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Very instructive stories.

Very instructive stories. Funny and instructive stories from the life of the Chinese people. Reflections on Dreams Cheerful and instructive stories from life

Chinese people

. Reflections on dreams.

In short, bright sketches - anecdotes, passed down from century to century from mouth to mouth, the characteristic features of the morals of various representatives of the Chinese tribe can be seen.

Here is a story about how a lover of silence was deceived. One day the Grand Vizier gave a meal to which some of the officers of the palace guard were invited; One of them, the next day, associated the miracles of a dervish with the Sultan, who entertained his guests with magic tricks after dinner. “Do you think so, sire, that poor Dervish ate several silver spoons?” “And do you hold for such a great deed?” replied Abdul Hamid: “What would you say to my naval minister, Hasan Pasha, who, without forgetting anything, swallowed entire armored ships?” At that time it was well known that the Secretary of State was in charge of the ships used certain money for his harem.“One man loved silence, but, as luck would have it, his neighbor on the left turned out to be a coppersmith, and on the right was a tinsmith. WITH

early morning

until late in the evening the unfortunate lover of silence only listened: “ding-ding, dan-dan.” He was terribly tired of this, and he often complained to his friends:

Eh, it would be nice if they left! If only I could see them off, it would be such a feast!

One day a coppersmith and a tinsmith came to him and said:

We decided to move, and they say you’re inviting us to visit for this reason. So we came in for a glass of wine.

He inquired when they were thinking of moving, and when he learned that it was tomorrow, he was terribly happy. After a hearty meal, the lover of silence asked where they were moving to. The tinsmith, pointing to the coppersmith, replied:

This one arrived here a large number of Chinese passengers on board that the captain attracted suspicion. So he ordered his Chinese crew to search the new guests, a warning that has been commonly used since the capture of the pirate drift. About thirty people refused to submit to the test, and seven returned their revolvers. Meanwhile, the captain did not lose his cool. He instructed two of his men to cover him with their rifles and walked unnoticed among the crowd, and happy moment he grabbed the press secretary, disarmed him in the blink of an eye and led the surprised man to the back deck.

I’m moving into his house, and he’s moving into mine!”

Here's a story about the fear of having a temper.

“One of the friends, distinguished by his imperturbable calm, was warming himself with his friend near the stove. Noticing that his friend’s robe was on fire, he, barely moving his tongue, said:

I noticed something a long time ago. I wanted to tell you, but I’m afraid: you’re an unrestrained person, why would you flare up. And not to say - lest you suffer a big loss. Do you think I should tell you or not?

This decisive act stunned the gang. The Chang Wai was hit by a pair, headed towards the German gunboat Tsingtau and signaled the facts. The German ship suspended its boats and sent a crew of sailors aboard Chiang Wai. But as they descended into the decks to crush the gang, it became apparent that the sentries created by the captain had allowed the pirates to escape. Through the hatch they climbed into an empty landing vehicle that lay nearby, and fled in the darkness without a trace. The press secretary arrested by the captain turned out to be the notorious gang leader.

There is no time, and no force can suppress the desire for freedom. The Baron began to worry because, as a gentleman more experienced in the art of French gallantry, he did not understand how they drank as much as the gentlemen of the Rhine. However, he did not want to be ashamed, but snored boldly and at the same time watched the happy moment when the Elector turned one day and poured most of his spoils onto the ground. But more and more were added to him, the "ladies" sipped his well-being, and the frightened courtier, who felt his strength dwindling, slid under the barrel in a careless moment.

The friend, of course, asked what was the matter.

Yes, your robe is burning... - the friend answered.

He shuddered and immediately began to put out the fire. Angry, he shouted:

If you noticed it a long time ago, why didn’t you say it right away?

Here you go! No wonder I said that you are hot-tempered! The way it is!"

Here is a story about how the mouse was exalted.

The Voter, however, soon abandoned his guest and ordered him to return "dead or alive." The page finally revealed a baron who was nominated and won before the voters, who appointed his daughter and her female court as judges of the fugitives. Despite his protest, he was sentenced to death until death. The voter, however, changed this verdict "through mercy" that Poelnitz was to release four large glasses of wine, each half full. This is how it happened, and although not his life, the condemned man lost his speech and thoughts.

When he had long come to his senses again and slept from his intoxication, he learned with deep satisfaction that his judges and plaintiffs had not succeeded better than himself, and the Elector Samgt his significantly serene daughter and the people of Hoffriedenin in a completely different way. The condition they had left vault because they entered the same thing. If you love where you do not marry, you will easily marry where you do not love, and then wish that you did not love and did not take.

“One man got a cat and decided to give it a name. Since the cat was of a ferocious disposition, he called her “tiger”. Then one of his friends said to him:

Although the tiger is fierce, it is far from being the same as the heavenly dragon, which is even more fierce. Your cat may be offended. Call her “dragon.”

Another friend intervened in the conversation:

You are right! In this respect, the tiger is inferior to the dragon, but the dragon, when flying into the sky, must necessarily hold on to the cloud. Isn't the cloud higher than the dragon? You can, of course, call a cat a “dragon,” but it’s better to call it a “cloud.”

The book contains quite a prisoner episode, which we reprint here with the kind permission of the publisher Albert Langen in Munich. From one of recent years A very new and very serious case has been recorded in the Principality. A man born in Monaco, and not one of those homeless people, as one meets them in hundreds on the coast, killed his wife in a petulance.

He killed her good reason. The excitement was great and general. The Supreme Court met to discuss this extraordinary case, and the scoundrel was unanimously sentenced to death. The offended prince confirmed this verdict, the execution of which, as a rule, was eagerly awaited, when a difficulty suddenly arose: throughout the country there was neither an executioner nor a guillotine.

When the wind rises, said the third friend, it will disperse the clouds. The clouds cannot resist the wind. Shouldn't we call it "wind"?

When a strong wind rises, the fourth friend noted, only a wall can stop it. I think the wall is better than the wind. Yes!.. Call it a “wall”!

But then one of those who heard this conversation interjected:

On the advice of the Foreign Minister, the Prince negotiated with the French government and asked for a loan of the executioner and other necessary equipment on credit. Endless consultations took place in the Parisian ministry. Finally, they responded by adding a bill for transporting a person and a machine at the same time. The amount was sixteen thousand francs.

His Highness found this operation too expensive; so much murder wasn't worth it. Sixteen thousand francs for the scoundrel's head! Oh no, he didn't think about that. The same request was then sent to the Italian government. A king, brother, would undoubtedly be less demanding than a republic.

The wall is certainly strong! However, mice can chew a hole in it. And if there are a lot of holes, then even a very strong wall will fall apart. In my opinion, we should call this cat “mouse” - this is the best name for her!”

Do you remember, my dear reader, how Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak retold this fairy tale to us in childhood.

Here is a story about a stingy man and his even stingier wife.

The Italian government sent a bill for twelve thousand francs. A new tax would have to be introduced, a tax of two francs per capita, and this would probably cause unimaginable unrest in the state. So it was believed that he beheaded the villain simply as a soldier. But when the general was told about this, he said that his soldiers would not be good enough to cope with such a delicate and insensitive task when dealing with naked weapons.

The Prince called the Supreme Court for the second time and presented a difficult issue for the second time. They talked for a long time without finding any practical solution. Finally, the first president proposed that the death penalty be converted to life imprisonment, and this proposal was unanimously approved.

“One rich man decided to hire a teacher for his son. Since this rich man was very greedy, he began to look for a teacher who would not need to be fed. Someone said to the rich man:

There is a very poor teacher in the neighboring village. He does not eat food at all, but lives only by breathing the south wind.

Hearing this, the miser was very happy and almost rushed to run to invite this teacher, when suddenly his wife stopped him:

Only one was to be established, and so a jailer was appointed to whom the prisoner was entrusted. Everything went well for six months. The prisoner slept on a straw pack in his cell all day, and the guard on a chair by the door did the same. But the prince is very economical; this is his slightest mistake and can be accurately accounted for by the smallest expenses that his empire requires. He was also charged with the expenses of maintaining the prison, the prisoner and his keeper, which were the result of this new fund.

The latter's salary is extremely burdensome on His Highness's budget. First he did nice face for bad game; but when he considered that this might take a very long time, he ordered his Secretary of War to take the necessary measures to avoid the matter in the future.

No! No! - she screamed. – This won’t suit us! Think carefully about what we will feed him when the north wind blows.”

Here is a story about another miser.

One day, Cheng’s bench broke. To fix it, it was necessary to hammer in several nails.

Son! - he said. - Go to Zhang and ask him for a hammer.

The boy nodded his head and ran to his neighbor.

The Minister consulted with the President of the Tribunal and both agreed that the jailer should be abolished. The prisoner who has been so kindly placed under the control of himself will, of course, one day escape, and thus settle the matter to the satisfaction of all.

The jailer was fired, and a boy from the palace was ordered to bring food to the prisoner in the morning and evening. But he did not try to restore his freedom. One day, when he forgot to bring him food, he calmly went after him; and from then on he became accustomed to going to the kitchen and getting his food in the palace, accompanied by the servants, with whom he soon became very friendly.

“Uncle Zhang,” the boy said politely. - Please give us a hammer to hammer in a couple of nails.

Neighbor Zhang thought about it. “Even though the hammer is iron, the nails are also iron,” he reasoned to himself. “So they will strike iron with iron.” Of course, no one will feel sorry for someone else's hammer. If they break it, what should we do then? No, I won’t give them a hammer.”

After breakfast he made a short detour to Montecarlo. Sometimes he entered the casino and put five francs on a green cloth. If he wins, he will have a splendid dinner at a famous hotel and then return to his prison, the door of which he carefully locks from the inside.

More than once he spent the night abroad. The situation became very sensitive, not for the convicted person, but for the judges. The Tribunal met for the third time and it was decided to ask the prisoner to leave the Principality of Monaco. Upon learning of this decision, he responded calmly.

What should really happen to me? I don't have the resources. They didn't allow me to be executed. Then you imposed a life sentence on me and entrusted me to the jailer. They took my guard. And now you want to hunt me out of the country. The Supreme Court was surprised and silent with amazement, the prince was indescribably furious and ordered other measures to be taken.

Ah ah ah! – He said to the boy, shaking his head dejectedly. - How unfortunate it is that you came! A little earlier. Leah just came to see me and I gave the hammer to him. Tell your father that I would gladly give him my hammer, but I don’t have one right now. The boy returned home and told his father about everything.

If you don't want to give me a hammer, just say so! – the father got angry with his neighbor. – Why dodge and lie? Oh, and the miser!

Then they began to consult again. And now he decided to offer the guilty man an annual pension of six hundred francs if he agreed to live abroad in the future. Five minutes from the principality, he bought a small plot of land, where he lives happily, after growing vegetables and potatoes and despising the authorities.

Only the weary castle near the city still resisted, and its commander, a citizen of Groningen, Jean Hetfilter, threatened to protect it until last man. Unfortunately, he was overwhelmed by his enemies. This butter curd was applied to the wheels, the horses were harnessed and set at firing range, so that the muzzle, flashing in the sun, threatened to gape with fatigue. Jan Hetfilter saw the monster. He was terrified at the thought that the walls of his castle would not be able to withstand a bullet that would be fired from the mouth of such a gigantic cannon.

Dad, what should we do now? – the son asked, smiling mysteriously.

“There’s nothing you can do,” the father muttered, sighing heavily. “Even though I feel sorry for my hammer, I’ll have to use it to hammer in nails.”

Here is a story about a young man of limited intelligence.

“Residents of mountain villages often use branched tees as legs for stools. Once in one family the leg of a stool broke, and the father sent his son into the forest to cut down a new branch.

He put out his hat, a sign that he was ready to negotiate. They allowed him and his crew to go free, and so the weary was defeated - through exodus. From the intelligence sheet, he wrote down a dozen furnished rooms, and with the list in hand, he walked through the residence. The main thing for the theologian was to find a quiet place to calmly sort out the golden granules of morality from the endless tape of the church fathers. After the student had climbed three or four stairs, looked at the rooms under the roof and into the basement, back and forth, without finding a suitable house, he came to a rather distant street, where in an old house, according to Annonce, "Up two flights of stairs » A well-furnished room should be cheap for a relaxed tenant.

The son went into the forest with an ax, wandered there all day, but came home empty-handed.

Why did you come back with nothing? – asked his father.

There are a lot of branches on the trees, but they all branch upward. Well, at least one – down.”

Here is a story about the awkward counting of years.

“One peasant had a daughter. A few days later, a neighbor came to him to marry his daughter to his two-year-old son. The peasant was indignant:

How is it possible?! After all, your son is twice as old as my daughter. She will only be ten years old, and your son will be twenty. I really need such an old son-in-law!

But then the peasant’s wife entered the conversation:

Where did you get the idea that his son is twice his age? – she spoke passionately. “After all, next year our daughter will catch up with his son: she will also be two years old.”

Here is a story about the forgetfulness of a thieving cook.

“One cook always stole food. One day he was cutting meat at home. Having selected the best pieces, he quickly wrapped them in paper and stuffed them into his bosom. The wife, noticing this, trembled all over with anger:

Where did you take this meat? - she screamed.

The husband started, as if awakening from a dream, and, smiling guiltily, said:

Thank you, I reminded you. I completely forgot that I’m not at work!”

Here's a story about how first impressions can be deceiving.

“Once a peasant lost his ax. Suspicion fell on the neighbor's son, and the peasant began to carefully watch him. He noticed that his gait and the intonation of his voice were completely different from other people. In a word, the thieves' manners were visible in all his actions.

A little time passed, and the peasant found the lost ax. He remembered that he had left it in the forest when he went for brushwood. The next day, this peasant again met his neighbor’s son and again began to look closely at him. But now he found nothing thievish either in his gait or in the intonation of his voice.”

Here is a story about how we managed to teach a superstitious person a lesson.

“One man blindly believed in omens. Before starting any business, he always went to the soothsayer to find out whether the day was a lucky one or an unlucky one. One day he was sitting near the wall that surrounded the fanza. Suddenly a dilapidated wall collapsed and fell over him. At first the superstitious man was taken aback by surprise, and when he came to his senses a little, he screamed with all his might, calling for help.

His wife came running to his cry. Seeing her husband's face black with dust, she decided to teach him a lesson this time.

“Be patient a little,” the wife said calmly. – I’m going to see the astrologer now. I’ll find out if it’s possible to carry out excavation work today?”

Here is a story about the pride of a poor teacher.

“One poor teacher valued his reputation very much. One evening a thief broke in on him. For a long time he searched in all corners, but never found anything.

Well, the ragamuffin lives here,” the thief said angrily and, slamming the door, left the house.

Hearing this, the teacher quickly took out the last pennies from under the pillow and rushed after him. Having caught up with the thief, he grabbed his hand and said embarrassedly:

You came very unluckily! Well, at least two or three days later! And now I only have these few chokhs left. Please take them, but don’t tell people that I don’t have anything.”

Here is a story about how insatiably greedy a poor man can be.

“One man met a wizard who had once been his friend. The wizard decided to help the poor man. He pointed his finger at a brick lying by the road, and immediately this brick turned golden. The wizard presented it to his friend, but he was dissatisfied. Then the wizard pointed his finger at a huge stone statue of a lion and, turning it into gold, gave it to his friend. But even this seemed not enough to him. The wizard asked in surprise:

In that case, what do you want?

“Your index finger,” the friend answered.”

Here is a story about the artist's opinion.

“One artist was asked who was the most difficult to draw.

Of course, dogs and horses,” he replied.

Well, who is the easiest to draw?

“Easier than devils and evil spirits,” he answered without hesitation.

We see horses and dogs every day and therefore know them very well. When depicting them, if you allow the slightest inaccuracy, anyone will discover it. But none of us have seen devils or evil spirits, and we cannot imagine what they should be like. No matter how you draw them, no one will say that in reality they are not like that.”

Here is a story about how a father got angry with his son.

“One merchant went to trade and, in order not to starve on the road, took with him a bottle of salted beans. When it was time to eat, he would remove one or two salted beans with chopsticks and then close the bottle until the next time. One of his friends met him and said:

Do you know what your son is doing now? He invited guests, apparently or invisibly, and threw a grand feast!

The merchant was boiling with anger. With trembling hands, he grabbed the bottle and, pouring the beans into his palm, began to throw them into his mouth one after another.

It'll all be a waste anyway! – he shouted, choking with anger. - Well, I won’t be left behind! I’ll eat all the beans at once!”

Here is a story about an unfair division of the harvest.

“Two brothers worked the field together. When the rice was ripe, they began to agree on how to divide the harvest. The elder brother suggested:

Let's clear the field, I'll take the top half of the sheaves for myself, and you'll take the bottom half.

It's not fair! – the younger brother was indignant. “I will never agree to such a division.”

What's unfair here? – the older brother was surprised. - Next year you will take the top half, and I will take the bottom!

The next year, as soon as they went out into the field, the elder brother suggested:

This year we won’t plant rice, we’ll rather plant sweet potatoes!”

Do you remember, my dear reader, how in Russian folk tale the peasant and the bear were engaged agriculture. It was called “Tops and Roots”. You see that in the Celestial Empire, in Rus', the peasant cunning knows how to be cunning, and does not lose heart.

But the story about the deductive method of investigation is almost like Conan Doyle. Or, on the contrary, given those ancient times, Conan Doyle used the Chinese method of investigation.

“The son of an astrologer, not wanting to take over his father’s profession, did not learn the art of fortune telling at all. One day, angry, his father scolded him severely.

Just think, how difficult it is! - the son answered. – Even though I haven’t studied, if necessary, I can tell fortunes.

The next day, when a terrible storm was raging, a man came to their fanza and asked them to tell their fortunes.

“You said you could do it,” the father whispered to his son. - Come on, try it! Let's see how you do it!

The son looked at the stranger attentively and asked:

Are you coming from the northeast?

Right! - he answered.

Is your surname Zhang?

Did you come to tell your fortune at your wife's request?

Well, of course!

When the stranger left, the surprised father asked his son:

How did you guess all this?

Yes, it’s quite simple, father,” the son smiled. – Isn’t there a northeast wind today? And that this man walked from northeast to southwest can be seen from how his clothes were wet on his shoulders and back. On the handle of his umbrella are carved the characters: “Qinghe Region.” But the entire Zhang family calls itself this way - their famous ancestors lived there! And it’s also easy to understand that his wife made him go and wonder: could he really go out of his own free will in such weather?

Amazing! Well done! – the father exclaimed joyfully. “You are a real stargazer!”

Here's a story about waiting too long for prosperity.

“Having accepted the matter, the new official asked his subordinate:

What is the best way to behave in this position?

The first year,” the subordinate answered, “you need to be almost honest, the second – half honest, and the third you can be dishonest.”

Yes... - the official sighed deeply. “Can I wait until the third year?”

Here is a story about a cunning scientist.

“The scientist Zhu Gu-ming was famous for his intelligence and cunning. One day he went to visit his friend Tang Sheng. Sitting in the home library, they had a conversation about the events of ancient times, then quietly switched to modern themes and started talking about themselves. Wanting to put Zhu Gu-ming in a difficult position, Tang Sheng asked:

Right now I am sitting in this room. Can you trick me into going outside?

Zhu Gu-ming grinned:

Of course, you won’t be forced to do it now: it’s so cold outside! But if you were standing on the street, then luring you into the room would not be at all difficult!

Ah well! – Tang Sheng exclaimed and, running out of the gate, shouted, “Let’s see how you do it!”

Ha ha ha! – Zhu Gu-ming laughed. “So I made you go outside.”

Here is a story about how three cripples went to the theater to watch a performance.

“Once three neighbors: myopic, crooked and torticollis - went to the theater. The artists played well. The spectators were delighted, and only three neighbors shook their heads with displeasure.

Why are you displeased? - the short-sighted man asked the deaf man. – Don’t like the game?

Not really! - exclaimed the deaf man. - The acting is good, but the singing is no good. Their mouths open, but there is no sound!

But it seems to me just the opposite! - objected the short-sighted man. “They sing great, but they just can’t play well.” I can’t figure out what they are depicting there?

What are you arguing about! – the torticollis sitting next to him inserted. – In my opinion, they sing and play excellently. One thing is bad - the stage is crooked. I’m just scared for the artists: just look, they’ll slide down!”

Here is a story about the gluttony of a monk.

“Once a monk walked into a wine shop. The owner asked him:

Holy Father, do you drink wine?

Smiling, the monk replied:

I’m always ready to drink, but I don’t take vegetarian food into my mouth.”

Here is a story about impudence and stinginess.

“The owner hosted a dinner party, which was attended by many guests. At the table, one of the guests, without stopping, ate walnuts. When there were very few of them left, the owner could not stand it and asked:

Why do you only eat walnuts?

“They strengthen the lungs,” the guest answered.

Frowning, the owner said:

All you care about is strengthening your lungs! And you don’t even notice how my heart is breaking from this!”

Here is a story about a hungry and witty teacher.

“One rich man had a teacher who was always served only pumpkin at the table. Finally, the teacher became so bored with her that he could not stand it and asked the owner:

Is it really true that in your house they don’t put anything in their mouth except pumpkin?

Imagine this! - exclaimed the rich man. – Pumpkin is fragrant, and it also improves vision. When you eat a lot of it, you begin to see much better.

One day the rich man entered the living room and saw the teacher there. He stood motionless at the window, peering intently into the distance.

What did you notice there? – the rich man asked.

The teacher turned and, smiling, answered:

I'm watching the play that's currently on in the city!

The rich man was surprised:

Performance in town? – he asked again. -Can you really see him from here?

Why not? - said the teacher. “After all, I only eat pumpkin!”

Here is a story about a resourceful student.

“Once one home teacher fell asleep in class. When he woke up, he felt ashamed in front of his student, and he decided to deceive him.

Just now,” he said, “I was talking to the Prince of Zhou in a dream.”

The next day, a student fell asleep during class. The teacher hit him with a stick and shouted:

Why are you sleeping in class?

I also went to see the Prince of Zhou.

So how is it? – the teacher asked. -Did he say anything to you?

Without taking his eyes off his desk, the student answered:

Prince Zhou said that he did not see you yesterday.”

Here is a story about how the secret of immortality once again slipped through the cracks.

“There was a rumor in the capital that on a high mountain, several thousand miles from the city, there lived a Taoist monk who had found a cure for old age and death. As soon as the emperor found out about this, he immediately sent one of his dignitaries to this monk to find out the secret of immortality.

The dignitary climbed the mountain and entered the monastery. But it was too late: in one of the cells he found the still warm corpse of a monk. The dignitary grieved and grieved and returned to the capital empty-handed. After listening to his report, the emperor became terribly angry.

Why were you moving like you were sleepy? - he yelled. “If you had acted faster, you would probably have caught the monk alive and gotten me the elixir of immortality!”

The emperor severely punished the dignitary, but did not think that the monk would not have died if he really knew the secret of immortality.”

Here is a story about a cunning mosquito charmer.

“One Taoist monk said that he could write spells against mosquitoes. People, believing his words, began to buy from him sheets of paper on which these spells were written. However, the mosquitoes did not decrease from them, and everyone came to the monk to find out what was the matter.

Where do you stick pieces of paper with spells? - asked the monk.

How to where! Of course, on the wall! - people answered him.

Well, that certainly won’t help! - exclaimed the monk. “After all, they need to be glued to mosquitoes’ backs.”

Here is a story about the only correct training.

“Cai Jing hired a teacher, Zhang Xue, for his grandchildren, who had just passed his degree exam.

Zhang Xue settled in Cai Jing's house, but he somehow began to raise his pets in a strange way. He did not teach them to read, or write hieroglyphs, or how to write essays, but only trained them in running. At first the children liked it and found the activity interesting. However, after a few days the children were so tired that their legs gave way from fatigue. They began to ask the teacher to diversify the program and, in addition to running, introduce some other subjects.

But the teacher just shook his head:

There is no need to introduce a new item. We will continue to practice running!

The children were surprised:

It turns out that we don’t need to improve in anything else besides running?

Of course not,” the teacher replied.

And why?

You ask why? – and his face suddenly became serious. – Your grandfather and your father are not good people. They are hypocrites and flayers, they made life impossible for ordinary people. And these simple people they will come, they will definitely come to your house to settle scores. You are children, you have not yet done any harm, and if you know how to run well, you may still have time to escape. There is no other way!

Here is a story about a clever escape from hunger.

“Two brothers, putting rice in bowls, asked their father:

Dad, what are we going to eat rice with today?

Pointing to the fish hanging over the table, the father replied:

Here with this salted fish! Look once at the fish - eat a pinch of rice, look again - eat a pinch of rice again. Oh, and delicious!

As soon as they began to eat, the younger brother screamed:

Dad! And he looked twice in a row!

“Let him look,” said the father. “He probably wants everything inside him to dry out from the salt.”

Here is a story about the heavy tax burden.

“Once upon a time there lived the actor Jian-gao. And during these years, the entire people bore a heavy tax burden. And just during this period there was no rain in the capital for a long time. No amount of prayer for rain helped. One day the emperor, drinking wine in his garden, said to the gardeners:

It rained around thirty to fifty years ago, why didn’t a drop fall in the capital?

The dignitaries looked at each other, but none of them decided to answer the emperor. Then the actor stepped forward.

Your Majesty! - he said. “The rain does not dare to enter the city: it is afraid that it will be required to pay taxes.”

Here is a story about how a son taught his mother to be more restrained in prayer.

“Chhai Yong-ling’s mother read prayers to Buddha all day long. Several times her son tried to persuade her to renounce Buddhism, but she didn’t even want to listen to him. One day, the son deliberately shouted loudly to her, and the mother immediately responded. Following this, he called her again, but this time the mother did not respond. He repeated the same thing a third time, and then a fourth. The mother finally could not stand it and, frowning her eyebrows, muttered:

If you have nothing to do, why bother you in vain?

You see, I only addressed you four times, and then you flared up,” the son said, smiling. - How come you turn to Buddha a thousand times every day without any need? It seems to me that he is ready to tear you apart out of anger.”

Here is a story about the dangers of faith.

“In the idol, which stood on the outskirts of the village, a statue of the lord of spirits was carved from wood. One day a non-believer passed by. Suddenly a ditch blocked his way. Unable to jump over it, he entered the shrine, took the statue of the lord of spirits, threw it over the ditch and thus overcame the obstacle.

A little later a believer approached the idol. He shuddered all over when he saw the overthrown statue of the lord of spirits. He immediately picked her up, brought her into the shrine and put her in her original place. When the lord of the spirits regained power, he brought untold suffering upon the head of this believer. This seemed strange to the little imps and they asked him:

Why did you punish a respectful person, but the rude one went unpunished?

The Lord of Spirits spread his hands:

But how can I punish him if he is an unbeliever?

This is how the wits of the Celestial Empire knew how to make fun of themselves.

Well. We had fun together with the amazing Chinese people, and now we will plunge once again into fantastic extravaganzas. Let's go to the realm of ghostly dreams.

My friend and I were in mall and won a soft toy each in an advertising quiz. We walked and saw a mentally retarded boy with his dad and gave the toys to him. He said "Thank you." His father almost burst into tears. It turns out that the boy did not speak for several months.

Four months ago I was diagnosed with baldness. A month later I lost my hair. I was scared to go to school, I thought everyone would stare at me. The next morning I heard a knock on the door and ten of my friends were standing on the porch with their heads completely shaved. Two of them are girls...

I recently saw a picture - a domestic cat fell from a window, hurt herself and immediately couldn’t even get up. Dogs with clearly bad intentions began to gather around... And then a stray cat jumped out of the basement, shielded the cat with itself and, menacingly arching its back, hissed at the dogs, driving them away until the owner came down and took her pet...

I'm going home in the morning. There is an announcement at the entrance: “Dear neighbors! Today at approximately 9.20, 120 rubles were lost at the front door. If anyone found it, please put it in the apartment. 76 Antonina Petrovna. Pension 1640 rubles.” I put aside 120 rubles, get up and call. A grandmother in an apron opens the door. As soon as she saw me holding out the money, she immediately hugged, wailed and burst into tears of happiness. And she said: “I went to get some flour, and when I returned, I took out the keys at the entrance - and I probably dropped the money.” BUT! She flatly refused to take the money! It turned out that in a couple of hours I had already “found” grandma’s money for the sixth time (!!!)! People, I love you for being who you are!!!

I work in a fast food cafe. This morning a man came up to the cash register and said: “There is a girl behind me, I don’t know her. But I would like to pay for her coffee. Tell her " Have a good day" This girl was very surprised at first... and then did the same for the person next to her in line. And so 5 times in a row!

The other day, my ten-year-old sister leaned her head towards me and said, “You smell like mommy...” I almost cried. Soon it will be two years since mom has been away from us, but she still remembers her smell. It helps me hope.

I was seriously ill with a sore throat. I was alone at home, couldn’t even get out of bed and cried from helplessness. My dog ​​Chiara sat next to the bed and looked at me with concern. Then she left and returned with a huge, smelly, dirty bone: she apparently had it hidden for a rainy day. Chiara put the bone on the pillow and pushed her nose towards my face - “Gnaw!”

My grandparents lived together for more than 30 years, then he left for someone else. Grandmother was very worried, but found the strength to communicate with him. new family, with his new children and grandchildren. She always helped everyone, never complained out loud... A few years ago, my grandfather died. Grandmother took care of his funeral, organized funeral services, and gave all the farewell speeches. Today is the anniversary of his death. I know that my grandmother will take the longest to say goodbye to him, although she already goes to see him every month. He will struggle with tears for the longest time... Grandmother loves grandfather all her life - both in sorrow and in joy.

My dad often goes on business trips for work. Every time he leaves, he hides a small envelope at home for his mother. And she always finds it: there may be a photo of them together, a quote, or just a note with a declaration of love.

They have been married for 25 years. My parents and their endless love and romance give me hope.

Recently I was returning from college and saw a war veteran near the Avtozavodskaya metro station. He sat next to a tablet on which there were medals and orders... His awards, which he deserved in the war. He sold them to buy himself some food. I walked up, pulled out the entire contents of the wallet and gave it to him with the words: “Take all my money, but don’t sell your honor and valor for pennies to people who are unworthy of it...” He burst into tears, took the money, collected the orders in his palms and kissed them, and then quietly through tears he said: “Thank you, daughter.”

At such moments it seems to me that I can change the world. They give me hope.

On the eve of my 17th birthday, my nine-year-old sister ran around all day with sparkling eyes, so she wanted to give me a gift. The next morning, as always, I went to wake her up for school. And he said: “You can already give me your present.” Before she even had time to open her eyes, she reached out and hugged me with her small arms. Then she reached under the pillow and took out an envelope with the inscription: “To my dear brother for his birthday!” Having opened it, I found one 10 dollar bill, two 10 hryvnia bills, one 2 hryvnia bill, one 1 hryvnia bill. It was absolutely all her money. I hugged her tightly and lay there for a long time so that she would not see my tears.

In a shopping center, I accidentally overheard an elderly couple sitting on a bench. The man looked at the woman and said: “Olya, but we did it. We grew old together."

I found my late husband's cell phone today. Loaded it up. It turned out there were new messages there. My daughter sends them and sends them to him: she tells him all the important news and in general how we are doing...

I never even considered myself pretty. Recently my fiancé forgot to disconnect after our telephone conversation. And I heard him telling his roommate about me. How beautiful I am today and how bright it is for him to be next to me. And how much he loves me. What’s wrong with that? I started crying. For the first time I felt beautiful. I love you, Keith.

In the store, a little girl came up to me and asked: “Take me in your arms.” I did so, thinking that she was lost. The baby just hugged me and then jumped off. I stared at her and she explained:

- I wanted you to smile.

I burst out laughing.

In 2009, I served in Iraq. During the explosion, I was seriously injured by shrapnel. An Iraqi soldier rushed towards me and carried me to safety. And he said: “Nothing, when you return home, everything will be fine.” He noticed the ring on my finger and saved my life.

My brother is thirteen and has blood cancer. Dad took a year off so as not to leave his brother alone in the clinic. But he was paid a salary for a whole year! The New Zealand Police have wonderful people.

There hasn't been a thunderstorm like today for a long time. At work they said that someone was wiping around my car. I rushed outside. Everything was the same, except for the sunroof: someone had pushed it in tighter so that the car would not be damaged in bad weather.
My dears, let's do little things for each other. This will make not only our souls, but the whole world brighter and kinder...



This is interesting: