Competitions for boys on February 23. Games and competitions for discos and parties

Competitions for boys on February 23. Games and competitions for discos and parties

Defender of the Fatherland Day (game - competition for primary school students)

Target: create a festive atmosphere in a competitive game.


Development of memory, attention, organization, independence;

Formation of collectivism;

Speech development, creativity, cognitive interest of students;

Formation of attentive and careful attitude to your classmates

1. Speech by girls with congratulations:

There is one fun class

We have 12 boys.

We congratulate them today

This is what we wish for them.

Learn only 5

We will help you.

Just don't wonder

And never fight with us.

Bogatyrsky health

We want to wish you

Best skiing

And beat everyone at football!

May luck be with you,

Only you are friends with us.

Help us in everything,

Protect us from others.

In general, nice boys,

We'll tell you a secret

The best in the whole wide world

Of course there is no one!

Competition program (all boys in the class are divided into 2 teams.)

Nomination "The Best Fisherman"

Team members take turns calling fishing items. Whoever is last wins.

- Agree on the proverb(teams take turns completing the task; if a team has difficulty, fans help)

Birds of a feather flock together)

That's why the pike is in the lake, so that... (the crucian carp is not dozing)

Without fish and... (cancer fish)

You can’t catch it without difficulty... (a fish from a pond)

The fish looks for where it is deeper, and the man...(better)

The fish rots from ... (head)

You can see a chatterbox by his words, and a fisherman by... (catch)

There is a bite, there will be... (catch)

Every fish is good as long as it’s on... (the hook went)


What kind of fish was the godfather carrying in the Russian folk song “Along the Piterskaya”? (zander)

What fish reaches speeds of up to 100 km/h? (sword)

What kind of fish lies on one side? (flounder)

Which fish has hot blood? (tuna)

A school of fish? (jamb)

The biggest fish in the river? (som)

Male name and fish? (Carp)

A device for observing stars and aquarium fish (telescope)

- Game "Catch a Fish"

The teams stand up. Opposite each team there is a basin of water where “fish” - matches - swim. You need to catch a match with a spoon, bring it and put it in a plate. Who is faster.

2. Nomination "Best Cook"

- Bake a cake

Each team writes on a piece of paper in one minute the name of the products needed to make the cake.

- Build a pyramid of bagels

Opposite each team is a pyramid stick. Each team has bagels on the table. Participants take a bagel with their mouth without using their hands, run to the pyramid, and put on the bagel. .Who is faster.

3. Nomination "Best Driver"

- Formula 1

Use the string to guide the machine between the pins without dropping them.

- Race

There is a pencil attached to the typewriter. Who will bring the car to him faster by winding a rope around a pencil?

4. Nomination "Secret Agent"

- Explainers

Use facial expressions to explain the words:

Dining room



- Pantomime


Chess match

On the table, each team has a chessboard drawn on a piece of paper and cut into irregular pieces. Who can collect it faster?

5. Nomination "Intellectual"

Tricky question

If the chair is lower than the table, then the table... (higher)

If a river is deeper than a stream, then the stream... (smaller)

If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother... (younger)

If the right hand is on the right, then the right leg... (on the right)

Which five letter word has 5 -O (again)

What is between the river and the shore? (letter I)

What is the product of all numbers? (0)

What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (from empty)

Collect the word

On the board there are letters O M K D A R I N to form a word. Who is faster.


Summing up the game. Girls give gifts.


1. Magazine “Read, learn, play” 1998 No. 1

2. V. Georgievsky Holding holidays in primary school. Moscow, education 1988

3. E. I. Romashova A fun birthday for children. Moscow ART-PRESS.

Entertainment will make a great hour dedicated to the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day, fun and interesting. Thematic competitions and games at school on February 23 will help identify the strongest, most dexterous and attentive students. Exciting quizzes will allow schoolchildren to learn a lot of new things and express themselves.

    Word Search Game

    Schoolchildren are divided into 2 teams. The presenter announces to each of them one word with the same number of letters, and the letters should not be repeated. The participants’ task is to find cards with letters from the announced words, hidden in advance by the leader, within 5 minutes. If a player finds a letter from his word, the team is awarded 1 point. If the opponent's letter is found, the team receives 2 points. After the time has elapsed, points are calculated. The team that scores the most points wins.

    All interested girls participate in this competition. To carry it out you will need a small box with cut cards in it. On each card, you must write a letter in advance (the letters must be selected in such a way that the name of some guy in the class begins with it).

    The first participant approaches the box and pulls out a card with a letter. Her task is to choose a classmate whose name begins with this letter and within 3 minutes give him as many compliments as possible with this letter. Then the next participant starts the competition and draws a new card, etc. The girl who gives the most compliments wins.

    “S” (Sergey) - brave, strong, sexy, handsome, nice, stylish, bright, independent, modest, savvy, smart, quick-witted, compassionate, diligent, slender

    Guys take part in the competition. They are divided equally into 2 teams. Each chooses a captain. Then the competition judge gives each captain an envelope with a secret task (the same for both teams).

    The team leader must carefully read the task and show (perform) all the exercises indicated on the sheet to the second participant. Then the second player passes the task to the third. The competition lasts until all members of both teams complete the secret task. The team whose members complete the task faster wins. They are given the title "Secret Agent Number One".

    Example of a secret task: 2 push-ups, 3 jumping jacks, 4 squats.

    Game “Complete the Beast”

    4 “hunter” boys compete in the game. In this competition, future men must show courage and bravery, demonstrate their fearlessness. After all, every real hunter is not afraid of obstacles and terrible animals when hunting.

    Each player is given a piece of paper and a colored marker. The organizer of the competition must draw incomprehensible hooks, lines, curls, dots, circles on a sheet of paper in advance. The task of each player is to complete the drawing of any scary animal (even a fictional one) and give it a name. You have 5 minutes to complete the task. The winner is chosen by the audience.

    Examples of drawings

    Two teams of boys of 7 people each participate in the competition. Each participant takes off one shoe, boot or sneaker. All removed shoes are mixed and placed in 1 pile.

Progress of the event

Our holiday is dedicated to all the men - defenders of the Fatherland, who defended the borders of our Motherland and are currently carrying out difficult service in the Army.

In ancient times, the main defenders were knights and heroes. Today we will remember who the knights are.

Who were called knights in the past? In the Middle Ages, knights were called brave, courageous warriors who wore heavy armor and were armed with spears and swords. To become knights one had to undergo special training.

At the age of 7, boys were sent to study with experienced warriors. They taught them to ride horses, shoot a bow, throw a spear, and wield a sword. In addition to military sciences, boys were taught to keep their word, to be polite, to help a friend out of trouble, to stand up for the weak and offended, to have a noble and exalted attitude towards women and girls.

What kind of person do we call a knight these days? Nowadays, a knight is a person who is ready to perform a feat in the name of another person, who knows how to keep his word, be polite, noble, and stand up for the younger, weaker. The knight is ready to rush to the aid of others at any moment, and a noble heart beats in his chest.

Kindness is a person’s desire to make other people happy.
Understanding and fulfilling the desire of another is a pleasure, honestly.

Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others enjoy being with you. The person who embarrasses the least number of people has good manners.

In our country, knights were called heroes.

Our dear boys, we congratulate you on your holiday. We wish you health, happiness, good luck, peaceful skies. We wish you to become brave, resilient, and sufficiently trained. We wish you good luck in achieving sporting success!

Congratulations to the girls:

To our pugnacious half
We send our congratulations.
There is a reason for congratulations:
Hurray for the defenders of the country!

When to your brawls
At recess we look
We believe: with your preparation
We will always protect the country.

Let the bruise bloom under your eye
Purple blue.
Studying can be hard
The battle will be much easier.

And we are under your protection
We will live quite peacefully.
As long as your backs are strong,
We will have nothing to worry about.

So, friends, let's
With all my heart, without further ado,
Protect us from all adversity,
But just, mind you, no bruises.

You are still too young
But you are soldiers in the future,
And today we will check
Who will we entrust our homeland to?

Nowadays, you won’t see knights in plate and armor on the streets. But I hope that our boys have retained their best qualities. When you grow up, you will go to serve in the army, you will defend the borders of our country, and protect the peaceful life of our citizens. Let's check how ready you are for this.
- So, we are starting a competition among boys. Two teams take part in it:

"Brave" and "Brave". Team captains, report your readiness for the competition.

1 competition - “Order in the barracks”

In the army you need to be able to quickly restore order. Your task: blindfolded, collect the cubes into the basket as quickly as possible.

2nd competition - "Minefield"

Team representatives must walk on sheets of paper laid out on the floor at a certain distance from each other. The winner is the team that does not move a single sheet of paper and at the same time shows least time passing the route. The maximum number of points for this competition – 5 – is awarded to the winner. The losing team remains without points. If the conditions of the competition are half fulfilled, then 3 points are awarded.

3rd competition “Chatting a course”

Each team selects a participant who is given a checkered sheet of paper and a pen.
The presenter begins to dictate:

1 cell right, 1 cell down, 1 cell right, 3 cells up, 1 cell right, 3 cells down, 2 cells right, 1 cell down, 2 cells left, 3 cells down, 1 cell left, 3 cells up, 1 cell left, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 3 cells up.

When the presenter finishes dictating, the pilots give the flight sheet to the jury. As a result graphic dictation You should get an image that looks like an airplane.
The team that successfully completed the task wins. The maximum number of points for this competition is 5. In this competition, both teams can score the same number of points.

4th competition “Move the balls”
Place the ball on the spoon and carry it to the line and back (one person from each team).

5th competition "Night orienteering"

The command is given: “Night!” Children - the first participants in the relay, blindfolded, try to reach a chair standing 3 meters from them and sit on it. They then remove the blindfold and return to their team. After 3 minutes they say: “Day!” For each player who completes the task, the team receives 1 point. The team with the most players sneaking in during the night wins.

6th competition - Captains competition

You must show the ability to walk in any conditions without attracting the attention of the enemy (for example, carry a ball between your legs a specified distance without dropping it).

Summing up the results of competitions

This concludes our competition. Members of the winning team are awarded medals.

Congratulations from the girls

At a gala event, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland, not only adult men, but also boys participate. An entertainment program will make the holiday fun and interesting. Thematic competitions and quizzes, outdoor games on February 23 will help children show themselves and compete with their peers.

    All interested boys participate in the competition. To carry it out you will need inflatable balls and darts. First you need to attach 5 balls to the wall with tape using a thread.

    The participants' task is to throw darts at the balls without stepping over a certain line so that they burst. Each boy is given 5 attempts. 5 whole balls are hung in front of each contestant. The most accurate participant wins.

    Daredevil game

    All boys who want to participate in the game. To carry it out you will need caps or caps for each child.

    Participants wear a headdress. The players' task is to rip the caps off their opponents' heads and hold on to theirs while running away and dodging. The participant whose headdress is removed is eliminated. During the game, it is prohibited to pull opponents by the arms or put up various obstacles.

    The child who remains in the cap wins.

    10 boys are participating in the competition. They are divided equally into 2 teams. To conduct the competition you will need 2 ribbons (sticks).

    Team members are lined up in 2 lines in front of the starting line. A teacher (or parent) with a ribbon stands next to each of them.

    The first team players begin to simultaneously jump forward as far as possible. Teachers mark their landing spot with a ribbon. Then the next team players jump from this mark and so on until all the boys have jumped.

    The team whose last participant is at the greatest distance from the starting point wins.

    Game "Who wins"

    All boys who want to participate in the game. They are divided equally into 2 detachments: infantry and navy. Then they line up in 2 lines. The units must be at a decent distance from each other so as not to hurt the other participants during the game.

    The leader begins to command the groups. To confuse the guys, he can give both general commands and separately for each squad.

    Example commands:
    To battle- infantry runs in place; the fleet works with its hands, simulating a swim.
    Air- you need to sit down.
    Interference on the right- you need to jump to the left.
    Interference on the left - you need to jump to the right.

    Heedless players are eliminated from the competition. After completing 10-15 sets of commands, the squad with the most members remaining wins.

    From 5 to 10 boys participate in the competition. To carry it out you will need skittles, plastic bottles, small cardboard boxes. The presenter places equipment throughout the hall in a chaotic order (places “mines”).

    The first volunteer approaches the start. He is given 1 minute to remember the location of the objects. Then the boy is blindfolded and sent through a “minefield.” He needs to go through it from start to finish without touching objects. The first touch of the “mine” is considered a wound, after the second the contestant is eliminated. After the first participant, the second one enters the game and so on until everyone passes the test. For each competitor, the field is “mined” anew.

    The winner is the one who is fastest will pass the test from the beginning to the end.

    2 boys participate in the competition, several pairs are possible. To carry it out you will need a bench and 2 pillows.

    Participants stand on the bench. Everyone gets a pillow. The contestants' task is to push their opponent off the bench using only a pillow. The one who resists or lasts longer wins.

    Game “I am a Cossack”

    All boys who want to participate in the game. For each player, it is advisable to prepare such Cossack attributes as a pipe, saber, mustache, hat and belt. Each participant is assigned a name. For example, Cossack Ostap, esaul, koshev, cornet.

    The players stand in a row. The presenter begins to tell a story about the Cossacks. When the participant hears his name, he must sit down. As the story progresses, the presenter tries to confuse the players, so you need to listen carefully to his words. Anyone who sits down by mistake earns a penalty point. The most attentive Cossack (who made the fewest mistakes) wins.


1. Development of skills to work in a team, uniting a great team.

2. Strengthening a favorable psychological climate in the classroom, humanizing relationships.

3. Education in schoolchildren of universal humanity and moral values, the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland.

Duration: 60 minutes.

Set of roles: presenters, jury, 3 teams.

Material used: three sheets of A4 format, three scarves, three felt-tip pens - for the captains' competition, three packs of paper clips - for the "Chain" competition, cards with questions - for the "Quiz" competition, three balls and three skittles - for the relay race "If you went out with a friend way...", three rolls of toilet paper - for the "Mummy" competition, evaluation sheet for the jury.

Preparatory stage:

Each team is given the task of preparing a name and motto; fans (girls) prepare posters on the theme: “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland” for a poster competition.

Evaluation criteria:

Team presentation - max 10 points.

Competition 1 - warm-up “Verbal battle” - 1st place - 5 points;

II place - 4 points; III place - 3 points.

Competition 2 - “Captains Competition” - for each task - 5 points.

Competition 3 - “Chain” - I place - 5 points, II place - 4 points,

III place - 3 points.

Competition 4 - “Quiz” for each correct answer - 1 point.

Competition 5 - relay race “If you went on a journey with a friend...” - 1st place - 5 points, 2nd place - 4 points, 3rd place - 3 points.

Competition 6 - “Mummy” - max 10 points.

Fan competition - poster competition - max 10 points.

Progress of the event

1st presenter. Today is not just a February day, today is a special day. We have gathered to congratulate our boys on Defenders of the Fatherland Day!

On February 23, 1918, the Red Army was formed. And this day began to be celebrated as the Birthday of the Red Army.

After the formation of the USSR, this holiday was renamed Soviet Army Day. Later it was called the Day of the Armed Forces and the Navy. And now February 23 is Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

But this day has always been a holiday for men. And today we glorify the defenders of the Fatherland.

We wish you all to become strong, brave, brave, protect the weak, and become worthy representatives of our Motherland.

And now you can show your courage, courage, resourcefulness and cohesion.

1st student.

We encourage you together -

Great success awaits him

Who, without flinching, if necessary,

Will enter the battle one for all.

2nd student.

Let the jury decide the entire course of the battle

He will follow it without a mistake,

Who will be more friendly -

He will win in battle.

1st presenter. Dear teams, now you need to choose a captain and adequately represent your team.

In the meantime, our teams are preparing, we present to you the jury.

2nd presenter. Often, defenders of the Fatherland have to deal with weapons. How many types of weapons do you know? Let's check it out.

Our the first competition is called “Verbal Combat”. You must remember as many names of weapons as possible and, without repeating yourself, name them in turn. The team that remembers the most names wins.

1st presenter. Our second competition - “Captains Competition”. After all, the success of the entire team often depends on the captains, how they show themselves.

If the captain proves himself strong, courageous and resourceful, then his team will be united and successful. We ask the captains to come out, and let the teams support them.

a) Every captain, first of all, must be strong. So let's see which of you can do more push-ups from the floor. (The captains do push-ups in turns, and the teams and fans count.)

b) Also, the captain must be resilient. Which of you will hold the girl in your arms longer?

c) In order to find a way out of a difficult situation and not let his comrades down, the captain must be resourceful.

We found out that you know many types of weapons, but can you draw a tank with your eyes closed?

The captains are blindfolded and brought to a board on which an A4 sheet is attached. They give you a felt-tip pen.

2nd presenter. The success of our soldiers in battle is determined by the fact that they support each other and do not abandon their comrades in trouble.

Our next competition, called “Chain,” will test team cohesion, the ability to help each other and act in concert.

You are offered the same number of paper clips. The team that assembles one chain from them faster will win this competition.

On the count of three, the teams begin the task.

1st presenter. Defenders of the Fatherland are distinguished not only by strength, courage and endurance. A true defender of the Fatherland must be smart and well-read.

Next competition - "Quiz".

Captains receive cards with questions and the whole team answers them.

The answer is written on the card. The captains read out the answers out loud. If the answer is not written down on the card, the verbal answer will not be protected. You are given three minutes for this task.

Time has passed!


1. What formidable weapon is named after the girl? (Katyusha.)

2. In what year was the Red Army formed? (In 1918)

3. What weapon is named after its inventor? (Kalashnikov assault rifle.)

4. What are the shoulder badges called in the Russian army? (Epaulettes.)

5. What is the name of a teenager who studies maritime affairs? (Cabin boy.)

6. What do wood and a rifle have in common? (Trunk.)

7. What device can be used to determine the cardinal directions? (Using a compass.)

1st presenter. While fighting bravely on the battlefield, a soldier may be wounded. And who will help him if not his comrade?

Our final competition - "Mummies".

Imagine that your captain is wounded in the arm. You need to bandage it, do it quickly and efficiently.

Each team is given one roll of toilet paper. After the students bandage the captain's hand, they approach the jury, which evaluates the quality of the task completed.

1st presenter. While the teams are completing the task, let's hold a "Fan Contest" - a poster competition.

The jury evaluates this competition.

2nd presenter. So, now let’s give time to the distinguished jury to sum up the results of the tournament. And at this time we will hold a “competition war song" Let's divide into two teams by class along with the fans. Your task is to remember as many songs related to military themes as possible and sing them.

1st presenter. And now we give the floor to the jury.

The jury announces the winners of the tournament and awards them with certificates.

1st student.

Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition.

Guaranteed success.

2nd student.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

Our speech will be brief:

We say goodbye to everyone,

See you happy next time!”



This is interesting: