Remedy for cracked fingers. Cracks on the fingers near the nails: causes, treatment

Remedy for cracked fingers. Cracks on the fingers near the nails: causes, treatment

Cracks in the fingers arise from frequent contact with household chemicals, allergic reactions, sudden changes in humidity and temperature, hormonal disorders, and vitamin deficiencies.
Aloe heals cracks in the skin well. Cut the aloe leaf in half lengthwise and stick it with an adhesive plaster to the wound overnight. Healing in 1-2 nights.

To heal deeper cracks on the fingers, use special products - Pantoderm, Bepanten, Radevit, methyluracil ointment. In addition, Vinilin, sea buckthorn oil, Aekol, etc. perfectly heal cracks in fingers.

Conifer resin, which can be applied directly to the crack and sealed with a bactericidal plaster, perfectly heals deep cracks.

The following composition has an excellent healing effect. Take 10 grams of resin, 15 grams of beeswax, a tablespoon of honey and 30 ml of vodka. Place the ingredients in a metal bowl and place over low heat. Stirring constantly, until the components are completely dissolved. Pour the resulting ointment into a jar, which you keep in a cool place. After applying the composition to the cracks, bandage or cover with a plaster with a bactericidal layer.

Shea butter (yellow, unrefined, produced in Africa, with the smell of a nut - it has retained the greatest number of beneficial properties) and relieve attacks with it, and then smear it in the system

If cracks appear on your hands, make a bath of starch; to do this, take a tablespoon of starch and a liter of warm water, mix everything. Soak your hands in this solution for fifteen minutes, then rinse and lubricate with nourishing cream. For prevention, we do such hand baths 2 times a week. We take care of our hands until the cracks are completely healed.

Mix glycerin and medical alcohol in equal proportions in one bottle. Shake well. We use it the same way as hand cream.

There are bushes called snowberry bushes; in the fall they grow round balls of white berries. In summer they bloom with pink, small flowers. These berries are not eaten by birds, and when winter comes, they disappear under the snow. Let's pick these white balls, wash them, dry them a little on a towel and rub our hands with these berries. Only the shells and seeds will remain from the berries, the rest will be absorbed into the skin. The berries are poisonous, it is best to rub your hands at night, do not bandage them. Be sure to wash your hands with soap in the morning. Until the cracks go away, rub with this product for several days in a row.

Crack mixture. Its composition is very simple - take glycerin and ammonia in equal parts 1:1.

Tincture of celandine. During the flowering period of the celandine, we will collect the grass and prepare it, for this we will put on rubber gloves, and on top of them we will put on cotton gloves and tear the celandine as finely as possible; we cannot cut it with a knife. Then pour this crushed celandine into a mixture consisting of 1 part celandine and 1 part olive oil. We insist for one month. Rub all problem areas with this oil. This tincture is for skin diseases such as cracks, acne, eczema, warts and so on.

Vaseline will help with cracks, and olive oil, sea buckthorn oil or walnut oil will also help.
Rub your hands with linseed oil, wash off and dry before going to bed. If there is no flaxseed oil, we use any vegetable oil. It is best to have an aftershave cream with vitamin P or a special hand cream.

If you have developed painful cracks in your hands, then you need to make a compress from hot potatoes. To do this, boil a few jacket potatoes, peel them and mash them into a puree. We do this quickly so that the potatoes do not cool down. But we do not place very hot potatoes on the skin, as it can burn.

Lay out two pieces of clean cloth, place the puree on them in an even layer, and wrap your hands in them. Keep it until the compress has cooled completely, then remove it, rinse off the remaining residue with water and apply a moisturizer. Add 2 drops of lemon juice and 2 drops of glycerin to the puree.

Let's make mashed potatoes, dilute the milk and immerse our hands in it, which we first lubricate with vegetable oil.

Do not pour out the water in which the potatoes were boiled. Add vegetable oil to it, and keep your hands in this bath for at least ten minutes. If there are cracks in the skin, add starch at the rate of two tablespoons per half liter of water.

A bath will help with deep cracks on your hands. Take a liter of water, add one tablespoon of fresh milk and starch. We hold our hands in the resulting bath for at least 5 minutes. After this, do not rinse your hands with water, but lubricate them with fish oil. Before going to bed, apply lanolin or glycerin cream and put on cotton gloves.

Let's make an excellent mask from milk and bread crumbs that softens and whitens dry skin. Let's heat the milk and soak the crumb in it. Apply the resulting mixture to your hands for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

After a mask of lemon juice, starch and glycerin, your hands will turn white. Mix 1 tablespoon of each ingredient, apply to hands for 15 minutes and put on gloves. Then we’ll do a massage and rub the remains of the mask into our hands.

These folk remedies for cracks on your hands will help you get rid of them completely. To avoid any side effects, consult your doctor first.

