The award is awesome. Vyacheslav Volodin's brother-in-law approached the "silver mile"

The award is awesome. Vyacheslav Volodin's brother-in-law approached the "silver mile"

What terrible secret is the leadership of United Russia hiding about Vyacheslav Volodin’s closest ally? Why has Pyotr Glybochko not yet appeared in court? To answer these and many other questions, we had to spend more than one week interviewing a large circle of participants and random witnesses to the drama that took place nine years ago.

As they say, whoever remembers the past is out of sight. The Russian proverb is true for everyday situations or, as we would say today in a smart way, interpersonal. But if we are talking about politicians - about people who are burdened with high positions and called upon to decide human destinies, then their past always not only serves as some reason for the close attention of ordinary people, but was, is and should be a certain measure, a standard of actions and aspirations. The weight of the past prevents you from moving forward. If the burden is burdened with immoral or criminal actions, then the path of the politician leads society and himself to the abyss. The trouble is that they always carefully hide their dark past, and therefore those people who trusted them and trusted themselves do not always know who, in fact, is hiding under the noble mask of a people's servant. About some, so to speak, not entirely bright spots in the biography of Pyotr Glybochko, rector of the Saratov State Medical University, doctor medical sciences, professor and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, member of the presidium of the political council of the Saratov regional branch of the United Russia WFP and head of the United Russia deputy group in the Saratov City Duma, few people know for certain. Probably, Pyotr Vitalievich himself began to forget about them: after all, almost nine years have passed since the time when dark clouds hung over his career, and the sky seemed dark.
Probably, if it weren’t for the high patron from Moscow - and then he was and still is the deputy and deputy chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, secretary of the Presidium of the General Council of the United Russia WFP Vyacheslav Volodin - then, probably, there would not be Mr. Well, Glybochko is neither the rector of the country’s largest medical university, nor even the chief physician of the Saratov Regional Hospital for War and Labor Veterans.
But the clouds over Pyotr Glybochko’s head were still “dispersed”, albeit not with his hands, and prison was avoided. And there was a lot in this story from nine years ago: tears, pain, threats, and even the death of one of the main witnesses in the so-called “case of chief physician Glybochko”...
On this occasion, many of the most incredible and terrible rumors have been creeping around Saratov for a long time.
But rumors are one thing, facts are another... What actually happened? ...It happened in Saratov, at the end of December 1998, when the Saratov region was led by Governor D.F. Ayatskov, and his first deputy with the rank of vice-governor V.V. Volodin has already set off to Moscow to make a career as a federal politician; at the Saratov Regional Hospital of War and Labor Veterans, where Pyotr Glybochko then worked as the chief physician. As you may remember, medicine was then supervised by V.M. Maron (by the way, again about rumors - they say that almost one of these days he will return to the regional government of P.L. Ipatov). Glybochko clearly was not one of Maron’s friends. But this fact, in fact, is in no way directly related to the events that we will discuss below. So, it was December 28, 1998. On this day, in the medical institution under the jurisdiction of Pyotr Glybochko, a corporate party took place, as they would say now...
As for what happened next, there are two diametrically opposed versions. One - from the injured party, the second - from P.V. Glybochko. Moreover, we note that Pyotr Glybochko’s version, in fact, is not such, since it is enshrined, so to speak, in law. But more on that later.
If you believe the version of the injured party, the following happened. In the midst of a corporate get-together, when the medical workers, as eyewitnesses later recalled, were drinking heavily, the head physician Glybochko invited a pretty therapist to his office. Let's call her Nadiya, but we won't indicate her real name and surname - she values ​​her reputation, and besides, she works in one of the hospitals in Saratov in a responsible position.
In his office, as the victim later assured, without any pretense, Pyotr Glybochko invited her to have sex. The woman, unexpectedly faced with such “offers” from her boss, refused this, and in the most categorical form.
This behavior of a new subordinate (and Nadiya had just gotten a job at the hospital) outraged the chief doctor. The subordinate’s refusal of the boss’s “flattering” offer infuriated Pyotr Glybochko. He tried to grab her, but the woman broke away. Then Glybochko did not waste any more time on persuasion and hit her in the face with all his might, as they say, with all his might. From a strong blow, the poor woman flew against the wall and, having seriously hit her head, even lost consciousness for some time...
The collective New Year's Eve fun in a reputable medical institution was overshadowed. The unfortunate woman, beaten by the head doctor, came to her senses and called her husband. Her husband, Sultan Kardanov, worked in the criminal investigation department. He called the duty station of the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs in Saratov, and, telling his wife to wait for him, he rushed to help.
Almost all night at the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs they interviewed the victim and Mr. Glybochko. We drew up an incident report and entered the necessary information into the incident log. The testimony of Nadiya and Mr. Glybochko was recorded by the now deceased employee of the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs, police lieutenant Semyonov. We deliberately distorted the name of this man - you will understand why below - since his relatives are still afraid for themselves.
According to Glybochko, and the editor-in-chief of the Saratov Reporter met with him when he was preparing this article, it turns out that this did not happen at all. Pyotr Vitalievich gives the impression of a calm, balanced person. How could someone like that hit a woman and even try to rape her? Anyone who knows Glybochko closely will agree with this.
Pyotr Vitalievich himself says that a police car arrived at the hospital. The police officers, having informed Glybochko that a statement had been received against him, asked him to go with them to the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs. Here, as Pyotr Glybochko recalls today, when he was walking along the corridor of the police department, a uniformed officer attacked him and began to beat him. As it turned out later, it was the victim’s husband, Kardanov...
Then P.V. himself Glybochko wrote a statement that he was beaten and slandered... To prove this, Pyotr Vitalievich showed the editor-in-chief of the Saratov Reporter a resolution to terminate criminal case No. 57,695, which was a special investigator important matters prosecutor's office of Saratov. This is what the two versions look like.
As for my personal opinion, I lean closer to the first version. As they say, there is no smoke without fire. Why on earth would a woman write a statement, moreover, against her boss, for no apparent reason?
But Pyotr Vitalievich believes that this was, from beginning to end, a political order... I can’t believe it either. If they order, then
“cleaned up” cleanly and in a completely different way. Moreover, such figures as Pyotr Glybochko, who was already friendly with Vyacheslav Volodin. If either Maron or Ayatskov were interested in removing Glybochko from office, they would have found an easier way for this, as was the case with others...
...If we actually lived in a country where the Law is implemented and Justice is administered, where the democratic principles of the Constitution are sacredly and unshakably observed (which, by the way, United Russia member Vyacheslav Volodin so often likes to talk about), then sit would, it seems to me, Petro Glybochko - judging by the testimony received - according to the article Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for causing grievous bodily harm.
But this did not happen - the prison gates did not open with a merciless creak for Glybochko, and he did not know the life of prison cells - a bunk and a bucket...
On the contrary, Kardanov, the victim’s husband, almost ended up in jail himself, and Glybochko, even if he was guilty, got away, as they say, unscathed. Everything was resolved, as people knowledgeable about this story say, with one call from Moscow. It’s clear who could have called. It’s interesting, but for some reason the materials on the fact of beating a simple doctor were received from the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs to the prosecutor’s office of the city of Saratov. Here, as you probably remember, Evgeny Fedorovich Grigoriev, who is today the prosecutor of the Saratov region, was already working here.
While the investigation was ongoing, the victim Nadiya was treated at the 6th City Hospital in Saratov. The course of treatment lasted more than two months. The traumatic brain injury turned out to be very serious, and the woman’s full life was in jeopardy: she could lose her memory. The skill of the doctors saved the woman’s health.
While the doctors were fighting for Nadiya's life, her husband was fighting... with those who tried to break his will to Justice and Law. Does this situation remind you of anything? So do I. Reminds me of a similar story that happened recently in Marx, where three main “bears”, in a drunken state, tried to rape and then beat a young girl - their subordinate. There, too, the matter ended in nothing, because after the pressure exerted on the victim, the unfortunate girl withdrew her statement, and the offenders remained unpunished.
At the Saratov prosecutor's office, the “Glybochko case” was led by a young woman investigator. The investigation “successfully” dragged on for almost six months, until it finally ended “successfully” for Pyotr Glybochko himself. The criminal case was dropped and went into the archives. And Sultan Kardanov went to interrogations as... a suspect, and then an accused!
Guess how the case against Kardanov ended? You guessed correctly - it went to trial, and Kardanov was... convicted, albeit conditionally.
But that’s not all!... There was a witness who could shed light on the “Glybochko case” and give truthful testimony. This is the same policeman Semyonov from the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs, who first interviewed Glybochko and the woman, and took written explanations from them. This witness... died unexpectedly. On the eve of his death, he told Kardanov that in the “Glybochko case” everyone was just annoying him - they were putting pressure on him from all sides.
...The body of a policeman was found at the entrance of the five-story building where he lived. The official version was that he allegedly jumped out of the window himself, thus deciding to take his own life. But this version did not really fit in with the kind of life that man led, namely: Semyonov did not drink, he was balanced... What was the point of taking his own life so suddenly? But for some reason the Saratov prosecutor’s office was not interested in this question... However, there is another witness to this story. This is Yuri Zaigralov. The same one. He admitted to one of the influential people in Saratov that he remembered this story well, and was even in Glybochko’s office at that very moment... Maybe it’s time to remember this publicly, eh, Yuri Alexandrovich? Remove the sin from your soul... And the Glybochko case “safely” went, let me remind you, into the archives, and today it rests there as a silent, but quite eloquent evidence of this man’s impenetrable past. Pyotr Glybochko today puts a dash in the “criminal record” column.
.... For a long time, the victim Nadiya could not get a job anywhere in her specialty. Everywhere she applied to any hospital regarding employment, she was “politely” refused. Sultan Kardanov fought for several years with windmills and wrote complaints to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, addressed to the governor of the Saratov region, addressed to the President Russian Federation... But it was all in vain.
Documents may be in the archives. Documents can even be destroyed (as they recently tried to do in Rtishchevo by stealing a safe from the prosecutor’s office). But the past cannot be erased from memory. Sultan Kardanov says that neither he nor his wife have forgotten anything and remember everything... It is important not just to remember the past. It is important to remember and remind about the past more often. Because if the burden of the past of a person standing at the pinnacle of power is burdened with immoral or even criminal actions, then the path of such a politician or leader leads society and himself into oblivion.

Glybochko Pyotr Vitalievich

Scientific biography
In 1991 he graduated from the Saratov Medical Institute with a degree in General Medicine. In 2000 he graduated from Saratov State Socio-Economic University with a degree in Accounting and Audit. In 2013, he graduated from the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in State and Municipal Administration.

Academic degrees and academic titles
Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, academician Russian Academy sciences.
In 1996, he defended his thesis “Functional properties of platelets and antiaggregation activity of the vascular wall in patients with gestational pyelonephritis.”
In 2001 – doctoral dissertation “Optimization of treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia combined with senile osteoporosis.”

Scientific activity
From 1998 to 2002, he worked as an associate professor of the Department of Urology at Saratov State Medical University, combining work at the department with work as the chief physician of the Saratov Regional War Veterans Hospital.
During these years scientific activity Peter Vitalievich Glybochko was devoted to the study of the clinical and practical aspects of benign prostatic hyperplasia (formation) of the prostate gland, which made it possible to evaluate the causes of its occurrence from a new perspective, develop methods for the prevention and treatment of this widespread disease and its complications. This topic formed the basis of his doctoral dissertation, which he defended in 2001.
In 2002-2010 - rector of SSMU. Over the years, the university has significantly strengthened its educational, material, technical and scientific base.
Organized the Research Institute of Fundamental and Clinical Uronephrology.
From March 24, 2010 – acting Rector of MMA named after. THEM. Sechenov.
On June 15, 2010, he was elected rector of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov - the oldest medical university in the country.
Author of 23 officially registered inventions and patents.

Honorary titles, awards and prizes
He was awarded the badge “Excellence in Health Care”, the State award Medal of the Order “For Merit for the Fatherland” II degree, the State award “Order of Honour”, the State award Order “For Merit for the Fatherland” IV degree, Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation.

Sphere of scientific interests
Urology, andrology, nephrology, physiology, clinical pharmacology, geriatrics and gerontology and historical aspects development of these clinical specialties.

Membership in professional organizations
Member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Director of the Research Institute of Uronephrology and Human Reproductive Health.
Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities of Russia.
Vice-President of the Russian Union of Rectors.
Co-chairman of the Russian-Chinese Association of Medical Universities.

Scientific publications


Glybochko P.V. New frontiers of the medical education system. Sociology of education. 2015. No. 2. P. 4-8.

Glybochko P.V., Morozov D.A., Svistunov A.A., Morozova O.L., Zakharova N.B., Lakomova D.Yu. Pathophysiological studies of pediatric uronephrology. Moscow, 2014.

Demura T.A., Teterina T.A., Apolikhina I.A., Kogan E.A., Efremov G.D., Glybochko P.V., Sukhikh G.T. Morphological features and expression of TLR4 and CD117 in chronic cystitis and resistant overactive bladder in women. Obstetrics and gynecology. 2014. No. 3. P. 54-60.

Glybochko P.V., Alyaev Yu.G., Rapoport L.M., Tsarichenko D.G., Frolova E.A. Modern conservative (citrate) therapy for ureteral urate stones. Urology. 2014. No. 5. P. 10-13.

Glybochko P.V., Alyaev Yu.G., Amosov A.V., Enikeev D.V., Chinenov D.V., Lumpov I.S., Vorobyov A.A. Cryoablation in urology. Urology. 2014. No. 6. P. 108-112.

Glybochko P.V., Alyaev Yu.G., Nikolenko V.N., Shekhter A.B., Vinarov A.Z., Istranov L.P., Istranova E.V., Aboyants R.K., Lyndup A. .V., Danilevsky M.I., Guller A.E., Elistratov P.A., Butnaru D.V., Kantimerov D.F., Mashin G.A., Titov A.S., Proskura A.V. ., Kudrichevskaya K.V. Experimental substantiation of the creation of a matrix based on decellularized vascular wall for the purpose of subsequent replacement urethroplasty. Urology. 2014. No. 6. P. 41-46.

Glybochko P.V., Alyaev Yu.G., Gadzhieva Z.K. Integrative approaches to diagnosis and treatment in urology. Urology. 2014. No. 2. P. 5-15.

Shpot E.V., Glybochko P.V., Alyaev Yu.G., Petrovsky N.V., Fiev D.N., Pshikhachev A.M., Mosyakova K.M. Open and laparoscopic enucleation of a kidney tumor. Urology. 2014. No. 5. P. 67-71.

Glybochko P.V., Alyaev Yu.G., Shpot E.V., Fiev D.N., Pshikhachev A.M., Dyakonov I.V., Mosyakova K.M. Laparoscopic plastic surgery of the retrocaval ureter. Urology. 2014. No. 3. P. 72-76.

Glybochko P.V., Alyaev Yu.G., Krupinov G.E., Rapoport L.M., Amosov A.V., Bezrukov E.A., Novichkov N.D., Lachinov E.L., Ganzha T. M., Obukhov A.A., Lerner Yu.V. Diagnosis and treatment of local recurrence of prostate cancer using histoscanning and high-intensity focused ultrasound in patients after radical prostatectomy. Urology. 2014. No. 5. P. 72-76.


A person from Volodin's inner circle. One of the three most influential United Russia members in the Saratov region. Majordomo of the Saratov organization "United Russia". He controls the political situation in the Saratov City Duma, being the leader of the United Russia political group. It is a deterrent to the manifestations of power of the head of Saratov, Grishchenko. Supports the head of the Somov city administration. The business is concentrated at the Saratov Medical University - the largest university in the region in terms of budget - where Glybochko works as rector. Previously he was in the shadow of the leader, but now he has developed public activity. This is associated with his gubernatorial ambitions. However, he does not show pretentious independence in decision-making. Acts within the established tactics of the boss. Participant in a hidden intra-clan struggle for closeness to the leader. Support outside the clan is weak. His open opponent is Leonid Feitlicher. Ipatov and Grishchenko look at him warily, as a potential threat.


Born on July 21, 1964 in the village. Kuvshinovo, Bryansk region. In 1991 he graduated from Saratov State Medical University, with which his entire career and research activities are connected: resident, graduate student, assistant, associate professor, head of the department of urology and nephrology of SSMU. He worked as deputy chief physician of Clinical Hospital No. 3 of Saratov State Medical University. In 2002, he was appointed chief physician of the regional hospital for war veterans. In 2002 - rector of Saratov State Medical University. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
Secretary of the Saratov Regional Political Council of the United Russia Party. Head of the deputy group of the Saratov City Duma
Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class.
Married, has three children.

Expert assessments

“A true party member. According to general expert opinion, he became the absolute leader in the “cowardice” criterion. The character is appropriate. In addition, experts noted his ambition and tendency to hypocrisy.
He occupies a good position, providing some access to the budget. He reverently adheres to clan traditions. Stable federal connections allow you to be well informed not only in the field of urology. He was not noticed in particular proximity to law enforcement agencies, unless one considers the license plate of the car as an indicator of such proximity.
Experts described him as an uncharismatic person, almost completely devoid of independence, not burdened with principles and sincerity, with a faulty reputation and weak oratorical abilities.
According to experts who probably first of all assessed him political activity in the party field and who did not highly appreciate his professional skills in this area, he is not so smart and educated as he is efficient. According to expert assessment, he is touchy, irritable, prone to tyranny, prefers intrigue to harmless adventures, but the lack of cunning and aggressiveness is somewhat offset. Capable of revenge, especially over small things, but at the same time quite predictable. We will feel a lack of will, desire for justice and diplomatic abilities, expressed in the inability or unwillingness to find compromise solutions.
He is not poor and, as experts believe, has interests in business. Also has access to media resources and sufficient high degree recognition, however, the transition from quantity to quality was not recorded by experts, and, therefore, the image in the media is assessed as ambiguous.
Relations with not all work colleagues can be called smooth, and although he tries to avoid scandals, according to experts, this does not always work out.
Not without modesty, charm and a sense of humor.”

"Newspaper Our Version"

On March 24, 2010, he was appointed acting rector of the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy.

On June 15, 2010, he was approved as rector of the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy.


"Saratov layout"

Original of this material
©, 03.24.2010, Medical Academy named after. Sechenov was headed by the head of the Saratov political council of United Russia, a relative of Volodin, Photo: Kommersant

Professor Pyotr Glybochko, who previously served as rector of the Saratov State Medical University named after B.I., was appointed acting rector of the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. Razumovsky, as well as the regional political council of United Russia,.

As the publication notes, Glybochko applied for the post of governor of the Saratov region: his candidacy together with the speaker of the regional Duma Valery Radaev and the current governor Pavel Ipatov was proposed to the president for consideration as a potential head of the region.

According to the newspaper's sources, when on March 23, 2010, the powers of the former head of the region, Pavel Ipatov, were extended for another term, he said that he would not like to see Pyotr Glybochko, who competed with him, in the region. The publication adds that a member of the central political council of United Russia Vyacheslav Volodin and Pyotr Glybochko are brothers-in-law. Their wives are sisters.

["The Fourth Estate", 03/24/2010, "Glybochko headed the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy": From today, Pyotr Glybochko has been appointed acting rector of the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, who until that moment headed the Saratov Medical University. […] Currently, Pyotr Vitalievich is in Moscow and begins to accept cases.
It is worth noting that the appointment of a prominent Saratov United Russia member from the clan of State Duma Deputy Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin was expected these days. However, there were rumors that Glybochko was rejected from the position of rector of the Sechenov Academy, and he would be appointed head of another prestigious medical institution. But it turned out that Pyotr Vitalievich will still head the second most important medical university in the country. Vyacheslav Volodin, without a doubt, helped him in this. […]
Due to the move to the capital, Glybochko will have to give up his post as secretary of the regional political council of United Russia. It is very symbolic that Pyotr Vitalievich’s career take-off occurred the day after the regional Duma approved Pavel Ipatov as governor. Glybochko was one of three candidates recommended to the president by United Russia. Combined with the fact that the rector is also included in the president’s personnel reserve, he eventually received his long-awaited award. - Insert]

Meanwhile, as the newspaper notes, the new head of MMA named after. Sechenov is again temporary. Firstly, this is an elected position, and there have been no elections yet. And secondly, Mikhail Paltsev, who served as rector of MMA for twenty-two years, has not yet been given a dismissal order.

Let us remind you that for the last nine months the duties of the rector of the MMA have been temporarily performed by Sergei Grachev, the former vice-rector for science under rector Paltsev. Grachev, in turn, was appointed by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, after Paltsev was dismissed on June 18, 2009 after claims were made by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

["Novaya Gazeta", 07.17.2009, "Few autopsies, a lot of real estate": On May 6, Interfax reported that, according to a source in law enforcement agencies, the Prosecutor General's Office is raising the issue of releasing the rector of the Moscow Medical Academy (MMA) Mikhail Paltsev from his position A submission was made to the Minister of Health and Social Development about the ineffective use of medical equipment and irrational spending of budget funds […]
A request came from the Ministry of Health and Social Development: to provide a written explanation of the facts of violations - 17 points (in connection with the prosecutor's presentation). […]
Points 4 and 5 in the ministerial request are special because they deal with real estate. The Academy faces claims for “the lack of registration of the right of operational management in relation to 56 objects, incl. 2 land plots." Half of the objects have been re-registered, re-registration continues. But MMA owns 139 buildings. Most of them are in the center of Moscow, on Pirogovka. This is the “silver mile” area, where the price per square meter reaches $85 thousand. Raiding of such tasty morsels is one of the versions expressed by the media. - Insert]

I spend most of my time developing the course “Learning to speak publicly.”

I'm writing a script in the evening. It turns out to be up to ten pages, I read them in the morning - I don’t like everything. I put it in the “Marriage” folder.

And so every day.

I visited the company every day. I studied on Saturday and Sunday.

A lot of energy goes into making phone calls. It is difficult to get through to the bosses.

I walk for two hours every day. This helps keep the shape.

I thank our canteen. At my request, they prepare it for me separately, without salt.

Everything upsets me, a lot of things irritate me.

I try not to break down.

I spent a long time discussing with Marat Raufovich every day how to find employees.

Time is running out, employees don't show up.

But it’s funny that we can’t find three or four programmers in Moscow!

It’s incomprehensible that in Moscow we cannot find three or four talented editors and journalists!

Five days of reflection.

I am raising Alexey Vladimirovich Kosyakin.

He listens carefully and agrees with everything. He promises to help Marat Raufovich look for employees.

Alexey Vladimirovich’s eyes light up when talking about football. I feel that if we were doing a program related to football, he would do it from morning to night and from night to morning.

I recently sent a letter to P.V. Glybochko, rector of the first Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov.

He is new to Moscow. In the past, he headed the Medical Institute in Saratov. Pyotr Vitalievich worked a lot in urology.

