Magic wand mod for construction. Recipes for Magic Wands

Magic wand mod for construction. Recipes for Magic Wands

» Better Builder's Wands Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 (Easy Building)

Better Builder's Wands Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 (Easy Building)

Better Builder's Wands Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 is an attempt to make a nicer to use builder's wand. It adds various tools inspired by Extra Utilities’ Builder’s Wand, allowing for tiering and different modes.


Using the Stone Builder's Wand

Using the Iron Builder's Wand

Using the Iron Builders Wand

Using the Diamond Builder's Wand

Using the Unbreakable Builder's Wand

Crafting Recipes:

Stone Builder's Wand

Cheap and dirty wand. It

  • Can only place 5 blocks at a time
  • Can only place blocks horizontally
  • Can only place about 130 blocks in its lifetime.

Iron Builder's Wand

A little bit better. It

  • Can place 9 blocks at a time
  • Can place vertically or horizontally (depending on its mode)
  • Can place about 250 blocks in its lifetime.

Diamond Builder's Wand

All the blocks…. for a limited time. It

  • Can place up to 1562 blocks at once.
  • Can place 1562 blocks in its lifetime.

Unbreakable Builder's Wand

All the blocks... all the time. It

  • Can place an inventory full of blocks at once
  • Can place vertically and horizontally (several modes to choose from)
  • Doesn't run out or break.


There are several modes the builder’s wands can work in. The mode of the wand can be changed by the “Change Mode” keybind (defaults to ‘M’)

  • North-South – Extend north and south from initial block. No building on north/south face
  • North-South (+ Vertical) – Extend north, south, up and down from initial block. No building on north/south face
  • East-West – Extend east and west from the initial block. No building on east/west face
  • East-West (+ Vertical) – Extend east, west, up and down from the original block. No building on east/west face
  • Horizontal – Extend left and right from the original block. No building on top/bottom face.
  • Vertical – Extend up and down from the original block. No building on top/bottom face
  • No Lock – Extend left, right, up and down from the original block.


How to install:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

Builder magic wands mod was created to act as a kind of replacement wand for an already existing builder, which can be implemented in Minecraft through an additional building mod. The purpose of the original wand was to make the house more simple by allowing players to skip through the tedious parts of the building, but despite high level of the comfort that the mod brings to the game, it still feels a little sluggish. This mod for building houses in minecraft implements a more advanced version of this wand that is significantly larger than the original one.

Construction mod for Minecraft 1.12.2 1.11.2 1.11 1.10.2 1.9.4 adds in total four different magic wands in Minecraft, so you can choose according to your preferences and needs. The cheapest of them is the Builder's Stone Wand, and the most expensive is the Indestructible Builder's Wand. Cheap wands can only place a limited number of blocks at a time, but the most expensive wand can actually place an entire inventory of blocks anywhere and it doesn't break either. Of course, it's important to note that getting access to the most expensive stick can be quite difficult, so it's not really necessary to handle it unless you absolutely need it.

The main convenience of this modification for minecraft compared to its analogues is that you can change the modes of your wand so that they can be used for different types of crafting uses. There are many different modes such as North-South, East-West, vertical and horizontal and the mode you choose will have a big impact on how the sticks function. Better stick builder supports Minecraft up to version 1.11 1.10.2 , so if you're already updated to 1.10 or 1.10.2, then you may have to downgrade to use it.

  • Construction stick:
    • Construction of houses, rows, cubes

    • Filling holes with water and lava

    • Advanced torch placement

    • Filling caves with stone
  • Miner's stick:
    • Mining blocks

    • Mining ores from the surface

    • Selective extraction of wood, earth, etc.
  • Breaking Stick:
    • Destruction of objects (no drop)

    • Ability to ignore ores

    • Possibility of destroying only plants and leaves


Fast fence construction: uses items from your inventory, but places them on the ground instantly

The Mining Wand extracts resources for later use using the Builder Wand

Diamond mine created with a destructive magic wand

Now you don't have to climb tall trees - just use a miner's stick

Hold the "X" and "V" keys to install a mob-protecting torch system

Build sandstone huts in 2 clicks... all you need is a bunch of sandstone in your inventory

Diggy Diggy Hole!

Rare diamond deposits measuring 2x2x2!

This used to be a diamond mine, but now it's a swimming pool filled with water using a reinforced construction stick.

Recipes for Magic Wands:

Standard sticks

  • Cheap and ineffective

W – wood, S – iron ingot, G – gold ingot, D – diamond

Reinforced sticks

  • Expensive and powerful

  • Crafting uses blocks of iron, gold and diamond!

O – obsidian!, S – iron block, G – gold block, D – diamond block

Blocks are made from 9 iron ingots/gold ingots/diamonds.


Sticks can build (dig) rectangular areas - a cube, a layer, a row...
  1. Right-click on one of the corners of the plot.

  2. Hold down the desired action keys and right-click on the opposite corner of the area.

Action keys:

  • Right-click on any block while holding left Ctrl to get hints on how the wands work.

How to install the Magic Wands mod:

  1. Download and install

  2. Download the mod

  3. Move the downloaded .jar file to a folder

  • C:\Users\Username\AppData\roaming\.minecraft\mods for Windows

  • /Users/User_Name/Library/Application Support/minecraft/mods for Mac
  • If such a folder does not exist, create it

  • Enjoy the game

  • Configuration file:.minecraft/config/

    With a configuration file you can:

    • Enable the ability to destroy obsidian and bedrock

    • Enable fast mode (useful for large-scale construction/resource extraction)

    • Set keys (action keys and help key)

    • Change IDs

    • Enable free construction mode (analogous to creative mode)
    Free Construction Mode– build without limits!
    • This mode does not consume resources from your inventory

    • Standard sticks have the properties of reinforced

    • Sticks do not wear out with use

    • This mode can be enabled by changing "FREE_BUILD_MODE=No" to "FREE_BUILD_MODE=Yes" in the configuration file



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