A synonym for the phraseological unit, cut like a nut. Butcher like a nut

A synonym for the phraseological unit, cut like a nut. Butcher like a nut

Georgians are ready to turn every day into a holiday. And what is a holiday without a feast? And what festive feast without satsivi?

If you drop into the house of Georgian friends even for five minutes, the hostess will immediately begin to put a variety of snacks on the table: pkhali, lobio, cheese, greens. On the holiday, satsivi will be added to this set - chicken or turkey fillet in a spicy nut sauce. Satsivi is translated from Georgian as “cold dish” and takes pride of place among the most famous appetizers of the national cuisine.

In Georgia, satsivi is also an analogue of the European Christmas turkey, only it is served not at the end, but at the beginning of the meal. The Christmas and New Year spruce in a Georgian house is often replaced by chichilaki - a hazel branch, from which the shavings are thinly removed, but not completely: they remain attached at the top. Lush light shavings resemble a snow-white beard. In Georgia it is called the beard of St. Basil (his feast day falls on January 1). Chichilaki is decorated with a cross, and dishes with tangerines, sweets and fried nuts in honey (gozinaki) are placed around them.

Walnuts can be found in many Georgian dishes, and Christmas games and customs are associated with them. For example, in Racha, a historical region of Georgia, it was customary to light four candles on Christmas Eve. Three of them were placed on a nut pie, and the fourth was taken into the hands of the head of the family, who uttered the wish: “Lord, give us as much goodness as there are nuts on the table.” In Kartli, Phochaoba is considered a popular Christmas game. Its rules are simple: the winner is the child who collects the most nuts scattered on the floor.

It is impossible to imagine Christmas satsivi without nuts. They are selected very carefully for the dish. They should be fresh and fatty. They are finely ground, and the finer the grind, the better the sauce. It is necessary that the nuts absorb well the chicken broth with which they are poured. If you grind coarsely, the nuts and broth will “live” separately from each other.

Lali Perveli

A native of Sukhumi, the cook of the Aragvi restaurant tells what flowers are needed for satsivs.

Is this dish difficult to make?

The recipe is simple, but the dish is quite capricious. Be sure to make sure that the sauce does not burn. Stir it only with a wooden spoon, not a metal one, otherwise the satsivi may quickly turn sour or the sauce will lose its golden hue.

What is the main thing in cooking?

Quality products. It is best to use turkey or domestic grain-fed chicken. By no means a rooster, its meat is much tougher. Choose nuts that are fresh and light. Rancid and dark ones will ruin the entire dish. The finishing touch is a few drops nut butter. It is very difficult to squeeze out, sometimes cooks cheat and replace the oil with fried tomato paste, But it's not right. Without nut butter, real satsivi will not work.

Do you have family secrets for the special taste of satsivi?

Yes. My grandmother taught me how to cook satsivi. She said that both too much and too little spices are a mistake. Every Georgian housewife has her own secret mixture. Many people grow cilantro, utskho-suneli, and marigolds in their gardens. Since childhood, I have loved collecting marigold buds for spices. When they have not yet fully opened, you need to string the buds on a thread and hang them to dry. They are then removed one at a time, ground and added to the nut sauce. It is important that the flowers are female, they are the most fragrant.

There are also geographical features of the recipes. In Eastern Georgia, ground nuts are simply brewed with boiling water or broth; this sauce is called bazhe. It can be used not only for satsivi, but also for fish and vegetables. In Western Georgia, the sauce is necessarily boiled a little, and it is only used for satsivi. In Megrelia, adjika is added to the sauce for spiciness.

The bird is chosen no less carefully. Classic recipe prescribes the use of turkey, which appeared in Georgia at the end of the 17th century. Before this, the basis for satsivi was often game, for example pheasants or quail. Today, the most common option is fatty domestic corn-fed chicken. Some people simply boil it, others bake it a little in the oven. Another integral element of satsivi is spices: hops-suneli, utskho-suneli (fenugreek) and Imeretian saffron (marigold). They give the dish a special taste.

Satsivi is served in deep bowls designed for several servings so that guests can share the meal. But you can’t start the Christmas feast until the first guest appears in the house - mekvle (translated from Georgian as “leaving a trace”). As soon as he crosses the threshold, he will say good wishes the owners will receive money and sweets as a gift, then it’s time to sit down at the table. With confidence that the year will be successful and abundant.



For how many people: 8–10

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes

1 . Prepare the broth: place the chicken in 3.5 liters of cold water. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam, add salt and peppercorns. Then reduce the gas and cook for 20 minutes (if the chicken is homemade, then increase the cooking time to 40 minutes). Cool the broth and strain if necessary.

2. Cut the chicken and place it inside down, add salt and pepper. Preheat the oven to 220°C. Bake the bird for 15–20 minutes until golden brown. Finely chop the onion and simmer in oil for a couple of minutes, pressing with a spoon. Then separate the onion from the oil. Grind the nuts through a meat grinder, add all the spices and mix. Squeeze some oil from the nut mixture and set it aside.

3. Pour the chilled broth over the nut mixture, add the onion and puree everything with a blender. If the nut mass is thick, pour in a glass of cold water and mix well again. Pour into a saucepan, add a tablespoon of vinegar, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes.

4. Cut the chicken into pieces, pour in the sauce and stir. Add a few drops of nut oil.

Photos: Grigory Polyakovsky

Butcher like a nut CUT TO WALNUT. CUT TO WALNUT. Razg. Express 1. whom. It is evil and merciless to scold, scold, criticize for something. - And you, manager, are a blind camel. You probably never go on a raft? That pockmarked one there is butchering us like a nut(F. Gladkov. Volnitsa). 2. whom. Completely win the game, the fight, the battle. - “All clear,” he ordered cheerfully, unbuttoning his jacket. - Their happiness, otherwise we would have butchered them(V. Pikul. Ocean patrol). 3. What. Do it masterfully, well, flawlessly. - And we are here without you, while you were dragging along with the convoy, all the affairs were trashed. They sold the wool to Cherepakhin in a way that God forbids everyone(Chekhov. Steppe).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST.

A. I. Fedorov.

    2008. See what “Butcher like a nut” is in other dictionaries:

    CUT TO WALNUT. CUT TO WALNUT. Razg. Express 1. whom. It is evil and merciless to scold, scold, criticize for anything. And you, manager, are a blind camel. You probably never go on a raft? That pockmarked one over there is butchering us (F.... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language push

    - scold, scold, scold, revile (Dal, fluff) See ... Synonym dictionary push

    spread- See reprimand... push

    reprimand- To reprimand (reprimand), to reprimand someone, to reprimand, to notice, to reprimand (to scold), to admonish, to blame, to scold, to reproach; read a notation, wash (wash, lather, soap, powder) your head, give a scolding, head wash.... ... push

    trim- See scold... push

Criticism and scolding come in different forms. It happens that it is thorough. And sometimes it’s subjective. Today we will look at the expression “cut like a nut”, its meaning, origin and give examples.


As usual, first, if possible, we need to talk about the origin of the expression, its history. It came to us from the professional slang of joiners and cabinetmakers. Moreover, previously it was a phrase that had a positive connotation, and meant “to do something efficiently and thoroughly.” Cut to look like walnut - give the surface of the wood the appearance of a walnut tree. Good point The expression remains, but not everyone remembers it.


The dictionary indicates that a figure of speech has three meanings:

  1. Ruthlessly criticizing someone for something. The teacher tore the student's experiment to pieces, pointing out obvious errors.
  2. Win with a clear advantage. Barcelona beat Granada to pieces 6:1.
  3. Do the job masterfully, flawlessly. He nailed his homework and got an "excellent" grade.

It must be said that the third option is the least popular among the people. You can hear the expression in the second and first meanings, but the latter is almost never used. Let us point out one more subtlety that is worth remembering when using the stable phrase “cut like a nut.”

Criticism must be justified

The phrase in the title is key. It is clear that the validity of criticism can be debated endlessly. And if you ask the one who is being scolded, then you won’t even get the truth. But in the phraseology “cut like a nut” there is always a connotation of the original meaning - to do something flawlessly.

For example, if the criticism is unfair, the person will never say something using the speech pattern we are considering. A native speaker’s instinct will tell him that he doesn’t belong here.

And one more nuance. Although the expression originated among carpenters, it is now used quite successfully by doctors of science when discussing dissertations. For example, like this: “And the council cut Vasily Petrovich’s dissertation to pieces.” Of course, the phrase cannot be heard in official reports, but in behind-the-scenes conversations it is a frequent guest.

Despite the relative harmlessness, you need to be careful not to get into trouble with the expression “butchered to pieces.” Phraseologism is not difficult to understand. Its origin deserves more attention.

Still, one must be careful with criticism. Each person is an individual. And the degree of vulnerability is different for everyone. If we're going to scold, then let's get to it.


1) strongly scold, criticize someone; 2) to win complete victory in a fight, battle, etc. The expression originated in the speech of carpenters and cabinetmakers: furniture made of simple wood was often cut “to look like walnut,” “like oak,” or “like mahogany.”

Handbook of phraseology. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what it means to CUT UNDER A NUT in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • NUT in the Encyclopedia Biology:
    , a dry fruit with a hard, woody pericarp. It may be surrounded by overgrown bracts - plus (in hazel). The small nut is called...
    (bottom) a structural element of the furnace on which materials or products are placed that are subjected to heat treatment (heating, melting, firing, etc.); performed …
  • NUT in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    single-seeded, indehiscent fruit of plants with a hard, woody pericarp (shell), e.g. at the hazel. In everyday life, a nut is often called one devoid of outer layers...
  • UNDER in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    hearth, a structural element of the furnace on which materials or products are placed that are subjected to heat treatment (heating, melting, firing, etc.). P. smelting…
  • NUT V Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    belongs to dry, indehiscent fruits. It is distinguished by a woody pericarp, inside of which one free-lying seed is placed. This is, for example, the fruit of Coryllus Avellana...
  • NUT in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • NUT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    genus of trees (nut family). 14-15 (according to other sources, up to 40) species, mainly in the mountains of Southern Europe, Asia and America. The greatest...
  • DIVIDE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -ay, -ay; -anny; soybean, what. Once processed, return to working condition. R. oak panel. R. carcass. R. beds. II...
  • NUT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    OPEX, -a, m. 1. The fruit of certain trees or shrubs with an edible kernel in the shell. Hazelnuts. Coconut o. Pine nuts. ...
  • UNDER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, about the hearth, on the hearth, m. The lower surface in the oven (for example, Russian), as well as (in factory ovens) the place where ...
    "UNDER THE BANNER OF MARXISM", monthly philosophy. and social-economics magazine, published since Jan. 1922 to June 1944 in ...
  • UNDER in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (hearth), a structural element of the furnace on which materials or products are placed that are subjected to heat treatment (heating, melting, firing, etc.); usually done...
  • NUT in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NUT, a single-seeded, indehiscent fruit of the region with a hard, woody pericarp (shell), e.g. at the hazel. In everyday life O. is often called. devoid of external...
  • NUT in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NUT, this genus of trees. nut. 14-15 (according to other sources, up to 40) species, mainly. in the mountains of South Europe, Asia and America. ...
  • NUT in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? belongs to dry, indehiscent fruits. It is distinguished by a woody pericarp, inside of which one free-lying seed is placed. This is, for example, the fruit of Coryllus...
  • NUT in Collier's Dictionary:
    (Juglans), a genus of trees in the nut family (Juglandaceae), including 15 species with varieties and natural hybrids, including valuable forestry, fruit…
    strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip, strip barking, stripping, stripping, stripping, stripping, stripping, stripping, stripping, ...
  • UNDER in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    by "d, pody", by "yes, pod"v, by "du, pod"m, by "d, pody", by "dom, pod"mi, by "de, pod"x, ...
  • UNDER in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak.
  • NUT in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    ore"x, ore"hi, ore"ha, ore"khov, ore"hu, ore"ham, ore"x, ore"hi, ore"hom, ore"hami, ore"he, ...
  • NUT in the Dictionary of the Great Russian Language of Business Communication:
    (from the English OPEX) - operational...
  • NUT in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    An indispensable fruit for cooking...
  • UNDER in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords.
  • DIVIDE in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    Syn: see...
  • DIVIDE in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: see...
    see about, before, ...
  • NUT in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    || get on...
    Syn: see...
  • UNDER in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    bream, hearth, under, ...
  • NUT in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    anacardium, hickory, walnut, grillage, tree, dimorphant, wood, coconut, cohoon, amygdala, almond, nut, coal, ...
    owls trans. and uninterrupted. cm. …
  • UNDER- in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. prefix 1) A word-forming unit that forms: 1) nouns with the meaning of a part or separation of the whole and subordination to what is named ...
  • UNDER in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. m. Lower surface, bottom of the firebox, mouth of the furnace. 2. preposition (and also subordinate) 1) with wine. and creativity pad. Usage ...
  • NUT in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. m. 1) The fruit of some trees and shrubs with an edible kernel and a strong shell. 2) A tree or shrub that bears such...
    to separate, -ay, ...
  • UNDER in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    under 2 and under, ...
  • NUT in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    or'eh, ...
    cut up, -ay, ...
  • NUT in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • DIVIDE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    to separate, -ay, ...
  • UNDER in the Spelling Dictionary:
    under 2 and under, ...
  • UNDER in the Spelling Dictionary:
    under 1, -a, prev. on the bottom, pl. -`s,…
  • NUT in the Spelling Dictionary:
    or'eh, ...
    Having processed, bring the R. oak panel into working condition. R. carcass. R. …
  • UNDER in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    2 II About time: close to something, before something P. evening. In the nose p. New Year. P. old age. under 2...
  • NUT in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    the fruit of some trees or shrubs with an edible kernel in the shell. Hazelnuts. Coconut o. Pine nuts. Chop and crack nuts. Red-hot...
  • DIVIDE in Dahl's Dictionary:
    see butcher...
  • POD in Dahl's Dictionary:
    husband. floor, bottom, ground, flooring, bottom lining, bottom. Under a reservoir, covered, killed bottom, floor. | Underneath, in a peasant hut...
  • NUT in Dahl's Dictionary.
  • UNDER in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (hearth), a structural element of the furnace on which materials or products are placed that are subjected to heat treatment (heating, melting, firing, etc.); ...

CUT TO WALNUT. 1. whom. It is evil and merciless to scold, scold, criticize for something. - And you, manager, are a blind camel. You probably never go on a raft? That pockmarked one there is butchering us like a nut(F. Gladkov. Volnitsa). 2. whom. Completely win the game, the fight, the battle. - “All clear,” he ordered cheerfully, unbuttoning his jacket. - Their happiness, otherwise we would have butchered them(V. Pikul. Ocean patrol). 3. What. Do it masterfully, well, flawlessly. - And we are here without you, while you were dragging along with the convoy, all the affairs were trashed. They sold the wool to Cherepakhin in a way that God forbids everyone(Chekhov. Steppe).

Razg. Express.

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST

    See what “Cut like a nut” is in other dictionaries: cut like a nut - 1. strongly scold, criticize someone; 2. to win complete victory in a fight, battle, etc. The expression originated in the speech of carpenters and cabinetmakers: furniture made of simple wood was often cut “walnut,” “oak,” or “red... ...

    See what “Cut like a nut” is in other dictionaries: Phraseology Guide - To cut (finish) someone like a nut. Strongly scold, criticize, gain the upper hand over someone. in a dispute...

    Dictionary of many expressions Cut like a nut

    - whom. Razg. 1. Strongly scold, criticize someone. 2. To win complete victory in a fight, battle, etc. /i> From the speech of the carpenters. FSRY, 297; BMS 1998, 423; ZS 1996, 62, 211; BTS, 725; Mokienko 1990, 57, 60 ... Cut or trim like walnut - NUT, ah, m. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 …

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary cut into nuts - (foreign language) smoothly, cleanly finish (scold, clean) Wed. And we are here without you, while you were dragging along with the convoy, all the affairs were trashed. Sold the wool... put it to good use. A.P. Chekhov. Steppe. 8. Wed. He did not deprive himself of the pleasure of showing off, although...

    Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary- To cut the nut (foreign language) smoothly, to finish cleanly (to scold, to clean). Wed. And we are here without you, while you were dragging along with the convoy, we got all the things done. Sold the wool... put it to good use. A.P. Chekhov. Steppe. 8. Wed. He didn’t deprive... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    2008. See what “Butcher like a nut” is in other dictionaries:

    walnut finish- to scold to all crusts, to trim to all crusts, to fluff, to bark, to scold, to irritate, to smash, to dismantle, to dismantle, to cut like a nut, to scold, to scold, to select Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... push

    NUT- NUT, nut, husband. 1. The fruit of some trees, with an edible kernel and a strong shell. Crack nuts. “He sees a squirrel gnawing on a golden nut in front of everyone.” Pushkin. Walnut. Pine nuts. Roasted nuts. 2. only units. A tree with a hard, beautiful... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    NUT- Azov nut. Don. Walnut. SDH 1, 3. Butcher someone like a nut. Razg. 1. Strongly scold, criticize someone. 2. To win complete victory in a fight, battle, etc. /i> From the speech of the carpenters. FSRY, 297; BMS 1998, 423; ZS 1996, 62, 211; BTS, 725; ... Big dictionary Russian sayings



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