A soft separating sign indicating the softness of a consonant. b – indicator of the softness of consonant sounds

A soft separating sign indicating the softness of a consonant. b – indicator of the softness of consonant sounds

To indicate the softness of a paired consonant before consonants, the letter b is written in the following cases.

1. After the letter l before any consonant except l, eg: shooting, lion, foil, ice floe, slide, several, no belmes, bedroom, carefully, scalpel, waltz, coat, flatter, April, alpha, alder, mirror, boy, more, flattered.

2. After other consonants:

A) before letters expressing hard consonants, for example: carving, I'll take, earlier, nanny, letter, request, very, incite, witch, wedding, darkness, threshing, ugh ;

Note. Most adjectives with a suffix −sk consonants n And R before the suffix – hard, therefore b they do not write, for example: horse, Kazan, Tyumen, knightly, January, huntsman. However, in the following adjectives these consonants before the suffix −sk soft, in them after n And R is written b : day, June, September, October, November, December, as well as in many adjectives formed from non-Russian proper geographical names in no, eg: Tian Shan, Taiwanese, Phnom Penh, Torun, Sichuan, Tianjin. Nouns formed with the suffix are written (and pronounced) in the same way −ts from the same geographical names: Kazan, Tyumen residents, But Taiwanese, Phnom Penh, Torun and so on.

b) before letters expressing soft consonants, b is written only in cases where in other forms of the same word or in words with the same root, the second soft consonant becomes hard, and the first consonant remains soft, for example: take it(cf. I'll take it), eight (eighth), witch (witch), in the dark (dark), carving (thread), mowing (mowing), wedding (wedding), threshing (threshing), earrings (earrings), skates (skates), uncle (uncle).

3. In other cases, after the letter conveying a soft consonant, b not written, for example: is it, prisoner, gnaw, bones, carry, syndicate, review, early, pension, bow, if, song .

Letter b not written in consonant combinations nsch, nsch, in particular before suffixes -chick, -shchik, -schin(a), eg: nurse, dandelion, cup, tip, chick; mason, bath attendant, partisan, Ryazan region .

In Russian and some other languages ​​there is unusual letter- soft sign. It is surprising in that it does not indicate sound. Why is such a letter needed and what role does it play in a word? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

Three functions of a soft sign

A soft sign in a word can perform three functions :

  • Denote the softness of the previous consonant ( spruce, herring, square).
  • “Separate” the consonant and the following vowel E, Yo, Yu, Ya, I (in foreign words also O) ( drink, whose, sparrow, chevalier, overflow, broth).
  • Help determine the part of speech and its grammatical features ( mascara – feminine, tush – masculine).

In different places of the word this letter performs different functions.

A soft sign is never written after a vowel, the letter Y, or after a prefix, or at the absolute beginning of a word.

Soft sign for softening

Most often there is a softening soft sign. It serves to show that the previous consonant is soft. Such a letter can appear either at the end of a word or in the middle: bunch, tracing paper, Anka. Let's consider these cases.

Soft sign to soften at the end of a word

Indicating the softness of consonants using a soft sign at the end of a word is possible only if the preceding consonant is not hissing. And in fact, after all, everything that hisses is either constantly hard and it is impossible to soften them, or is always soft - then a soft sign is unnecessary.

In other words, a soft sign is written at the end of words where a soft consonant is heard, unless this consonant is sibilant or Y.

Let's give examples: stump, drumstick, wormwood, drops, huntsman, creek.

Soft sign between two consonants

Soft sign before a consonant is written in several cases.

  • After [l’] always: celt, cartoon, high chair
  • In the middle of numerals: fifty, eight hundred.
  • Before a hard consonant, as well as before a soft one, if when the word is changed, this consonant becomes hard, while the previous one remains soft: polka, polkas, bathhouse, bathhouses.
  • In adjectives formed with the suffix -sk-, a soft sign is placed only in those formed from the names of months, with the exception of January. Examples: Kazan, January, but October.

Soft sign not written in combinations of CHK, CHN, LF, NSCH and some others: donut, swing, handkerchiefs, mason.

In the word, the Manchu soft sign is written, although it appears in the combination of NPs.

What have we learned?

A soft sign for mitigation is written at the end after paired soft consonants, as well as in the middle of a word after [l'], in numerals, after soft before hard (and before soft, if it becomes hard when the word is changed), in adjectives before -sk- ; there are exceptions.

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The Russian language is considered one of the richest in the world, and to study it in full will require more than one year of familiarity with the theory, constantly supported by practical exercises. Program school course is structured in such a way that children become familiar with all sections of the language in stages, starting with the simplest topics. First, children are taught to form syllables and words, and then to perform sound analysis of words. It is here that the first acquaintance with the function of the soft sign occurs, and at this stage children learn only that the soft sign softens consonant sounds.

Separating soft sign in Russian

Here are some examples in which this sign is used to softly pronounce individual consonants: laziness, Malvina, balm. As you can see, a soft sign to soften consonant sounds can be used both in the middle of a word and at the end. As you learn Russian children's attention provide the following topic - a separating soft sign. 2nd grade school curriculum provides an introduction to a new, more complex function of the soft sign. But practice shows that this topic is not understood by everyone. And it is precisely those who for some reason missed this section of the school course who will need this article.

Stages of studying the material

As a rule, for easier understanding, teachers divide the study of this topic into several stages:

Meaning of the separating soft sign

As already mentioned, words with a soft separating sign differ from those where it is used only to soften consonant sounds. In the first case, writing this sign is simply necessary for the correct sound of the word. In such cases, the soft sign indicates that the vowel and consonant should not merge, but should be pronounced separately. For example: nightingales - nightingales, salt - salt, dog - play. And in the second case, the presence of a soft sign can completely change the lexical meaning. For example: chalk - stranded, horse - horse.

Writing words with a soft separator

When writing a word with a soft separator, the following errors may occur:

Sound analysis of words with a soft sign

When studying this topic, just as in first grade, all words are broken down into sounds so that the child can understand their construction. For an example of parsing, let's take the word "family". Using only the designation of sounds, it can be written like this: s`em`y`a. Next, each letter is analyzed separately, indicating its belonging to vowels or consonants, softness, pairing, type (voiceless or voiced sound), and for vowels it is also necessary to indicate stress. With this analysis, the separating soft sign is written with a symbol of softness near the consonant sound and the letter “th”.

Words with a soft sign for sound analysis

In order to better remember how to carry out sound analysis words with a soft separator, you need to practice a little. To do this, you should parse at least 10 words with a separating soft sign. Such a practical task will help to consolidate this topic in memory for a long time. For analysis, you can take the following words: necklace, blizzard, hookah, fun, barrier, jam, flair, friends, knitting, nightingales.

How to hyphenate words with a soft separator?

Quite often, children find it difficult to transfer words with a soft separating sign. However, there is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is to correctly divide the word into syllables. It should be remembered that the soft sign cannot be separated from the consonant letter preceding it. It is also worth noting that one letter cannot be separated from a word and transferred, so it must always be attached to the previous syllable. It is also important to understand the fact that transfer can be direct (consonant + vowel) and reverse (vowel + consonant). Examples of word hyphenation: vyu-ga, monkey-yana, flakes, feathers, owls, sparrows, necklace, kal-yan- this is the correct hyphenation of words with a separating soft sign. In no case should you separate a soft sign from a consonant and attach it to a vowel, just as you cannot separate one vowel from a word. The transfer should be carried out only after the word is broken into syllables.

How to secure the material?

In order to consolidate the knowledge gained while studying the topic of the soft separating sign, you need Special attention devote to practical exercises. First of all, you need to learn to determine exactly what function the soft sign performs in each individual word. Next, you should do an audio analysis of several words so that the pronunciation of syllables with a separating soft sign is clearly fixed in memory. Only after this can you begin to parse words syllable by syllable and write from dictation.

Exercises for consolidation

Theory should always be supported by practical tasks. It is the exercises that allow you to delve into the topic most deeply, which leads to the best assimilation of the material. The topic “Words with a soft separator” is no exception. Examples of exercises:

  1. In a set of words - moth, fabric, leaves, guest, pain, necklace- it is necessary to determine in which words the soft sign is used to soften the consonant sound, and in which it is a dividing sign.
  2. It is necessary to write down transcriptions for all the words above. They should look like this: [mol’], [fabric’], [l’ist’y’a], [gost’y’a], [bol’], [kol’y’e].
  3. Write down a group of words with a soft separator under dictation.

Although the letters b and b themselves do not represent any sounds, they are written in order to pronounce words correctly. Compare, for example: seed (without a soft sign) and family (with a separating soft sign). To remember when to write a soft sign and when to write a hard sign, you need to learn the following rules.

The dividing b is written inside a word (in the root or suffix, but not after the prefix) before the letters E, E, Yu, Ya, I (blizzard, weeds, fox), as well as in some borrowed (foreign) words before the letter O (broth , signor, guillotine). A soft sign usually softens the consonant sound preceding it and, in addition, forces us to pronounce an additional sound [Y].

The letter ъ is written only before e, e, yu, i in the following cases:

1. When combining a prefix ending in a consonant and a root, for example: entrance, volume, supernatural, expression of will, inter-tier.
2. In complex words after the numerals two-, three-, four-, for example: three-tiered.
3. In foreign words after foreign language prefixes ab-, ad-, diz-, in-, inter-, con-, counter-, ob-, sub-, trans- and after the initial composite particle pan-, for example: adjutant, disjunction, injection, interjection, conjuncture, counter-tier, object, subject, trans-European, pan-European.

Examples of words with the separator ъ

Arrival, approach, departure, departure, volume, pre-anniversary, express, will, manifestation, embrace, immense, furious, super natural, shooting, ruffle (hair), cower, clarified (sky), combine, ad, edible, lifting (crane).

Two-language, three-tier, four-tier.

Adjutant, injection, conjuncture, object, subject, trans-European, pan-European.

Examples of words with separator ь

Health, happiness, pours, beats, winds, curls, winds of the south, seven, another sparrow, flake, play, barrier, linen, brilliant, buryan, wind, interview , fox and, gun, I'm naughty, crawl, drink, drink, friend, serious, Tatyana, Mary, sew, sew, spill, monkey, night, leaf, tree I, bird and climbing plants, in the hive, studio, zealous (worker), (make) a speech, (own) a thing.

He’s a battle, he’s a postman, he’s a broth, he’s a pavilion, he’s a company, he’s a medal, he’s a min, he’s a champigne.

Assignment: write down 20 words each with a hard separator and a soft separator.

Filming, entry, went, entrance, announce, separation, announcement, explanation, congress, notorious, lift, scraps, embraced, cringed, pre-anniversary, explain, unwind, eaten up, furious, edible.

Lukomorye, curling, flakes, chickens, blizzard, Tatyana, monkey, serious, barrier, sparrows, linen, dress, hare, rural, trees, animals, harmony, happiness, family, girlish.

Con b, shadow.

  1. After a soft L the letter b is always written in the middle of a word.

Small b chick, big b Noah.

  1. After other soft consonants, in some cases the letter b is written.

Zor b ka, piss b mo.

  1. In other cases, the letter b is not written after a soft consonant.

Ba nt ik, tro st And.

  • If you have any difficulties, consult a dictionary.

Work on mistakes

· Write down the word

· Underline the b and the consonant before it


Ate b, ten b, pen b.

Separating soft sign.

The dividing b shows that the consonant does not merge with the vowel.

The dividing b is written at the root and between the root and the ending.

L is written after consonants before the vowels E, E, Yu, Ya, I.

IN b south, seven b I, white b e.

Work on mistakes

· Write down the word

· Underline the b and the vowel before it

· Come up with and write down two more words for this spelling.

IN b south, leaf b I, Solov b And.

Solid dividing sign.

· The separative Ъ is written after prefixes ending in a consonant, before the root of a word that begins with the vowels E, Ё, Yu, Ya.

When pronounced, the sound [th] is heard.

Under ъ rides, about ъ phenomenon.

Work on mistakes

· Write down the word

· Select the console

· Emphasize the Ъ and the vowel before it

· Come up with and write down two more words for this spelling.

WITH e st, about ya phenomena, about yo m.

Spelling of letter combinations CHK, CHN...

Combinations CHK, CHN, RSHCH, NC, NSCH, SHCHN –

Write without b.

Petit chk ah, but chn oh, ko LF ik, sva rshch ik, mo schn y.

Work on mistakes

· Write down the word

· Emphasize the combinations

  • Come up with and write down two more with this spelling

Before chk a, re chk ah, mo schn th

Double consonants.

(ll, mm, nn, rr, zh, ss, dd, tt, kk, pp, bb)

Such words need to be memorized or looked up in the dictionary.

Cla ss , ose nn ii, A ll ah, zhu LJ it, kilogram mm .

Work on mistakes

· Write down the word

· Choose a word with the same root.

· Select the root.

· Underline the double consonants.

· Come up with and write down two more words for this spelling.

Cla ss – cla ss ny, A nn a – A nn ear, draw LJ and – draw LJ ev.

No. 14 Unpronounceable consonants.

(t, d, l, v)

1. Some words have consonants t, d, l, v are written but not pronounced. These words need to be checked.

Honest is honor, stellar is a star.

2. If in a combination of consonants when a word is changed the consonant is not heard, there is no need to write it.

Wonderful - a miracle.

3. Remember: ladder



4. Remember: CH without T

Terrible - horror, dangerous - dangerous.

Work on mistakes

· Write down the word

· Choose a word with the same root where this consonant is pronounced clearly.

· Come up with and write down two more words for this spelling.

Zvez d ny – stars Yes; ches T ny – ches t

No. 15 Spelling prepositions.

Prepositions(K, ON, IN, ON, FOR, WITH, UNDER, U, PRO, FROM, TO, AT, FROM...) are written separately from the word.



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