President's New Year's speech online. Vladimir Putin addressed the New Year's message to Russians

President's New Year's speech online. Vladimir Putin addressed the New Year's message to Russians

The congratulations of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the New Year 2017 have already been viewed in the very east of our country - in Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and the Magadan region.

New Year's greetings from Vladimir Putin December 31, 2017. Watch online VIDEO

In his New Year's address, Russian President Vladimir Putin wished Russians the fulfillment of their dreams, pure thoughts and good intentions, happiness, health and prosperity, and peace and prosperity to our great Motherland - Russia.

The traditional New Year's address by the Russian President was broadcast in the Far East and has already appeared on the Internet.

“2016 is leaving. It was not easy, but the difficulties we faced united us and prompted us to discover the enormous reserves of our capabilities to move forward. The main thing is that we believe in ourselves, in our strengths, in our country,” Putin is convinced.

The President noted that all Russians “are united by common concerns and common joys, united by a long, good tradition of celebrating the New Year with their families, with hope for the best.”

According to him, the tradition of family New Year celebrations unites people in vast Russia and addressed those who cannot celebrate it at the festive table.

“Many of our citizens, including those far from their homes, ensure the security of Russia, work in enterprises and are on duty in hospitals, pilot trains and planes. “My best wishes to everyone who is now fulfilling their labor and military duty in the coming year,” the president said.

Vladimir Putin urged Russians to become a little wizards on New Year's Eve.

“Now we are excitedly awaiting the striking of the Moscow Kremlin chimes and, more clearly than ever, we hear the passage of time and feel how the future is approaching. This happens only in these moments, on this wonderful, beloved holiday, and it also has its own secrets. For example, each of us can become a little magician on New Year’s Eve,” says Putin.

“To do this, you just need to treat your parents with love and gratitude, surround your children and your family with attention and care, respect your work colleagues, cherish friendship, defend truth and justice, be merciful, help those who are waiting for support,” revealed the secret president.

The head of state concluded his congratulations with wishes to his fellow citizens and the entire country.

“May all our dreams, pure thoughts and good intentions come true. Let joy and love reign in every home. Let the streets, cities and towns dear to our hearts become more beautiful and attractive. Peace and prosperity to our common, great Motherland - Russia. I wish you happiness, health and prosperity. Happy holiday! Happy New Year 2017!” he addressed the Russians.

Let's remember...

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Live broadcast address from Russian President Vladimir Putin and New Year's greetings for the New Year 2016 Can watch online.

For the first time, Russians saw it in the Far East.

“The success of the entire country depends on the effective work of everyone, and the history of our fathers and grandfathers helps Russians adequately respond to modern challenges. Traditionally, we celebrate this holiday with our family, with our closest friends. Of course, not everyone manages to celebrate the New Year with their relatives - we have to work in hospitals and in factories, to fulfill official and military duty, to protect borders, to be on constant duty, ensuring our safety,” the president noted.

“We are grateful to everyone who is always on duty day and night, on weekdays and holidays,” Putin said. Today I would like to especially congratulate on the holiday those of our military personnel who are fighting international terrorism and defending Russia’s national interests on distant frontiers. Vladimir Putin Bringing benefits to the homeland Putin noted such inherent military qualities as will, determination and strength of character. “We need these qualities everywhere, always and in any business,” he said.

“The success of the entire country depends on the effective work and achievements of each of us,” he is confident. The President emphasized that all Russians “are united by the same goals: the desire to benefit their homeland, responsibility for its destiny.”

“Our history, the experience of our fathers and grandfathers, their unity in difficult times and strength of spirit are a great example for us,” he said. “They have helped and will continue to help us adequately respond to modern challenges,” the president is confident.

The head of state noted that when celebrating the New Year with family, everyone especially feels how dear the people close to them are. The President wished everyone that parents were healthy and warmed by the warmth of their children, that young people grew up smart and active, that love and responsiveness became everyone’s support in everyday affairs. Putin proposed raising a toast to success, joy and happiness, as well as to the prosperity and well-being of Russia.

The President’s congratulations to the people of the Russian Federation on the New Year have long become a tradition, and without it it is impossible to imagine the feast on the night of December 31 to January 1.

The speech against the backdrop of the Kremlin is recorded in advance and broadcast on federal channels before the chimes strike. Russia is a huge country with several time zones, so in the east of the country the calendar New Year comes several hours earlier than in the west. Residents of Anadyr, Magadan and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky are the first to celebrate the New Year - at 16.00 Moscow time. Residents of these regions are the first to hear the president’s parting words for 2019, and thanks to the Internet, Putin’s New Year’s greetings can be watched online a few minutes after his speech. The text of the congratulations, as a rule, is banal and has streamlined wording, but sometimes a thesis review of the events of the outgoing year is inserted into the New Year's speech. If you want to watch Putin’s New Year’s speech before everyone else, go to this page after 16.00 Moscow time. The text of Putin’s congratulations on the New Year 2019 will also be published here.

Video of Putin's New Year's greetings 2018/2019

Text of Putin's congratulations on the New Year 2018/2019

Dear citizens of Russia! Dear friends!

Time is bringing us closer to the New Year, 2019. A busy December full of worries is behind us, when we were in a hurry to complete urgent matters, clarify plans for the future and, of course, prepare for the holiday. And now we are waiting with excitement and hope for the coming of the New Year, we see the delighted eyes of the kids, we feel how happy the parents and grandparents are if the whole family is together at these moments, and their hearts are warmed with sensitivity and attention and we understand that this is the New Year magic, and it is our spiritual generosity that creates it. It is in demand both on holidays and on weekdays, when we support those who need help, who are lonely or sick. After all, there really is no such thing as someone else’s misfortune, and mercy always responds with kindness and gives the joy of participation.

Dear friends!

Everyone has their own expectations now. But by and large, we all want our loved ones to be healthy, for harmony to reign in the house, for children to be happy, for life to be peaceful, and for dreams, even the most secret ones, to come true.

On New Year's Eve, like in childhood, we make wishes, expect luck and good fortune. And let them be. But we still know for sure that we can achieve the best for ourselves, for our family, for our native country only through our own efforts, through joint coordinated work.

We have to solve many pressing problems in the economy, science and technology, in healthcare, education and culture and, most importantly, step by step to achieve an increase in well-being and quality of life, so that all citizens of Russia, each of us, will feel changes for the better in the coming year.

We can only do this together. We have never had and never will have assistants. And that’s why it’s important for us to be a cohesive, united, strong team. And may the friendship and good hopes that unite everyone now accompany us in the future, help us in our work and in achieving common goals.

Dear friends!

Just a few seconds separate us from the New Year 2019. Let's wish happiness to those around us. Let's say our warmest words to everyone we love, thank the parents, hug the children tenderly and tightly, and open our hearts to each other. After all, when millions of people experience such bright feelings, the world is filled with love and trust.

I sincerely wish you joy and prosperity, and success and prosperity to our Motherland, our beloved Russia.

Congratulations on your holiday! Happy New Year 2019!

New Year's greetings from Putin and Medvedev 1999-2019

1999/2000: video | text
2000/2001: video | text
2001/2002: video | text
2002/2003: video | text
2003/2004: video | text
2004/2005: video | text
2005/2006: video | text
2006/2007: video | text
2007/2008: video | text
2008/2009: video | text

The address of the head of state to the people on the eve of the New Year represents a special genre of ritual rhetoric of the president, imbued with the unique, goosebumps-frank atmosphere of the upcoming family holiday.

2015: how it was

Last year V.V. Putin sincerely thanked the people of the country for their willingness to defend its interests, civic cohesion and responsibility, solidarity, as well as the most important human truths that are difficult to underestimate at the current difficult stage of development for Russia: truth and honor, justice and dignity.

Considering the fact that 2015 was no less difficult for the country than the previous one, we can say with confidence that Putin’s New Year’s address 2016 will be, as always, firm and decisive, inspiring the viewer, regardless of his gender and age, to work honestly for the good of Motherland. After all, whenever and for whatever reason the president speaks, he always focuses on the fact that the future prosperity of the entire people consists of the happiness and success of every Russian.

2016: how it will be

Capacity and brevity, firmness of thought and clear construction of phrases are the main qualities inherent in the presidential speech on the eve of one of the most beloved national holidays. The head of state never burdens the viewer with incomprehensible numbers and depressing political theses, turning a business speech into a kind of conversation, imbued with a simple and understandable, sincere atmosphere based on the main values: kindness, family, love.

Every word this time will become an inspiring motivating link for solving new difficult tasks aimed at the development of Russia in the far-fetched conditions of global isolation, inflationary surges and unstable exchange rates. And it doesn’t matter at all what background image will be behind Putin: the Moscow Kremlin with its bridges and embankments or the newly acquired azure coast of Crimea. The main thing is that the President’s New Year’s address in 2016 will once again show that there is no force that could break the invincible internal power of Orthodox Russia.

Residents of the Far East were the first to celebrate the New Year in Russia. They were the first to see the New Year's address from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In his congratulations, he thanked all Russians for “victories and achievements, for understanding and trust, for real, heartfelt concern for Russia.” The head of state admitted that the past year has not been easy, but its difficulties “brought us together and encouraged us to open up the enormous reserves of our capabilities to move forward.”

Vladimir Putin noted that the main thing is to believe in yourself and your country. He also thanked everyone for their successful work, especially noting those “who are now fulfilling their labor and military duty” on New Year’s Eve.

The President of Russia called on everyone to become “a little wizard” on the night of December 31 to January 1, to be attentive to loved ones and others: take care of parents and children, respect colleagues, and provide support to those in need.

“Peace and prosperity to our common, great Motherland - Russia, happiness to you and health, prosperity,” concluded Vladimir Putin.

The Parliamentary Gazette provides the full text of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s New Year’s address to Russian citizens:

Dear citizens of Russia! Dear friends!

2016 is leaving. It was not easy, but the difficulties we faced united us and prompted us to discover the enormous reserves of our capabilities to move forward.

The main thing is that we believe in ourselves, in our strengths, in our country. We work, we work successfully, and we achieve a lot. I would like to sincerely thank you for your victories and achievements, for your understanding and trust, for your real, heartfelt concern for Russia.

We have a huge, unique and beautiful country! We are united by common concerns and common joys; we are united by a long, good tradition of celebrating the New Year with our families, hoping for the best.

But not everyone is at the festive table today. Many of our citizens, including those far from their homes, ensure the security of Russia, work in enterprises and are on duty in hospitals, pilot trains and planes. To everyone who is now fulfilling their labor and military duty, my best wishes for the coming year.

Dear friends!

Now we are excitedly awaiting the striking of the Moscow Kremlin chimes and, more clearly than ever, we hear the passage of time and feel how the future is approaching. This happens only in these moments, on this wonderful, beloved holiday.

And he also has his own secrets. For example, each of us can become a little wizard on New Year's Eve. To do this, you just need to treat your parents with love and gratitude, surround your children and your family with attention and care, respect your work colleagues, cherish friendships, defend truth and justice, be merciful, and help those who are waiting for support. That's the whole secret.

May all our dreams, pure thoughts and good intentions come true. Let joy and love reign in every home. Let the streets, cities and towns dear to our hearts become more beautiful and attractive.

Peace and prosperity to our common, great Motherland - Russia. I wish you happiness, health and prosperity.

Happy holiday! Happy New Year 2017!



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