Festive matinee “Happy Birthday, Kindergarten!” Scenario for celebrating a birthday in kindergarten Matinee birthday party in kindergarten.

Festive matinee “Happy Birthday, Kindergarten!” Scenario for celebrating a birthday in kindergarten Matinee birthday party in kindergarten.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

child development center – kindergarten No. 67

Festive party script

"Happy Birthday, Kindergarten"


musical director

Oleynikova Natalia Alexandrovna


Ulyankina Anastasia Alexandrovna



The hall is festively decorated. On the easel big book - “Our kindergarten is good!”

1 page –“Come and take a look!” (with picture kindergarten.)

Leading: Hello, dear guests! We are glad to everyone who came today to our wonderful holiday - the birthday of our garden!

The children perform the poem “Happy Birthday, Kindergarten!”

Congratulations! Congratulations!

Let's start the holiday together!

Celebrating your birthday

And we seriously declare:

That you won't be bored

Because this is how it works:

On holiday you can only laugh,

Yes, joke and play around.

Happy Birthday Baby,

Neither a girl nor a boy,

Neither Tanyushka nor Irinka,

And my favorite “Rosinka”!

“Happy birthday, kindergarten!” -

All the guys are talking. –

Good, bloom, grow,

Wait for the kids to visit again.

Don't get sick or sneeze,

Open the doors wider!

Warm up with your warmth,

Our beloved, kind home!

Leading: Take it, kindergarten

Congratulations from the guys!

    To the music “Birthday” (mel. by E. Zaritskaya, lyrics by I. Shevchuk) kids with balloons enter the hall, dance, and give balloons to the presenter.

The presenter opens the second page of the book.

Page 2 –“Page in faces” (portraits of employees - drawings of children).

Leading: This page will help us take a tour throughout the kindergarten, look into each group.

(Children in the background of the slides senior group read poetry)

We have a nice kindergarten.

We live great in it!

Well, of course, because the hostess

All groovy

It's like a chicken clucking all the time,

Day and night he worries about everyone.

She has an assistant

What you can't take your eyes off:

How he comes and smiles -

The room will be filled with sun.

There are books in her office

Everyone is standing next to each other.

And they read these books

Everyone from adults to children.

If suddenly you get sick

Or that they ate something bad -

Don't be alarmed, because we have

Nurse, just great!

He will pour some mixture into your spoon.

And take the temperature

In the group he will visit in the morning,

He'll treat you to some vitamins.

If a chair suddenly breaks,

Wardrobe, table and stool,

Petrovich will fix everything for you

Hammer in one moment.

Knock, knock, one and two -

That's how things are!

And our caretaker

Behind the doors is just a treasure:

Paints, brushes, wallpaper glue

(Expensive they say!)

Everything is in place, everything is fine,

Everything is written down in a notebook:

Soap, furniture, powders

And flower pots.

To make the children have fun

They ran fast, frolicked,

Aunt Shura with Aunt Masha

We will be fed delicious porridge,

And then borscht from a bowl

And potatoes with sausage,

They'll bake us some pies...

Eat heartily! Be healthy!

We say "Thank you"

To all your employees:

Who draws, who plays,

Who makes the beds?

Who teaches us to swim fast

And throw the ball into the basket,

Who sings and dances with us -

We want to hug you now!

    The song “Rosinka” is performed by children (to the melody of “It’s cool you got on TV” from the repertoire of “Star Factory”, see appendix No. 1)

    Game "Centipede" words and music by O.S. Boromykova (see Appendix No. 2)

Leading: To be a woman and live lovingly,

Shine and be illuminated by this light

And spend a whole century of yourself, -

There is such an honor in this calling.

To our beloved, kind, caring teachers, pupil Wed. gr. gives "Riddle Poem"

Who plays with the kids?

Sculpts, paints, cuts,

Braids ribbons into braids,

Answers the questions?

Who washes our hands,

Getting ready for a walk

And he guesses cleverly

About cabbage and carrots?

With whom we often sing songs

And we read poetry together

About the big daisy

And a bug in my pocket?

Who spends the day with us?

While moms are at work?

Did you guess it? Answer!

Clearly, this is a teacher!

    The song performed by the teachers “We love children” is played. V. Ilina, lyrics. A. Popova (see appendix No. 3).

Children give flowers to employees.

3 page“We invite everyone to dance and play good games.”

    Dance "Button" music. E. Zaritskaya, lyrics. I. Shevchuk.

    Game “Sugar” (see Appendix No. 4).

4 page– “We grew up very quickly” (with the image of school supplies).

The graduates perform the poem “Dedicated to my beloved garden...” (text by A. Ulyankina).

Favorite garden! You are so beautiful!

Today we give you

Your love, winged dreams...

And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts,

For finding warmth and affection here,

Laughed, worked miracles,

Opened the doors to the world

as if in a fairy tale.

Let the years fly by like birds,

We leave your walls as always,

So that life can go through its path and return,

Leading the children by the hand.

    Graduates perform the song “Where does childhood go” - music. A. Zatsepin, lyrics. L. Derbeneva.

    A musical gift from graduates of Tiranovsky P. and M. The work “Polka - Anka” by composer Johann Strauss.

(Graduates present gifts to the kids - sets of toys.)

Page 5 –“Good guests are always on time” (the page shows a loaf).

    Song “Our Favorite Kindergarten”, music and lyrics by T. Rotmistrova

    Game "Stream" (children and adults).

    Performance by a children's orchestra, cultural performance “The Moon is Shining” (playing musical and noise instruments).

(Members of the ensemble present the leader with a loaf of bread.)

Leading: Today is a birthday in our house,

And the doors here are open for guests,

Well, there is no better gift for us,

Than seeing the faces of all your friends!

The host invites guests and participants of the holiday to tea (sounds theme song songs "Birthday")

Appendix No. 1

Song “Rosinka” (to the music of “Star Factory”)

sl. A. Ulyankina


Oh, "Rosinka", ah, "Rosinka",

We love you very much.

Without you, beloved kindergarten,

We can't even live a day!

The girls here are just lovely

Where are the boys?

We have a great time together here!

Cool! Just saying!

We play and have fun

And we laugh heartily.

We are still just artists,

Still very good.

And we have our own stage,

A beautiful hall gathered us,

And your dream came true:

Very cool you got it!


It’s great that you ended up at Rosinka!

You are a star, you are a star

let's surprise the people!

It’s great that you ended up at Rosinka!

You are a star, you are a star

let's amaze the people!

Appendix No. 2

“Centipede” (song-game)

Sl. and music O.S. Boromykova

    Rushes along the path in the morning

Fast centipede

He knocks his feet loudly,

She is in a hurry to run errands.

    Caught on a tree stump

And raised forty legs.

Hee hee hee yes ha ha ha!

What nonsense!

Children stand behind each other in two columns, arms hanging freely down; listen to the introduction.

They sing the 1st verse and at the same time perform a stomping step in place, waving their hands bent in front of the chest.

2nd verse: the same. To the words “raised forty legs” - raise your hands up; to “Hee-hee-hee yes ha-ha-ha!” - make three claps on the right, three on the left and place your outstretched arms on each other’s shoulders.

Loss: bars 1-4 – they move in a column around the hall with a stomping step; 5-8 measures - perform easy running; then they fall to the floor and wave their arms and legs to repeat 5-8 bars of the loss. At the end of the music, they jump up and form again in two columns.

The group that lines up the fastest wins.

Appendix No. 3

“We love children” lyrics. Popova, music V. Ilina

    Every day I get up before the sun

And I rush to my native kindergarten.

The morning gives me its freshness,

I greet the guys with a smile!

Chorus: You are my little ones, my little ones!

Everything is good for me

Clear eyes, plump hands -

Crybabies are my funny ones!

    Let's go for a walk today

Let's build a toy house...

The years will fly by unnoticed,

Let's build dream cities!

    The baby planted flowers here,

Here I fell in love with my Fatherland,

He said the word "peace" for the first time

And from here I went to first grade!

4. It’s not easy to be a teacher,

Kids need to be loved dearly

Be caring, gentle, like a mother,

Bust around them every day!

Appendix No. 4

Kissing game


Sugar, sugar on the floor,

I'll take the sugar and raise it.

I ate sugar and sang a song

I wanted to kiss my friend.

I wanted to kiss my friend -

So kiss me.

Children stand in a circle holding hands. In the center is a child. To the words of the song, children walk in a circle, the child walks in the opposite direction. At the end of the song, the children stop, the child chooses from the standing children (girl - boy, boy - girl), invites them to the center of the circle. The children spin around holding hands.

List of used literature

1. “Musical Director”, a methodological magazine for music directors, March-April 2009, LLC Publishing House “Education of Preschool Children”.

2. “Holidays in kindergarten” senior preschool age, M.Yu. Kartushina, LLC Publishing House Scriptorium 2003, Moscow, 2008

Matinee "Birthday - a holiday of Childhood"

Prepared by:
teacher of self-knowledge Donets T.A. Semey - 2011

Morning self-discovery for students primary classes(dedicated to S.A. Nazarbayeva)
Topic: “Birthday - a holiday of childhood”
Goal: to introduce students to the life and work of the author of the self-knowledge course, Sara Alpysovna Nazarbayeva, and her role in the development of moral and spiritual values ​​in younger generation Kazakhstanis; For example life position The First Lady of Kazakhstan to raise the best human qualities; congratulate all February birthday people present at the holiday.
Equipment: a self-knowledge room is festively decorated, an exhibition of students’ creative works performed during self-knowledge lessons, IAD, a presentation and video about S.A. Nazarbayeva, an audio recording of the song “On the Road of Goodness,” backing tracks for songs, music for dancing, birthday cake.

Circle of Joy. Hello guys. Today we have not just a lesson, but a lesson - a holiday. And guests are sure to come to the holiday. And today we have not only teachers from our school visiting us, but also a very important guest, and who is a surprise for you!!

Student 1
There is such a lesson - self-knowledge.
Kind, amazing, simple!
He found a response and understanding
The guys with with an open soul.

