Congratulations on the end of the school year are short. Congratulations on the end of the school year

Congratulations on the end of the school year are short. Congratulations on the end of the school year

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Happy ending school year!
Now it's time to rest,
Enjoy your holiday freedom,
But don’t forget to come back to us.

A whole year of breaks, lessons
And a mountain of homework.
Behind all the control alarms,
Summer is ahead, sun, heat.

Relax, enjoy the weather,
In the meantime, read books.
Happy end of the school year!
You miss school a little!

"Hooray! Hurray!” the kids shout.
The teachers would scream, but they couldn’t.
The school year was not easy,
But he taught us all a lot.

The year has ended, and I congratulate everyone.
May summer fulfill everything you dreamed of.
May the sun give you hot days,
So that everyone can enjoy the sea and the beach.

The last bell rang.
Everyone is happy, the classroom is emptying.
And congratulations on completion
We want you today.

Sunbathe and swim.
Gain strength and health.
We wish you to grow up
Enjoy your summer.

It’s already the month of May, the lilac is blooming -
The school year has ended.
We are used to being proud of you,
May you study successfully!

Congratulations to you today,
We wish you health and strength.
Let the next school year
Will bring great joy!

The school year is over
The bell has already rung,
I want to bask in the sun,
I'm too lazy to study.

We wish you a bright summer,
Emotions overflowing.
Let him please you with gifts.
Let it be like heaven.

Bask yourself in the sun, rejoice,
Play badminton
May the summer be bright
How fabulous is your dream.

Months of study have flown by,
The school year is behind us.
Everyone is happy and joyful, of course -
Holidays, fun ahead!

We will relax and have fun,
Without remembering school days.
And maybe only at night we will dream
Physics test in verse!

And in September we are united with renewed vigor
Let's gnaw on the granite of science again
And let's remember how wonderful the summer was,
But we will also find joy in learning!

Today the schoolchildren are shining,
The school year is being celebrated.
We studied well, diligently,
Now there is hope for rest.

It's over for you,
Another training class.
Grow, gain strength,
So that everyone loves knowledge.

The school year is over - what a blessing!
The holidays are ahead of you all.
We wish that bad weather
We left doubts behind.

We wish you sun, relaxation and sea,
Find new girlfriends, friends,
Until September, forget about the word “school”,
Forget studying and teachers.

Another year behind me
There is less to study.
Graduation is getting closer
Well, and holidays, of course.

I wish everyone to gain strength,
Take a carefree break from school.
After all, every vacation is deserved,
And may it be flawless.

Here is one school year,
Like a bird in height,
Goes into the distance, leaving
In loving memory, the line.

Congratulations, more knowledge
You managed to save up.
May you have enough perseverance
To get more of them.

Let the illnesses all recede,
Let there be success in business.
Smile more often than life
And hover joyfully in your dreams.

End of the school year

And with all my heart I wish you good health, a lot of joy and have fun days. Get the coveted diploma in your pocket. But, frankly speaking, this key is not enough to open the box of happiness.

Nowadays, a university diploma requires something else. Here's to your future successes!

Have a healthy rest!

New subjects, new teachers. We wish you good health and start the next academic year with renewed vigor!
We want you to find the next year even easier, but more interesting, than the previous one. See also:

End of the school year

The school year has now ended. You did a great job. We wish you a good holiday, gain strength to continue your studies, so that this year you do not forget what you learned before!

We sincerely congratulate you on the end of the school year!
Now you have matured another year. We would like to wish you all the best, brightest, happiness, good luck, success in your further studies and good grades!
At the end of the school year, the student thanked his professor for what he had learned that year.

To which the professor replied that there was no need to thank him for such a trifle!
We wish that your knowledge will never be petty!
And with all my heart I wish you good health, a lot of joy and happy days. Get the coveted diploma in your pocket. But, frankly speaking, this key is not enough to open the box of happiness. Nowadays, a university diploma requires something else. Here's to your future successes!
They say that a true student is one who devotes himself entirely to his studies. However, we believe that a true student is one who combines study with relaxation at the same time.

Have a healthy rest!
The school year has now ended. A new school year is ahead.

Congratulations to everyone on the end of the school year!!!

with ending

Everything always ends someday.

The school year is no exception. And on this joyful and at the same time sad day, congratulations are heard to graduates on graduating from school (or
University). After all, just recently they were little first-graders, with giant bouquets of flowers at the ready, from under which they were almost invisible.

And today they are already quite adults, ready to enter into independent life. adult life, Graduates. On this day, teachers who checked yesterday homework and explained their subject, do not hide their tears, and the parents of former schoolchildren feel proud of their children. It is on this day that all graduates hear wishes addressed to them from the school principal, head teachers, teachers and, of course, from parents.

Congratulations on the end of the school year

Congratulations on graduation in verse, prose, SMS

We brought you little boys,
And we get adult sons!
From our hands you, having received children,
Beautiful, smart, let out children!
Thank you, teachers, for your concern!
For the years of life given to them!
For your difficult, much needed work!
We say THANK YOU today!
Together with you we “ruled” the character,
And we walked together into the transitional age,
You are a friend, assistant, competent speaker,
Parental bow to you to the ground!
Take a look at the beautiful young structure!
It contains so much of your warmth!
And today is a joyful, happy day
It was created by you!

Congratulations to an excellent student on the end of the school year

The year is over - great!
And in all subjects “five”!
You tried your best,
We wish that in everything,
I walked (walked) through life winning!
Continue to be great!
Keep trying to be the best
Pass your exams with A's!
After all, knowledge does not tolerate falsehood,
And spurs will not be able to give them!
You've worked hard all year
And now the result is visible: This is the only way you will go far. Let it be difficult in learning,
But let life be easy!
Always in the lead role in plays,
And a wall newspaper correspondent,
Living an active life at school
And you appreciate every moment!
She also excelled in her studies
In all subjects only “5”.
There's probably no such thing
Where couldn't you become the best!
The school year has ended
We want to say “thank you” to the director and express all our admiration
For his kindness and sincerity,
For our schools, life and revival.
May fate bring him happiness,
Lots of luck, joy, luck,
Let every day carry you through the years
Love, warmth, care, inspiration!

You are the best and kindest of all,
You are the brightest and the brightest of all,
You took us into the world of knowledge,
They taught us to read, write, and make friends.
Thank you for the warmth
What did you bring to us through the years?
Let people give you good things
And fate gives you happiness. Author: Galina
Open this greeting on a separate page
Our director is always reliable and kind.
Reasonable, very wise teacher,
Always so reasonable and collected,
Attentive to everyone and moderately strict.
Thank you for the warmth of your hearts,
For your understanding, care and patience,
For the sincerity of the soul and purity,
For our schools, life and revival. Author: Galina
Open this greeting on a separate page
We came to our class for the first time,
And you taught us everything,
Give us your smile and affection,
And you gave us warmth.
Thank you very much from us,
May fate give you happiness,
And every day the sun greets you,
Warm for many years.

The school year has now ended. You did a great job. We wish you a good holiday, gain strength to continue your studies, so that this year you do not forget what you learned before!

We sincerely congratulate you on the end of the school year! Now you have matured another year. We would like to wish you all the best, brightest, happiness, good luck, success in your further studies and good grades!

At the end of the school year, the student thanked his professor for what he had learned that year. To which the professor replied that there was no need to thank him for such a trifle! We wish that your knowledge will never be petty!

Congratulations! Congratulations! And with all my heart I wish you good health, a lot of joy and happy days. Get the coveted diploma in your pocket. But, frankly speaking, this key is not enough to open the box of happiness. Nowadays, a university diploma requires something else. Here's to your future successes!

They say that a true student is one who devotes himself entirely to his studies. However, we believe that a true student is one who combines study with relaxation at the same time. Have a healthy rest!

The school year has now ended. A new school year is ahead. New subjects, new teachers. We wish you good health and start the next academic year with renewed vigor! We want you to find the next year even easier, but more interesting, than the previous one.



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