Lyudmila Zykina: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Lyudmila Zykina: personal life of Lyudmila Georgievna Zykina

Lyudmila Zykina: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Lyudmila Zykina: personal life of Lyudmila Georgievna Zykina

Performer of Russian folk songs Lyudmila Zykina is a star, without whom it is simply impossible to imagine the Soviet stage. She was loved and revered in many countries around the world.

“The Giantess with a Kind Heart,” as she was affectionately called in Japan, was an amazingly talented and kind woman. During her long creative career, the singer made an invaluable contribution to the development of Russian musical art.

Lyudmila Georgievna Zykina was born in 1929, into a simple family. My parents worked a lot: my mother worked as a nurse, my father was a worker. As a result, the girl was left to her own devices. But “raised on the street,” she was able to remain a kind, attentive person. From childhood, Zykina’s mother taught her to work, and the girl happily tried to help, doing almost any housework.

Music, and especially singing, have been close to Lyudmila Zykina since childhood. Her grandmother and mother had beautiful voices, her father played several musical instruments. Therefore, it is not surprising that Luda began singing back in early age. But although she liked it, Lyudmila did not plan to connect her fate with the stage. She wanted to be a pilot.

The war interrupted happy childhood. At the age of 12, Lyudmila, trying to help her parents, got a job at a factory. Thanks to perseverance and innate ingenuity, working alongside adults, she quickly became a top-class turner.

Carier start

In the first post-war years, Zykina studied at a school for working youth, worked as a nurse and a seamstress. And then I accidentally found out about the All-Russian competition for young singers. And she decided to try her hand. The competition was not held by chance: the Pyatnitsky folk choir needed performers. Everything was very serious: more than one and a half thousand people applied for one place.

But by the will of fate, one of the vacant places went to Lyudmila Zykina. She, an eighteen-year-old girl with no special education, amazed the strict commission with her incredible talent. So Lyudmila became the soloist of the largest Russian choir. Her career was just beginning, and in many ways the choir became for her a school in which she learned to sing.

The biography of Lyudmila Zykina is full of sad moments that can break a person. One of the biggest tragedies in the singer’s life was the sudden, sudden death of her mother in 1949. This was a real shock for the girl, from which she could not recover for a long time. For more than a year, she simply lost her voice and could not even speak normally. Of course, I had to forget about working in the choir.

But I had to move on with my life. Forgetting about singing, the girl got a job in a printing house. Gradually her voice returned, and Lyudmila began to think about returning to the stage. She begins to work in the Russian song choir of the All-Union Radio. It was then that Zykina first began to tour abroad. The singer remembered her first trip abroad, to India, for the rest of her life.

National recognition

In 1960, Lyudmila Georgievna became an artist of the Mosconcert, and it was this time that is called the beginning of her solo career. These were hers best years. Zykina becomes the laureate of a huge number creative competitions, actively tours not only throughout Russia, but also far beyond its borders. Her concerts took place in more than 90 countries. The singer even performed at the North Pole for polar explorers.

Zykina's song repertoire numbered more than two thousand works. Her records sold in huge quantities, their total number exceeding 6 million copies. Lyudmila Georgievna becomes a real favorite of the public - a true Russian beauty, tall and stately, with a magical voice.

Much later, in 1969, the performer went to study - despite her experience and fame, she wanted to get a special education. Lyudmila Zykina graduated from the music school, and then from the State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after. Gnesins.

Everyone is accustomed to perceiving Lyudmila Zykina exclusively as a singer. Meanwhile, her talent was unique and multifaceted. Zykina starred in several documentaries and more than 20 concert films. She is also the author of several books:

  • "Song".
  • "At the crossroads of meetings."
  • “My Volga is flowing.”
  • "I love you".

Teaching activities and awards

Despite her constant employment, Lyudmila Georgievna found time for teaching work. Since 1989, she was an assistant professor at the Moscow State Institute of Culture, then at Russian Academy music named after Gnesins. She has repeatedly been a member of the jury of many song competitions held in different countries.

Lyudmila Zykina is a laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, the owner of a huge number of titles and awards (Wikipedia offers a complete list). It is noteworthy that she was first awarded the title of People's Artist in Azerbaijan in 1972. And only a year later she became People's Artist of the USSR.


The personal life of Lyudmila Zykina was quite eventful. The Soviet and Russian singer has always attracted the attention of men - and always enjoyed it. But, nevertheless, in her interviews, Zykina repeatedly admitted that she really did not sincerely love any of her four husbands.

The singer got married for the first time quite early - at 22 years old. Her husband was engineer Vladlen Pozdnov. It was his betrayal that was prophesied to the performer by an old fortune teller in India. And he turned out to be right: the husband actually cheated. She could not forgive this - and the marriage broke up. This time was extremely difficult, and not only because of the breakup.

Zykina was pregnant, but, unfortunately, the pregnancy turned out to be ectopic. The urgent operation had a negative impact - the singer could no longer have children. Zykina greatly regretted this. But at the same time she said that a child is a big responsibility. He needs care and patience, and her busy tour schedule lacked free time, which could be devoted to raising children.

Zykina’s second husband was photojournalist Evgeny Svalov. The relationship developed rapidly, and soon they became husband and wife. But this marriage did not bring happiness either - the reason for the divorce was again the husband’s infidelity.

It would seem that a third marriage could change everything. Translator Vladimir Kotelkin looked after the singer for a long time, about three years. He literally adored his star wife and made every effort to make her happy. He taught her English language, helped write the book. There was just one significant “but”. The man wanted a real family - a wife who was waiting for him at home, and children. And Zykina was constantly at concerts and toured a lot. She couldn't just give up everything and sit at home. After 10 years they broke up.

Zykina's fourth marriage became the longest. Accordionist Viktor Gridin was significantly, 14 years younger than Lyudmila Georgievna, but this did not interfere with the relationship at all. They came from the same environment - both were madly in love with music. But even this closeness could not save the relationship - after 17 years of marriage, Gridin took on a young mistress. And Zykina could not forgive this.

Zykina is also credited with numerous novels. So, her patron for a long time was Lieutenant General Nikolai Mikhailovich Filippenko. It was he who gave Zykina the diamonds that the singer loved so much. For a long time, she was credited with having a relationship with Alexei Kosygin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

Already at an advanced age, Lyudmila Georgievna confirmed rumors about her relationship with Mikhail Kizin. The age difference was huge - 40 years, and many said that Kizin was simply using the singer. In addition, she also had a relationship with psychotherapist Viktor Konstantinov.

Last days

In June 2009, a gala reception was held in the Kremlin in honor of the 80th anniversary of the great Russian singer. Here Lyudmila Georgievna was congratulated by everyone: the first lady of the country, ministers, politicians, famous cultural figures. And after some time she felt bad.

Lyudmila Zykina's sister said that for many years the singer suffered diabetes mellitus, against its background several more serious diseases developed. On June 25, Zykina was taken to the hospital in serious condition. Here, in intensive care, she suffered a heart attack. And on July 1, the great singer passed away. The cause of death was acute cardio-renal failure. Author: Lyudmila Zykina

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Biography, life story of Lyudmila Georgievna Zykina

Zykina Lyudmila Georgievna is a domestic pop singer, performer of folk compositions and romances.

Childhood and youth

Born in Moscow in 1929 on June 10 in a working-class family. The future artist’s mother, Ekaterina Vasilievna, worked as a nurse in a military hospital, while her father, Georgy Petrovich, earned his bread with his hands. The parents tried their best to give their children - daughter Lyuda and son Sasha - a good upbringing and a happy (as far as possible) childhood.

Before the Great Patriotic War studied at the school for working youth, and since 1942 worked as a turner at the Moscow Machine Tool Plant named after. Sergo Ordzhonikidze. As a thirteen-year-old girl, she helped the front and contributed her best work to the common cause of defending the Motherland. One of the most cherished for her throughout her life was the honorary title “Honored Ordzhonikidzovets”, awarded to her by the plant staff in those years. After working at the factory, Lyudmila Zykina became a nurse in a military hospital near Moscow. Then she worked as a seamstress at the hospital. Kashchenko.

The beginning of a creative journey

In 1947, Zykina’s creative career as a singer began. She took part in the All-Russian competition for young performers. After a successful performance at the competition, she was accepted into the State Russian Folk Choir. Pyatnitsky. Zykina’s development as a professional singer and cultural figure is inextricably linked with Moscow. No matter what city she performed in, no matter how cordially and warmly she was received, she never had a better and dearer city than Moscow. There are few enterprises in Moscow where Lyudmila Georgievna would not speak. The labor collectives of many Moscow enterprises enlisted her as an Honorary Member. Since those years main topic Zykina’s creativity – Russia, Moscow, war. Her songs are heard in military units and garrisons in many remote corners of our country. The name L. Zykina is folk by its very essence. Her work received rave reviews from such cultural figures as V. Muradeli, O. Feltsman, T. Khrennikov. Leading composers created works specifically for her voice. Her concert programs are the history of our people. The singer's repertoire is also varied. Over the years, she created thematic concert programs: “To you, woman”, “To you, veterans”, “Russian folk songs", "Evening of Russian Song and Romance", "Only You Could, Russia" and a number of other compositions.


The entire life path of L.G. Zykina is closely associated with folk musical art, and her performing activities have gained wide popularity not only in our country, but throughout the world. The singer’s art is familiar on all continents; she has visited most countries of the world many times. Her popularity abroad is confirmed by numerous reviews in the press of such countries as Germany, Japan, Korea, Austria, France, etc. Abroad, the Russian singer was applauded by major political figures (Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Urho Kekkonen, de Gaulle, Louis Aragon, Georges Pompidou, Helmut Kohl and many others), as well as outstanding representatives of world culture (Mireille Mathieu, Marcel Marceau, Salvatore Adamo, Marc Chagall, Rockwell Kent, Van Cliburn, band members and Boney M).

The Melodiya company released a large number of discs, and the State Television and Radio collections contain more than two hundred songs sung by Zykina. In 1982 L.G. Zykina became a laureate of the Golden Disc prize awarded by the Melodiya company; she was awarded the Golden Disc of Germany - 1969.

Zykina – teacher

In 1977, Lyudmila Georgievna graduated from the State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after. Gnessins (now the Gnessins Russian Academy of Music). The education she received, her performing arts, her many years of experience creative activity on stage and creative communication with outstanding cultural figures (A.V. Proshkina, V.G. Zakharov, P.M. Kazmin, V.E. Klodnina in the Pyatnitsky Choir; A.V. Rudneva, N.V. Kutuzov in the Russian song choir; conductors E.V. Fedoseev, V.A. Silantyev; A.A. Babajanyan and many others) revealed in the singer the need to transfer her knowledge to young talents. Zykina led a large pedagogical activity: taught at the Moscow State Institute of Culture.

In 1989, the USSR State Committee for Public Education awarded her the academic title of associate professor of the “Folk Choir” department. She taught at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. Received the academic title of professor. L.G. Zykina conducted classes in the specialty “Solo singing” at the department “Choral and solo folk singing”, and also supervised the training of specialists for creative groups. Under the leadership of L.G. Zykina, on the basis of the State Academic Russian Folk Ensemble "Russia", many young musicians, including students of the departments of folk, wind and percussion instruments, choral and solo folk singing of the Russian Academy of Music, underwent pre-diploma and concert-performing practice. Gnesins. Many young musicians and vocalists began working on the professional stage after studying. Among them we can note: A. Sysoev, V. Kushchinsky, I. Blyumin, S. Woodpecker, E. Kalashnikova. L.G. Zykina’s activities as a teacher were characterized by high professionalism, exactingness and skill; many of her students became laureates of international and Russian competitions, honored artists and teachers, for example: S. Ignatieva - Associate Professor of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnessins; S. Gorshunov – laureate of the All-Union competition “Young Voices”, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation; N. Krygina - awarded the Grand Prix and first prize at the All-Union Competition "Young Voices", Honored Artist of the Russian Federation; V. Ftomenko – laureate All-Russian competition pop artists, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, etc. She was a permanent member of the jury of festivals and competitions at various levels both in the country and abroad (deputy chairman of the jury of the Second and Third All-Russian Folk Song Competitions in 1979 and 1985, chairman of the jury of the First Moscow Competition variety artists in 1979).

In 1997, Lyudmila Georgievna celebrated the 50th anniversary of her creative activity, but even at that time she was in excellent shape. Her large, smooth and rich voice of beautiful timbre was still unusually expressive and emotional. This was proven by the grand 6-hour concert held in May at the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow, dedicated to the singer’s creative anniversary. In August 1997, 15 CDs were released, which covered an anthology of songs from 50 years of creative activity of L. Zykina.

Social activity

Along with intensive concert and teaching activities, Lyudmila Zykina responded to any public affairs with alacrity and worked with great enthusiasm and dedication. She was a member of the Board of the Soviet Peace Fund (now the Russian Peace Fund), where her work to strengthen peace and friendship between peoples was repeatedly noted with thanks and certificates of honor. As a member of the Moscow Children's Fund named after. , Lyudmila Georgievna most actively participated in the destinies of children from orphanages. Lyudmila Zykina was also a member of the Presidium of the Russian Cultural Foundation, a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for State Prizes in the field of literature and art, and a member of the Council for Culture and Art under the President of the Russian Federation. She was repeatedly elected as a people's deputy in Moscow constituency No. 1. As president of the Russian Academy of Culture, L. Zykina did a lot of work to open a Russian art school in Germany, in Moscow's sister city Berlin. Under her leadership, construction of a concert complex on the banks of the Moscow River began in Moscow, meeting international standards.

Awards and prizes

The creative, pedagogical, and social activities of Lyudmila Georgievna were adequately appreciated by the Russian and international community. Over the years of his creative and social activities Zykina was awarded the titles: Honored Artist of the Buryat ASSR, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1968), People's Artist of the Udmurt ASSR (1974), People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR (1972), People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR (1980), People's artist of the USSR (1973). She is a Hero of Socialist Labor (1987), Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1970), State Prize of the RSFSR. in the field of musical art (1983), Laureate of the All-Union Competition of Variety Artists (1960), Knight of the Order (1979), Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd degree, Order of the Badge of Honor, French Order of Cultural education of youth." L.G. Zykina was awarded the Honorary Medal of the Board of the Peace Foundation, and the medals "50 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." and "Veteran of Labor". Lyudmila Zykina considered the love and gratitude of the viewer to whom she gave her creativity more valuable than all awards.


L.G. Zykina is the author of several publications that reflect her experience in performing and teaching work. She has written two books: “Song,” which highlights numerous problems in performing Russian and Soviet songs, and “At the Crossroads of Meetings,” about numerous meetings at creative path both with young musicians and with outstanding cultural and artistic figures.

Personal life

Lyudmila Georgievna first got married at the age of twenty-two. The chosen one of the young lady was Vladlen Pozdnov, an engineer at an automobile plant. An early marriage ended in divorce.

Zykina’s second husband was Evgeny Svalov, a photojournalist.

The singer’s third husband was Vladimir Kotelkin, a teacher foreign languages and a professional translator.

Lyudmila Zykina's fourth and last life partner was accordion player and composer Viktor Gridin. She lived with him for seventeen whole years.

Despite the huge number of fans and suitors, as well as a considerable number of marriages, Lyudmila Zykina never gave birth to a child. The artist has always been focused on her work, on helping those in need, on making the world a little better. Lyudmila Georgievna understood that a child is not a toy, but a person requiring attention and care. Zykina was afraid that, due to her busyness, she would not be able to give the heir what he needed.


Loved the films of yesteryear. Favorite actors.

There are a number of names on the Russian musical Olympus that have become legendary among their compatriots. One of these mega-stars is singer Lyudmila Zykina, a performer of folk songs, Russian romances and pop songs.

Lyudmila was born in the late 20s in Moscow into a family of working people. Mother Ekaterina Vasilievna worked as a nurse in a military hospital, and father Georgy Petrovich worked as a factory worker. Lyudmila had a brother, Alexander. Parents taught their children to do housework. Lyudmila was responsible for domestic animals - chickens, piglets, bulls, turkeys. Mom taught her daughter to cook, and Lyudmila was especially good at borscht. And since her father was given a motorcycle at work before the war, the girl also learned to understand technology.

There was often live music in the Zykins' house: my grandmother sang superbly, my mother sang along with her, and my father played the accordion impeccably. Therefore, it is not surprising that Luda began to sing in front of people back in preschool age. The girl did it easily and with pleasure, although she didn’t even think about becoming a singer. The fact is that Lyudmila dreamed of becoming a famous pilot.

The Great Patriotic War changed everything. In 1941, Lyudmila was only 12 years old, but this teenager did not stay away from the problems of her homeland. Zykina got a job at the Moscow Machine Tool Plant, quickly mastered the profession of a turner, worked on an equal basis with adults and even received the highest rank.

After Victory Day, Lyudmila Zykina graduated from the School of Working Youth as an external student, and in 1947 she decided to try her luck at the All-Russian Competition for Young Performers. This festival was held in a casting format, and the best singers were invited to the famous folk choir named after M. E. Pyatnitsky. As a result, four contestants were accepted there, and one of them, the only girl, became the future star of Russia. As a soloist of the choir, Lyudmila Zykina once had close contact with. While taking a group photo of the members of the creative team and the leader of the nation, Stalin accidentally stood next to Lyudmila. The memorable photo was preserved in the singer’s personal archive.

Much later, Lyudmila decided to get a special education. In 1969 she graduated from the Moscow Music College. M. Ippolitov-Ivanova, where she studied under the guidance of Elena Konstantinovna Gedevanova. In 1977, at the age of 48, she became the owner of a diploma from the Gnessin State Musical and Pedagogical Institute. Later, Zykina will train young performers and achieve the academic rank of professor.


Initially, Lyudmila Zykina was taken for choral performance, but soon the girl became a soloist. Her career was quickly going uphill, but then the singer suffered grief - her mother died. Stress had such an effect on Zykina’s ligaments that the vocalist could not only sing, but even speak normally for a year. Zykina's vocal career paused for a while. In order not to be a parasite, the girl went to work in a printing house. Fortunately, after a while, her voice was restored, and Lyudmila continued her performances.

Zykina was unable to return to Pyatnitsky’s choir, so she became a soloist in the Russian song choir of the All-Union Radio. Gradually, songs that are so beloved by fans appear in the singer’s repertoire - “Thin Rowan,” “Steppe and Steppe All Around,” “A Young Sailor Is Going on Leave,” “Down the Volga River” and others. In total, Zykina sang over 2000 compositions, which she remembered by heart until the end of her life.

The end of the 50s passed under the sign of Lyudmila Zykina: the singer became a laureate of one festival after another. The singer tours a lot, both Soviet Union, and abroad. During musical career Lyudmila Georgievna performed in 92 countries around the world, and everywhere she was received warmly and sincerely. And in her homeland, Zykina sang, perhaps, in all corners. The vocalist even has a concert at the North Pole for polar explorers drifting on an ice floe.

One day, while on tour abroad, the artist accidentally crossed paths with members of The Beatles. After meeting, the British musicians asked Zykina to sing a song from the Russian repertoire, and then they themselves performed a number of Russian songs. This fact from the singer’s biography was kept silent for 30 years, until the artist herself spoke about the significant meeting in an interview.

Lyudmila Zykina became the favorite singer of Soviet political leaders - and. The singer often appeared at government concerts, and once at Khrushchev’s birthday she replaced a line in the song “The Volga River Flows” and sang “And you are 17 years old!”, which pleased the hero of the day.

At the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the USSR, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers invited those present to raise a glass to Lyudmila Zykina, whom he called the only Russian singer, after which rumors spread on the sidelines of the government about the romance between the artist and the statesman.

A special friendship connected Lyudmila Zykina and the Minister of Culture. The friends visited each other regularly, both loved bathing procedures. After the death of Ekaterina Furtseva, Lyudmila canceled her tour for the duration of the funeral.

In 1977, the singer created her own Russian folk ensemble “Russia”, which she led until the end of her life. In later years, Zykina often sang duets with pop musicians - Mikhail Kizin, Marc Almond and others.

It is worth noting that although Lyudmila Georgievna is considered a performer of folk songs, it was her own pop hits stylized as folklore that brought worldwide fame to the singer: “The Volga River Flows,” “Orenburg Down Shawl,” “Winter,” “Wait for Me.” For the artist, musical hits were created by composers.

In the last years of her life, Zykina continued to give concerts. In addition to teaching at a music university, Lyudmila Zykina also supervised a number of orphanages and served as president of the Russian Academy of Culture and president of the Moscow Peace Foundation. A charitable foundation acted on behalf of the singer, the director of which was Mikhail Kizin, soloist of the Rossiya ensemble. The singer helped the artist work on her autobiography “I Love You,” which was published in 2009. Zykina’s last concert program had the same name.

Personal life

Lyudmila Zykina married four times and separated from each spouse on her own initiative. The girl walked down the aisle for the first time at 22 years old. Then the artist’s husband became an automobile plant engineer, Vladlen Pozdnov. Then there were photojournalist for the magazine “Soviet Warrior” Evgeny Svalov and journalist Vladimir Kotelkin. Each of these marriages was short-term; it was difficult for men to stay near this strong-willed woman for a long time.

The fourth husband, virtuoso accordion player Viktor Gridin, lived with Lyudmila Zykina for 17 years. They were connected by family and professional relationships. But the artist’s personal life did not work out with him either. The singer lived alone for the last 15 years of her life. Lyudmila did not have children, although the singer wanted to have a child. But in this matter Lyudmila Zykina was strict with herself: either motherhood or a career. The woman did not dare to combine these two paths.


The artist suffered from diabetes, which disrupted her metabolism. Also last years Lyudmila Georgievna had difficulty moving, which is why she even had to undergo a complex operation to implant a hip joint.

On June 10, 2009, Lyudmila Zykina celebrated her anniversary and planned to begin touring the country. It was already agreed that the artist would be accompanied by a doctor on the trip. But two weeks later the singer had another heart attack. Lyudmila Georgievna was taken to intensive care, doctors tried to provide Zykina with maximum care, but on July 1, 2009, the singer died from cardio-renal failure.

Three years after the artist’s death, jewelry was put up for auction and sold for more than $1 million. Relatives announced that these funds would be used to perpetuate the artist’s memory. The singer bequeathed her own dacha in Mikhalevo to her personal assistant Tatyana Svinkova. And the apartment on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment was resold four times. The apartment is now on its fifth owner. Bronze pedestal in full height the singer was established by the “House of Lyudmila Zykina,” an organization that supports aspiring vocalists.

In 2013, a biographical film about Zykina “Lyudmila” was released on television screens, where the role main character performed by the actress.


  • 1963 – “Russian folk songs”
  • 1964 – “Steppes, steppes”
  • 1965 – “Songs of Soviet composers”
  • 1968 – “For you, woman”
  • 1969 – “Native Tunes”
  • 1971 – “Songs about astronauts”
  • 1976 – “Only you could, my Russia”
  • 1984 – “Memory. Russian romances"
  • 1985 – “To you, veterans”
  • 1990 – “How can you forget...”

Lyudmila Georgievna Zykina (1929 – 2009) is a famous Russian performer. She became famous thanks to her inimitable performance of folk songs and romances. Has many awards and titles.


The biography of Lyudmila Zykina began in Moscow, where the future star was born in 1929. Her family was the most ordinary: her father was a worker, her mother was a nurse. However, the income always exceeded the average, so Lyudmila’s childhood can be called easy and carefree. The girl went to school, ran around the streets with friends, and read books.

Everything changed with the advent of World War II. A twelve-year-old girl who was supposed to play with dolls turned out to be a turner at a factory. However, she did not complain. In those years, everyone tried to make a contribution to the future victory. But childhood is over.


After the war, Lyudmila completed courses for nurses and began working in a military clinical hospital. Then the girl learned to sew and worked part-time as a seamstress.

Victory parades were still thundering across the country, so all the youth were crazy about the war heroes. Accordingly, they then dreamed of being like them.

Lyudmila Zykina wanted to become a pilot, her father supported her in this. The wish could well have come true, but one day the girl took a different path.

In 1947, Lyudmila took part in a song competition. She sang before, she was praised, but she never thought that she could achieve anything in this field. However, the girl did not go to try her hand at some small event, but straight to the All-Russian competition. The prize was supposed to be vacant place in the Pyatnitsky choir. Naturally, several thousand talented performers applied for it. But it went to the unknown eighteen-year-old Zykina.

Since Lyudmila had not previously studied singing, the choir became for her not only a place of work, but also a school. She turned out to be a talented student and quickly learned all the intricacies of the new craft. However, the future star still could not perceive music as a lifelong pursuit. She had no idea that art could support her and her family. And so, unexpectedly for everyone, in 1949, the promising girl left the choir and began working in a printing house.


Soon Lyudmila realized that without music her life had become gray and uninteresting. She was again very lucky: she managed to get into the Russian song choir of the All-Union Radio. After some time, she realized that she was ready to perform solo. Now her songs were accompanied by an orchestra.

Lyudmila Zykina gave concerts throughout the Soviet Union. Among the fans of her talent were the most famous artists and politicians of that time. However, the artist did not feel like a full-fledged performer. She lacked adequate education. Therefore, in 1969 she graduated from the music school, and then from the institute.

In 1972, Lyudmila Zykina received her first title of People's Artist. This happened in Azerbaijan. Then the rewards rained down like from a cornucopia.

The singer's career has always developed steadily. She did not know recessions and oblivion. Despite the fact that folk music does not have such a huge number of fans as pop culture, Zykina has never suffered from a lack of fans. Not a single one of her concerts was sold out. We dreamed of working with a singer best composers and contemporary musicians.

Personal life

The personal life of Lyudmila Zykina was quite eventful. It is enough to note that she changed four husbands. This is not strange, given her fame and attractiveness. It is surprising that none of the artist’s husbands, except the last one, had anything to do with the musical world.

Zykina’s first chosen one was an ordinary engineer. Then he was replaced by a photojournalist. The third husband taught foreign languages.

The singer's last husband was accordion player Viktor Gridin. Their marriage lasted for 17 years. However, it ended in scandal. Gridin left his famous wife for another woman.

Lyudmila Zykina never married again.


In June 2009, Lyudmila Zykina magnificently celebrated her eightieth birthday. Gathered for the celebration famous people countries. The singer looked, as always, gorgeous.

It was difficult to tell that she had been seriously ill for several years. However, the holiday was the last in her life.

On July 1, 2009, Lyudmila Zykina died. The singer, beloved by millions, was buried at the Navodevichy cemetery.

Lyudmila Georgievna Zykina. Born on June 10, 1929 in Moscow - died on July 1, 2009 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian singer. People's Artist of the USSR (1973).

Mother - Ekaterina Vasilievna (1902-1950) worked as a nurse in a military hospital.

Father - Georgy Petrovich Zykin (1899-1956) a worker.

In addition to Lyudmila, the family also had a brother, Alexander.

The artist said about her childhood: “My mother was always busy, she worked two shifts. My dad also worked a lot. I belonged to the street. And all our children grew up like that. I went to a nursery, and the next day I ran away from there because I had to sleep there during the day, but I couldn’t, and I told my mother that if you take me there again, I’ll run away, and I’ll be near the house. And she resigned herself. Our street was very good, we didn’t have to drive through, we lived in a wooden one. house, in the forest. This is the children's department of the Kanatchikova dacha, it is a wonderful place, so my mother was not afraid for me.

Upbringing in the family was free. When the parents of my friends turned to my mother: why do you greet them all the time, do you already have a small room? - Mom said: oh well, it’s better to have them in front of me, well, I’ll wash the floor one more time. My mother was very kind person, hospitable even during the war years. She always treated my friends and girlfriends warmly. She tried to give everyone who came to me tea, some kind of pie or pancake.

Mom tried to make me very economical. I had chickens on me, I had to feed the chickens, chop eggs, pick grass. From a very young age, I was instilled with a love for animals. We always had three little pigs, then a cow appeared, a bull, there were a lot of chickens, ducks, turkeys. I learned this work early. The war had just begun, and my mother said: we need to make a vegetable garden in the fall so that we can have one in the spring. I remember they were uprooting stumps and removing stones. It was hard, I was only 12 years old, and I wanted to go for a walk, but my mother said: you’ll do this little bit and go for a walk. Mom taught Penya to sew, knit, embroider, and cook, especially borscht. She trusted me with everything.

I had more different instruments: guitar, balalaika, domra, drums. I really loved this. Besides that, I loved cycling. I started riding early, almost immediately on a big bicycle, then I rode a motorcycle - my father was given a BMW for his work before the war. I was accustomed to technology. I love the car. When I started working, I had a dream to buy a car. And I bought the Moskvich first, then the Volga."

During the Great Patriotic War, she worked as a turner at the Moscow Machine Tool Plant named after. Sergo Ordzhonikidze. She was awarded the honorary title “Honored Ordzhonikidzovets”.

After the war, she worked as a nurse in a military clinical hospital near Moscow, and then as a seamstress in the Kashchenko hospital. Moreover, at that time, by their own admissions, the cherished dream of both Lyudmila herself and her father was to become a pilot.

Creative biography began in 1947 with participation in the All-Russian competition of young performers, after which she was accepted into the State Academic Russian Folk Choir. M.E. Pyatnitsky. The competition during the reception reached 1,500 people per place, in the end the commission selected four: three boys and one girl - Lyudmila.

I managed to meet Stalin when I sang in Pyatnitsky’s choir. Once after a concert in the Kremlin, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief decided to take a photo with his favorite ensemble and accidentally stood next to the young soloist Zykina.

In 1950, Zykina’s mother died and the singer lost her voice for one year. Then I was able to recover.

In 1957, Zykina became a laureate of the Sixth Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow, and in 1960 - the winner of the All-Russian Competition of Variety Artists.

Since 1960, Lyudmila Zykina has been a soloist of the Mosconcert.

In 1968, L. G. Zykina performed the vocal part in Rodion Shchedrin’s “Poetorium”.

In 1969 she graduated from the Moscow Music College. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova (class of Elena Konstantinovna Gedevanova), and in 1977 - the Gnessin State Musical and Pedagogical Institute.

Lyudmila Zykina was on good terms with Brezhnev and Khrushchev. But with the Minister of Culture Ekaterina Furtseva, they liked to go to the bathhouse in the same company. It so happened that in the evening, on the eve of the minister’s death, they also steamed together in a Russian bathhouse. Zykina went home to prepare for her trip to Gorky, and Furtseva went to a banquet on the occasion of the anniversary of the Maly Theater. At night, the minister called Zykina and asked her to be careful on the road, her voice was sad and sorrowful. The next day, early in the morning, Lyudmila Georgievna left by car for Gorky, and in the afternoon she was informed about the death of her friend. Zykina immediately returned to Moscow.

In addition to Russia, Zykina was popular in all republics of the USSR and in many countries of the world. In 1972, Heydar Aliyev, who was then the 1st Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, congratulated the famous singer on the title of People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR.

Lyudmila Zykina - Thin mountain ash

Lyudmila Zykina - Orenburg downy shawl

In 1977, Zykina created the State Academic Russian Folk Ensemble "Russia". She conducted teaching activities - taught at the Moscow State Institute of Culture, at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music.

In 1989, the USSR State Committee for Public Education awarded Zykina the academic title of associate professor of the “Folk Choir” department. It was noted that many of her students became laureates of international and Russian competitions, honored artists and teachers. She herself was often invited to serve on the jury of festivals and competitions at various levels both within the country and abroad.

In 1991, Lyudmila Zykina, along with a number of politicians and cultural figures, signed the “Word to the People” - an appeal published in the newspaper “Soviet Russia”, criticizing the course of Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

In 2006, she took part in the preparation for the publication of the second book in the “Autograph of the Century” series. Over the course of six months, the singer signed 250 sheets with her reprinted appeal to future generations.

Lyudmila Zykina - The Volga Flows

Lyudmila Zykina's voice is a full-bodied, soft and timbre mezzo-soprano. Throughout her life she adhered to the Russian folk style of singing, first choral, then solo. It should be noted that Zykina’s national fame was brought not so much by Russian folk songs, but by Soviet, stylized folk songs, songs of small villages and working outskirts, written by composers Mark Fradkin, Grigory Ponomarenko, Alexander Averkin, Viktor Temnov and Nikolai Polikarpov, who wrote the first solo songs for Zykina to the poems of Alexander Gadalov “Brown eyes blinked at me” and “I couldn’t sleep through a long night.”

Lyudmila Zykina's repertoire included more than 2 thousand Russian folk songs, works of modern composers, Russian romances, as well as songs of the peoples of the world. Duets have been recorded with Julian, Marc Almond, Nikolai Rastorguev, Mikhail Kizin. In 1968, L. G. Zykina performed the vocal part in Rodion Shchedrin’s “Poetoria”. In the anniversary year of 1970, she took part in the performance of another work by Rodion Shchedrin - the oratorio “Lenin in the People’s Heart”. This work was awarded the USSR State Prize. In addition, over the years, Lyudmila Zykina created thematic concert programs: “To you, woman”, “To you, veterans”, “Evening of Russian song and romance”, “Russian folk songs”, “Dedicated to the Heroes of Space”, “Only you could , my Russia” and a number of others.

During her creative career, Lyudmila Zykina has been on tour in 92 countries.

Illness and death of Lyudmila Zykina

The artist suffered from diabetes mellitus for a long time and seriously, and in 2007 she underwent a difficult operation to implant a hip joint. However, back on June 10, 2009, that is, 21 days before her death, the singer celebrated her 80th birthday, to which many famous Russians came to see her.

On July 1, 2009, she died in Moscow at the age of 80 from cardio-renal failure. A few days before her death, Lyudmila Zykina suffered a heart attack.

Farewell to Lyudmila Zykina took place on July 3, 2009 in Concert hall named after P.I. Tchaikovsky in Moscow. The funeral service took place on July 4, 2009 in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The singer was buried with military honors on July 4, 2009 at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow next to the grave of Galina Ulanova.

On July 1, 2012, a monument to Lyudmila Zykina was unveiled at the Novodevichy cemetery. Authors F. Soghoyan and M. Soghoyan.

On May 20, 1999, a decree was adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation on the transfer of the Lyudmila Zykina diamond weighing 55.02 carats, located in the State Fund of Russia, to the Diamond Fund of the Russian Federation.

In 2006, the Krasnodar Conservatory was named after Lyudmila Zykina.

An asteroid (4879 Zykina) is named after Zykina.

Mystical secrets Lyudmila Zykina

Lyudmila Zykina's height: 167 centimeters.

Personal life of Lyudmila Zykina:

She was married four times.

She got married for the first time at the age of 22 to an engineer at the Likhachev Automobile Plant, Vladlen Pozdnov. But the marriage did not last long. While on tour in India, she was told that she would soon separate from her husband, and after Zykina’s prediction, she actually found out that her husband had been living with someone else for six months. The singer suffered the betrayal very painfully.

The singer’s second husband was a photojournalist for the magazine “Soviet Warrior” Evgeny Svalov, whom she accidentally met on a tram. A few months after their first meeting, the lovers got married. However family life didn't work out.

The third husband is a foreign language teacher, translator and journalist Vladimir Petrovich Kotyolkin. Divorced because of her husband's infidelity.

She lived with her fourth husband, Viktor Fedorovich Gridin, for 17 years. After many years civil marriage Gridin started an affair with chorus girl Nadezhda Krygina.

Lyudmila Zykina had no children. The singer herself said on this matter that she wanted to have children, but she always believed that a child is a person who requires enormous attention, which she could not give due to constant touring.

Shortly before her death, Zykina admitted at her press conference that she was in a relationship with a singer who was 40 years younger than her.

Another lover of Zykina was Viktor Konstantinov, a psychotherapist and psychic, also half the singer’s age. According to Zykina’s friend Tatyana Gavrilova, the star was going to marry him and promised to help open a clinic. But after the sudden death of Zykina, he also died suddenly.

Ludmila Zykina's jewelry collection:

On March 3, 2012, the singer’s heir, nephew Sergei Zykin, put it up for auction through auction house"Gelos" jewelry belonging to Lyudmila Zykina. The lower estimate for the 25 pieces of jewelry presented was 11 million rubles, and the total sales amount exceeded 31 million rubles.

It is known about some jewelry from Zykina’s collection that was previously put up for auction:

1. Gold "Basket" brooch set with 115 natural diamonds and seven baguette-cut blue sapphires in a path. Presumably Western Europe, second third of the 20th century. Price - 10 thousand dollars.

2. Set: pendant and earrings with natural emeralds, diamonds and rose-cut diamonds. Product made of gold and silver. The jewelry contains cabochon-cut emeralds of unique size. Presumably, India, third quarter of the 20th century. Price - 200 thousand dollars.

3. Set with diamonds and garnets (demantoids). Product made of gold. Bracelet and earrings with hot enamel. The product is made to order, it schematically represents cornflowers - Zykina’s favorite flowers. Presumably, Russia, second half of the 20th century. Price: from 20 thousand dollars.

4. Transformable brooch made of gold with a pictorial insert, decorated with hot enamel. Insert with the image of Empress Sisi (Elizabeth of Austria), inlaid with faceted inserts. Price - 20 thousand dollars.

5. Antique gold transformable brooch with openwork flower design set with 56 natural antique rose cut diamonds. Russia, 1871. The brooch has never been restored and has its original appearance, which increases its value. Price - 25 thousand dollars.

6. Earrings to match the previous set with a brooch. Gold. 60 diamonds and rose cut diamonds. Russia, 1871. A unique example of jewelry art late XIX century. Price - 15 thousand dollars.

7. Necklace made in white and yellow gold, made of 127 natural diamonds. Presented to the singer by the President of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev. Price - 400 thousand dollars.

8. Original gold earrings with natural diamonds. One natural antique cushion cut diamond. Price - 70 thousand dollars.

“You see, external beauty is not necessary, you need to be internally beautiful. For the soul to sing, the heart to be kind and sympathetic. Probably, this is also why they love people. I have never caused grief to anyone in my life. No one. Neither a woman nor a man. So it worked out better for myself than for anyone else,” the singer said in a recent interview.

Filmography of Lyudmila Zykina:

1961 - “Lyudmila Zykina sings”
1964 - “Honored Artist of the RSFSR Lyudmila Zykina sings”
1964 - “When the song doesn’t end” - concert film
1969 - “Abduction” - concert film
1978 - “At the concert of Lyudmila Zykina” - concert film
1983 - “Sing to all generations!” - concert film
1983 - “Listen if you want...” - concert film
1985 - “Song for a fighter” - concert film
1985 - “All songs on a visit”
1985 - “You were also born in Russia” - concert film
1986 - “Voice Only”
1986 - “A dream of love, a beautiful dream” - concert film
1997 - “Ten Songs about Moscow” - concert film

Bibliography of Lyudmila Zykina:

1975 - Song
1984 - At the crossroads of meetings
1988 - At the crossroads of meetings: Essays
1998 - My Volga is flowing...
2009 - I love you

Songs of Lyudmila Zykina:

“And the years fly by” (Mark Fradkin - Evgeniy Dolmatovsky);
“And the eyes keep looking at the road” (Alexey Ekimyan - F. Laube);
“And the forest stands mysterious” (Vladimir Shainsky - V. Feldman);
“But love is still alive” (Alexey Ekimyan - Viktor Bokov);
“And he’s nobody’s” (Viktor Temnov - Oleg Abramov);
“And there in the distance is my Russia” (Seraphim Tulikov - Vladimir Kharitonov);
“And I only now understand” (Grigory Ponomarenko - Olga Berggolts);
“And I’m in the meadow” (Russian folk song);
“Mother’s Arioso” (Anatoly Novikov - Georgy Rublev);
“Autumn Asters” (Nikolai Kharito - S. Gray);
“Oh, I’ve been out all night” (Russian folk song);
“Ah, you are a long night” (Russian folk song);
“Oh, if only the earth could speak” (Yuri Martynov - Oleg Milyavsky);
“Ah, frost, frost” (Alexander Dubuk - I. Vanenko (I. I Bashmakov);
“Oh you, Vanka” (Russian folk song);
“The Ballad of the Death of a Commissar” (Georgy Sviridov - Alexander Prokofiev);
“The Ballad of a Mother” or “She Dreamed that She Was Russia” (Mikhail Chistov - Lyudmila Tatyanicheva);
“The Ballad of Saved Bread” (Mark Fradkin - V. Stormov);
“The River Runs” (Eduard Kolmanovsky - Evgeny Yevtushenko);
“Beketovka (Somewhere near Beketovka)” (Alexandra Pakhmutova - G. Kireev);
“White Snow” (Vladimir Zakharov - P. Kazmin);
“Whitefaces, you are my blushes” (music - Russian folk in the arrangement of Sergei Rachmaninov, words - Russian folk);
“White acacia fragrant clusters” (A. Pugachev);
“Birch” (Nikolai Kutuzov - Sergei Yesenin);
“Birch” (E. Drazen - Alexander Bezymensky);
"Birches of Russia";
“Insomnia” (N. Polikarpov - G. Kuryankova);
“There will be a rainbow” (Evgeny Zharkovsky - V. Lazarev);
“On Watch” (Alexander Morozov - Yuri Martsinkevich);
“In the park near Mamayev Kurgan” (Ian Frenkel - Inna Goff);
“Waltz of Frontline Girlfriends” (Viktor Temnov - P. Chernyaev);
“Vanya” (Eduard Kolmanovsky - Igor Shaferan);
"Widow's Cry" (Russian folk song);
“Come back” (Boris Prozorovsky - V. Lensky);
“Loyalty” (Evgeny Ptichkin - G. Georgiev);
“Veterans” (Vano Muradeli - Sergei Smirnov);
“Rowan Branch” (Alexandra Pakhmutova - Nikolai Dobronravov);
“Evening for me maiden” (Russian folk song);
“Evening late from the forest” (Russian folk song);
“Down the Volga River” (Alexander Varlamov - Alexander Shakhovskoy);
“In the green oak grove” (N. Polikarpov - Viktor Bokov);
“The water in the well is cold” (Russian folk song);
“Near Three Roads” (Roman Mayorov - Mikhail Ryabinin);
“The Volga has become a sea” (Vano Muradeli - Alexander Zharov);
“Volzhanka” (Yuri Slonov - Anton Prishelets);
“Volga suffering” (Russian folk song);
“Eighteen Years” (October Grishin - Vladimir Zastrozhny);
“Here comes the postal troika” (Russian folk song);
“Here comes the daring troika” (Alexey Verstovsky - Fyodor Glinka);
“Everything that happened” (Eduard Kolmanovsky - I. Gritskova);
“I got up at dawn” (Russian folk song);
“You serve, we will wait for you” (Eduard Kolmanovsky - Konstantin Vanshenkin);
“Blizzard” (Seraphim Tulikov - Olga Fadeeva);
“Where are you, where are you, father’s house” (Alexandra Pakhmutova - Sergei Yesenin);
“Where the bread makes noise” (Nikolai Kutuzov - E. Karasev);
“The Eyes of My Mother” (Viktor Temnov - O. Levitsky);
“Talk about Russia” (Yuri Levitin - Viktor Bokov);
“They say I’m mischievous”;
“Ice” (Vladimir Shainsky - Mikhail Plyatskovsky);
“Sunsets are Burning” (Viktor Temnov - Oleg Milyavsky);
“Mushrooms” (Viktor Temnov - P. Chernyaev);
“The mountain ash is sad in the Russian song” (Viktor Temnov);
“Sad Willows” (Matvey Blanter - Alexander Zharov);
"Maiden's Duma" (Russian folk song);
“Girl, remember me” (Oscar Sandler - B. Turovsky);
“My rural childhood” (Evgeny Ptichkin - Mikhail Plyatskovsky);
“The Winter Path” (Alexander Averkin - Nikolai Palkin);
“Daughter” (Eduard Kolmanovsky - Nikolai Dorizo);
“She dreamed that she was Russia” or “The Ballad of a Mother” (Mikhail Chistov - Lyudmila Tatyanicheva);
“Yenisei” (Grigory Ponomarenko - Inna Kashezheva);
“Esaul” (Oleg Gazmanov);
“I feel sorry for you” (Alexey Ekimyan - Felix Laube);
“Don’t bother waiting for a soldier” (N. Polikarpov - I. Shamov);
“Wait for me” (Matvey Blanter - Konstantin Simonov);
“Waiting for you” (Alexander Averkin - I. Dremov);
“The Sailor’s Wife” (Ya. Mosharsky - V. Yantovsky);
“Zhenka” (Evgeny Zharkovsky - Konstantin Vanshenkin);
“Once upon a time there lived a girl on earth” (Andrei Babaev - Vladimir Kharitonov);
“The Cranes Flew” (Valentin Levashov - M. Andronov);
“The Treasured Stone (Stone of Sevastopol)” (Boris Mokrousov - Alexander Zharov);
“The sun has set” (Arkady Ostrovsky - S. Rytikov) with Lyubov Lazareva;
“I sat alone (a snow-white cherry blossomed at the window)” (Mikhail Chumakov - Veniamin Burygin);
“There is little light outside the window” (Eduard Kolmanovsky - Konstantin Vanshenkin);
“Why did you call me” (Alexandra Pakhmutova - Lev Oshanin);
“Why are you bothering me” (Alexander Averkin);
“Star” (E. Kuznetsov - A. Shulga);
“Stars of Russia” (Mark Fradkin - P. Leonidov);
“Towards the Stars” (A. Novikov - V. Kharitonov);
“My Land” (Vadim Gamalia - A. Tesarova);
“Winter Road” (V. Baranov - Alexander Pushkin);
“Winter Path” (Alexander Averkin - Nikolai Palkin);
“Winter” (Valentin Levashov - V. Semernin);
“Goldfish” (Murad Kazhlaev - Vladimir Portnov);
“Ivushka” (Grigory Ponomarenko - Vasily Alferov);
“The battalions are coming” (Yuri Saulsky - V. Sergeev);
“From Under a Pebble” (music - Russian folk, arranged by Anatoly Sobolev, words - Russian folk);
“If only the wings were golden” (Nikolai Kutuzov - Gennady Georgiev);
“Quadrille ditties” (Alexander Averkin - D. Martynov);
“How Yura saw us off on our flight” (Alexandra Pakhmutova - Nikolai Dobronravov);
“How can I not love this land” (Valentin Levashov - V. Lazarev);
“Somehow early in the morning” (Russian folk song);
“Like the month” (Russian folk song);
“The Cossack went to war” (Tikhon Khrennikov - Viktor Gusev);
“Kalina in the Rye” (Alexander Bilash - Vladimir Fedorov);
“Kalina” (Sigismund Katz - Anatoly Sofronov);
"Kalinka" (Russian folk song);
“Kalinushka with Malinushka” (Russian folk song);
“Kari Eyes” (Russian folk song);
“Brown eyes blinked at me” (Alexander Gadalov - N. Polikarpov);
"Karolinka" (Polish folk song);
“Kyiv - Red Sun” (Alexandra Pakhmutova - Nikolai Dobronravov);
“Kiset” (Anatoly Lepin - V. Alekhin);
“Ring” (N. Bakhmetyev - folk song);
“Commander’s Order” (Vano Muradeli - Sergei Smirnov);
“Bonfire on the Hill” (Alexander Averkin - L. Kondyrev);
“Maple (Where the maple makes noise)” (Leonty Shishko - Leonty Shishko);
“Bonfire on the Hill” (Alexander Averkin - Lev Kondyrev);
“Red Sun” (Pavel Aedonitsky - Igor Shaferan);
“Red Sundress” (Alexander Varlamov - Nikolai Tsyganov);
“Your Beauty” (Evgeny Ptichkin - V. Butenko);
“Circle of the Rakitov Bush” (Russian folk song);
“Who dares to say” (V. Makhlyankin - G. Rudakov);
“Kubinoozersky ditties” (Russian folk song);
“Wherever you go, you go” (Nikolai Kutuzov - Mikhail Isakovsky);
“Only you could, my Russia” (Seraphim Tulikov - Georgy Khodosov);
“Luchinushka (The night is dark...)” (Russian folk song);
“My Love, My Russia” (Viktor Temnov - Anatoly Sofronov);
“Small Earth” (Alexandra Pakhmutova - Nikolai Dobronravov);
“Mom, dear mother” (Alexander Averkin - Igor Lashkov);
“Mother, the field is dusty” (Russian folk song);
“Mother and Son” (duet with Julian) (Alexandra Pakhmutova - Nikolai Dobronravov);
“In our village” (E. Kuznetsov - V. Korneev);
“He’s going on leave” (Alexander Averkin - Viktor Bokov);
"On the Beautiful Green Meadow" (German folk song);
“On the Seven Winds” (Mark Fradkin - V. Lazarev);
“On the hills of Manchuria” (Ilya Shatrov - Alexey Mashistov);
“Hope, Faith and Love” (Evgeny Ptichkin - Konstantin Skvortsov);
“Our Deputy” (Anatoly Novikov - Sergey Alymov);
“Don’t scold me, dear” (A. Dubuk - A. Razorenov);
“Not along the river swan” (Russian folk song);
“I couldn’t sleep through a long night” (Nikolai Polikarpov - A. Gadalov);
“No, he didn’t love” (Alphonse Guerchia - E. Delpreite, trans. M. Medvedev);
“No, it’s not you that I love so passionately” (A. Shishkin - Mikhail Lermontov);
"Neither Silver nor Gold" (Norwegian folk song);
“Thread” (Mark Fradkin - Mikhail Matusovsky);
“The night is bright” (Mikhail Shishkin - Nikolai Yazykov);
“About Russia” (Mikhail Chistov - Marina Lunina);
“Clouds” (Anatoly Novikov - Pyotr Gradov);
“The Path Broken” (Oscar Feltsman - Harold Registan);
“The fire burns unquenchable” (Anatoly Novikov - I. Yushin);
“Oh, mushrooms-mushrooms” (Viktor Temnov - Pyotr Chernyaev);
“Oh, yes the carrier (In memory of the mother)” (Nikolai Pisarenko - Alexander Tvardovsky);
“Oh, snow-snowball” (Grigory Ponomarenko - Viktor Bokov);
“The soldier grew a mustache” (Alexander Averkin - I. Loshakov);
“Orenburg Down Shawl” (Grigory Ponomarenko - Viktor Bokov);
“Officers’ Wives” (Alexander Dolukhanyan - Evgeny Dolmatovsky);
“Leaves are Falling” (Alexander Averkin - Viktor Bokov);
“Guys of the pre-war years” (Vladimir Migulya - Karina Filippova-Diodorova);
“Song about the hero city of Novorossiysk” (Grigory Ponomarenko - Kronid Oboishchikov);
“Song about my soldier” (Evgeny Zharkovsky - Margarita Agashina);
"Song of the Coast" (Japanese folk song);
“Talk to me” (duet with Nikolai Rastorguev) (Igor Matvienko - Alexander Shaganov);
“Walking through space” (A. Dolukhanyan - I. Morozov);
“Under the arc the bell sings” (M. Nikolaevsky - V. Garlitsky);
“Give me a scarf” (Grigory Ponomarenko - Margarita Agashina);
“Let us bow to those great years” (Alexandra Pakhmutova - Mikhail Lvov);
“Flood” (Seraphim Tulikov - Vladimir Kharitonov);
“People Remember” (Oscar Feltsman - Evgeny Dolmatovsky);
“I remember when I was still young” (Russian folk song);
“Dedication (to the memory of V. Shukshin)” (Evgeny Ptichkin - Anatoly Poperechny);
“I will sow a swan” (Russian folk song);
“Farewell” (Tikhon Khrennikov - Fyodor Kravchenko);
“Farewell, Rocky Mountains” (Evgeny Zharkovsky - Nikolai Bukin);
“Is it possible to forget” (Viktor Temnov - O. Levitsky);
“Tell me, mom” (Evgeny Martynov, lyrics by Andrey Dementyev, D. Usmanov);
“A birch tree grows in Volgograd” (Grigory Ponomarenko - Margarita Agashina);
“Russia, remember about yourself” (Anatoly Sobolev - Karina Filippova-Diodorova);
“Ryazan Madonnas” (Alexander Dolukhanyan - Anatoly Poperechny);
“Orphan” (Grigory Ponomarenko - G. Kurevskaya);
“Tell me, son” (Anatoly Novikov - Lev Oshanin);
“Smolensk Road” (Alexandra Pakhmutova - Nikolai Dobronravov);
“Gagarin’s Constellation” (Alexandra Pakhmutova - Nikolai Dobronravov);
“Soldiers” (Yu. Svidersky - Lyudmila Tatyanicheva);
“Dropped a ring” (music - Russian folk in the arrangement of Anatoly Shalaev, words - Russian folk);
“Steppes, steppes” (Valentin Levashov - Valentin Levashov);
“Steppe and steppe all around” (Russian folk song);
“Your Traces” (Arno Babajanyan - Evgeny Yevtushenko);
“The Volga Flows” (Mark Fradkin - Lev Oshanin);
"It Was Saturday Night" (Danish folk song);
“Just one chance” (duet with Marc Almond) (Boris Fomin - Pavel German);
“Thin Rowan” (music - Russian folk in the arrangement of Nikolai Budashkin, words - Russian folk);
“Meadow grasses” (Evgeny Ptichkin - Tatyana Ulyanova);
“Sing in the garden, nightingale” (Russian folk song);
"You're My Only One" (Icelandic folk song);
“You, my Russia” (Seraphim Tulikov - Sergei Ostrovoy);
“You are near” (Alexandra Pakhmutova - Yulia Drunina);
“You are a garden” (Russian folk song);
“Foggy Morning” (Arkady Abaza - Ivan Turgenev);
“Meadow Duck” (Russian folk song);
“Flowers of Russia” (Evgeny Ptichkin - Vladimir Butenko);
“Black-browed, black-eyed” (Russian folk song);
“What was, was” (Grigory Ponomarenko - Margarita Agashina);
“Silk Grass” (Lyudmila Zykina - Viktor Bokov);
“My Southern City” (Grigory Ponomarenko - Gennady Georgiev);
“I am the Earth” (Vano Muradeli - Evgeniy Dolmatovsky);
“I’m flying over Russia” (Grigory Ponomarenko - Oleg Levitsky);
“I love you” (Yakov Prigozhy - Yu. Adamovich);
“I haven’t forgotten you over the years” (Pyotr Bulakhov, in the version of Vera Gorodovskaya - L. Zhodeyko)



This is interesting: