to cook while listening to music. :)

Let's turn on Adele - Rolling in the Deep and quickly check out the list of necessary products with the song! :)

So, to prepare Adyghe cheese at home we will need...


Are you all ready? Then, in order to quickly find out how to cook this cheese, let’s start with the recipe with a photo! :)


You may not have a pet, but you should have homemade Adyghe cheese :)

Note to the owner:

  • If you don’t have a blender at hand, then beat the eggs and mix them with kefir. When the milk almost boils, carefully pour in the kefir-egg mixture and mix well.
  • You don't have to pour the serum down the sink. You can place a colander over another pan, where all the liquid will drain. It can be made the basis of okroshka, added to dough, used as broth, and even marinated meat in it!

All that remains is to find out the calorie content of what we cooked :)

Calories love counting

100 grams of this homemade Adyghe cheese contains 146.71 kcal.

  • Protein - 8.96 g;
  • Fat - 8.04 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 9.25 g;

They make pies, flatbreads, dumplings and khachapuri with this wonderful cheese, put it in soups, sauces, stews and porridges...

I really love adding it to and to . And it’s also great as part of the filling!

More and more people are starting to make cheese at home

Maybe you, too, will now become your own cheesemaker? Why not? :)

  • First of all, it's not difficult.
  • Secondly, nothing compares to such a homemade fresh product!
  • And thirdly, this way you can always be sure of its quality.

It’s no secret that good goods are not always waiting for us on store shelves. : (

Be sure to watch the video "Cheese or not cheese." I assure you, you will learn a lot of interesting things...

White gold comes in different varieties

There are a lot of recipes. It is quite possible to make such cheese from good kefir and cottage cheese.

Well, and, of course, from milk - cow, sheep, goat - in each case there will be its own special flavor shades.

To curdle milk, both citric acid and vinegar are often used, but it is better to use simple milk starter, kefir, yogurt or lemon juice.

And how many things can you add to cheese for variety!

  • Greens, both fresh and dried - dill, basil, parsley, onion, cilantro.
  • Spices – cumin or fennel seeds, ground coriander, paprika.
  • And also various nuts, mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes...

I liked it the most

The recipe I told you about today. Lyudmila Zhukova introduced me to him.

Thank you very much, Lyudmila! Now this is our whole family's favorite cheese. :)

The Promised Secret

Oh, we need to tell you about what this product is fabulously rich in! :)

  • Belkom,
  • calcium,
  • zinc,
  • phosphorus,
  • vitamins...

This would already be enough, but it is also full of essential amino acids!

For example, lysine, which we really need:

  • for cell renewal,
  • muscle growth and collagen production,
  • for elasticity of ligaments,
  • vascular strength and calcium absorption.

True, lysine only works in tandem with its friend - arginine. This is also an important amino acid. But, fortunately, Adyghe cheese contains both lysine and arginine! And it's wonderful :)

I hope you, my readers, enjoy the cheese!

Write in the comments if you liked it? And be sure to share your recipes if you also know how to make similar cheeses! I will be very glad! :)

Good miracles to you, joy and health!

P.S. “The gluttonous diet” seems to be telling you: “You may not know, but my delicious dishes are created for you to eat and lose weight!”

Anyone who wants to become slimmer, younger and more beautiful can read about this amazing program.

5 myths about losing weight. Get it for free from celebrity nutritionist Olga Dekker

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P . P.S. I really want to buy beautiful clothes in a smaller size!

And so that you have enough vigor and energy both for work and for your favorite dances! This can be achieved if you follow my advice and cook healthy meals.

Among the existing varieties of cheese, Adyghe cheese is in great demand among buyers. Such popularity arose thanks to the unusual, unique taste of this product. The secret of this taste lies not only in the ingredients and technology.

The fact is that this variety owes its name to the Republic of Adygea. It is customary for the Circassians to make cheese from whole sheep or goat milk. Adyghe milk also has a special taste.

Cooking features

In addition, Adyghe cheese has a softer and more delicate consistency. This cheese does not need time to ripen, so its taste has a pronounced sour-milk tint. This cheese can be fresh or smoked. Nutritionists recommend this product due to its moderate salt content and relatively low mass fraction of fat – 40%. In addition, Adyghe cheese is rich in B vitamins, PP, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and sodium.

When producing a real store-bought product, the basis is milk heated to 95 degrees and fermented milk whey. When milk and whey interact, milk curds are formed, which are collected and placed in wicker baskets made of willow branches. Thus, along with cooking occurs product disinfection. The heads of the finished cheese have the shape of a flattened cylinder weighing no more than 1.5 kg.

Unfortunately, the Adyghe cheese that we see on store shelves is not always a 100% natural product. For better preservation, cheese producers add all sorts of chemical components, flavor enhancers, flavorings, etc. At the same time, the price of cheese still remains high.

How to make Adyghe cheese yourself?

If your preferences still boil down to environmentally friendly products, then don’t despair. Adyghe cheese can be prepared at home with your own hands. There are many recipes.

Let's give an example of making homemade Adyghe cheese from cottage cheese.

Recipe 1

To do this you will need 1 kg of homemade cottage cheese, 1 liter of milk, 100 g of butter, 2-3 eggs and 2 teaspoons of salt.

Cottage cheese needs to be poured with milk and heated to a boil. After this, continue to cook it over low heat for another 30-40 minutes.

Then the whey should be drained and the curd mass should be squeezed out well. Add Add eggs, butter and salt to the cottage cheese. Mix well. Place on low heat again and cook for about 10 minutes. Place the resulting hot mass tightly into a container, cool and place in the refrigerator for 8-9 hours. In total, it takes no more than one hour.

Recipe 2

If it is not possible to make cheese from cottage cheese, you can do without it.

Here's another example of homemade cheese making: on kefir and yogurt e. This process will take much longer, 2-3 days. However, the effect exceeds all expectations.

So, you need to prepare 3 liters of milk, 1 liter of kefir and 1.5 teaspoons of salt.

Place the kefir on low heat and heat until a curdled mass appears on the surface. Stop heating and strain the mixture thoroughly. Pour the whey into a separate container and leave it for two days at room temperature. This time is necessary so that it has time to ferment.

After two days, we proceed directly to preparing the cheese. To do this, pour milk into a saucepan, bring it to a boil and gradually add fermented whey to it. Soon you will notice how the milk begins to curdle and turn into cheese. Now the mixture needs to be removed from the heat, strain through cheesecloth folded in 2-3 layers. Add to the resulting mass salt and form a head of cheese from it. All that remains is to put it under a press and place it in the cold for about 8-9 hours. During this time, a certain amount of liquid may be released from the cheese, which needs to be drained. You can start tasting.

You can add various spices or herbs to your home-made Adyghe cheese according to your own taste.

Adyghe cheese is prepared at home using goat or cow milk with the addition of yogurt, cottage cheese and various spices depending on the recipe. It is important to ensure a constant temperature of 95ºC when heating the milk, this will allow you to get the desired consistency of the cheese.


Serum 4 liters Milk 5 liters Goat milk 4 liters

  • Number of servings: 6
  • Preparation time: 20 minutes
  • Cooking time: 48 minutes

Recipe for classic Adyghe cheese at home

To prepare this type of pickled cheese, choose enamel dishes or stainless steel pans. Its volume should be 2 times the amount of milk used.

Follow the step by step instructions:

  1. strain the milk in advance, pour it into a saucepan and cook for about an hour on the lowest heat;
  2. add whey in portions before the milk is ready to boil;
  3. do not stop stirring, thread-like clots separated from the whey should appear;
  4. when the milk protein takes the shape of a ball, remove the container from the stove;
  5. take another pan and place a colander over it;
  6. throw the cheese over it and let the whey drain completely;
  7. Place the resulting head of cheese on a mesh or grate.

Leave the cheese to ripen for about 2 days, before that, sprinkle it with salt. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Place it in a tightly closed container.

How to make Adyghe cheese with yogurt at home

This cheese will be an ideal addition to salads or a healthy independent dish. You will need the following products:

  • natural yogurt without additives – 1 cup;
  • whole milk – 2 l.;
  • salt - to taste.

Choose a deep enamel pan. The cooking process consists of several stages:

  1. bring the milk to a boil over low heat;
  2. Add yogurt in small portions, stirring constantly;
  3. cook until the whey becomes clear;
  4. Place the resulting milk clot in a colander and drain off excess liquid.

Place the cheese in a sieve for an hour to allow the remaining whey to drain out. Place the cheese in a mold and sprinkle salt on top. The product is ready to use. Store Adyghe cheese in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. The remaining whey can also be used for culinary purposes.

To make the product especially aromatic and piquant in taste, add lemon juice, chopped herbs, ground pepper, cumin or other spices to taste. This type of cheese is best used when preparing salads or snacks, for which slices of cheese are fried in butter until golden brown.



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