Maria Conte and her daughter. Maria Conte: “One older woman decided to make herself a “young” face to get her husband back, but she only got worse

Maria Conte and her daughter. Maria Conte: “One older woman decided to make herself a “young” face to get her husband back, but she only got worse

Many representatives of the fairer sex would dream of having everything that this fragile-looking woman has and has achieved. But few people know what she had to go through and what terrible illness she had to overcome. With all this, Maria Conte has not lost her strong-willed character, which can only be endowed with a truly strong man, but on the contrary, she has become stronger and goes through life with her head held high.

Where was the “socialite” born and how did she grow up?

On a warm spring day on May 4, 1976, a lovely girl was born in Moscow, whom her parents named her with the wonderful name Masha. She studied at an ordinary average school with an emphasis on physics and mathematics and successfully graduated in 1992. Then Maria Conte, and then Timofeeva, goes to study at a Russian state university for the humanities, where she takes a course in psychology.

However, having decided to purchase another higher education, the girl at the end of her studies is transferred to another capital university at the Faculty of Economics. But she doesn’t stop there and receives her third diploma from the Institute of Psychology. In parallel with her studies, Maria Conte completed a full cycle of lectures at the first Freudian school.

Family of the poetess

The girl grew up in a fairly wealthy family. At eighteen she already had her own car. Her mother worked as an accountant at some large enterprise. For her daughter, she has always been the standard of femininity and the true keeper of their family hearth. Maria Conte respects and values ​​her parents very much. Her father, in her opinion, is a very strong and powerful man who has always been a role model for Masha. At one time he was one of the most influential people in the city.

When the girl was only 21 years old, her father became very ill and subsequently was no longer able to recover from the illness and take care of the family as before, so a young and fragile girl took on this role. This test helped her not to break down in later life. Having left her parents' nest, the girl got married and gave birth to a child while married, but, unfortunately, she had already managed to get a divorce.

At this time, Maria Conte's daughter is a member of her small family, with whom she lived for some time in Bali.

Creativity and career of a reverent writer and poetess

Back in 1999, Masha opened her own company called “Celebration Peculiarities,” which organized holidays and various events. At that time it was a fairly well-known agency that organized noisy parties for almost all the oligarchs in the city. This company still exists today.

In 2005, Maria released her collection of poems, “When Love Touches the Soul.” While pregnant, Masha decided to write a book, “Troubles in Rublev’s style.” In it, the reader can find funny and amusing stories that are easy to read on any trip.

After the publication of the book, Conte began to think about creating her own program, especially since she was already called to host one television program, but she was not interested in the topic. Masha decided to make a book review to make it easier for people to navigate modern world literature.

In 2006, among other things, Maria opened a beauty salon, and then a number of establishments providing spa services.

Some facts from personal life

In the life of the poetess there was an eight-year and unsuccessful romance, after which she decided that marriage would become the right thing for her. Hard time best salvation. Maria Conte married a very rich Italian count, who gave her such a beautiful and sonorous surname that many at first think it is a pseudonym. However, the newly-made countess carefully concealed the identity of her husband, so to this day no one has ever seen him.

Many are confident that this legend was invented so that Maria Conte and Viktor Vekselberg could hide their relationship from the public eye. There is talk in society that there was no count, and daughter Tais looks very much like a multimillionaire and chairman of the Tyumen oil company. Therefore, no one can say one hundred percent who Maria Conte’s child is from.

During her marriage, Masha lived as if in a fairy tale. She had every conceivable and inconceivable privilege that she could desire. She had a daughter and a caring husband. In her opinion, the father of Maria Conte’s child is the best man who has ever been in her life, but for some reason at one point she decided to break up with him. A painful divorce and new trials played their role, and a terrible disease called cancer burst into the life of the poetess.

Long fight for life

This disease appeared as a small spot on the skin. This did not frighten Maria at all: she was sure that specialists in Germany would definitely help her - they would remove it and that would be the end of it. But this was followed by long courses of chemotherapy and rehabilitation, which did not produce any results for a long time, and it only got worse.

After much suffering and complete powerlessness, an insight came to Masha, and she realized that it was not the disease that was killing her, but she herself, because she was not fighting for her life at all. Maria realized that she was tormenting her body with exhausting diets, alcohol and nicotine. But in order to keep yourself in good shape, you need very little - it’s just healthy food, clean air and joyful thoughts.

Over time, Countess de Conte began to recover. She has traveled a lot since then, met and communicated with interesting people and found my calling in new profession, which is directly related to helping lost souls like herself.

What is the ex-countess doing these days?

At this stage of her life, Maria decided to become an oncopsychologist and works for five thousand an hour at the Rehab Family clinic, which is located on Ivanovsky Lane in Moscow. Conte has known the founder of this institution since her student days. A large team of psychologists works under her strict leadership.

She treats her patients not according to theory and practice, which are written on the pages of textbooks, but according to her own experience and healing method. Come across various people with their own characters and problems, and everyone needs her help. Maria always finds the right approach to anyone difficult case in your practice.

Gossip and intrigue in the life of a social nymph

For many years now, the public has been intrigued and kept in the dark by Maria Conte. Whose lover is this woman? Not even the most experienced journalist has been able to find out this for sure. Sometimes Maria makes such comments in her interviews that suggest that Maria Conte and Viktor Vekselberg still have a love affair with each other.

She said that she won very much at roulette a large sum, betting on the number 14, which symbolizes the date of birth of her beloved, as Maria Conte explained. Vekselberg, oddly enough, was born on the fourteenth of April.

As a creative person, Masha also enjoys writing short SMS poems. They are filled with humor and easy to read. In addition to his main activities, Conte is involved in photography, culture, charity and remains the designer’s eternal muse

With such a hectic pace of life, Maria always manages to look her best. They say about her that she is a lady without age. For many women, she is an idol and role model.

Anna Iotko, psychologist:

“Very often, too much hope is placed on plastic surgery. For example, a woman is lonely or her partner treats her poorly, and she thinks that the reason for everything is wrinkles or small breasts, and not at all her attitude towards herself, the man and the world. Happiness is a much larger quantity than a part of the face or body; it has a spiritual basis, and the physical aspect plays minor role. You need to understand that many have achieved everything in life without having an impeccable appearance. This big myth and the illusion that only slim and young people are loved. I speak as a practicing psychologist: at my appointments, men suffer not because of ideal forms, but because of the sensations they get from communicating with a woman. So, what might be the main “indications” for visiting a plastic surgeon? Firstly, you must want to do this for yourself, and not for another person, even the closest and dearest. Secondly, you need to be sober about your own appearance. A few years ago, a young girl with incredible almond-shaped eyes came to see me for a consultation, but her nose prevented me from seeing them! I honestly asked if she wanted to change its shape. It turned out that she had been hammered into her head for a long time that you need to love yourself for who you are. I recommended that she find a good surgeon - and today she enjoys life in all its manifestations!”

This is a big myth and illusion that only slim and young people are loved, only breasts are important to men, and fame comes only to those with ideal appearance.

Maria Conte, Rehab Life health and beauty center:

“For intrapsi science, which I am involved in, there are no problems, illnesses, troubles or tragedies. There are only events that a person attracts to himself at one stage or another. Of course, appearance plays a role important role in the life of any woman. And it happens that she does everything possible with her face and body to win or keep a man. And he either doesn’t show up, or she loses him. And here we need to understand that all our desires are material and we only get what we want. If a person is currently unhappy because of his appearance, no matter what he does will not help. So he just likes to be unhappy. I remember a case when one older woman decided to give herself a “young” face in order to get her husband back. The operation was successful, he fell in love with her again. And she only got worse: she began to be overcome by thoughts that her husband valued only her appearance... I myself went through a lot - and I also visited a plastic surgeon: Otari Gogiberidze “corrected” my eyes after an illness. But before you decide on any manipulation, it is important to remember: you exist in this particular moment, accept yourself as you are, do not fight for the result - and everything comes easy! At the same time, will you be concerned about conforming your life and appearance to some cliches?! No! It’s another matter if you just want to correct something surgically for yourself. In this case, I don’t see any obstacles!”

Maria Conte - famous person in all secular circles. The attitude of others towards her and her activities in the past and present is divided into positive and negative. Previously, she was famous as an extravagant SMS poet, now Maria Conte is a psychologist for cancer patients.

short biography

Maria Conte was born on May 4, 1976 in Moscow. Graduated in 1992 high school with a physics and mathematics background and entered the Russian State Humanities University to the Faculty of Philosophy. However, she soon realized that philosophy was not her specialty, and transferred to the Moscow Mechanical Engineering Institute, from which she successfully graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Management. In parallel with her studies at MMI, she studied psychology at the First Freudian School. The biography of Maria Conte was supplemented by a second education in the specialization “Child Psychology”.

First successes

In 1999, Maria Conte became famous for opening her own company for organizing holidays, “Features of the Celebration.” This company became prestigious and popular in the city, famous rich people began to contact them. This is what brought Maria Conte popularity. This business brought the girl considerable income, and she became the person “who has everything.” By the way, the company is still operating successfully.

After this, Maria was invited to host a program about books on television. It would seem, why should a wealthy beautiful woman host a TV program about literature? But Maria Conte happily accepted the offer. At that time, she had already become the author of her own book, “Troubles in Rublev’s style.” Maria conducted book reviews, which helped viewers decide on reading material, since bookstore shelves offered an incredible variety of literature. There were rumors that Maria only advertised books for which she was paid. But she personally quickly dispelled this rumor and honestly admitted that with her condition before the start of the television program, she herself could buy covers and advertising for her books.

Crucial moment

From the age of twenty-one, Maria Conte served as the breadwinner in her family. Her mother is an accountant, and her father held a high position in Moscow. But an illness happened to him, and for some time he was out of action for health reasons. It was then that a young, fragile girl had to take a leading role in the Timofeev family (Maria’s maiden name). As Masha said, she had to play a male role. She managed this well, due to her activity and determination. In an interview, Maria Conte admitted that this period made her an alpha woman, with whom it is very difficult for men to get along. But she still got married.


All her life, Masha’s mother taught her that a woman is the keeper of the hearth, and the head of the family is the man. Dad in the Timofeev family played that same male role - strict, but fair. Mom, in turn, was radiant and feminine. A strong and independent girl decided to break out of routine into a fairy tale. Masha Timofeeva became the wife of Count de Conte, a successful businessman from Italy. The girl wanted her family loving husband and children. Photos of Maria Conte from the wedding are difficult to find on the Internet, since the married couple did not publicly display their short-term, but still happiness. By the way, full name and the photo of the mysterious husband is also not mentioned anywhere. Soon their marriage broke up: the husband remained in Italy, and Maria in Moscow. She went on to build a successful career.

All-powerful man

The most sensational love relationship Maria Conte were with a certain famous person, whose name is not mentioned. Masha called him “an all-powerful man,” and for good reason. Despite the fact that the young lady was not an official wife, but rather, on the contrary, an official mistress. Yes, yes, this happens too! Maria was always on the list of invitees to all social events and was never deprived of attention and privileges. Maria’s case goes beyond all generally accepted boundaries: it is customary to hide lovers, meet secretly and buy gifts for cash. It’s surprising how the girl managed to achieve such an attitude with an official wife, but the fact remains a fact. This is what caused hatred among the other wives and off-screen mistresses.

Somewhat later, the writer’s daughter Thais was born, but even after that they did not become a couple. For a few more years, similar relationships took place, but then everything changed. One fine day, Maria Conte decided that it was time to change something in her life, and broke off relations with Thais’ father.

Even after the end of the love affair, Maria spoke only from the best side of her man and more than once asserted that he was the best man she had ever known. The girl was very painfully experiencing a breakup with a man, she decided to distract her thoughts and grandly celebrate her thirty-third birthday. She chose Zimbabwe as the place for the celebration, and the guests were transported on five planes. The local tribe immersed the guests in traditions and entertained them with dances. Maria also chose extreme entertainment - jumping from a waterfall.

After returning to Moscow, Maria was haunted by worries about breaking up with a man. Her nerves brought her to a terrible illness.


Suddenly Maria discovered a small spot on her body. She was not upset, she was going to go to Germany and have it surgically removed. But then something terrible happened! Doctors delivered a terrifying verdict: Maria Conte has skin cancer.

She was immediately prescribed chemotherapy. But after the course, the doctor reported that it did not give any results. At this moment, the girl lost all hope of recovery and complete powerlessness set in. Maria herself said that she did not even have the strength to take a glass of water. Long-term rehabilitation courses also did not produce any positive results.

But at one fine moment, a certain insight came to Maria, an inner voice told her that it was not the disease that was killing her, but herself and her inaction. After this, the girl perked up and began to lead healthy image life, as far as her condition allowed.

Her health soon improved and she was discharged from the hospital. This terrible illness, which Masha was able to overcome, turned her life upside down, changed her values ​​and way of life in general. After that, she found her true calling and became a psychologist for people with cancer.

She completed a course of study at well-known foreign universities and became a successful oncologist. She copes with her difficult work successfully, pulling people out almost from the other world. At the moment, Maria Conte earns five thousand rubles per hour of work.

Current personal life

At the moment, Masha has completely recovered from the difficult experiences after breaking up with the “all-powerful man” and has even been completely cured of skin cancer.

The media began to talk about the new novel as soon as they saw the photo of Maria Conte and Vekselberg.

Viktor Vekselberg is a private entrepreneur, head of the Skolkovo Foundation and, incidentally, a billionaire. In 2016, in the world famous Forbes magazine, Vekselberg entered the top hundred rich people, and his annual income was over ten billion dollars.

The billionaire himself comes from Western Ukraine. At school he was a diligent excellent student, but did not receive a medal upon graduation due to his specific Jewish surname. After graduating from university with honors, his career began to grow rapidly, and his capital increased significantly.

When Viktor Vekselberg and Maria Conte got together, it became a real sensation. When the couple and Thais began to appear together at social events, everyone immediately noticed that the girl was a copy of Vekselberg. Accordingly, gossip appeared that they had been in a relationship for a very long time and that the child was his. But neither Conte nor Vekselberg confirmed these guesses.

Maria Conte today

At the moment, the holiday organization company and the spa chain continue to operate. Maria is a successful practicing psychologist for people with cancer. And everyone can envy a successful personal life.

The strength and courage of that woman is amazing! She was able to get back on her feet, create a successful business, overcome cancer and find love. Not everyone can do this.


The owner of Rehab LIFE, Maria Conte, is today creating an alternative psychology clinic that has no analogues in Russia, where a beauty salon has also begun operating. MW met with Maria to get a first-hand understanding of the plans and prospects for this project, which appears to have great promise.

Maria Conte. Source:

We meet in a cozy home beauty salon in a clinic located in the center of Moscow. Today Maria is an intrapsychologist, but before we knew her as a frequent hero of gossip columns. Not long ago, she opened a center with a completely new philosophy and collaborates with highly professional specialists such as Anna Iotko, a certified practicing psychologist, instructor in relationship psychology, with professionals in the field of art therapy, fairy tale therapy and much more.

Have you started your business from scratch? Who or what is behind your center?

We have partners Rehab Famaly, they have been on the market for quite a long time and have a strong name, having proven themselves in the treatment of various types of addictions. Such as alcohol and drug addiction, treatment of bulimia and anorexia and many other mental problems. The clinic is located on Dmitrovskoye Highway. But if our partner doctors work with the problem with the help of psychotherapy, then we - Rehab LIFE - are autonomous and offer a special kind of therapy, and also develop joint recovery programs.

It seems to me that in your chosen field - therapy human soul- you need to have some deep personal experience. Or is purely theoretical knowledge enough for you?

My first higher education is in philosophy, and with my second degree I am a child psychologist. If speak about personal experience, in my life I encountered oncology and spent three years fighting it until I found a way out for myself in the science of INTRAPSI - the science of the laws of life of Vladimir Mikhailovich Kiselev, whose student I am today. I am an INTRAPSYCHOLOGIST. “INTRAPSY” teaches the wisdom of life, and “HOLOG” teaches integrity.

That is, you do not use medications and do not advise others?

There is no Rehab LIFE, but at the clinic doctors, of course, prescribe medications. A person has the right to decide for himself where to go, to clinicians or to REHAB LIFE, finding himself - a healthy lifestyle. Or create a joint individual program psychologists and doctors. We have a completely new type of space: we do not “addict” people to treatment, but give freedom from addiction - after completing a certain course, a person gains freedom, including from the eternal desire to be treated. We want to see our clients more often not in their offices, but over a cup of coffee in a restaurant or in the gym.

But they come to you precisely for a solution to the problem.

And we, in turn, show that problems do not exist, and everything that happens to you is events that teach you to love, be friends, suffer, worry. This is just acquired experience and knowledge that you can use. We regain the integrity lost due to endless self-deprecation. It is no coincidence that Rehab LIFE also has a beauty salon.

And really, why is there a beauty salon in the clinic?

Finding harmony inside, you can and should be beautiful on the outside. This is why we employ stylists, make-up artists, cosmetologists, yoga teachers - so that from the tips of the fingers to the ends of the hair a person can like himself and see the uniqueness in himself.

Can you give specific advice, such as how to get rid of bad habits?

We don't give happy pills. Of course, today I can tell you: “Do this and that,” you will do it, and for the first time, perhaps even everything will work out. But then the mechanism will fail. Imagine, you don’t know how to drive a car, and tomorrow they give you a Ferrari. What happens if you get behind the wheel to celebrate? Of course, you will drive into the first pillar. Why then is it believed that you need to learn to drive a car, but you don’t need to learn to live? In life there are also signs and there is a path. We teach not to deceive life, but to live according to the laws of life without violating them. We teach you to be one step before a bad event and attract the desired result from emptiness.



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