Thank you for the meeting. Letter of gratitude from the organization

Thank you for the meeting. Letter of gratitude from the organization

Practical work in English language

Dear friends!

On behalf of Maria, Peter and myself, I want to express our most sincere gratitude to you for the wonderful trip to your beautiful city, and for the opportunity to meet you all.

In conclusion, I can say that it is impossible to express in words all the gratitude for the wonderful trip that we made to your city. We will always cherish these memories.


On behalf of Mary, Peter, and myself, please accept our sincere appreciation for a wonderful trip to your beautiful city and the chance to meet all of you.

In closing, more words can not express to all of you how we felt about our visit to your city. We will always cherish the memories.

Dear Donald!

I have just returned from a pleasant trip and I would like to immediately thank you for giving me such a wonderful vacation.

I will always remember those interesting places, which we visited, and the warm welcome that your family and all your friends gave me.

I have just returned home after a very pleasant journey, and I feel I must write immediately to thank you for giving me such a wonderful holiday.

I shall always remember the interesting places we visited and the warm welcome I received from your family and ell your friends.

Dear Cecil!

Now that I'm home again, I want to immediately thank you for the wonderful vacation I spent with you. I'm afraid that my lack of knowledge of English will prevent me from expressing all my gratitude for what you have done for me. Without exaggeration, I can say that I have never felt so good in my life. Believe me, I will never forget your kindness and patience that you showed in helping me with my English.

Let me once again thank you from the bottom of my heart for a wonderful vacation.

Sincerely yours

Now that I am back home again, I want to write straightaway end thank you for such a splendid holiday I spent at your piece. My English is probably not good enough to express all my appreciation for what you did for me. Without any exaggeration I can say that I never had such a good time in my life. Truly I shell never forget your kindness and the patience you showed in helping me with my English.

Once more let me thank you most warmly for a wonderful stay.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon!

Thank you again for the wonderful time I spent with you in Cambridge. I think I know this city well now. You have all been so kind to me that I don’t know how to thank you. With great pleasure, I often mentally return to our conversations.

I hope that our new meeting is not far off.

Nai best regards both of you.

Sincerely yours

Deer Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon,

Thank you all again for the wonderful time you gave me at Cambridge. I feel that I know the city well now. You were all so very kind to me that I hardly know how to thank you. And I often look back to our conversations with great happiness.

I hope we shall meet again before too long.

With every good wish to you both.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Ben!

Now that I am back in Moscow, I feel that I must write to you to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kindness and hospitality shown to me in Dallas. It was very nice to meet such nice people as you and your wife.

I hope that I will soon be able to host you in Moscow.

Let me thank you again.

Sincerely yours

Now that I am beck in Moscow, I feel that I must write to thank you most warmly for all your kindness and hospitality shown to me in Dallas. It was a great pleasure to meet such nice people as you and your wife.

I hope that before long I shall be receiving you in Moscow.

Let me thank you once again.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Virginia!

I think it is unnecessary to repeat how grateful I am to you for the warm hospitality you showed me, but nevertheless I want to say thank you again. I am enclosing several photographs in the letter. They convey the atmosphere of my, unfortunately, too short visit to you.

I send you my gratitude and love.

loving you

P.S. I think I've lost John's address. Please remind me of it.

I am sure it is redundant to repeat my appreciation to you for the warm hospitality you gave me, but I would like to say “thank you” again anyway.

I enclose a few photographs. They recapture some of the atmosphere of my all too short visit.

Many thanks and love to you. Yours affectionately,

P.S. I seem to have mislaid the address of John. Could you, please, remind me of his address.

Dear Mrs. Anderson!

You were so kind to Leonid when he stayed at your house in the summer that I hope you won’t be offended if we send you this small token of our gratitude. You have no idea how grateful we are that our son was so cared for while he was away from home.

Best wishes

Sincerely yours

Dear Mrs. Anderson

You were so very kind to Leonid when he stayed in your house in the summer, and I hope you will not be offended if we send you this small token of our appreciation. You have no idea how grateful we are that our son looked so well after when he was far from home.

With very best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Mr. Jeff!

I don’t know how to thank you enough for the kindness and hospitality shown to me in your home during my visit. It was truly a wonderful time.

If you are planning to visit our city, be sure to let me know. I will be glad to meet you at the station and welcome you as a guest.

Please say hello to Ms. Peterson.

Yours sincerely

I hardly know how to thank you for your greet kindness and hospitality which you showed me during my visit at your house. I certainly had a marvelous time.

If you decide to come up to our town, be sure to let me know. I shall be glad to go to the station to meet you and to have you as my guest.

Please kindly give Mrs. Peterson my regards.

Very sincerely yours,

Dear Paula!

It's been two weeks since you returned to England. And I still can’t forget the last day we spent together. I miss you very much and I'm afraid that years and years will pass before we meet again. I hope you feel the same.

I would like to believe that this letter will good start our correspondence. I would like to tell you about my work and our Everyday life. I know that you are interested in Russian history and art, and I can regularly send you books on this topic. I will be glad if you agree with this proposal.

I look forward to your speedy response.

Devoted to you

Two weeks have passed since you returned to England. And I still can"t forget the last day we spent together. I miss you so much and I fear there may pass years and years before we meet again. I hope you feel the same.

I hope this letter wilt be a good start of our correspondence. I would like to tell you about my work and everyday life here. I also know that you are interested in Russian history and art so I could send you regularly books on these topics. I would be so happy if you agree to this proposal.

I am looking forward to your early reply.

Faithfully yours,

Dear Ms. Tracy!

My wife and I had the great pleasure of meeting you during our trip to England. Thanks to your presence, our stay in Brighton turned out to be much more pleasant than we could have imagined, both socially and intellectually.

On our way back we spent the weekend in London and had a good rest. The conference that followed in Paris was very interesting.

We came home with wonderful memories that we will cherish forever, and with a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for the people we met in England.

I am looking for books that I hope you will like and will send them soon.

Warm greetings from my wife and me.

Yours sincerely

Dear Mrs. Tracey

It was a great pleasure for my wife and me to make your acquaintance during our trip to England. Thanks to your companionship our stay in Brighton was even more enjoyable than we had ever dreamed possible, both from a social and from an intellectual point of view.

We spent a weekend in London on our way back, and it was a pleasant rest. Following this, the conference in Pans was quite interesting.

We arrived home with beautiful memories, which we shall always cherish, and with deep feelings of gratitude and appreciation for the people we met in England.

I am looking for some books that you might like to have, and I shall be sending them out soon.

With best regards from my wife and myself.

Yours very sincerely,

Dear David and Susan!

Thank you again for your warm welcome. I hope that we too will be able to host you someday. We truly owe you a big debt.

The photos we took turned out to be good. We'll send you the best ones as soon as we sort them out.

Once again, thank you to your entire family, including your children, for your constant kindness.

Dear David and Susan,

Thank you once again for your wonderful hospitality. I hope that one day we shall be able to have you here. We are greatly indebted to you as it is.

The pictures we took turned out to be good. As soon as we sort them out we"ll send you the best.

Once more many thanks to all the family, not forgetting the children, for your always ready kindness.

Dear Ms. Walkman!

Thank you very much for the wonderful weekend that we were lucky enough to spend in your company.

A pleasant trip to Lexington, a day spent in your garden, and your hospitality will forever remain in our memories.

Sincerely yours

Dear Miss Walkman,

Thank you very much for the privilege of spending a wonderful weekend in your company.

The lovely drive to Lexington, the afternoon spent in your garden, together with your hospitality shall never be forgotten.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Doctor Ralphs!

Thank you so much that, despite your busy schedule, you warmly welcomed me, a complete stranger, into your office last week. I am afraid that I have abused your attention, and I can only hope that I did not cause you too much trouble that day.

If you come to St. Petersburg, please let me know. I will be very glad if I prove useful to you and can show you our office.

Best wishes

Yours sincerely

Dear Dr. Ralphs,

Thank you so much for giving me some of your precious time from your busy schedule last week. As a total stranger, I was made to feel welcome in your office. I am afraid I stayed longer than I should have and I can only hope that I did not cause you too much inconvenience that day.

If you come to St. Petersburg, please let me know. I shall be very happy to be of service to you and to s how do you around our office.

With my best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Mr. Wayne!

During our last meeting You kindly allowed me to write to you. I take this opportunity to inform you of my safe return and to inquire about your affairs.

It's been a week since I returned home, and now I'm back to work. I often think about you and the good times we had together; I will never forget these happy Days. I will be very glad to receive a letter from you.

Yours sincerely

The last time I saw you, you were kind enough to say that I might write to you. I am taking this opportunity to tell you about my safe return and to ask how you are getting along.

It is a week since I got back home, and I am now settled into my work again. I often think of you and the good times we had together, and I shall never forget those happy days.

I should be very glad to hear from you.

Sincerely yours,

Dear Maurice!

I really want to thank you for everything you have done for me.

I must say that in trying to make the most of my time, I tried my best not to cause unnecessary inconvenience to a busy person like you, but I am afraid that I was not entirely successful and that I still abused your attention. And I appreciate all the more that, despite this, you were so kind and benevolent to me.

If you, your friends or any of your family members would like to visit our country someday, we will all be happy. Please let us know and we will do our best to make your stay here enjoyable and rewarding.

Thank you very much again.

Please pass on my best wishes to Sarah, Bob and Sam.

Sincerely yours

I wish to thank you very much indeed for all you have done form.

I must say I tried very hard to accept all the benefits without causing unnecessary inconvenience to one so busy; but I am afraid this was hardly possible, and I do realize that I very much encroached upon your time. I appreciate that in spite of all this, you were so kind and sympathetic.

I think I have not wasted my time in England. I will try not to keep the acquired experience to myself, of course, but share it with those who have not had the privilege of a prolonged stay.

If you or your friends or any member of your family should feel like visiting this country one day, we shall be all delighted. Please let us know and we shall do our best to make your stay enjoyable and worth-while.

Once more thanks.

Kindly convey my best regards to Sarah, Bob and Sam.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Jane!

Your party and the whole weekend in general, as always, were a great success. I was glad to meet the Andersons. They, as you promised, turned out to be very interesting people. With love

Your party and the entire weekend, as always, were great fun. I enjoyed meeting the Andersons and found them just as stimulating as you promised.

Dear Mrs. Milne!

With this letter I want to thank you once again for the memorable evening that we were lucky enough to spend in your home. We really enjoyed it.

Sincerely yours

This is to thank you once again for the pleasure of spending a memorable evening at your house. We have thoroughly enjoyed it.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Mr. Raleigh!

Your letter was a pleasant surprise. Travel companions are usually not very inclined to correspond, no matter how nice they may seem to each other during the trip. It's nice to meet an exception to the rule.

I, too, have not forgotten the carefree time we spent together, and I sincerely hope that we will meet again.

Yours sincerely

Dear Mr. Raleigh,

Your letter was a pleasant surprise. Traveling companions are not usually very keen on writing to each other, however friendly they may have been on their journey. It Is a pleasure to find one who is different.

I have not forgotten those happy times we had, and I sincerely hope that we shall meet again.

Sincerely yours,

Dear Gilbert!

Thank you for your kindness. I greatly enjoyed the evening spent with you; it will remain one of the most pleasant memories of my stay in your country.

I hope to see you again, but if I don’t, know how much your kindness means to me.

I want to thank you for everything you have done and hope that I can count on your friendship in the future.

Devoted to you

Thank you for your kindness. I enjoyed the evening with you, and it will remain as one of the most pleasant recollections of my stay in your country.

I hope to see you again, but in case I am unable to do so, I want you to know that your kindness to me has meant much.

I want to thank you for all you have done, and I hope that in the future I may continue to enjoy your friendship.

Very truly yours,

Dialogue of younger schoolchildren in English lessons at the initial stage In this paragraph, we would like to analyze two methods for developing dialogical skills in younger schoolchildren in English lessons. This is a technique according to Filatov V.M., Rogova T.V. and Vereshchagina I.N. First, let's look at the algorithm for developing the dialogical skills of junior high school students. school age, ...

Speech exercises should be carried out on texts that have significant potential in terms of solving not only communicative, but also cognitive problems, which is impossible for the age in question. To develop lexical skills in preschoolers, the following exercises are recommended: · guessing (words, toys, pictures, guessing riddles); · drawing, sculpting, applique, coloring...

Letter of thanks on English language can be composed after a dinner party, party, birthday or any other occasion. Thanking the owner for a pleasant time spent visiting him or at an event organized by him means leaving behind a pleasant impression, and a well-written letter will leave pleasant memories after you. Also, such a letter can be drawn up after the interview ( good way remind yourself) or after a business meeting.

Let's look at examples of different thank you letters.

Samples of thank you letters

"Dear Mr. Park,

Thank you for taking time to speak with me on Monday about the contract with Manson’s company. It was a pleasure meeting with you. I enjoyed learning more about the company and grateful for additional information concerning the contract.

Sincerely yours,

"Dear Mr. Park,

Thank you for taking the time to talk about the Manson contract on Monday. I was very pleased to meet you. I was also pleased to learn more about the company and grateful for the additional information regarding the contract.

Yours sincerely,

David Clark."

Please note: in a thank you letter, as in a regular letter, you need to address the reader, which can sound like Dear or simply Good afternoon, Hello (if you know the recipient well). Also don't forget to sign the letter.

Thank-you letter - thank you letter

Take a look at another example, this letter of gratitude in English is dedicated to the interview conducted.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Richards

I am very grateful that you have found time to speak with me yesterday about the job. After our conversation I have no doubts that my experiences and skills are a great match for this opportunity. Thanks again and I hope to hear from you in the near future.

Let's look at the translation of the letter.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Richards,

I really appreciate you taking the time to talk about work yesterday. After our conversation, I have no doubt that my experience and skills are a great fit for this opportunity. Thanks again and I hope to hear from you in the near future.

Best wishes,

Jane Gatsby."

Compare the style of the following letter with the two previous ones.

"Hello, Jessica,

Thank you for the wonderful party! I was really glad that you have invited me and I have spent my time very well! By the way, did you see my sunglasses? I have lost them somewhere, give me a call if you did. I think I have forgotten them near the pool!

"Hi Jessica,

Thanks for a great party! I was very glad that you invited me and I had a great time! By the way, have you seen my sunglasses? I lost them somewhere, call me if you find them. I think I forgot them next to the pool!

Thank you for your patience and caring - thank you for your patience and care

Letter to a potential employer.

"Dear Mr. Brown,

I would like to thank you for having a conversation with me on Wednesday about the position of assistant in your company. I truly appreciate all the time you took in telling me about the job. Thank you for the opportunity to interview. I am very much looking forward to the possibility of working with your company.

Diana Jackson."

"Dear Mr. Brown,

I would like to thank you for speaking with me on Wednesday about the assistant position at your company. I truly appreciate the time you took to tell me about the job. Thank you for the interview opportunity. I really hope that I will have the chance to work in your company.

Sincerely yours,

Diana Jackson."

Another thank you letter for the interview in English.

"Dear Mr. Grey,

I am very grateful for the opportunity to interview for the position of marketing director today. I was glad meeting other members of the stuff. I learned a lot about the position and I am confident that I have all the necessary skills to fill this position, my skills and experience meet the requirements of this job.

"Dear Mr. Gray,

I am very grateful for the opportunity to interview for the position of Marketing Director. I was glad to meet the staff. I have learned a lot about the position and am confident that they have all the necessary skills and experience to fill it.

Yours sincerely,

Tom Brown."

Vocabulary from letters

Add a few more useful words to your vocabulary.

  • To take time - to take time.
  • Pleasure - pleasure.
  • To enjoy - to enjoy.
  • Grateful - grateful.
  • Additional – additional.
  • Concerning – regarding.
  • Conversation - conversation.
  • Doubt - doubt.
  • Skills – skills, abilities.
  • Opportunity - possibility.
  • Wonderful - wonderful.
  • To invite - to invite.
  • Sunglasses - sunglasses.
  • To give a call - to call.
  • Pool - swimming pool.
  • To fill a position - to hold a position.
  • Possibility - opportunity.

Useful phrases

Take into account the following expressions that may be useful to you when composing letters.

— I would very much appreciate the opportunity
— I really appreciate this opportunity

— I would like to thank you
- I would like to thank you

- I truly appreciate
- I sincerely appreciate

— Thank you for meeting with me
- Thank you for meeting with me

— I am writing to thank you for your generous offer
— I am writing to thank you for your generous offer.

— I am writing to express my sincere gratitude
— I am writing to express my sincere gratitude

— Thank you for your generosity and support
— Thank you for your generosity and support

In the video below you will find a few more phrases and expressions that will come to the rescue when writing a thank you letter. However, they are more suitable if you received a gift and are writing about your gratitude to the giver.

Thank you for visiting,
For making us so happy.
And the lines of gratitude are simple
Please accept it now.

Thank you for being with us.
And it’s a pity that it’s time for us to say goodbye -
Let us say goodbye with warm words:
Let's get together more often!

I would be glad to meet you every day,
But we rarely see each other sometimes.
Well, the more valuable this evening is -
I'm happy to see you all.

For the warmth of words, for the joy of meeting,
For jokes, songs, dancing, laughter,
For a memorable magical evening
Thank you, guests, everyone.

For giving a holiday,
For the mood, for the love
Thank you all, my dears,
I will tell you again and again.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, my dear and wonderful guests. Thank you for the warm meeting, cheerful smiles, pleasant words, happy looks, great mood, inspiration of the heart and joy of this day.

Thank you, guests, for visiting us,
That the holiday was shared with us,
May there be a lot of joy in life,
Good luck, success, sweet love!

Have a great mood everyone,
Health and inspiration,
Joke more often, smile,
Stay good people!

Thank you, guests, for the holiday.
I'm so glad you came
Congratulate me on this day,
Your gifts are good.

Thank you for your congratulations,
For laughter, for joy, for warmth.
I raise a glass to you,
I drink wine for our friendship.

Our dear guests,
Allow me nice words say,
Among you are friends, colleagues and relatives
I want to hug and kiss you all!

For attention, love and understanding
We thank you sincerely
And we hope you had a pleasant time,
We want to see you visiting us more often!

Our dear guests,
You have arrived, and good!
We give thanks for this
Everyone who came to us.

For words and for gifts,
For care and warmth
We say thank you
We appreciate your kindness!

Sit down, help yourself,
Rest now
A holiday would be impossible
If it weren't for all of you!

I always love these moments
Gather your loved ones together
I will say without falsehood, sentimentality,
I look forward to such days.

Thank you, dear guests,
Why are you with me at this hour?
You don't need more to be happy
I sincerely thank you.

Thank you, dear guests.
So nice to meet you!
You are completely dear to us,
We miss you very much!

We respect you as a family,
We value you very much.
And we invite you with love,
We are waiting for you, please hurry to us.

Make yourself at home with us,
Take a break from worries.
And in cheerful company
Break away from adversity.

You were exemplary guests,
We had a lot of fun.
And they remained faithful to happiness.
Oh, how good everyone is!

Thank you for a wonderful evening,
For coming together!
Let these meetings happen more often,
No matter how far we get.

You were sitting at the table
Clinked glasses desperately
But it's time to leave home
No matter how sad.

No, of course you're right
It's a bit early
But for you and for me, alas,
I have to go to work tomorrow.

So put the slippers in the corner,
Get dressed quickly
And we all line up - out the door!
Enough, have enough!

Practical work in English

Dear friends!

On behalf of Maria, Peter and myself, I want to express our most sincere gratitude to you for the wonderful trip to your beautiful city, and for the opportunity to meet you all.

In conclusion, I can say that it is impossible to express in words all the gratitude for the wonderful trip that we made to your city. We will always cherish these memories.


On behalf of Mary, Peter, and myself, please accept our sincere appreciation for a wonderful trip to your beautiful city and the chance to meet all of you.

In closing, more words can not express to all of you how we felt about our visit to your city. We will always cherish the memories.

Dear Donald!

I have just returned from a pleasant trip and I would like to immediately thank you for giving me such a wonderful vacation.

I will always remember the interesting places we visited and the warm welcome that your family and all your friends gave me.

I have just returned home after a very pleasant journey, and I feel I must write immediately to thank you for giving me such a wonderful holiday.

I shall always remember the interesting places we visited and the warm welcome I received from your family and ell your friends.

Dear Cecil!

Now that I'm home again, I want to immediately thank you for the wonderful vacation I spent with you. I'm afraid that my lack of knowledge of English will prevent me from expressing all my gratitude for what you have done for me. Without exaggeration, I can say that I have never felt so good in my life. Believe me, I will never forget your kindness and patience that you showed in helping me with my English.

Let me once again thank you from the bottom of my heart for a wonderful vacation.

Sincerely yours

Now that I am back home again, I want to write straightaway end thank you for such a splendid holiday I spent at your piece. My English is probably not good enough to express all my appreciation for what you did for me. Without any exaggeration I can say that I never had such a good time in my life. Truly I shell never forget your kindness and the patience you showed in helping me with my English.

Once more let me thank you most warmly for a wonderful stay.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon!

Thank you again for the wonderful time I spent with you in Cambridge. I think I know this city well now. You have all been so kind to me that I don’t know how to thank you. With great pleasure, I often mentally return to our conversations.

I hope that our new meeting is not far off.

Best wishes to you both.

Sincerely yours

Deer Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon,

Thank you all again for the wonderful time you gave me at Cambridge. I feel that I know the city well now. You were all so very kind to me that I hardly know how to thank you. And I often look back to our conversations with great happiness.

I hope we shall meet again before too long.

With every good wish to you both.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Ben!

Now that I am back in Moscow, I feel that I must write to you to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kindness and hospitality shown to me in Dallas. It was very nice to meet such nice people as you and your wife.

I hope that I will soon be able to host you in Moscow.

Let me thank you again.

Sincerely yours

Now that I am beck in Moscow, I feel that I must write to thank you most warmly for all your kindness and hospitality shown to me in Dallas. It was a great pleasure to meet such nice people as you and your wife.

I hope that before long I shall be receiving you in Moscow.

Let me thank you once again.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Virginia!

I think it is unnecessary to repeat how grateful I am to you for the warm hospitality you showed me, but nevertheless I want to say thank you again. I am enclosing several photographs in the letter. They convey the atmosphere of my, unfortunately, too short visit to you.

I send you my gratitude and love.

loving you

P.S. I think I've lost John's address. Please remind me of it.

I am sure it is redundant to repeat my appreciation to you for the warm hospitality you gave me, but I would like to say “thank you” again anyway.

I enclose a few photographs. They recapture some of the atmosphere of my all too short visit.

Many thanks and love to you. Yours affectionately,

P.S. I seem to have mislaid the address of John. Could you, please, remind me of his address.

Dear Mrs. Anderson!

You were so kind to Leonid when he stayed at your house in the summer that I hope you won’t be offended if we send you this small token of our gratitude. You have no idea how grateful we are that our son was so cared for while he was away from home.

Best wishes

Sincerely yours

Dear Mrs. Anderson

You were so very kind to Leonid when he stayed in your house in the summer, and I hope you will not be offended if we send you this small token of our appreciation. You have no idea how grateful we are that our son looked so well after when he was far from home.

With very best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Mr. Jeff!

I don’t know how to thank you enough for the kindness and hospitality shown to me in your home during my visit. It was truly a wonderful time.

If you are planning to visit our city, be sure to let me know. I will be glad to meet you at the station and welcome you as a guest.

Please say hello to Ms. Peterson.

Yours sincerely

I hardly know how to thank you for your greet kindness and hospitality which you showed me during my visit at your house. I certainly had a marvelous time.

If you decide to come up to our town, be sure to let me know. I shall be glad to go to the station to meet you and to have you as my guest.

Please kindly give Mrs. Peterson my regards.

Very sincerely yours,

Dear Paula!

It's been two weeks since you returned to England. And I still can’t forget the last day we spent together. I miss you very much and I'm afraid that years and years will pass before we meet again. I hope you feel the same.

I would like to believe that this letter will be a good start to our correspondence. I would like to tell you about my work and about our daily life. I know that you are interested in Russian history and art, and I can regularly send you books on this topic. I will be glad if you agree with this proposal.

I look forward to your speedy response.

Devoted to you

Two weeks have passed since you returned to England. And I still can"t forget the last day we spent together. I miss you so much and I fear there may pass years and years before we meet again. I hope you feel the same.

I hope this letter wilt be a good start of our correspondence. I would like to tell you about my work and everyday life here. I also know that you are interested in Russian history and art so I could send you books regularly on these topics. I would be so happy if you agree to this proposal.

I am looking forward to your early reply.

Faithfully yours,

Dear Ms. Tracy!

My wife and I had the great pleasure of meeting you during our trip to England. Thanks to your presence, our stay in Brighton turned out to be much more pleasant than we could have imagined, both socially and intellectually.

On our way back we spent the weekend in London and had a good rest. The conference that followed in Paris was very interesting.

We came home with wonderful memories that we will cherish forever, and with a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for the people we met in England.

I am looking for books that I hope you will like and will send them soon.

Warm greetings from my wife and me.

Yours sincerely

Dear Mrs. Tracey

It was a great pleasure for my wife and me to make your acquaintance during our trip to England. Thanks to your companionship our stay in Brighton was even more enjoyable than we had ever dreamed possible, both from a social and from an intellectual point of view.

We spent a weekend in London on our way back, and it was a pleasant rest. Following this, the conference in Pans was quite interesting.

We arrived home with beautiful memories, which we shall always cherish, and with deep feelings of gratitude and appreciation for the people we met in England.

I am looking for some books that you might like to have, and I shall be sending them out soon.

With best regards from my wife and myself.

Yours very sincerely,

Dear David and Susan!

Thank you again for your warm welcome. I hope that we too will be able to host you someday. We truly owe you a big debt.

The photos we took turned out to be good. We'll send you the best ones as soon as we sort them out.

Once again, thank you to your entire family, including your children, for your constant kindness.

Dear David and Susan,

Thank you once again for your wonderful hospitality. I hope that one day we shall be able to have you here. We are greatly indebted to you as it is.

The pictures we took turned out to be good. As soon as we sort them out we"ll send you the best.

Once more many thanks to all the family, not forgetting the children, for your always ready kindness.

Dear Ms. Walkman!

Thank you very much for the wonderful weekend that we were lucky enough to spend in your company.

A pleasant trip to Lexington, a day spent in your garden, and your hospitality will forever remain in our memories.

Sincerely yours

Dear Miss Walkman,

Thank you very much for the privilege of spending a wonderful weekend in your company.

The lovely drive to Lexington, the afternoon spent in your garden, together with your hospitality shall never be forgotten.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Doctor Ralphs!

Thank you so much that, despite your busy schedule, you warmly welcomed me, a complete stranger, into your office last week. I am afraid that I have abused your attention, and I can only hope that I did not cause you too much trouble that day.

If you come to St. Petersburg, please let me know. I will be very glad if I prove useful to you and can show you our office.

Best wishes

Yours sincerely

Dear Dr. Ralphs,

Thank you so much for giving me some of your precious time from your busy schedule last week. As a total stranger, I was made to feel welcome in your office. I am afraid I stayed longer than I should have and I can only hope that I did not cause you too much inconvenience that day.

If you come to St. Petersburg, please let me know. I shall be very happy to be of service to you and to show you around our office.

With my best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Mr. Wayne!

During our last meeting, you kindly allowed me to write to you. I take this opportunity to inform you of my safe return and to inquire about your affairs.

It's been a week since I returned home, and now I'm back to work. I often think about you and the good times we had together; I will never forget these happy days. I will be very glad to receive a letter from you.

Yours sincerely

The last time I saw you, you were kind enough to say that I might write to you. I am taking this opportunity to tell you about my safe return and to ask how you are getting along.

It is a week since I got back home, and I am now settled into my work again. I often think of you and the good times we had together, and I shall never forget those happy days.

I should be very glad to hear from you.

Sincerely yours,

Dear Maurice!

I really want to thank you for everything you have done for me.

I must say that in trying to make the most of my time, I tried my best not to cause unnecessary inconvenience to a busy person like you, but I am afraid that I was not entirely successful and that I still abused your attention. And I appreciate all the more that, despite this, you were so kind and benevolent to me.

If you, your friends or any of your family members would like to visit our country someday, we will all be happy. Please let us know and we will do our best to make your stay here enjoyable and rewarding.

Thank you very much again.

Please pass on my best wishes to Sarah, Bob and Sam.

Sincerely yours

I wish to thank you very much indeed for all you have done forme.

I must say I tried very hard to accept all the benefits without causing unnecessary inconvenience to one so busy; but I am afraid this was hardly possible, and I do realize that I very much encroached upon your time. I appreciate that in spite of all this, you were so kind and sympathetic.

I think I have not wasted my time in England. I will try not to keep the acquired experience to myself, of course, but share it with those who have not had the privilege of a prolonged stay.

If you or your friends or any member of your family should feel like visiting this country one day, we shall be all delighted. Please let us know and we shall do our best to make your stay enjoyable and worth-while.

Once more thanks.

Kindly convey my best regards to Sarah, Bob and Sam.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Jane!

Your party and the whole weekend in general, as always, were a great success. I was glad to meet the Andersons. They, as you promised, turned out to be very interesting people. With love

Your party and the entire weekend, as always, were great fun. I enjoyed meeting the Andersons and found them just as stimulating as you promised.

Dear Mrs. Milne!

With this letter I want to thank you once again for the memorable evening that we were lucky enough to spend in your home. We really enjoyed it.

Sincerely yours

This is to thank you once again for the pleasure of spending a memorable evening at your house. We have thoroughly enjoyed it.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Mr. Raleigh!

Your letter was a pleasant surprise. Travel companions are usually not very inclined to correspond, no matter how nice they may seem to each other during the trip. It's nice to meet an exception to the rule.

I, too, have not forgotten the carefree time we spent together, and I sincerely hope that we will meet again.

Yours sincerely

Dear Mr. Raleigh,

Your letter was a pleasant surprise. Traveling companions are not usually very keen on writing to each other, however friendly they may have been on their journey. It Is a pleasure to find one who is different.

I have not forgotten those happy times we had, and I sincerely hope that we shall meet again.

Sincerely yours,

Dear Gilbert!

Thank you for your kindness. I greatly enjoyed the evening spent with you; it will remain one of the most pleasant memories of my stay in your country.

I hope to see you again, but if I don’t, know how much your kindness means to me.

I want to thank you for everything you have done and hope that I can count on your friendship in the future.

Devoted to you

Thank you for your kindness. I enjoyed the evening with you, and it will remain as one of the most pleasant recollections of my stay in your country.

I hope to see you again, but in case I am unable to do so, I want you to know that your kindness to me has meant much.

I want to thank you for all you have done, and I hope that in the future I may continue to enjoy your friendship.



This is interesting: