We draw a birthday card with our own hands. How to draw a mother beautifully and easily: step-by-step instructions for children

We draw a birthday card with our own hands. How to draw a mother beautifully and easily: step-by-step instructions for children

Mom is the closest and dearest person in every child’s life. Indeed, the role of the mother in education and development little man it is difficult to overestimate, because she is the one who has been nearby for many years, protecting and supporting. Looking closely at children's drawings, most often you can recognize the mother in the touching angular female figure - children with special love and diligence depict small “identifying” details of hairstyle or clothing. So, how to draw a mother? We have selected the simplest step-by-step master classes with photos and videos of depicting a mother with pencils or paints - with a child, as well as a “family” drawing with a father, daughter and son. With the help of our lessons for children 8 - 10 years old, you can beautifully draw a mother’s portrait or a postcard with your own hands as a gift for a birthday, Mother’s Day, March 8th - from your beloved daughter or son. Inspired by our ideas, you can easily decide what to draw for your mother for any significant date or just because. Happy drawing!

How to beautifully and easily draw a mother with paints - a step-by-step master class with photos for children 8 - 9 years old

Children's drawings always convey the feelings, thoughts, emotions of the young artist - everything that, due to age, is difficult to express in words. How to beautifully draw your mother with gouache? For children 8 – 9, we offer a step-by-step master class with photos on creating a colorful portrait of their mother. Following the instructions of the lesson, each child can easily paint his mother’s portrait and present a surprise on Mother’s Day or March 8th. Undoubtedly, every mother will love such a touching gift from her daughter or son, lovingly made with her own hands.

Necessary materials for drawing a mother’s portrait with paints:

  • paints - gouache
  • paper
  • squirrel tassels of different thicknesses
  • glass of water

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on creating a beautiful drawing of a mother by an 8-9 year old child, with photo:

  1. First you need to mix white paint with red and yellow - you get a nice flesh color.

  2. On a white sheet of paper we depict an oval-shaped face and a neck.

  3. Using red paint, draw the outline of the clothing and paint over it.

  4. It is better to make the background light - in our case it is yellow.

  5. When the paint dries, we begin to draw the hairstyle - we direct the strokes from the place of the “parting” down, along the hair growth.

  6. To depict the eyes, you will need a thin brush, which we dip in white paint and make a base. We draw blue circles on top - our mother’s eyes will be of this beautiful color.

  7. We make the lips red.

  8. We highlight the cheeks with pink color.

  9. Using a thin brush, draw the line of the nose and eyebrows.

  10. Using the same thin brush, draw light shade individual strands of hair.

  11. Make the neck color darker to highlight the face.

  12. For expressiveness, we outline the eyes with a thin black line, and also draw pupils and eyelashes.

  13. We draw a thin line-smile on the lips.

  14. We complement the portrait with small details - white earrings and beads.

  15. The finishing touch to the picture will be a bouquet of daisies in mom’s hands. First we draw the yellow center, and then the white petals.

  16. Leaves and flower stems are painted green and shaded with turquoise paint.

  17. All that remains is to decorate the background with small details in the form of flowers or leaves and that’s it – our mother’s portrait is ready! Such beautiful drawing can easily be drawn by a child of 8 - 9 years old as a gift to mom for any holiday or just to please or cheer up.

How to draw a mother, father, daughter and son with a pencil - master class step by step on video for children

For children of any age, a family is loving and dear people, real support and support. In addition to himself, in his first drawings the baby usually depicts his mother, father, sister or brother. Over time, the drawings become more meaningful, but the essence remains the same - with the help of a pencil or paints, the child expresses his feelings towards the close people around him and life events. With the help of our video master class, we will learn how to draw a mother, father, daughter and son step by step - this pencil drawing is easy for even the smallest painter to master.

Video tutorial on creating a family drawing - mother, father, daughter and son:

How to draw a mother and child with a pencil - a master class for beginning artists

Mom's hands are gentle, caring and kind. The child receives the first hugs in his life from his mother, and as he grows older, the need for a warm touch also grows. loved one. The most famous artists painted a mother with a child in her arms - many of these paintings can be found in galleries different countries peace. How to draw a mother and child with a pencil? Take our master class for beginners, and soon you will be able to draw a mother with a child in her arms with a pencil - a wonderful gift for the upcoming Mother's Day.

List of materials for a master class on pencil drawing of mother and child:

  • sheet of white paper
  • simple pencil
  • colored pencils or paints for coloring

The procedure for drawing a mother with a child in her arms - step by step:

  1. We start the drawing with a sketch of the head of the mother and child - with horizontal and vertical lines to mark the location of the eyes, nose and mouth. We outline the contour of the mother’s torso, marking the line of the shoulders, arms and back. We outline with strokes the child’s hand on the mother’s shoulder, as well as the line of the body. Then we give the faces an oval shape, and add an ear to the child.

  2. We make a parting on mom’s head, from which we draw wavy strands of hair. We depict the boy short hairstyle With a bang.

  3. We place the eyes on the upper horizontal line of the face, outlining the contours of the eyelids and drawing the eyeballs, pupils and eyelashes. We complement the eyes with arched eyebrow lines. We draw noses and lips stretched in a smile - along the previously outlined vertical and horizontal lines.

  4. We draw the child’s torso – shoulder, back, chest, as well as the arm and sleeve of the shirt. The fingers of the hand hugging the mother need to be outlined more clearly.

  5. Now we outline the mother’s back and chest, not forgetting to outline the sleeve of the dress. We finish drawing the hands hugging the child.

  6. That's it, our black and white drawing of a mother holding a child is ready!

  7. All that remains is to color the image with colored pencils or paints. For the hair of mother and child, you can take different shades of chestnut color, make the dress orange, and the shirt blue. A beautiful and touching drawing!

What to draw for a mother’s birthday from her 8-10 year old daughter – original ideas with photos

Every mother is pleased to receive a gift from her beloved daughter or son on her main holiday - a drawing or craft made with her own hands. So, what should you draw for your mom on her birthday? We have selected the most interesting ideas with photos of hand-drawn gifts for mom - any of the proposed options is quite within the capabilities of a girl of 8 - 10 years old. Complete the drawing with warm touching poems - with best wishes!

Photo ideas for children's drawings for mom's birthday

What to draw for mom just like that - a selection of beautiful drawings in the photo

The best drawings for moms - from children just like that, from the bottom of their hearts

How to draw a card for mom for Mother’s Day with your own hands - step-by-step master class with photos

On the eve of various holidays, children draw wonderful drawings and postcards for their mothers with paints or pencils - the most “universal” gift and sign of attention from a loving child. So, how to draw a card for mom on Mother’s Day with your own hands? In 2017, we celebrate this wonderful holiday on November 26, so you can start studying our step-by-step master class with photo. A little perseverance and diligence, and you will get a beautiful hand-drawn card for your mother - for Mother's Day or another special event.

List of materials for a master class on creating a card for mom for Mother’s Day:

  • thick white paper or double-sided cardboard
  • acrylic – white, Ivory
  • brushes - spatula, thin
  • simple pencil
  • watercolor paints
  • thin felt-tip pen

Step-by-step description of the master class “Hand-drawn postcard for mom” - as a gift for Mother’s Day:

  1. Paint the base of the card acrylic paint light color using a spatula brush.

  2. Apply to the surface of the sheet with a simple pencil individual details of the picture - flowers, leaves, stems.

  3. Mix yellow and orange watercolors and make a background for the flowers.

  4. We color the poppies red.

  5. For the centers of the daisies we use yellow paint.

  6. We paint the “core” of the poppies black.

  7. We outline the outline of the poppies with a thin black brush with black paint or a felt-tip pen.

  8. We paint the contours of the chamomile petals with white acrylic, shading each element. Complete such a card with a congratulatory inscription and your Mother’s Day gift is ready!

How to draw mom? Here you will find master classes with photos and videos for children aged 8 - 10 on drawing with pencil and paint a portrait of a mother and child, as well as a family drawing with a father, daughter, son. If you haven’t yet decided what to draw for your mom’s birthday, March 8, Mother’s Day, or just because, use our ideas and lessons. By following the step-by-step instructions, you will beautifully and easily make a touching gift-card with your own hands. Undoubtedly, every mother will be happy with such a creative surprise from her beloved daughter or son.

Tired of the same, monotonous postcards? Do you want something unusual? Then let's draw a postcard ourselves. It is very simple and easy to make; it does not require any costs or artistic experience. Begin!
For this we need:

  • - Thick paper for watercolors (white, non-glossy cardboard will also work);
  • - scissors;
  • - brush;
  • - ruler;
  • - pencil;
  • - black gel pen;
  • - watercolor (orange, yellow, brown, green, blue).
Step 1. Take watercolor paper, draw a rectangle, this will be the base of the postcard (length 20 cm, width 12 cm). Cut and fold in half.

Step 2. Then draw the head of the fox with a pencil; it should look like a concave triangle.

Step 3. Draw the body and tail of the fox, as shown in the photo.

Step 4. Let's mark the details: select the tip of the tail, draw the paws, eyes, ears and nose.

Step 5. Above the fox’s head we write: “For you, my Fox” (which translated from English means: “For you, my Fox”). This inscription can be replaced with any other, for example: “I love you” or “For you!”

Step 6. On the inside of the card, draw an oval, this is where the congratulations will be placed. Let's add leaves in a circle.

Step 7. Outline the oval with brown watercolor. And we paint the leaves green.

Step 8. Let's return to the fox. I decided to add a collar. We paint the muzzle with orange watercolor, and add yellow watercolor to the ear area.

Step 9. Next, paint the body with orange watercolors, and paint the tail with yellow color. brighter colors, the better our postcard will look. Try to keep the color transition smooth. To do this, add more water to the area where the flowers meet.

Step 10. Outline the inscription “For you, my Fox” with brown color.

Step 11. Now we outline the outline of the fox with brown watercolor. Wait for the paint to dry completely so nothing bleeds. Use a black gel pen to outline and color the nose and eyes.

If you want to make your congratulations creative and unlike any other, then it’s best to think about how to draw a postcard yourself. How to do this will be discussed in this article.

What to draw on a postcard

When thinking about the plot of a postcard, many are inclined to depict a cute baby animal. These can be bear cubs, squirrels, hares, even frogs.

The animals in the picture are usually stylized either like cartoon characters or children's drawings. Usually the artist gives hearts, bouquets, boxes of candy or cakes to the paws of the heroes of the postcards.

A smiling baby elephant with a flower in its trunk might be a good option.

Drawing a baby elephant

Since you need to draw a postcard with an animal step by step, you should first consider the stages of depicting a baby elephant.

1. Work begins with additional construction. These will be two circles, some parts superimposed on each other. They should differ in size.

2. In the middle of the smaller circle, a trunk is depicted; the width of its base occupies a third of the diameter of the circle. A little above the base of the trunk, on both sides, the artist draws eyes - large ovals, and eyebrows - arches.

3. Under the trunk, you should draw an open mouth, and then use curved lines to change the outline of the baby elephant’s cheeks.

4. The animal’s ears are depicted as large, using smooth lines at the top and wavy lines at the bottom.

5. At the bottom of the large circle, draw columns-legs.

6. On the legs, the artist sketches the folds - knees and nail plates.

7. The baby elephant’s tail is drawn with two winding lines; a tassel should be drawn at the end.

8. Use an eraser to remove additional constructions and thoroughly outline the main lines.

Postcard in color

Since it is best to draw using bright colors, you should start coloring it with the main character - the baby elephant. You can use the most unexpected colors: blue or green, lilac or yellow.

The most creative artists use options for elephants with polka dots or stripes, checkered or floral.

In this master class it is proposed to paint a baby elephant pink. Eyebrows and nails can be painted in a different shade, less bright. And it is best to make the inside of the mouth red.

Since the artist wants to draw a postcard as bright as possible, it is worth taking care of its background. It is supposed to be made in warm colors in order to awaken warm feelings and an optimistic mood in the recipient. You can paint over the background with paints, such as watercolors or gouache. But since you can draw a postcard with a pencil just as beautifully as with paints, designers usually use the following method to apply the background. Using a razor, finely trim the pencil core onto the surface where the drawing is placed, then rub the colored coloring pollen with a piece of paper. In this case, the background lies smoothly, without pencil marks.

Finishing touches

Since drawing a postcard with only a baby elephant is not the best option, the artist must “reward” his main character with some distinctive feature, indicating a holiday gift, flowers, butterflies, candies, streamers, confetti, a bright congratulatory letter or telegram.

You can put a purple tulip in the trunk of a cool pink elephant. It is not at all necessary to maintain real proportions when designing a postcard, so the flower can be quite large, especially since this detail is the leading, semantic one, which is worth paying attention to.

Cards with a surprise

How to draw a surprise card will be discussed here. The principle of designing such a congratulation is practically no different from that described above - you need to depict a plot picture on cardboard.

Then the card is decorated with a congratulatory inscription. And then one of the characters in the plot is given a surprise - real candy, a small envelope with a banknote, a bag or box with a small gift. The latter may contain, for example, earrings or a ring, a key to a car or an apartment - it depends on the capabilities of the donor. Although you can put a note there, indicating the place where the real gift is hidden.

Having pierced the card with a needle with a thick thread, you need to tie the latter from the inside out with a knot so that it does not slip through. You can glue a small piece of paper at the back of the drawing where the tip of the thread is or secure it with tape.

On the front side, the gift itself is tied to the thread: a bag, box, envelope or candy.

The recipient, having received such a congratulation, will be pleasantly surprised: together with a postcard drawn by the donor himself, he will receive a surprise. Having untied the bag with surprise, or opened the box, or unwrapped the candy, a person will undoubtedly be glad to receive a souvenir or even money - it will be original and creatively designed, so it will bring unexpected joy.

Do you need a reason to please your beloved mother with a beautiful drawing? Of course not! And although children most often present postcards and memorable drawings with their own hands to their mothers for their birthdays, March 8th or Mother’s Day, you can do this just like that. For example, you can draw a portrait of your mother or the whole family (mother, father, daughter, son) with a pencil and stick it on the refrigerator, making an unplanned pleasant surprise. A beautiful drawing can be not only a gift to mom, but also part of a memorable card, panel or poster. How to draw a mother and what beautiful things to draw in her honor will be discussed further. In this article, we tried to collect the easiest and most interesting drawing master classes on a given topic for children aged 8-9 years and older with step-by-step photos.

Master class on how to draw a mother beautifully and easily for children 8-9 years old - step-by-step lesson with photos

Probably the most difficult question is how to draw a mother beautifully and easily for children 8-9 years old. At this age, not everyone’s artistic talents are sufficiently developed, and giving clumsy portraits as in kindergarten It's already a shame. In this case, the following master class on how to draw a mother beautifully and easily for children 8-9 years old with step-by-step photos comes to the rescue.

Necessary materials to draw a mother beautifully and easily for children 8-9 years old

  • album sheet
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • markers or colored pencils

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a mother beautifully and easily for children 8-9 years old

How to quickly and easily draw a mother, father, daughter and son - a master class with photos step by step

You can make your mother happy or design a themed card with a family portrait. The next master class on how to quickly and easily draw a mother, father, daughter and son is suitable for middle and high school students. Younger children, in turn, can use the general elements of the technique from the lesson to learn how to quickly and easily draw individual people - mom, dad, daughter or son.

Necessary materials to quickly draw a mother, father, son, daughter

  • simple pencil
  • paper
  • eraser
  • colour pencils

Step-by-step instructions on how to quickly and easily draw a family of mom, dad, daughter, son

How to draw a mother with a small child on Mother's Day with a pencil - master class step by step with pictures

Mother's Day is a great occasion to give a beautiful drawing to your mom. For example, you can draw a mother with a small child on Mother's Day with a pencil, as a symbol of boundless love and care. For detailed instructions on how to draw a mother with a small child with a pencil for Mother’s Day with pictures, see below.

Necessary materials to draw a mother and child with a pencil for Mother's Day

  • pencils
  • eraser
  • paper sheet

Step-by-step instructions with pictures on how to draw a mother with a small child with a pencil

What a beautiful thing to draw for a mother’s birthday from her daughter with a pencil - a step-by-step master class with photos

Mom's birthday is a good reason for her daughter to draw something beautiful and memorable with a pencil or paints. For example, you can draw a very feminine and gentle image of a mother, decorated with flowers. Original idea You will find a beautiful way to draw a mother’s birthday with a pencil for her daughter in the master class below.

Necessary materials to draw beautifully for a mother's birthday from her daughter with pencils

  • simple pencil
  • paper
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on what to draw beautifully for your mother’s birthday from her daughter with a pencil

What to draw for mom just like that with your own hands - a simple step-by-step master class with pictures

You don’t have to wait for a special occasion or holiday to please your mother with a memorable drawing. What should mom draw with her own hands just like that? Most often, children draw bouquets, individual flowers, and family portraits. But you can just draw a cute animal for your mom with your own hands, for example, a panda with a heart - a kind of declaration of love.

Necessary materials to draw a picture for mom just like that with your own hands

  • paper
  • black marker
  • colored markers

Step-by-step instructions on what to draw for mom just like that with your own hands

How to quickly draw a card for mom for Mother’s Day with your own hands - master class with video

Any drawing from the master classes above on what and how to draw for mom with your own hands, including a portrait, can be used to design a postcard for March 8, birthday or Mother’s Day. But the next version of the step-by-step master class, on how to beautifully and quickly draw a card for mom on Mother’s Day with your own hands for children, is adapted specifically for this format of congratulations. Of course, you can easily draw such a card for mom with a pencil and for no reason, as they say, just like that.

Buying a postcard for any holiday is not a problem now - any bookstore has plenty of them. But a gift made with your own hands is always much more valuable than a purchased one. Especially if it is made by children's hands. Let's find out what you can draw on greeting card and how best to do it.

For the base you should always choose thick paper, or even better, cardboard. It can be white or colored, the second option is much more interesting. A directly invented image is drawn on the front side, and there may be small drawings and a congratulatory inscription inside.

If your child needs to draw a Happy Birthday card, then the most favorite option is a cake with candles or balloons in the paws of a loved one fairy tale hero. For holidays such as New Year, March 8, Easter draw a thematic picture - a Christmas tree and Santa Claus, a figure eight and spring flowers, Easter cakes and Easter painted eggs, respectively. Postcards drawn with love by children carry a charge of simple-minded positivity and often decorate a chest of drawers in grandma’s or mother’s room.

How to draw a beautiful postcard with a pencil?

How to draw a simple postcard with your own hands?

A child can independently draw a simple birthday card for his friend with a picture of a birthday cake.



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