Student 2
How to find yourself in a huge world?
How to recognize your crystal spring?
Open your arms as wide as possible,
So that a ray of sunshine penetrates me?

Student 3
A hundred questions, thoughts, revelations.
One hundred minutes of gentle silence,
Travel, trembling excitement,
Who, who in this world are you?!

Student 4
Insight: I am a child of nature!
Each time you get to know yourself again.
A happy and free man
Bringing joy and love to everyone.

Today we have gathered in this class not by chance, since in the life of each of us there is an event that the guys will now tell us about, and you listen!

Student 5
Why and from what
Are we having fun?
After all, no longer New Year
And not a housewarming party.

Student 6
But it’s not in vain that we now
Fun with friends
What do we have? What do we have?
Guess for yourself.

Student 7
Why and wherefore
Are we very satisfied?
And today without end
Are we laughing merrily?

Student 8
Why and wherefore
Are the lamps bright?
And to whom on this day
Do we give gifts?

Student 9
And it’s not in vain at this hour
We hear congratulations.
After all, with us, after all with us
Holiday - Birthday!

Student 10
February is walking in the yard,
And plucks the children's ears,
And turns her cheeks red.
And this is winter itself.

Student 11
And February brought us fun.
And we congratulate all the guys,
Who's birthday is in February?
Meets every year in a row

(The song “Birthday” is performed)

So guys, what is a birthday?
I will answer without a doubt:
Day of Boxing, Pies,
Day of smiles and flowers!

Student 12
Today is my birthday!
And mom and dad come to our house
Gathered all your friends
To make it more fun for my son.
“How your little son has grown in a year!” -
They say with a smile.
And I stand in things for growth:
Jacket, huge pants...
It’s like I’m dressed in someone else’s clothes.
And I don’t care about guests.
It's time for me to get dressed
And call the boys from the yard!

(the skit “My gift is the best” is performed)

On everyone's long-awaited birthday, they expect attention, love and understanding. But it's not just people who have birthdays. Countries have them too. So our young country is already preparing to celebrate its 20th summer anniversary.

Student 13.
Oh, Kazakhstan, my dear mother,
I wish you to prosper more in all your affairs,
Oh, my Motherland, you are both beautiful and charming!
And I always admire your wonderful beauty,
My Fatherland, you are known to everyone in the world,
With your hospitality, kindness and beauty!
And I am always proud of my land!
May the sky be forever clear above you!
Bloom, my Kazakhstan, my land!
Oh, my Motherland, always be happy!

(The song “My Kazakhstan” is performed

Well, now I'll tell you a secret,
Who sent us their greetings today?
Who would like to be with us on this day,
But he’s busy with very serious matters,
She has a lot of worries every day,
All the children in the country love her very much!
Guys, have you guessed who we are talking about? Right. This is Sara Alpysovna Nazarbayeva.
It’s not just children who have birthdays; Sara Alpysovna is celebrating her seventieth birthday!

Showing a presentation with biographical information about Sara Alpysovna.

Sara Alpysovna Nazarbayeva was born on February 12, 1941 in the village of Kzyl-Zhar, Karaganda region.
In 1962 she married N.A. Nazarbayev,
has three daughters (Dariga, born 1963, Dinara, born 1967, Aliya, born 1980),
three grandchildren (Nurali, born 1985, Altai, born 1990, Aisultan, born 1990),
three granddaughters (Venus, born 2000, Denise, born 2004, Tiara, born 2007)
and great-grandson (Alan, born 2005).
Graduated from the VTUZ plant at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant,
economist, honorary professor of Kazakh State University (2000).
After graduating from a technical college, she worked at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant,
PA "Karagandaugol"
Since February 1992 - founder and president of the Republican Children's Charitable Foundation "Bobek". The Foundation provides real assistance to society in solving problems related to ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of the younger generation, moral and spiritual education and upbringing of children.
"Bobek" organized children's funds in all regions of the republic with support and assistance to orphans, disabled people, children from large families.
Since July 1994 - President of the SOS Children's Villages of Kazakhstan Foundation (Branch of the Austrian Kinderdorf International Foundation).
Since March 1999 - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Demography Charitable Foundation.
She was awarded the Order of "Dostyk" 1st degree (2001), the Gold Medal named after Chingiz Aitmatov "for her great contribution to the philosophy of self-awareness and the culture of reading", a special UNICEF award for outstanding contribution to the protection of children's rights, laureate of the Kurmanjan Datka Prize for fruitful activities in the field of health, charity and spiritual formation of the younger generation, holder of the title "Meerman Ene-98", honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The author of a new educational project to revive moral and spiritual values, called “Self-Knowledge”: its main goal is to revive universal human values, teach children to live in harmony with themselves and with the world around them.
Author of books:
"Pedagogical problems of strengthening and developing the health of students, their moral education using the “Baby” system by Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov" (1999);
“Human health and the system of P.K. Ivanov “Baby” (1999, co-author);
"The path to yourself. The teachings of Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov as a method of educating a healthy personality" (1999);
"Ethics of Life (2001)";
"With Love" (2001).

Guys! And what will we please our dear guest?

Teaching 14
Work is in full swing every day,
But here among ordinary days
Suddenly a birthday comes,
A wonderful holiday - anniversary!
Student 15
We would like to wish you good luck,
Success in life, bright things to do,
So that you smile - not otherwise
We welcomed every new day!
(Performed by Kazakh national dance"Kamajay")
Student 16
You've had a blast, but that's not enough
Life has bent you for a long time, but it hasn’t broken you,
I just bleached my hair a little with frost
And my heart was scorched with hot fire.

Student 17
Now trouble will hardly come knocking on your door,
Since you have known something like this,
What makes a woman proud and brave,
A gentle friend, a skillful housewife.

Student 18
What decorates her destiny with the light of love
And it lifts the soul to the very heavens.
You are friends with “Baby”, but this is not enough...
You know: we must return to the Beginning.

Student 19
To those first, eternal, divine lines,
Which became the Source for the world.
The power of pristine nature is hidden in it,
Epic wisdom and experience of the people.

Student 20
But before returning to the childhood of the Earth,
People should all say goodbye to their vices,
Having thrown away everything that deprives hope,
Loving forbids and prevents believing

Student 21
Only those who are ready to fight for themselves
Worthy to drink from the Holy Well.
You have three daughters, but this is not enough...
Now your name is Kazakhstan Mom!

Student 22
After all, children who knew neither bliss nor affection,
You give childhood from sunny fairy tale.
They will grow up and understand that in the world,
There are still homeless children.

Student 23
And they will, like you, share their happiness with them,
So that children's faces are filled with joy.
And they, having matured, will repeat everything from the beginning.
Let childhood know no separations and sorrows!

Student 24
You did - a lot,
But with a thirst for Tantalus
Keep saying that you haven’t done enough...

You are right guys, S.A. Nazarbayeva is the person whom many look up to in our time.
I bring to your attention a video that will help you learn more about this wonderful woman. (watch video)

Presenter: It is customary to give gifts on a birthday. And Sara Alpysovna generously gives her love and wisdom to all children. How will you congratulate the birthday girl? (children attach their creative works completed in self-knowledge lessons)

Circle Heart to Heart
Children express wishes to Sara Alpysovna, talk about how they would like to be like her, and also congratulate all the February birthday boys in the class. All participants in the holiday sing the song “On the Road of Goodness”

The lesson ends in the dining room with tea and birthday cake.

Total 28 products

  • Scenario of an exciting journey in search of pirate treasure

  • Mini-scenario for a 7th birthday girl

  • Sketch for a child’s birthday: “Loaf”

  • Children's birthday: “Visiting the Snow Queen”

  • Scenario for a girl’s birthday “Fey’s Ball”

  • Scenario for children's birthday - “Carlson”

  • Scenario-quest “Journey to Treasure Island”

  • A skit for a boy’s birthday – “Robbie the Robot”

  • Universal skit from postman Pechkin for a children's party

  • Birthday with a fairy fairy (5-6 years old)

  • Sketch for a child’s birthday “Masha and the Bear”

  • Scenario with competitions for a boy's 12th birthday

  • Birthday script for 5 years

  • Scene at a girl’s birthday: “Three fairies”

  • Sketch for a children's party: “The circus has come to us!”

  • Scenario for a birthday with Malvina and Buratino

  • Scenario for a teenager's birthday with The Simpsons

  • Mini-scenario for a 10-year-old child’s birthday “Masha and the Bear”

  • Scenario for a child’s birthday: “Secrets of Grandma’s Chest”

  • Mini-scenario for a birthday of 5-9 years old with Fixies – 1 option

  • Scenario children's day birth of a teenager

Successful funny scenarios For a child's birthday, children's and entertainment centers are in great need for children's parties in honor of little birthday people. The website offers a unique collection of birthday scenarios for children and teenagers from 1 to 16 years old. Our collection of scenarios with competitions, games and prizes for children is constantly updated with new items!

In this section we collect scenarios for children's birthdays. Young birthday boys and girls will be happy to receive a gift from friends with the performance of a skit or fairy tale. Dressing up in funny costumes, the ability to read rhymes, and not being afraid to participate in active games and competitions. The skit can be performed by both children of the same age and children of any age - older or younger brothers and sisters, friends and girlfriends, classmates or classmates. If there are no other children, then parents and grandparents themselves can take part in the congratulations.

Useful tips for holding a party for children:

1. Choose a scenario taking into account the age of the participants. It is better if the children are about the same age, the age difference is 2-3 years. If there is a larger age difference, choose universal scenarios for children's birthdays, with games and competitions that will be understandable to the little ones and not boring to the big kids.

2. Choosing children's script, be sure to take into account compliance with safety precautions, do not hold games and competitions that have a risk of injuring children. Playing with fire, flammable liquids, sharp objects, running in rooms not equipped with a special anti-slip floor covering, rooms with furniture with sharp corners, etc. are dangerous.

3. So that the adults present are not bored children's party, you, as the organizer, need to take care of involving adults in the game, or helping children in competitions.

4. When choosing a script for very young children, try not to overload the script with too frequent and difficult games, and also do not use scary characters when dressing up, so as not to scare the kids.

5. Be good psychologist, try to find an approach to all the kids, immediately seeing their character. Don't try to force your child to play or participate in a competition if he doesn't want to. Modest children can stay away for a while, watch the game process, and later, perhaps they themselves will want to join the game. The holiday should bring joy to everyone!

6. When the children's birthday party comes to an end, make sure that all participants are given small souvenirs in memory of your club. These could be refrigerator magnets, children's mugs with your symbols, T-shirts, books, coloring books, paints, other drawing materials, or just small toys. Children love surprises and gifts, and parents will also be pleased.

Have fabulous children's events!

We will be happy to publish your unique photos from children's parties according to our scenarios!

Your website!

Competitions and games for children will also be useful to you.

If the sample scripts do not suit you, we will be happy to compose a new original custom script for you! To order, write us an email: zakaz@site.

Festive party "Happy Birthday, kindergarten!"

Target– formation in children of a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to their own kindergarten.


Cause an emotionally positive response in children and adults

Enrich the relationship between parents and children with the experience of an emotionally rich relationship

Foster respect for the work of preschool employees

Bring up careful attitude to others, love for them

Get every child interested in the theme of the project

Activate children's speech, expand and enrich their vocabulary

Develop creative imagination and fantasy.

Preliminary work

Excursions around the premises of the kindergarten in order to get acquainted with the work of the kindergarten employees

Parents and children performing creative tasks

exhibition of layouts “Kindergarten of the Future”

exhibition of drawings “Portraits of kindergarten staff”

Selection and learning of poems and songs

Making attributes

Festive decoration of kindergarten


Presenter, Scientist Cat, Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood, Gold Fish.

Props: costumes - Cat, Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood, Gold Fish; microphone, caps (5 pieces), golden key, bouquet of balloons and basket for Little Red Riding Hood, chest, electric launcher soap bubbles balloons for decorating a music room, fabric oak, chain.

Musical repertoire:

Song "Kindergarten"

Song "Guests have come to us"

Game "Cap"

Dance "Boogie-woogie"

Dance-game “The sea is agitated”

Round dance song “Loaf”

The progress of the holiday

The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays.

There is a green oak near the Lukomorye,

Golden chain on the oak tree:

Day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes around and around in a chain.

He goes to the right - the song starts,

Sings about his birthday.

There are miracles, there is a fairy tale wandering,

Kindness and laughter live there.

There on unknown paths

Traces of friends we know.

And with every fairy-tale hero

We will celebrate a glorious anniversary!

Music is playing. The curtain opens.

I am a scientist cat, a magical cat,

I live in a fairyland.

And everyone here recognizes me

And everyone here is known to me.

Who will answer why?

Is everything around so beautiful?

And wherever we look -

On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend!

Very fun today

Children's songs sound

Because it's a birthday

Celebrates kindergarten!


1. A ray of sun is knocking on the window,

Wake up adults and children.

"Wake up, get up,

Get ready for kindergarten!”

2. The wind sings songs,

And with a ringing breeze

We are on a cheerful street

We are happily going to kindergarten.

3. And in our garden today

Glorious holiday! Everyone is in a hurry

Happy birthday to us...

Happy birthday, kindergarten!

Cat: Let's sing and have fun,

Play noisy games,

In the meantime we offer you

Start the holiday with a song!

Song "Kindergarten"

Cat: There are many gardens in the world,

But there is only one like ours.

He shines for us like the sun,

Happiness and joy gives us.

From dawn to dusk

Our house is open to guests.

Song "Guests have come to us"

Cat: Guys, guess who is in a hurry to join us for the holiday?

The song "Pinocchio" is playing. The children sing along: “Bu-ra-ti-no.”

Pinocchio: I'm so glad! I'm so glad!

What came to you in kindergarten!

I hear laughter and fun,

Is it really a birthday?

Cat: Yes, dear Pinocchio, you were not mistaken, today we have a holiday - the birthday of the kindergarten.

Pinocchio: Happy birthday,

Your favorite kindergarten,

I wish you happiness and joy

For guests and for the guys!

Guys, at birthday parties it is customary to have fun, sing, play, and, of course, dance. Do you like to play? Look at the caps I have.

Game "Cap"

Pinocchio: Thanks guys, had a lot of fun. And I have a gift for you - this golden key. Tortilla the turtle gave it to me. She said that they could open some wonderful lock, but what kind? You will find it! It's time for me to go to school. Goodbye, guys!

Pinocchio leaves.

Cat: Well, Pinocchio, well, he set the task. Which lock do they need to open? Okay, we'll figure it out later. I'll put it under the oak tree.

Guys, I hear another guest coming to us.

To your beloved grandmother

Walking along the path

And pies as a gift to her

He carries it in his basket.

Little Red Riding Hood comes in.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh! (stops) Where did I end up?

Cat: Don't worry, Little Red Riding Hood, you've come to the holiday - the kindergarten's birthday.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh! How interesting!

Cat: Little Red Riding Hood, stay with us. Our guys are cheerful, love to play and dance.

Little Red Riding Hood: Fine!

Let the music sound

Every time in a new way.

Sing and dance, children,

How great is this!

Dance "Boogie-Woogie"

Little Red Riding Hood: While I was walking through the forest, I collected a wonderful bouquet. In honor of your significant holiday, accept it from me as a gift!

Little Red Riding Hood says goodbye and leaves.

The phonogram “The Sound of the Sea” plays.

Cat: The blue sea played out,

The waves are lashing over the stern,

Oh, it makes noise, it makes noise,

I feel the fish is rushing towards us!

The music of Saint-Saëns sounds and the Goldfish appears.

Gold fish: I came to you from a fairy tale

Congratulations on your birthday.

I wish you happiness and joy

And I make wishes come true!

Cat: Guys, do you have any wishes? (children whisper into their hands and blow)

Gold fish: I promise you your wishes will come true (light effects)

I wish too. I want to dance and invite everyone to my underwater kingdom.

Dance-game “The sea is agitated.”

Gold fish: Thank you! You fulfilled my desire to have fun, and for this I give you this chest from the bottom of the sea. Goodbye!

The fish swims away.

Cat: The fish swam away and did not say what was in this wonderful chest or how to open the lock.

The children tell us - with a golden key.

Cat: Indeed, we have a magic key.

The cat opens the chest, fanfare sounds, and soap bubbles fly out.

Cat(loudly): Happy Birthday, Kindergarten!

Congratulations to all the guys,

Teachers and nannies

This wonderful cake is for you!

The doors open and a cake with two numbers - candles - is brought in on the table.

Cat: Guys, let's see what the numbers are here? This means the Kindergarten is 25 years old!

Kindergarten, come on,

Start singing a loaf.

Round dance song "Loaf".

Like a kindergarten birthday,

We baked a loaf:

Such a height

Such lows

These are the dinners

This is the width

Loaf, loaf, blow out the candles together.

Children blow out the candles and sit on chairs.

Cat: There is a mistress of this house,

A house like this has it as its foundation.

All the worries about the beautiful house are on her,

So that children can live happily in it, like in a fairy tale!

The manager's word.

The leader gives gifts to the groups. The song "Barbariki" is playing. General dance.

Cat: We are closing Lukomorye,

We look forward to seeing you again,

With new guests, with new friends!


The curtain closes.

Photo 1. Guests from fairy tales They came to us for the holiday and brought gifts!

https://pandia.ru/text/78/331/images/image002_77.jpg" width="450" ​​height="600 src=">

Photo 3. Loaf, loaf, blow out the candles together!


1. V. Nikitina, “300 best games for children's parties", Moscow, 2006.

2. L. G. Gorkova, “Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten”, Moscow, 2004.

3. Internet resources.

Today is a wonderful holiday. We celebrate the birthdays of our classmates, our friends. Birthday is one of the most important holidays of every person, because on this day a child is born. new person, new life.



Birthday party

The soundtrack of the song “Let them run clumsily...” plays and the birthday boys come out to applause.

Presenter 1

Hello dear guys, hello dear guests!

How many guests do we have? There are so many good people around!

All the girls and boys, naughty girls and naughty girls,

We invite you to a show

Titled "Birthday"

Presenter 2

Today is a wonderful holiday. We celebrate the birthdays of our classmates, our friends. Birthday is one of the most important holidays of every person, because on this day a new person, a new life is born.

Presenter 1

Everyone knows, it’s no secret that every birthday is a holiday,

So, friends, we send you greetings and accept congratulations!


1. Why and why did fun come to us?

After all, it’s not New Year or housewarming anymore.

But it’s not for nothing that we’re having fun with our friends now,

Why and why are we very happy?

And today we laugh endlessly.

And it’s not for nothing that we’re having fun with friends now

Guess what we have and what we have.

Why and why do the lamps shine brightly?

And who is so happy and hot on this day,

Birthdays today with candies and cookies

After all, today is our birthday.

SONG “Birthday” to the tune of “Chunga - Changa”

Presenter 2

We are born to go through life,

To bask under the smiling sun.

We wish you happiness along the way

And a good friend after my heart.

We wish you to have faith in people

Your song rang in fate.

Eyes glowed surrounded by friends

And all sorts of things were argued.

Presenter 1

Name day - this is the day of the Name. Otherwise, it’s Angel Day. Each of us has our own Guardian Angel, who is always with us and who helps us follow the right path. Our guardian angel looks at us, rejoicing, worrying, helping us overcome difficulties. And this Angel deserves that once a year we take the time to thank him for all the good, kind and reasonable things that he brings to us. Name day or Angel Day is a special holiday. This is the day of spiritual birth because... it is associated with the names that our heavenly patrons bear.


Birthday is a special date,
This holiday cannot be compared with anything.
Someone kind once came up with the idea
Give joy to the birthday boy.

Birthday is a good date
But it's always a little sad.
Because they fly unnoticed
Our best years ever.

The joy of meeting, smiles, hope,
Wishes of health, warmth,
So that happiness is cloudless,
So that things are successful.

Let this day not be a noisy holiday,
Not a red day on the calendar,
But he is happy and wonderful -
You appeared on Earth.


