How to teach a man to be generous. How to teach your beloved guy to be attentive? Getting male attention What behavioral tactics to choose

How to teach a man to be generous. How to teach your beloved guy to be attentive? Getting male attention What behavioral tactics to choose

That for a woman, love is a feeling when she wants to take care of her loved one, she always wants to know how things are going with her loved one, she is ready to delve into the troubles of her loved one, constantly talk good words to your loved one, to show signs of attention, to shower with compliments, to show tenderness to the object of admiration. And if a young lady in love does not receive such an “armful” from her chosen one, she may begin to reproach him for this. In turn, this confuses the man, he becomes annoyed, he angrily spreads his arms to the sides: and at this moment he completely does not understand what women want? The result of such a situation is the same - a quarrel, a feeling of resentment. The girl has a question: “How to teach a man to love?”

1. You need to understand and forever remember one simple truth: a man is a completely different creature. There is no point in waiting for him to suddenly begin to think like a woman and perform actions characteristic of a woman. It can not be so. Men have their own logic regarding everything that happens; they evaluate the world differently. Things that a girl attaches great importance to may be meaningless to boys, and vice versa.
2. Realize the fact that there is no man in the world who can guess what a woman is thinking about. And he doesn’t understand the hints (even if, in the woman’s opinion, they are obvious and clear as day). Therefore, if you want your man to shower you with compliments and with gentle words, - tell him this directly! Say goodbye to the thought: “if he had real feelings for me, he would have realized it.” Tell the truth, are you able to guess what thoughts are “swarming” in a man’s head, what does he want now?
3. Remember, almost the entire male population does not like empty, meaningless conversations. This is how they even call repetitions of the same thing, which have no end, even if they are assurances of love. What follows is another woman’s mistake, which is very serious: equating two concepts: “A man doesn’t talk about love” and “A man doesn’t love at all.” Remember, if a man doesn’t talk all day and night about how strong his feelings are for you, this does not mean at all that he doesn’t feel true love for you!
4. If you want a man to show more tenderness, attentiveness towards you, and be more caring, try to act more softly, using “feminine tricks”. Forget about reproaches, scenes, scandals. Without being intrusive, with a sense of tact, lead him to the desired thought: “If this matters so much to her, why not give in? After all, women like such tiny concessions.” Praise your man as often as possible with sincerity, thereby proving that you like his compliments and the attention he shows to you.
5. Men are not like women, they think rationally, for them the logical meaning of an action is of great importance. Therefore, you can achieve the desired effect by saying that it will be useful for him if he becomes softer, more emotional, and shows more attention to people (and, of course, to you). For example, business negotiations will be easier, he will be able to attract new clients. Using such arguments, you will most likely achieve your goal.

Not long ago, BigPiccha announced the opportunity to attend a new training conducted by Ekaterina Lyubimova, head of the SEX.RF training center. The topic of the training was not disclosed. Of course, a huge number of people signed up, but the bravest ones came, and they were right.

Ekaterina Lyubimova created this training based on numerous, thousands of requests from women: “conduct a training for men.” But men do not want to learn, they cannot admit that they are limited by education and nature in matters of pleasure. Ekaterina found a solution by developing a special technique by which any woman can convey to her partner the subtleties of tuning the female body.

And so, according to the good old tradition, the only photographer where the sign “Photography is prohibited” hangs is BigPiccha.

ATTENTION! The photos under the cut are of an erotic nature. Minors, moralists and hypocrites should not enter! Content 18+

Ekaterina Lyubimova about the new training: “Of course, we all - women - want our loved one to be perfect in bed. And often we simply try not to pay attention to the fact that this is not entirely true. After all, you shouldn’t break up over such a trifle and don’t commit adultery if your loved one can be taught sex. After all, each of us has our own tastes and preferences in bed - if he was magnificent with past women, this does not mean at all that you will like such magnificence. That’s why we created a training specifically for women: “How to teach a man sex?” in which everyone can find out their own desires and preferences, as well as find a way to get satisfaction from a man.”

1. Interesting gift option :)

2. At first glance, there is nothing new - tables, champagne, rubber dummies...

3. The topic of the training was not revealed until the very last moment.


5. The girls are noticeably nervous, although they hide it behind giggles. Still, it’s very difficult to talk openly about sex :)

6. Ekaterina Lyubimova - professional psychologist-sexologist, sex coach; starts with introductions and asks each training participant about the purpose of the visit. It seems that she can “pull out” a smile from even the shyest girls.


8. Almost all the girls say that they came to learn something new.

9. Finally, the intrigue is revealed: the new training is dedicated to a woman, her feelings and desires. And it is aimed at teaching women to convey their desires to their partners. And professional models helped Ekaterina at this training.

10. But fun aside, work begins.

11. Ekaterina talks about erogenous zones. By the way, it turned out that there are many more of them than most of us know.

12. For clarity and better memorization, girls mark them on the doll.


14. Quite a lot of time was devoted to erogenous zones, which is not surprising. After all, if women themselves don’t know about all the zones, then what can we say about men :)

15. And then Ekaterina showed ways to influence erogenous zones.


17. After the first part of the lecture, Ekaterina asks the girls to show how they understood the material they listened to - I had to practice on my friends’ cats :)

19. You can influence erogenous zones in the most different ways: You can use an ordinary feather...

20. ...can be done with your hands...

21. ...or you can use special devices.


23. It would seem that everything is so simple, but for some reason you have to learn it :)



26. Cute guys are helpers.

27. During the break, the girls got acquainted with all sorts of things that can help achieve harmony.

28. Eh, go for a walk, just go for a walk.

29. They say that in order to understand another person, you need to put yourself in his place. It’s not an easy task to understand a man)

30. To cover the next topic, an inflatable man was needed.

31. A new stage of self-knowledge - a woman’s orgasm and its intensity depend on the position and method of penetration.

I often hear women complaining about their husbands for various reasons. The most common complaint is that a man rarely realizes what his wife needs, even if he is given a hint. Even if it's obvious. And you have to explain everything, write it down and draw up clear instructions. Preferably in writing.

And if this concerns household chores, then you can still somehow enjoy the result. But if this concerns loved ones or love relationship, then drawing up instructions often kills all the romance and joy. I want a miracle that will not be planned and prepared, but will simply happen. The ultimate dream is men with well-developed intuition or simply experienced ones. Those whom someone has already taught. But I don’t want to teach myself, because the feeling of miracle disappears.

Women and men are very different. And men more often perceive everything directly and have no idea about simple female desires. They're not stupid, they just don't know how. They are designed differently. And the desire to receive something from a person without explanation is in many ways childish. Small child, who cannot yet explain anything, can expect the parent to be very intuitive and attentive and be able to guess what the child needs. When parental intuitive love and care was not enough, a desire arises to receive it from the spouse. And not all spouses know how to satisfy this need. And in men, even those who have grown physically, there is a lot of boys who are confused in an incomprehensible situation.

During conversations with a large number of experienced women, I realized one simple truth. If we can rise above the situation, then we definitely need to look at it more broadly. Then this option works well: make a step-by-step plan of what you want from a man, tell him and teach him. Say in great detail what you want and make sure that he understands, agrees with you and can do what you ask. We need to give him precise guidelines on how to guess and conduct field tests. And then completely forget about it. Forget about what you yourself taught and told, and find that childish part of yourself that is capable of enjoying and being surprised. And truly admire what the man does. This will give him the opportunity to take ownership of what he does and also enjoy it. And then do it with pleasure in the first person.

Wisdom and marital art lies in combining the position of an adult, when you tell your partner directly about your desires, the parental function, when you teach and then approve, the childish function, when you admire the result as if for the first time. And then the partner has the opportunity to understand, do, receive approval and make his experience truly his own. And an experienced man is precisely one who seems to be able to guess. Isn’t this what many women dream about?

ABC of sex


29.01.14 17:25

Men's skills in bed sometimes leave much to be desired. Having watched films for adults, the majority of the stronger sex is sure that in order to give a woman pleasure, you need to have a penis like an elephant and pound it as hard as you can, as deep and hard as possible.

Having played “woodpecker and hollow”, the man, having shot back, with a sense of accomplishment, turns to the wall and snores - after all, he is a “macho man” and his woman is happy with everything, even if she moaned through yawns. But the men are unlikely to realize that the moans of pleasure were completely false, feigned and more like a theatrical pornographic performance.

Just look at any sociological survey on the topic of sex and from 60 to 75% of women admit that they do not get an orgasm in bed. Those who remain receive it occasionally, quite often and very skilled lovers bring their passions to sparkling and continuous streams of pleasure.

The simplest and effective method to accustom a man to proper caresses - talk to him about it. But our men are vulnerable and touchy creatures, and therefore even a neutral “try to do this next time” can lead to an explosion of emotions, nerves and a bunch of questions about whether they satisfy you, whether the size of the penis is sufficient, etc. .d. and so on. In no other area does a man have so many obsessive and acute complexes as in sex! The slightest doubt that he did something “wrong” is perceived as a personal and deep insult. Remember the commandments of the male? Dolby-dolby-dolby and she will cum!

If a direct and frank conversation with your partner is excluded, then you will have to resort to various tricks and train your inexperienced man to suit your taste and color.

The rocky road to bliss

In fairly relaxed couples, the 18+ film library comes to the rescue, oddly enough. Find a scene with what you dream about during intimacy, offer the video for joint viewing, and at exactly the right moment, gasp enthusiastically, reporting how pleasant the heroine must feel on the screen. The majority of men will guess to experience what they saw with you - after all, you have already managed to completely surprise your partner with an offer to watch a spicy video, and then the craving for experiments has awakened!

Alas, not all the stronger sexes adequately perceive the offer to watch other people's intimate fun on the screen with them. In this case, you need to master theatrical skills further, using it to lead your partner to necessary actions. If during foreplay he did something that seemed unusual and exciting to you, you will have to demonstrate this fact indecently openly. Moan, cling to a man’s shoulders or the sheets, arch and show in every possible way that this is the MUST be done! This applies to foreplay and intercourse itself.

But caresses during intercourse will become a real stumbling block! Well, men don’t understand that even during sex, a girl wants more sophisticated caresses than randomly grabbing her breasts and moving her penis. Some people like kissing, others miss hard and rough sex. Try to caress a man yourself during sexual intercourse - this will make him respond and begin to respond. And there - look for a theater diploma again and emphasize with your passionate moans the tricks he succeeded in.

Another big challenge in bed will be mastering the secrets of cunnilingus. This is where all your artistry and ability to play different roles will come in handy. As soon as the man makes the “correct movements”, he begins to increase the frequency of moans, squeeze his head with his thighs or arch a little in pleasure. And even if it’s just a little pleasant for you, show the man the direction. You can still remember that we are intelligent beings and can speak, but the directions are “there”, “yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!” can only be given out in a very languid and overexcited voice, in the manner of hot strawberry heroines.

From the outside it may seem that sex with this approach will turn into a boring school activity, but the choice is yours - to do it “for show”, suffering constantly, or to focus on training your man at the cost of some discomfort. And don’t forget to reward the man for his successes - decent cunnilingus can be emphasized with a sensual blowjob!

I found this article online. Was it really written by a man? What do you think about it? How do you like the article?

How to tame a man

I can understand and am quite calm when a man and woman break up due to different reasons. life values, principles and interests. After all, too different values ​​can be difficult to combine. But some of the conflicts and breakups occur due to women’s inability to “steer” men, and the second part is due to men’s irresponsibility and unwillingness to grow up. We will talk about the second part a little later, in other issues and articles; today we will discuss the psychology of men, which is similar to the psychology of dogs. Let's talk about how we men will like it and how to keep it. Men are very easy to manage, and basic knowledge and skills can be mastered within a month, well, two at most.

Often my wife asks me about male logic and male psychology which she doesn't always understand.

How to please a man, how to keep him, and how to make a man fall in love with you?

How to ask a man for what a woman wants, and most importantly, how to ask and demand so that he does it, and does it with pleasure?

How to make sure that a man does not look around, at least in the presence of a woman?

How to tame a man and how to get a girl married?

Naturally, I am an “interested person” and try to answer in more detail how to manage a man, in a particular case, myself.

Recently my beloved and I went into a cafe, and she asked:

What kind of men are you? How do you think and what is the best way to communicate with you? How to please a man? And, most importantly, what should you do and what shouldn’t you do for a man to appreciate and respect you?

Then I said:

Yes, men are generally simple, and in many ways similar to dogs. - Then he gave her several comparisons. She laughed for a long time and then asked:

Why haven't you written an article about this yet?

And so every day, for many weeks, she came up and asked:

Did you write it? Have you already written an article about how men are like dogs? You wrote?

Wrote, wrote...

1. Almost all dogs and men are the same in that they love affection and attention. They love to be petted, “tugged behind the ear,” and praised.

Dogs, when their owner comes, run out to meet him, wag their tails, and climb up to be petted. Or, when they see one of the owners on the street, with a joyful bark and a wild wagging of the tail, they rush towards him with all their canine joy, just to jump onto the light trousers with their furry, heavy paws and lick the owner from head to toe, while receiving a portion of affection and attention. Almost all dogs and men are like this. There are, of course, distrustful even of dogs’ owners (again, you need to understand “why”) and men who are distrustful of their wives, but there are few of them. A man came home, sometimes he brought his wife booty in the form of food, salary, bride price, some gifts, boasting about his real, and sometimes “slightly” embellished exploits. After this, of course, he is really looking forward to being stroked on the head, hugged, and told how much they admire him. If a woman smiles at a man, hugs him, rejoices at what he brought, listens to his boasts, then a third of family problems can already be considered solved.

This is not at all an obvious rule for communicating with men, and according to my observations, women, especially young ones, do not always greet and hug a man with a smile when he comes home. And, most importantly, not because he is offended by him, but because he does not understand how important it is!

Well, I didn’t meet him every day, but every other day, what’s important about that? Well, I didn’t hug you today, I’ll hug you tomorrow, what’s important?

Important, very important. From time to time I observe the same situation. The dog ran away from the owner, and it’s time for the owner to go home. He starts running after the dog. Finally he caught it, or the dog itself came to its owner. What are they doing? different people further? A not-so-wise owner will lash out at the dog and start hitting and scolding it. After all, he is late, and the dog doesn’t want to go home. Next time he will run after the dog twice as long. A wise owner will pet the dog, maybe even give him something tasty, after it runs up to him. Next time he just calls her, and the dog is already running towards him.

How simple in theory, how rarely is this rule consistently observed.

2. Dogs love to follow commands that are doable and understandable. Men love to fulfill feasible and understandable requests for their beloved.

Dogs expect commands from their owners, and the commands must be feasible for the given dog and easy to understand. Of course, with long-term training, the dog understands the owner perfectly. But, in the beginning, you need to give simple and easy-to-follow instructions for the dog.

A man also loves to do something for a woman. But for this it is desirable that:

First: her requests were fulfilled by a specific man without undue stress, so that they were understandable to him.

Second: you need to express them out loud repeatedly, since 500 - 700, and not think that the man will figure out to do something himself.

An example for both points: don’t ask your boxer friend to help with higher mathematics, and don’t ask the math teacher to punch the face of your annoying, annoying neighbor. This is usually understandable. When it comes to things that are not so obvious, then an error is an error. For example, sometimes it is useless to require a man to do home repairs himself if he does not know how to do it and quietly hates it. It is better to direct his energy to earning extra money for repairs. Another mistake is when a woman expects a man to listen and “just chat” with her, like her friend, about problems. Do not expect from a man, as from a friend, that by telling you about his problem, he will sympathize with you, and not begin to give advice with real recommendations on “how to fix the situation.” Because he is a man, it’s his nature to give out advice, he loves to do it, but he can talk just like that, heart to heart, if you are just discussing something with him. If you complain, then accept the fact that you will hear a question with specific suggestions on how to help you and a bunch of recommendations to boot? In general, study the psychology of men, at least a little.

Well, just a women's hit. I always wonder where women are taught to think that men will figure out what is important to a woman? Well, he won’t guess, he won’t guess. Well, he won’t understand on his own that a “broom” is important for a woman, not even suitable for sweeping the floor, which she calls a bouquet of flowers. If you, of course, tell your man that flowers are very important to you, then gradually he will begin to give them. According to my wife's observations, it takes about 714 repetitions for a man to remember something and begin to do what the woman wants him to do. Again, if censorship fucks it regularly, persistently, but at the same time in a calm voice, but without screams, hysterics and manipulations. Don’t think that men don’t understand this, therefore, there are women whom their husbands carry in their arms, as they say, and there are those who cannot achieve anything from a normal man. Start respecting yourself and your needs, then you can get them fulfilled from us.

Of the most common things that a man “should have guessed” but doesn’t:

He should guess to give flowers to a woman,

Think about marrying her,

Talking and courting her after he has achieved her,

Help her with household chores,

Protect him from his parents

Pay more attention to your hygiene, cleanliness in the house, etc.

In general, f*ck all this from us, don’t be shy. Talk about it, fuck calmly and confidently, and when a man understands what is important to you, he will do it with pleasure. In the first years of our marriage, I couldn’t understand what all the fuss about flowers was about, but now I’m happy to give flowers to my wife, she’s so happy! How can I now deprive myself of the pleasure of being a hero and a breadwinner, hmm, you can’t wait.

In general, study male logic and how to tame a man, and your man himself will not understand how he will begin to look after you more, and then pamper you.

3. Dogs love all kinds of toys, especially ones that they can run after and hunt, etc. Men also love to play all sorts of games and toys that they can run around and hunt with.

Many men's games for women are: "Well, just real stupidity!" After all, in many of them, men hurt each other very much (boxing, hockey), or do something that can be done much easier and cheaper, fishing, for example. Or they do such “senseless” things as lifting a barbell back and forth, or throwing their arms and legs forward while shouting “yay.” - I understand all this. However, I ask you, be gentler towards men.

Without games, dogs and men quickly age, become dull, become very boring, fat and lose interest in life and in their only woman. Therefore, there is no need to interfere with men's games. It's better if the woman encourages them. Well, I'm not even talking about if she is interested in them and even participates in them a little. Such a woman immediately becomes several points higher than other women. This is exactly the answer to my wife’s question “How to make a man fall in love with you and marry him?” Throw a stick a couple of times over the weekend so that the dog can bring it back, take an interest in your partner’s car, listen carefully and memorize the name of the “insides of the car” - and you are out of competition. My wife is interested and understands investments, like me, and can listen to me for hours, and often asks questions to which I myself do not always know the answer, or may notice something that I did not see. She is interested in what is interesting to me, which means she is interested in me - and, for this reason alone, she is beyond competition.

Of course, whenever possible, games that are not as stupid from a woman's point of view as others should be encouraged. For example, encourage playing football, business, investing, science, and not computer games, watching football on TV with a bottle of beer and sitting in the yard with friends until the night.

4. The dog loves to lie down in his kennel and lie down. And they don’t like a leash, especially a short one. Provide your partner free time and personal space.

The dog cannot run continuously; it needs periodic rest. Likewise, a man cannot work, play, or even communicate with his only and beloved woman all the time. He needs to be alone. Lie on the sofa, etc. Give yourself and him the opportunity to be alone, and after a while he will come running to you, bored, joyful and satisfied.

Dogs don't like leashes, especially short ones. And if they are not allowed out without a leash at all (chain dogs), then they become overly vicious and have underdeveloped intelligence. However, there are many dogs that walk without a leash, and at the slightest call from the owner they will happily run to him.

So do men. They don't like it when women put a leash on them, especially a short one. Where did you go, where were you, where did you spend the ruble, why did you say this, say this, don’t say that, if such questions and instructions come continuously, then you want to run away from the leash.

However, there are men, or rather their women, to whom men happily return and ask themselves how to help, etc. This is the position women should strive for. How to do this is a question for a separate article.

5. The dog loves bones and other tasty foods.

Everything seems clear here, but a few comments. Even if everyone in your family agrees that the woman does most of the cooking, this does not mean that the man does nothing. My wife cooks herself, but she censors me so that I go to the store, buy groceries, cut and peel vegetables, and wash the dishes. Involve your man more actively in cooking, rather than complaining.

And the second note, do not overfeed the dog, that is, the man. The sooner you pay attention to this, the better and much easier. It is a hundred times more difficult to lose 20 extra pounds than not to gain excess weight at all.

6. The most important thing is that if dogs are not trained, they can become completely obnoxious and crawl onto the sofa with dirty paws, grab food from the table, bite their owners and their children, etc.

Almost everyone knows that puppies, especially large and fighting dogs, must be severely spanked for even a hint of trying to bite or growl at the owner or family members. Please note that not even for a light bite, but simply for growling at the owner, the dog must be spanked. If this is not done, then later she may

Lightly bite you. And then a little more
then the child happens,
it is impossible to do anything, and all that remains is to euthanize the dog, which, with a different upbringing, would bring only joy to the owner.

It’s the same with men, especially strong and aggressive ones. Even a hint of disrespect for a woman should never go unheeded. Today you left without attention easy a hint of disrespect, “swallowed and pretended that it would resolve itself,” tomorrow it may manifest itself in a greater form. And then all that remains is to break up with a man who, if treated differently, would carry you in his arms all the time. life together. And, naturally, the stronger the male character, and the less he was raised in childhood, the more attention needs to be paid to this. If you are not attracted to a man in this matter, then think about whether you can live happily with him. It may be better to give him to another woman, and take a less aggressive and strong man for yourself.



This is interesting: