Cakes for a programmer. Cake for a programmer: photos, master classes and design ideas How to bake a cake for programmer’s day

Cakes for a programmer. Cake for a programmer: photos, master classes and design ideas How to bake a cake for programmer’s day

IN modern world personal computer has great importance in everyone's life. Using a computer, we obtain the necessary knowledge, perform work, have fun, communicate, etc. And in order to make interaction with a personal computer simple and comfortable, experienced professional programmers are actively working.

Celebrated annually on the 256th day professional holiday– Programmer's Day. This is usually September 13th or 12th (the date depends on whether it is a leap year).

On this holiday, it is customary to congratulate everyone whose work is related to the computer. Many families serve luxurious festive tables, make ceremonial toasts, give gifts. And what would a holiday be without cake?

The news portal “site” in this article has prepared for you a small selection of delicious ideas on how to decorate a birthday cake for your programmer.

Cake Keyboard

This option for decorating a birthday cake is suitable for both Programmer’s Day and for celebrating a programmer’s birthday.

Prepare the cakes according to your signature recipe in a rectangular shape. Lubricate them with cream. The top of the cake can be covered with chocolate glaze, and the buttons can be made from the most common refined sugar, puffed marshmallows or crackers. Apply the inscriptions on the buttons with chocolate icing using a thin brush.

To make the Keyboard cake look more realistic, you can use sugar mastic.

Waffles Keyboard

Such unusual and tasty waffles can be an excellent option for a holiday dessert or a romantic breakfast for a programmer. To prepare, you will need to purchase a figured waffle iron.

Ready-made waffles can be served with sweet sauces, fresh fruit, honey, powdered sugar or chocolate.

Matrix Cake

Everyone was watching legendary film The matrix, which means they know for sure that it consists of an infinite number of zeros and ones. Personal computers also communicate in the same language, and computer programs are created.

Wrap the cake in a thin layer of green fondant and then decorate with cut out numbers 1 and 0 from white fondant.

Cake Motherboard

This option for decorating a birthday cake for a programmer will definitely make an incredible impression and will remain in the memory for a long time. “Motherboard parts” can be made from a variety of sweets: gelatin candies, small candies in multi-colored sugar glaze, dried fruits, nuts, marmalade, etc.

Most programmers are people so passionate about their work that sometimes it seems as if they live in some kind of unusual reality. This will help bring them back for some time to the reality of their team or family. original gift, like a cake for a programmer. Such a gift will be remembered with pleasant emotions for a long time and will remind you that there are those nearby who care! You can order a cake for a programmer at the CakesClub confectionery studio! We will offer you the best we have, we will give you unforgettable emotions from contemplating the confectionery miracle and enjoying its taste.

What do we offer?

Our catalog contains dozens of unusual options for decorating sweets. You can get acquainted with them by scrolling through the photos of cakes for a programmer’s birthday or professional holiday. Surely he will be surprised when he is asked to cut a piece from a huge computer mouse or computer chip. A cake for Programmer's Day can be made in the form of a desktop computer, laptop or tablet - any element that is related to computer topics. We are ready to decorate it with matrix codes that everyone remembers from the movie “The Matrix,” as well as with a photo print or a figurine of the hero of the occasion. A mastic cake for a programmer can be decorated using the logos of his favorite Internet browser, social network, in which he often “hangs”, or a search engine. Another great idea for decoration is a sweet in the form of a stylized computer virus or a virus making faces on the top tier!

Why us?

Sweets from “CakesClub” are not only beautiful, but also very tasty! We offer a choice of more than 20 mousse and biscuit fillings, the tastes of which are simply amazing! This became possible thanks to the skill of our confectioners, proven recipes, as well as the use of exclusively natural ingredients:

  • the best chocolate from Belgian producers;
  • quality butter and cream;
  • fresh fruits and berries;
  • cream cheeses "Mascarpone" and "Philadelphia".

All orders can be placed online or by phone, as well as delivery! "CakesClub": inspiring sweets for programmers!

People with extraordinary thinking, immersed in work almost around the clock, abstracted from reality, living in their own world - programmers. Those who have relatives and friends who work in the computer field can please them by presenting a cake in an original design to a programmer for a professional holiday or birthday. Of course, it is impossible to find original sweets in a store, but the Oasis confectionery offers cakes in unusual options design, as well as a variety of contents..

You can order a cake for a programmer in different designs; in any case, the product will make an indelible impression on both the hero of the occasion and the guests. Just imagine how exciting it will be to look at images of malicious network viruses, the contents of the system unit with all the colorful wiring and diagrams, as well as disassemble computer puzzles, guess antivirus logos and program icons. Cakes representing scenes from online games, popular films and comics will be unusually attractive and, of course, delicious.

A cake for a programmer is also made in the form of a laptop (open or closed with the manufacturer’s logo on the lid and useful accessories), a monitor screen, a tablet, or a computer mouse on a mat.

How we work for clients

To prepare themed cakes for geeks, our chefs carefully study the presented theme in order to observe all the subtleties of the details and maintain the clarity of the lines. In addition, we try to find out as much as possible about the birthday person so that he likes the gift not only in appearance, but also in taste.

If you have your own suggestions for cake design for a programmer, we will take into account all your wishes. If necessary, you can get expert advice, just call feedback and wait for a call back to discuss all the features of the order. The application must be submitted no later than 5 – 7 days before the celebration.

Our company offers to buy inexpensive cake in St. Petersburg, with delivery to any corner of the city. The courier will arrive at the strictly specified time; if desired, you can organize a theatrical presentation of the cake to the birthday person. Payment is made after the product is delivered to the client.

It could also be something related to computer programs. We will be glad if you tell us what your loved one will like most. Take part in creating a sketch - then your dessert will be one hundred percent unique.

You can buy a cake for an IT specialist in the form of a desert island, where the topper will be the IT specialist himself on a sun lounger under a palm tree and with a laptop in his hands. Whatever design you choose, no matter how many tiers your gift dessert has, you will be happy to see how much joy you brought to your friend with your gift. At the same time, we are pleased to inform you that all our sweets are completely natural!

In the studio of natural and beautiful cakes “TortFamily” you can order a cake for Programmer’s Day immediately with delivery to the venue of the celebration. We will prepare your cake for you and deliver it at the agreed time to the desired address. If you have questions that you would like to discuss regarding your order, our specialists are always ready to answer them. Place your order via online form order or by phone.



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