Children's cards I love you in English. Greeting cards in English.

Children's cards I love you in English. Greeting cards in English.


Decide what you want to write about. The generally accepted rules of postcrossing say that you should introduce yourself and tell a few lines about your country or the corner of it where you live. You can mention local features (for example, abnormally cold weather if you are a resident of the northern region). At the end, don’t forget the traditional wish: Happy Postcrossing, which translated into Russian means: “Happy (cheerful) postcrossing!”

Read the information on the page of the recipient you received by random generator on the postcrossing website. As a rule, in the information column about themselves, postcrossers write what they would like to see on the back of the postcard. Sometimes there are unusual requests: for example, write whether there is a McDonald's in your city, or write a few words in your native language. language. Even if your respondent’s profile doesn’t indicate any special wishes, write at least something on the card anyway.

If in English language, which by default is considered the main one for postcrossers, you are not strong, first compose the text in Russian on a piece of paper. Then translate it using any online translator. And to be sure, so as not to get into a stupid position, show the result to a person who speaks English. Try to make up short phrases, please note that there is not much space on a standard postcrossing postcard.

Subscribe postcard legible, ideally in block letters. Remember that for the majority of postcrossing participants, like you, English is not their native language, so try to avoid mistakes and blots in your words. At the bottom of the postcard, write your name (in Latin), date it if you wish, and don’t forget to indicate the identification number that will be sent to you along with the respondent’s address.

IN English language There are many ways to get to know someone and introduce yourself, but not all of them are universal and suitable for all situations. Business and friendly communication should be strictly separated, and in the language these semantic subtleties are differentiated.


If you are being introduced to a circle of friends, it is enough to use a simple “Hello, I am Olga” or “Hi, My name is Olga, I am Peter’s sister.” But remember that the words “Hello” and “Hi” are used only in informal communication, when strangers have heard about you or were waiting for your appearance, and you have one social status. IN

Below you can find examples of postcards in English. We hope that the samples presented will help you in writing your own cards.

Example of a postcard in English No. 1

Postcard from a trip to Spain

We're in Spain and it's hot here. We arrived in Barcelona 2 days ago. Then we traveled to Madrit and stayed in a hotel. The food isn’t as good as in Poland, but it’s ok. We are having much fun here.
See you soon,

Example of a postcard in English No. 2

Postcard from vacation in Italy

How are you?
I’m on holiday in Italy with two of two sisters. The weather’s wonderful so we’re spending the time swimming and sunbathing.
Yesterday we went on a fantastic trip to Rome. It was a bit hot, but we enjoyed it. I loved the beautiful architecture of the city and its atmosphere.
Hope you're having a great time in the mountains.

Wish you were here.


Example of a postcard in English No. 3

Postcard from holidays in Brazil

Hi Josh,
I'm on holiday in Brazil. I'm having a
great time. The weather is hot
and the sun's shining. At the moment
I’m staying on the beach, and read ing
a magazine. We arrived in Brazil yesterday
morning. The hotel is cool, and the
food is brilliant! I am coming back in a week.

Example of a postcard in English No. 4

Postcard from holidays in Africa

Hi Ada,
I’m having a great time in Africa.
I'm in a hotel now.
I traveled here by plane.
I’m traveling with my family and we’re staying here for two weeks.
We're going to the beach next.
The weather is wonderful. It's sunny and hot.
I hope you're having a great time too.
See you soon.

Example of a postcard in English No. 5

Postcard from the weekend in Russia

Hi Sonia!
I am on holiday in Russia with my family. We have stayed in a hotel for two days. The area is amazing and there is some beautiful architecture in here. We are spending time taking photos and eating in traditional Russian restaurants. Yesterday we visited the Red Square. I loved the atmosphere of this city and the beautiful monuments.
See you soon.

Example of a postcard in English No. 6

Postcard from a trip to France

Hi Lisa and Mathew
I’m on holiday in France and I’m having a great time. I have been to Paris for a week now. I’m going shopping and I’m eating in traditional French restaurants. Yesterday I saw the Eiffel Tower and took a lot of photos. I'm leaving Paris tomorrow.
Kisses, XYZ

Example of a postcard in English No. 7

Postcard from a trip to London

Hi Ola!
I’m writing to you from London. I stayed in a big, five-star hotel 2 days ago. Yesterday, I took a ride in the London Eye. It's amazing! It was a nice day, because it was sunny and cool.
Tomorrow, I’m visiting the Tower Bridge. I really want to see it. The food isn’t as good as in Poland, but it’s OK.
I'm having a good time here. I wish you were here.
Give my love to your parents.
See you soon,

Example of a postcard in English No. 8

Postcard from the weekend in Poland

Hi Amy!
I’m on holiday in Poland. I'm having a great time. Last week I was in Warsaw. Tommorow I am visiting my friend. The weather is rainy. Every day I go to the cinema or go shopping. I'm back in three days.
See you soon,

Example of a postcard in English No. 9

Postcard from a weekend in Greece

Hi Jared
I’m on holiday in Greece and I’m having a great time. I was to Athenes two days ago, and tomorrow I’m going to Crete Island. The weather is beautiful, we swim every day in warm, clean water, and take sunbaths. I'm back in 2 weeks.

Example of a postcard in English No. 10

Postcard from the sea

Dear Tom,
How are you?
I'm fine. I'm at the seaside with my friends.
We go to the beach, the city center and to the restaurant every day.
We are having a great time!
The weather is sunny, hot and really beautiful.
Tell me about your holiday.
Write back soon!
Take care,

Example of postcard in English No. 11

Postcard from a tropical vacation

Hi Kaja!
I’m on holiday on the tropical island with my family. We’re staying in a hotel with a swimming pool. Today it is hot here. I'm going to sunbathe soon. Yesterday I went shopping. It's great. I'm back in a month.
See you,
Majka 🙂

You can write your card in the comments, and we will post it on our website, adding your name next to it 😉

Postcard– what could be more beautiful than a small card signed with your own hand? A unique design, monograms and magic words can give true pleasure to those who value real feelings.

Today you won’t surprise anyone with an electronic card, but the paper version will become the most memorable gift. Still don't know how to please your loved ones?

What should I write to you, my friend...What am I talking about? And I’m talking about what to write in a postcard, how to start and how to end, and should you generally adhere to any writing rules?

Dear Tom,

Next, you should indicate why you decided to write. If you are responding to a postcard you have already received, answer the questions, if there were any. Write your own text, after which write the final phrase on a separate line

Best wishes,
(own name)

Or Love, + name

And below is the address to which the postcard should be delivered in the following order:
first and last name of the addressee;
house number, street name;
city, postal code;
a country.

History of the postcard

Delving deeper into history, we note that there are several versions of the appearance of the first postcard. It is known that the first of them was created by the English artist Dobson in 1795. A little later, Henry Cole asked his friend John Gersley to help depict something New Year's, as a result of which a New Year's card with a winter landscape was born. Postcards began to gain popularity and were sold with notepaper.

The boom in postcard printing was gaining momentum in Europe, and these small cards migrated to Russia in the second half of the 19th century. Exactly then famous artists began to make magnificent drawings, which became a real work of art and were protected like the apple of the eye ( cherish as the apple of one's eye). But the word “postcard” itself comes from “ open letter" It is also known that the first postcards were called “congratulations”. Here is an old word in the Russian language that will still find a place in speech today.

Quite a price for a small card

If you have been to a flea market at least once, you have probably seen not only all sorts of antique beads, cameras, stones, wooden toys, but also postcards. By the way, one such card, issued in England in 1843, was sold for 22,000 pounds sterling. There are only 10 such examples left, and who knows how much it might sell for in 50 years.

When postcards had already become fashionable, they began to make them themselves, using maximum imagination. Thus, dried plants, tree branches, fabrics, beads and even boric acid were used to depict snow. Today, few people make postcards, although it is quite an exciting business. Putting your soul into it small piece art, you give a piece of yourself and your love.

Postcrossing: exchanging postcards around the world

It’s no secret that with the advent of smartphones, you can create a postcard online in a second and immediately send it to the recipient, so don’t waste time making and sending a little joy to your friends and loved ones. Modernity is quite changeable: just yesterday we read everything e-books, and today we buy paper books again, because it is fashionable to read a real book, which, according to Ray Bradbury, is “bread for the hungry.”

The same thing happens with postcards. At the peak of popularity "postcrossing", which is an exchange of cards between residents different countries. And this is truly a unique event that each of you can join. Agree, it’s quite nice to receive news from Japan, Mexico or the sunny Dominican Republic. You can join this movement here

Some people only need 10 minutes to sign a dozen Happy New Year or Happy Birthday cards. I can sit for half an hour over one postcard, composing the text of the congratulations. And if you need to congratulate foreign language, then this may take an hour of precious time.

For people like me, you will find on this page of the site, birthday greetings to friends, colleagues, partners in verse and prose in English with translation.

Happy Birthday Wishes

Happy birthday!
Wishing you a Happy Birthday! I wish you a happy birthday!
Best wishes and a wonderful Birthday! Best wishes for a wonderful birthday!
Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best on your special day! Happy birthday! Wishing you all the best on your special day!
Congratulations and best wishes on your Birthday! Congratulations and best wishes on your birthday!
I wish you a Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day! Happy Birthday and long life!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you Happy Birthday! From the bottom of my heart I wish you a happy birthday!
I hope all your birthday wishes come true! Happy Birthday! I hope that on your birthday, all your wishes come true! Happy birthday!
I wish you a Happy Birthday! Have a great time today! I wish you a happy birthday! I hope you have a great time today!
Warm and happy wishes on your Birthday! Have a wonderful day! Warm and best wishes for your birthday! Let today be a wonderful day!
Hope your special day brings you all you want! Happy Birthday! May this special day bring you everything you want! Happy Birthday!
Wishing you the Best Birthday Ever! Have fun! Cheers! Wishing you the best birthday ever! Have fun to the fullest! Hooray!
Happy Birthday and many happy days in a new year of yours! Happy Birthday and many happy days in your new year!
Sending you Happy Birthday wishes wrapped in all my love! Sending you birthday wishes wrapped in my love!
Wishing you everything happy on your Birthday!
Wishing you a Birthday which is as special as you are! I wish you a birthday as special as you are!
Thinking of you on your Birthday and wishing you happiness! Have a great day! I think about you on your birthday and wish you happiness! May this day be wonderful!
May all your dreams come true! Happy Birthday to you! May all your wishes come true! Happy Birthday to You!
May be I am not by your site on your Birthday but I always think about you and send you all the best wishes! Happy Birthday! Even if I am not with you on your birthday, I always think about you and send you my best wishes! Happy birthday!
Let God keeps you away from evil tongues, sudden misfortune, clever enemies and small-minded friends! Happy Birthday! May God protect you from evil tongues, sudden misfortune, smart enemies and stupid like-minded friends! Happy birthday!
With lots of love I am sending you sweet Birthday wishes! Have a very Happy Birthday! With much love, I send you the most wonderful wishes! Happy Birthday!
Even though we are miles away, it is good to know that you are always there! Happy Birthday! Even if kilometers separate us, it’s so good to know that you are somewhere! Happy birthday!
With great pleasure I want to wish you much health, love, happiness and freedom in your dreams. Wish you eternal youth, original ideas, big success in everything you do! Be happy! Try to save you would not be happening. With great pleasure, I want to wish you health, love, happiness and freedom in your dreams. I also wish you eternal youth, original ideas and great success in everything you do! Be happy! Remain yourself, no matter what happens!
I wish you a long and amazing life. I wish you great health and excellent results in all your dealings. Most importantly, I wish you happiness without measure every minute in your life. Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day! I wish you a long and exciting life! I wish you good health and outstanding results in everything you do. And most importantly, I wish you immense happiness in every minute of your life. Be loved, enjoy every day!
You're a miracle and a charm! Let you have happiness and good fortune without problems and troubles. I wish you and all your dearest to have also good health! Happy birthday! You are a miracle and a beauty! May there be many joys and successes in your life and no problems and sorrows! Health and happiness to you and everyone who is dear to you! Happy birthday!
With all my heart I wish you many happy returns of the day! Let all your fond dreams, hopes and expectations come true in your new year. I wish you always to have a cheerful mood, good health, strength to resist difficulties and patience, great success in all your dealings and great personal happiness! Thank you for the bright light you give me! Thank you for your being in this world! Happiness and good luck! Happy birthday! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! May all your most cherished dreams, hopes and expectations come true in the new year for you. I wish you a good joyful mood every day, good health, resistance to adversity and patience, success in all your endeavors and personal happiness! Thank you for the bright light that you give me! Thank you for being in this world! I wish you happiness and good luck! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, wish you much health, happiness, freedom, success in everything you do and eternal youth. Happy birthday to you, I wish you health, freedom, happiness, success in everything and eternal youth! May all your dreams come true!
I wish you a long and successful life.
I wish you excellent health.
Most importantly, I wish you happiness - without measure - every day!
I wish you good health!
I wish you a long and happy life!
And most importantly, I wish you happiness - immeasurable happiness! Every day!
Wishing you all the best on your Birthday! I wish you all the best for your birthday!
With all my heart - Happy birthday!
You are very beautiful, clever and talented. Keep being as you are! Hugs and kisses!
Congratulations on your birthday! You are very beautiful, smart and talented! Don't change, stay as you are. Hugs! Kiss!
Happy Birthday, my friend!
Many happy returns of the day! I wish you a very happy birthday! Be healthy and wealthy and have a lot of success and good luck…
All the best,
Your friend,
Expensive …………,
Happy Birthday, my friend!
Long time to live! I really wish you have a good day birth! Be healthy and rich and lucky...
All the best,
Your friend,
I congratulate you on your Birthday and wish you plenty of good health, happiness and peace of mind. Be always positive, optimistic and believe in yourself.
Dear …
I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you good health, happiness and peace of mind. Always be optimistic, believe in the future and in yourself.

Official birthday greetings in English

Warm birthday greetings. Warm birthday greetings.
Please accept our heartfelt felicitations on the occasion of your birthday. Please accept our my sincere congratulations on the occasion of your birthday.
Congratulations and all good wishes on your birthday. Congratulations and best wishes on your birthday.
It is a great pleasure to congratulate you on the occasion of your 40th birthday and to wish you good health and long years of further activity as a businessman. It is with great pleasure that I congratulate you on the occasion of your 40th anniversary and wish you good health and many years of further activity as a businessman.
It was a pleasant thing for me to learn of your approaching birthday as it gives me the opportunity of adding my good wishes to those of your many colleagues. Your life has been so full of great achievements and well-earned successes that you must feel great satisfaction. Please accept my heartiest congratulations. It was very nice to hear that your birthday is approaching, as it gives me the opportunity to add my wishes to those you receive from your colleagues. Your life is so full of great achievements and hard-won successes that you should be satisfied with it. Please accept my heartfelt congratulations.
Dear Mr. ………. ,

Happy to congratulate you to your 45th birthday. I wish I could personally come to share the joy of festivities on this milestone in your life, but I happen to be so far away from you physically at the moment. May your future be attended with prosperity and happiness!
Again wishing you many more birthdays.

Yours own,

Dear sir ………….. ,

I am glad to congratulate you on your 45th birthday. I would like to personally share the joy of the holiday, but I am so far away from you at the moment. May your future be filled with prosperity and happiness!
I also wish you long life (may this day be repeated many times).

Always yours,

English happy birthday greetings in verse

Birthday girl, today’s your day!
Time to eat cake, sing songs and play!
There are so many ways to have birthday fun.
Here’s hoping you get to do every one!
Birthday girl, today is your day!
Time to eat cake, sing songs and play.
There are so many ways to have fun on your birthday.
I hope you try them all!
Amazing life will be your way,
Forever, not only today.
And let all your troubles disappear,
And all your friends be always near!
There will be a wonderful life,
Always, today, don’t forget -
Let adversity disappear
Friends don't leave you!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
A lot of people can say with me
That you are a very nice a great friend
Who is always ready to understand!
I wish you, too, such a faithful as you friend.
I wish to love stories have a happy ending!
I wish to healthy and cheerful was your child
And to you this year fate smiled!
Happy Birthday to you!
Everyone will agree with me, I know
I can call you a good friend,
Who is always ready to support us.
So we wish you the same friends,
And in love, so that they don’t know hardships and losses,
To keep children healthy and happy,
And luck took part in Fate!
You're going to have a fun day
That's what they all say
Hoping that the year ahead
Keeps all your sorrows at bay
We wish you a Happy Birthday!
Have a fun birthday ahead of you today!
Everyone will be talking about this to you today!
May the coming year pass without regret,
Sorrows and bad weather keeping everything locked up!
Let the world without any complexities
will be fascinated Love!
Let all your opportunities
are easily realized!
Let there be a condition
of Peace of mind!
Let each desire
Will give pleasure!!
May the world be without any complications
Will be enchanted by love!
May all your possibilities
Easy to implement!
Let there be a state
Peace of mind!
Let every wish
It will bring pleasure!!

How great it is to be able to give joy! Sometimes, expensive gifts are not needed, but a kind word, attention, and support are important. On any holiday or every day, you can please your loved ones, friends, colleagues and teachers with pleasant phrases, small cards, and compliments. I wonder what congratulations sound like in English?

Pleasant words that warm the soul and give hope, and sometimes add strength, can be written or spoken in different shapes. For example, greeting cards in English look great with both poetic elements and prose. After all, the meaning is important. The same goes for compliments. Want to be nice and polite while improving your English? Continue reading our article.

What to write in greeting cards in English?

For any holiday: birthday, Valentine's Day, Christmas or New Year, it is necessary to select a special greeting. If you give a card or words not on a holiday, but as a sign of attention, then here you can also highlight some groups: about love, about happiness, about hope, about friendship. Flash cards have now become very popular - this is an electronic version that can be sent in a minute to a mailbox or to in social networks. For example, sites offer a wide selection of free congratulations and animations for any occasion.


Now we will look at how to make your own wishes in English correctly. Perhaps some phrases will be useful to you.

Birthday greetings

Many happy returns of the day! - Long and happy years of life!

Happy anniversary! - Happy anniversary!

Please accept my congratulations (on / upon) - Please accept my congratulations on...

I congratulate you on - I congratulate you on...

Be healthy and wealthy - Health and well-being

All the best - All the best

Even though we are miles away, it is good to know that you are always there! Happy Birthday! — Despite the fact that you are thousands of kilometers away, it’s nice to know that you are somewhere. Happy birthday.

From the bottom of my heart - From the bottom of my heart

I do hope all your dreams will come true - May all your wishes come true!

Dear Mary,
Happy Birthday, my friend!
Many happy returns of the day! I wish you to be healthy and wealthy, to have a lot of success and good luck in your every day life.
All the best,
Your friend,

How to say nice words correctly?

For example, you can use one of these phrases at least every day. It will be nice and pleasant.

You are so beautiful today - You are so beautiful today!

You have wonderful taste in clothes - You have excellent taste!

What a charming girl you are! - How charming you are!

Your look is pretty good today - You look great today.

That’s a nice color on you - You have a very nice color of clothes today.

The meat was especially tasty - And the meat was especially tasty

Your children are so nice and clever - You have such cute and smart kids.

It needsn’t to be a man to see just how marvelous you are - You don’t need to be a man to understand how amazing you are.

Do angels also use underground? - Do angels really take the subway?

You’ve got devilishly beautiful eyes - Your eyes are devilishly beautiful.

A lot of girls would like to be in your shoes - Many girls would like to be in your place.

Women should be furious seeing your beauty - Women must be furious seeing your beauty.

You don’t stop surprising me with your beauty - You never cease to surprise me with your beauty

You’re the only girl who can intoxicate every man - You’re the only girl who can intoxicate any man.

You are the most appetizing girl I have ever seen - You are the most appetizing girl I have ever seen.

You lips are better than the tastiest sweet - Your lips are better than the most delicious candy.

You dazzle me - You blind me.

Thank you for your compliment - Thank you for the compliment.

Much obliged. - I am very obliged.

I'm very much obliged to you. - I am very obliged to you.

Of course, everyone will be pleased to hear something good about themselves, see it on a note or in a postcard. Use good words You can contact all your friends who know or want to know English. They will be pleased. The main thing is to be relevant and know what you are saying. Therefore, we invite you to look into compliments in English with translation.

When designing postcards in English, approach this issue creatively. Don’t be lazy, choose something that highlights the best aspects of the person to whom it is addressed. pleasant words. Don't forget to subscribe at the end. Among the gray everyday life and fast rhythm, we do not notice the joy of life. Give smiles, cards, compliments and congratulations.



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