Imeninka and Pozdravlyalkin come out



My name is Birthday!


I am Congratulations!


Our favorite holiday is Birthday.


And that’s why we are visiting you together on this holiday!


Name days are wonderful!


This is wonderful and funny!


Accept congratulations.


And receive gifts.


Where are our birthday boys? Let them sing and dance for us.


To invite them here, you need to start clapping!


Dear birthday people, today you are the main heroes of our holiday. You have become a year older, grown up, prettier.


And we are very glad that you invited us to your holiday.


Children, what is customary to give for a birthday?

All .



Which ones?


Let the birthday people themselves speak about it.

Girl (birthday girl).


Great! Well, there will definitely be a surprise for our birthday people today. Want to know which one? Then solve the riddle.

They bring in a poster on which are drawn in order: a rooster, a needle, a rainbow, a cloud, a mushroom.


Let the birthday people try to solve this riddle. There is one word hidden here. In order to recognize it, you need to select the first sound from each word-name of the picture and connect the resulting sounds together.

Children solve the word "pie"


Our dear birthday people, take your places of honor. A surprise awaits all our guests. Let's greet him with applause!

Student 1

Look at the birthday people:
Everyone shines like new fifty dollars.
Everyone is so good, everyone is so handsome.
No wonder your parents admire
And also the surrounding residents.

Student 2

On your birthday
We wish you all kinds of earthly blessings,
We wish you to live without growing old,
Up to a hundred years among relatives.

Student 3

And in modest, everyday life -
So that every hour brings you
More mental vigor,
More physical strength.

Student 4

We wish you:
In work - speed,
In health - vigor,
In happiness - eternity,
In life - infinity.

Student 5

We wish you:
From the sun - warmth,
Good from people
From mom and dad - tenderness,
From friends - love and eternity.

Student 6

We wish you a lot of happiness in life.
Love, warmth,
So that bad weather passes you by,
Let your whole life be bright!


Presenter 1
How amazing! Today everyone congratulates our heroes of the occasion. Even a gypsy woman passing by also decided to congratulate the birthday people and also tell them fortunes.
(The gypsy woman is telling fortunes)
Let everything in life be as before:
Love, confidence, hope,
Movement towards the goal and luck,
And the heart is kind and warm.

May your life become fuller
And every day you become wiser.
Let youth not fade for a long time,
And life is more fun.

Let there be joy and fun,
After all, this is the only thing we live for.
And we say: “Happy Birthday!
Have a bright and happy day!”

Scenario "Kolobok on new way" - birthday script

(grandma appears - running, fussing)

What to do, how to be,
What should I give my granddaughter?
After all, Mashenka has my
Today is my birthday.
I'll give it to Mashenka
A jar of jam.
Oh, maybe fungi?
Or pickled cucumbers?

No, grandma. I know what to give your granddaughter.

What, what? Speak quickly!


But where can I get it?



Of what?

From flour

Yes, there is no flour!

And you scrape the bottom of the tree, mark the barn, maybe two handfuls, and you’ll get some!


Oh, really, I’ll run and look - I’m in pain.

And now we, guys, will help the old grandmother, pour milk, add flour, and knead the dough (in a wooden bowl, with a wooden spoon. She kneads the dough (fake dough). She puts the dough on the screen. Well, grandma will come, and the dough is already ready!
Grandma runs out, pours flour onto the dough, and is surprised:

I carry, I carry flour,
I'll start kneading the dough,
I'll bake a bun,
and the gift is ready!
(puts the dough on a shovel and carries it into the oven)
I'll put it on a shovel
I'll put it in the oven,
Let your sides blush,
Well, I'll sleep for now! (leaves)

There is no holiday more wonderful, Tra-la-la-la,
Friends will come to my birthday!
And I’m waiting for my old grandmother to visit
I love birthdays the most!
I still have a lot of work to do: wash the floor, lay the tablecloth, set the table(leaves).

Something delicious came out of the oven. I'll take a look there, guys. Otherwise our Kolobok will burn (takes it out and fans it with a handkerchief). The old grandmother fell asleep, and Kolobok almost burned, they got him out in time (shows the Kolobok to the children).
A voice is heard:

Oh oh. Oh…

What it is?

Oh oh …

Guys, Kolobok is alive.
The narrator talks to the kolobok:

Let me go quickly, I need to go visit.

So that you don’t get cold, Kolobok, I’ll tie a scarf for you: Grandma will wake up and slowly get there.


"I, Kolobok, Kolobok,
along the bottom of the barrel,
scraping the barn,
mesha with sour cream"

He was rolling along the path, in a hurry to visit. Suddenly he met a wolf near an old tree.

Hello, glorious bun!
Where are you in a hurry, my friend?


I haven't eaten at all since morning,
Now I'll eat you!

Today Masha is waiting for guests,
Come with me quickly.

I don't have a gift

Narvi a bouquet for Mashenka!

Here Kolobok and the Wolf are running along the road. And towards them is Mishka from the den.

Hello, glorious bun!
Where are you in a hurry, my friend?


I'm rolling along the path, I'm in a hurry for my birthday.

I haven't eaten at all since morning,
I'll eat you now!

Today Masha is waiting for guests,
Come with me quickly.

I don't have a gift


And give her honey.

Hello, glorious bun!
Where are you in a hurry, my friend?

I'm rolling along the path, I'm in a hurry for my birthday.
Today Masha is waiting for guests,
Come with me quickly.

I'll definitely go
I'll take some sweet carrots!

We're running along the path
We're in a hurry for a birthday

A fox - red tail
Will you take it with you on a visit?
How long have I lived in the forest?
And I wasn’t visiting,
I'll give it to Masha
Your red fur coat

Oh, how many guests! I'm so glad, come in, come in!

Won't you eat me?
After all, on your birthday
I must be the gift!

You came to visit today
You will be a welcome guest!
A best gift for me
You are my friends!

Let's sing a birthday song and give it to Mashenka!


There is a wonderful holiday in the world,
And all the children love him very much,
On this day we invite guests,
We decorate the table with pies.
This is such a birth
This is all without exception
These are waffles and cookies
Chocolates and jam.
If there are birthday people here
We sing this song in their honor!

Final song (music by V. Shainsky “Let them run clumsily...”).

We didn't come in vain -
This is clear to everyone
And we sat down at this table.
Happy birthday congratulations
And leave it as a memory
This song that we will sing!
May luck be with you,
Be visible in life.
K. sorry, birthday
Only once a year!

We congratulate you all
And, of course, we wish
Stay as you are:
May you have modesty and tenderness

Kindness and patience

You can’t count all the advantages.

Let your life flow
And without sorrows, and without troubles!
May your health be strong
For three hundred years!


1. You hit me frequently
Balalaika on the shoulder?
I'll sing ditties now
I want it for the birthday boy.

2. Now let me
Sing about the refrigerator.
May it always be waiting for you
Lard in the freezer.


3. I'm here for your birthday
I'll give you three roses.
May your eyes be filled with happiness
They glow like stars.

4. I fell on the porch
Sprained foot.
Don't let it get to you
Black cat way.


5. We wish you inspiration,
Happiness and success,
To be forever young,
Like Edita Piekha!


6. Milka harnessed me
In August, on the sleigh.
Let them be forever mischievous
There will be your eyes.


7. We all came from mountains
And steep banks.
We wish you all happiness
And two bags of gifts.



A man doesn't have much joy
And happiness does not always come to his house,
But a birthday comes into life in a special way,
Significant, solemn, bright.
And on this day we sincerely wish
All earthly and unearthly blessings,
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you joy and success in your work.

Student 2

Another year has been added to your years.
He flew by, like in a fairy tale, unnoticed.
A fine day has gone around the corner,
To return in a year without fail.
And this year you will remember
After all, there was both joy and sorrow in him,
With all my heart, let us wish
Success, joy and

Student 3

The time of our lives is flipping through the calendar,
Again the dawn moves behind the sunset,
May this holiday bring you more
Many, many long and happy years.
Let this day be remembered for a long time,
All the warm words will be remembered,
Great happiness, good health
We wish you many years to come!

Student 4

I wish you on this birthday
(Look: what a beautiful day!)
Respect from friends and family
In the family - attention and peace.

Student 5
Follow five important rules in life
And on earth you will see eternal paradise:
Do not disturb the peace in worldly affairs,
Don't risk your head in vain,
Take care of your health like a rare treasure,
Live well, but don't be rich.

And let him come to share his leisure time,
A reliable and cordial friend to you!

Song "HOPE"
Music "Hope"
Time flew by unnoticed

We have a big celebration here
And in honor of the heroes of the day our singing
Our heroes of the day, we are for you
We wrote this song together

You haven't worked together for a year,
And you've had a lot of trouble,
And today we have a request:
So that you forget your grief!

We wish you many years
Cheerfulness, health and success,
You are now eight years old

We consider you still children

And stay them longer
And let more students
But adults are like that in real life!

Competition for parents

Why can't you put it around the hut? (water in a sieve)

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (only one thing: after the first one you will no longer be on an empty stomach)

Why is the dog running? (on the ground)

Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (behind the teeth)

When a horse is bought, what kind of horse is it? (wet)

How to pick a branch without scaring away a bird? (you have to wait until she flies away)

The grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, and the bottom fell out. How many eggs are left in the basket? (not a single one, because the bottom fell out)

How to write “dry grass” in four letters? (hay)

When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (when the door is open)

Under what tree does the hare sit during the rain? (under wet)

Song "HOPE"
Music "Hope"
Time flew by unnoticed
And it's time for congratulations
We have a big celebration here
And in honor of the heroes of the day our singing
Our heroes of the day, we are for you
We wrote this song together
This is the kind of talent you found in yourself,
And, I must admit, we were surprised ourselves.

You haven't worked together for a year,
And you've had a lot of trouble,
And today we have a request:
So that you forget your grief!

We wish you many years
Cheerfulness, health and success,
You are now eight years old

And it’s somehow new for us to hear this.
We consider you still children

And stay them longer
And let more students
But adults are like that in real life!



This is interesting: