What is the author’s attitude towards Ivan Timofeevich. Ivan Timofeevich from the story by A.I.

What is the author’s attitude towards Ivan Timofeevich. Ivan Timofeevich from the story by A.I.

Ivan Timofeevich (Vanechka) is a storyteller, urban intellectual, and aspiring writer.
I.T. On official business he ends up in Polesie. There, while hunting and lost in the forest, the hero meets the beautiful Alena (Olesya, in Polesie).
After this meeting, the image of Olesya could not leave I.T.’s head: he found in the girl an innate nobility, “graceful moderation.” Attracted I.T. and the girl’s “reputation as a witch,” her “life in the forest thicket.” But most of all the hero was fascinated by Olesya’s “integral, original nature, ... mind.”
During the second meeting, the girl tells fortunes to the hero, naming his main traits: “although kind, he is only weak... Kindness... is not good, not cordial. “I am not a master of my word,” I am “painfully eager” for women. He will not be able to love anyone, because “his heart... is cold, lazy.” As a result, Olesya predicts I.T. “great love on the part of the lady of clubs,” through which “she will accept great shame.” By a fatal coincidence, Olesya herself soon falls in love with the “baric” I.T. The characters begin a relationship. I.T. sets a condition for the girl: either he or her witchcraft. The hero persuades Olesya to go to church. There the village women attack her like a witch. Having come to Olesya, I.T. finds her ill from the fear and humiliation she experienced. The next day after the incident, returning to the girl again, the hero discovers that “the hut was empty.” And only a thread of red corals hung on the window reminded of Oles. I.T. almost immediately comes to terms with what happened.

    The theme of love occupies a special place in the work of A. I. Kuprin. The writer gave us three stories united by this wonderful theme - “ Garnet bracelet", "Olesya" and "Sulamith". Kuprin showed different facets of this feeling in each of his works...

    Kuprin's story "Olesya" cannot leave the reader indifferent. The love story of a beautiful witch girl and a young gentleman is both tragic and beautiful. Kuprin creates a fabulous image of a Polesie beauty. There is nothing artificial about Olesya, she...

    Filled with sin, without reason and will, a person is fragile and vain. Everywhere you look, only losses and pains torment his flesh and soul for a whole century... As soon as some leave, they are replaced by others, Everything in the world is continuous suffering for him: His friends, enemies, loved ones,...

    In the works of A. I. Kuprin, the theme of love is embodied in many human destinies and experiences. It is not just interest and psychological process that gave birth to this rich world. Love in Kuprin’s works appears as great and natural,...

    Having become acquainted with the work of A.I. Kuprin, I noted for myself the main theme of his works - the glorification of pure, immaculate, generous love. I turned the last page of the story “Olesya” - my favorite story by A. I. Kuprin. "Olesya"...

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin often drew in his works perfect image a “natural” person, one who is not subject to the corrupting influence of light, whose soul is pure, free, who is close to nature, lives in it, lives with it in one impulse. A striking example of the disclosure of the theme of a “natural” person is the story “Olesya”.

The story described in the story did not appear by chance. One day A.I. Kuprin visited the landowner Ivan Timofeevich Poroshin in Polesie, who told the writer the mysterious story of his relationship with a certain witch. It was this story, enriched with artistic fiction, that formed the basis of Kuprin’s work.

The first publication of the story took place in the magazine “Kievlyanin” in 1898; the work bore the subtitle “From Memories of Volyn,” which emphasized the real basis of the events taking place in the story.

Genre and direction

Alexander Ivanovich worked at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, when a controversy gradually began to flare up between two directions: realism and modernism, which was just beginning to make itself known. Kuprin belongs to the realistic tradition in Russian literature, so the story “Olesya” can easily be classified as a realistic work.

The genre of the work is a story, since it is dominated by a chronicle plot, reproducing the natural course of life. The reader lives through all the events, day after day, following the main character Ivan Timofeevich.

The essence

The action takes place in the small village of Perebrod, Volyn province, on the outskirts of Polesie. The young gentleman-writer is bored, but one day fate takes him to the swamp to the house of the local witch Manuilikha, where he meets the beautiful Olesya. A feeling of love flares up between Ivan and Olesya, but the young sorceress sees that death awaits her if she links her fate with an unexpected guest.

But love is stronger than prejudice and fear, Olesya wants to deceive fate. A young witch goes to church for the sake of Ivan Timofeevich, although she is prohibited from entering there due to her occupation and origin. She makes it clear to the hero that she will do this a brave deed, which could lead to irreparable consequences, but Ivan does not understand this and does not have time to save Olesya from the angry crowd. The heroine is severely beaten. In revenge, she sends a curse on the village, and that same night a terrible thunderstorm occurs. Knowing the power of human anger, Manuilikha and her pupil hastily leave the house in the swamp. When a young man comes to this home in the morning, he finds only red beads, as a symbol of his short but true love with Olesya.

The main characters and their characteristics

The main characters of the story are the master writer Ivan Timofeevich and the forest witch Olesya. Completely different, they got together, but could not be happy together.

  1. Characteristics of Ivan Timofeevich. This is a kind person, sensitive. He was able to discern a living, natural principle in Oles, because he himself was not yet completely killed secular society. The mere fact that he left noisy cities for a village speaks volumes. The heroine is not easy for him beautiful girl, she is a mystery to him. This strange healer believes in conspiracies, tells fortunes, communicates with spirits - she is a witch. And all this attracts the hero. He wants to see and learn something new, real, not covered up by falsehood and far-fetched etiquette. But at the same time, Ivan himself is still at the mercy of the world, he is thinking about marrying Olesya, but he is confused by how she, a savage, can appear in the halls of the capital.
  2. Olesya is the ideal of a “natural” person. She was born and lived in the forest, nature was her educator. Olesya’s world is a world of harmony with the surrounding world. In addition, she is in harmony with her inner world. The following qualities can be noted main character: she is wayward, straightforward, sincere, she does not know how to pretend or pretend. The young witch is smart and kind; one only has to remember the reader’s first meeting with her, because she was tenderly carrying chicks in her lap. One of Olesya’s main traits can be called insubordination, which she inherited from Manuilikha. They both seem to be against the whole world: they live aloof in their swamp, they do not profess an official religion. Even knowing that you can’t escape fate, the young sorceress still tries, consoles herself with the hope that everything will work out for her and Ivan. She is original and unshakable, despite the fact that love is still alive, she leaves, leaves everything, without looking back. The image and characteristics of Olesya are available.
  3. Themes

  • The main theme of the story— Olesya’s love, her readiness for self-sacrifice — is the center of the work. Ivan Timofeevich was lucky to meet a real feeling.
  • Another important semantic branch is the theme of the confrontation between the ordinary world and the world of natural people. Residents of villages, capitals, Ivan Timofeevich himself are representatives of everyday thinking, permeated with prejudices, conventions, and clichés. The worldview of Olesya and Manuilikha is freedom and open feelings. In connection with these two heroes, the theme of nature appears. The environment is the cradle that raised the main character, an irreplaceable helper, thanks to which Manuilikha and Olesya live away from people and civilization without need, nature gives them everything they need for life. This topic is covered most fully in this one.
  • The role of landscape in the story is huge. It is a reflection of the feelings of the characters and their relationships. So, at the beginning of a romance we see a sunny spring, and at the end the break in relations is accompanied by a strong thunderstorm. We wrote more about this in this.
  • Problems

    The problems of the story are varied. Firstly, the writer acutely depicts the conflict between society and those who do not fit into it. So, once they brutally drove Manuilikha out of the village and beat Olesya herself, although both sorceresses did not show any aggression towards the villagers. Society is not ready to accept those who differ from them in at least some way, who do not try to pretend, because they want to live by their own rules, and not according to the template of the majority.

    The problem of attitude towards Olesya manifests itself most clearly in the scene of her going to church. For the Russian Orthodox people of the village, it was a real insult that the one who serves evil spirits, in their opinion, appeared in the temple of Christ. At the church, where people ask for God's mercy, they themselves administered cruel and merciless judgment. Perhaps the writer wanted, on the basis of this antithesis, to show that society has distorted the idea of ​​the righteous, the good, and the just.


    The idea of ​​the story is that people who grew up far from civilization turn out to be much nobler, more delicate, more polite and kinder than “civilized” society itself. The author hints that herd life dulls the individual and erases his individuality. The crowd is submissive and indiscriminate, and is often dominated by its worst members rather than its best. Primitive instincts or acquired stereotypes, such as misinterpreted morality, direct the collective towards degradation. Thus, the inhabitants of the village show themselves to be greater savages than the two witches living in the swamp.

    Kuprin's main idea is that people must turn back to nature, must learn to live in harmony with the world and with themselves, so that their cold hearts will melt. Olesya tried to open the world of real feelings to Ivan Timofeevich. He couldn't understand it in time, but the mysterious witch and her red beads will remain in his heart forever.


    Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin in his story “Olesya” tried to create an ideal of a person, show the problems of the artificial world, open people’s eyes to the driven and immoral society that surrounds them.

    The life of the wayward, unshakable Olesya was to some extent destroyed by the touch of the secular world in the person of Ivan Timofeevich. The writer wanted to show that we ourselves destroy the beautiful things that fate gives us, simply because we are blind, blind in soul.


    The story “Olesya” is one of the most famous works of A.I. Kuprina. The strength and talent of the story were appreciated by the writer’s contemporaries.

    K. Barkhin called the work a “forest symphony,” noting the smoothness and beauty of the work’s language.

    Maxim Gorky noted the youth and spontaneity of the story.

    Thus, the story “Olesya” occupies an important place, both in the work of A.I. himself. Kuprin, and in the history of Russian classical literature.

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The beautiful and sad story “Olesya”, as if a confession is being conducted from the person young man, abandoned by fate to be bored and vegetate for a long six months in the remote village of Perebrod. The name of the narrator and his story are not immediately revealed to the reader, but from the very beginning it becomes clear that Ivan Timofeevich is an educated, intelligent and inquisitive person. The hero is kind and gentle by nature. Treats the humiliated and insulted with pity, wants to serve for the benefit of those around him, even if they are inferior to him in terms of social status. Ivan Timofeevich serves in some department and is trying to write stories. He is kind and helps his servant's poor family.

In the outback, Ivan Timofeevich is sad. Out of idleness, he is engaged in hunting and fishing in the forest, trying to teach a lazy servant to read and write. From the latter, in a conversation, the hero learns that very real witches live very close to his refuge. But to similar kind He treats legends with healthy skepticism, conditioned by education and the habit of explaining everything that happens from a scientific point of view.

Ivan Timofeevich and Olesya

The meeting with Olesya becomes a light for the hero in the darkness of endless boring days (she read his fortune on cards and predicted his fate). The girl immediately attracts the attention of Ivan Timofeevich as an extraordinary person, radically different from anyone with whom he had previously communicated.

He strives to understand how such a subtle, sensitive and tactful person could grow up in the wilderness, without literacy and etiquette. How can you explain that in the eyes of the local population this girl is the embodiment of evil? In fact, her tact and gentleness will give a hundred times a head start to any of the peasants or peasant women who are rude and uncouth by nature. Why do religiously educated people sincerely fear and hate the sweet and kind Olesya, who in return does not harbor any malice towards the offenders and does not wish anything bad to anyone?

Asking these questions, the main character gets to know the lovely forest dweller more and more closely, becomes attached to her and begins to realize that separation will become unbearable torment for him.

He sincerely wants to woo Olesya, take her with him to the city and live a long life. life together. Olesya refuses, explaining that she cannot get married in a church, since she is a witch, which means she belongs to the devil.

The next day the young master leaves for a neighboring village. Returning after lunch, he meets the clerk Nikita Nazarych Mishchenka, who says that the peasants caught and beat a witch near the church. She slipped out of the crowd and ran into the forest, shouting curses. Ivan Timofeevich understands that it was Olesya and hurries to the forest house, where he finds her, beaten. It turns out that Olesya decided to go to church, wanting to please her lover, but the peasant women considered her action to be blasphemy and attacked her after the service. Olesya refuses the doctor and says that she and her grandmother will leave soon - so as not to incur even greater wrath from the community.

The passionate desire to tame the miracle of nature played a cruel joke on Ivan Timofeevich. Desires, sometimes similar to stupid whims, rash actions and selfishness of the main character led to tragedy. And this tragedy irrevocably affected the fate of the hero himself, the poor girl and the grandmother who raised her.

He lost Olesya forever. All that remained in his memory were red beads, the bitterness of regret and an endless feeling of guilt for causing pain to the most innocent of creatures on earth.

What did the cards say about Ivan Timofeevich?

What happened to you is this: although you are a kind person, you are only weak... Your kindness is not good, not heartfelt. You are not master of your word. You like to have the upper hand over people, but although you don’t want to, you obey them. You love wine, and also... Well, it doesn’t matter, so to speak, everything is in order... You are very hungry for our sister, and through this you will suffer a lot of harm in life... You don’t value money and you don’t know how to save it - you will never be rich. ..

Then it turned out that your life will be sad. You will not love anyone with your heart, because your heart is cold, lazy, and you will bring a lot of grief to those who love you. You will never get married, and you will die single. You will not have great joys in life, but there will be a lot of boredom and hardship... The time will come that you will want to lay hands on yourself... Such a thing will happen to you... But if you don’t dare, you will bear it... You will endure great need, but in the end In your life, your fate will change through the death of someone close to you and completely unexpectedly for you. Only all this will happen in many years, but this year... I don’t know when exactly, the cards say very soon... Maybe even this month<...>You receive great love from some lady of clubs. I just can’t guess if she’s married or a girl, but I know she has dark hair...

Portrayal of a deep, selfless feelings of love, Wealth spiritual world heroes and causes Which determined the tragedy of their destinies(Based on the stories of A. I. Kuprin)

Live- Live like this

Be in love- That's how to fall in love.

Kiss and walk in moonlit gold,

If you want to worship the dead,

Then don’t poison the living with that dream.

S. Yesenin

You open the collected works of A.I. Kuprin and plunge into amazing world his heroes. They are all very different, but there is something in them that makes you empathize with them, rejoice and be sad with them.

Despite the many dramatic situations, life is in full swing in his works. His heroes are people with with an open soul and with a pure heart, rebelling against the humiliation of man, trying to defend human dignity and restore justice.

One of the most high values There was love in A.I. Kuprin’s life, so in his stories “The Duel”, “The Pomegranate Bracelet”, “Olesya” he touches on this topic that is vital for all times. These works are united common features, the most important of which is the tragedy of the fate of the main characters. It seems that in none of the things I have read literary works the theme of love does not sound like Kuprin's. In his stories, love is unselfish, selfless, not thirsty for reward, love for which to accomplish any feat, to go to torment is not work at all, but joy.

Love in Kuprin's works is always tragic; it is obviously doomed to suffering. It was this kind of all-consuming love that touched the Polesie witch Olesya, who fell in love with the “kind, but only weak” Ivan Timofeevich. The heroes of the story "Olesya" were destined to meet, spend wonderful moments together, experience a deep feeling of love, but they were not destined to be together. This outcome was determined by many reasons, depending both on the characters themselves and on the circumstances.

The story was written in 1898. Main character Ivan Timofeevich is a gentleman whom fate threw into a remote village in the Volyn province, where he lived in an old landowner's house with a servant. It was after his story about the local witch Manuilikha that the hero meets Olesya, her granddaughter. Kuprin did not go into a description of the main character, so we know little about him. But the author showed the image of the main character superbly.

Olesya is a beautiful savage, she grew up in the depths of the forests, in a hut in the swamps, after her grandmother and her were kicked out of the village for witchcraft. According to Kuprin, the girl had nothing like the local girls. Olesya was distinguished by her kindness, freshness of mind, and capacity for deep feeling.

Immediately after meeting, a friendship begins between her and Ivan Timofeevich. The girl began to trust her frequent guest more and more, and he learned a lot about Oles. She told him that she had been telling fortunes for him, but did not want to reveal what had happened: “Please don’t ask... It didn’t turn out well for you.” The guest did not believe it, but Olesya said: “When my words come true, you will remember me then.” After all, he did not know, unlike the girl, that the prediction would come true.

So, the hero became a frequent guest in the hut. It became a habit between him and Olesya that she would accompany him to the Irinovsky Way. On the way they got involved interesting conversation . It is by what they talked about that one can judge the richness of their spiritual world. Olesya asked him about everything that worried her; she had a fresh imagination. Much seemed surprising, fabulous, implausible to her, but the girl willingly accepted everything that the guest said. The master was amazed by Olesya’s abilities: “You know what surprises me about you, Olesya? You grew up in the forest, never seeing anyone. Of course, you couldn’t read much either... And yet you speak so well, no worse than a real young lady ". “Not a word has yet been said about love between us, but being together has already become a necessity for us.” But one day the relationship between them changed. Olesya no longer saw off the guest, they did not talk about anything. Ivan Timofeevich was not in the hut for several days due to illness, but when he came, Olesya was glad to see him again. “On this lovely face, new to me, in an instant, bewilderment, fear, anxiety and such a radiant smile of love were reflected, replacing each other...” On this day Olesya confessed her love, the prediction began to come true. The girl knew that she would be unhappy with how everything would turn out, but she went for it: “I thought that I could escape fate. Now I don’t care, I don’t care... Because I love you.” And the words: “I will never reproach you, I will not be jealous of anyone...” This expresses the girl’s deep, selfless feeling. How strong must this feeling be so that for the sake of it you can then be unhappy: “... it seems that I would give everything in the world just to be with you for at least a minute longer. Let, I think, what will be, will be, but I am happy I will not give it to anyone". Vanya, as she called him, was also afraid, but he loved her. Their meetings continued for almost a month, but the time of departure was approaching. Vanya couldn’t tell his beloved this, so he delayed time. Then Ivan Timofeevich asked her to marry him. He didn't care that she was an illegitimate, simple, uneducated girl. There was a conversation between them about the church. The fact is that Olesya was not baptized and she could not go to church, since she was considered a witch. The girl did not agree, but after him she said: “... you know, I really want to do something nice for you... would you be very pleased if I ever went to church?” She did this for his sake! Vanya had a vague desire in his heart to dissuade her, but he did not listen to him. From that moment on, their relationship inexorably approached a tragic ending. “Olesya overcame her fear and came to church. Ivan Timofeevich learned from one person that on the square the Perbrod girls caught a witch, surrounded her, wanted to smear her with tar, beat her, but she miraculously managed to escape. As she ran, she shouted a threat. Vanya rushed to the hut, where the old woman Manuilikha was sitting by the bed of the sick Olesya. He cried, and she consoled him: “Let’s not cry while we’re together, let’s at least last days Let's have fun." The girl said that she and her grandmother needed to leave, because she threatened people: "And now if anything happens, now they will blame us... we will all be to blame...", because there have already been such cases. Olesya obeyed fate: “That means fate doesn’t want us to be happy... And if it weren’t for this, do you think I would have been afraid of anything?” The heroine’s fears were justified. lived with the villagers. Ivan went to warn the women about the danger, but when he arrived, they were no longer there. The hero himself had to leave, since the community was shouting bad things about him.

So, we see how the heroes’ love ended. But still, what reasons determined the tragedy of their destinies?

Firstly, the hero himself is to blame. He turned out to be weak, he didn’t need to go to this hut at all, he didn’t need to meet Olesya. He would have listened to what the cards said. But in the end he could take her with him to a place where they would not be known. Maybe if Vanya had listened to his heart and not allowed Olesya to go to church, no one would have Her Didn't touch it. Olesya also knew where their relationship could lead, but continued to meet with him. People are also to blame for this tragedy, their darkness, downtroddenness, fear of witches and sorcerers.

And how the plot of the story “The Garnet Bracelet” captivates us, where the knightly, romantic love Zheltkova to Princess Vera Nikolaevna, who absorbed his entire being! Love is pure, unrequited, selfless, “strong as death.” No life conveniences, calculations, or compromises should concern her. For Zheltkov, life is love. They interfered with his feelings, insulted them - that means they humiliated his dignity. Prince Shein, the husband of Vera Nikolaevna, is a kind and fair person. He sympathizes with the postal official Zheltkov, who is passionately in love with his wife. He understands that a “tremendous tragedy of the soul” has unfolded before his eyes, and, casting aside prejudices, shows deep respect for feelings little man. But gross interference in holy feelings, in a beautiful soul, killed Zheltkov. He leaves this life without complaints, without reproaches, saying like a prayer: “Hallowed your name". Zheltkov dies, blessing his beloved woman.

This is how A. Kuprin describes love. You read and think: this probably doesn’t happen in life. But, contrary common sense, I want it to be.

Kuprin's books do not leave anyone indifferent; on the contrary, they always attract. Young people can learn a lot from this writer: humanism, kindness, spiritual wisdom, the ability to love, to appreciate love.

“Olesya” Kuprin A.I.

Ivan Timofeevich (Vanechka) is a storyteller, urban intellectual, and aspiring writer.
I.T. On official business he ends up in Polesie. There, while hunting and lost in the forest, the hero meets the beautiful Alena (Olesya, in Polesie).
After this meeting, the image of Olesya could not leave I.T.’s head: he found in the girl an innate nobility, “graceful moderation.” Attracted I.T. and the girl’s “reputation as a witch,” her “life in the forest thicket.” But most of all the hero was fascinated by Olesya’s “integral, original nature, ... mind.”
During the second meeting, the girl tells fortunes to the hero, naming his main traits: “although kind, he is only weak... Kindness... is not good, not cordial. “I am not a master of my word,” I am “painfully eager” for women. He will not be able to love anyone, because “his heart... is cold, lazy.” As a result, Olesya predicts I.T. “great love on the part of the lady of clubs,” through which “she will accept great shame.” By a fatal coincidence, Olesya herself soon falls in love with the “baric” I.T. The characters begin a relationship. I.T. sets a condition for the girl: either he or her witchcraft. The hero persuades Olesya to go to church. There the village women attack her like a witch. Having come to Olesya, I.T. finds her ill from the fear and humiliation she experienced. The next day after the incident, returning to the girl again, the hero discovers that “the hut was empty.” And only a thread of red corals hung on the window reminded of Oles. I.T. almost immediately comes to terms with what happened.



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