Happy New Year to parents. Short New Year wishes to parents from children

Happy New Year to parents. Short New Year wishes to parents from children

Happy New Year, Mom, Dad!
You are more valuable than anyone in the world!
May your grandchildren make you happy,
We love you - your children!
May the New Year bring you
Light, youth, happiness.
Let the horizon wait for you
Inspiration, voluptuousness!
Happy New Year, with new life!
Don't miss summer!
Purity in your relationships,
Like dewdrops at dawn.

Dear dad, mom
I love you - I can’t describe it.
And of course Happy New Year!
I want to shout to you!
Take you, hug you very tightly.
And although I'm far away
You are in my heart, believe me,
It’s so difficult for me without you.
And therefore I wish
Do you have patience with me?
After all, no matter what,
Well, we are still a family.
Happy New Year dears!
May the new year bring
We will meet more, dear ones!
And it will take away the problems.
Let worries be like fogs
Disappearing without a trace.
Waiting for a bright holiday,
Never be sad!

The spruce tree waves its furry paw,
Snow covered the paths
Congratulations, dad,
Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart!
May it bring you good luck
Every day and every hour!
You have one task -
To see us more often,
So that work worries
Leaving behind
Hurry up home from work
Came in the evenings!

The best parents in the world
We hasten to congratulate you at this hour.
Our angels, our guardians,
What could we do in life without you?!
We wish you boundless happiness,
Let the past grievances go away!
And more health, of course,
Live long, dear ones!

You are my dearest people,
You give me happiness every year!
And if you dream of a miracle -
Let a miracle happen this night!
And I wish you a Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness
Today I will not tire of congratulating you,
Let every day become more beautiful
And it will shine brighter than yesterday!

Happy New Year, dears!
There is no sadness at midnight.
All good things will happen
Only joy for you.
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Let your dreams come true
And you live in power
Beauty and kindness.

Happy New Year
And we want Santa Claus
All the sorrows and troubles
He took me to the kingdom of snow.
Left you only joy,
Only happiness, only laughter,
And love, smile, tenderness,
All the good things there are!

Happy New Year greetings to parents - mom, dad in verse

Happy New Year greetings to parents

Daddy! My wonderful man!
On the magical holiday of New Year,
I wish you to be successful for a whole century,
Knowing the routes to happiness in advance!

Let the smile on your face shine
Bypassing all difficulties and adversity!
And every day it lifts our spirits!
Happy New Year, Dad!

Happy New Year to parents

Happy New Year, Mommy!
Happy New Year, honey!
The most beautiful,
My favorite!

Happiness to you, mommy!
New Year's joys,
Fireworks roar,
Orange sweets!

Will definitely come true
Let your wishes!
Without a long delay,
No reminder!

New Year is at your door
Quietly creeping up
For you, my love,
Mommy, she's trying!

Happy New Year 2017 greetings to parents

Well, daddy, it's New Year again,
What will it be like, a very long-awaited one?
Let him bring hope to the family,
With the solemn melody of the chimes!

So that we can live warmer in it,
Let it be more carefree, more fun,
Let our wallet become thicker,
Success will come on a magical night!

New New Year's greetings parents

The dearest people!
May your coming year be
Full of light and warmth.
Let your dreams come true
God's light protects your home
And love only rules in him!

Happy New Year, year of happiness!
It's time for us to say goodbye to the past
And only the best with you
Take it from it to another!

New Year's poems for parents

I, mother, wish for the New Year,
So that you are happy,
Leaving worries in the past,
It's always great to live.

And if something happens,
Don't hesitate - I will help!
I wish any dream to come true,
And I’ll save you from worries!

Poems for parents Happy New Year

I congratulate you: mom and dad!
Here I come New Year!
I wish you love and harmony,
Less worries in everyday life!

Happiness to you, dear and dear,
Good plans, ideas,
And wonderful, unsurpassed
Faithful and good friends!

I wish you long life and good luck,
May the year be joyful
May he be healthy, smile, have fun
It will bring it to you in the future!

Happy New Year greetings to parents from children

Father, today is New Year!
Greet him cheerfully
And remember that luck awaits,
And don’t forget about success!

I want to wish you good health,
After all, without health you can’t go anywhere!
Love you, and you don’t know troubles,
And happiness for many years to come!

Touching congratulations Happy New Year for parents

Dear, good, dear
Mom, dad, congratulations
Happy New Year! And from now on
There will be no new gray hairs from us.

Let there be no grief in the house,
Let it be dry and warm,
Our dear cherubs,
We love you all deeply and brightly.

Forgive us for past pains
And bless for good.
Happy New Year, dear, dear ones,
Everything in life is easy for us with you.

Mom, dad, dear ones, New Year is knocking on the door.
Congratulations, dear ones. I believe good luck awaits you!
And I hope that your health will be as strong as granite,
After all, excellent health will not harm anyone!

And I also wanted to say that I love you very much.
I greatly appreciate your tenderness and care!
New Year is a magical holiday that gives people miracles.
Let your kind eyes shine, filled with happiness!

Dear parents,
So necessary for us,
May it bring happiness
New Year is in the bag for you.

Let the sun shine brightly
Let the gifts make you happy.
Live enjoying yourself
Dreaming, smiling.

Let the laughter sparkle in your eyes,
May your bird be happy
Sits on your shoulders
Heals hearts from sadness.

We wish you good health,
We hug you with love.
You are the best in the world!
With love, your children.

My dear mom and dad. I know that I am not a gift, and certainly not a New Year’s gift. But on this day, I promise to never disappoint you. I would like to wish you the most important thing - long life! You already have the rest. You are wise, fair, ready to help, even in the most Hard time, for which I want to say “thank you”! You are the most wonderful parents on Earth! Happy New Year!

" Happy New Year! With new happiness!" -
The bells are ringing.
Good luck to you parents
They want to wish!

New Year is a magical holiday,
He will open the door to a fairy tale.
Live it in happiness
No losses or damages.

Santa Claus under your Christmas tree
Will bring health to the house,
With him is wealth and good luck.
May you always be lucky in everything.

Happy New Year!
Let your dreams come true.
The year will be a wonderful fairy tale -
A fairy tale full of kindness!

Mom, dad, Happy New Year,
Be happy always.
May you be warm now,
Despite the cold!

Let your wishes come true
What are you thinking?
I am sending you a reminder:
I need you most of all!

Happy New Year
You, my parents,
And I want to live it
I am in health and love.

So that the home hearth burns,
A house so that the cup is full,
And it was enough for a whole year,
May you have cheerfulness and strength.

We have no blizzards or blizzards
The roads to you will not be blocked,
May God grant you happiness in the New Year
Home, where we are always welcome.

Dear parents, New Year is just around the corner,
I wish you a miracle and happiness, goodness,
Let the magic give you health
And may every day make you happy, always.
Bright moments, may your plans come true,
Good luck in your business, let everything work out.

I have been very lucky in my life:
I got the best parents.
And on New Year's, at the festive table
I wish your dreams to come true.

So that your health is strong,
So that the mood is fighting,
So that your children don’t make you sad,
So that the heart remains young.

Dear parents, glorious,
I want to wish you a New Year
Being healthy is the most important thing.
Let the bad things go away forever.

Feel youth in your body,
And in the soul there is inspiration, flight.
Let everything you wanted come true
And let him always be lucky.

I want to live without worry.
I love you and you are not alone.
Congratulations to you! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy New Year, my dears.

May the New Year bring you a lot of happiness,
May he bring you good health,
Let confusion and anxiety be alien to you,
Let peace always live in your soul!

Mommy, daddy, I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
May you live in prosperity, peace, harmony,
So that any of your dreams come true,
That they only moved forward without looking at the past!

Once upon a time we were under the tree
Gifts were found
Parents, you are secretly
They were carried in at night.

Now we're adults
We live and know the truth
A New Year's fairy tale
Everyone is sorely missed.

And the roles changed.
We sneak into your house secretly...
How I want it under the tree
Give you health.

And a lot, a lot of happiness,
Dresses, cognac,
Sweets, red caviar,
To believe in miracles.

You are like mothers to us,
Even though we may be stubborn,
But we know: teachers,
The Earth rests on you!
New Year's greetings
Today we want to tell you:
Be young, successful,
And lucky, of course.
From now on let them be alright
Your students' notebooks,
Let the children know a lot
And get straight A's.
Teachers, there is no one better than you in the world,
Santa Claus knows this for sure.
And therefore words of greetings to you
He brought good ones from all over the world.
Your life is rich in students:
Bankers, astronauts and doctors -
They were all children once,
The ones you had to learn!
So don’t let your eyes get tired
Looking at the notebooks of thousands of children.
And in the New Year your wish will come true,
So that every child is happy to learn.
Severity does not suit you today -
Let her languish in a stuffy classroom.
Old year is already in a hurry to end,
The new one comes overnight.
Our teacher, our assistant, friend,
We want to wish you wonderful everyday life,
So that happiness does not run out of hands,
And with luck the year would not be difficult!
During the bustle of the New Year,
In worries, in tireless labors
We will have time to tell you today,
That we love you always!
Please accept our congratulations!
Health, kindness, understanding
And good mood to you!
May all your aspirations grow stronger!
May your wishes come true!

Happy New Year to children and parents

Congratulations to the children

The lights sparkled on the green tree.

Prickly needles burn like emeralds.

Get ready, kids, celebrate the New Year.

Have fun from the heart, congratulate your grandfather.

Among the holiday lights at this cheerful hour,

Congratulations to all children in kindergartens and schools!

In villages and towns, northern and southern,

Always be happy and live together.

May this joyful day become the brightest.

Let the shadow of my gifts melt in your soul.

Dear children, you didn’t sing for nothing.

Gifts from me to everyone at the elegant spruce tree.

Come and choose what you like

And then play for grandfather’s amusement all year long.

May the sun shine brightly for you next year.

In a year I will come to you again with this bag.

Happy New Year, dears!

I came to congratulate you

So that on this frosty day,

The word warmed you!

Let the whole year from hour to hour

The house is filled with prosperity.

May you have good health

A magical gnome will bring it!

And who dreams of love,

I will fulfill that dream -

You just need to touch the staff,

What's under my fur coat!

Happy New Year!

Let's get into a friendly round dance.

And the Christmas trees dancing around,

Let's escape from all worries!

Happy New Year, winter holiday
I congratulate you with all my heart!
May this year be happy
Let there be no worries or troubles.
Let it be an unexpected dream,
Let him be an invited friend.
And this year will bring you
Wonderful juice and nice honey.
New Year is knocking on the window,
“Congratulations, people. You!"
Along a snowy path
He came and the desired hour.
He gave us blizzards as a gift,
Wind, sun and frost,
And the resinous smell of spruce,
And a whole cartload of hope.
Happy New Year to you, friends!
Congratulations! With a Christmas tree! I.
Let the frost play more merrily
Let it freeze your cheeks,
Happy year of joy, happiness, love!
Happy New Year, I congratulate you,
Happy first joyful day of January!
Let the snowflakes fluffy snow
They'll kiss you for me!
We wish you New Year's miracles
And so that everything works out like in a fairy tale,
So only with and never without
And on New Year's Day something pleasant happened.
May you have a merry new year
Takes your mind off all worries
Let sorrows and worries
He will leave you on the doorstep
And he will enter your house, sparkling,
Promising health to everyone.

Beautiful Happy New Year 2016 greetings to parents in verse

I remember this holiday from childhood,

We are all at the fabulous table,

The Christmas tree is decorated nearby,

And everything around beckons with warmth.

Many years have passed since then,

But every time on New Year's Eve

I'm hurrying home so that it becomes warm,

After all, my parents’ raft is there.

Relatives heartily congratulate

Now I'm in a hurry.

I want you not to know grief,

And I just ask one thing:

To be happy, healthy,

Let your eyes laugh.

Thank you for my childhood years,

What can no longer be returned.

Thank you for this miracle

What have you been able to bring...

I will remember for a very long time

All that you took care of so much.

Parents, I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday,

I wish you health and strength from the bottom of my heart,

Good luck, inspiration of joyful wings,

May each of you be loved as before.

So that the day begins with a sincere smile,

There was no room for a stupid mistake in it,

No sadness for a moment or sad melancholy,

And happiness is always in simplicity.

My beloved parents,
Happy New Year today!
How crazy fast the days are...
I always wished and I will wish again
Long life, health and more to you
Everything you want,
Please, parents, kiss me warmly,
Live happily for the joy of your children!

Mom, dad, congratulations
Happy New Year this!
I wish you happiness and joy,
Let's celebrate the holiday together!
Let pleasant worries
Surrounded all year round
Only my favorite job
Let him call for you!
I love you, I adore you,
I wish you only the best,
Just to get younger
And our hearts sang with happiness!!!

Beloved parents,
I congratulate you.
On New Year's Eve
I want to be with you
Warmth of loved ones' hearts
We are always warm
You will now accept
These congratulations.
Be healthy to us
You keep happiness.
You are our support -
Take care of each other.

How can you not be surprised on New Year's Day?
We are rushing to the holiday in a hurry,
But mom and dad can’t sit,
And mom and dad are still at work -
In the pre-holiday suffering shock
The apartment is being turned into a temple!..
We are immensely grateful to you
For the life given to us,
Because our house is full
Everyone deservedly has the reputation...
Health to you, our dear ones,
And a lot of happiness in the New Year!

Life will go on without sorrows
And without bitter regrets,
No losses and no loss.
It will be the best of all awards
You are in excellent health,
Feelings of wonderful flood.
You value your happiness
Take care and store -
Happiness is so fragile
Don't hope for anything else.
Live with him for a whole year -
And trouble will pass you by.

IN New Year's celebration noisy
We haven't forgotten about you.
Let the crazy world rage
He is not a pointer for us
Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness and joy.
And as my husband told me -
I raise my glass.
For health, for warmth,
For cordiality in the house.
Let the frosty glass
Today on the balcony.
But in your soul you always have -

I wish my parents on New Year's Eve,
Leave difficulties and heaviness from adversity in the past.
Forget about everything bad and remember love,
And squeeze your arms with warmth and joy!
May this year be filled with bright, bright days,
And it moves softly, softly, like a gentle stream.
May the sky be clear above our heads,
May the radiant sun give us peace!



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