A fairy tale about a turnip in a new way. Fairy tale "Turnip in a new way"

A fairy tale about a turnip in a new way. Fairy tale "Turnip in a new way"

The play "Turnip" is one of the most popular productions in schools and kindergartens. But our sketch “Turnip” has been remade in such a way that it becomes more instructive for children. For example, the sketch “Turnip,” based on the fairy tale of the same name, teaches children friendship and mutual assistance. After all, together we can handle any task. But the remade sketch “Turnip,” among other things, shows children how important it is to be able to forgive people close to you.

The characters in the remade scene "Turnip" remain the same. Only Grandma and Granddaughter have started to become fashionable lately, and Zhuchka and Murka have become completely lazy. But the Mouse, as before, is ready to come to the aid of Grandfather.

Script for the scene "Turnip" (remade)

You can’t read many fairy tales in the world right away,
But you won’t find a scene like ours in a book.
The entire scene has been remade new way,
And everyone will be glad to see her.

Grandmother and grandfather lived and did not grieve.
They did not save money and were not in poverty.
Grandpa planted a turnip in the spring
She has grown big, enough for everyone.
And grandpa calls his grandma...

Grandma wifey, help me!

Where is grandma, did you see the old one?
You see, I'm doing a manicure, I got it!

Help me pull the turnip from the ground,
And then cook porridge for us from the turnips.

Why are you grandpa? Should I dig in the ground?
I didn’t plant a turnip, and it’s not up to me to pull it.
I’ll get my delicate hands dirty!
Better things await me today:
Massage and cosmetologist, okay, I'm off!

Grandfather sadly calls his granddaughter...

Granddaughter, dear help
Pull the turnip off the ground as quickly as possible.
Grandma refused: manicure, massage...

And in response from the Granddaughter there is a refusal. Granddaughter:
Oh grandpa, grandpa, I'm going to the solarium,
It is necessary that the skin often tans.
I will be the first model in the country,
You better call your animals.

Well, I’ll go and call Zhuchka or something.
Good mongrel, please help me.
I’ll cook you turnip porridge,
You will live in a warm house all winter.

Woof! Woof! Woof! Made me laugh, look!
I don't need your porridge, I only eat Pedigree.
I'm on a diet, I want to be slim,
And your porridge makes me growl no more.
I don’t need your house, because winter is over,
I don’t have time, grandpa, it’s time to go for a walk with my friend.

Well, will you have to ask Murka...
Murka, dear, have mercy, help,
We'll go fishing together,
Eat fish raw and cook fish soup...

Murka stretched and meowed in the corner,
She turned on her side and said...

M-u-r! What happened again, Grandfather, with us?
It would be better if you went and bought Whiskas.
Grandma eats handfuls of sweets.
And no one will even buy me a Kitekat.
I'm allergic to turnips, I don't like them
And gardening is not my hobby.
And now, grandpa, I need to sleep,
To give a concert on the roof until the morning.

Grandfather went sadly to the turnip garden,
Knowing that the Mouse won’t go either.
After all, he is a small rodent, I didn’t call him
But he sees that the Mouse came running immediately.

It’s okay, grandpa, we can handle it together. They pulled a turnip! Once, again...

(The mouse and grandfather pull out the turnip and find a bag under it.)

God! What is this? Gold! Coins! There's a whole bag here!
What a miracle turnip! What a miracle the garden is!
Let's live richly, you and I, little mouse.
Well, I won’t let those slackers home.
We must live in harmony, friendship and love,
After all, relatives should help.
There is a lot of money, enough for you and me,
We will donate half of the amount to the orphanage.

(Grandfather and Mouse lift the bag onto their shoulders.)

Everyone (running after grandfather):
Well, forgive us, Grandpa!
We will help you
Listen to you in everything
Always live in harmony!

Okay, I’ll forgive you for the last time.
Each of you is dear to me.
After all, people need to live in peace
And cherish your friendship!

The remade scene “Turnip” ends on such a cheerful note. As always, friendship won, although this time not through joint efforts. This production will do well as, kindergarten, and can be shown to children of younger or middle age at school at an extracurricular event.

One of my favorite stage adaptations of fairy tales, I have known it since the days of my wild pioneer youth. Back then we didn’t have the Internet in the USSR and, of course, in the form in which I remembered it, although it was interesting, it was not very much. I honestly admit that here I am describing a scene that I combined with my memories and what I stole from another site, I don’t remember which one. You've probably all heard about this fairy tale in a new way and may have participated more than once.

So participants: you need 7 people + a presenter.

Props and distribution of roles.

You can simply invite 7 people, line them up, for example, by height, and only then announce that they will now show the fairy tale Repka in a new way. You can use the method I described in the sketch, i.e. find riddles about heroes and whoever guesses who will play that hero. You can also prepare props: a stick or stick for grandfather, a scarf for grandma, a hat and/or glasses for granddaughter, a bag for a bug, a scarf for a cat with a bow on her neck, a handkerchief for a mouse. Maybe someone else will have ideas on what props to use, write in the comments, let's together make the tale even more interesting.

Words of fairy tale heroes.

The words of the heroes are always the same and they must pronounce them as soon as they hear that the presenter mentioned the name of the hero in his text.

Turnip - That's what I am!

Grandfather - Well done Seryozha!

Grandma - We are all bitches!

Granddaughter - Right now, I’ll paint my nails!

Zhuchka - What do you want?

Cat - Tired of dogs!

Mouse - Oh, who's there?

So, the presenter reads the text, the artists each depict a scene with their own words. You can just take the original, everyone knows the Turnip fairy tale by heart, or you can use this version, which in my opinion is more interesting.

Fairy tale Turnip in a new way.

One early, hot summer, my grandfather decided to sow turnips,
Which is what I did on Monday, despite the fatigue.
Chernobyl was not far away, the turnips grew huge.

Grandfather wanted to tug on it, but nothing happened.
He then went to get his grandmother, she was watching TV series,
Grandfather called her for help.
Grandma reluctantly moved.

The woman and grandfather are pulling the turnip, but it just won’t budge.
Grandma's head is aching, and grandfather's lower back is aching.
My granddaughter passed by, returning from the disco,
The grandfather called her for help and promised that he would accept her share.

And although this granddaughter had critical days,
She came to their aid, and the three of them got down to business.
Despite the efforts, the turnip is not moving one iota,
The grandfather swallows valerian, the granddaughter injects the grandmother with a syringe.

A bug ran past, headed for the trash heap,
I wanted to have breakfast there, the poor thing was overcome by hunger.
Zhuchka’s granddaughter invited her to help as much as she could,
Even though she didn’t like turnips, she didn’t refuse to help.

But all efforts are in vain, it’s like someone is holding a turnip,
The grandmother whips valerian, the granddaughter injects her grandfather with a syringe.

A cat passed by on her cat business,
The bug invited the cat, the cat immediately refused,
But, sensing valerian, the cat immediately agreed,
And the new company of five got down to business.

But there’s not a single ounce of sense, the turnip didn’t even sway,
The cat whips valerian, the granddaughter injects a vein with a syringe.

A mouse ran past, the cat caught the mouse,
And she threateningly demanded that she come to the rescue.

The mouse has nowhere to go, it cannot refuse,
But the granddaughter and grandmother ran away, because they are afraid of mice.

The cat immediately got angry and started yelling at the mouse! —
It was you who disrupted our harvest, you bastard?!
After these accusations, the cat swallowed the mouse.

The cat was also unlucky, Bug also wanted to eat.
But Zhuchka did not enjoy the delicious lunch for long,
Grandpa ate Zhuchka for dinner because he was Korean.


(in a new way)


Anton Grandfather is a “new Russian”, banker Dedov.

Alesya Grandma is the wife of the “new Russian”.

Ulyana Granddaughter is a modern girl

Vanya Vnuk - party animal

Ira Zhuchka is a “new Russian” Maltese dog.

Sergey The cat is Matroskin the cat.

Ruslan The mouse is smart, businesslike, economical.

Anya the Storyteller.

Storyteller. We'll show you now old fairy tale"Turnip". How did the fairy tale begin? That's right, grandfather planted a turnip.

Grandfather (with a mobile phone).Yes, the banker Dedov is listening. Yes... No... Well, give them half a million... Where?.. Yes, at the dacha. Yes, we need to reap the harvest here. Not for long. Listen, …(sees Repka) wow - and... (into the phone) okay, bye (puts the phone in his pocket, walks around Repka).Here - those on - ah! .. Here she is ugly. Trying to pull the turnip out of the ground.

Storyteller. The grandfather began to pull the turnip out of the ground - he pulled, he pulled, but he couldn’t pull it out. The grandfather called the grandmother for help.

Grandfather (calling on the phone).Hey grandma, come downstairs, I want to show you something!

Grandma. Well? Did you buy a new Mercedes, dear?

Grandfather. Look here! Look what a turnip! Need to get it out!

Grandma. What is this, or what?(Points to his signature outfit.)Look at me! And my nails!(Pretentious.)

Grandfather. Come on, come on, take it!

Storyteller. Grandma for Grandfather, Grandfather for Turnip: They pull, they pull, they can’t pull. Grandmother called her grandchildren.

Grandma. (thoughtfully).Grandfather, call your grandchildren, they are really going to the disco, maybe they haven’t left yet?

Grandfather (calls Granddaughter).Grandchildren, come down to the garden and I’ll show you!

Granddaughter (capriciously).Grandfather, what's the matter? I'm late, they're waiting for me at the disco.

Grandson. The car is already standing by the fence. What problems?

Grandfather. Come on, help me pull out the turnip!

Granddaughter. Here's another thing, I'll be poking around in the ground!(Snorts.)

Grandson. Exactly, exactly, we’ll still be poking around in the ground!

Grandfather. Come on, come on, otherwise you will be left without dinner and pocket money!

Storyteller. Picked it up again. Grandchildren for Grandma, Grandma for Dedka, Grandfather for Turnip: they pull, they pull, they can’t pull. Then the Granddaughter clicked on the Bug

Granddaughter. Come on, let's help Grandfather the Bug!

Bug (imitating the owner).Well, here we are, just from the hairdresser: cut by the master, washed with shampoo, sprayed with perfume, I’ll still get my paws dirty!

Grandma (sternly). Take hold of your Granddaughter, we’ll pull the turnip! Otherwise, you won’t see “Chappie” in the evening.

Storyteller. Bug for Grandsons, Grandchildren for Grandma, Grandma for Grandfather, Grandfather for the turnip: They pull, they pull, they can’t pull. The Bug called the Cat.

Bug (patronizingly).Hey, Matroskin, there is work!

Matroskin (concerned).Leave me alone, I have a lot of things to do, I haven’t milked Murka yet, Gavryusha hasn’t been fed, I’m going fishing with Uncle Fyodor...(doomedly) so what?

Bug (boastfully).Look at the owner's harvest! And we are just from the hairdresser... come help!

Storyteller. Again they took hold: the Cat for the Bug, the Bug for the Granddaughters, the Grandchildren for the Grandmother, the Grandmother for the Grandfather, the Grandfather for the Turnip: they pulled, they pulled, they couldn’t pull.

Matroskin. And I just saw a Mouse here, let him come to the rescue...

Mouse.( runs out all worried) “Mouse, Mouse”, what is “Mouse”? Is it weak without the Mouse?

Matroskin . Talk less, you need to work!

Mouse (waves his hand). Now!

Storyteller. They pull again - they pull the turnip. Mouse for Cat, Cat for Bug, Bug for Granddaughters, Grandchildren for Grandmother, Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for Turnip. They pull and pull, they pull and pull, once... and they pulled out the turnip...

Grandfather. That's what a team means, that's what one friendly team means! What a big strong turnip, you can even put it in the Guinness Book of Records!

Storyteller . Roles performed by:

Anton Artemenko Grandfather is a “new Russian”, banker Dedov. (bow)

Alesya Mikhailova Grandma is the wife of the “new Russian” (bow)

Ulyana DmitrievaGranddaughter - a modern girl (bow)

Vanya Vasiliev Grandson - party animal (bow)

Ira Popleukhova Zhuchka – Maltese dog of the “new Russian” (bow)

Sergey Isaev Cat - cat Matroskin (bow)

Ruslan Saleev Mouse - nimble, businesslike, economical (bow)

Anya Vasilenko Storyteller (bow)

Novik Nikita, Isaeva Elnura– assistance with decorations (bow)

That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened – well done! (general bow)

Scenario of the fairy tale “Turnip” for the 2nd junior group.

Target. Development creativity children through theatrical art.


1. Create favorable conditions for the development of a sense of partnership in children, mastering ways of positive interaction with adults and peers; contribute to the development of the child’s personality;

2. Instill a sustainable interest in literature, theater, music;

3. Improve children’s performing skills;

4. Encourage children to create new images, promote the development of methods of emotional expression, self-realization, self-expression,

5. Promote the development of mental processes, qualities and personality traits - imagination, independence, initiative, emotional responsiveness.

Characters: Grandfather, Grandmother, Turnip, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse, Narrator.

The scenery is on stage: a hut, a vegetable garden.


Grandfather lived in the same village

Together with Grandma for many years.

Grandfather once wanted

Steamed turnips for lunch.


Well, I guess I'll go

Yes, and I’ll plant a turnip.


I went to the garden and planted a turnip.


The sweet turnip grows,

The turnip is growing big.


The turnip has grown to glory

What miracle of miracles?

Turnip - almost to heaven!

Grandfather decided to pull out the turnip.

But it was not there-

One is not strong enough.

What to do? How can we be here?

Call Grandma to help!

Grandfather (waves his hand):

Grandma, Grandma. where are you?

Help me pull the turnip!

(Grandma grabs onto Dedka and tries to pull out the turnip).


Once - that's it!

Two - that's it!

Oh! No way to pull it out!

You know, our hands have weakened.

Let's call our Granddaughter to help!


Come on, Granddaughter, run,

Help me pull the turnip!

(Granddaughter runs out and grabs Grandma. They try to pull out the turnip).


Once - that's it!

Two - that's it!

No! No way to pull it out!


That's a turnip! What a vegetable!

You know, you'll have to call for help...


Bug! Bug! Run

Help me pull the turnip!

(Bug runs out, barking, and grabs his granddaughter).


Here, Zhuchka is ready to help,

(Clings to Granddaughter).

Once - that's it!

Two - that's it!

Oh! No way to pull it out...

You know, you have to click the cat,

To help a little.


Murka the cat, run,

Help me pull the turnip!

(The Cat comes out, stepping softly.)


Just like that!

Two - that's it!

Oh! No way to pull it out...

Let's call Mouse...

Hiding somewhere, little coward!


Mouse-Mouse, come out!

Help me pull the turnip!

(Mouse runs).


This mouse is very strong!

Stronger than a bear, stronger than an elephant!

One can pull out a turnip,

She doesn't need any help at all!

Come on, Grandfather, grab the turnip,

Come on, Grandma, hold on to Grandfather,

Granddaughter and don’t be lazy:

Grab your Grandmother more tightly.

Bug for Granddaughter, Cat for Bug,



Do you want a turnip? Pull together!


So they pulled out the turnip,

That she sat firmly in the ground.

(The turnip is pulled out, everyone falls).

Narrator ( addresses the audience):

How strong is the Mouse?

It was friendship that won!

Eat to your health, Grandfather,

Your long-awaited lunch!

That's the end of the fairy tales,

And whoever listened - well done!

The artists bow.

Svetlana Shashkova

Scenario of the fairy tale "Turnip in a new way"


Dear viewers,

Would you like to see a fairy tale?

Surprisingly familiar

But with creative additions!

In one, well, very rural area,

Far from being famous

What are often found in Rus'

Grandfather once planted a turnip!

(a turnip comes out and dances to the music and sits on a chair)


I'm a wonderful turnip

I sit firmly in the garden bed.

So tasty

Fashionable, cool!



Oh yes, turnip, just amazing!

And it grows so beautifully!


Grandfather, pull me quickly,

Free from the earth.

(grandfather tries to pull out the turnip)


What to do? How can we be here?

Call Grandma to help!


(waves hand):

Grandma, Grandma - where are you?

Help me pull the turnip!

(a crooked old woman comes out)


Oh, my hands have weakened.

I’ll call my Granddaughter to help!

Come on, Granddaughter, run,

Help me pull the turnip!

(Granddaughter runs out and grabs Grandma. They try to pull out the turnip)


That's a turnip! What a vegetable!

You know, you'll have to call for help...

Bug! Bug! Run

Help me pull the turnip!

(Bug runs out, barking, and grabs his granddaughter.)


Oh, I'll have to click the cat

To help a little.

Murka the cat, you run,

Help me pull the turnip!

(Cat comes out, stepping softly)

Grandfather granddaughter bug cat

Once - that's it!

Two - that's it!

No! No way to pull it out...


Take a look, guys!

We pull the turnip from the garden,

We fight, we fight for an hour

We don't have enough strength.


A spinning wheel is waiting for me in the hut

Yes, I really feel sorry for my grandfather,

I know that he

It's hard to be alone.


I was herding a kid in the field

Sang the song loudly

I hear grandma calling -

Let the little goat wait

She came running without looking back

There's just little point in it.


What a strange, tenacious root

Could it be that a turnip has teeth?


There is no sense in five

Maybe it's easier with an ax


I see we can't cope

Can pour boiling water over it


You're saying the point


and we’ll eat here in the garden


Wait, I know the reason

They read a book to us in the garden

There is a fairy tale about a turnip

I should read it.

(runs off to get a book and returns).

I'll see for myself first.

Well, of course I knew it

Listen, woman, listen, grandfather,

But the mouse is not with us!


What a mouse, what a lazy fellow!

She doesn’t feel sorry for her grandfather at all!

But she knows that she should help her family

(includes fancy mouse)

Yes, how dressed!


I don't want to work

I'm celebrating my birthday!


Mouse! We need help

It’s impossible without you!


I don't want to help

I can wrinkle the dress!


What insolence!


Of course!

I'm shaking like a leaf with anger


Stop quarreling and threats

Wipe away your tears with your sleeve,

I'll persuade the mouse

I'll give her some bacon (leaves)


That's how grandma is! Nenila!

Look how I figured it out!


(enter) to the mouse

a piece of bacon for you

I took it out of the closet

I know Myshkin's tastes

Here are some beads for your neck.


Here's my bell for you

It shines like gold


Here at the bottom of this jar

Two spoons of thick sour cream


What wonderful gifts?

This one is delicious, this one is bright

I'll have a feast in the garden

Of course, I'm looking forward to everyone's visit.


We would all come willingly

Yes, the work is not over

A turnip is waiting for us in the garden

We have a lot of trouble with her


If we come together together

No need to bother at all

Well, here we go

One two Three!

Here's the turnip - look!


What entertainers!

Well, thank you, dear ones!

Come on, quickly, Bug, cat,

My harmonica is somewhere there,

We are happy now

We'll dance until the morning

Publications on the topic:

Final lesson of the theater group “Fairy Tale”. Showing the fairy tale “Turnip in a new way” for parents. Goal: Development of children's creativity through.

Scenario of the fairy tale “Turnip” for young children Author: teacher Alishkevich Tatyana Borisovna, MDOU d/s No. 299, Krasnoyarsk. Equipment: Screen, toys for displaying puppet theater.

The children of the speech therapy group enter the hall marching in formation and go to their “role-playing” places to show the fairy tale “Turnip in a New Way”:

Fairy tale-dramatization “Turnip” for children of middle preschool age based on the Russian folk tale “Turnip” Fairy tale-dramatization “Turnip” for middle-age children preschool age based on Russian folk tale“Turnip” Purpose: theatrical.



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