Here's what I wrote:

To the Rector of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov

Corresponding Member of the RAS Glybochko P.V.

Dear Pyotr Vitalievich!

We have something in common.

I have been to Saratov two hundred or more times. And he went to study at Saratov University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. And I studied for a year.

Among my acquaintances and friends were famous urologists Z.S. Weinberg, N.A. Lopatkin, A.F. Dorenkov, now I am friends with E.I. Veliev.

Once upon a time, as a young journalist (this was the late 60s - early 70s), I wrote a lot about medicine and at that time I often visited M.I. Sechenov Academy. Cousin.

Everything in this life is intertwined.

However, you, Pyotr Vitalievich, know this better than I do.

I would be glad to meet with you and talk about the role of a doctor, about the education of a doctor, about increasing the authority of doctors in our country.

If such a meeting takes place, of course, I would raise the issue related to “SOLO on the keyboard”.

He is best known for his computer program SOLO on the Keyboard. This is a course, after completing which, any person will learn to type using the ten-finger touch typing method on a computer keyboard. All doctors agree that this skill is necessary.

Unfortunately, we don’t teach this in schools and institutes.

I know that 95% of the teaching staff of your university and 92% of students on the computer type on the computer keyboard with one or two fingers (in all other institutes the ratio is the same).

But you can learn to touch type in three to four weeks and write one page of text in five minutes, and not in half an hour, or even an hour.

We, Pyotr Vitalievich, offer our corporate version of “SOLO on the keyboard,” which can be installed on all computers at the university, so that all students, teachers and other employees can learn to type with the ten-finger touch method.

We are ready to tell you everything in more detail over the phone, and if necessary, come and arrange a presentation of our “SOLO on the keyboard”.

Your university differs from many others in its special attitude to innovations in pedagogy. N.S. once told me a lot about Sechenovka. Queen.

And it seems to me that a modern doctor should save time and spend more of it communicating with the patient than filling out various papers. If you type everything that I have already written about with one finger, then time is sometimes wasted.

Let's help students and future doctors!

Let's teach them how to spend their time wisely!

I’m writing a letter and thinking: do you know how to touch type? If not, we can teach you too.


Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan.

And today I received a response to my letter. Its meaning is simple: thank you, we appreciate you, we treat you well, but we don’t need anything.

It's terrible that doctors are not taught computer literacy.

It's disgusting when a doctor enters data into a medical history with one finger.

Time is wasted unproductively.

And there's nothing you can do about it. Pyotr Vitalievich Glybochko does not understand this, and therefore does not support it.

Pyotr Vitalievich Glybochko himself does not know how to type using the ten-finger blind method and therefore does not understand why others need it.

Pyotr Vitalievich Glybochko is probably a good rector, I do not rule out that he is a wonderful urologist and scientist, but he cannot learn such simple things.

Is it possible to convince Pyotr Vitalievich Glybochko? Maybe yes. But for this you need to meet him.

But he doesn’t want to meet.

And in my opinion, in the first year all students at medical institutes should be taught the ten-finger touch typing method on a computer keyboard. Then students will study better.

Some students go through our program.

Many doctors are familiar with the SOLO on the keyboard program.

I remember my conversations with Alexander Fizulievich Aliyev.

He is a radiologist who specializes in pulmonary diseases. Smart, charming, honest, noble, passed SOLO.

If it were my will,” says Alexander Fizulievich, “I would oblige all students of medical colleges, institutes, academies and universities to take “SOLO on the keyboard.” And I would accept it as strictly as we take anatomy.

The young doctor understands. Academician, rector, a person with vast experience Pyotr Vitalievich Glybochko does not understand. And there's nothing you can do about it.

It’s so good that I have students, including future doctors! I look at photographs and read profiles of new soloists, and wings appear in me. We are needed, we are in demand, we are understood.

As for Pyotr Vitalievich Glybochko, he will understand sooner or later. Life will force you.

Olesya Alekseevna Dovgal



This is interesting: