How to draw an anime angel and demon with a pencil. How to draw a demon with a simple pencil

How to draw an anime angel and demon with a pencil. How to draw a demon with a simple pencil

This is ours final lesson for today, so we need to give you something cool and memorable to draw. We will see how to draw a demon's face step by step. The demon will have an asymmetrical facial expression to give it features or something similar.

We don’t know what inspired the author for this version of the visual concept of the demon, but it’s definitely recognizable and you’ll enjoy drawing it. Drawing demons is always fun because it doesn't require you to worry about proportions. Facial features may be slightly exaggerated and sharp, so as to emphasize all the features of his evil and dangerous character. You don't expect angelic actions from a character with such a facial expression, do you? There must be a complete feeling of betrayal and threat. So if you want to know how to draw a demon and his facial expression, horns and flames of the underworld, then the drawing is just for you! Enjoy, friends!

Step 1.

Start with a circle for the shape of the head, then draw in the jawline. Let's add the guiding lines of the face.

Step 2.

The second step of the drawing will begin by drawing the balding head, and then add clear and large eyebrows that meet at the bridge of the nose. The facial expression should have a devilish look and malice.

Step 3.

Outline the shapes of the eyes, add thick bags under the eyes with folds and folds at the corners. Then draw the nose in an expressive snotty pose to make the nostrils stand out.

Step 4.

Add lines for brow detailing in a layered, wrinkled crease style.

Step 5.

Add fun balls for the demon's cheeks and then an upper lip shape for a dramatic smile. Let's sketch out a few wrinkles on the cheeks.

Step 6.

All you need to do here is draw the sides of the face, which will also be part of the mouth. Add the shape of a chin and a small beard at the tip.

Step 7

Fill the demon's mouth sharp teeth and finish drawing the tongue. You don't have to skimp on fangs!

Step 8

Let's sketch out the shapes of the long horizontal ears. Let's add tears and wrinkles to them.

Step 9

Well, are you ready for the fun part? Great! Because we have good news. You can start drawing devil horns and still do it the way you like. We prefer ram's horns with a little curl.

Step 10

We make an effort on the symmetry of the horn pattern and repeat the pattern for the second horn of the demon. You can clean up the drawing for finishing.

Step 11

We have dealt with you and we know and can do it very well draw demon face!

Angels and demons represent the eternal confrontation between good and evil, light and darkness. Many books have been written on this topic and a huge number of films have been created. Therefore, many are interested in how to draw a demon and an angel on their own.

Animated series "Friends of Angels"

We can say that this is one of the most popular topics in modern cinema and art in general.

The modern animated series "Friends of Angels" was no exception. The plot tells the story of an angel girl named Raf, who descended to Earth for the purpose of studying. But from the very first days of her stay in the new place, she managed to fall in love with the demon Sulfus, which put herself in danger from the rest of the celestials.

Let's draw an angel together

Now we’ll learn how to draw a demon and an angel. Let's start with Raf. Prepare a blank sheet of paper, a simple pencil and an eraser.

So, let's look at how to draw the angel Raf and the demon Sulfus with a pencil step by step.

Drawing Sulfus step by step

Let's move on to Raf's beloved - the demon Sulfus.

Now you know how to draw a demon and an angel with a pencil step by step. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. Difficulties may arise when drawing a face. Practice first on a separate sheet of paper. If the result still doesn’t suit you, simply sketch the characters’ faces by attaching paper to the original image.

Over time, you will understand how to draw a demon and an angel in a more classic way.

The demon is the hero of many fairy tales, legends, legends, films and cartoons. Demons are different. They can live on their own, they can appear from a magic lamp, from which they appear periodically and begin to harm everyone and do evil. It is precisely this kind of demon living in the lamp that we will learn to draw here today. He has a head and a torso, but no legs.

Stage 1. Draw auxiliary lines. The Demon himself will be depicted as if flying above the Earth. Let's start with his torso. Draw an uneven-sided quadrilateral at the top of the sheet. On its upper side we denote a circle (head), on it there are two curved lines and on top there are three additional straight lines connecting to each other. A straight line (arm) extends down from the body, and further down we mark smooth curves (this is like a continuation of the body instead of the legs, which comes out of the magic lamp).

Stage 2. Now we begin to design the head. First, on top of the circle, using three straight lines, we show the Demon’s thick eyebrows raised upward and on the sides with two curved lines in the contour of the circle his cheekbones. Further down from the eyebrow line we draw the eyes, giving them a very stern expression and a large powerful nose with nostrils. Then at the bottom of the circle we show a mouth with sharp, numerous teeth.

Stage 3. Now we will continue the design of the head department. On the sides of the head we draw furry ears, and upward with curved lines we show his horns (two pairs). Some are shorter and thicker, others are longer, but narrower. Then we will frame the outline of the head from below and above with specific teeth.

Stage 4. Let's start with the character's body. On his powerful torso we draw a chest, mark the lines of the shoulders, abdomen, and muscles.

Stage 5. Now on the shoulders of our Demon we will draw frightening outgrowths in the form of several horn-like teeth or spikes. And on his head he has hair gathered in a ponytail that curls up from his shoulder.

Stage 6. It’s time to draw a hand. The arm is drawn along a straight line drawn down from the body. We draw the outline of the hand, observing all proportions. The arm must be shown to be muscular and sculpted. At the bottom, the hand is clenched into a fist. Let's draw a high glove on the hand.

Stage 7. Down from the powerful torso we shape the lower torso. Draw a fabric draped belt along the waist line. Draw a curved body downwards with smooth lines, gradually tapering. Use a chain to form the hip line.

Stage 8. We draw additional smooth features of the lower part of the Demon’s torso, which, tapering, turn into a magic lamp.

Stage 9. From the hand clenched into a fist, we will show flashes of fire.

Stage 10. We draw the fire that shoots up with lines that give power and strength to our Demon.

Stage 11. But the design is not finished yet. Also on the other side of the Demon we will draw fire flashes.

Very often, children ask their parents to draw them a picture. If there are no difficulties with animals, cars or princesses, then some requests are perplexing. Especially if parents don’t know how to draw a demon and an angel, for example. To cope with a seemingly complex task, there are step by step lessons, which show in detail all the stages of creating a picture. Today you will learn and angel in pencil step by step. So let's get started.

How to draw an angel?

Let's start with the angel. Draw a circle on a piece of paper with a pencil. If you can't do it by hand, trace a small coin. This will be your angel's head. Divide the circle into two halves. Draw two more lines intersecting the first one. One of them should run in the center, the second - slightly lower.

From the point where the bottom of the head intersects with the first line, draw a “pasta”. You have outlined the most important details that will be useful in the future.

Outline the lower part of the angel's face again with a pencil. Sketch out the hair schematically as shown in the image below.

Drawing the face and body

Now we need to take a closer look at the face. Draw a bang along the top horizontal line. It should be torn, so draw with teeth. Under the bangs, on the second horizontal line, draw closed eyes with two inverted brackets. Draw small ears on the sides of the head.

Stepping back approximately the same distance from the hint line at the bottom of the angel’s head, draw the shoulders that immediately turn into the sleeves of the dress. The left one is located higher than the right one, as it is bent at the elbow.

In the last third of the face, use small dots to mark the nose and draw the mouth. Don't forget about eyelashes and eyebrows.

When you're done with the face, move on to the hands. Draw them diagrammatically. Draw small wings for the angel, and a small curl inside each wing.

Finishing touches

Many kids are interested in how to draw a demon and an angel. Let's continue to work on creating the latter. When the drawing is almost complete, everything seems to be in order, but something may be missing. It's all about the detail in the image. In this case, all that remains is to draw the dress and the halo.

Focusing on the assistant line, draw out the hem of the dress with two sketchy lines and connect them in a wave-like manner. Draw a small oval above the angel's head.

Carefully erase all unnecessary lines and correct mistakes. Trace the outlines again. If you wish, you can color the resulting drawing.

How to draw a demon?

Draw an oval in the horizontal plane. Sharpen its ends. This will be the head. Now draw the torso. The basic scheme is outlined.

Draw legs, arms, tail and pitchfork

Sketch the legs on the right and left sides of the body. Also sketch out the hands. One is bent at the elbow, as if resting on the side, the second is extended.

The demon will hold a pitchfork in his right hand. Draw two thin parallel lines. One end of the fork should rest against the demon's leg. Depict English letter U and draw a small tooth inside it. The little devil is ready.

Schematically draw a curved tail with a small brush at the end.

Drawing a face

Now let's go back to the face. Mentally divide it into thirds and draw eyes at the top at the same distance from each other. In the middle of the oval head, put a small line - this is the nose. Draw a wide arc-smile underneath it. Stepping back slightly from the mouth, draw a pointed beard.

Final stage

The demon is missing something. Draw small ears along the edges of the head. And on top there are curved horns.

Carefully erase all excess with an eraser, outline the main contours brighter and color the resulting demon. The body and head are red, the eyes are yellow, the beard is black, and the horns and pitchfork are gray.

Now you know how to draw a demon and an angel with a pencil step by step. It's not as difficult as it might seem at the beginning. If you don't like drawing with pencils, you can find an alternative option such as drawing a demon and an angel with a pen. However, correcting the shortcomings will be much more difficult.

STEP 1. First we will start with the basic wing skeleton. Notice how easy it is to draw. The wing can bend at several different angles, as well as rotate in space for different positions.
1- shoulder joint
2- elbow
3- wrists
4 fingers

STEP 2. Now let's add some muscles that are similar in structure to the muscles of the arm. Where the wing connects to the body, there will be more muscles.

“Fingers” for the wing can be added from one to twenty. It all depends on what kind of wing you want to make. However, remember the more “fingers”, the thinner their muscles. Also keep in mind that most fingers bend at a certain point. For more complex wings, using a hinge joint will always help create structure.
1- shoulder joint
2 – elbow
3 – wrist
4 – thumb
5 – more joints
6 – claws

STEP 3. Now it's time to add flesh for the fingers. You can make them anything you want, thick or skeletal. There will typically be a widening near the hinge joint because the two bones meet and need space to move past each other.

Afterwards, we add a leather membrane between the fingers and the connection between the wing and the body. When the wing is open, it will look like a tense arc between each connection, and when not fully opened, it will look more loose.

STEP 4. The wings can also be supplemented with some details.

For a more rugged look, you can add rips along the bottom of the wing. This will make your creature look as if it was wounded in a fight. If you want your creature to be in perfect condition, then don't add them.

Where you draw the veins, you will see where the blood flows.

Choose for yourself which parts are necessary for you!



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