Media topic in English. Topic in English with translation "Mass Media - Mass Media"

Media topic in English. Topic in English with translation "Mass Media - Mass Media"

Mass Media - Mass media

What is mass media?

Mass media can be defined as channels of communication with the help of which information is delivered to the audience.

Despite today's abundance and variety of mass media, not everything can be ranked as such. Thus, for example, libraries or press conferences cannot be attributed to mass media.

Features of mass media

There are 3 main features which characterize mass media. First of all, they must be periodic. Second, they are always aimed at a large audience. Third, there must be a speaker or any other source of information.


Press is considered to be a classic form of mass media. It includes newspapers, magazines, brochures and all other printed publications issued with a specific periodicity. Unfortunately, with the development of the Internet and other means of media, press is experiencing difficult times.

Electronic mass media

This category includes radio, television and Internet. Radio is a popular means of media, especially when traveling or driving. Television is, without any doubt, the most effective one with the biggest audience of all. Nowadays, with the Internet playing a significant part in our life, mass media is gradually moving into virtual space.

Role of mass media in the life of the society

It is difficult to overestimate the role of mass media in our life. Media influence people's consciousness, creating a certain public opinion. They also play a great role in the formation of a personality. With the help of mass media it became possible to quickly learn about things that happen around the world.

What is media?

The media are communication channels through which information is conveyed to listeners.

Despite today's abundance and diversity of media, not everything can be considered one of them. For example, libraries or press conferences cannot be classified as media.

Media signs

There are 3 main features that characterize the media. Firstly, they must be periodic. Secondly, they are always aimed at a large audience. Thirdly, there must be a speaker or any other source of information.

Print mass-media

Printed publications are a classic form of media. These include newspapers, magazines, brochures, as well as any other printed publications published with a certain periodicity. Unfortunately, with the development of the Internet and other media, print media is going through difficult times.

Electronic media

This group includes radio, television and the Internet. Radio is a popular media, especially when we are traveling or on the road. Television is undoubtedly the most effective media with the largest audience. Today, when the Internet plays an important role in our lives, the media are also gradually moving to virtual spaces.

The role of the media in the life of society

It is difficult to overestimate the role of the media in our lives. The media influence people's consciousness, creating a certain public opinion. They also play a special role in the formation of personality. Thanks to the media, we can quickly learn about what is happening in the world.

Mass media / media

Mass-media plays an important part of our lives, as it is the main source of information we receive every day. The term was formed in 1920 in the result of massive circulation of newspapers and different radio activities.

TV, radio, newspapers, books, internet serve to keep us up to date about everything that happens in the world. Although not all journalists or TV and radio commentators treat the news objectively and honestly. So that is why it is our responsibility to make the difference between truths and lies. But serious and honest journalists and TV reporters can also provide us reliable news.

So is the world, people are no more interested in ordinary events. Everyone wants some breaking news: plane crash, wars, attacks, murders, natural disasters. Good news must be really stunning in order to grip someone’s attention.

The most popular of all is of course television. It is more interesting and pleasant to watch something on the screen, than to read a newspaper or listen to radio. On TV you can see everything with your own eyes.

The quickest source of airing the news is Internet. You may read about some event right after it happens in real life. On the Internet you may find out different opinions about this or that topic. And you may not wait a certain time to read to watch news, as you may check it any time.

The disadvantage of mass media is it tendency to make private life public. Some journalists do not feel ashamed to tell lies about someone’s personal affairs, telling their secrets to the audience, following people everywhere just to take a good and provocative shot. Neither they are afraid of authorities, as it is allowed by democratic law to tell whatever you want.

This depends on us and only on us what to watch or read, so that to preserve our humaneness and be just to everyone.

Mass media plays a significant role in our lives, as it is the main source of information, which we receive every day. The term was formed in 1920 as a result of the mass circulation of newspapers and various radio broadcasts.

Television, radio, print media, books, and the Internet serve to keep us informed about everything that happens in the world. Although not all journalists or television and radio commentators treat the news objectively and honestly. Therefore, it is our responsibility to distinguish truth from lies. However, serious journalists and television reporters can provide us with objective news.

Such is the world, people are no longer interested in ordinary events. Everyone wants sensational news: plane crashes, wars, murders, natural disasters. Good news must really be stunning to grab someone's attention.

The most popular source of information is, of course, television. It is much more pleasant and interesting to watch something on the screen than to read a newspaper or listen to the radio. On TV you can see everything with your own eyes.

The fastest source of news broadcast is the Internet. You can read about an event almost immediately after it happens. And on the Internet you can find different opinions about any topic. And you don’t have to wait for a certain time to read or watch the news. You can check it at any time.

The disadvantage of the media is the desire to make someone's private life public. Many journalists don't think there's any shame in lying about someone's personal life, revealing their secrets, or stalking someone to get a good, provocative photo. And they are not afraid of the authorities, since the democratic law allows you to talk about whatever you want.

So, it is up to us and us alone what to read and watch in order to preserve humanity and be fair to everyone.

Topic in English: Mass Media. This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

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Mass Media

Main functions

Mass Media has become an important part in the life of our society. It includes the press, radio and television whose main functions are to inform, to educate and to entertain.


I believe millions of people can’t live without TV; it’s an integral part of everyone’s life. Even if we don’t watch it, it can be switched on just for the background. The same thing is with radio. We listen to it whenever we have meals or do work around the house. Radio broadcasts are valued mainly for their music programs. As for TV, there is a great variety of programs from which one can choose in order to satisfy his interests in the best way. Our television provides so much information that sometimes we are even lost in this stream. We get to know about social, economic and political events that take place in our country and in the whole world. We learn about new discoveries in science and about problems concerning different spheres of our life. There are lots of shows, films and games that are entertaining and exciting and help us to relax at the end of the working day.


Newspapers are also able to supply people with any kind of information. They comprise articles about the latest international and national events, all kinds of rumours, advertising, fun stories, biographies of well-known people and so on. There are newspapers and magazines for people of all age groups where one can read all kinds of news, events and reports on education, sports, cultural life, entertainment and fashion.


One more important thing which is worth mentioning is advertising. Mass Media is one of the best ways to promote various goods and to help people to understand what they really need.

Zubareva Yulia. Secondary school No. 9, Vinsady, Predgorny district, Stavropol region, Russia
Essay in English with translation. Nomination My world.

Mass Media in My Life

Mass media plays an important role in my life. It helps me to receive information about important national events and interesting international facts. Newspapers, radio, TV and the Internet inform us of what happens in the world.

Mass media has its advantages and disadvantages. It is always pleasant to rest and relax watching TV, listening to the radio or reading newspapers. I can get information about famous people and travel around the world without wasting money. Some people use mass media to study at home and to find new friends. Sport programs help us to keep fit.

But on the other hand we spend a lot of time watching useless programs, playing computer games and because of that reason we have no friends. Later we get lazy, move less and put on weight as there is no time and wish for sport activities in the fresh air. For this reason we get nervous and sleep bad.

The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV because they can see everything with their own eyes. I prefer TV to other kinds of mass media. There is always a great variety of programs on TV: news and talk shows, TV games, documentaries, feature films and theater performances. Of course, not all programs are good. That is why I don`t spend hours in front of the TV set. Fortunately, I have my younger sister and brother and a lot of different cartoons in the house. My favorite cartoon is "Sponge Bob". It is very funny and helps me to relax after a hard working day.

Sometimes I spend free time on the Internet. Fifty years ago people didn`t even hearof computers but today they cannot imagine their life without the Internet. I can easily find and communicate with my friends even they are very far from me. On-line shopping, for example, makes it possible to find exactly what you want at the best price. Email is a great invention too. It is fast and cheap. The Internet helps me with my lessons. No doubt, it is interesting to learn foreign languages ​​with the help of the Internet.

All in all mass media has changed our life for the better and nothing can substitute it.

Media plays an important role in my life. They help to receive information about important government and interesting international events. Newspapers, radio and television inform us about what is happening in the world.

The media have their advantages and disadvantages. It's always nice to relax and unwind by watching TV, listening to the radio or reading newspapers. I can get information about famous people and travel the world without spending money. Some people use media to study at home and make new friends. Sports programs help us stay fit.

But on the other hand, we spend a lot of time watching useless programs, playing computer games and for this reason we have no friends. Then we become lazy, move less and gain weight, because we do not have the time and desire to engage in active sports in the fresh air. For this reason, we become nervous and sleep poorly.

The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV. Because they can see everything with their own eyes. I prefer television to other types of media. There is a very wide variety of programs on TV: news and talk shows, games, documentaries and feature films, theater productions. Of course, not all programs are successful. That's why I don't sit for hours in front of the TV. Fortunately, I have a little sister and brother and there are a lot of cartoons at home. My favorite cartoon is "Sponge Bob". It's very funny and helps you relax after a hard day at work.

Sometimes I spend time on the Internet. Fifty years ago people had not even heard of computers, but today they cannot imagine life without the Internet. I can easily find friends and communicate with them, even if they are very far from me. Shopping online, for example, allows you to find exactly what you want and at a very good price. Email is also a wonderful invention. It's fast and cheap. The Internet helps me with my lessons. Without a doubt, it is interesting to learn foreign languages ​​using the Internet.

All in all, media has changed our lives for the better and nothing can replace it.

Mass media

It is difficult to imagine our life without mass media. It is the part of the modern world: newspapers, radio, television and the Internet. Just imagine, almost every minute you face this or that kind of mass media.

Of course, nowadays most people prefer the Internet as a kind of mass media. You can find interesting news, know about special events or sales, invite many people to your party or arrange a meeting. The most important thing about the Internet is that you can do it in a matter of seconds.

Newspapers are still very popular kind of mass media. I would say the press is a very powerful kind. It is difficult to explain but people trust the press. Old people like reading newspapers. For example, my grandparents buy many newspapers every week. Young people prefer magazines because magazines are bright and contain the information which is more interesting for youth.

Radio is the favorite kind of mass media of many people. Listening to the radio, one can do a lot of things, for example, drive a car or clean the room. You can know useful information, listen to interviews or news. I like listening to the radio.

Television plays an important role in our life. There are a great variety of channels. We watch news, sport competitions, films, talk shows, for example. Everyone can find what he or she wants to watch most of all.

Mass media is an important part of the modern life. However I think that sometimes we need to get away from mass media just to relax or spend time with family or friends.


Mass media

It is difficult to imagine our life without the media. They are part of the modern world: newspapers, radio, television and the Internet. Just imagine, almost every minute you come across one type of media or another.

Of course, most people these days prefer the Internet as a medium. You can find interesting news, learn about special events or sales, invite many people to your party or organize a meeting. The most important thing is that you can do all this in a matter of seconds.

Newspapers are still a very popular form of media. I would say that the press is a very influential species. It's hard to explain, but people trust the press. Elderly people love to read newspapers. For example, my grandparents buy a lot of newspapers every week. Young people prefer magazines because magazines are colorful and contain information that is more interesting to young people.

Radio is many people's favorite media. You can do many different things while listening to the radio, such as driving a car or cleaning your room. You can find out useful information, listen to interviews or news. I love listening to the radio.



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