How to answer in English. We answer the question “How are You?” in English

How to answer in English. We answer the question “How are You?” in English

Incredibly positive experience! I have been fortunate to meet wonderful, caring people who are dedicated to their work. First of all, this concerns my teacher. Absolutely every lesson with him was so exciting and productive that I couldn’t wait for the next one! He developed my faith in my rapid progress!

Oksana Bondarenko, Ukraine
Conversation course

I studied with a teacher from the UK. At the beginning, I could barely string two words together and I was very nervous about it. Now, I speak much easier and more relaxed. The teacher always helps me find the right word, and his lessons are very informative - he shares all his life experiences with me!

Bogdan Butkevich, Ukraine
Basic course

I am taking an Intermediate course and studying with a Russian-speaking teacher. I enjoy the lessons, my teacher is always very positive and I am grateful for her patience and effort in helping me learn English!

Ekaterina Belik, Ukraine
Basic course

I am very grateful to the school for the knowledge I received. For me, English is an opportunity to stay at my job. In classes, I already willingly express my thoughts, although at first I was shy to “reason.” When I make mistakes, the teacher always corrects me, but in a very polite manner. Thank you for such a delicate approach!

Raisa Kazantseva, Ukraine
Conversation course

Many thanks to the entire team of the English by Telephone school! I quickly master spoken language and improve my grammar. Lessons take place in a very friendly atmosphere. I believed in myself – and that very soon I would be able to drink Guinness with an Irishman!

Leonid Kravchenko, Ukraine
Conversation course

The language barrier has always been a big problem for me, and it was awkward to speak English on the phone. Therefore, I started studying with a Russian-speaking teacher, and now, after 3 months, I am already connecting lessons with a native speaker. The language barrier has almost disappeared! Thanks to the school team!

Larisa Logvinenko, Ukraine
Course with a native speaker

I want to express my gratitude online school"English on the phone"! The training is very easy and stress-free, and I see quick results. Very soon, I will be able to speak good English!

Valery Kupchinsky, Ukraine
Conversation course

I’m learning English just “for myself”, and I’m very pleased with the result. I really like working out! I would like to note the teacher’s ability to teach, and also his patience. I often forget words and confuse parts of speech, but he always gently prompts and corrects me. Thanks a lot!

Galina Eremenko, Ukraine
Basic course

Vladimir Kuzmenko, Ukraine
Basic course

I decided to start with a Russian-speaking teacher. I’ve been studying for 2 months now, and my listening comprehension has improved. Each lesson flies by unnoticed - probably because it is structured in an interesting way. I'm looking forward to taking lessons with a native speaker - I want to communicate in real English

Andrey Krivonos, Ukraine
Conversation course

I was very nervous before my first lesson - but after the very first minutes the anxiety disappeared. We found it right away mutual language with a teacher, although my English was very bad. Only a true professional could do this, and besides - good psychologist. Thank you!

Valentina Drach, Ukraine
Basic course

After the first 3 months of classes, I can finally use my English knowledge! I talk a lot in class, and this shocks even the teacher. The atmosphere of the classes is very relaxed and exciting, knowledge is strengthened, but the main thing is that I really started speaking English, and this is a fact

Igor Limansky, Ukraine
Conversation course

At my job, I really need good English, and now my main goal is to be fluent in the language. The teacher is very responsive and positive, he always corrects my pronunciation and other mistakes to make my speech more natural. I'm going to extend my classes!

Yulia Grinchenko, Ukraine
Course with a native speaker

In class, I especially like to just discuss all sorts of topics. But my teacher constantly emphasizes grammar - and this really helps to consolidate the material I already know. She accurately identified my needs and approaches my training individually. Thank you so much for this approach!

Renata Gubskaya, Ukraine
Conversation course

Thanks to regular classes at your school for three months, I significantly expanded my vocabulary and began to understand native speakers! In addition, my speech has improved. Now I speak English fluently and I’m interested in communicating with you!

Tatyana Nikolaenko, Ukraine
Basic course

Taras Kostanchuk, Ukraine
Conversation course

– short, non-committal conversations, including with strangers, for example, in an elevator or in queues. To start a conversation, people ask familiar questions like “How’re you?” or “How’s going”.

Do you know how to answer them? Of course, “I’m fine” - after all, it’s not customary to complain, and no one is interested in your affairs and concerns. But you can come up with something else, add variety to the standard answer.

How are you?

  • Fine. Brevity is the soul of wit. By limiting yourself to one “fine”, you are sending a clear signal that you do not intend to continue the conversation.
  • Not bad. Sounds a little friendlier.
  • Fine, thanks. This is a formal answer - just right for answering a stranger like a waiter in a restaurant.
  • Very well, thanks. An ideally correct answer from a grammatical point of view, because the question “how” requires an adverb answer. Although, in general, few people worry about this, except that the English “grammar Nazis” may insist on observing this rule.
  • Pretty good. Let's forget about grammar, long live the living language and everyday “good” and “pretty good”.
  • Great! How are you doing? A full positive answer and mirroring the question to the interlocutor - now let him answer himself, and then, lo and behold, the conversation will begin.
  • I"m hanging in there. This is what you can say if the day turned out to be difficult.
  • I "ve been better. Yes, the answers are not always positive; there are also black streaks in life. If the answer sounds sad, then this implies that you want to tell your sad story, so the next question will probably be “What’s wrong?” - and your time will come to complain to the whole world.

How's it going?

It’s no different from “how’re you”, so you can safely use everything listed above. But there is one exception answer that works only for this case:

  • It's going well. Friendly and polite, suitable for colleagues, clients and distant acquaintances.

What's up?

This question in expanded form sounds like “What's happening in your life?” Naturally, an honest narrative about the latest events of your life is not required - a short question still requires a short answer, perhaps one of these:

  • Nothing much. The most popular answer, because most of the time nothing interesting happens. Although you can answer like this: “Nothing much.” Just preparing for a great weekend party.”
  • Not a lot. Same “nothing special”, just a little different.
  • Nothing. This answer sounds a little annoyed, perhaps rude.
  • Oh, just the usual. It can be used if everything is absolutely the same and there is nowhere to expect variety.
  • Just the same old same old. The same routine without a glimmer of novelty. What's different about this answer is that it shows that you're a little bored with it all.
  • Oh gosh, all kinds of stuff! If the number of interesting events in your life is off the charts, answer like this.

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(How are you? How are you doing?) is a question usually asked during a meet and greet. There can be a great variety of answers to it, as in the Russian language. Which answer to choose depends on the relationship between the speakers and on each specific situation. However, there is a classic formal answer that every beginner needs to know English from scratch: “ I'm fine thank you" (thank you I'm fine)

Pronunciation of the question “How are you?”

Listen to how this question sounds from a native speaker:

Using the transcription, repeat these sentences after Steve. Be sure to copy his intonation and speech rhythm.

Now watch a short video, in the second part of which you can also reproduce the phrases yourself using subtitles.

Possible answers to the question “How are you?”

I'm fine, thank you. How about you?
Fine, thanks. And you?
Thank you, good, how are you? This is a formal answer to a question from an unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar person - just a tribute to politeness. The same question asked in response already indicates your politeness.
Great!- Wonderful! Answer with enthusiasm, maybe you want to continue the conversation and be more specific about what's going on in your life.
Not bad- not bad
Very well, thanks- very good thanks
Pretty good- pretty good.

The difference between “How are you?” and “How do you do?”

« How do you do?" - How are you?
Sometimes there is confusion between these two questions, so please check your Special attention to the fact that " How do you do?“is not really a question, this is another way of greeting a person you are seeing for the first time in your life. The correct reaction would be to either say the same thing in response, that is, say “ How do you do?", or say something like: "Nice to meet you" or "Hello". This greeting is used in formal situations, most often by the British.
- this is a question, but keep in mind that you should not immediately rush to tell the whole truth about your life, no one expects this, formally it is enough to answer “I'm fine thanks. And you?"

Exercises on the topic “How are you?”

Complete the following greeting dialogues with suitable phrases:

Sarah: Hello, Jack! ........................... Jack: Hi, Sarah! ........................... How about you? Sarah: I"m.........thank you. Answer (click) Mark: Hi Jane. .................... Jane: Nice to meet you too. How.........? Mark: Very well, thank you. And............? Jane: I"m ........too. Answer (click) Dr Watson: Hello, are......Mr Morrison? Mr Morrison: Yes, ................... Dr Watson: My name is Dr Watson. Mr Morrison: Oh, yes. How do...............? Dr Watson:............? Answer (click)

Words of politeness are sometimes purely formal in nature, so as not to burden the interlocutor with your problems, if in fact the cats are scratching at your soul. How to answer the question “how are you” in English and without excessive disguised politeness, read this article.

Let's try: How are you?

“Fine, thank you”- "Wonderful, thank you!"
The most common phrase in response to the question posed. By answering this way, you will show that you have some knowledge of English, but you will not reveal the real state of affairs to your interlocutor one bit. Politeness in its purest form, 100% concentrated.

“I’m very well, thanks!”- "Very good thanks!"
Very good – that’s already something. It is clear and clear that the state of affairs in your country is such that it is not a sin to inform the public about it. Of course, if the phrase is not spoken in an afterlife voice, with a drooping look and hunched posture. A person who is doing very well must have the appropriate appearance.

“Not bad, thank you!”- "Not bad, thanks!"
Not bad – it’s not terrible, but it’s not good either. This is 50/50, but not yet calling a friend to get urgent psychological help. Perhaps the phrase “not bad” also hides successes that the respondent does not want to shout about to the whole world.

“The same as usual, thank you.”- “As always, thank you”
The answer presupposes at least a certain degree of familiarity between the interlocutors. Also, the phrase can hide a disguised complaint about the routine of life events or even depressive notes in the voice. A stranger will be answered with something more joyful, so that further unnecessary questions do not follow.

“So-so.”- "So-so"
In fact, it’s so-so – it’s not a glass half empty or half full. This is a hidden SOS signal from a ship in distress. Replyer In a similar way counts on your further questions and, possibly, participation in his life. Please provide it whenever possible.

“Pretty bad.”- "Bad"
Having heard such an answer, be prepared to provide support, stock up on healing chocolate or a glass of something stronger (as you like). The answer is for relatives and friends. For unfamiliar people, this phrase will sound shocking. And it will even confuse you.

For those who read to the end, a bonus: a phrase that claims originality and obvious sympathy towards the person who asked.

“All the better for seeing you.”– “Your appearance alone makes me healthier and happier.”
Not everyone can be given such an answer. Who exactly deserves it? Listen to your heart - it will tell you.

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