We buy a jar of glycerin at the pharmacy and add 10 drops of lemon oil.
Smear your hands at night - it will sting, but in the morning the wounds will heal

Medicinal herbs are widely used to treat cracks on the hands and fingers of various natures. You can prepare a special mixture from a collection of chamomile, calendula, plantain and string, pour boiling water and leave for eight hours. Then grind the butter with honey, add the infusion and lubricate the sore spots with this mixture. A pleasant and useful DIY medicine is rose petal cream. You need to grind rose petals into a paste, mix with a spoon of lard, let the ointment brew, and then lubricate the affected areas with it.

Apples also help heal cracks in the skin of your hands. Boil an apple in a small amount of milk, grate it, add half a glass of kefir and apply the resulting mixture on your hands for 30 minutes. Do this daily until you notice improvement.

The use of onions is quite effective. Steam your hands in water, after adding 2 tsp. soda Then place the mashed onions on your hands; Wrap your hands in plastic and leave the compress on overnight. In the morning, wash off the onion and lubricate your hands with rich cream. We won’t reassure you in advance, but usually 2-3 procedures are enough.

The use of honey is very effective in treating cracks. To soften the skin and speed up the healing of cracks in the skin of your hands, mix 2 parts honey with 1 part pork fat and apply this mask to your hands daily. Hold her in your arms for 2 hours a day.

Compress using a raw egg: take 1 raw chicken egg, place it in a glass and pour vinegar essence so that the egg is completely covered with liquid. After 2-3 days, when the vinegar dissolves the eggshell and the egg remains in a thin shell, pour half of the essence from the glass, add 100-150 g of butter and mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mixture to your hands, wrap your hands in plastic and put on warm mittens. It is better to apply this compress before bed and leave it overnight. In the morning, make a soda bath for your hands and lubricate them with nourishing cream. According to traditional healers, 2 such procedures are enough for cracks on the hands to not only heal, but also completely disappear.

Shilajit solution - dissolve 2 Shilajit tablets in water and lubricate your hands with this solution, do not wipe. Itching and soreness immediately disappear, and by the end of the second day the skin returns to normal.

Wax thimbles will help
Melt natural beeswax in a water bath. Dip your fingers into the hot wax, one at a time, so that it is hot but tolerable. The wax will harden quickly in the form of thimbles. Then put on cotton gloves, remove the wax in the morning and use it for the next procedure. The woman used this treatment method, and for five years now she has had no problems with cracks in her fingers. My nails are also very strong.

Oak bark decoction. 2 tbsp. l. Boil water in a water bath for 20 minutes in 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Soak cotton pads in this broth, apply to your fingers, secure with polyethylene and a bandage. It is advisable to keep the compress all night.

Mix 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. vinegar. The result will be a yellowish ointment. At night, apply it to your hands and wear cotton gloves.

This ointment will help cure any cracks and abscesses: take 1 tbsp. l. honey, vodka, flour, butter, grind into a homogeneous mass, put this ointment on gauze and fix on the sore spot for 4-5 hours. Everything goes by quickly.

If your skin is cracked, a honey cake will help.
The flatbread is made like this: mix honey, a little melted goose or chicken fat and flour. You should get a viscous dough. Then they wash the skin with warm water and laundry soap, place a honey cake on the sore and knead it over the skin. The top is secured with fabric and insulated with a scarf. This cake helps to cure not only cracks in the hands and fingers, but also abscesses, purulent wounds, and boils.

Carrots are very helpful for skin problems, especially if it is dry and cracked. You need to prepare a tasty mixture. Grate 1 kg of carrots on a coarse grater, pour in vegetable oil so that the oil completely covers the carrots. Heat the mixture to 80 degrees and keep at this temperature for 3-4 hours. Then pour it into small jars. Eat this carrot snack with porridge, pasta, vegetables and just make sandwiches. The skin will become smooth, healthy, cracks will disappear, and corns and dry calluses on the feet will also disappear.

Prepare a medicinal ointment from the roots of Potentilla erecta. Take 5 grams of this plant and cook in a glass of milk for 5 minutes. Strain the resulting solution into a jar while it is warm and place it in the cold to thicken. Lubricate cracks as needed.


Hands are a woman’s calling card. As you know, it is by these that one can determine a woman’s age. And they are the ones we so often forget to take care of. Meanwhile, the skin of the hands is very sensitive. It dries out early, becomes thinner and loses elasticity. It is dried out by the cold and the chemicals with which we wash dishes and laundry. It loses elasticity during periods of vitamin deficiency, with a lack of vitamins A and E. Excessive dryness of the skin of the hands can lead to cracks on the fingers and between them.

Causes of cracks in hands

The main reason that painful cracks began to appear on the hands is excessive dryness of the skin. A number of reasons can lead to such painful dryness:

■ Household chemicals. When using cleaning, laundry and dishwashing products, be sure to wear gloves. Household chemicals contain many aggressive substances that cause severe dry hands or allergies.

■ Lack of vitamins A and E. Especially in the winter and spring. Try to eat more orange fruits and vegetables, oils, especially olive and sesame, nuts and herbs.
■ Cold. In winter, the cold draws moisture from the skin, and it dries out more than usual. Even if it is not very cold, when going outside, wear gloves on your hands and do not let your hands freeze.
■ Fungal infections. Fungus can also cause cracked fingers. You can encounter it in swimming pools, hotel showers and even your own bathtub.
■ Hormonal disorders.
■ Psoriasis or neurodermatitis.

As you can see, the causes of cracks may not be so harmless, so before you start treatment at home, consult a dermatologist to rule out a fungal or hormonal disease.

Treating cracked hands at home

There are various ways to treat cracks: compresses, ointments, wraps, baths. All of them are designed to return the necessary moisture to the skin of the hands and protect against further drying. Useful components will also be those that protect cracks from infection, for example, aloe juice or honey.


You can try several ointment recipes and choose the one that will help you:

■ Take a tablespoon of lemon juice, an yolk, a quarter glass of flaxseed oil and two tablespoons of honey, preferably a little sugared. Mix all the ingredients in a glass and lubricate your hands and cracks throughout the day, so that by evening you use up the entire mixture. If you took candied honey, you can rub the mixture on your hands a little to remove dead skin particles.

■ Hernia smooth. Herb extract is a very effective remedy for dry, cracked hand skin. It is prepared mixed with vegetable oil. Take 100 g of fresh grass and chop it finely. Place it in a jar with half a liter of olive or almond oil. Leave for a week. Use the resulting oil to lubricate cracks and dry areas of the skin as often as possible.

■ Medicinal herbs. Take equal proportions of chamomile, plantain, calendula and string herbs. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave to steep for 8 hours. Grind 50 g of butter with a teaspoon of honey, add a tablespoon of herbal infusion and mix everything thoroughly. Apply the resulting ointment to sore spots on your hands.

■ Pink cream. Rose petal cream helps with chapped hands. Collect the petals of one rose, preferably one grown in a summer cottage. Grind the petals into a paste and mix with a tablespoon of lard. Let the ointment sit for several days and lubricate cracked skin on your hands and fingers.

Therapeutic baths

Therapeutic hand baths are very useful in treating cracks. They have a double effect - soften the skin of the hands and heal cracks and wounds. After such baths, you should apply the medicinal cream you have chosen to your hands. Steamed skin will absorb beneficial substances much faster and more completely.

■ Linden blossom. Take two teaspoons of linden blossom and a teaspoon each of chamomile and sage herbs. Pour the mixture with two glasses of boiling water. When the water has cooled slightly but is still hot, place your hands in it for 20 minutes. Then blot them with a napkin and lubricate them with ointment or cream.

■ Starch. To soften and steam the cracked skin of your hands, prepare a starch bath. To do this, brew a teaspoon of starch with a glass of boiling water. Dilute the resulting paste with half a liter of hot water and dip your hands in the solution for 10–15 minutes. After the bath, be sure to lubricate the sore areas with ointment. Carry out the procedure every evening.

■ Linen bath. Prepare a thick decoction of flaxseed (100 g per ½ liter of water) and an equally thick decoction of chamomile. Mix the decoctions and place your hands in them for 20 minutes. Baths are done every other day. Course – 10 baths.

■ Oatmeal bath. Cook very thin oatmeal in milk, add a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of honey. Soak your hands in the warm porridge for 10-15 minutes, and then wash them with warm water and lubricate them with ointment or medicated cream.

■ Nettle. Nettle heals cracks well. Mix two tablespoons of nettle leaves and a tablespoon of calendula flowers. Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water and let cool slightly. Then immerse your hands in the infusion for 20 minutes. Dry your hands with a towel and lubricate with ointment.

Compresses and masks

In addition to baths and ointments, you can treat cracks with special masks and compresses. You can alternate them with other methods of treatment.

■ Potatoes with milk. Boil three potatoes and mash them, add three tablespoons of milk. Apply the mixture to your hands and wrap in plastic. After 20 minutes, remove the compress, rinse your hands with warm water and lubricate with cream or ointment.

■ Rye bread. Soak the crumb of half a loaf of rye bread in warm milk. Apply the paste to the sore spots and wrap in a bag. After half an hour, remove the compress and rinse your hands with warm milk or sage decoction.

■ Oils. Heat a tablespoon each of olive and almond oils. Saturate gauze with them and wrap the cracks. Wrap your hands in a bag and warm gloves for half an hour. Then blot off excess oil with a paper towel.

■ Cinquefoil. Take 5 g of crushed cinquefoil roots. Melt 50 g of butter in a water bath, add root powder to it. Stir and let the butter harden a little. Apply the oil thickly to the affected areas. Wrap your hands in gauze and plastic, put on warm gloves. After half an hour, remove the compress and dry your hands with a paper towel or a waste napkin.

■ Sour cream. Take half a glass of thick sour cream and mix it with the yolk, add the juice of half a lemon to the mixture. Apply a compress to gauze and apply to damaged areas, wrap your hands in polyethylene and wear cotton gloves. After half an hour, rinse off the sour cream with warm water and dry your hands with a napkin.

■ Med. Mix a third cup of olive oil, an yolk and three tablespoons of honey. Apply the resulting white paste to cracks and dry skin of your hands. Hide the compress under plastic for 20 minutes. Then wash your hands with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

Prevention of cracks

If you have dry, crack-prone skin on your hands and fingers, you need to follow certain hand care rules.

Be sure to keep your hands clean by washing them with warm water and mild soap. Wipe them dry, not forgetting the area between the fingers, since it is most susceptible to cracks, but such places take a very long time to heal. Use creams after washing your hands.

Never use household chemicals without gloves. The aggressive chemicals contained in it can cause not only dry hands, but also the appearance of ulcers and cracks. If regular gloves are uncomfortable for you, use thin medical gloves.

Don't let your hands get cold. Cold constricts blood vessels, and the fingers are not adequately supplied with nutrients. Cold dries out the skin and causes it to peel and crack. In winter, use gloves; if possible, do not wash or wash dishes in cold water.

Take preventive baths with moisturizing and nourishing properties at least once a week. Take care of your hands with olive, almond, apricot and wheat germ oils. These oils are rich in vitamin E, which your skin needs so much.

Beautiful skin on the hands - every year this phenomenon becomes more and more rare, since every year the list of negative factors that affect us becomes longer and longer. And these are not only high and low temperatures, but also hard water, numerous negative environmental factors, household chemicals, as well as fungal diseases and changes that occur in our body with age. All this is imprinted on our hands, primarily in the form of, among other things, cracks in the skin, on the folds or pads of the fingers.

Causes of cracks in hands and fingers

But cracks in the fingers can also signal more serious problems, especially if these are not just cracks, but non-healing wounds that bleed and do not heal for a long time. Such skin lesions are very painful, they are constantly injured, grow to the size of a wound, which constantly gets wet and rots. Such cracks can occur for many reasons, and it depends on the reason how exactly this phenomenon should be dealt with.

The reasons for the appearance of cracks in the hands can be various factors: usually these are either external characteristics of the body or external influences. From the inside, allergies, fungal infections, various types of endocrine disorders, hormonal imbalance in the body, vitamin deficiency or eczema can provoke the appearance of the disease. In this case, wounds occur mainly on the fingertips, between the fingers, and on the palms.

It is a non-infectious disease, dermatosis, which is of an autoimmune nature. With this disease, dry, raised spots above the skin, red and scaly, are formed, which are called psoriatic plaques, which also cause cracks in the skin and fingers. Their nature is chronic inflammatory, and treatment is consistent with the treatment of the underlying autoimmune disease.

Eczema is a chronic or acute inflammatory skin disease of an allergic nature. This disease is characterized by various types of rashes, as well as burning and itching. Eczema is prone to relapse and is often characterized by the appearance of painful cracks on the hands, fingers, and folds.

Damage can also occur under the influence of external factors: under the influence of sunlight, prolonged constant contact with water, as a result of exposure to chemical reagents, as well as due to sudden changes in temperature and humidity. As a result of such adverse effects, the skin of the hands and feet begins to crack and dry out, this happens especially actively during the cold season.

Photo: wounds and damage on the surface of the skin, on the tips, pads or bends of the fingers


Treatment for cracks in the fingers depends on the reasons for their appearance. If we are talking about the impact of external factors, then you just need to limit contact with the source of irritation. To this end, wear gloves when cleaning and washing, and clean your skin with mild soap - baby soap, for example. Constantly moisturize your hands after each contact with water or detergents - this will speed up healing.

There are a number of traditional methods for treating cracks in the hands. Potato broth is effective in such cases, which can be prepared by boiling and draining the potatoes, adding starch and vegetable oil to the broth.

Many people cope with this problem using a mixture of milk, water, starch and glycerin. The solution is thoroughly stirred, and then the brushes are kept in it for ten minutes. Even very deep wounds can be healed in this way.

You can lubricate your hands with cedar oil, or better yet, wrap them in a cloth soaked in oil. It is advisable that the napkin be linen. Cucumber masks and oatmeal baths have a beneficial effect on the skin.

If cracks in the fingers and bends are associated with a certain disease, then self-treatment is not recommended - it is better to consult a doctor. Cracks of a fungal nature are treated with special ointments and preparations, and cracks of an allergic nature are treated with antihistamines.

If cracks occur due to vitamin deficiency, then it is necessary to enrich your diet with foods containing vitamins A and E, that is, olive oil, nuts, herbs, orange fruits and vegetables.

The causes of cracks in the hands can be psoriasis; in this case, treatment should be fully agreed with the doctor and aimed at curing the underlying disease.

Medicinal herbs are widely used to treat ailments of various natures. You can prepare a special mixture from a collection of chamomile, calendula, plantain and string, pour boiling water and leave for eight hours. Then grind the butter with honey, add the infusion and lubricate the sore spots with this mixture. A pleasant and useful home remedy is rose petal cream. You need to grind rose petals into a paste, mix with a spoon of lard, let the ointment brew, and then lubricate the affected areas with it.


The appearance of cracks on the hands can be prevented if you follow basic prevention rules. First, it is important to wash your hands with soft water and mild soap. The skin should be wiped dry, it is especially important not to leave moisture between the fingers, because this is where the skin is most often susceptible to such lesions. After washing, be sure to lubricate the skin with moisturizing cream.

Do not use household chemicals without gloves, since their composition is aggressive to skin health, and very often it is household chemicals that cause ulcers on the hands.

The skin of your hands very often deteriorates from hypothermia, because low temperatures, due to the fact that blood vessels narrow under the influence of cold, thus provoke insufficient nutrition of the skin, so keep your hands warm.

Those people whose skin is dry and prone to flaking need to regularly take nourishing moisturizing baths on a weekly basis. Wheat germ, olive, almond or apricot oil is added to the baths, which enrich the skin with vitamin E.

The appearance of cracks in the hands is a fairly common problem that both men and women have to face. When they occur, a person experiences a feeling of dryness, tightness, burning, pain and a feeling of embarrassment in front of others, because this part of our body is always noticeable and helps us perform many actions. That is why we always want the skin of our hands to be healthy, beautiful and well-groomed.

Cracks that appear can vary in severity and depth. Some of them go away on their own and quickly, while others cause discomfort and pain, sometimes bleed and take a long time to heal. Cracks on the hands can appear at any time of the year, but are most often observed during the cold seasons, winter and autumn. There are many reasons for their formation: from external factors to problems in the functioning of our body.

Why does the skin on your hands crack? How to get rid of this problem? We will answer these questions in our article. Knowing the cause of cracks in your hands and following some simple rules, you can get rid of this problem and prevent its recurrence.

Causes of cracks in the skin of the hands

One of the reasons for the formation of cracks in the skin of the hands may be psoriasis.

The main reason for the appearance of dryness and cracking of the skin of the hands is a weak protective skin barrier, which is not able to withstand the negative factors affecting the skin. It consists of proteins and oils, i.e. substances that protect the skin from drying out and create a protective film over it. The level of their production largely depends on genetic or internal factors.

The following external factors can cause the destruction of the external protective barrier of the skin of the hands, its subsequent drying out and cracking:

  • cold air (the most aggressive factor);
  • overheating in the sun;
  • wind;
  • sudden temperature change;
  • dry air;
  • contact with hot, cold or hard water (especially prolonged and frequent);
  • contact with aggressive chemicals: soap, washing powders, cleaning products, paint, cement, plaster, wallpaper glue, etc.;
  • contact with soil, ash, chalk and other moisture-absorbing media and substances;
  • use of low-quality and expired skin care products.

When exposed to the external factors described above, cracks are located on the surface of the hands. In such cases, lesions on the palms, between the fingers or at their tips are rarely observed.

The causes of dry hand skin and the appearance of cracks on it can be the following internal disorders:

  • infectious and non-infectious skin diseases: fungal infections, ichthyosis, palmoplantar psoriasis, etc.;
  • hormonal disorders leading to;
  • endocrine diseases: , ;
  • allergic reactions;
  • insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals due to poor nutrition;
  • diseases of the digestive tract accompanied by incomplete absorption of nutrients;
  • Reiter's syndrome;
  • violations of water-salt balance;
  • age-related changes.

When exposed to internal causes, cracks in the hands appear on the surface of the palms, in the interdigital area or on the fingertips. Subsequently, they can spread to other areas.

Determining the cause of cracks in the hands largely influences the further tactics of treating this problem. In all cases, the cause of such damage to the skin of the hands must be eliminated.

You can get rid of the influence of external influences yourself. In such cases, subsequent treatment of cracks will consist of preventing their reappearance and using moisturizing, nourishing and wound-healing hand care products.

If internal factors are influenced, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination, which will help establish a diagnosis and determine a treatment plan for the underlying disease.

