What human qualities the green sings in his story scarlet sails. “An essay based on a book read (based on A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails") How green defined the genre of his work

What human qualities the green sings in his story scarlet sails. “An essay based on a book read (based on A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails") How green defined the genre of his work

The writing

Recently, I read Alexander Grin's romantic novel " Scarlet Sails". A. Green lived very hard life. He was in prison, and went into exile, but escaped from there. It was then that A. Green began to write the story "Scarlet Sails", and in 1920 he finished it. This is the most famous work of A. Green. The writer defined the genre of his work as "extravaganza". The story begins like so many literary works, with the characteristics of the main characters, but after reading just a little bit, I realized that this book is special.
In the story Scarlet Sails, Green tells the story of the girl Assol, who lost her mother early and grew up with her father, they lived on the fact that he made children's toys-ships. Longren, Assol's father, took all the housework on himself, the daughter and father loved each other very much. But still, Assol was unhappy, since none of the village children communicated with her. And she lived with one single dream, which was given to her by Aigl - a well-known collector of songs, legends, traditions and fairy tales. He told her that someday the prince would sail for her on a ship with scarlet sails, and since then Assol looked hopefully at the horizon of the sea, waiting for a ship with scarlet sails.
The second main character in the story is Arthur Gray, who, on the contrary, was born into a wealthy family, and he also had his own dream - to become a captain and he became one. At the age of 15, he went to the ship as a simple sailor and during the sailing time, the captain of the ship taught Arthur various marine sciences. After four years of swimming, returning home, Arthur took from his parents a large sum money to buy your own ship. And from that moment on, he sailed the seas and oceans as a captain. And one day, during his next trip, Arthur met Assol, whom he really liked. And having learned about her dream, he decided and fulfilled it.
I think that main idea the author of the story lies in the fact that a person in his life needs to have the most cherished dream, believe and strive for it, and only then it will surely come true. After all, Alexander Grin wrote this work not in better times his life, and, probably, in my opinion, he wanted to create an example of dreams, faith, hope.
Assol - main character romantic story, closed and beautiful girl who loved her father very much, trusted only him and lived the dream that the storyteller gave her. Arthur Gray is a freedom-loving person, a leader by nature, respectful of the opinions of others, educated and understanding, and purposefully moving towards his goals. All these qualities made him famous person. Longren is Assol's father, her mentor in life, a loving father. In it, the author tried to show a model of what a father should be. In the story "Scarlet Sails" Alexander Grin often uses nature to express the mood, feelings and spiritual mood of the characters.
I believe that Greene first of all wanted to tell the reader that at any time in one's life one must live in a world of reality and dreams.

Other writings on this work

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Presentation - Crossword based on A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails"


The text of this presentation

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VERTICALLY: 1. Who are Assol's true friends? 3. "Gray came to look at this picture several times ...." And what was depicted in picture 4. The last phrase of the story: "Zimmer ... sat ... and thought about ...". Speak the last word A. Green's books. “He glowed like a smile with the charm of a spiritual reflection” ... What is the name of the village where the events of the story unfold? 8. "Ten years of wandering life left some money in his hands .." Who are we talking about? 11. With whom Arthur Gray played as a child 13. "Victory is on your side, rogue." Who said these words? 14. What was the name of Longren's wife? HORIZONTAL: 2. What was the name of Gray's new ship? 7. Continue the phrase that Assol said to the coal miner: “... you probably, when you pile coal on the basket, you think that ...” 9. Whose portrait is in front of us: “A cotton dress washed many times ..., thin tanned legs, dark thick hair, tucked into a lace scarf... Every feature... is expressively light and pure..." 10. "Since then, that's what she's been called..." And what was Assol's name in Kapern? 12. Gray curls, gray blouse, blue trousers. High boots, a cane and a bag ... Who is it? 14. Who told Gray the story of Assol? 15. How did A. Green define the genre of his work?


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Recently, I read Alexander Grin's romantic story Scarlet Sails. A. Green lived a very hard life. He was in prison, and went into exile, but escaped from there. It was then that A. Green began to write the story "Scarlet Sails", and in 1920 he finished it. This is the most famous work of A. Green. The writer defined the genre of his work as "extravaganza". The story begins, like many literary works, with a description of the main characters, but after reading just a little bit, I realized that this book is special.
In the story Scarlet Sails, Green tells the story of the girl Assol, who lost her mother early and grew up with her father, they lived on the fact that he made children's toys-ships. Longren, Assol's father, took all the housework on himself, the daughter and father loved each other very much. But still, Assol was unhappy, since none of the village children communicated with her. And she lived with one single dream, which was given to her by Aigl - a well-known collector of songs, legends, traditions and fairy tales. He told her that someday the prince would sail for her on a ship with scarlet sails, and since then Assol looked hopefully at the horizon of the sea, waiting for a ship with scarlet sails.
The second main character in the story is Arthur Gray, who, on the contrary, was born into a wealthy family, and he also had his own dream - to become a captain and he became one. At the age of 15, he went to the ship as a simple sailor and during the sailing time, the captain of the ship taught Arthur various marine sciences. After four years of sailing, returning home, Arthur took a large sum of money from his parents to purchase his own ship. And from that moment on, he sailed the seas and oceans as a captain. And one day, during his next trip, Arthur met Assol, whom he really liked. And having learned about her dream, he decided and fulfilled it.
I believe that the main idea of ​​the author of the story is that a person in his life needs to have the most cherished dream, believe and strive for it, and only then will it come true. After all, Alexander Grin wrote this work not at the best times of his life, and, probably, in my opinion, he wanted to create an example of a dream, faith, and hope.
Assol is the main character of a romantic story, a reserved and beautiful girl who loved her father very much, trusted only him and lived the dream that the storyteller gave her. Arthur Gray is a freedom-loving person, a leader by nature, respectful of the opinions of others, educated and understanding, and purposefully moving towards his goals. All these qualities made him a famous person. Longren is Assol's father, her mentor in life, a loving father. In it, the author tried to show a model of what a father should be. In the story "Scarlet Sails" Alexander Grin often uses nature to express the mood, feelings and spiritual mood of the characters.
I believe that Greene first of all wanted to tell the reader that at any time in one's life one must live in a world of reality and dreams.

Lesson topic: A.S. Green. Story about a writer. "Scarlet Sails".

Lesson Objectives:


    continue acquaintance with the life and work of the writer;

    introduce the story "Scarlet Sails";

    to form the concept of a work of such a genre as extravaganza;

    to improve the ability to analyze the read work, namely, to be able to evaluate the characters and their actions, argue their answer, generalize, draw conclusions;

    find answers to questions;

    to improve the skills of expressive and conscious reading.


    develop oral speech;

    develop the ability to express one's own opinion;

    develop creative imagination, memory, thinking;

    improve the skill of monologue speech.


    To cultivate feelings of responsiveness, kindness, faith, hope, cordiality, love for people and for life, a caring and careful attitude towards each other;

    show A.S. Green as a romantic writer, whose work is imbued with the dream of the beautiful, the belief that man himself is able to work miracles;

    to cultivate faith in a beautiful dream and the desire to achieve it;

    create conditions for the formation of adolescents' interest in reading works;

    take responsibility for your actions.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

Watching a video (About what?

How did Assol live?

What were her thoughts?

clean? light?

thoughts were similar to her life?

Topic definition

The problem is why did the miracle happen? Are miracles possible or only in fairy tales?

goal setting

Analysis of the work.

Let's remember the main characters.

Characteristics of the characters in the story. Artistic analysis of the text. Group work.

Group 1: Longren, Assol and residents of the village.

Group 2: A fairy tale told by Egle.

Group 3: Arthur Gray.

Group 4: Meeting and the mystery of the "scarlet sails".

Why did Assol's mother die? Find this place in the text and read it. (Chapter 1: “Three months ago ... - it will bring rain”)

In the storm that broke out, Longren did not help Menners, who found himself in a boat without oars. How do you feel about this act of Longren? Why didn't the villagers understand him? (Answer: students express their point of view)

Little Assol is distinguished by a festive vision of life and a miracle. Where does it come from in it? (Answer: Father's stories influenced, and most importantly, Assol's meeting with Egle, which they will present to us now ...)

What fairy tale gave Egl Assol? What is it about? (Answer…)

What has changed in Assol's life after meeting with the storyteller? (Answer: She began to live the dream of meeting the prince; the inhabitants of Caperna began to say that Longren and his daughter had gone mad.)

Did the opinion of the residents influence the dream that Assol lived? (Answer: Of course not, she continued to wait for her prince.)

What feelings does Gray experience when he encounters the sleeping Assol? (Answer: A strong impression, excitement. Those feelings that often lead to love at first sight.)

What is he doing? (Answer: He leaves a ring on the girl's finger)

And what did the ring mean for the girl? (Answer: A sign of near happiness. The ring inspires confidence that Aigle's prediction about the fairy prince and the ship with scarlet sails will come true.)

How does Arthur Gray fulfill Assol's dream? (Answer: He decides to replace all the sails with a scarlet color. He visited three shops, could not find the right color. And then he saw him)

Find in the text and read the description of exactly the scarlet color that Gray was looking for. (Read: Chapter 5. “This one is completely ... - ... spiritual reflection”)

Yes, scarlet is the color of love and the color of dreams. Sailing in life under scarlet sails means setting a goal for yourself, striving to realize everything that was planned.

Repetition of the past

Comparison is a figurative expression built on a comparison of two objects, concepts or states that have a common feature, due to which the artistic value of the first object is enhanced

Personification - the image of inanimate objects as animate, in which they are endowed with the properties of living beings: the gift of speech, the ability to think and feel.

An epithet is an artistic and figurative definition that emphasizes the most significant feature of an object or phenomenon in a given context; used to evoke in the reader a visible image of a person, thing, nature, etc.

Individual work on cards.

Green in his work uses a variety of means of artistic expression. Identify them in the passages that are before you.

Task number 1

“Two or three dozen children of her age, who lived in Kapern, soaked like a sponge with water, with a rude family principle, the basis of which was the unshakable authority of mother and father, imitative, like all children in the world, crossed out little Assol once and for all from the sphere of their patronage and attention."

Task number 2

Determine the means of artistic expression.

“Having moved into the forest behind the bridge along the stream, the girl carefully launched the ship that captivated her; the sails immediately flashed a scarlet reflection in the transparent water; the light, penetrating matter, lay like a trembling pink radiation on the white stones of the bottom.

Reference words: comparison, epithet, metaphor.

Task number 3

Determine the means of artistic expression

“Each feature of Assol was expressively light and pure, like the flight of a swallow. Dark eyes, tinged with a sad question, seemed older than the face; his irregular soft oval was covered with that kind of lovely tan, which is inherent in healthy whiteness of the skin.

Reference words: comparison, epithet, metaphor.

Guys who didn’t receive the cards, don’t worry, we will start compiling syncwines. But not simple ones, but "Guess the hero", i.e. without the first line

Fizminutka under the "noise of the sea"

Waves (rising and falling) - we raise and lower our hands.

The sailboat sways along the waves (left - right) - swing your arms left and right.

And now we have a quiz

(A sailboat with white sails is drawn on the board on whatman paper. For each correct answer, the student goes to the board and sticks red paper sails.)

The real name of Alexander Green. (Grinevsky)

The name of the ship on which Gray sailed. ("Secret")

What was Assol's mother's name? (Mary)

What is the name of the place where Assol lived? (Kaperna)

How did A. Green define the genre of his work? (extravaganza)

Who is Longren? .(Father Assol, sailor.)

Who is Egle?

"Grey came to see this painting several times…." What was in the picture? (Ship)

How did she get the ring on her finger? (Gray put the ring on her while she slept.)

Well, we have our own wonderful ship with scarlet sails. And let's see a fragment of the film that captured the meeting of Assol and Gray and try to answer the question, dream up - what is the future fate of the main characters? (....)

In conclusion, I would like to listen to your essay on the topic “Miracles in my life”

12. Reflection. Homework.

Did you enjoy today's lesson? What was especially memorable?

So one of the most famous and, perhaps, the most interesting works of Alexander Green has been read. Here comes the quiz. Reply A must for all 6th graders. The grade will be put in the journal! The deadline is March 27, 2012. Answers must be submitted on paper at the school.

Questions for the quiz

  1. How did A. Green define the genre of his work?
  2. What was the name of Longren's wife?
  3. Where do the events of the story take place?
  4. “It was cold, windy that evening…” And what happened that evening?
  5. "Ten years of wandering life left some money in his hands .." Who are we talking about?
  6. “He began to work…” What did Longren do?
  7. "She also asked you!" Whose words are these? To whom are they addressed?
  8. “... do they know how to love? You have to be able to love, but that's something they can't." Who is the hero talking about? Whose question is he answering? . What was the question?
  9. What was Assol's favorite pastime?
  10. Gray curls, gray blouse, blue trousers. High boots, a cane and a bag ... Who is it?
  11. Whose portrait is in front of us: “A chintz dress washed many times ..., thin tanned legs, dark thick hair pulled into a lace scarf ... Every feature ... is expressively light and clean ...”
  12. “I don’t know how many years will pass ... One morning ...” Who predicted Assol's future?
  13. What will happen one morning?
  14. Why do you think the story of Assol's life is parallel to Gray's life?
  15. "Grey's father and mother were arrogant slaves of their position ..." How Arthur Gray differed from them ?
  16. Why did Gray ruin the painting of the crucifixion?
  17. What episode made Gray and the maid Betsy friends? (
  18. What role did Gray play in Betsy's fate?
  19. Who did Arthur Gray play with as a child?
  20. "Gray came to see this painting several times…." What was in the picture?
  21. Continue the phrase: "In the autumn, in the fifteenth year of life, Arthur Gray ...."
  22. Continue the phrase: "Captain" Anselma "... triumphed in advance, imagining how in two months Gray would tell him ..."
  23. "Victory is on your side, rogue." Whose words are these? To whom are they addressed?
  24. Who prayed with these words: "O floating, traveling, sick, suffering and captive ..."
  25. What was the name of Gray's new ship?
  26. “The captain got out into the open ... and saw here ...” And what did Captain Gray see?
  27. Who told Gray Assol's story?
  28. “Since then, that’s what her name is ...” And what was the name of Assol in Kapern?
  29. Continue the phrase: “... There are two girls in it, two Assol, mixed in a wonderful beautiful irregularity. One was the daughter of a sailor ..., the other - .... "
  30. Who are Assol's true friends?
  31. "Whose joke is this? Whose joke is this?" What does Assol ask? How did she get the ring on her finger?
  32. “He blushed like a smile with the charm of a spiritual reflection”… What are we talking about?
  33. How many meters of scarlet matter did Gray buy?
  34. Continue the phrase that Assol said to the coal miner: “... you, probably, when you pile a basket with coal, you think that ...”
  35. Complete the sentence: “Thanks to her, I understood one simple truth. She is to…”
  36. Continue the phrase: “When the main thing for a person is to receive the dearest nickel, it’s easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the grain of a fiery plant - a miracle, do this miracle for him ...”
  37. “Happiness sat in her like a fluffy kitten ...” When did happiness settle in Assol's heart?
  38. What did Assol Gray ask for as soon as she got on the ship?
  39. How did Letika call Assol?
  40. The last phrase of the story: "Zimmer ... sat ... and thought about ...". Write the last word of A. Green's book .



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