Why does your lower back hurt when you sleep? Causes of back pain at night and after sleep

Why does your lower back hurt when you sleep? Causes of back pain at night and after sleep

Night sleep allows the body to relax and gain strength after a hard day with all its stress and anxiety. Thanks to proper sleep, nerve cells are restored. Sleep also has a positive effect on the immune system, healing diseases, healing wounds and burns. When your back hurts at night, your quality of life is significantly reduced. A person can no longer get all the benefits from sleep.
To understand why your back hurts at night, you need to consult a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis. Let's look at what may cause pain.

Possible reasons

First of all, the doctor must make sure that the patient does not suffer from ankylosing spondylitis. This disease is quite rare, but it is very serious. The scientific name of this disease is ankylosing spondylitis, and one of its symptoms is nighttime back pain. When a patient has ankylosing spondylitis, the pain is nagging in nature, and there is also a decrease in mobility in the spine.
Back pain can also occur at night due to osteoporosis. This disease is now quite common. With osteoporosis, the pain is very intense that the patient sometimes cannot even get to the doctor until he takes a pain reliever. When the effect of the anesthetics appears and the pain subsides, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible for qualified medical help.

Non-medical reasons

Night back pain can be associated not only with any diseases, but also with everyday problems. For example, with an uncomfortable bed on which the human body cannot completely relax during sleep.
In such cases, and may appear. As a rule, after waking up, the pain quickly disappears. To stop back pain at night, you should try sleeping on a different bed for several nights, and then compare your condition. If the reason is really an uncomfortable bed and is not related to diseases, and you do not notice the effect, try purchasing an orthopedic pillow and mattress. The pain in the spine should subside at night. To improve the effect, you can do therapeutic exercises that strengthen the back muscles and improve blood circulation, as well as go swimming and take a massage course.

Spinal problems as a cause

If, for example, it does not subside at night, then it may be due to problems with the spine. The most common complaint “my back hurts when I sleep” is heard in the doctor’s office from patients with osteochondrosis. This disease is characterized by degenerative-dystrophic processes in the spine, leading to the appearance of spinal algia. With osteochondrosis, osteophytes (growths of bone tissue) form in any part of the spinal column, reducing spinal mobility and often pinching the nerves extending from the spinal cord.
In some cases, back pain occurs at night due to intervertebral hernias and spinal instability. A hernia is a protrusion of the nucleus pulposus into the spinal canal, and spinal instability is pathological mobility of any segment of the spinal column.
When your back hurts in a dream, the cause may be a previous injury that still makes itself felt, or a spasm caused by muscle overstrain during the day. To understand the causes of nocturnal spinal algia, you need to visit a therapist who, if necessary, will give a referral to a specialist of a more narrow specialization.

Tormenting night back pain not only disrupts a good night's sleep and rest. They may be a symptom of a disease. But before you consult a doctor, you need to observe how long they last after getting out of bed in the morning. If they go away after a quarter of an hour, perhaps their cause is not of a medical nature.

Often the lower back hurts at night due to an uncomfortable sleeping bed. Experts advise changing the place of night rest for a while. If, after several days of sleeping at night on a different bed, your lower back stops hurting, then you can rejoice - you are healthy. You just need to change the mattress on the bed to an orthopedic one or replace the old, sagging sofa with a new one with a comfortable cover.

At the same time, to strengthen the back muscles, it would not be amiss to do swimming and yoga, or take a ten-day massage course. If back pain persists, a comprehensive examination is required to establish an accurate diagnosis.

The main medical causes of lumbar night pain

When your back hurts in the lumbar region at night, this in itself is not a reliable sign of a specific disease. Back pain occurs due to many different pathologies. Therefore, the doctor’s task is to differentiate the disease that affects the patient from many other diseases with similar symptoms.

Most often, the lower back hurts during a night's rest with the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • ankylosing spondylitis.

With osteochondrosis, the degenerative process in cartilage and bone tissue leads to serious degenerative changes in the discs and vertebrae. The cause of the disease is, as a rule, chronic overload and the numerous microtraumas of the vertebrae that arise against it. The vertebral bodies are deformed by friction against each other. The disease is accompanied by aching night pain in the back.

Hernial formations give similar symptoms. When a hernia protrudes into the spinal canal, the spinal cord, nerves, and blood vessels are compressed. This provokes the appearance of night spinal pain.

Ankylosing spondylitis is otherwise called ankylosing spondylitis. This is a systemic disease that primarily affects the joints, spine and nearby soft tissues. Night pain in the lumbar region is one of the main symptoms of this disease. After waking up and getting out of bed, the pain does not go away immediately, but only after a couple of hours. Movement and a hot shower can help reduce pain.

An accurate diagnosis will allow the doctor to prescribe the correct treatment for the disease. It is not recommended to self-medicate when lumbar pain occurs at night. After clarifying the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe drug therapy, including pain medication.

If the cause of pain is one of the listed diseases, not symptomatic, but systemic, complex treatment of the disease itself is required. After the underlying disease is cured, the night pain will stop on its own.

Some more causes of lower back pain at night

In addition to the most common diseases, there are other factors that cause sharp or nagging pain in the lumbar region at night. The source of back pain during night sleep can be:

  • previous spinal injury;
  • instability of the spinal column;
  • reasons of a psychogenic nature;
  • muscle spasm;
  • kidney diseases.

Injuries to any part of the spine do not go unnoticed for a person. They may leave behind a sluggish inflammatory process, pinched nerve branches, and other negative consequences. Over time, they manifest themselves as pain in the lower back or other parts of the back.

Instability of the spinal column is typical for women experiencing the time after menopause. Instability may also have a genetic etiology. It happens that the lower back hurts at night and with muscle spasms.

With renal pathologies, night pain is localized not so much in the lower back as in the thoracic spine. Sand or stones in the urinary system, acute or chronic pyelonephritis, and other kidney diseases can cause pain radiating to the sternum from the back. It is typical that in kidney diseases inflammation worsens at night. During the day, the pain syndrome is not so pronounced.

Kidney diseases are accompanied, in addition to night pain, by very specific symptoms. In particular, the patient's body temperature rises, he suffers from pain when urinating, and he has to go to the toilet more often at night. The doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis only after taking tests and examining the kidneys with ultrasound.

When experiencing lower back pain, psychological causes should not be discounted. The spine, as the central support of the entire human body, responds primarily to the severe mental stress that the patient experiences.

Many people have back pain at night and it doesn’t bother them at all during the daytime. There can be many reasons for this condition. But in the vast majority of cases, discomfort is associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. These may be degenerative dystrophic changes in the cartilaginous tissues of the spinal column, inflammation or deformation of the uncovertebral joints located between adjacent vertebral bodies, various infections, and the consequences of traumatic exposure.

If your back hurts badly at night, you should try to get examined as quickly as possible and begin treatment for the identified disease. It is important to understand that pain cannot appear just like that. This is always a signal from the body that some kind of pathology is observed. The structure of the back is very complex. The chest is responsible for a number of functions. This ensures respiratory movements through the use of intercostal muscles. With proper innervation of the intercostal muscles, no pain is observed. With compression of the nerve fiber or inflammation, intercostal neuralgia may develop.

The second most important function of the chest is the protection and fixation of internal organs: lungs, mediastinum, heart, esophagus. With their pathological changes, characteristic pain in the chest and back may occur at night. Most often they are caused by emphysema (expansion) of the lungs, tuberculous cavities, hypertrophy of the heart muscle, accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavities, etc.

Finding out on your own why your back hurts at night is almost impossible. It is necessary to visit a doctor and carry out the examinations prescribed by him. This could be an x-ray, fluorography, MRI examination, ultrasound of the internal organs of the chest, ECG, etc.

In Moscow, you can visit a vertebrologist in our manual therapy clinic free of charge. All you need to do is call our administrator and make an appointment for a consultation at a time convenient for your visit. During the initial appointment, the vertebrologist will conduct an examination and a series of diagnostic functional tests. This will allow him to make a preliminary diagnosis and give individual recommendations for subsequent examination and treatment.

Why does my back hurt at night in the lumbar region?

Most often, back pain occurs in the lower back at night with the development of osteochondrosis. This is a degenerative dystrophic disease in which the following pathogenetic processes occur:

  • the muscular frame responsible for diffuse nutrition of cartilage tissue does not work fully;
  • as a result of this, the process of dehydration of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc begins;
  • it partially loses its ability to absorb shock when making any movements;
  • as a result, there is a decrease in the physiological height of the intervertebral disc;
  • it extends beyond the boundaries of the vertebral body - this is the stage of protrusion;
  • if the surface of the fibrous ring is significantly cracked when sharp physical pressure is applied, it may rupture - in this case, there is a risk of hernial protrusion of the nucleus pulposus;
  • extrusion or separation of the prolapsed portion of the nucleus pulposus is called sequestration and in most cases requires emergency surgical intervention.

Manual therapy methods can successfully treat spinal osteochondrosis at any stage except sequestration.

There are other reasons why your lower back hurts at night; first of all, organic diseases of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis should be excluded. In women, a similar symptom can appear during chronic and acute inflammatory processes in the reproductive system (adnexitis, endometritis, uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, etc.). In men, such pain is often associated with dysplasia of the glandular tissue of the prostate, the growth of a benign or malignant tumor. In some cases, night pain in the lower back can be a consequence of inflammation of the rectum, prolapse of hemorrhoids into its lumen, etc.

If your back hurts in the lumbar region at night, then you also need to pay attention to the quality and correct organization of the place to sleep. If the bed base is too soft or too hard, then measures must be taken to eliminate this deficiency. In many cases, it is an improperly organized place for night rest that is the cause of the development of spinal osteochondrosis. The bed should be moderately hard and the mattress should support the spinal column while maintaining all its physiological curves. Complete relaxation of the muscular frame of the back should be achieved. The more complete it is, the higher the chances of full restoration of the energy potential of muscle fibers during a night's rest. Rested muscles will be able to provide reliable support for the spinal column during the working day and will create conditions for complete diffuse nutrition of the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral disc.

Other causes of nighttime back pain in the lower back when lying down

Constant night back pain is a cause for alarm and an urgent visit to a doctor for examination. The causes of nighttime back pain are so varied that you will not be able to independently determine what disease you are developing.

There are a number of pathologies associated with deformation of the ligamentous tendon apparatus of the spinal column. In total, three types of ligaments provide stability to the spinal column:

  1. the posterior longitudinal ligament ensures stability of the position of the vertebral bodies;
  2. the anterior longitudinal ligament provides mobility and flexibility of the spinal column;
  3. short yellow ligaments are located between adjacent vertebral bodies and provide reliable attachment.

Also, the stability of the position of the vertebral bodies depends on the condition of the intervertebral discs. These are shock-absorbing “pads” that are located between all vertebral bodies. There is no intervertebral disc from the moment of birth until the end of a person’s life between the first and second vertebrae of the cervical spine. Between the sacral vertebrae, intervertebral discs are present from birth until the age of 23 - 26 years. Then all the sacral vertebrae fuse into a single bone structure. the intervertebral discs between them completely atrophy.

Night back pain when lying down may be associated with instability of the position of the vertebral bodies. And the cause of such pathology may be the following degenerative processes:

  • deformation of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • thickening of the longitudinal ligaments and cicatricial degeneration due to traumatic exposure;
  • systematic stretching of the yellow short ligaments of the spine;
  • decrease in the height of the intervertebral disc (protrusion);
  • stretching of the articular cartilaginous capsule of the uncovertebral joint, as a result of which the reliability of fixation of the vertebral body is lost.

As a result of instability of the vertebral position, night pain appears in the lower back, back, and between the shoulder blades - the localization depends on where the prolapsed vertebra is located. At the moment when a person takes a position comfortable for night sleep, the muscular frame of the back relaxes. At the moment of falling asleep, the vertebral body shifts under the influence of static load. Pain can also occur when performing a certain movement (for example, when turning from one side to the other).

This symptom is very alarming, since with a significant displacement of the vertebral body, compression syndrome can be observed. There is a threat of pinching of the radicular nerve and the development of radiculopathy with the loss of the ability of the nerve fiber to properly and fully innervate tissues and organs.

Using a series of x-rays, instability in the position of the vertebral bodies can be detected. Such diseases can be cured using the methods of manual therapy, reflexology and therapeutic exercises.

Reasons why back muscles hurt at night

Another group of reasons why back hurts at night includes various pathologies of muscle tissue. This could be myositis, sprains, myofascial syndrome, etc.

Many patients experience pain in their back muscles at night after significant physical activity or as a result of traumatic exposure. If this symptom appears on a regular basis, regardless of physical activity, then poor posture or curvature of the spinal column should be suspected.

With scoliosis, excessive muscle tension occurs on one side and partial dystrophy on the opposite side. With stooping and the development of a “widow’s hump,” increased static loads may occur on the muscles of the collar area and shoulder girdle. This may be accompanied by an increase in blood pressure and general poor health.

Muscle pain in the back at night may indicate improper organization of the place to sleep. It is necessary to consult with a vertebrologist, who will give individual recommendations regarding the ergonomics of organizing a place for night rest.

Back pain in the shoulder blade area at night

Many patients have back pain when lying down at night due to poor posture and as a result of serious deformation of the spinal column. It only seems at first glance that the habit of bending your back while sitting or standing is not a serious vice. in fact, in such a position, deformation of all tissues of the spinal column occurs. The pathological process begins with a sprain of the ligamentous apparatus. After the posterior and anterior longitudinal ligaments of the spine are deformed, it becomes increasingly difficult for the patient to straighten his back - his posture is disturbed.

Then deformation of the vertebral bodies and the intervertebral discs separating them begins. Unnatural positions of the vertebrae arise, then the ligaments and fibrous rings of the intervertebral discs become deformed, and incorrect posture appears.

In most cases, if the back hurts in the area of ​​the shoulder blades at night, the patient is diagnosed with the development of scoliosis. This is a curvature of the spinal column with a deviation to the left or right side. Emergency help is required as this disease tends to get worse quickly.

What to do if your back starts to hurt at night?

If your back hurts at night, the first thing to do is seek medical help. It is best to visit a vertebrologist. This specialist will help you draw up an examination plan based on the results of the initial examination. An individual course of treatment will then be developed.

Usually, the back begins to hurt at night due to osteochondrosis. This degenerative disease is most easily treated using manual therapy techniques. In our manual therapy clinic, treatment usually begins with spinal column traction procedures. This procedure allows you to restore the physiological state of the spine, increase intervertebral spaces, relieve pain, and create conditions for straightening compressed cartilaginous discs.

After normalization of the patient's condition, a course of rehabilitation therapy begins. Reflexology, kinesiotherapy, osteopathy, therapeutic massage and gymnastics are used.

You can sign up for a free initial consultation with a chiropractor or vertebrologist in our clinic right now. During the first appointment, the doctor will make a diagnosis and tell you how to treat nighttime back pain.

After a hard, stressful and worry-filled day at work, we look forward to the night. After all, during sleep, our body rests, gains strength, and all muscles and joints relax. But it is impossible to fully rest if your back hurts in the morning after sleep. This causes severe discomfort, a feeling of weakness and fatigue, and the desire to get out of bed and actively spend a new day disappears. Why does this happen? Among the reasons for this phenomenon, one can distinguish factors not related to the disease and those caused by the disease. Let's take a closer look at both of them.

Causes of back pain after sleep that are easy to eliminate

This includes all those reasons that are physiological, that is, not associated with any pathology and do not pose a threat to health if they are eliminated in time. Otherwise, they can act as risk factors for the development of spinal diseases and back pain will become chronic. Let's look at the most common reasons why your back starts to hurt in the morning.

Incorrect and irrational position in bed

A person spends a third of his life in a state of sleep, so it is very important that during these hours the body takes exactly the position in which all muscles are relaxed and the spine takes a physiological position. There are 3 main sleeping positions:

  • on the stomach
  • on the back,
  • on the side.

Let’s say right away that for the health of the spine and the prevention of back pain, you need to sleep on your side. This position ensures that all segments of the spine are on the same line, complete relaxation of the muscles of the back, limbs and pelvic girdle, maximum unloading of the spinal discs, and good blood circulation through the arteries.

Basic sleeping positions and their effect on the spine

Many people choose to sleep on their side, even those who already suffer from pain in the lower back or other parts of the spinal column. This pose also helps to cope with snoring. It is not recommended for people with heart disease to sleep on their left side.

Sleeping on your stomach is not physiological, despite this, a large number of people sleep this way. This position contributes to overstrain of the back muscles, especially the lumbar region. In addition, when sleeping on our stomachs, we turn our heads to the side, which causes difficulty in blood flow through the vertebral arteries. In this case, every morning we can feel not only pain in the back, but also in the head. It is also not recommended for people with respiratory problems to sleep on their stomach (the chest is compressed); this position is also not recommended by cosmetologists due to the increased risk of wrinkles.

Sleeping on your back is also not considered optimal. It is a misconception that in the supine position all the back muscles relax; on the contrary, a large number of them are in a spasmodic state. It is also prohibited for people who suffer from snoring and apnea to sleep on their backs.

Important! Changing your sleeping position is very difficult, because it depends not only on a person’s desires, but also on character, external conditions, and habits. Therefore, it is difficult to develop the necessary habit, but under no circumstances should you give up.

Wrong mattress

The reason why your back hurts in the morning may be an incorrectly chosen mattress and some other sleeping accessories, such as a pillow. Ideal if you sleep on an orthopedic product. A mattress that is too soft or hard leads to a bend in the spinal column, which is accompanied by overstrain of certain muscle groups, which is why pain develops in the morning.

Spine position with soft, hard and optimal mattress

Sleeping accessories

If the bed linen is made of synthetic fabrics, then during sleep, when the body rubs against the fabric, minimal electrical charges may arise, which lead to involuntary contractions of muscle fibers. This can also cause back pain in the morning.

Physical fatigue the day before

Any hard or unusual physical work can affect how you feel the next day. Under-oxidized metabolic products accumulate in the muscles, in particular lactic and pyruvic acids, which cause pain not only in the back, but also in all other parts of the body. This pain disappears throughout the day.

Everyone can identify all the above reasons on their own and take the necessary measures to eliminate them. But if your back hurts a lot every day, you should look for a more serious cause and be sure to undergo a medical examination.

Serious reasons

If your back hurts at night, and not after sleep, and prevents you from getting a good night's sleep, then most likely the reason is much more serious than an uncomfortable mattress. There are 2 groups of diseases that can be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • spine pathology,
  • diseases of internal organs.

The most common cause of back pain after sleep is degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spinal column:

  • osteochondrosis,
  • spondylosis,
  • spondyloarthrosis,
  • spondylolisthesis,
  • prolapse and herniated disc.

Also, back pain at night and after sleep can occur due to acquired or congenital deformities of the spine, poor posture, osteoporosis and its consequences (compression fractures of the vertebrae), systemic connective tissue diseases involving the vertebral joints.

In the latter case, it is worth noting such an ailment as ankylosing spondylitis or ankylosing spondylitis. This is a chronic progressive systemic inflammatory disease of connective tissue that mainly affects the joints of the spine and paravertebral soft tissues. Pathology develops at the age of 30-40 years, and in men 5 times more often than in women.

Ankylosing spondylitis, the initial symptoms of which are back pain at night and in the morning

A characteristic symptom of ankylosing spondylitis at an early stage, that is, before the formation of typical deformities of the spinal column, is pain that occurs in the sacrum and lumbar region, intensifies at night and in the morning, preventing the patient from falling asleep. The pain is accompanied by stiffness in the affected areas and limited mobility. Pain sensations decrease during wakefulness and active movements.

As the disease progresses, the pain intensifies and spreads to other areas of the spine. Stiffness increases, curvatures and deformities of the spine begin to form. The prognosis of the pathology is unfavorable. Over time, the patient completely loses the ability to move the spine, and its deformation leads to disability and permanent loss of ability to work. Unfortunately, all existing treatment methods can only temporarily delay such a sad outcome.

Among the diseases of the internal organs that can manifest as back pain after sleep, the following should be noted:

  • pathology of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
  • ailments of the cardiovascular system, lungs, liver, pancreas;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • tumor lesions.

An accurate diagnosis can be established only after consulting a doctor and a series of additional examinations.

How to get rid of back pain at night

First you need to determine whether the pain is caused by physiological reasons or some kind of disease. To do this, conduct a thorough audit of your sleeping place. Evaluate the quality of the mattress, pillows, and bed linen fabric. Next, you need to study your external posture (relatives can help with this) and your occupation; perhaps there are factors in your lifestyle that cause overstrain of the back muscles and spinal column.

Orthopedic mattresses follow the anatomical shape of the body and are an excellent means of preventing spinal diseases

If negative factors have been identified, they should be eliminated immediately (replace the mattress, bed linen, try to acquire a physiological posture during sleep, eliminate overstrain of the back muscles during the working day). If it is not possible to associate the symptoms that occur with certain risk factors, you should consult a doctor to look for medical causes of back pain.

If any disease is diagnosed, treatment begins immediately. It depends on the reason. Massage, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapeutic procedures, manual therapy and osteopathy have proven themselves well in complex therapy. An individual program of treatment and preventive measures is developed for each patient.

Thus, back pain after sleep is by no means a trivial symptom. It can occur either due to the wrong mattress or due to an incurable disease. Therefore, if the pain does not leave you for a long time, significantly affects the quality of life, or is accompanied by other warning symptoms, seek medical help immediately.

The most alarming and indicative symptom of pain in the spine is the occurrence of night pain. This indicates an increase in pathology, the inability to suppress nerve impulses in the brain even during sleep. Most likely, seeking medical help is inevitable.

Back pain during sleep most often signals serious inflammatory or destructive processes that occur in the spine. Based on the location of the pain symptom, it can be assumed in which particular spinal region the problems arose.

One of the possible reasons why your back hurts at night could be an injury or serious physical activity. In this case, the intensity of the night manifestation should be an indispensable incentive to obtain medical advice.

Some patients suggest that lower back pain experienced at night, as well as negative sensations in the cervical spine, can be caused by an uncomfortable mattress, a night draft, prolonged lying on one side, or simply an uncomfortable position. You can try to rule out possible reasons.

The main reasons why your back hurts during the day and at night can be serious diseases:

  1. Osteochondrosis and accompanying complications caused by degenerative-dystrophic processes occurring in the body - herniated intervertebral discs, degeneration of vertebral tissue. In later stages, this may be the consequences of osteochondrosis, manifested in deformation of some skeletal bones.
  2. Osteoporosis characterized by pain during sleep, sometimes simply unbearable. The continuation of nighttime sensations usually occurs in the morning. If osteoporosis is the reason your back hurts at night, there is no other option but to start immediate treatment.
  3. Muscle spasm, which appears for various reasons and may be a consequence of the same degenerative processes or pinched nerve fibers caused by a progressive disease. In this case, muscle spasm is an attempt by the body to block the pain, and it will not go away without the necessary therapeutic measures.
  4. Myositis– inflammation of muscle tissue caused by a dozen reasons, from injury to helminthic infestation or infection. Myositis can also be purulent if additional inflammation is added to the underlying cause.
  5. Neuritis– inflammation of the nerve, which manifests itself along its course, while concomitant sensitivity disorders can persistently support the misconception that the cause is numbness of the body due to an uncomfortable position during sleep.
  6. Spinal instability– a common cause during menopause in women.
  7. Ankylosing spondylitis(Bechterew's disease) - the cause is quite rare, but quite probable, because one of its characteristic symptoms is pain during sleep in the lumbar region at night.

This is not a complete list of possible pathologies present in the body that may be the cause of nighttime lower back pain.

A condition in which the back hurts at night contains good reason for concern, not simply because it deprives a person of the opportunity for proper rest, relaxation, restoration of strength and resources.

During sleep, some negative sensations subside because brain activity switches to night mode, allowing the body to rest. The pain symptom must be intense enough for a sleeping person to feel it after a working day filled with vigorous activity.

To find out the real reason why night suffering does not allow you to fully rest, you need to undergo a medical examination and pass the necessary tests. It's more likely that the cause is more serious than just an uncomfortable bed or lying on your side for long periods of time.

If spinal night pain continues to bother you after eliminating possible objective causes, contacting a doctor becomes an indispensable condition for maintaining physical activity.

Modern living conditions, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, unfavorable ecology, specific professional deformation - all this has led to the fact that systemic and chronic diseases of the spine are becoming a pandemic.

If you don’t find out in time why your back hurts at night and don’t start treatment, the consequences will be much more serious than you can imagine. Although it is likely that the pain is caused by non-medical reasons, in which case you will simply have to make some adjustments to your usual lifestyle. Sleep is a vital part of human life, and its fullness must be ensured.

Non-medical causes that are easy to treat

There are far fewer non-medical causes of pain during sleep, and they are not nearly as common. In addition, the pain is not so intense that you wake up from it. For the most part, they appear immediately after waking up, but they can appear while falling asleep.

Physiological reasons can be found in the form of an uncomfortable sleeping position, an incorrect position in which a person is accustomed to sleeping, or means that do not provide the proper conditions and therefore become the reason why the back may hurt.

Wrong mattress

Even a seemingly ideal option such as an orthopedic mattress, chosen without the individual characteristics of the spine, can cause lower back pain. A mattress that is too soft will result in abnormal sagging, just like a mattress that is too hard. And this is a direct road to muscle spasms, sometimes so strong that the lumbar region simply cannot be straightened in the morning.

To ensure proper comfort, the mattress must be selected according to all the rules so that it is comfortable to sleep on. To do this, you need to focus not only on the cost, but also on the upholstery, the type of springs (fixed or not fixed). And if two people sleep in a bed, then it is better that everyone has their own mattress.

Sleeping accessories

The reason why your back hurts during the night or morning sleep may be the wrong pillow. Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis at night can only be done with an orthopedic pillow. And underwear made from natural fabric has a much more beneficial effect on the spine than synthetics, which can cause allergies or muscle spasms due to mini-charges that occur when the skin rubs against non-natural fabric.


Excessive physical activity, unusual static positions of the body during unusual activities, poor nutrition and stressful situations can lead to overfatigue - a condition in which it is difficult for the body not only to take a comfortable position in which nothing bothers you, but also to simply fall asleep.

In such cases, it makes sense to go for a therapeutic massage or swimming to relieve increased muscle tone, which sometimes causes night pain. Overfatigue is also characterized by the fact that a person cannot find a comfortable position for sleeping.

The correct position is considered to be on the right side or back. Sleeping on the left side or on the stomach can lead to overstrain of the spinal segments, which will be a frequent cause of pain.



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