You should also consult a specialist if you suspect skin diseases or the appearance of long-lasting, deep, painful and bleeding cracks. In such cases, self-medication not only does not bring the desired relief, but also causes harm, aggravating the problem.

How to get rid of dry and cracked skin on your hands at home?

When handling detergents, rubber gloves must be used to protect your hands.

To eliminate the influence of negative external factors on the skin of your hands, you must begin to follow these rules:

  1. When in contact with chemicals, soil, ash, etc., always use rubber or protective cotton gloves.
  2. Do not wash your hands with too hot or too cold water.
  3. To wash your hands, use only high-quality mild soap.
  4. Apply moisturizing and nourishing creams to the skin of your hands (especially after exposure to external negative factors).
  5. Choose the right hand skin care products and choose only high-quality products.
  6. During the cold season, wear warm gloves or mittens and use protective creams.
  7. Before sunbathing, apply sunscreen to your skin.
  8. Normalize your diet and include in your daily diet a sufficient amount of foods that are rich in B vitamins, vitamins A, P, C and E.
  9. Install a water filter if tap water is hard.
  10. Use a room humidifier.

What to do to speed up the healing of cracks?

When deep and painful cracks appear, dermatologists recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. “Seal” the crack with BF-6 glue (you can buy it at the pharmacy). To do this, wash and dry your hands and apply a few drops of glue to the damage. Let it dry.
  2. No other treatment should be carried out for 5-7 days.
  3. After a week, you can use care products for dry and crack-prone hand skin.

How to properly wash your hands if you are prone to cracks?

Proper hand washing will help get rid of many hand skin problems: dryness, peeling and cracks. For washing, use only warm water and mild soap. After this, your hands should be carefully dried with a soft towel and immediately apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to them.

People who, due to their professional activities, have to wash their hands many times, need to replace traditional washing with skin treatment using special disinfectant gels or wipes. Although many of these products contain alcohol, they are much gentler on the skin than soap and water.

How to choose the right hand moisturizer?

The pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry offers consumers a variety of products for moisturizing the skin of the hands. In order not to get confused among such a wide range, you should remember that only two types of ingredients can cope with the task of softening and moisturizing the skin. The composition of the “correct” cream should include:

  1. Emollients. They act as a lubricant for the surface layer of the skin and make it soft, smooth and elastic. That is why the cream must contain at least one of these ingredients: glycerin stearate, jojoba oil, lanolin, propylene glycol, isopropyl palmitate or squalene.
  2. Moisturizers. They seem to attract water from the environment to the outer layer of the skin of the hands and relieve it from drying out. A quality cream should contain one of the following components: hyaluronic acid, lactic acid, sorbitol, glycerin, urea or propylene glycol.

If your skin is drier, rougher and prone to bleeding cracks, you should choose thicker hand care products. The composition of such creams should include the following components:

  • petrolatum;
  • shea butter;
  • beeswax;
  • cocoa butter;
  • Dimethicone

Such thick moisturizing creams should be applied during the day in the usual way, and before going to bed, lubricate your hands with a thicker layer of care product and put on cotton gloves, leaving them on until the morning.

  • Lipikar;
  • Cutibaza;
  • Atopiclair;
  • HIDRADERM Sesvalia (Sesderma);
  • Bepanten ointment;
  • Remederm silver;
  • Locobase Repair;
  • La Roche Posay Iso-Urea MD Baume Psoriasis et al.

When choosing creams that promote the healing of cracks on the hands, you should choose products that include:

  • lanolin and D-panthenol;
  • vitamins A, F and E;
  • extracts: propolis, plantain, black pine, chamomile, avocado, coltsfoot, grape seed, Siberian larch;
  • essential oils: mint, Siberian fir, chamomile, white fir, lemon, tea tree;
  • oils: avocado, peanut, sea buckthorn, calendula, jojoba, olive tree, carrot, almond.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine suggests using various baths, masks and ointments to treat cracks on the hands. In most cases, these products are effective and significantly improve the condition of the skin on the hands. Before using them, you should make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components of the traditional recipe.

Hand bath with flaxseed

Pour two tablespoons of flax seeds into 500 ml of boiling water and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. Let the broth brew for half an hour. Strain and add heavy cream. Dip your hands into the resulting solution and hold them there for 10-15 minutes. Dry the skin and apply moisturizer to it. Such baths can be performed daily.

Lilac oil mask

To prepare the oil, fill a clean and dry glass container to the top with lilac flowers and pour olive oil over them. Leave in a dark place for about three weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain the oil, heat it, moisten napkins with it and wrap your hands for 20-30 minutes. The procedure can be performed several times a week.

The same healing oil can be prepared from white lily flowers.

Banana, sea buckthorn oil and honey mask

Mash the banana pulp and add a teaspoon of honey and sea buckthorn oil to it. Mix and apply to clean hands. Keep the mask on for about 40 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer to your hands. The procedure can be performed several times a week.

Raw potato and milk mask

Grate the potato tuber on a fine grater and add a little full-fat milk to the pulp. Apply the mixture to your hands and put on cotton gloves. After 2 hours, rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer. The procedure can be performed several times a week.

Propolis ointment

Heat 50 g of Vaseline in a water bath and add 10 g of propolis to it. Heat for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Apply the resulting ointment to cracks several times a day.

The tactics for treating cracks in the hands will depend on the reasons that caused their appearance and the severity of the damage. If a disease is identified that can cause such damage to the skin, the patient will be prescribed a course of treatment for the underlying disease.

If the appearance of cracks was caused, then the patient is recommended to normalize his diet and take vitamin preparations and vitamin-mineral complexes. It is better to entrust the choice of such drugs to a doctor, since only he can correctly select the drug necessary for the patient, calculate the dose and determine the duration of treatment.

During treatment, the patient needs to minimize the impact of negative external factors that can aggravate the condition of the skin of the hands. Such comprehensive measures will help get rid of damage faster.

For faster healing of cracks, the patient is recommended to use topical treatments. Their choice depends on the degree of damage to the skin and the underlying disease that caused the cracks.

Update: October 2018

Cracks on the hands are linear tears in the skin of the fingers, interdigital spaces, palms, dorsum of the hand and wrist. They have different depths and, as a rule, are located along the lines of elastic fibers of the skin (along Langer's lines).

Most often, the interdigital spaces and the skin on the outer or inner side of the fingers crack in those places where they are most often bent, since the skin here is thinnest and experiences maximum tension during habitual movements of the hand. However, despite the fact that the skin of the palm has an additional layer of cells and is quite strong, quite deep cracks can also occur on it.

Cracking of the hands is usually quite painful and causes significant discomfort, limiting manual work, hindering fine motor skills of the hand and interfering with everyday life. If the problem is chronic, then it forces one to give up some professions (cook, surgeon, massage therapist, hairdresser). Cracked fingers increase the risk of bacterial infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue and can even lead to blood poisoning.

Causes of cracks in hands

Exposure to household chemicals

With daily use of antibacterial soap, cleaning agents and detergents at home (without gloves), the skin becomes dry from frequent washing with aggressive detergents or antiseptics:

  • Hand wash with powders or even baby soap
  • Washing dishes with Farya and other products with a high concentration of surfactants
  • Sanitation processing nodes with aggressive agents (for example, Domestos - an extremely aggressive agent with a high concentration of chlorine, leading to poisoning, see).

lead to the fact that the elasticity of the skin decreases, and it easily bursts in places of greatest tension.

Improper or insufficient hand care

Chilling of the hands in cold air, wind, and frequent contact with cold water, ice or antifreeze contributes to the formation of cracks. Very often the flexor surface of the fingers, for example the thumb, is affected. Cracks can be multiple or single, more or less deep (see).

Contact dermatitis

  • Hand candidiasis is a skin infection caused by fungi of the genus Candida. The space between the fingers is most often affected (a typical place is the crease between the 3rd and 4th fingers). This pathology more often overtakes women who run households, or is the result of occupational hazards during manual labor. As the disease develops, redness, diaper rash, cracks with a white coating, and thickened skin appear between the fingers, which is very itchy.
  • Dermatophytosis of the hands often affects only one hand. Caused by trichophytosis and epidermophytosis fungi. Often combined with lesions of the feet or inguinal folds. It can last from several weeks to several years. Patients are concerned about:
    • itchy skin and painful skin cracks
    • various rashes on the hands:
    • blisters, nodules (dyshytrotic variant, see)
    • peeling and keratinization of the palmar folds, cracks and ring-shaped and red lesions on the palms, back and lateral surfaces of the fingers (squamous-hyperkeratotic variant).

Lack of vitamins

Hypovitaminosis A, C, P cause dry skin and flaking with slight cracking. More often, the skin cracks due to vitamin deficiency, that is, severe vitamin deficiency:

  • RR (pellagra) against the background of starvation, when the skin not only dries out, cracks, but also peels and peels off in glove-shaped layers;
  • B1 (dry form of beriberi), when thinned atrophic skin cracks easily.

Atopic dermatitis

Hand masks after healing of cracks

  • Honey and olive (sea buckthorn oil) - you will need 1 teaspoon of oil and 3 teaspoons of honey, mix, apply to your hands at night, put on cotton gloves.
  • Oatmeal, yolk, honey- 1 teaspoon of flakes, mix the yolk, then add a little warm honey (warm), also apply to hands at night.
  • Banana, honey, sea buckthorn oil- Mix 1 teaspoon of oil with honey, mash a banana, make a paste. Apply the mixture to your hands for 40 minutes, then rinse.
  • Potatoes, milk- grate raw potatoes, add a little milk, apply the mixture, put on gloves, rinse after 1-2 hours.

Local antiseptics

They are used to reduce the risk of infection of cracks. However, we must remember that this is a short-term forced measure. These are solutions of Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide. Alcohol dyes brilliant green or Fukortsin are also used.

Tissue metabolic stimulants should only be prescribed by a doctor

  • made from calf blood, improves the metabolism of sugars in cells, stimulates oxidation in tissues due to adequate oxygen supply.
  • Methyluracil in the form of ointments and tablets combines anabolic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Radevit is an ointment based on a complex of vitamins (A, D, E).

Means for the treatment of fungal infections of the hands

If the cause of cracks in the fingers is a fungal disease, then it should be remembered that for severe fungal infections, local treatment is not enough and local medications in the form of solutions, ointments or creams must be supplemented with systemic medications (see).

  • Antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, Domiphen Bromide, iodine-containing drugs) have an antifungal effect by binding to fungal proteins.
  • Clotrimazole (ointment), Candide, Candide B creams disrupt the normal functioning of the fungal cell wall, which leads to their destruction.
  • Bifonazole either inhibits the growth of fungi or kills them by changing the permeability of the cell wall.
  • Fenticonazole (Lomexin cream) is a synthetic imidazole derivative.
  • Miconazole (cream) is most often used for candidiasis.
  • Ketoconazole (Nizoral cream) interferes with the formation of lipids included in the fungal cell wall.
  • Natamycin (Pimafucin cream, Pimafucort ointment) is an antifungal antibiotic.

Treatment of allergic and atopic skin diseases of the hands

  • Antihistamines: all itchy dermatoses require the use of antihistamines in tablets and drops (see list). Today, the most rational option is to take drugs from the last two generations of antihistamines, which slightly depress the central nervous system and do not have an inhibitory effect. Astemizole, Vcrivastin, Loratadine, Terfenadine, Cetirizine, Levokbastine are used.
  • Local antipruritics: Psilobalm gel, Fenistil, La-kri creams, Gistan.
  • Hormonal agents: For local therapy, ointments and creams containing glucocorticoids with an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect are most often used. These are very strong drugs that can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, only in short courses, in severe cases, with gradual withdrawal of the drug. The effect of their use is very fast, but with frequent or prolonged use, relapses and addiction to the drug are possible, in which case nothing will help, it is better to avoid the use of hormonal drugs (see other skin diseases).

Fluorinated glucocorticosteroids are: lexamethasone, betamethasone, flumethasone, fluticasone, triamcinolone, clobetasol. They are stronger and have more pronounced side effects.

Non-fluorinated: hydrocortisone butyrate and acetate, mometasone furpate, methylprednisolone aceponate.

Ointments vary in strength of effect:

  • Weak (Prednisolone and Hydrocortisone), but at the same time they have a higher risk of developing a systemic effect on the body, so they are contraindicated for use in children.
  • Medium activity: Lorinden, Locacorten, Laticort, Lokoid, Esperson, Fluorocort, Triacort, Afloderm.
  • Strong: Elokom, Advantan, Sinaflan, Flucinar, Sinalar, Celestoderm, Beloderm, Cutivate.
  • As strong as possible Dermovate is considered to be based on clobetasol.

Treatment of psoriasis

For the treatment of psoriasis, it is better to use non-hormonal creams and ointments; the use of local glucocorticoids is best avoided. If you use corticoids, it is better in combinations (betamethasone or mometasone with salicylic acid, betamethasone with chloramphenicol). In addition, the following types of medicines are used locally (see).

  • Dithranol inhibits the proliferation of epithelial cells and inhibits the formation of plaques.
  • Salicylic acid prevents excessive keratinization of the skin.
  • Products based on amiya large help restore epithelium and prevent keratinization of the skin. Ammifurin contains furocoumarins, which reduce tissue keratinization and prevent skin cracking. These substances increase the skin's sensitivity to light and are effective in combination with PUVA therapy (irradiation of skin with psoriasis lesions with a special lamp). The drug is available in tablets and taken in courses.
  • Tar preparations stimulate skin renewal, Colloidin, Berestin, Alfozil Lotion, Antipsorin, Forest liquid, Anthramin ointment, Anthrasulfone ointment.
  • Ointments based on grease- Kartalin, Magnipsor, Cytopsor, Akrustal, Antipsor.
  • improve tissue nutrition and healing.

Diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism

For dishormonal diseases (hypothyroidism, diabetes), treatment of the underlying disease and careful care of the skin of the hands are indicated.

Thus, with proper hand care and timely treatment of skin or metabolic disorders, you can safely avoid all the unpleasant and painful moments that are associated with cracks in the hands.



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