The symbolism of tattoos as a sign of deviant behavior. Hamsa tattoo What does a ham tattoo on the stomach mean?

The symbolism of tattoos as a sign of deviant behavior. Hamsa tattoo What does a ham tattoo on the stomach mean?

Even people far from esotericism, mysticism and the history of ancient cultures understand that “Khamsa” is a tattoo that has a sacred meaning. This is not just a decorative element, but a symbol with a long history. If you like his image and are thinking about decorating your body with an openwork palm, carefully study all the features of this sign.


It is generally accepted that “Hamsa” is a tattoo, the meaning of which has its origins in such beliefs as Judaism and Islam. There is a considerable amount of truth in this, but the origins of the symbol should be sought elsewhere. This image is even more ancient than the above religions, it is associated with the lunar goddess Tanit, who was worshiped by the Phoenicians.

This image, which has penetrated into the beliefs of Arabs and Jews, is today considered a symbol of God's hand.

External features

The “Hamsa Hand” tattoo really does look like a hand, but not quite an ordinary one. In most cases, it is not an anatomically correct palm that is depicted, but a mystical, symmetrical one, with two opposing thumbs.

The palm is generously painted with ornaments. These can be floral and geometric patterns, precious stones, God's eye. It is not uncommon to find a stylized conglomerate of a palm and an elephant intertwined into a single whole. It is noteworthy that in Islam the depiction of creatures created by God is not welcomed, therefore eastern art is characterized by completely unique calligraphy - inscriptions are made in the form of one or another animal, plant, or object. Therefore, “Hamsa” is a tattoo that is often made up of Arabic words written in a characteristic script. No less often, letters written in Hebrew can be found next to them. Surprisingly, dream catchers often coexist with anchovy, the origins of which go back to a completely different culture and time. At first glance, the juxtaposition of a Jewish symbol with an Indian one seems strange, but the point is more about personal interpretation of ancient symbols than about any kind of historical and cultural authenticity.


Light blue, turquoise, and blue are the colors of the sky that enhance the protective power of anchovy. Initially, it was in these colors that this tattoo was performed. But today, when art is developing, constantly filling with new styles and techniques, you can come across a wide variety of images of this symbol. It is even made in several colors, which gives it even more cheerfulness and positivity.


When you meet a person with an anchovy depicted on his body, do not try to claim that he is a Muslim, a Jew, or even less a Phoenician. This image is more related to esotericism than to religion. Its decorative nature, ancient history and powerful positive semantic content make it attractive to representatives of a wide variety of cultures.

It is believed that the palm with the fingers facing down is a powerful female amulet. It gives health, helps to conceive and bear a child, relieves pain, reveals femininity and attracts positive energies into life. However, such tattoos are also done by men who believe that the best protection is the love of a woman and the strength of their native land.

In an effort to emphasize the connection with the sublime, this tattoo was previously depicted only on the upper parts of the body: on the neck, shoulders, chest, shoulder blades. Today's fashion is more democratic; this plot is placed on the phalanges of the fingers, on the sacrum, and on many other places.

If “Hamsa” is a tattoo that seems most suitable for you to apply, feel free to choose a sketch and go to a good artist. Just do not forget that this ancient magical amulet helps only those who are pure in soul and do not hold evil in their hearts.

In a comprehensive assessment of the mental status of the individual being examined, it seems necessary (useful) to pay attention to the presence of tattoos on the body. Next, if possible, you need recognize the symbolism of a found tattoo. During the examination, specific tattoos that have diagnostic value can be identified (in persons with an addiction to drugs and alcohol, with passive homosexual behavior, prone to sexual aggression, and so on).

Tattooing (persistent exogenous pigmentation) is understood as a conscious artificial violation of the integrity of the skin using piercing and cutting instruments, followed by the introduction of dyes into the wound surface in order to obtain persistent, non-fading images, no matter whether this design consists of an image of any ornament or object or words, letters, numbers, dots.

The following groups of tattoos are distinguished:

  • demonstrative and protest content;
  • aggressive and threatening content;
  • religious content;
  • decorative and decorative character;
  • sexual deviations and perversions;
  • status in places of detention;
  • hedonic orientation.

A tattooed symbol, drawing, etc. is a material, sensually perceived sign that conventionally refers to the designated object, image, phenomenon, which must be perceived directly by those for whom they are intended. A tattoo serves to non-verbally (wordlessly) convey an individual’s thoughts, his social attitudes and value orientations.

Autotattooing (self-tattooing) is rare. As a rule, primitive tattoos are mostly found on the left half of the body (if the person is right-handed), while better ones made by someone on the right. Typically, tattooing is presented to others who know how to do it and who are paid to do it.

Currently, all available tattoos can be divided into the following types:

  1. An attempt at primitive self-affirmation of the individual and its value orientations;
  2. Associated with a specific occupation or event that is individually significant for the subject (service in the army, navy, place of birth, love, etc.);
  3. Related to a criminal past or a desire to emulate a given group.

These types can be intertwined with each other to some extent characterize the stages of personality development.

Examples of primitive self-affirmation are noted even in the pre-adolescent period. Applying the initials either of one’s own or of the person for whom the subject has affection or sympathy, most often the initials or name of the girl he likes. Also often found is an image on the fingers of the year of birth, with a characteristic question instead of the last digit. Less common are digital images that characterize not only a certain time, but are also a cryptogram of the first and last name - “96” (Alexander Ivanov).

Tattoos associated with significant events in the subject’s life reflect the characteristic attributes inherent in a given profession or area; as a rule, there is a signature below the graphic image (the parachute symbolizes “Airborne Forces,” the mountains symbolize “Caucasus,” the anchor symbolizes “Odessa”).

Speaking about specific artificial dermatography in drug addicts, in general it must be said that almost all drug addicts and substance abusers have behavioral disorders. This is facilitated by complex family relationships, lack of parental care and the formation of interests in the child, which leads to disruption of proper physical and mental development.

Severe consequences of this in the form of antisocial behavior are inevitable: evasion from school, reluctance to work, pugnacity, petty theft, running away from home, vagrancy, as well as cases of delinquency. Drug addiction and substance abuse develop primarily in persons with an unstable psyche, with symptoms of psychopathy, and in infantile individuals. Social and psychological factors play an important role: the influence of companies, curiosity, personal indiscipline, unfavorable family environment, personal experiences. Drug addicts actively look for like-minded people, unite in groups, forming a whole system of relationships and connections.

Hence, the symbolism of tattoos and their location can provide quite convincing evidence in favor of a long-term addiction to drugs, the identification of the tattoo wearer with a certain antisocial group, talk about the choice of the preferred drug, the place and method of administration, and the experienced (desired) sensations. In addition, these plots are a kind of identification mark (criminal jargon - “show a little portico”), which allows you to enter into contacts for the purchase of drugs.

Typically, an image has 2 elements (axial and additional), for example:

poppy – options: poppy with a snake, a gnome, barbed wire, with a tear;
syringe - options: syringe with cards, bottle, female figures, barbed wire, butterfly.

The category of general symbols of drug use includes an image pierced with a dagger or syringe, as well as a skull with a snake crawling out of its eye socket, the signature L.O.N. (I love the company of drug addicts), etc.

Various images of a poppy flower or pod with the use of opiates (poppy straw, “coknard”). Among them, the following subjects are not uncommon: a poppy flower entwined with a snake; poppy, the stem of which is represented by an injection needle; poppy flower entwined with barbed wire, poppy heads with a drop of juice flowing out. This also includes images of a gnome or an old woman holding flowers or poppy heads in their hands, 9. 9. 9. is the purest chemical opiate.

The image of an elderly man can be interpreted as an image of a person who grows opium poppies for sale.

People who use hashish (anasha) have different symbols: the image of a crescent moon in combination with three four-pointed stars (the “brand” sign of factory-made Pakistani hashish); profile of the moon, with a palm placed on the nose or the sign of the “zone”, multi-figure compositions on “oriental” themes: a man smoking a hookah surrounded by dancers; gin flying out of a jug. In these same subjects, there is also an image of spiders sitting on a web; on the fingers there are rings with “stones” in the form of spiders and black crosses. The image of spiders sitting on a web speaks of the depth of addiction to the drug (“stuck”, “confused”).

Similar tattoos can be found among thieves - “pinchers” - meaning agility, dexterity, resourcefulness. The image of a spider, whose body is represented by a skull, means murder for selfish purposes (“rowing everything for itself”). The image of a spider on the palm is quite rare and means that its wearer uses cigarettes with anasha (the spider moves its paws and collects crumbs of “married” tobacco when stuffing a cigarette). Rare tattoos include those found on drug addicts abroad: 13 - the number of marijuana, the Statue of Liberty, holding a syringe instead of a torch.

Drug abuse is reflected in the image of a “ring”, the “stone” of which is represented by a light circle divided into three sectors, or a crescent with the letter “N” - “noxiron tablet”. Common use of medicines is a ring with a stone in the form of a white cross. Possible explanation: 1) White color most often associated with medicine; 2) the most common color of tablet drugs.

The preferred method of administering a narcotic drug is usually associated with the image of a syringe, which can be combined with female figures, barbed wire, and butterfly wings (narcotic analgesics - promedol, omnopon, fentanyl, morphine, Jeff cocktail and ephedrine). This also includes images of injection needles directed into a vein, images of a circle with an arrow (“mine”, “well” - criminal jargon) in the upper part of the flexor surface of the forearm, several points along the vein for administering a narcotic mixture without applying a tourniquet (route).

A reflection of the desired state during drug intoxication are scenes associated with the image of a syringe with butterfly wings (lightness, euphoria), a gin leaving a jug (Spirit released into freedom).

Most often, tattoos are applied to the hand, forearm, chest, thigh, and less often - the neck, palm, and interdigital spaces. Tattoos applied in the area of ​​the elbow flexors can be represented not only by a design, but also by inscriptions, and often have a functional purpose - to hide traces of the injection.

Alcohol tattoos are somewhat less common. Most often, the core component of the design is a bottle in combination with other accessories of “free life” and the inscription “This is what is ruining us.” You can also find an image of the devil sitting on the lunar crescent with a bottle or glass and the inscription “And we won’t be lost on the moon,” even less common is the signature “esperal” and the year of implantation.

Exists a large number of inscriptions made in the form of cryptograms. Some reflect a concept in its traditional sense, others have a “meaningless” set of letters. The abbreviation can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Semantic symbolism (flora and fauna, religious, common nouns, status, spatial-geographical, negative, mixed);
  2. Simple symbolic (alphabetic, symbolic, numbers).

As a rule, the subject gives an explanation that the name of the animal (leopard, lion, elephant, cat, etc.) was made out of a desire to be like it and to have certain of its qualities (leopard - speed, reaction; lion - strength; elephant - power; cat - cunning, etc.).

When the subject is caught in a lie, he tells another “legend” about “unhappy love” (elephant - The Heart Loves One Forever) and his tattoo is made in memory of her. If the doctor or examiner insists on a sincere answer, the examinee can say in true sense tattoos.

For example:

a) love even if he cheats (false);
b) cops e. crush, exterminate (source).

a) The cops will get revenge on their own children (source);
b) I love very playful girls (false)
c) I’ll give the cops a job (source)
d) love the father of his own children (false)

a) I will take revenge on the cops for everything (source)
b) here lies the father (false)

a) prison teaches laws (source)
b) the prison is already familiar (false)

(Abbreviations used: true - true, false - false; for persons with homosexual behavior, abbreviations may be found - N/S (done either fraudulently or in mockery))

Studies conducted among adolescent offenders show that the main part among them was occupied by a group of epileptoid and epileptoid unstable individuals.

It is individuals with this personality type who are most susceptible to antisocial behavior. If the former are due to rigidity and sthenic attitudes, a tense relationship with the surrounding social environment, then the latter, due to the imitation of asocial behavior, as well as the lack of internal control and self-discipline.

The predominance of these personality types in the criminal world is associated with both personal characteristics and characterological characteristics formed under conditions of imprisonment.

Shifting value orientations, constant internal readiness to protect the physical and moral “I” leads to aggressive and asocial forms of behavior, which are a compensatory mechanism that maintains this pathological homeostasis. In other words, artificial epileptoization of the personality occurs. While free, these people extrapolate behavioral stereotypes and interpersonal relationships formed in places of imprisonment, which inevitably leads to antisocial actions.

The third group, making up potential offenders, are conformist individuals. Finding themselves in an asocial environment, they willingly follow the attitude of being like everyone else. “Artificial epileptoidization” in the form of an amalgam covers the personality structure and the longer the contact with underworld, the greater the likelihood of its deformation, the more pronounced the “camp raid”.

There are features of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of tattoos for various psychological types.

1) Epileptoid accentuants and psychopaths. (excitable circle).
These teenagers have a carefully depicted design with a predominance of a threatening meaning (tiger in an aggressive pose, etc.), often on the hand and forearm, less often on the hips and feet. Tattoos with multi-figure compositions and large sizes are often found on the chest and back. There are many tattoos of a decorative and decorative nature (mermaids, naked girls, women’s faces, ornaments).

2) Persons with accentuation (psychopathy) of the excitable-unstable range. They have tattoos of a demonstrative protest nature ("fascist swastika", zone sign, certain abbreviations). Very often, a tattoo may not correspond to the status in the zone and the criminal article and was of the nature of self-affirmation. This was explained by the prevailing desire of the teenager to look “cooler,” more asocial, than other prisoners. Tattoos of a hedonistic nature (the desire for pleasure, risk at any cost, etc.) are also often found. Most often there were images of cards, women's faces, bottles, etc.).

3) Persons with a conforming personality type. They often get tattoos to imitate criminal elements; They have the generally accepted symbolism of the “zone sign” (five dots on a domino bone), primitive attributes of the concept of “freedom” (a torch with barbed wire, the Statue of Liberty, “Spartacus”).

4) Persons with intellectual disability or immaturity. They often have openly obscene inscriptions; primitive abbreviation tattoos of proper names are usually made from imitation; Less common are images and words on the eyelids “don’t wake up”, on the penis (“boorish for ladies”). Such tattoos are associated with weak personality integration, complete disregard for moral and ethical norms of social behavior, weakening of inhibitory processes in the brain, and regressive syntony in the form of sexual permissiveness.

5) People suffering from schizophrenia may have tattoos of abstract content, often just a meaningless set of letters and symbols, the meaning of which they cannot clearly explain.

6) Unstable-labile individuals often have the names of those to whom they are attached or a “brothers” tattoo - on the thumb of one teenager is the first half of the word, on another - the second; demonstrative attachment to the parental home, memory of a deceased parent, names of those for whom they felt sympathy or affection.

The appearance of a tattoo on a teenager’s body, especially if it concerns a graphic or letter image on a closed part of the body, in our opinion, is one of the first symptoms of the transition from deviant forms of behavior to delinquent ones. If the tattoo has a criminal content, it can be assumed that a teenager (adult) appeared in the teenage environment, who had previously served a sentence in prison and introduced the “spirit of thieves’ romance” into the group.

Thus, the teenager tries to create an image of a person whose behavior would correspond to the tattoo.

Aphorisms, criminal sayings, abbreviations and individual words, applied to the body, complement the body design in a criminal tattoo or exist independently.

Texts are found on all parts of the body, many of them have hidden or secondary meanings and require explanation.

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Below are the most popular text tattoos sorted alphabetically in Russian and some foreign languages.

Text zk tattoos


Come on, girls! (applied to the penis area).

And you're on your way - to get into trouble with me, if you turn the drawbar back, I'll shut your mouth with a bullet.


To be a cormorant, to beat the heels.

Beat the buckeyes, don't drink vodka.

Without love and female affection... days (applied near the penis).

Don’t take it out without need, don’t stick it in without glory (applied near the penis).

White Death (accompanied by an image of a syringe, a spider in a web, a genie flying out of a jug).

God saves man, who save himself.

God is far away, but life is close.

God created a thief, the devil created a prosecutor.

God created three evils - the devil, the woman and the goat.

God, give me strength.

God save the glutton (applied to the stomach).

God, judge me not according to my works, but according to my mercy.

Don’t put more than a pound (located between the shoulder blades. Can be supplemented with text on the stomach: “Don’t put less than a pound”).

Throw me harder, life, may luck bless the weak.

If you sleep a lot at night, you will stop stealing.

Let it be! (supplemented by the image of a Ukrainian Cossack with a glass in his hands).

Cursed be he from everlasting to everlasting who decided to reform a man through prison.

It was happiness, but the devil took it away.

Past and thoughts.


He visited everywhere, but never forgot his home (meaning prison).

Give me a return ticket to my youth - I paid in full for the trip.

The whole world is a mess, all the women are whores.

Eternal tramp (can be supplemented by a sailboat, which symbolizes the guest).

Wine and women (accompanied by a drawing of a naked woman holding a glass).

Every boa constrictor contains a rabbit.

Fall in love. I was just like you.

They (I) are at home again (applied to the legs).

This is what destroys us or This is what we love (accompanying the image of cards, money, women, a gun, etc.).

Everything is for sale.

All that is left for me (applied near the penis).

All that is left of us (supplemented by skulls and skeletons).

Everything that leaves is not ours.

You can’t beat all the women, but you have to strive for it.

Get up, fool, there is a hack (applied near the penis and can be supplemented by an image of women lifting the penis with a rope).

I was everywhere, but I forgot where.

All my life in prison.


Where love begins, freedom ends.

Woe to the vanquished (supplemented by images of tigers, battles, gladiators).

Lord, save me from my friends, and I can handle my enemies myself.


May God's grace ascend to the sinner.

Give (place of text - palm).

God give me freedom...

Give f...b (applied to the phalanges of the fingers of both hands in such a way that the phrase can be read only by clasping your hands in an amok).

Virginity is curable.

The point is right, the decision is bold.

Day for scientists, night for us.

Don't wake up before 12 (applied on eyelids).

It's good to have money at home.

There is no worse beast than a woman.


F... need and grief too.

If you have never known grief, love me.

If you love, believe and wait.

If you want to drink and eat, you have to steal a lot.

If you want to work, lie down, sleep, and everything will pass.

If you want to be healthy, do something cool.


Thirst for revenge (painted on the hands and complemented by the image of daggers, skulls, etc.).

A beautiful wife is a stranger, a mistress is always mine.

The wife will forgive, the mistress will take revenge.

Women's fun (applied near the genitals).

My life, or I dreamed of you.

Life has passed me by.

I lived sinfully, I will die funny.


Fun (found on the penis).

For faith and truth - happiness to the grave.

For loyalty - love, for betrayal - death.

Lift up your skirts, girls -... ( male name) was released! (there is an option: “Lift up your skirts, girls, I’m free!”).

They starved me to death, bitches, they starved me to death, ruined my youth.

Ring the bells, father, your son has returned to freedom!

There is no convoy here (complemented by an image of a grave cross or church).


I will not forgive betrayal!


To each his own, and for me - yours.

How few roads have been traveled, how many mistakes have been made.

Key to ladies' hearts (applied to the lower abdomen).

A brief moment of pleasure.

There is no blood, the cops drank (found on the inside of the forearm. Option: “No blood, just chifir”).

Those who have not been deprived of freedom do not know its value.

Who is stronger is right.


Better death by a knife than by the hand of justice.

All ages are submissive to love (can be supplemented with an image of a lattice or skeleton).

Love freedom like life.

I only love my mother.

I love you like my own mother (dedicated to prison).

I love freedom, I despise death.

Love is blind.

People are dying for metal.


Don't forget me, you will go to heaven.

Dead people don't sweat (option: "Dead people don't bite").

The world is ruled by gold and audacity.

Peace to my house (meaning penitentiary colony or prison).

We will defeat you! (options: “We will win!”, “We will not die!”).


To the moon behind the plan (tattoo of drug addicts. Next to the text there is a picture of the devil flying on a rocket).

Not all errors are corrected.

I will not kneel (put on the knees by those in denial).

Don’t wait for me, take care of yourself, I say lovingly.

I will not forget my own mother.

Don't get into your soul (applied on the chest).

Don’t love money - they will destroy you, don’t love women - they will deceive you, but love freedom (option: “Don’t pick flowers - they will wither, don’t love women - they will deceive you”).

Bogatyrs have not yet disappeared in Rus' (the text is often accompanied by images of knights or battles).

I’m not sad, I’m not sad, I’m looking for the right thing.

Don't look - you're not a criminal.

Don’t rush to work, but hurry to lunch (applied to the feet. Often in this form: the first part of the phrase is on the right leg, the continuation is on the left).

If you're not sure, don't overtake (apply on the back or back of the head).

There is no happiness in life like there is in f... oaks.

If you don't know how to drink, you don't know how to live.

Don't go around knocking, do things together.

Well, cop, wait a minute! (may be accompanied by a caricature of a police officer depicted as a cartoon wolf).

A person's character is his fate.


Glutton (tattoo location - stomach).

Oh, God, mother, but where is the truth?!

She will judge everyone (accompanied by the image of the goddess of justice Themis, less often - by the image of the church).

They stumbled over the Criminal Code (they put it on their feet).

They sleep (on their eyelids).

They are tired, but they will reach the pub (on their feet).

They are tired of walking under escort (on their feet).

They are tired, but f... you’ll catch up. (on foot).

Stop the Earth, I'll get off, this is a vile world, there is no freedom here.


Those who have broken the law do not like to remain in debt.

P... not God, but he helps.

The past deceived me, the present torments me, the future terrifies me.

I am clean before God (possible option: “I am guilty before people, but I am clean before God”).

As long as I love you, I'm happy.

As long as there are women in the world, there will be no secrets.

Love me, the terrible one, and you won’t repent.

Love me, a tramp, you won't repent.

Remember death (option in Latin).

Why is there no vodka on the Moon? (in criminal slang, “to go to the moon” means “to be shot.” ​​The text may be accompanied by an image of a devil sitting on a crescent with a bottle).

Honor the faith, but know when to stop.

Hello to the hairdresser (applied on the head under the hair).

Empty mouth, stomach hurts.

I ask like an angel, f... like a devil.

Let them hate, but let them be afraid.

Let God forgive meanness, but I am not God, I do not forgive.


Slave of the CPSU (options: “Slave of the USSR”, “Slave of the Ministry of Internal Affairs”).

One born to steal will not slurp cabbage soup.

Born without happiness (possible option: “There is no happiness from an early age”).

Hand to the thief, knife to the prosecutor.


Liberty (can be supplemented with an image of the Statue of Liberty, an eagle, a seagull, a dove).

There is no saint in this world, but there is law, prison and judges who have ruined the color of life, breaking young destinies.

Made in the USSR (can be placed on all parts of the body. Found on the penis along with the quality mark).

The strong are clear, the weak are dangerous.

Death to enemies, life to thieves (option: “Death to the cops, life to the kents”).

Again I’m with the owner (complete with an image of a grille).

Conscience is for others, bashli is for yourself.

Conscience is good, but money is better.


Where there is no labor (applied on the feet).

A prison for prisoners is a university of crime.

It's hard to love when love is not noticed.

A prison is not a school, a prosecutor is not a teacher.

A heavy cross fell upon me, prison took away all my happiness.


Fas! (the place of the tattoo is the penis. “Ham”, “X...” are also found there).


Keep love, appreciate freedom.

If you want to live, let's be friends (applied to the wrist).

I want to live, I want to love, but in freedom.

X... to the one who rejoices at my grief.


Appreciate love and cherish freedom.


Man, help yourself.

Man is a wolf to man.


Walking cheerfully through life, crush the bug and hold the suit.

We went to see our beloved and ended up in hell (applied on the legs).

Loving jokes, but don't love jokingly.


I love you (place of tattoo - eyelids).

I remember my old mother.

  • see also:

Tattoo phrases in foreign languages

Arrive ce guil pourra (French) - Come what may.

A tout prix (French) - At any cost.

Audaces fortuna kuvat (lat.) - Happiness favors the brave.

Battle of life (English) - Fight for life.

Buvons, chantons et aimons (French) - We drink, sing and love.

Cache ta vie (French) - Hide your life.

Cave! (lat.) - Be careful!

Cercando il vero (It.) - I am looking for the truth.

Contra spent spero (lat.) - I hope without hope.

Croire a son etoile (French) - Believe in your star.

Da hin ich zu House (German) - Here I am at home.

Debellare superbos (lat.) - To crush the pride of the rebellious.

Due cose belle ha il mondo Amore e Morte (It.) - There are two beautiful phenomena in the world: love and death.

Du sollst nicht erst Schlag erwarten (German) - Don't wait to be hit.

Eigenthum ist Fremdenthum (German) - Property is someone else's.

Ein Wink des Schicksals (German) - Indication of fate.

Errare humanum est (lat.) - It is human nature to make mistakes.

Est quaedamflere voluptas (lat.) - There is something of pleasure in tears.

Ex voto (lat.) - By promise; by vow.

Faciam ut mei memineris (lat.) - I will make sure that you remember about me!

Fatum (lat.) - Fate, fate.

Fecit (lat.) - Made, fulfilled.

Finis coronat opus (lat.) - The end crowns the matter.

Fu... e pop e/ (it.) - There was... and he is not!

Gaudeamus igitur, Juvenea dum Sumw (lat.) - Let us rejoice while we are young.

Gnothi seauton (Greek) - Know yourself.

Grace roir moi (French) - Mercy (forgiveness) for me!

Guai chi la Tocca (It.) - Woe to the one who touches it.

Gutta cavat Lapidem (lat.) - A drop chisels a stone.

Help yourself (English) - Help yourself.

Hoc est in votis (lat.) - This is what I want.

Homo homini Lupus est (lat.) - Man is a wolf to man.

Homo Liber (lat.) - Free man.

In hac spe vivo (lat.) - I live by this hope.

In vino veritas (lat.) - The truth is in wine.

Killing is not Murder (English) - Killing is not murder.

La donna e mobile (It.) - A woman is fickle.

Le devoir avant tout (French) - Duty comes first.

Magna res est amor (lat.) - Love is a great thing.

Malo mori quam foedari (lat.) - Better death than dishonor.

Ne cede malis (lat.) - Do not lose heart in misfortune.

Noli me tangere (lat.) - Don't touch me.

Now or never (English) - Now or never.

Omnia mea mecum porto (lat.) - I carry everything that is mine with me.

Per aspera ad astra (lat.) - Through thorns to the stars.

Quefemme veut - dieu le veut (French) - What a woman wants is what pleases God.

Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi (lat.) - What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull.

Sans phrases (French) - Without further ado.

Senza dubbio (Italian) - Without a doubt.

Suum cuique (lat.) - To each his own.

That be or not to be (English) - To be or not to be.

Ti ne cede malis, sed contra audehtior (lat.) - Do not submit to trouble, but boldly go towards it.

Ubi bene, ibi patria (lat.) - Where it is good, there is the homeland.

Vale et me ama (lat.) - Farewell and love me.

Veni, vidi, vici (lat.) - I came, I saw, I conquered.

Virginity is a luxury (English) - Virginity is a luxury.

Vivere militare est (lat.) - To live means to fight.

Wait and see (English) - Let's wait and see.

Wein, Weib und Gesang (German) - Wine, women and songs.

Weltkind (German) - Child of the world.

The spread of the mark on the body of criminals began on the initiative of government agencies many centuries ago. The distinctive sign was usually applied to the face (for women, on the chest or shoulder) and was not much like a work of art. For example, a sign was burned on the forehead of a Russian convict, in which the word “kat” was guessed. Over time, the criminal clan helped the detective structures and began to mark its representatives. At the beginning of the 20th century, tattoos became widespread in Sakhalin, Petrograd, Moscow, and mainly among thieves. The body design had hidden meaning and indicated, first of all, belonging to a specific criminal group. This helped to quickly establish a connection with a thief of his own suit.

There are several ways to tattoo a zone. Chinese mascara is considered the best and unsurpassed coloring agent. But for many decades it was inaccessible to most prisoners. In the early stages of ITU, they used ballpoint pen paste or, at worst, ink made from soot, sugar and urine. The tool for introducing the dye was an ordinary match, to which two or three sewing needles were wound with thread. If there were no needles in the chamber, staples from notebooks or books were used. They were unbent and sharpened on a concrete floor or wall. A medical needle or syringe into which mascara could be inserted was considered a more successful tool.

The first discomfort of a tattoo appears after a few hours. The skin turns red and swells, the pain intensifies, and the temperature may rise. If a dangerous infection is not introduced, the painful process lasts from several days to several weeks: each body reacts to a foreign substance in its own way. But it happened that along with needles or mascara, sexually transmitted diseases or other infections entered the body. The owner of the tattoo ended up in the medical unit. It even came down to surgical intervention, when a stigmatized patient diagnosed with gangrene had a limb amputated. In the worst case, he died from blood poisoning.

Tattoos are also divided by their location on the body. The most popular place for painting remains the chest. It contains naked women, cathedrals, saints, biblical figures, skulls, animals (including tigers and lions), devils, grave crosses, crucifixes, portraits of leaders, birds, spiders, stars of camp leaders, knights and gladiators. The back is used for church bells, horseshoes, spiders, musical instruments, skeletons, gladiator fights. On the hands and feet they gouge out daggers, snakes, shackles, anchors, ships, again spiders, knee stars denied.

And finally, the head. They put a swastika on the forehead, the same spiders, abbreviations, short phrases, numbers (dates or articles of the Criminal Code). Text tattoos (abbreviations, aphorisms and criminal sayings) are found on all parts of the body, including the eyelids and genitals. You can systematize tattoos according to the manner and complexity of execution: artistic, fragmentary, ornamental, symbolic, textual.

An artistic tattoo is usually applied by an “engraver” of the highest rank. It requires sophisticated tools and detailed elaboration. With a skillful approach, a whole panorama is born on the body. The French school, which was the first to use colored ink, was especially successful in artistic body painting.

Union catalog

In many men's tattoos women appear. Moreover, the drawing does not necessarily symbolize love or lyrical feelings. Criminal painting is characterized by the absence of a semantic connection to the drawing or text. A half-naked woman with a flower can symbolize cruelty, the euphonious "GOD" means "has been condemned by the state," and the cat tattoo indicates a "native prison inmate."

This chapter provides an illustrative catalog of tattoos that were most often found among professional criminals.

1. A half-naked woman in hussar garb, sitting on a cannon with a burning torch in her hand. "There are two beautiful things in the world - love and death."

Symbolizes loyalty to a woman and the hidden threat of revenge for betrayal. Apply to the chest or back.

2. Naked woman tied to a flaming pillar. "Death for treason." It means that the bearer of the tattoo was convicted of murdering a woman. Logs can mean a sentence. Place of tattoo: chest, thigh.

3. Executioner executing naked women. The tattoo is sometimes supplemented with the abbreviation "GOD" (see). Symbolizes hatred of laws and administrative authorities.

4. The woman and the devil. “Love and hate (good and evil) are always there.”

It means that the owner of the tattoo was imprisoned because of a woman. Apply to the chest or thigh.

5. Woman on wings. The tattoo is small in size and placed on the wrist. Symbolizes good luck, fortune, random luck. Most often found among thieves.

6. Naked woman with a burning torch in her hand, prison bars, snake, cross, human skull, axe, Money/Nothing lasts forever in this world." "Everything is God's will." Tattoo of a camp authority. May be accompanied by a text about the frailty of worldly existence Apply only to the chest.

7. Fragment of barbed wire. A generalized symbol indicating that the owner of the tattoo has been through a correctional labor institution. Apply to the wrist.

8. Executioner with an axe, half-naked woman, scaffold. The tattoo is found on people convicted of murdering a relative (or relatives). The secondary meaning is "Death to the traitor." Apply to the chest.

9. Medieval helmet. A symbol of struggle, brotherhood, determination. At first it was applied only to the wrist, but now it is found on the shoulder and thigh. Indicates a thief or robber.

10. Bayonet. The oldest symbol of the thieves' world. Symbolized threat, warning, strength. It was applied to the wrist, forearm, and sometimes to the thigh. The tattoo was common among repeat offenders. Today it is observed extremely rarely.

11. A naked woman crucified on a cross with the inscription "Amen". "I took full revenge for the betrayal." An abstract symbol of revenge (not necessarily against a woman). The tattoo is observed among thieves' leaders and is applied to the chest or thigh.

12. Prison bars, rose and dagger. The owner of the tattoo served time for hooliganism in a correctional labor colony. Apply to the forearm or shoulder. If the dagger and rose are without bars - “Blood for treason.”

13. Girl's head. I met my adulthood at VTC." The place of the tattoo is the shoulder, less often - the chest.

14. Nude woman on a winged wheel. "Wheel of Fortune". Symbolizes faith in luck. Apply to the chest.

15. A skull pierced by a dagger, a rose, a snake wrapped around a dagger. Thief symbol. "Our life is a struggle." A crown over a snake indicates a tattoo of a thieves' authority - a thief in law, a ruler, an observer.

It is found on the shoulder, less often on the chest.

16. Cross with chain. It is punctured in the upper part of the chest and indicates faith in one’s destiny. If the cross is depicted as a suit of clubs, then the owner of the tattoo is a thief.

17. A naked woman, entwined with a snake, with an apple in her hand. Bible story about the tempting snake. “A woman pushed her into committing a crime.” "Woman Tempter" Apply to the chest, shoulder. The tattoo is sometimes found among passive homosexuals (usually on the back).

18. A hand with a tulip, entwined with barbed wire. "I met 16 years old at VTC." The place of the tattoo is the shoulder.

19. Hands in shackles holding a rose. “I met 18 years old at the VTK” (the shackles symbolize a “full-fledged criminal”). Apply to the shoulder. The last two tattoos are also common among women.

20. Mermaid at anchor. It is found among sailors and among persons serving sentences for rape or indecent assault. Less common in passive homosexuals. The tattoo is applied to the chest or back.

21. Pitchfork. One of the oldest criminal symbols in Russia. At first it served as a distinctive sign of large raspberries and thieves' authorities. It was left on prison walls, used as a means of communication. Later it began to be applied to the shoulder, thigh or forearm. Symbolizes threat, strength. Now it is rare.

22. Eight-pointed star. Tattoo of camp authorities - thieves in law, denied, plowed. Apply under the collarbone.

23. Half-naked woman sitting on a magic ball. There is a crescent moon above your head. Symbolizes faith in otherworldly forces. Apply to the chest and back. Found among Muslims and Jews.

24. A bear holding a medieval ax with an image of a suit of clubs. Indicates a safecracker - a burglar. It may also mean that the convict served his sentence at a “logging camp” - in a correctional facility specializing in logging. "The law is the taiga, the ladle is the norm, the bear is the prosecutor."

25. Crossed arrow and key. Symbol of an apartment thief - a burglar. Apply to the forearm or thigh. 26. A woman with bare breasts and an index finger pressed to her lips. "Silentium!" - "Silence!" Symbolizes distrust of a woman. "As long as there are women in the world, there are no secrets

It will." Apply to the chest.

27. Star of David entwined with a winged snake. The owner of the tattoo is a Jew and belongs to the “winged” camp authorities.

28. Saber without sheath. The tattoo symbolizes aggressiveness and secret threat. Apply to the forearm and wrist. A saber in a sheath means that the criminal is “tied up.” Very rare.

29. “Don’t love money - they will destroy you, don’t love women - they will deceive you, but love God (or freedom).”

30. Woman, gun, money, bottle, syringe, knife, cards. “This is what we love” or “This is what destroys us.” Symbolizes wild life, wastefulness.

31. A lion surrounded by medieval weapons - a sword, an ax, a bow, arrows, a mace. Symbolizes strength and power. A book lying in front of a lion signifies wisdom. "Cruel, but fair." Tattoo of authorities. On

Almost always worn on the chest.

32. Flying demon. The drawing can be supplemented with the inscription “Fatum” (rock). Applied to the chest and means cruelty. "My god is an evil Demon." "Satan will pay for your sins." Found in bulls, fighters, denied.

33 and 34. Tattoos of drug addicts. A genie flying out of a jug. Apply to the chest, shoulder or front of the thigh. A spider in its web may pierce the scalp under the hair. A spider without a web means a pickpocket.

35. Three cards pierced by an arrow. Pectoral sign of card sharpers.

36. Eagle on top of the mountain. Symbol of power and freedom. Tattoo of camp authorities.

37. Damn. The tattoo belongs to the so-called “grins” and symbolizes hatred of administrative structures. Apply to the chest. Accompanied by anti-state texts.

38. Cupid with a bow, a tempting serpent, doves, a heart pierced by an arrow. Artistic tattoo. "Tempted by you forever." Apply to the chest or back.

39. Dragon flying over the castle. Tattoos are found among plunderers of state or collective property, “guild workers.” It also means complete confiscation of property. Apply to the chest and back.

40. "The CAT is the original inhabitant of the prison." The image of a cat is painted by repeat offenders who compare themselves to this animal. A cat combines pride and affection for home (a thief's home is a prison). The drawing may be accompanied by texts like “And here I am at home.”

41. Symbol of the power of the pharaoh. At first I met only with camp authorities. Then the tattoo began to be tattooed by thieves who resell stolen items. Now it is rare. Applied to hands.

42. Burning crucifix with a woman. “A woman pushed her into committing a crime.” “I will take revenge for betrayal.” "Convicted of murdering a woman."

43. Running deer. "I was born free and I will die free." Applied to the chest and indicates a tendency to escape.

44. Knights. "Strength and loyalty." Apply to the chest.

45. A cowboy with a naked girl on a horse. The drawing may be accompanied by the abbreviation "OMUT" ("It's hard to leave me"). It means a propensity for risk and adventure. The tattoo is applied to the chest.

46. ​​"Cowgirle" - cowboy girl. "The world is ruled by gold and audacity." Common among malicious violators of camp regulations.

47. Woman, rose, dagger. "Revenge for betrayal." Place of tattoo: forearm.

48. A woman with a sword, stringing hearts. "She broke the heart". "Heartbreaker" The tattoo is dedicated to the lady of the heart and is applied to the chest or thigh. Also found in women. The number of hearts indicates the number of men conquered.

49. A woman in a horseshoe entwined with barbed wire. “I owe the prison to a woman.”

50. Hand in shackles, clutching a knife. "A hand to the thief, a knife to the prosecutor." “Execution will correct me.” Symbolizes cruelty and violence. The tattoo is found in denied, plowed.

51. A cross engulfed in flames with the inscription “Believe in God, not communism.” Political tattoo. As a rule, it was inflicted by political prisoners

52. “This is what’s left of us.” The owner of the tattoo spent many years in prisons and camps (the number of barbs on the wire may indicate forced labor experience). The secondary meaning of the tattoo is “I will take revenge on the cops for everything.” Found on the chest and back.

53. A prisoner crying behind bars. “Cursed be he from everlasting to everlasting who decided to reform a man through prison.” Apply to the chest or back. Like the previous tattoo, it indicates a camp old-timer. Well, cop, let's go

54. “Well, wolf, wait!” Caricature of a police officer. Often the wolf is depicted in a uniform cap, jacket and sword belt. Apply to the thigh and lower back.

55. Dancing skeletons. Symbolizes risk, fearlessness, contempt for death. The tattoo first appeared in Mexico and was “imported” to the Soviet Union in the 60s. The place of tattooing is the shoulder or chest.

56. Neptune. Strength and authority. "Pity for a person humiliates a thief." The drawing is also found among sailors.

57. Indian. "Deprived of civil rights." Similar tattoos were applied by political prisoners and dissidents.

58. Sailboat. "The Eternal Vagabond" or "The Eternal Wanderer." Points to the guest performer. White sails mean a thief, black sails mean a gopnik. Sometimes the number of masts indicates the number of convictions. Apply to the chest and thigh.

59. Fighting bulls. "Who is stronger is right". Symbolizes aggression, the struggle for power. Inflicted by camp authorities. The drawing may be accompanied by text. The place of the tattoo is the chest.

60. Tiger head. "Cruelty and rage." The tattoo bearers are bulls and fighters (persons who commit physical violence on the orders of a thief in law). Found on the chest and shoulder.

61. Latin letter "D", tiger holding a skull in its paw, crown, suit of spades. Symbolizes violence. The tattoo is typical for Gopniks.

62. Gladiator. Inflicted by bulls and fighters. Most often - on the chest. Blood may drip from the sword, which indicates a fighter with “experience.”

63. Pirate with a knife in his teeth. On the knife is the inscription "IRA" ("I'm going to kill activists"). The tattoo is found in the denied person. The camp asset is the Internal Order Service ("IPS"). Denialists call this service “The bitch went out for a walk” and “The bitch went out for half” (early release).

64. Hands in shackles, clutching the cross with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Symbolizes faith in the brotherhood of thieves, devotion to the thieves' business.

65. Monk with a goose feather. Indicates a “scribe” - a pickpocket who commits thefts with the help of sharpened objects - razors, coins, rings.

66. Eagle with a suitcase in its talons. Means a guest performer. If a woman is in the clutches - “Convicted of rape.” A tattoo may indicate a tendency to escape.

67. Woman with a snake around her neck. Implies cruelty and violence. Found among eastern peoples.

68. Napoleon. A symbol of power and adventurism.

69. Beetle. "I wish you a successful theft." Pickpocket tattoo. It is applied between the thumb and index finger. Instead of a beetle, a spider without a web or a flea can be depicted.

70. Hand with a dagger piercing the devil. Tattoo of anti-Semites. “Beat the Jews, save Russia!”, “The murder of a Jew is not a crime, but the cleansing of the world from the messengers of Satan.” Such tattoos were considered political and were destroyed.

71. The devil with the bag. “It was happiness, but the devil took it away.” The owner of the tattoo has extensive experience as a thief.

72. Woman with bare breasts. On the chest there is an amulet in the form of the letter "M" and a crown. "Revenge for betrayal." Symbolizes aggressiveness, violence, cruelty.

73. Weeping Muse. The tattoo symbolizes wandering, unrecognized talent, disappointment. Also found in women.

74. Griffin. "Keeper of Secrets" Distributed among eastern peoples.

75. "Served his sentence in the North."

76. An eagle between two trees of different climate zones. Denotes a touring thief and a tendency to escape. The skull in claws symbolizes violence.

Text tattoos

Aphorisms, criminal sayings, abbreviations and individual words applied to the body complement the body design or exist independently. Texts are found on all parts of the body, many of them have hidden or secondary meanings and require explanation. Below are the most popular text tattoos.

Come on, girls! (applied to the penis area).

And you're on your way - to get into trouble with me, if you turn the drawbar back, I'll shut your mouth with a bullet.

To be a cormorant, to beat the heels.

Beat the buckeyes, don't drink vodka.

Without love and female affection... days (applied near the penis).

Don’t take it out without need, don’t stick it in without glory (applied near the penis).

White Death (accompanied by an image of a syringe, a spider in a web, a genie flying out of a jug).

God saves man, who save himself.

God is far away, but life is close.

God created a thief, the devil created a prosecutor.

God created three evils - the devil, the woman and the goat.

God, give me strength.

God save the glutton (applied to the stomach).

God, judge me not according to my works, but according to my mercy.

Don’t put more than a pound (located between the shoulder blades. Can be supplemented with text on the stomach: “Don’t put less than a pound”).

Throw me harder, life, may luck bless the weak.

If you sleep a lot at night, you will stop stealing.

Let it be! (supplemented by the image of a Ukrainian Cossack with a glass in his hands).

Cursed be he from everlasting to everlasting who decided to reform a man through prison.

It was happiness, but the devil took it away.

Past and thoughts.

He visited everywhere, but never forgot his home (meaning prison).

Give me a return ticket to my youth - I paid in full for the trip.

The whole world is a mess, all the women are whores.

Eternal tramp (can be supplemented by a sailboat, which symbolizes the guest).

Wine and women (accompanied by a drawing of a naked woman holding a glass).

Every boa constrictor contains a rabbit.

Fall in love. I was just like you.

They (I) are at home again (applied to the legs).

This is what destroys us or This is what we love (accompanying the image of cards, money, women, a gun, etc.).

Everything is for sale.

All that is left for me (applied near the penis).

All that is left of us (supplemented by skulls and skeletons).

Everything that leaves is not ours.

You can't stop all women, but you have to strive for it.

Get up, fool, there is a hack (applied near the penis and can be supplemented by an image of women lifting the penis with a rope).

I was everywhere, but I forgot where.

All my life in prison.

Where love begins, freedom ends.

Woe to the vanquished (supplemented by images of tigers, battles, gladiators).

Lord, save me from my friends, and I can handle my enemies myself.

May God's grace ascend to the sinner.

Give (place of text - palm).

God give me freedom...

Give f...b (applied to the phalanges of the fingers of both hands in such a way that the phrase can only be read by clasping your hands together).

Virginity is curable.

The point is right, the decision is bold.

Day for scientists, night for us.

Don't wake up before 12 (applied on eyelids).

It's good to have money at home.

There is no worse beast than a woman.

E... need and grief too.

If you have never known grief, love me.

If you love, believe and wait.

If you want to drink and eat, you have to steal a lot.

If you want to work, lie down, sleep, and everything will pass.

If you want to be healthy, do something cool.

Thirst for revenge (painted on the hands and complemented by the image of daggers, skulls, etc.).

A beautiful wife is a stranger, a mistress is always mine.

The wife will forgive, the mistress will take revenge.

Women's fun (applied near the genitals).

My life, or I dreamed of you.

Life has passed me by.

I lived sinfully, I will die funny.

Fun (found on the penis).

For faith and truth - happiness to the grave.

For loyalty - love, for betrayal - death.

Lift up your skirts, girls - ... (male name) was released (there is an option: “Lift up your skirts, girls, I’m free”).

They starved me to death, bitches, they starved me to death, ruined my youth.

Ring the bells, father, your son has returned to freedom.

There is no convoy here (complemented by an image of a grave cross or church).

I will not forgive betrayal.

To each his own, and for me - yours.

How few roads have been traveled, how many mistakes have been made.

Key to ladies' hearts (applied to the lower abdomen).

A brief moment of pleasure.

There is no blood, the cops drank (found on the inside of the forearm. Option: “No blood, just chifir”).

Those who have not been deprived of freedom do not know its value.

Who is stronger is right.

Better death by a knife than by the hand of justice.

All ages are submissive to love (can be supplemented with an image of a lattice or skeleton).

Love freedom like life.

I only love my mother.

I love you like my own mother (dedicated to prison).

I love freedom, I despise death.

Love is blind.

People are dying for metal.

Don't forget me, you will go to heaven.

Dead people don't sweat (option: "Dead people don't bite").

The world is ruled by gold and audacity.

Peace to my house (meaning penitentiary colony or prison).

We will defeat you (options: “We will win!”, “We will not die!”).

To the moon behind the plan (tattoo of drug addicts. Next to the text there is a picture of the devil flying on a rocket).

Not all errors are corrected.

I will not kneel (put on the knees by those in denial).

Don’t wait for me, take care of yourself, I say lovingly.

I will not forget my own mother.

Don't get into your soul (applied on the chest),

If you don’t love money, they’ll ruin you; if you don’t love women, you’ll be deceived; but if you love freedom (option: “Don’t pick flowers, they’ll wither; don’t love women, they’ll deceive you”).

Bogatyrs have not yet disappeared in Rus' (the text is often accompanied by images of knights or battles).

I’m not sad, I’m not sad, I’m looking for the right thing.

Don't look - you're not a criminal.

Don’t rush to work, but hurry to lunch (applied to the feet. Often in this form: the first part of the phrase is on the right leg, the continuation is on the left).

If you're not sure, don't overtake (apply on the back or back of the head).

There is no happiness in life like in the... oaks.

If you don't know how to drink, you don't know how to live.

Don't go around knocking, do things together.

Well, cop, wait a minute! (may be accompanied by a caricature of a police officer depicted as a cartoon wolf).

A person's character is his fate.

Glutton (tattoo location - stomach).

Oh, God, mother, but where is the truth?!

She will judge everyone (accompanied by the image of the goddess of justice Themis, less often - by the image of the church).

They stumbled over the Criminal Code (they put it on their feet).

They sleep (on their eyelids).

They are tired, but they will reach the pub (on their feet).

They are tired of walking under escort (on their feet).

They're tired, but... you'll catch up! (on foot).

Stop the Earth, I'll get off, this is a vile world, there is no freedom here.

Those who have broken the law do not like to remain in debt.

P... not God, but it helps.

The past deceived me, the present torments me, the future terrifies me.

Clean before God (possible option: “I’m guilty before people, clean before God”).

As long as I love you, I'm happy.

As long as there are women in the world, there will be no secrets.

Love me, the terrible one, and you won’t repent.

Love me, a tramp, you won't repent.

Remember death (option in Latin).

Why is there no vodka on Luna U (in thieves' jargon, “to go to the Moon” means “to be shot.” ​​The text may be accompanied by an image of a devil sitting on a crescent with a bottle).

Honor the faith, but know when to stop.

Hello to the hairdresser (he will drink on his head under his hair).

Empty mouth, stomach hurts.

I ask like an angel, f... like a devil.

Let them hate, but let them be afraid.

Let God forgive meanness, but I am not God, I do not forgive.

Slave of the CPSU (options: “Slave of the USSR”, “Slave of the Ministry of Internal Affairs”).

One born to steal will not slurp cabbage soup.

Born without happiness (possible option: “There is no happiness from an early age”).

A hand to the thief, a knife to the prosecutor.

Liberty (can be supplemented with an image of the Statue of Liberty, an eagle, a seagull, a dove).

There is no saint in this world, but there is law, prison and judges who ruined the color of life, breaking young destinies.

Made in the USSR (can be placed on all parts of the body. Found on the penis along with the quality mark).

The strong are clear, the weak are dangerous.

Death to enemies, life to thieves (option: “Death to the cops, life to the kents”).

Again I’m with the owner (complete with an image of a grille).

Conscience is for others, bashli is for yourself.

Conscience is good, but money is better.

Where there is no labor (applied on the feet).

A prison for prisoners is a university of crime.

It's hard to love when love is not noticed.

A prison is not a school, a prosecutor is not a teacher.

A heavy cross fell upon me, prison took away all my happiness.

Fas (the place of the tattoo is the penis. “Hum” is also found there)

Keep love, appreciate freedom.

If you want to live, let's be friends (applied to the wrist).

I want to live, I want to love, but in freedom.

X... to the one who rejoices at my grief.

Appreciate love and cherish freedom.

Man, help yourself.

Man is a wolf to man.

Walking cheerfully through life, crush the bug and hold the suit.

We went to see our beloved and ended up in hell (applied on the legs).

Loving jokes, but don't love jokingly.

I love you (tattoo location - eyelids).

I remember my old mother.

Arrive se guil pourra (French) - Come what may.

A tout prix (French) - At any cost.

Audacesfortuna kuvat (lat.) - Happiness favors the brave.

Battle of life (English) - Fight for life.

Buvons, chantons et aimons (French) - We drink, sing and love.

Cache ta vie (French) - Hide your life.

Cave! (lat.) - Be careful!

Cercando And vero (It.) - I am looking for the truth.

Contra spent spero (lat.) - I hope without hope.

Croire a son etoile (French) - Believe in your star.

Da hin ich g.i House (German) - Here I am at home.

Debellare superbos (lat.) - To crush the pride of the rebellious.

Due cose belle ha il mondo Amore e Morte (It.) - There are two beautiful phenomena in the world: love and death.

Du sollst nicht erst Schlag erwarten (German) - Don't wait to be hit.

Eigenthum ist Frerndenthum (German) - Property is someone else's.

Et Wink des Schicksals (German) - Indication of fate.

Errare humanum est (lat.) - It is human nature to make mistakes.

Est quaedamflere voluptas (lat.) - There is something of pleasure in tears.

Ex voto (lat.) - By promise; by vow.

Faciam ut mei memineris (lat.) - I will make sure that you remember about me!

Fatum (lat.) - Fate, fate.

Fecit (lat.) - Made, fulfilled.

Finis coronat opus (lat.) - The end crowns the matter.

Fu... e pop e! (it.) - He was... and he is not!

Gaudeamus igitur, Juvenea dum Sumus (lat.) - Let us rejoice while we are young.

Gnothi seauton (Greek) - Know yourself.

Grace roir moi (French) - Mercy (forgiveness) for me!

Guai chi la Tossa (It.) - Woe to the one who touches it.

Gutta cavat Lapidem (lat.) - A drop chisels a stone.

Help yourself (English) - Help yourself.

Hoc est in votis (lat.) - This is what I want.

Homo homini Lupus est (lat.) - Man is a wolf to man.

Homo Liber (lat.) - Free person.

I hac spe vivo (lat.) - I live with this hope.

In vino veritas (lat.) - The truth is in wine.

Killing is not Murder (English) - Killing is not murder.

La donna e mobile (It.) - A woman is fickle.

Le devoir avant tout (French) - Duty comes first.

Magna res est amor (lat.) - Love is a great thing.

Malo mori quam foedari (lat.) - Better death than dishonor.

Ne cede malis (lat.) - Do not lose heart in misfortune.

Noli me tangere (lat.) - Don't touch me.

Now or never (English) - Now or never.

Omnia mea mecum porto (lat.) - I carry everything that is mine with me.

Per aspera ad astra (lat.) - Through thorns to the stars.

Quefemme vent - dieu le veut (French) - What a woman wants is what pleases God.

Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi (lat.) - What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull.

Sans phrases (French) - Without further ado.

Sena dubbio (Italian) - Without a doubt.

Suum cuique (lat.) - To each his own.

That be or not to be (English) - To be or not to be.

Ta ne cede malis, sed contra audehtior (lat.) - Do not submit to trouble, but boldly go towards it.

PY bene, ibi patria (lat.) - Where it is good, there is the homeland.

Vale et me ama (lat.) - Farewell and love me.

Veni, vidi, vici (lat.) - I came, I saw, I conquered.

Virginity is a luxury (English) - Virginity is a luxury.

Vivere militare est (lat.) - To live means to fight.

Wait and see (English) - Let's wait and see.

Wein, Weib und Gesang (German) - Wine, women and songs.

Weltkmd (German) - Child of the world.

Abbreviation tattoos

AA is a hell's angel.

DHMD - Adolf Hitler is my friend.

DLENKA - and you have to love her like an angel.

ALLURE - I love anarchy with young love - joyfully.

AMUR - TNMN - my angel left early - that’s how my misfortunes began.

ARBAT - and Russia was, and now?

BARS - hit the asset, cut the branch; beat up activists, kill informers.

BERLIN - I will be jealous, love and hate her.

BES - hit if you can.

BJSR! - beat the Jews, save Russia!

BLITSS - take care of love and appreciate freedom.

GOD - God will forgive sins; was convicted by the state; I'm afraid to stay hungry; I will rob again; be careful, robber; Fear the fire, you bastards.

GODDESS - I will be the only one to be proud and enjoy.

BOMZHIZ - protected by God, living and muzzled by prayer.

BONES - was convicted by the people's court.

BOSS - was convicted by a Soviet court; was convicted Soviet Union.

BOTN - from now on I will be yours forever.

VERMOUTH - come back if separation is already tormenting you.

WIMBL - come back and it will be easier for me.

WINE - come back and stay forever.

VNTSC - a thief does not trade his honor.

WOLF - here it is, what love; thief shortness of breath (shortness of breath) - kicking cover; The colonist loves freedom.

VOR - leader of the October Revolution.

RAVEN is a thief - he is born of one hatred.

WAX - the will will weaken - the end will soon; here it is, freedom, colonists.

The university is an eternal prisoner of the zone; I will die a happy prisoner.

BURN - the state doomed (to) slaves forever.

GOTT - I'm only proud of you; ready to give myself only to you.

GEESE - wherever I see him, I’ll immediately rape him.

GUTOLIST - lips are tired of repeating about love and intense longing

DERPN - I tear, f..., I cut up party parasites.

JOHN - nothing but misfortune awaits you at home; the souls of the Jews, they are misfortune.

JONKA - nothing but misfortune awaits you at home - the whims of a drunk.

DISSIK - crush Judas, sexots, bitches and communists.

DMNTP - for me there is no one more beautiful than you.

BOTTOM - let it rest a little; let us catch our breath.

EVA - f... the whole asset.

EUROPE - if a thief works, he is a fallen prisoner.

TREE - his (her) caresses seem like a scent; if love is insidious - atas.

Millstone - life is slave bondage.

WNPSM - I live in a garbage dump, save me.

ZHNSSS - life will teach you to laugh through your tears.

ZHOVM - one ass - there are many of you (applied by force).

BEETLE - I wish you successful thefts; life was stolen (shortened) by the communists.

JUR! - live luxuriously, urkagan!

CALL - know the thieves - they will teach you very cool things.

ZEK - there is a convoy here.

EVIL - a prisoner likes to relax; the covenant of a beloved father; knew love once; I will take revenge on the cops for everything.

EVIL - I will take revenge on the cops very painfully for everything.

SNAKE - why a man needs me.

ITCH - here they teach you how to fight.

TOOTH! - great, urki-blatari!

BISON - evil urks protect slaves.

GAME - I’m going to smash and slaughter activists (the abbreviation is rare).

IRA - I’m going to cut the asset; I'm going to slaughter activists.

IRAQ - I'm going to cut off the assets of the communists.

IRIS is both a slave and an informer (inflicted by force).

IRKA-ENTR - and separation seems like hell - if you are not around.

KAT - heavy convict prisoner; convict.

KENT - when f..., you have to be patient.

KISBT - how my heart yearns without you.

MAPLE - I swear to love him (her) forever.

WEDGE - when you love, punish betrayal.

WEDGE-OBOS - how I love and hate - only God knows about (this).

KLOT - I swear to love one (one) you; when you love, you endure insults.

COMS? - how painful it is alone, do you hear?

KOSUM - when happiness will smile on me again.

CAT is a native inhabitant of the prison; how difficult it is to be alone; who will warm up the melancholy.

CROSS - how to stop loving if your heart is sad.

KTYABNN - like you, I won’t find it anymore.

CUBE? - who will die faster?

CUBA - when you leave, the pain is hellish.

KYASOD! - how I miss home! how I miss the children!

LBJ - I love you more than life itself.

SWANS - I will love her, even if she cheats.

SWAN - I will love her even if she leaves forever.

LEO - I love her forever; I love f... cheerful ones; kicking f... fun.

LADY - I love you, even if I cheat.

FOREST - I love her very much.

SUMMER - I love her only one.

LEMON - tired of loving and suffering alone.

LIR - love and separation; I love and cut.

FOX - love and death.

LEAF - I love and miss you very much.

LEAH - love and me.

LOM - love me alone; darling, let me go.

LON - I love the company of drug addicts.

LAURA - love once gave birth to an angel; love bypassed the slave-prisoner.

LORD - your own children will take revenge on the cops; love is given once; camp eagles delight friends; love, father, your own children; I love one home.

LOT - I love you alone; you are very curious.

LOTUS - I love one (one) you very much.

LSD - love is expensive.

LSKCHV - love freedom like a seagull loves water.

LTV - love comrade, will; I love only the will; love you forever; I love only free people; I like to steal quietly.

RAY - a loved one has passed away.

LYUBA - the love of youth was angelic.

MAG - my Adolf Hitler.

MAGNET - dear, and her eyes tirelessly search for you.

MD is a sweet fool.

MEL is my only love.

MZDVA - they've been waiting for me in hell for a long time.

PEACE - shooting will correct me.

MNSZS - I'm not ashamed of myself.

I am SILENT - my obsessive love (and) feelings have died.

MORS - we are parting happy again.

MTKN - cops are stupid assholes of the people.

MTS - the cops are stupid brutes.

SKY - don’t (sad) if you’re alone.

SKY-ZYAVR - don’t (sad), if you’re alone, know that I’m always there.

NEAL - you can’t cheat on your loved ones.

NINA is not (was) and will not (be) an activist.

NINS - I can never change.

Whirlpool - my only consolation is you; It's hard to leave me.

OPLNZ - ​​I’m flying over the earth like an eagle in heaven.

ORVEA - October Revolution- the greatest Jewish adventure.

OSA - leave death to the activists.

OSMN - stay with me forever.

OST - I'll be yours again.

ISLAND - stay with (me), your joyful island is in (me); The fanned fire in (me) yearns with desperate passion.

PAPA - p...t activists, hello to anarchists.

PVA - I despise your asset.

PVRS - let the slaves of the Soviet of Deputies work hard.

The DOG didn't listen to her well.

BEER - forgive and come back.

PILOT - I remember and love one (one) you; remember, I love one (one) you.

PENGUIN - forgive and don’t be sad, there’s no need to look for someone to blame.

PIPL is the first and last love.

PONTI - remember (me) - I hate you, Judas.

POST - I'm sorry, father, this is fate.

RULES - the government decided to arrest everyone and deprive them of amnesty.

RDMVSNN - born for torment - I don’t need happiness.

RHYTHM is my joy and longing.

ROKZISM - Russia is drenched in the blood of prisoners and the tears of mothers.

GROWTH - early became an orphan of a tyrant; There is only one joy - to shoot tyrants.

Sapper - happy prisoner - after his execution.

SATURN - you hear, but it’s already impossible to stop loving you.

MATCHMAKER? - freedom will return, and you?

LIGHT - passion fizzles out - if anxious.

SGV - Northern Group of Forces (army tattoo).

SEPTEMBER - tell me if you need it, I’ll be there.

SLICHZHVR - death to cops and security officers, life to repeat thieves.

SLZHB - death for cops, life for thieves.

SLZHN - death to the cops - there is no life.

ELEPHANT - with your beloved one forever; death by a cop by a knife; from a young age there were only misfortunes; the heart loves one forever; bitches love the same boss.

SNOW - I really like the single eyes.

DREAM - with (me) only misfortunes; happiness bypasses the unfortunate; the most mischievous impudent one.

SON-VH is the most mischievous impudent one - he always wants.

SOS (SOS) - save from court; I'm saving myself from bitches; I'm saving myself from syphilis; bitches took away freedom; save your son, father.

SS (SS) - retained conscience.

SS-KGB - sons of bitches - codla of state bandits.

SS-MM - super sex - my dream; superseksotov - I can (pee) silently.

SP - death to shoulder straps.

SPV - glory to the fallen thieves.

MOAN - you have only misfortunes; happiness drowns from the unclean; the heart needs you alone.

STOP - happiness to the one who benefits.

TWILIGHT - I will be able to protect my dear one if separation is a test.

SCHAK - bitches are often activists.

SIR - freedom is heaven.

TENNIS - you exist - tenderness and tears.

TIGER - prison - toy; I am ready to tear you, a traitor, to pieces; Comrades, let's go rob the restaurant.

TIN - you or no one.

TIND - you and no one else.

TMJ - prison interferes with life.

TMON - I really like you.

TOBOL - you alone are sick with cold love.

TOMSK - you alone touched my heart.

TOKHIS - you are very good and glorious.

THRONE - you are one joy forever.

ACE - prison is fun for us; prison teaches the law; prison is already familiar; prisoner

ACE-SS - you already know - super sex.

TUMR - the taiga will shelter me, dear.

UZ: VUSK - prisoner of the zones: Vorkuta, Urals, Siberia, Kolyma.

MORNING - he left the path of his own father.

BREAD - I will keep my only love; Christ cherishes the poor.

KHMBIS - God and fate protect me.

CHRIST? - If you want, I’ll give you joy and tears, do you hear?

HTKPT - fuck the one who invented the prison.

TsLIBIS - appreciate love and take care of true freedom.

CMOS - my goal is justified by the means.

SHA! - shawls, prisoner!

CHAMPAGNE? - a joke, or maybe just a hellish mockery, tell me how to evaluate it?

SHPDZM! - shawls, boy, go in moderation!

EVJMS! - the elixir of eternal female youth - sperm!

ELECTRON - this is the only love that you kindled, will remain forever.

EPRON - Eros, give joy to one insatiable one.

STAGE - excursion of taiga prisoners.

ECHO! - Eros, I want to give myself up! oh, it would be good to overeat! one is enough!

SE - VTK - young pupil - educational and labor colony.

YUDA is Adolf's young friend.

YuDV is a young friend of thieves.

YUG - young robber; southern robber; young thug; young guest performer.

APPLE - I will love one, as I promised.

JAVA - I am... active.

YAVTPK - I will drink you drop by drop.

POISON - I'll wait.

CORE - I give joy once.

YALTA - I love you, angel.

YANIN - I have been taught treason forever.

YANNA - I hope for amnesty.

YNPTS - I am not a corrupt scoop creature.

JAPAN? - I will forgive the insult, I will not change it, okay?; I forgive the insult, I will not betray you, okay?

YAR - I have made up my mind!

YARD - I decided to fight.

YARDS - I was born for happiness.

YARMO - I was born to suffer alone.

YASSSSSVD - I ate my conscience with snot as a child.

YAKHONT - I want one (one) forever you.

YACHT - I want you.

YACHT - I want you, angel.

YAHTT - I only want you.

It should be noted that the interpretation of abbreviations is not something inviolable and unchangeable. It can be arbitrary. Many abbreviations are interpreted differently (CAT, ELEPHANT, TIGER, GOD, LEOPARD, etc.). The chapter provides the most common interpretations. Only their immediate owner knows the true meaning of text abbreviations.

Dressed in the form of jewelry or an interior item. But the real fashion trend is getting tattoos of the mystical hamsa on your body.

Mysterious anchovy. Mysteries of origin

The word “hamsa” itself, literally translated from the ancient Semitic language, means “five” or “fives”. The history of the emergence of the amulet symbol goes back to the eras of distant civilizations, where the amulet was associated with the hand of God himself, designed to bestow a sacred talisman on everyone who wears it.

It is curious that the name of the tiny sea fish of the same name has the same roots of origin as the anchovy amulet. In addition, according to tradition, catching it is carried out using fishing net with a cell size of exactly 5 millimeters.

The symbol of the mysterious palm is revered in many cultures, and each nation, depending on its religion, interprets the history of the origin of anchovy in its own way:

  • In Judaism, the hamsa is called the “Hand of Miriam” - after the name of the biblical woman, or the “Hand of Five” - translated from Hebrew. Jews associate the amulet with the symbolism of the sacred Torah, which includes 5 books.
  • The ancient teachings of Hinduism interpret the emblem of the outstretched palm in the meaning of ahimsa, expressing the idea of ​​humility.
  • Islamic anchovy is the world famous "Hand of Fatima", about the origin of which there is much the most beautiful legends. But all these legends are united by one common meaning of a magical sign that expresses the five main principles - faith, prayer, fasting, mercy and pilgrimage.
  • Christians call the hamsa the “Hand of the Lord,” designed to protect wanderers. The image of the sacred palm is even used in the art of icon painting.
  • The people of the ancient Phoenicians identified the talisman with the moon goddess Tanit, who brings fertility to the Earth.
  • But it was the indigenous settlers of America - the Indians - who were the first to apply tattoos on their bodies depicting anchovy as a “Sign of Open Eyes”, promoting the development of almost extrasensory abilities - intuitive clear vision and divination.

Today, the art of tattooing is one of the most fashionable trends among young people. Some, deciding to immortalize a mystical sign on their body, give it a secondary meaning, putting a bit of their own meaning into the images. But regardless of the personal interpretations assigned to the symbol, anchovy always remains a talisman, designed not only to protect its owner, but also to endow him with endurance, strength, patience and will.

Hamsa tattoo-amulet - activation of power on the body

The most popular places for applying a tattoo with an anchovy image, as the practice of masters shows, are the wrist and the back of the neck for miniature pictures, while those who like more shocking experiments on themselves choose a place in the middle of the shoulder blades.

The chosen area of ​​the body depends, first of all, on the size of the future tattoo. Small images of anchovy do not require detailed sketches. Also, the time spent on a session for a miniature tattoo is significantly inferior to the number of hours, and sometimes not even a one-time visit to the tattoo parlor, which are required to apply a large-sized image.

Many young people who turn to tattoo artists with a request to “stuff” a magical symbol often do not at all attach esoteric meaning to the tattoo. And this is a fundamentally wrong approach to such a serious matter. The future owner of a hamsa tattoo must understand that the magic of the ancient sign carries a special energetic force.

It is interesting that the anchovy tattoo was “stuffed” on one’s body, mainly with blue paint, since it was believed that it was Blue colour enhances the mystical power of the ancient symbol.

The meaning of a hamsa tattoo for girls and guys

The first and main meaning of a hamsa tattoo is considered to provide the owner of the body image with protection from the evil eye. But the owner of this tattoo, who wants to protect himself from negative extraneous energy, must himself be an exceptionally kind person, with a pure, open heart and thoughts.

But this is not the only meaning that a tattoo with an anchovy image carries. The symbol itself has many diverse interpretations that both women and men can put into their tattoo. But some meanings of the sign are “suitable” for more than one gender than if the other gender got the same tattoo.

Hamsa tattoo meanings for guys:

  • Strength and patience. Any representative of the stronger sex is, first of all, a defender. A man who is faithful to his beloved can emphasize his strong-willed qualities and devoted character with a hamsa tattoo.
  • Faith and interest in religions and mysticism. If a young man shows interest in different religions, he himself is a sincere believer, or likes to reflect on extensive topics about the existence of mysticism on Earth, then a tattoo with the image of an anchovy will also emphasize his penchant for philosophizing or will become a talismanic symbol for protection from evil forces.
  • Protection. Another understanding of the hamsa tattoo, as a protective sign, can be interpreted as helping to avoid betrayal. An anchovy image with this meaning is usually stuffed on the area of ​​the shoulder blades, symbolizing protection from receiving a “knife in the back”.

The meaning of hamsa tattoo for girls:

  • Motherhood. Representatives of the fair sex often interpret the meaning of the anchovy symbol as their desire to become a mother. In this case, the meaning of the hamsa tattoo relates the interpretation of the sign to the Islamic legends of Fatima.
  • Finding happiness and protection. Any girl dreams of experiencing feelings of love and security from her chosen one. Thus, a spectacular design in the form of an anchovy on a woman’s body can tell about the romance and sweet naivety of the character of the owner of the tattoo.
  • Amulet. Women can also put an image of anchovy on their body, as the embodiment of her interest in everything mysterious and mystical. But for girls, anchovy as a magical protective sign often has the meaning of protecting their health for future happy motherhood.

An important stage in tattooing is choosing a design.

Today, choosing the “ideal” tattoo design for yourself is not difficult - the Internet is replete with photographs of various variants of sketches, drawings and sketches depicting anchovy. Also, any qualified tattoo artist offers his services to create an individual sketch for each client.

Not only the choice of a suitable place for the tattoo and a certain artistic style of the tattoo image, but, above all, the meaning embedded in it, depends on how the future body image will look.

Anchovy image options:

  • Hand pointing down. A tattoo depicting a palm facing downward symbolizes feminine. Such anchovy is a guiding force for achieving family happiness and procreation.
  • Palm with two fingers. This sign carries erotic overtones and messages.
  • The classic version of anchovy is with the palm of the hand and “fives”. In such a symbol you can put all the other meanings of hamsa - amulet, protector, mentor and guide. Also, the hamsa with five fingers is a sign of wisdom and experience.

An interesting fact is that the image of the anchovy itself does not repeat the anatomy of the hand, so this symbol takes on an even more fantastic meaning.

How can you complement the anchovy drawing?

Often, to “decorate” the hamsa, the tattoo sketch is supplemented with various curious details, which are usually placed in the center of the mystical palm. Thus, the image of an eye or a five-pointed star, “inscribed” in the sketch of an anchovy, is designed to enhance the energy power of the sign. People with deep faith supplement the hamsa with texts of prayers, which also have an additional protective effect.

So, before decorating your body with a new tattoo, you should not only be “led by” fashion trends, but clearly understand that the anchovy symbol is a powerful energy sign that can have a fateful effect on a person’s life.



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